student name: date:

Student Name: _____________________________Date: ________________ JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 1 JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 1 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One) Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading online Choose one of these free tablet apps: Bob Books Lite, Raz-Kids, Endless Alphabet Apps. Cut out sight words or letters to create sight words from magazines and newspapers. Play a “Hide and Go Seek” word hunt (ask your parents or friends to hide words in your house and then you find them). Letter trace using letter pages in the Parent Handbook Math Activities (Choose One) Math Activities (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Dreambox online Help a grown up with the laundry and sort the clothes by the type of clothing or by color. Count how many tiles in your kitchen/bathroom, panels on the doors in your house, or pictures on your wall. Build lego towers (or you can use any different colored items) using different patterns. Tell your parents or friends the patterns you used. Writing Activities (Choose One) Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Start a winter journal and write in it today. Illustrate and label a winter scene. Make a list of winter words. ***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently. Special Areas (Choose One) Special Areas (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Explore the website: Practice steady beat by clapping to a song. Have a 10-20 minute dance party. Draw a picture using all types of lines. Tell a parent or friend the different types of lines you used. Draw a picture of animal that lives in a cold habitat.

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Post on 08-Feb-2022




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Student Name: _____________________________Date: ________________ JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 1JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 1

Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading online

Choose one of these free tablet apps: Bob Books Lite, Raz-Kids, Endless Alphabet Apps.

Cut out sight words or letters to create sight words from magazines and newspapers.

Play a “Hide and Go Seek” word hunt (ask your parents or friends to hide words in your house and then you find them).

Letter trace using letter pages in the Parent Handbook

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Help a grown up with the laundry and sort the clothes by the type of clothing or by color.

Count how many tiles in your kitchen/bathroom, panels on the doors in your house, or pictures on your wall.

Build lego towers (or you can use any different colored items) using different patterns. Tell your parents or friends the patterns you used.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Start a winter journal and write in it today.

Illustrate and label a winter scene.

Make a list of winter words.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently.

Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Explore the website:

Practice steady beat by clapping to a song.

Have a 10-20 minute dance party.

Draw a picture using all types of lines. Tell a parent or friend the different types of lines you used.

Draw a picture of animal that lives in a cold habitat.

Student Name: _____________________________Date: _________________  

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 2JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 2 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading online

Read to someone (sibling, animal, adult) or have someone read to you.

Make sight words with play dough or other objects.

Read a book, rate the book 1,2,3 or 4 stars. Write or draw your favorite part.

For the story you read (from above), draw pictures of main events in the story, add a caption and tape them together in order.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Count out loud to 100. Every time you say one of the decade numbers (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.) jump!

Spread some shaving cream on the table and then practice writing your numbers 0-20 in the shaving cream.

Draw 4 different sizes of snowmen. Cut them out and arrange them from smallest to biggest, then biggest to smallest.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Write about building a snowman.

Make a list of your favorite toys.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently. Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Go on a winter walk.

Play a game like charades.

Act out a favorite story.

Make two snowballs. Pour salt on one of the snowballs. See which one melts the fastest. Make observations.

Student Name: _____________________________Date: ________________ 

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 3JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 3 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading online

Choose one of these free tablet apps: Play Tales Touchy Books, ABC Phonics Rhyming Words

Read a book. Draw and label a character from the book.

Play alphabet/sight word hopscotch. Say the names of the letters or say the words as you land on each square.

Play a word game with a friend. Have them say a word and identify the beginning, middle and ending sounds.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Use playdough, toothpicks, and marshmallows, to practice making 3D shapes (cone, sphere, cylinder, cube).

Count the number of steps it takes to get from the bedroom to the kitchen, front door and/or other parts of your house.

Grab a handful of cheerios (or other item for counting). Count how many you grabbed. Have a parent grab a handful. Who grabbed more/less? Why?

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Draw a picture of your favorite toy and write about it.

Draw a map of your room and label it.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently. Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Identify animal tracks in the snow.

Draw your favorite animal. Why is it your favorite?

