student teaching manual - bloomsburg … within this student teaching manual were update in january,...

1 Classroom and Itinerant STUDENT TEACHING MANUAL DEAFHH 491/591 & 492/592 Student Teaching: DEAF EDUCATION: 2018 Department of Exceptionality Programs College of Education Dr. Deborah S. Stryker Adapted from Special Education Manual (2017) and Deaf Education (2016) for Spring 2017 and 2018

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Classroom and Itinerant


DEAFHH 491/591 & 492/592 Student Teaching:

DEAF EDUCATION: 2018 Department of Exceptionality Programs

College of Education

Dr. Deborah S. Stryker Adapted from Special Education Manual (2017) and Deaf Education (2016) for Spring 2017 and 2018


Table of Contents The Teacher Candidate Contract .................................................................... 4

• Working/Showcase Portfolio ............................................................... 4 • Resume ............................................................................................. 4 • Class Schedule & School Calendar ........................................................ 4 • Class/Caseload Overview .................................................................... 4 • Induction Information ......................................................................... 4 • IEP.................................................................................................... 5 • Unit Plan ........................................................................................... 5 • Teaching Devices/Adaptations ............................................................. 6 • Bulletin Boards/Learning Stations ......................................................... 6 • Focused Observations of a Teacher ...................................................... 6 • Anecdotal Records .............................................................................. 6 • Lesson Plans ...................................................................................... 6 • ST Self-Evaluation through Videotape (forms T & U) ............................. 6 • Assistive Listening Devices (ALDS)……………………………………………………..7 • Daily Reflective/Dialog Journal ............................................................. 7 • Diversity Requirement ........................................................................ 7 • Student Teaching Requirements Checklist ............................................ 7 • First Day Email ................................................................................... 7

Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................................... 8

• Guidelines for Teacher Candidate Evaluation ......................................... 8 • Classroom Observation Form for College Supervisors ............................. 8

General Information ...................................................................................... 9

• Elements of Performance Objectives .................................................... 9 • General Guidelines for Teacher candidates and Supervising

Classroom Teachers ........................................................................... 9 Additional Information ................................................................................... 9

• Absences/Tardiness ............................................................................ 9 • Emergency Substitute Teaching ........................................................... 9 • Professional Attire ............................................................................ 10 • College Supervisors Formal Observations ............................................ 10

Appendices ................................................................................................. 10

• Appendix A – Code of Ethics for Teacher Candidates ........................... 11 • Appendix B – Teacher candidate Regulations in Special Education ........ 12 • Appendix C – The Teacher Candidate Contract.................................... 13 • Appendix D – Daily Schedule Model ................................................... 14 • Appendix E – IEP (accessed ONLINE) ................................................. 15 • Appendix F – Unit Plan Format .......................................................... 23 • Appendix G – Teaching Device/Adaptation .......................................... 28 • Appendix H – Bulletin Board/Learning Station ..................................... 29


• Appendix I (1) – Anecdotal Record Form ............................................ 30 • Appendix I (2) – ABC Analysis Format ................................................ 31 • Appendix J – Induction Information ................................................... 32 • Appendix K – Deaf/HH Evaluation Form.............................................. 34 • Appendix L – Classroom Overview ..................................................... 35 • Appendix M (1) – Observation .......................................................... 36 • Appendix M (2) – Observation Format ................................................ 37 • Appendix N – Lesson Plan Format ...................................................... 39 • Appendix O – Elements of a Performance Objective ............................ 49 • Appendix P – Elements of a Performance Objective ............................. 50 • Appendix Q – Action Verbs Useful in Specifying Student Outcomes ....... 51 • Appendix R – Classification of Educational Objectives And Illustrative Behavioral Terms ........................................ 55 • Appendix S – Guidelines for Teacher Candidate Evaluation ................... 57 • Appendix T – Classroom Observation Form ......................................... 61 • Appendix U - Instructional Procedures Refinement Form For Video Self-Evaluations ................................................... 62 • Appendix V – Weekly Suggested Teacher candidate/Supervising Classroom Teacher Activities ......................................... 63 • Appendix W – Resources ................................................................... 69 • FORM: Videotape Self-Evaluation Critique Permission to Video…………….71 • GUIDELINES FOR RECORDING VIDEO ………………………………………………72 • Student Teaching Requirements Checklist placement 1 ........................ 73 • Student Teaching Requirements Checklist placement 2 ........................ 74


