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DELTA Programme

Student Information Sharing Initiative Report

DRAFT - for Review

30 April 2016

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Feedback on the proposals in this report should be emailed to [email protected] by 31 May 2016

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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2. Vision .............................................................................................................................................. 5

1.3. Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 5

1.4. Challenges Facing Schools ............................................................................................................ 5

1.5. Drivers for Change .......................................................................................................................... 5

1.6. The Options .................................................................................................................................... 5

1.7. Approach to Examining the Options ............................................................................................... 5

1.8. Findings .......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.9. Proposed Solution .......................................................................................................................... 5

2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 7

2.1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 7

2.2. Background ..................................................................................................................................... 7

3. Vision .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

4. Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

5. Challenges Facing Schools ........................................................................................................................ 8

6. Drivers for Change ...................................................................................................................................... 8

6.1. Student Achievement ...................................................................................................................... 8

6.2. Student and Stakeholder Engagement ........................................................................................... 8

6.3. Access to Student Information ........................................................................................................ 8

6.4. Administrative Efficiency ................................................................................................................. 8

6.5. Strategic Leadership ....................................................................................................................... 9

6.6. Quality of Information ...................................................................................................................... 9

6.7. Security and Privacy of Information ................................................................................................ 9

7. Options to Improve the Quality, Access and Portability of Data ............................................................... 10

7.1. Status Quo - Multiple SMSs .......................................................................................................... 10

7.2. One SMS product for all schools .................................................................................................. 10

7.3. An integrated solution with multiple SMSs ................................................................................... 11

8. Approach to Examining the Options ......................................................................................................... 12

9. Findings ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

10. Proposed Integrated Solution with multiple SMSs .................................................................................... 12

10.1. Data Exchange and Repository .................................................................................................... 12

10.2. Standardising Data with SIF ......................................................................................................... 13

10.3. Confidentiality of Information ........................................................................................................ 14

10.4. Roadmap to the Proposed Solution .............................................................................................. 15

10.5. Workstreams ................................................................................................................................. 16

11. Sector and Stakeholder Benefits .............................................................................................................. 17

11.1. Student Achievement .................................................................................................................... 17

11.2. School Systems and Administration ............................................................................................. 17

11.3. Ministry .......................................................................................................................................... 17

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11.4. Vendors ......................................................................................................................................... 18

12. Appendix A – Sector and Stakeholder Engagement ................................................................................ 19

12.1. Stakeholder Engagement ............................................................................................................. 19

12.2. Stakeholder Impact ....................................................................................................................... 21

13. Appendix B – School Administrative Processes ....................................................................................... 22

13.1. Enrolment ...................................................................................................................................... 22

13.2. Withdrawal .................................................................................................................................... 24

13.3. Recording Achievement Data ....................................................................................................... 26

13.4. Reporting Progress and Achievement .......................................................................................... 28

13.5. Attendance .................................................................................................................................... 30

13.6. Using Achievement Data to Inform the School ............................................................................. 32

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1. Executive Summary

1.1. Introduction

This report outlines the Student Information Sharing Initiative (SISI) project’s progress to improve the management of student data.

The Ministry is addressing the problems of vital student data not following the student through their learning journey and inconsistencies in capturing student data.

1.2. Vision

The vision for managing student data is about quality information being available, improving support for students, a unified view of learning data and ensuring privacy of information.

1.3. Scope

The scope of the current SISI project is limited to exchange of student data in the Compulsory education sector.

1.4. Challenges Facing Schools

Challenges faced by schools when managing student information include non-standardised SMS practices, data, and IT environments within individual schools.

1.5. Drivers for Change

The SISI project engaged with the sector and stakeholders to identify the drivers for improving the management of student information. These drivers include:

lifting student achievement,

increasing administrative efficiency,

clarifying the relationship between the sector and the Ministry.

1.6. The Options

The SISI project examined three options to improve the quality, access and portability of data within the student management systems (SMS):

1. Status Quo - Multiple SMSs

2. One SMS product for all schools

3. An integrated solution with multiple SMSs.

1.7. Approach to Examining the Options

To examine these options, the project engaged with the sector and critical stakeholders by:

facilitating on line discussions,

conducting visits and interviews,

facilitating workshops, and

providing updates via email.

1.8. Findings

Based on these discussions, the recommended approach is to progress Option Three (An integrated solution with multiple SMSs).

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1.9. Proposed Solution

The benefits of the proposed solution include:

Students will have access to information they need about themselves and their lifelong education journey.

Relevant stakeholders have information they need to improve student achievement.

Communities of Learning can set shared goals for their students’ educational needs based on a common set of more complete, timely and accurate student data.

Timely, accurate and comprehensive reporting and analysis by schools is enabled through access to information from a variety of sources, thereby enabling engagement and raising achievement.

Longitudinal analysis to include home schooling, early learning, and tertiary education data can be enabled.

The proposed solution will:

Include standardising data with an open, industry supported standards interoperability framework that facilitates the ability of diverse applications to interact and share data within the school sector, when authorised.

Establish a student repository to store the core student information. The system interoperability framework will allow information to be exchanged accurately, efficiently and economically.

Ensure confidentially of student information between schools.

The proposed solution will have three major work streams:

Workstream I will improve sector capabilities as a foundation for successful management and exchange of student data in support of achievement.

Workstream II will develop a student information sharing service.

Workstream III will establish sector standards and governance.

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2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose

This report outlines the SISI project’s progress to improve the management and exchange of student data.

2.2. Background

Student Management Systems (SMS) are software applications developed to manage day-to-day operations for a school. They are used by 99% of New Zealand schools.

The Ministry is addressing two problems with student data:

Vital student information is not following the student around as they move through different schools.

No common understanding or approach to what student data is captured and how to capture it.