Move like different animals.

Tell about your favorite characters in a story. Why are they your favorite?

Student Name: _____________________________Date: _________________  

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 4JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 4 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading online

Choose one of these free tablet apps: Classic Nursery Rhymes Lite, iReading HD

Time yourself. See how fast you can read the alphabet letters or sight words.

Listen to a story from a parent, brother or sister, or even a story on your home computer.

Watch a children's show or movie and write a review of it. Do you recommend the movie? Why or why not?

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Play a board game and see how quickly you can recognize the number you roll on a dice.

Play Dominoes, Uno, or War to practice recognizing numbers.

Build a fort. Decide what shapes will help you make the strongest fort. Draw and label the different shapes in your fort.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Label items in your house with sticky or post it notes. Focus on stretching out the sounds your hear in each word.

Make a list of sight words.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently. Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Draw a winter landscape.

Make up your own short story and tell it to a friend or adult (does not require writing).

Experiment with mixing primary colors (red, yellow and blue) together to create a variety of secondary colors. This can be done with paint or food coloring (in water or milk).

Choose 3 exercises and do them each for 1 minute (skip, crab walk, jumping jacks, gallop, wheelbarrow walk, hop on one foot, jump, etc). Talk about how they made your heart and muscles feel.

Student Name: _____________________________Date: ________________ 

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 5JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 5 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading online

Choose one of these free tablet apps: Bob Books Lite, Raz-Kids, Endless Alphabet Apps.

Act out a favorite book.

Use legos to form letters and words.

Search for words with ch, wh, th, sh, and ph. Read or writethem.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Using play dough or other objects, practice making your numbers from 0-20.

Play a board game or card game. Focus on recognizing dot patterns without counting and on recognizing numerals.

Have a picnic inside and count the plates/cups/silverware. Practice skip counting as an added challenge!

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Draw a picture in the snow and write a sentence to go with it.

Write your sight words on scrap paper or sticky notes, post around your house and go on a word hunt.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent Initials Parent Initials Draw a picture using cool colors (blue, purple, green).

Make a collage with items from your home.

Sing a simple song together with your family or friend. You can teach them the song too!

Listen to 3 of your favorite songs and clap to the beat.


Student Name: _____________________________Date: _________________  

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 6JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 6 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading Choose one of these free tablet apps: Bob Books Lite, Raz-Kids, Shake a Phrase

Play board games using words or letters (Scrabble Jr, Boogle Jr, Bananagrams).

Listen to or read a book. Draw a picture of your favorite part of the book.

Find something in the house that begins with each letter in your first name.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Count out some cereal. Then organize it into groups of 10 and practice counting by 10’s.

Sort out your toys or legos by color, size, and type.

Count, beginning at numbers other than 1. For example, begin counting at 7.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Draw a picture from a book you listened to or read. Write one sentence explaining why you liked it or not.

Practice writing your letters or sight words with different materials (shaving cream, in the snow with a stick, Q-tips and paint).

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Move your body to videos at

Talk about your favorite instrument. If you have one at home, play it or have an adult play it for you.

Find as many secondary colored objects in your house as you can (purple, green or orange).

Visit and choose a game to play

Student Name: _____________________________Date: ________________ 

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 7JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 7 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading

Choose one of these free tablet apps: Read Me Stories, Endless Reader

Read a story. Draw 3 pictures to show what happened in the beginning, middle and end.

Make sight words in shaving cream.

At dinner, name a rhyming word (it can be a nonsense/made up word) for every food on the table. See if everybody in your family can do it too!

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Make a snack following a recipe and compare the measured ingredients by amount.

Visit and try some of the free Kindergarten math activities.

Go on a winter walk. How many neighbors have shoveled their driveway. How many yards have snowmen? How many cars are in driveways? Discuss which has more or less.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Write 3-4 sentences using sight words.

Help your family make a shopping list.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials If you were the illustrator of a book what would the front cover look like? Draw your own front cover and write the title, author, and illustrator (which will be your own name).