The Teacher Candidate Contract

The Teacher Candidate Contract is divided into first and second placements. This contract lists assignments, which total 100 points. It reviews all assignments related to your student teaching placement and the evaluation tools. Contents within this student teaching manual were update in January, 2018, to better reflect our accreditation processes. Working/Showcase Portfolio

Each TC (teacher candidate) should purchase two 3-ring binders for the purpose of holding the material needed for each student teaching placement. Portfolios are to be organized into sections. Each section will have an introductory paragraph page, where you will outline what that section includes. The portfolios are to be made available to the CT (cooperating teacher) and CS (college supervisor) at all times. It should be remembered that for the CT and CS to lend support, they need to know how the ST organizes and retrieves materials, develops concepts, teaches, and evaluates the lessons. Little help can be provided if only the finished product is seen. The first showcase portfolio is due week 9 and the second is due week 15.

The sections should be in this order in your portfolio: Resume, Class Schedule & School Calendar, Class Overview, Induction, IEP, Unit Plan, Lesson Plans, Teaching Device/Adaptations, Bulletin Board/Learning Station, Anecdotal Records, Teacher Observations, Video Self-Evaluation, ALDs, Daily Reflective/Dialog Journal, and Diversity Requirement. An explanation of each of these areas follows.


Your Resume is to be completed with a copy provided to the CS and one copy to each CT. Resume models from past teacher candidates may be available for teacher candidate (TC) review. Class Schedule & School Calendar

The Class Schedule & School Calendar should include the following: class periods, time subjects taught, and grouping. Appendix D is a model of a daily schedule for a learning support classroom. The Class Schedule and a School Calendar should be given to the CS the first week of each placement. Class/Caseload Overview The class or caseload overview provides the TC with a general description of the type of classroom/educational setting where their student teaching placement will occur and it can include a description of the caseload. Information included in the class/caseload overview will also assist the CS in completing the TC’s final letter of recommendation. Induction Information

Included in Appendix J is an Induction Information Form. The TC is to inventory all applicable components at each assignment. This form is to assist the TC in becoming aware of a school’s environment/policies as well as facilitate communication between the CT and TC.



The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a requirement for all teacher candidates. A minimum of one IEP is required, graduate students are required a minimum of two. A student should be chosen by the third week of your Deaf Education placement. If possible, the student should be selected on the basis of IEP revision due date, or the arrival of a new student. The TC is responsible, when warranted, for testing the student, either with formal or informal measures used by the CT or selected by the TC. The IEP format followed by the CT is acceptable.

The IEP format, as required by IDEIA-P.L. 108-466, is found online at the PaTTAN website. Specific attention should be given to “Present Levels of Educational Performance”. Annual goals and objectives (when required) should be based on the student’s strengths and needs as required by Pennsylvania regulations. For students with a hearing loss it is also necessary to complete the Communication Plan. It is also suggested that the TC consult curricular material. It is not advisable for the TC to attempt to write a sequence of goals and objectives without reviewing PA academic standards and/or assessment anchors. Unit Plan

A short or mini-instructional unit should be developed, taught, and evaluated for each placement. The TC should choose a unit topic based on the academic and/or social needs of the student(s) in his/her classroom or on the caseload. You must choose the topic for your unit plan within the first two weeks of each placement. The TC needs to pick a more specific topic, not general. An example of a general topic would be “measurements”. A specific unit would be “linear measurements”. The nature of itinerant teacher model will require you to develop a unit plan around a topic for a particular student. The unit plan format is outlined in Appendix F and you must follow, complete and include the grading rubric.

Remember to include in your unit plan information related to: appropriate use of technology, a summative assessment utilizing a test or project with rubric, use of an interactive exhibit, bulletin board, or learning center, and at least five (5) lesson plans. These lesson plans need to be in the COE format for ECE placements and in the Special Education format for your Deaf Education placement(s). The scoring rubrics for each type of lesson plan (ECE or Deaf Ed) must be completed and submitted. Please note, you may not be able to teach your entire unit, but you must prepare a completed unit plan. Lesson Plans

The structure of the daily lesson plan format to be utilized by the TC will be dictated by a variety of factors. These factors include the type of classroom, student needs, CT preferences/expectations, district/building policy, and the TC’s level of advanced planning, preparation, and instructional effectiveness. Regardless of the style of lesson plans created by your CT, it is a TC’s responsibility to plan and thus create a complete lesson plan for each lesson he/she teaches for a CT, CS, and videoed lesson Additionally the scoring rubric is required to be completed and submitted. You must update and maintain these in your portfolio. These lesson plans will likely be week-long lesson plans. Get a binder for your lesson plans only and organize them by subject area taught or by student or perhaps another way of organizing that is logical to you. This binder should be available on your desk during each placement.