In March 2015 the Ministry launched an initiative to consider the ongoing strategy and use of SMSs. The initiative was subsequently renamed as the Student Information Sharing Initiative (SISI) to reflect the focus on ensuring that core student information is readily available to those with authorised access.

3. Vision

The vision for managing student data is:

Quality information is readily available to the student and those who play a part in the student's achievement throughout their educational journey.

Resources previously allocated to inefficient administrative processes are available to support the student.

There is a unified strategic view of quality student data, school administrative practices, and vendor engagement.

Students, teachers and caregivers have confidence that private information is well protected.

4. Scope

The scope of the current SISI project is limited to exchange of student data in schools in the compulsory education sector as shown in the diagram below.

It is intended that future projects will include improved management of student data for home schooling, early childhood and tertiary sectors. These projects will progress when SISI is completed, as this will enable data flows across the entire learning pathway.

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5. Challenges Facing Schools

Schools are self-governing and self-managing entities, and choose the SMS that meets the needs of their students and community.

Many schools customise their SMS to work with differing internal school administrative; this has resulted in non-standardised SMS practices, data, and IT environments in schools.

This inhibits progress in the following areas that are emerging as priorities:

1. The need for student data to follow the student through their lifelong learning.

2. The growing importance of data to support collaboration between schools.

3. The ability for schools to share achievement information with parents and whanau and to encourage community involvement in learning.

6. Drivers for Change

The SISI project engaged with the sector and stakeholders to identify the drivers for improving the management of student information. These drivers are as follows:

Supporting teaching, learning and raising student achievement.

Increasing students and stakeholder engagement.

Providing better access to student information.

Increasing administrative efficiency.

Clarifying the relationship between the sector and the Ministry.

Improving the quality of information available to support achievement and outcomes for priority students, including all Maori students.

Ensuring the security and privacy of teacher, student and caregiver information.

6.1. Student Achievement

Access to information plays a vital role in lifting student achievement. Currently, critical learning time is lost when students transition to new schools, as schools frequently not have adequate information for fostering engagement for new students.

Student information can also lift achievement by increasing student and caregiver engagement, and by providing better support to students and teachers.

The information can also be used to help assess the success of educational initiatives.

6.2. Student and Stakeholder Engagement

Engaged students have higher achievement. Students also benefit when caregivers are engaged in schooling through the school and at home.

Students require timely feedback about their work, achievements, and progress. This keeps students engaged in the effect of their efforts on their work and goals. Also, caregivers with access to their children’s information can increase their involvement in the students’ learning over time.

6.3. Access to Student Information

Providing key stakeholders (e.g. schools, teachers, students, caregivers) with access to student information helps students achieve their goals and aspirations, and creates a more supportive environment for learning.

6.4. Administrative Efficiency

The sector suffers from a complex administrative environment, lack of interoperability between systems, manual re-entry or manipulation of information, and lack of common processes to deliver similar services.

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This results in high overhead for schools. There is a need to reduce the administrative workload on teachers and staff by increasing the efficiency of administrative tasks across the education sector.

6.5. Strategic Leadership

The sector has indicated through feedback that the Ministry needs to play a greater role in improving the efficiency of administrative operations across schools and in ensuring a fair, equitable relationship between key vendors of SMSs, the education sector and the Ministry.

Efficient operations are hindered by a lack of common processes and approaches to similar school functions. There are also inefficiencies in schools’ relationships with vendors of SMSs. Vendors must juggle schools’ requirements, Ministry requirements and their own work plans. There is an opportunity for the creation of economies of scale when implementing sector wide changes to SMSs.

6.6. Quality of Information

Quality information is necessary to realise the full benefits of using information to support students and teachers, raise achievement, and keep students and caregivers engaged.

For schools, teachers, students, caregivers and other key stakeholders to realise the benefits of sharing information about a student’s education journey, the information must be useful, accurate and complete. Key barriers to this in the current environment are that there is no standard with which to define quality information, and that data quality is not always enforced at the point of data entry.

6.7. Security and Privacy of Information

Teachers, students and caregivers must have certainty that their information is only accessible to authorised parties and according to acceptable use. There is mistrust in the sector about access and use of student information. There is also uncertainty about ownership of student information and the obligations and responsibilities of managing the information.

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7. Options to Improve the Quality, Access and Portability of Data

The SISI project examined three options to improve the quality, access and portability of data within the student and school management systems. They are:

1. Status Quo - Multiple SMSs

2. One SMS product for all schools

3. An integrated solution with multiple SMSs.

As part of the project the sector expects the Ministry to clarify its role as a steward with a focus on:

Defining standards around data/privacy/security and reliability of services.

Improved buying power; currently schools purchase SMS services individually.

7.1. Status Quo - Multiple SMSs

This is the current model in the compulsory school sector. There are currently five dominant SMS products used by 97% of schools; other smaller SMS providers are entering the market.

Because the SMS market is competitive and individual vendors win and retain business one school at a time, the sector has not self-regulated toward standardisation of SMS data types. This lack of standardisation means that SMS data, good practice and IT solutions developed within schools cannot be effectively shared across the sector.

Benefits and risks of this option are as follows:

Benefits Risks

The current model is a market model providing schools with choice.

Data availability as students move between schools is limited and not available on demand. Up to 90% of student data is re-keyed as students transfer between schools. Parents access to data via the parent portal varies among SMS

Many schools have customised their SMS to work best with internal school administrative processes.

Schools find it difficult to share data for comparative analysis.

Schools have invested heavily in training for their current system.

A change in SMS may result in a loss of intellectual knowledge within a school or disruption to existing modes of teaching, learning and communication.

Satisfaction levels for the two most popular SMS are high.

