student life brochure


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Page 1: Student Life Brochure



Page 2: Student Life Brochure
Page 3: Student Life Brochure

There are so many opportunties available at

Benedictine College, it is hard to keep track of them

all. Think of this as a quick-and-ready guide to what

we offer outside the classroom. The more you make

use of all that Student Life has to offer, the more

you will gain from your years here. Enjoy!

Linda HenryVice President of Student Life

Joseph WurtzDean of Students

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The Office of Residence Life coordinates on-campus living at Benedictine College. The four pillars of a Benedictine College experience are: Catholic, Benedictine, Liberal Arts, and Residential.

The Resident Assistants help their Residence Hall Directors in the supervision of the halls. They sponsor programs and strive to create an atmosphere that encourages the full development of students through a community life that expresses and proclaims the worth and dignity of each individual.

The staff in your own hall is available to assist your needs. The Residence Life Office can help you connect with the staff.

Student Union 204 • (913) 360-7500 • Open Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. -5 p.m.

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“Benedictine is

where you cannot

help but make

life-long friends

and learn the

true meaning of


Joseph Humphrey

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“Benedictine College is a place you can call home.”Emalie Hoar

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The Office of Student Activities oversees extracurricular organizations and events, including the Student

Ambassadors, Student Government Association (SGA) and Orientation programs. The office organizes Raven

Orientation Camp (ROC) Week, Family Weekend, Homecoming, Mother-Son/Father-Daughter Banquet, Springfest, Siblings Weekend, and more than 40 clubs and organizations.

Contact us if you want more information about SGA, Student Ambassadors, ROC, or any of our clubs and


STudEnT ACTIvITIESStudent Union 204 • (913) 360-7500 • Open Mon. -Fri., 8 a.m. -5 p.m.

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COLLEGE MInISTRYStudent Union 205 • (913) 360-7655 • Open Mon. -Fri., 8 a.m. -5 p.m.

The College Ministry St. Martin Center forms students, faculty and staff in the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the sacraments, Scripture, spiritual formation and the social mission of the Catholic Church.

Contact us for information about Mass, Confession, Eucharistic adoration, retreats, mission trips, pilgrimages, outreach, vocation discernment, ecumenism or sacramental preparation, and opportunities for non-Catholics.

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Photo by Rox Photography

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FOCuSBenedictine chapter • Student Union • (913) 360-7611 • Open Mon. -Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) is a national organization with a team of full time missionaries on Benedictine’s campus. FOCUS provides leadership training, small group Bible studies, and one-on-one mentoring (discipleship). FOCUS will equip you to become an outstanding Catholic leader in your

parish, community, and workplace. The organization started at Benedictine.

Contact FOCUS to get involved in their popular Bible studies and other faith programs.

The FOCUS missionary’s great love for Christ and

commitment to His Word was a refreshing witness to

God’s personal love for each of us.

Marga Schoch

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A Registered Nurse and a Physician Assistant staff the Student Health Center on a part-time basis to assist students with health needs. All student health services are free to students and are strictly


For after-hours care, contact your health provider or Atchison Hospital at (913) 367-2131.

1201 n. Second St. • (913) 367-5178 • Open Mon. -Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.STudEnT HEALTH CEnTER

STudEnT COunSELInG CEnTER1201 n. Second St.• (913) 360-7621• By appointment only

The Counseling Center is here to support students in their psychological, personal and social well-being, and is staffed by licensed mental health professionals. Services are free to students and are strictly confidential.

Personal counseling through the Counseling Center is intended generally to assist students and staff in solving concerns of a short-term nature. Referrals to other community practitioners may be made for intensive and/or long-term psychological assistance.

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The Student Success Center (SSC) located in the Benedictine College Library, is designed to provide a central location for support and enrichment to help all students reach their academic and professional goals. The Academic Assistance Center and the Career Development Office are located within the SSC.

Contact us for information about: free peer tutoring, learning accommodations for students with special needs, internships, resume writing, interviewing, career exploration, graduate school preparation, premier scholarship opportunities and much more.

STudEnT SuCCESS CEnTER Library room 208 • (913) 367-7965 • Open 7 days a week, Office Hours -Mon. -Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Career Development assists students with career counseling, assessment and graduate/professional programs. Students receive guidance on interviewing skills, networking and job search methods,

and resumé and cover letter writing.

Contact us for information on career and graduate school fairs, interview days, networking events, workshops, employer visits, on-campus recruitment and the Job Guarantee Program.

Student Success center, Library room 208 • (913) 360-7578 • Mon. -Fri., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

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The Intramural Department offers opportunities for students, faculty and staff to actively participate in sports, recreation and physical fitness in a safe, comfortable environment.

Contact us for more information on how to get involved in individual/club sports, tournaments and activities.

InTRAMuRALSHaverty Fitness Center • Phone: 913-360-7717• Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. -3 p.m.

FALL SEMESTER:• Football• Soccer• Tennis• Gotcha• Ultimte Frisbee• Volleyball• Dodge Ball• Pool• Ping Pong

Spring Semester:• Basketball• Softball• Sand Volleyball

Also Self-Defense is offered throughout the year.

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CLuBS & ORGAnIZATIOnSAlpha Mu GammaArt ClubBC Celtic Music ClubBC Green TeamBC RepublicansBlack Monks RugbyChemistry and Biochemistry ClubDaughters of the KingEconomics SocietyEnglish ClubFrench ClubHistory ClubHockey ClubHunger CoalitionInternational ClubKappa Mu Epsilon (Mathematics Honor Society) Kansas Gamma ChapterLemaître Astronomy SocietyLoomings

Math and Computer Science ClubMinistry to FamiliesMonk ForceMonk RunMystery MakersNun RunPax Christi/BC Peace & Justice ClubPhi Alpha ThetaPileusPipe and Cigar Enthusiasts OrganizationPsychology ClubRaven Role Playing Gamers (RRPG)Ravens Respect LifeSaints Women’s Rugby ClubSociety of Physics StudentsStudents in Free Enterprise (SIFE)Student International Business Council (SIBC) Spanish ClubSwing and Social Dance ClubYoung Democrats

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Academic Assistance: (913) 360-7517

Campus Security: (913) 360-8888

Chaplain’s Office: (913) 360-7655

Counseling Center: (913) 360-7621

Residence Life: (913) 360-7500

Student Health: (913) 360-7117

Student Success: (913) 360- 7965

Residence Director (913) 360-7070

Emergency (Atchison): 911

Sexual Assault: 367-0363

On call during weekends

24 hour line

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Heir TO THe 1500 yearS OF BenediCTine

dediCaTiOn TO learninG, THe BenediCTine

COlleGe miSSiOn aS a CaTHOliC, BenediCTine,

liBeral arTS, reSidenTial COlleGe iS THe

edUCaTiOn OF men and WOmen WiTHin a

COmmUniTy OF FaiTH and SCHOlarSHip.

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