For official lesson plans submitted for formal observation or evaluation by your CS, the COE format is required. These lesson plans must be initialed and dated by your CT prior to


teaching. Additionally, all videoed lessons and all lessons within the Unit Plan must be as required by COE and the Scoring Rubric for Special Education Lesson Plan must be submitted when submitting your lesson plan (even though you will not be able to complete the second to last rubric element related to reflection). All lesson plans and rubrics must be present during formal observations and then posted to the Dropbox once reflection has been completed. This must occur by the end of school one day following your observation or videoed lesson.

Appendix N includes the Lesson Plan Format and a helpful rubric your CS will use for grading purposes. Appendices O, P, Q and R provide information and examples to assist with the process of writing lesson plan objectives. Teaching Devices/Adaptations

During both placements of student teaching several teaching devices/adaptations (Appendix G) are constructed and implemented during each student teaching assignment. The objective is for the TC to make a device to support a concept being taught. It should be kept in mind that this device may be very simple, requiring little time to prepare, or it may be complex. The device will be evaluated on its impact in the teaching process, not by the time it took to construct it. These teaching devices and lesson adaptations must be maintained in your 3-ring binder to show your CT and your CS. These teaching devices should not be copied resources. You must create something, which can be supplemented by copied resources. Include a picture of all teaching devices you create and include a brief explanation. Bulletin Boards/Learning Stations

Bulletin board/learning station development will vary according to the TC’s placement. Bulletin boards should be viewed from a broad perspective and keep the focus on educational purposes (not seasonal and not just posting of student work). Your learning station will be devised to support some instructional format requiring student participation without continuous teacher assistance. The bulletin board or learning station is often related to your unit plan. The learning station must be designed, implemented, and evaluated by the TC. The CS’s first preference in evaluating bulletin boards is to see it on site. The TC must do a write-up for all bulletin boards or learning stations (Appendix H) and also include a picture within your showcase portfolio. Teacher Observation Reflections

You will do a teacher observation during both of your placements. These observations must be scheduled at least two days ahead of time. You should observe a teacher or SLP who works with students other than those in your current placement. Your reflection should be one- to-two typed page for each observation. You may briefly summarize the lesson (two sentences), and rather should focus most of your attention on your thoughts about the way in which the teacher teaches and how it changes the way you think about your own teaching practices. Consider noting what behaviors you see that you would like to include or avoid in your own teaching. Anecdotal Records

Anecdotal Records/ABC Analysis (Appendix I) should be maintained for any student whose behaviors merit such attention and included in your portfolio. One anecdotal record is required for each placement. The TC will directly observe the pupil in need of having a behavior monitored, in your classroom or a pupil on your caseload while he/she is in the general education classroom, a minimum of 4 times, collecting data each time. Please remember that anecdotal records should not include subjective interpretation, just objective documentation of the student’s behavior.


Teacher Candidate Self-Evaluation through Video (Critique and Reflection) You are required to video yourself teaching lessons or providing instruction during both

student teaching placements. These videos allow you to self-evaluate your instructional strategies and effectiveness and provide YOURSELF feedback, which your CS will review and grade you on your ability to effectively provide yourself feedback (not on your teaching but rather on your ability to self-evaluate and provide feedback). Your CT can also provide you feedback, this is optional. To evaluate yourself, you will use both the Classroom Observation Form T and U. Although it can be intimidating to be videoed, the information obtained from this exercise will be invaluable in your development as a teacher.

Undergraduate students are required to do 1 video self-evaluation in the ECE placement and 3 in the Deaf Education placement. Graduate students are required to do 5 video self-evaluations.

Video sessions must be planned in advance. Equipment failure or student absence will not be an acceptable late excuse, hence your need for planning well in advance of the due dates to assure your student is not absent and that your equipment works or that it isn’t a snow day! Again, planning the video session at least a week IN ADVANCE of the due date is necessary. Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)