Multiple SMS present significant costs for schools. Smaller schools see the pricing models of SMS as expensive. Teachers moving between schools often have to relearn systems. Some schools employ experienced technicians at considerable cost.

229 schools have changed SMS in the last 19 months. Some SMS are perceived as having low usability.

Funding for Ministry projects must be shared across multiple vendors and testing carried out on multiple systems

Does not resolve challenges for schools related to student data.

7.2. One SMS product for all schools

In the past the compulsory school sector rejected the suggestion of one SMS provider, but in recent years some peak bodies have suggested this option. The number of SMS providers has reduced over the years; in 2004 there were 20 commercial vendors and 20 schools with an in-house SMS. Now products from five SMS vendors are used by 97% of New Zealand schools.

A single SMS product would have to be very flexible and versatile to meet the differing needs of large secondary and small primary schools. In addition some schools will be suspicious of a move to a centralised system and may refuse to make the change from their existing SMS.

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Benefits and risks of this option are as follows:

Benefits Risks

The Ministry can focus funding and testing on a single SMS product and, as a key stakeholder, exert influence on the functional direction, development priorities, and use of SMS.

There is a possibility of legal action against the crown from vendors losing business income and/or reputation.

Some schools will be very reluctant to give up their existing service.

One SMS product will enable student data to be available in real-time as students migrate between schools. If students are enrolled in more than one institution, each institution will be able to access the data.

The SMS product will need to be very flexible and versatile to manage the very different needs of large secondary and small primary schools. Schools may not be able to customise it to work with internal processes.

One SMS product will open the door to in-depth and new reporting analysis (including longitudinal) and reduce the need for the Ministry and other government agencies to revalidate the information they receive from schools.

Some schools, in particular primary schools, may be concerned about the Ministry access to one SMS product and refuse to adopt the new SMS. Schools cannot be compelled to adopt the new SMS.

As teachers move they will no longer require training in the use of a new SMS

Schools may see it as an extreme loss of existing professional development and knowledge – it will also require significant training.

Economy of scale will result in better pricing to schools and remote hosting and management of the SMS will reduce the need for technical resource at schools themselves.

A single SMS product creates a single point of failure; if the system fails it fails for all schools.

It will take 2-4 years or more to develop a single SMS product and bring it to market and it may not have the full functions of the current SMS. It would be a cost to the Crown and the Crown would assume sole responsibility for meeting the requirements of all schools – this would not be considered core business.

7.3. An integrated solution with multiple SMSs

In this model schools would continue to have a relationship with their chosen SMS vendor and SMS vendors would continue to provide value-added services to schools. The Ministry would have a stewardship role.

This model is of integration between schools and SMSs through a central repository with data standards to facilitate the exchange of data.

The repository would hold standard core student information with interoperable services between schools and with the Ministry. This model was proposed by education sector representatives.

Benefits and risks of this option are as follows:

Benefits Risks

A centralised data repository will enable student data to be available in real-time as students migrate between schools. If students are enrolled in more than one institution, each institution will be able to access the data.

Some schools, in particular primary schools, may be concerned about the Ministry access to a centralised data repository, and the potential use of data, and refuse to adopt the new SMS technology approach.

A centralised data repository will open the door to in-depth and new reporting analysis (including longitudinal). It will improve the ability to track and analyse student achievement .

If the new service is not reliable, it could disrupt schools and Ministry processes.

The centralised data repository will reduce school time and overheads involved in reporting to the Ministry. SMS vendors can use core student information from the central repository to streamline existing school processes.

Smaller SMS vendors may not have the capability to build an interface that uses the new services and complain they are excluded from the market.

The Ministry can become a key stakeholder and influence the functional direction, development priorities and use of SMS.

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8. Approach to Examining the Options

To examine the options the project engaged sector representatives and stakeholders who are critical to improving the management of student data. This included an online discussion group of 220 people, a working group of 19 sector representatives, 26 school visits and interviews, presentations to peak bodies and monthly and meetings with SMS vendors.

Appendix A provides more detail on these groups and discussions.

9. Findings

Based on analysis and discussion of the options with the sector and stakeholders, the conclusions are as follows:

The current status quo of multiple SMS’s will not address the issues currently facing schools.

A single provider delivering one product for all schools (a single provider) can address challenges facing schools; however there are significant legal, adoption and single point of failure risks.

Interoperability standards and a central data repository can address challenges facing schools with a low level of risk.

The recommended approach is to progress Option Three (one SMS solution for standardised data and a centralised data repository).

10. Proposed Integrated Solution with multiple SMSs

The proposed solution would provide integration between schools and SMSs through central repository with data standards to facilitate the exchange of data.

10.1. Data Exchange and Repository

The solution would establish a student data repository to store and exchange core student information. When a student moves between schools, the core student information entered by teachers and administrators in their SMSs is transferred via the repository to the new school.

SIF will allow information to be exchanged accurately, efficiently and economically.

A governance group would act as guardian of the information in the learner repository and approve new data standards. The governance group will be made up of sector, agencies and Ministry representatives.

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The proposed solution is illustrated below.

10.2. Standardising Data with SIF

Interoperability will be based on standardising data with the System Interoperability Framework (SIF), which will allow information to be exchanged accurately, efficiently and economically. Two SMS vendors are currently compliant with SIF.

About SIF

SIF is an open, industry supported standard that facilitates the ability of diverse applications to interact and share data within the school sector. SIF is well established in the US, the UK and Australia.

SIF defines a common data schema to which existing systems, such as SMSs can map. This allows two systems which may define data differently to interact through a third, common, definition.

In the example on the following page, System A uses the fieldname “sname” while System E refers to this as “name_2”. Within the standard schema, this is known as “surname”. All three understand each other through SIF transformation. A more complex example is the date, which is stored in different text formats by the SMSs, but centrally in a single numeric format.

