student notices 30th nov

Weekly Student Notices 30 th November 2009

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Page 1: Student Notices 30th Nov

Weekly Student Notices 30th November 2009

Page 2: Student Notices 30th Nov

Student Christmas Party – Monday 14th December at Rescue Rooms   

The Event18.00                     Doors open18.00 – 18.30      Introduction and prize giving18.30 – 19.00      MC Battle final19.00 – 21.00      Staff vs. Students Battle of the Bands (3 

songs per band)In between various prize giving and DJ/Games 

entertainment21.00                     Grand Prize Draw21.15 – 21.45      MC Spyda21.45 to close     DJs

All programmed entertainment will finish by 10.00pm. After 10.00pm it is strictly over 18s only.

To account for the late night on Monday, sessions on Tuesday 15th December will start 11:00am.

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Gamers go Inside Out!

BBC 1 at 7.30pm on Monday 

Confetti Students will appear on BBC Inside Out on Monday 30 November.  The eight minute feature is about the role of the East Midlands in the development in video games.  Students, Nathan Goredema and Jordan Rozee of GS8-2, are featured discussing their work and hopes for the future in the gaming industry.  Most of the focus of the piece is at Confetti! Yay! 

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UCAS APPLICATIONS- deadline this week! Thinking of applying to University?If so, it is time to start your application using the online application service

Confetti has set an internal deadline of 1st December to send in completed applications. This will give us time to help you make any corrections and for us to write and attach your reference. If your application is not in before this date we can not guarantee it will be sent before the UCAS deadline.

To register through the college and receive support with your application please use the buzzword progression10. See Lizzie in EST for help and advice.



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Student Cards and Day Passes

At enrolment you were all issued with a new Confetti card, lanyard and holder – you are required to be wearing this visibly at all times whilst on site. 

Your card is your responsibility; lost or stolen cards can be replaced at EST, but you will need to pay for this service.

If you forget your card, reception will issue you with a day pass.  This pass must be worn at all times and handed in to reception on leaving the building.  If you fail to return these passes action will be taken.

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Keep an eye out for this poster promoting and celebrating the diversity of Confetti’s talented staff and students! 

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Watch and listen!

When browsing through the great book stock in the Confetti library, you may have noticed that  we also have a number of magazines, CDs and DVDs available for loan.

To help you make the best use of this facility, the  Confetti LRC now has a listening/viewing station for your use so that you can take advantage of the CD and DVD stock in the Confetti Library.

See the member of staff on duty for support in making use of this excellent resource.

Please be considerate to others when using the computers in the LRC as it is a quiet space for academic work.

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DS8/CS9 Key Skills ExamsPlease be reminded of these important dates coming up. 

ICT2 9:30am -10:30am and 10:30am-11:30amConfetti S020- arrive 15 mins early with photo ID

Achievement of this exams, along with you completed portfolios will ensure your progression on to Level 3 courses and Higher Education.

Students who miss exams are being fined £10 per sitting. 

Be sure to continue to prepare using the online practice exams ( and and check with your Skills or personal tutor if you have any questions.

The Functional Skills Level 2 English exam is also coming up on Monday 7th December- Good luck!

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Cultural Calendar

Monday 30th NovemberSt Andrew's Day (Christian )Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Greece and Russia. The flag of 

Scotland is the Cross of St. Andrew. St Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was originally a fisherman and became the first Apostle.

Events Calendar

Tuesday 1st DecemberWorld Aids DayGo to for further information