During student teaching you have the opportunity to learn about many different types of listening/hearing devices that students who are Deaf/HH utilize. In this section of your portfolio you will describe the different types of hearing aids, CIs, and ALDs you had the opportunity to become familiar with. You should take a picture of these devices and showcase them in you portfolio. Daily Reflective/Dialog Journal You will be expected to compose daily reflections about how the day went (about 2 paragraphs) in a personal journal. This writing exercise is to be more than a list of activities completed across the day. An important aspect of developing your teaching abilities and professional philosophy comes from moving beyond the “what” and “when” of instruction into the “how” and “why” things went the way they did. Your CS will be looking for deeper thoughts about your instruction and you as a teacher. Your journal should be at school each day. Keep it with your lesson plan binder. Diversity Requirement Obtain a copy of your 30 hours of diversity experiences and include in your showcase portfolio. Student Teaching Requirements Checklist Complete the Student Teaching Requirements Checklist as the last tabbed area in your showcase portfolio. The requirements cited on this checklist MUST be completed, signed and included in your showcase portfolio. The CS will also consider various other indicators, including CT recommendations and assessments, in completing your final evaluation. First Day Email: Email your CS on the first day of each placement by 8pm the following information: School name(s) & address(es) of schools you were at, room or office, Student arrival/departure times, CT arrival/departure times, CT contact information, and a Description of your day.


Evaluation Criteria Guidelines for Teacher Candidate Evaluation

This is a criterion-referenced format used to identify strengths and weaknesses of TCs as they develop. This form consists of competencies which are generic to all education majors (Items #1-33) and those identified as critical skills needed by special education majors (Items #34-60) by the Department of Exceptionality Programs and Deaf education majors (Items #61) by Deaf education majors only. Each time the teacher candidate is evaluated and given feedback by the CT, she/he should be able to formulate a profile of strengths and weaknesses. Appendix T contains this evaluation form.

The first evaluation is done for the purpose of identifying specific strengths and areas that need improvement. The second and final evaluation is transferred onto a final form with identical content. This form becomes part of the TC’s credentials. The final evaluation is converted into a letter grade.

The letter grade is computed using the following scale: A+ = 183-179 points A = 178-170 A- = 169-160 B+ = 159-149 B = 148-138 B- = 137-127 C+ = 126-116 C = 115-105

Note- Items scored “NA” are not factored into the final grade computation.


General Information Elements of Performance Objectives

TCs are required to formulate specific objectives that will then be incorporated into the planning process. Appendix O – Elements of a Performance Objective and Appendix R – Classification of Educational Objectives and Illustrative Behavioral Terms assist the TC in this task. The TC should eventually be able to assess students’ needs and identify their present levels of educational performance. Annual goals and specific objectives should be formulated which reflect the school’s course of study, student’s present educational levels, PA academic common core standards. General Guidelines for Teacher candidates and Supervising Classroom Teachers

The General Guidelines for Weekly Activities is found in Appendix W. This has been included since TC’s progress at different rates and need a reference that will act as a personal timeline. It is impossible to construct a single prototype that will apply to the diversity of classroom instruction found in special education. The General Guide for Weekly Activities is to serve as a basic reference for TCs and CTs. The progression of any TC is determined by the type of placement, the strengths of the TC, the CT, and often the CS. Additional Information Absences/Tardiness

The TC is to follow the guidelines established by the local education agency for absences or tardiness. If sickness or an emergency occurs that requires an absence, the TC is to notify the CS and CT. In cases of absence, the TC is held responsible for getting lesson plans to the CT. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this expectation and failure to do so may result in a lowered grade for student teaching.

Neither tardiness nor early departure from school is permissible. If car pooling, it should

be understood that arrival and departure times may differ, but the TC is responsible for a full day. In some cases the CT may wish to consult with the TC immediately after school if the daily schedule does not allow appropriate time. This will be left to the discretion of the CT. Daily sharing of ideas is critical and if this needs to be communicated after school, the TC must accommodate. Emergency Substitute Teaching It is highly recommended that teacher candidates NOT BE utilized as substitute teachers for the following reasons: 1. Teacher candidates are not district, intermediate unit or agency employees. 2. Teacher candidates may not receive compensation in any form for substitute teaching

service. 3. Teacher candidates have not obtained a valid Pennsylvania certificate in their field of

study. Additionally, teacher candidates serving in such a capacity increases the potential liability issue for all parties involved.


Professional Attire You must dress professionally every day unless your CT allows you to participate in any “dress-down” days. Dress appropriately for the grade level you are teaching. Attire should be neart and respectful of your body. Avoid clothing that is revealing or excessively baggy. If it is questionable to you, it probably isn’t appropriate. Unprofessional attire will negatively affect your grade.

*College Supervisors Formal Observations Your CS will conduct four formal observations of your teaching across the semester – two during each placement. One instrument is used in classroom observations (Appendix T). This is used during the CS’s observations of the TC. Copies will be shared with the CT. *Your CS reserves the right to show up unannounced to check in or to observe.