Central Repository



Governance board with sector, SMS

vendors and agency representatives defines

data interoperability and standards and

approve access to central repository

Public facing System

Interoperability service(s) provide

new system interoperability and

improve data quality during the

transfer of information

Central repository would simplify

and streamline Schools reporting

to agencies e.g. Roll Returns,

Attendance etc

Future State - Student Information Sharing Initiative

Student record creates,

reads and updates

Principals use

SMS for


School A

School B

Student information

recorded in Schools


Attendance Pastoral




Attendance Pastoral




Authorised Third

Party Providers

Non education





Attendance Pastoral




Student information

recorded in Schools


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Value of SIF to Schools and Vendors

Schools will have near real time access to student data, where authorised.

Interoperability will be enabled by a common interpretation of data between schools and SMSs.

Schools will have higher quality data because it will be validated before it is stored in the SMS and exchanged between schools.

Costs to schools will be reduced because interoperability standards reduce complexity and integration costs.

Existing systems will not have to change their database design.

A standard data schema will provide a common baseline between variations in SMSs.

Setup and configuration costs for New Zealand will be mitigated by leveraging Australia’s investment in SIF.

For SMS vendors, transition between New Zealand and Australian marketplaces will be easier. Also, two key vendors in the NZ marketplace are SIF compliant.

10.3. Confidentiality of Information

Maintaining confidentiality of student information is a complex but critical aspect of exchange of information between schools. Any technology solution is likely to fail unless all stakeholders have complete trust in the system.

It is essential that students or their caregivers as the owners of the data on behalf of students have authority over information that they might not normally see, and that information is only given to those with the proper authorisation with schools. For example, with court ordered custodial access. Additionally, the Ministry must only have access to information as required by law or as authorised by caregivers1

1 Some achievement, attendance and enrolment data is sent to the Ministry. Data will be accessed or used by the Ministry only as permitted by law or

information owners.

System Interoperability Framework (SIF)

Central Data


Teacher records student

contact, pastoral, health,

progress, attendance,

and achievement

information in their SMS

Student Information Sharing Initiative

System Interoperability Framework (SIF)


Common Data Scheme

fname : "simon"

sname : "smith"

dob : "24.03.72"

SMS’s retain their

unique data schemas

SIF service(s) enable


between SMS’s and

agencies and ensure

data quality

Transformation of data happens in

real time.


All information in the

central system is stored

in common format

first_name : "simon"

surname : "smith"

data_birth : 26382

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The diagram below illustrates the proposed privacy and security solution.

10.4. Roadmap to the Proposed Solution

The diagram below illustrates a proposed road map over the next two years.

School A School B

Student Moves School


Pastoral RTLB

Sensitive Information.

Flagged interventions.

Attendance All Staff























Improve Sector



IIDevelop Student


Sharing Services




FY 2016 FY 2017Current State


Future State and Roadmap

Establish and Implement Data Standards

Establish Common Administration Processes

Build Information Management Capability

Establish & Implement Vendor Engagement Model

Detailed Requirements

Pilot Core Data

Objects in Schools

Establish Collaborative


Form Governance Groups

Build SISI Repository & Services

Business Case

Implementation Management

Business Change Management

Solution Architecture

Evaluate SIF


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10.5. Workstreams

The proposed solution will consist of three major work streams:

Workstream I - Improve Sector Capability

Workstream I will consist of steps to improve sector capabilities as a foundation for successful management and exchange of student data in support of achievement.

Data Standards (SIF)

The first step towards successful data exchange is the establishment of standards. The Ministry is currently evaluating SIF, an open, industry supported standard that facilitates the ability of diverse applications to interact dynamically and share data within the school sector. SIF is well established in the US, the UK and Australia. The suitability of SIF for the New Zealand educational sector will be examined by comparing the SIF data schema with schemas used by New Zealand SMS vendors and representative schools. The cost-benefit of altering SIF to suit the New Zealand education sector will then be assessed. Careful and proper evaluation and implementation of SIF (or other standard) will avoid significant ongoing costs to schools and the Ministry associated with inadequate data quality and lack of support for student achievement.

Common Administrative Processes

Data standards alone do not produce quality. The production of standard quality data between schools requires common quality administrative processes, in the same manner that the production of quality goods by a factory requires proven manufacturing methods that are common across an industry. Concurrent with the implementation of data standards will be the improvement and rationalisation of common administrative processes across the schooling sector. Appendix B shows the current administrative processes performed by most schools, and det ails differences between types of schools which may offer opportunities for reducing the complexity of the administrative environment.

Information Management

As with most organisations, information management within schools is often ad-hoc and practiced in silos. Staff are focused on student achievement, therefore methods of managing information are often are not based on best practice. Opportunities exist for the Ministry to work with schools to improve their knowledge of and capabilities for more efficient and effective methods of information management as well as for getting more value from their SMSs.

Opportunities also exist for improving the understanding of and practices for maintaining confidentially of student information within and between schools.

Vendor Relationships

Ongoing school needs for support with information management and administrative processes have fostered growth of a robust SMS industry unique to New Zealand requirements. SMS vendors are responsive to user needs and provide effective support across a range of processes and types of schools.

Schools, vendors and students could each benefit from a more mature marketplace which provides economies of scale for schools, more efficient management of user requirements for vendors, and higher quality data in support of student achievement.

Workstream II - Develop Student Information Sharing Service

As sector capabilities are improved, a central, service based repository and supporting infrastructure for the exchange of standardised student data between schools will be developed.

This workstream will also provide, as needed, appropriate and in scope, technical implementation of related standards and practices developed in Workstream I, and ensure that confidentially of student information between schools is maintained as determined by legal requirements and acceptable use policy..