Look for items in your house and decide which force you would move them with (push or pull).

Make some instructions out of things you can find (pots, spoons, boxes, etc. Play your instruments with some music.

Fold paper into 3D shapes and glue them onto a flat piece of paper. Name your new masterpiece.

Student Name: _____________________________Date: _________________  

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 8JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 8 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading

Choose one of these free tablet apps: PlayTales Touchy Books, ABC Phonics Rhyming Words

Find and read popcorn words in books and magazines.

Play alphabet/sight word hopscotch. Say the names of the letters or say the words as you land on each square.

Choose a room in your house. Say different items you seeand figure out how many word parts/syllables are in each word.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Count forwards and backwards from 100 using different silly voices.

Walk around your house and look for 2D and 3D shapes. Make a tally mark for each type of shape you find.

Make snow angels with friends or family and see whose is the biggest, smallest, etc

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Have an adult write “secret sentences” and cut them apart. See if you can put them back in order.

Make a list of the items you need to wear on a cold day.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Point to a part of a book and ask your parent or sibling to guess the part of the book.

Choose 3 exercises and do them each for 1 minute (skip, crab walk, jumping jacks, gallop, wheelbarrow walk, hop on one foot, jump, etc). Talk about how they made your heart and muscles feel.

Find foods and tell your family members what food groups they belong to (grains, veggies, protein, dairy, fruits).

Find items that you push or pull around the house. Make a list.

Student Name: _____________________________Date: ________________ 

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 9JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 9 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading

Choose one of these free tablet apps: Classic Nursery Rhymes Lite, iReading HD

Read a recipe and then make it.

Listen to a story (parents, sibling, recording,

Pick a letter. Draw 5 pictures of things that begin with that letter.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Count out loud to 100. Every time you say one of the decade numbers (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.) jump!

Order a group of at least 5 objects from shortest to longest, tallest to shortest, and heaviest to lightest.

Have a grown-up call out a number (or pull a number card from a deck of cards). Create a set of items, such as cereal, to match the number.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Cut out letters or sight words that you find in magazines or newspapers, and make a collage.

Make a list of your favorite movies.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Read a story and decide if it would belong in the fiction or nonfiction section of the library and why.

Have a head shoulders knees and toes challenge. See how fast you can go.

Read a story, draw pictures of the characters, cut them out and use them as puppets to retell the story.

Go for a quick walk outside. Talk about what kind of animals you see in the winter. Ask if there are more animals out in the summer or in the winter? Why?

Student Name: _____________________________Date: _________________  

JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 10JELV Kindergarten Non-Traditional Instructional Snow Day 10 Please complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and specialPlease complete and initial one activity per subject area (reading, math, writing and special areas). areas). Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back.Please return, along with completed work, to school the first day back. Reading Activities (Choose One)Reading Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Lexia or Starfall Reading

Read street signs.

Use legos to make letters, then words.

See how many words you can rhyme with pig, cat, dog, sock, bell, flag, pen, fin, dad, and mom.

Choose a letter and hunt for it in magazines, books, or newspapers. See how many you can find.

Math Activities (Choose One)Math Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Dreambox online

Practice writing your numbers 0-20 outside in the snow!

Using blocks or legos, make towers with a friend, sibling, or grown-up. Each of you grab a handful, build, and compare to see whose is bigger!

Play a board game or card game. Focus on recognizing dot patterns without counting and on recognizing numerals.

Writing Activities (Choose One)Writing Activities (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Create a new entry in your winter journal.

Make a list of things you like to do when it is cold.

Make a list of your favorite cold weather food and drinks.

***Please remember this is an opportunity for your child to practice their writing. Even if they are limited in what they can write, let them attempt to do the work independently Special Areas (Choose One)Special Areas (Choose One) Parent InitialsParent Initials Read a story and decide if it would belong in the fiction or nonfiction section of the library and why.

Think of an animal that is a neutral color and draw it and its habitat.

Make snowballs and practice the overhand throw.

Create a dance.