Appendix A Code of Ethics for Teacher Candidates

The assumption that teacher candidates desire to do the right thing in their student teaching relationships, that student teaching is a privilege which should be denied to those who do not adhere to a high ethical standard, and that a statement of a code of ethics will help those whose judgments might be faulty has resulted in the following proposed code of ethics: 1. Schools are an agent of society for promoting the welfare of children and youth. I shall, therefore, never divulge information

about children except in those professional relationships designed for the welfare of children, and I shall act only after having received the approval of my Cooperating Teacher (CT).

2. Since I am directly responsible to the CT, I shall discuss with him/her any problem before presenting it to another. 3. I shall be loyal to the school in which I am privileged to do my student teaching, reserving criticism until I am fully aware of

all factors. I shall present my ideas and questions only to those responsible for the school. 4. My loyalty to the school shall continue after my student teaching is completed. 5. Since I am jointly responsible with the CT and the school for what happens to the children during my student teaching

assignment, I shall exert myself to the fullest. 6. I shall receive constructive criticism and suggestions in a professional manner, making every effort to implement these

suggestions. 7. I shall abide by the rules and regulations governing the faculty and the staff during my placement in a school. 8. I shall be friendly and sympathetic with the children, but I shall in no way “curry favor” with the children or interfere between

the teacher and pupils. 9. I shall go the extra mile to make myself a useful, contributing member of the school staff. 10. I shall discharge to the fullest every responsibility which I accept and shall honestly evaluate the effectiveness of my

performance. 11. I shall strive for a fuller mastery of subject matter, a clearer concept of successful teaching, and a keener understanding of

children. 12. I enter the teaching profession with a determination to continue to grow and to make it a finer profession because of my part

in it. Only those who love children and enjoy teaching can hope to become real teachers. 13. I will inform myself about the correct professional and ethical procedures to follow in securing a position or in changing from

one position to another. I shall adhere to these procedures. I shall regard any contract I sign as binding until it is dissolved by mutual consent of my employer and myself.

Acknow ledgement is made to the College of Education, University of Kentucky, for this Code of Ethics.


Appendix B Teacher Candidate Regulations in Special Education

The Teacher Candidate Must: 1. Have evidence of a current Act 34 (Criminal), Act 151 (Child Abuse) and Act 114 (FBI) clearances to present to the

appropriate school district/intermediate unit representative on or before the first day of each assignment.

2. Have evidence of a TB test to present to the school nurse or building principal on or before the first day of each assignment. 3. Have evidence of membership in a professional organization which assures liability, or be covered under liability.

4. Attend all in-service and teacher meetings unless specified otherwise by the cooperating teacher (CT) and college supervisor

(CS). 5. Report to school on time and remain until the school day is terminated, or after the CT gives permission if a conference is

scheduled. 6. Follow school regulations and policy handbook. If illness or an emergency occurs contact the CT and CS immediately.

7. Present resume to CT during first week of each assignment.

8. Present copies of lesson plans, IEP’s, units, or special projects to the CT prior to instruction. With permission from the CT,

materials may be entered in the student teaching portfolio and made available to the CT and CS. 9. Attend all scheduled meetings for Student Teaching Seminar.

10. Assume responsibilities of pupils outside of classroom, i.e., hallway, cafeteria, playground, especially if danger exists.

11. Follow all regulations regarding confidentiality of pupils’ records as specified in Pennsylvania Special Education Regulations,

P.L. 108-446, and school district policy. 12. Dress appropriately for school environment. 13. Gradually assume teaching responsibilities as outlined in Weekly Recommended Activities (Appendix X). 14. Attempt to first resolve any classroom problems with the CT; if not successful, discuss them with the CS.

15. Return all materials borrowed from the CT, CS, school district or I.U., college library, etc. prior to the last week of class.


Appendix C The Teacher Candidate Contract

In your two 3-ring binders, one for each placement, each of the sections below should be tabbed and you need to provide documentation of completion of this activity. This contract and the portfolios are critical to your success in these two student teaching placements. Each section of your portfolio, as outlined below, will begin with a short paragraph

description of what this section includes and, when applicable, what you did to complete this section.