Workstream III – Sector Standards Governance

A sector led, collaborative governance framework for data interoperability standards, which includes sector representatives, vendors, and representatives of other interested agencies will be developed.

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11. Sector and Stakeholder Benefits

Students, teachers, schools, the Ministry, and vendors will benefit from the combined approach of improving sector capabilities, implementing an information sharing solution, and establishing standards and governance.

11.1. Student Achievement

Engagement in the student's achievement by the students and their stakeholders will be enabled through access to student information, when authorised.

Students will have access to the information they need about themselves and their education journey.

Access to their data allows students to be self informed and to play a more active role in their achievement

Students are well prepared and positioned for achievement at each stage in their educational journey.

Relevant stakeholders have the information they need to improve student achievement.

Communities of Learning can set shared goals for their students’ educational needs based on a common set of more complete, timely and accurate student data.

Gaps and errors in student educational history are reduced; ensuring that information critical to a student's achievement will not be overlooked.

Information about transient students can be readily available to other schools the student may attend.

Reassessment of new students by schools will be reduced because assessment information is readily available.

Schools will be able to analyse data from a variety of perspectives, including the ability to see patterns in achievement for targeted allocation of resources.

11.2. School Systems and Administration

Timely, accurate and comprehensive reporting and analysis by schools are enabled through access to information, where authorised, from a variety of sources, enabling engagement and raising achievement.

Standardised data will reduce the need to change and reformat data received from other schools.

Reduced administrative complexity across schools will free resources that can be applied to improving student achievement.

Communication between schools about incoming and leaving students will be enhanced through standard data and administrative processes.

Standard common administrative practices reduce the need for training staff of that move between schools.

Data standards will result in higher quality of data by reducing the time and cost of correcting errors.

Schools will have a live and real-time student data backup solution with disaster recovery so that there are fewer risks to local data being lost.

Privacy and security of student information will be improved, ensuring that data will not be accessed by unauthorised parties.

11.3. Ministry

The Ministry has more current, complete and up to date enrolment information which can be analysed across the sector.

Groundwork is laid for better enrolment data for the Ministry.

Higher quality data for internal Ministry reporting and analysis is provided.

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11.4. Vendors

Software providers can retrieve and update information in the central repository, reducing effort for vendors to custom build interfaces.

The use of interoperability standards will reduce integration cost and complexity in the marketplace.

Cost and effort for schools to implement or change SMS products will be reduced through data standardisation.

Standard vendor engagement models between the Ministry, vendors and schools result in effective purchasing of management services.

Feedback on the proposals in this report should be emailed to [email protected] by 31 May 2016

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12. Appendix A – Sector and Stakeholder Engagement

12.1. Stakeholder Engagement

To examine the options the project the project engaged sector and stakeholders who are critical to the success of SISI by:

seconding a sector representative

facilitating on line discussions

conducting visits and interviews

running workshops

providing updates via email

Sector Representative to the Project Team

Tim Harper, of Mount Aspiring College, was seconded to the SISI project to ensure representation of sector input to the project. He has participated in various discussion forums with the sector, presented the SISI overview to key stakeholder groups, and held informal discussions with stakeholders in the sector and the Ministry.

Loomio Discussion Group

The SISI team used the Loomio online tool to facilitate discussion and collaboration. More than 220 people participated, the majority of whom represent the education sector. Vendors of SMS and learning management system (LMS) software, professional development providers and internal Ministry stakeholders also took part.

From these participants, a SISI working group was formed to provide feedback to the SISI project team. Members of the working group were encouraged to make proposals for student information, and the project team posted regular updates to share project activity and to receive feedback.

School Interviews

The SISI team conducted interviews with a range of schools based on size, location and type. Interviews were conducted via phone or on location interviews.

The interviews resulted in a compilation of school pain points regarding the management of student data. These pain points contributed significantly to development of the SISI vision, problems, goals and requirements. The interviews focused on:

the school’s use of the SMS,

systems used to capture and store student information,

sources of information for new students,

use of student information while the student was attending, and

use of information for leaving students.

School Visits

The SISI team conducted visits with a range of school types. Each on-site visit was for one to two days spent observing key processes and interviewing staff about management of student information.

The outcome of the school visits was a mapping of the processes schools perform when managing student information and identification of differences in processes to be considered when designing any solution. These are shown in Appendix B, School Administrative Processes.

Peak Bodies

Education sector peak bodies were updated on progress via regular emails. Additionally, presentations and meetings were held between the DELTA Director and the sector peak bodies.

Sector Workshops

Two workshops were held with the education sector representatives, SMS vendors and Ministry staff.

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The inaugural workshop of the (then) SMS project was held in March 2015 with 37 participants from the sector and SMS vendors. The workshop focused on:

presenting the 21st Century Digital Learning Vision,

introducing the Education Sector Digital Strategy, and

hands on sessions to validate and further define high level problem statements.

The second workshop was held in December 2015 with 39 participants from the sector and SMS vendors. It concentrated on:

hands on sessions further defining the pain points collated from school interviews, Loomio discussions and lessons learnt from previous investigations,

a session for SMS vendor pain points on their pain points, and

prioritisation of needs.

A third workshop for working group feedback on this document is planned for 28 April 2016.


The Ministry maintained a close working relationship with vendors of SMS products through ongoing discussions as well as monthly and ad hoc meetings focused on the SISI project.

External Parties

Discussions have been held with external parties:

Discussion with the Australian National Schools Interoperability Program (NSIP).

Meeting with Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) provide an overview of the SISI project.

Meeting with New Zealand Qualifications Authority on Tuesday 5 April 2016 to provide overview of the project.

SISI High Level Requirements document was sent to TEC and NZQA.

Meetings with the Ministry of Health to learn from the GP2GP project journey on 25 May 2015, 7 December 2015, and 28 April 2015.

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12.2. Stakeholder Impact

The following diagram illustrates key sector and stakeholder groups and the likely impact to them of achieving the vision for managing student data.








Department of

Internal Affairs


Communities of


NZ Education Institute

Secondary Principal

Assn. NZ

Post Primary

Teachers Association

Education Council of

Aotearoa NZ

NZ Principals’


IT Support

Tertiary Education


Early Childhood

EducationYouth Guarantee

NZ Qualifications


Office of the Privacy


Ministry of


SMS Vendors Parents/


School Office


NZ Association of


and Middle Schools

Catholic Education Office

NZ Area Schools


School Leadership

Board of


NZ Council for

Educational Research

National Assn of

Secondary Deputy &

Asst. Principals

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Social


Ministry of Justice

NZ School Trustees


PLD Providers

Sector Research


RTLB Services

Special Education

Tertiary Education

Commission TEC



Very High Low

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13. Appendix B – School Administrative Processes

Schools were visited for an in depth view how common administrative processes were performed at different types of schools. The following diagrams show the major processes related to the management and exchange of student information, and describe differences between school types.

13.1. Enrolment

Process Steps

The generic process is for schools to receive an enrolment form for a student well ahead of that student starting school. Schools will load the enrolment information into their SMS as they receive it. Only when the student starts at the school will their enrolment record be updated, assigned to a classroom at the schools and for the new school to receive information from the previous school. Some schools, for instance schools that are zoned, will keep a list of students intending to enrol at their school outside of their SMS. The students only get loaded into their SMS once their enrolment has been accepted. In some cases receiving vital academic and pastoral information from the previous school can take weeks to arrive after the student has started, this can hinder the student receiving the right support. This is more commonly an issue for those students who move horizontally through the year across schools, where there is no process in place for transitioning students from one school to another.

Key Differences between Schools

Step: Capture and store information from enrolment form.

In some cases if the school and its contributing schools use the same SMS, an electronic exchange of information may occur which reduces the amount of information the receiving school has to manually enter.

Step: Find and validate NSN for the student: If a student is enrolling for their first year of school, generally their NSN has not been validated. The

sync between ENROL and the schools SMS can only occur for validated NSN's. Because of this, primary schools tend to manually enter the data in both their SMS and then re-enter it into ENROL.

When creating the students ENROL record, the school must enter in the student's ECE history. Schools often add default information to this section waiting for the ECE information from the parents. It is then another manual step to go back in once this information is received and enter it into ENROL (replacing the default information with actual information).

Step: Update enrolment record to capture new enrolment at school: Even though there are attention flags in ENROL, this is not commonly used because they are seen

to be unreliable. Most schools don’t update them and don’t expect other schools to have updated them either.

It is easier for the school to discuss all students with their previous school and identify and learning or pastoral needs from those conversations.

When creating the students ENROL record, the school must enter in the student's ECE history. Schools often add default information to this section waiting for the ECE information from the parents. It is then another manual step to go back in once this information is received and enter it into ENROL (replacing the default information with actual information).

Step: Capture additional information about the student and assign to a class Other information will vary between schools, e.g. some schools get a cyber security document from

their students, others may receive an exit form from their previous school, and others may have nothing additional to enter.

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business Student Enrolment Business Process; Schools Viewpoint

Student Information Objects

Enrolling a student

Receive enrolment


Capture and store

information from

enrolment form

Capture additional

information about the

student and assign to a


Class / Group

Attendance Record

Enrolment Record



Student Enrolment Ministry of


School Board of





Enrol UI

Some schools may not

source or record

additional information,

preferring instead for a

fresh start approach.

Those that do, generally

get information from the

parent interviews or from

the previous school.

Not all schools use a traditional SMS. This

may be a spreadsheet or another

container for holding information e.g.

paper files or google applications hence

solution is used not system.

At the start of the year, this

action will generally be a bulk

action completed by the

school. Generally during the

year, enrolment will occur on

an individual student basis.

School Office

Find valid NSN for the


Student turns up for

first day at school


Update enrolment

record to capture new

enrolment at school

Can be done

automatically from


validated) or

manually in ENROL

Hold interviews with



School Leadership


Schools vary on when this takes

place and who it takes place with.

But in general there is a step for

school's before enrolment occurs

to meet with the new parents or

previous school to gather more

information about the student(s).


Enrolment Request

Enrolment Form

Early education


National Student




Emergency Contact


Learner Record

Caregiver Details

Approvals /


Extra Curriculum



down history

Contact Details



Medical Record


Student Data

Exchange (DEX)











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13.2. Withdrawal

Process Steps

Students are withdrawn from a school when they leave the school (or within a certain timeframe of leaving the school). Withdrawing a student can be done at the end of each year (generally through bulk processes) and on an individual student basis e.g. if a student leaves the school during the year.

Students must be withdrawn from their old school in order for their new school to enrol them on their school roll.

When withdrawing a student, schools capture the last date of attendance and reason for leaving in their student management solution. This information is also captured in ENROL.

The process detailed in this flow concentrates on the end of year withdrawal process however most of the steps of the flow are relevant for those that leave during the year and for those who do not advise they are leaving the school but no longer show (and the previous school is advised when the student enrols at a new school.

Key Differences between Schools

Students leaving

Withdrawal generally occurs at the end of the school year with a bulk number of students leaving; during the year when individual students leave (or small groups such as international students) and at time the school is not aware the student is leaving until a new school advises they want to enrol them.

Step: Updating ENROL

Some schools use the function in their SMS to trigger the withdrawal in ENROL and some manually withdraw the student(s) in both their SMS and ENROL.

Exit form Some schools do not have an exit form, instead using email to advise staff the student is leaving. If

there is anything outstanding for the student, the staff member contacts the dean to advise.