Name Semester First Assignment Second Assignment

Required Activity


Due Date Via email for first 3 listed



Required Activity


Due Date Via email for first 3



Resume Fri Wk 1 1 Class Schedule Fri Wk 1 1 Class Schedule Fr Wk 1 1 Class Overview Fri Wk 2 1 Class Overview Fri Wk 2 1 Induction Information Fri Wk 2 1 Induction Information Fri Wk 2 1 IEP/Mgmt Program * IEP/Mgmt Program * UNIT Plan * Unit Plan * Teaching Devices (3) 6 Teaching Devices (3) 6 Learning Strategy/BB 5 Learning Strategy/BB 5 Observe other class (2) 2 Observe other class (2) 1 Lesson Plans 8 Lesson Plans 8 Seminars 5 Seminars 3 ALDs 2 ALDs 1 Video Self-Eval (3) Fri wk 11,14 10 Video Self-Eval (3) Fri Wk 4, 6, 8 15 PORTFOLIO DUE Fri Week 9 2 PORTFOLIO DUE Fri Week 15 4 (Late Assignments will be discounted for each day late, this mainly concerns the Video Self-evals and due date of Portfolio) 45 45 *IEP…………………………………5 ___ ___ *UNIT Plan…………………………5 ___ ___ Total Points 1st Assignment `````````````````````````````````````50 ____ Total Points 2nd Assignment 50 ____ A = 95-100 A- = 90-94 B+ = 87-89 Total Points Earned __________ B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 Grade __________ C+ = 77-79, C = 73-76 C- = 70-72, D+ = 67-69 D = 60-66, E = <60


Appendix D

Daily Schedule Model

(Name & Address of School)

20 __ __ - 20 __ __ School Term

Type/Level of Class Secondary Learning Support Rm # 000 Teacher Ms. Pick





Period 1: 8:38-9:23

Physical Science 11th Grade

Period 1: 8:13-8:55

Study Skills Room 6

Period 2: 9:26-10:08

Applied Science 12th Grade

Period 2: 8:58-9:40

Algebra I Room 8

Period 3: 10:11-10:53

Physical Science 11th Grade

Period 3: 9:43-10:25

Algebra I Room 3

LUNCH 10:56-11:23

Period 4: 10:28-11:10

Algebra I Room 3

Period 4: 11:26-12:08

Applied Science 12th Grade

Period 5: 11:13-12:40 PREP

Period 5: 12:11-12:53 PLANNING Period 6:

12:43-1:25 Biology

Room 30 Period 6:

12:56-1:38 Biology

10th Grade Period 7: 1:28-2:10

21st Skills/Algebra I Day 1/Day 2

Period 7: 1:41-2:23

Environmental Science 9th Grade

Period 8: 2:13-2:55

Algebra I Room 6

Period 8: 2:26-3:11

Biology 10th Grade

The above schedules are for two different types of secondary learning support service delivery models. Example A is a content area resource room. Example B is a co-teaching inclusionary model.


Appendix E

PaTTAN website outlines the IEP AND the Communication Plan. Individualized Education Program (IEP) GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE IEP An IEP is completed during the special/deaf education student teaching placement and reflects assignments from other classes. Special/Deaf education teacher candidates will develop an IEP following the directions provided. Directions provided for the key components of the individualized education program support the analysis of academic and functional skills and subsequent development of goals and specially designed instruction. The components are: student’s demographic and miscellaneous information, procedural safeguards notice, special considerations, present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, participation in state and local assessments, goals and objectives, and special education/related services/supplementary aids and services/program modifications. Information gathered through collaboration with the student, parents, and professionals should be incorporated within the components of the IEP. Candidates must meet CEC Initial Preparation Standards on this assessment to pass SPECED 461/561 and DEAFHH 491/492/591/592. If on the initial submission of the IEP, the candidate does not meet standards, the IEP must be revised and submitted until standards are met. The meeting of standards is defined as having an average rating of “meets expectations” across the assessment rubric. DIRECTIONS FOR KEY COMPONENTS Student Demographic and Miscellaneous Information IEP meeting date: Write the date the IEP meeting is held. An IEP meeting is to occur no less than once per calendar year and is conducted within 30 calendar days following the completion of the Evaluation or Reevaluation Report. Anticipated duration of services and programs: Write the last day that the student will receive the services and programs of this IEP. This date must be one day less than a year from the team meeting date. Demographic information of the student: Complete the demographic items required on the IEP form. Additional information that the Local Education Agency (LEA) has found to be useful may also be included. IEP team members: List all the team members present and obtain signatures of the participants. Procedural safeguard notice: Include a copy of the Procedural Safeguards Notice that is sent to parents. Section I. Special Considerations: Check “yes” or “no” in response to questions regarding the student. Address any responses checked as “yes” in the IEP. Section II. Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Include a summary of current assessment results indicating levels of academic and functional strengths and needs, student and parent input, the impact of the student’s disability on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum, strengths, and needs. Section IV. Participation in State and Local Assessments: Based on student grade level, abilities, and allowable accommodations, indicate appropriate assessments and assessment accommodations for the student.


Section V. Goals and Objectives: Include as many goals as needed to address the student’s academic and functional needs. Annual goals should include the following:

• Condition: The condition (situation, setting, or given material) under which the behavior is to be performed.

• Name: the student’s name • Behavior: The specific action the student is expected to perform. • Performance Criteria: The level the student must demonstrate for mastery, the number of times

the student must demonstrate the skill for mastery and how frequently the teacher assesses the student’s mastery of the skill.

Example: Given 40 high frequency spelling words, (name of student) will correctly spell a minimum of 35 words, three out of four times, when tested on weekly quizzes.

Short-term objectives are required for students with disabilities who take alternative assessments aligned to alternative achievement standards (PASA). However, the IEP team may decide to include short term objectives on any student’s IEP. Short-term objectives should include the same components as an annual goal: condition, student’s name, behavior, and performance criteria. Each short learning objective must relate to only one annual goal.

Document the form of evaluation and evaluation schedule for each goal and short-term objective.

Section VI. Special Education/Related Services/Supplementary Aids and Services/Program Modifications: A. Program Modifications and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI): Document adaptations, as appropriate, to the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the student to ensure access to the general education curriculum. For each modification and SDI the following information must be provided:

• Location: where the student will be receiving the service. • Frequency: how often the student will be receiving the service. • The projected beginning date: the starting date of the service. • The anticipated duration of the service: anticipated period of the service.

B. Related services: List services the student needs to benefit from the special education program (e.g., transportation, psychological services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling services). C. Supports for school personnel: Identify staff members receiving training or support (e.g., program training, resource materials) to implement the IEP. For each support, list the school personnel to receive the support, the support, location and the frequency of the support provided. D. Gifted support for a student identified as gifted who also is identified as a student with a disability: When applicable, list support services (e.g., career guidance, counseling, transportation) required for the student to benefit from gifted education E. Extended school year (ESY): Based on consultation with the IEP team and consideration of factors such as regression and recoupment, document student’s eligibility for ESY services. If eligible, list goals addressed in the ESY program and services provided. Specifically, the IEP must contain a description of the type of ESY services, the location where the services will be provided (e.g., in the student’s home), the frequency of the service (e.g., 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week), the projected beginning date, and anticipated duration of the service.



IEP Rubric Components Exceeds Expectations

4 Meets Expectations

3 Inconsistently Meets Expectations

2 Does Not Meet Expectations

1 Candidate documents student and school background information consistent with laws/policies. CEC 6.1

Candidate documents accurate and relevant demographic student and school background information consistent with federal and state laws/policies by including learner and family address and phone information, learner’s age, grade and birthdate, anticipated date of graduation, and resident and serving school information. Candidate also documents other relevant information such as the primary language spoken by the learner and parents or efforts made to contact the parents regarding the IEP meeting. Candidate collects background information from relevant stakeholders such as the student, parent, and school professionals.

Candidate documents accurate and relevant demographic student and school background information consistent with federal and state laws/policies by including learner and family address and phone information, learner’s age, grade and birthdate, anticipated date of graduation, and resident and serving school information. However, the candidate does not document other relevant information such as the primary language spoken by the learner and parents or efforts made to contact the parents regarding the IEP meeting. Candidate write NA or not applicable. Candidate collects background information from school professionals and school records.

Candidate documents relevant demographic student and school background information by including learner and family address and phone information, learner’s age, grade and birthdate, anticipated date of graduation, and resident and serving school information. However, the candidate makes errors in the accuracy of the background information. Consequently, the candidate does not document background information that aligns with federal and state laws/policies. In addition, the candidate may write NA or not applicable in the “Other information” section or the candidate leaves the section blank. Candidate collects background information from school records.

Candidate documents incomplete demographic student and school background information. Consequently, the candidate does not document background information that aligns with federal and state laws/policies. In addition, the candidate does not include any content in the “Other information” section. Candidate does not identify the source for collecting background information.

Candidate gives consideration to special factors influencing IEP development. CEC 1.1

Candidate gives consideration to special factors by stating the influence the learner’s primary language if not English, mode of communication, vision and hearing, and the learner’s behavior has on IEP development. When the special factors impact IEP development, the candidate accurately and explicitly addresses the special factors through the content of the IEP, supplementary aides and accommodations, and through additional documents such as Communication and Behavior Intervention Plans.

Candidate gives consideration to special factors by stating the influence the learner’s primary language if not English, mode of communication, vision and hearing, and the learner’s behavior has on IEP development. When the special factors impact IEP development, the candidate accurately and explicitly explains how the special factors will be addressed through the content of the IEP, supplementary aides and accommodations, or through additional documents such as Communication and Behavior Intervention Plans.