Sending new school information There are cases where the old school does not know what new school the student will be

attending. In these cases the old school relies on the new school contacting them requesting information. This does not happen in some cases (the new school does not request information)

Step: Collate information stored for a student and give to new school The information passed over to the new school varies between schools and also the method of

exchanging this information. Some schools post hard copies of the information to the new school, others use email, face to face interviews, some use the Student Record Transfer (SRT) system and some use a customised electronic exchange function in their SMS.

Student Files Some schools have physical student files that are archived when the student leaves the school.

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business Withdraw Student Business Process; Schools Viewpoint

Emergency Contact


Withdraw Student(s)

Student Information Objects



Caregiver Details

Approvals /


Extra Curriculum

Student(s) needs to be

withdrawn from school



down history

Generally this step only occurs at the

end of the year for school's who are

contributing students to another

school within their local area (e.g.

intermediate school to secondary


Contact Details


Learner Record


Give exit form and

portfolio's to students to

leave with.

Medical Record

Enrolment Record


Note details about the withdrawal are

recorded but updating the latest

information about the learner is not

common practice in schools. This

generally happens only as part of the

enrolment process.

Send exit form to

teacher(s) and school


Collate discussion

forms for leaving

students and meet with

new school

Update record with last

date and leaving


Select student(s) to

withdraw from the

school's roll


Update enrolment

record with leaving


Enrol UI

Collate information

stored for a student and

give it to the new


Information collated here can be

sent to the new school via email,

electronic data transfer, sent in the

mail. This is school to school, this

step doesn't happen when leaving

school for tertiary education.


Withdraw student

School Leadership


School Office

The exit form captures information

from the school staff including

teachers, librarian (outstanding

books), accounts (outstanding costs).

It captures information but also

advises school staff the student is

leaving the school.

Attention Flags

Work portfolio

Exit form

Exit pack

Complete exit form



Ministry of


New and old


Third party office



School Teacher

School Accounts

School Librarian

Student Record










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13.3. Recording Achievement Data

Process Steps

Students sit a variety of assessments through the year and each school uses a variety of tools to do the assessment (e.g. IKAN, JAM, PAT, asTTle, GLOSS). Some teachers use their own customised assessments (e.g. spelling tests, basic facts). Results are recorded against the student by the teacher to be used for:

Informing the students (and teachers) learning plan Evidence for the teacher when making OTJ's Plotting (tracking) the student's progress Keeping a running record of the student's progress.

Key Differences between Schools

SMS's used in primary/intermediate schools; only seem to support the capture of results for subjects reading, writing and mathematics. If the achievement data is for another subject, these are recorded outside of the SMS by the teacher (e.g. on a sheet on their computer).

There are a number of assessment tools that all have different achievement scales, not all schools use the same assessment tools sometime resulting in achievement data from School A cannot be interpreted by School B (if they use different tools).

Tools such as e-asTTle are commonly used because they provide historic information about the student's achievement and provides feedback using language which is understood by the students

A lot of progress tracking for student's is completed by teachers outside of their school's SMS Teachers can keep a running record of student progress and achievement. Some schools find that assessment and achievement information passed on to the next school

(e.g. secondary school) is generally not used; they have their own orientation day(s) where they assess all students and stream after.

Some SMS’s do not support the ability to view a student’s progress year to year, generally the users have to export into third party software and crunch these numbers manually which is very time intensive.

The process for recording results and achievement on students who are at NCEA Year levels, involves different steps to students not at NCEA Year Levels. One of the key differences is that the information is sent monthly from the school to NZQA. Progress and achievement is measured by not only NCEA levels but some schools provide the measurements directly to what entrance levels are at their local University or other internationally recognised certificates (e.g. Cambridge International Qualifications).

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business Recording Achiev ement Data Business Process School Viewpoint

Record Assessment Results (non NCEA)

Record results and

goals for the student

Discuss results and next

steps with student

Download information

from the assessment


Student sits an


School Teacher Student

Assessment Tools


Third party office




Progress Grids

Record progress

Learner Record

Decide on next

learning steps (goals)

Learning Plan

If results are related to Reading,

Writing or Mathematics, the results

are stored in the school's SMS. If

results are for a different subject then

results are recorded outside of the

SMS, usually on the teachers


Results from some assessment tools can be

downloaded directly into the school's SMS

(e.g. PAT, asTTle). Some SMS's support

users entering results for students in bulk.

Schools have access to other

tools (e.g. from the NZCER

website, PaCT etc) that they

can use to plot/track a

student's progress.

Progress and




Learning progressions

and grids; running

records; PaCT

School Leadership







Read Read








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13.4. Reporting Progress and Achievement

Process Steps

Schools have a requirement to report twice a year to parents. Each school has a variety of output it produces for the students and parents to report on progress and achievement.

Reporting is a time consuming process for teachers, school leadership team and the principal.

It can take a teacher up to 2 hours per report they produce and with some processes requiring review by multiple staff, the process can take up to 5 weeks.

Key Differences between Schools

Parents of primary / intermediate year students like comments not just numbers / stats Some SMS's support customised reporting and some don't. Schools will greatly vary their processes

based on the SMS capability (e.g. some schools do not generate any reports out of their SMS, they instead use documents, and others do all their reporting out of the SMS).

SMS's don't support the capture of information across all the aspects of the students’ achievement/progress at the school (some only capture Reading, Writing and Mathematics). Key competencies and achievement in other areas (e.g. drama, music, technology) have to be reported separately outside of the SMS.

Some parents of junior students do not access parent portals, instead preferring other methods, hard copy, email, Google drive, face to face. Portals seem to be used more by parents with senior aged children (e.g. Year 9+).

Some schools don't report in the traditional way to parents/whanua e.g. Levin TPU involves whanua through events held at the school not formal reporting.


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business Report student achiev ement to parensts/caregiv ers, Primary Schools Viewpoint

Input into reporting

Key Competencies

School Teacher

Reporting progress and

achievement due

There are some variances to

when reporting cycles are but

generally a school will report a

student's progress &

achievement to parents twice

yearly, mid year and at the end

of the year.

Reporting student progress & achievement




Report Cards

Web Portals

Reporting student

progress &


Class / Group

Extra Curriculum

School Leadership




Learner Record

Teachers ensure

progress, achievement

for student's in class is


Teachers capture

additional information

(e.g. key competencies,


For each student the report is

collated and printed

Reports checked and

amendments made

Final reports approved Reports printed and


Reports for senior

students will also capture

what they still need to


Reports are generated in a number of

ways, all information produced out of

the SMS directly, a mix of SMS output

and word documents, no SMS reporting

just reports created in word documents

SMS's don't capture the integrated curriculum

for students in Years 1 - 8 (sometimes up to Year

10) in the same way they capture achievement

for reading, writing and mathematics. Other

curriculum (e.g. specialist classes) are captured in

the report template in the SMS or outside of the

SMS all together.

School Principal

Learning Plan


Attendance Record


School Reporting

Student Report

Third party office


Face to face


Extra Murral




New school will often

request latest student













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13.5. Attendance

Process Steps

There are a number of common steps to complete the attendance process across the schools.

The attendance process starts in the classroom with teachers marking the attendance (commonly straight into the SMS and only recording if the student is there or not). Attendance in the classroom is completed by a set time at the school this enables the school office to follow up on any student unexpectedly away from school.

Tracking attendance for students is an important process and the output is used by a school in a number of other key processes: Ensure the well being and safety of their students (if they’re not at school they are accounted for, having

a record of students on campus in case of emergencies) Manage attendance issues before it becomes a problem Manage tardiness issues before it becomes a problem Use the record as a key input into measuring student achievement Monitor the engagement in education of the student and their caregivers.

Key Differences between Schools

Students can attend classes outside of the school (e.g. TPU students attend classes at the college), there are additional sources of attendance for the primary school to check.

Depending on who performs the attendance officer role, the attendance process can take a length of time to complete. If the school office is responsible for this role they can be constantly interrupted dealing with students, parents, phones etc.

Not all schools get the teacher to enter attendance directly into SMS. Primary year schools take attendance twice a day where as secondary schools take attendance at the

start of each class (note TPU take it every hour, not based on ‘timetable’). Schools collate the list of known absences for the day in a variety of ways (paper, outlook calendar, no

set list). Different roles may also be involved in the attendance process not highlighted on the diagram (e.g.

school nurse, boarding managers).

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business Student Attendance Business Process; Schools Viewpoint

Student attendance business process

Attendance Record

Caregiver Details

Learner Record

Teacher takes class


Teacher marks student


View list of absent

students and check

against daily absentee

list and manual roles

For those stil l unexplained, staff

contact the caregivers / parents for

an explanation for the absence

Office staff update

record with reason for

unexplained absence


Text Services


Student AttendanceSchool Teacher


Student attendance


School Principal

Parents/caregivers contact the

school in advance to notify of

absence in a variety of ways,

email, text, call, going into the

school etc



Record reason for

justified absence from


Recheck student has

not arrived in class

Check the sign in book,

call or go to the


Emergency Contact


Attendance codes

Collate list of students

whose absence has

been given to the


Daily absentee list

Common that


classes (e.g.

Music, Sport)

send manual

attendance list

into office

Attendance officer


attendance list












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13.6. Using Achievement Data to Inform the School

Process Steps

Schools and staff within the school, use achievement data captured for students to inform student learning plans, their teaching plans and school targets and vision. It is important for the information to be individually driven for each student and for each teacher as well as aggregating the data across other cross sections of the school.

Some schools use the data more in depth to measure the outcome of direct changes to a school process and / or intervention.

Achievement data coupled with other key input data (such as attendance data) can be used to: Identify opportunities for new initiatives Self motivate staff and students Support robust discussions across the school Directly identify how to improve outcomes for student Free up resources by reducing complexity in a process Identify at risk [of not achieving] students and put in place a plan to improve outcomes Real time information enables conversations to address issues before they are problems Measure if interventions are affecting outcomes.

Key Differences between Schools

Capability of knowing how to interpret and use the data to inform changes across the school. SMS capability impacts the amount of manual work required to get the output the school wants. some schools have to extract raw data from the SMS to excel files and manipulate line by line mapping

each individual student to results to interventions to attendance. some schools have to extract the raw data into 3

rd party applications to generate visual graphics that is

used to communicate information to the community. Some SMS's meet all the reporting of the school, the information is up to date and always available to

the school and staff.

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business Using achiev ement data in school Business Process; School Viewpoint

Achievement Data

School Leadership


Use achievement data to inform school business process, school viewpoint


review due

Weekly the school

leadership team

(Principal, DP’s, Deans)

reviews data cuts across

the entire school. This

weekly review opens the

lines of conversations

and deals directly with

improving outcomes for

the students.

Generate achievement

and progress data

output at class/group


Information reviewed

against teaching and

learning plans


achievement, target

and progress data

output at school level

Review information,

adjust information,

reset targets/investigate


Produce formal data


Using Achievement


School Teacher

School Principal

School Board of


Ministry of



School Office Staff

Most of the analysis is

completed in PC School.

SMS graphically displays

the achievement

information the school is



Attendance Record

NCEA Credits

Overall Teacher


TargetsSchool Targets



Class / Group

Staff Member

Learning Plan /

GoalsSchool Vision

Learner Record Class Achievement




Web Portals

Third party office