Candidate does not accurately identify special factors such as the learner’s primary language if not English, mode of communication, vision and hearing, and learner’s behavior. OR If the candidate identifies the special factors impacting IEP development, the candidate does not meaningfully address the special factors through the content of the IEP, supplementary aides and accommodations, or through additional documents such as Communication and Behavior Intervention Plans.

Candidate does not accurately identify special factors such as the learner’s primary language if not English, mode of communication, vision and hearing, and learner’s behavior. AND If the candidate identifies the special factors impacting IEP development, the candidate does not meaningfully address the special factors through the content of the IEP, supplementary aides and accommodations, or through additional documents such as Communication and Behavior Intervention Plans.


Components Exceeds Expectations 4

Meets Expectations 3

Inconsistently Meets Expectations 2

Does Not Meet Expectations 1

Candidate demonstrates the ability to interpret multiple types of assessment information to develop the Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance. CEC 4.2, 4.3

Candidate demonstrates the ability to interpret multiple types of assessment information (e.g., formal assessments, observations, work samples, interview data) from a variety of stakeholders (professionals, parents, and learner) to develop a Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance that accurately reflects the learner’s academic, functional, and social strengths and needs. Candidate writes the learner’s strengths and needs in observable and measurable terms. If the candidate makes a judgment statement, the candidate supports the statement with data.

Candidate demonstrates the ability to interpret multiple types of assessment information (e.g., formal assessments, observations, work samples, interview data) from a variety of stakeholders (professionals and parents) to develop a Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance that accurately reflects the learner’s academic, functional, and social strengths and needs. Candidate writes the learner’s strengths and needs, but the candidate does not consistently write in observable and measurable terms. If the candidate makes a judgment statement, the candidate supports the statement with data.

Candidate demonstrates difficulty in interpreting multiple types of assessment information (e.g., formal assessments, observations, work samples, interview data) by developing a Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance based on inaccurate interpretation of quantitative or qualitative data sources. Consequently, the candidate specifies academic, functional, and social strengths and needs that may not be indicative of the learner’s academic and functional performance. Candidate writes the learner’s strengths and needs, but the candidate consistently writes in unobservable and unmeasurable terms. Candidate also uses judgement statements without supporting the statements with data.

Candidate does not accurately interpret multiple types of assessment information (e.g., formal assessments, observations, work samples, interview data) by developing a Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance based on data interpretation errors in the quantitative and qualitative data sources. Candidate does not include all the data when identifying the learner’s strengths and needs. Consequently, the candidate specifies academic, functional, and social strengths and needs that do not be indicative of the learner’s academic and functional performance. Candidate writes the learner’s strengths and needs, but the candidate consistently writes in unobservable and unmeasurable terms. Candidate also uses judgement statements without supporting the statements with data.

Candidate uses knowledge of instructional planning to develop IEP annual goals. CEC 5.5

Candidate uses knowledge of instructional planning to write data-driven and annual goals that address the prioritized academic, functional, and social needs of the learner. Candidate writes goals that are directional, observable, and have the potential to result in meaningful learning progressions.

Candidate uses knowledge of instructional planning to write data-driven and annual goals that address the prioritized academic, functional, and social needs of the learner. Candidate writes goals that are directional and observable, but the candidate writes goals that may be too broad or too narrow. Consequently, the ability for the learner to make meaningful progress may be impeded.

Candidate ineffectively uses knowledge of instructional planning to write annual goals that are data-driven but do not reflect the prioritized academic, functional, and social needs of the learner. Candidate writes directional goals, but tends to use unobservable terms. Candidate writes goals that will negatively impact the ability for the learner to make meaningful progress.

Candidate ineffectively uses knowledge of instructional planning to write annual goals that are not data-driven and do not reflect the prioritized academic, functional, and social needs of the learner. Candidate writes goals that lack direction, and are unobservable. Candidate writes goals that will negatively impact the ability for the learner to make meaningful progress.


Components Exceeds Expectations 4

Meets Expectations 3

Inconsistently Meets Expectations 2

Does Not Meet Expectations 1

Candidate uses knowledge of instructional planning to develop IEP benchmark. CEC 5.5

Candidate uses knowledge of instructional planning to develop IEP benchmarks that relate to the annual goal. Based on the curricular area, the candidate appropriately sequences each benchmark and provides a sufficient number of benchmarks to address the scope of the goal. Candidate includes a condition, learner, observable behavior, and verifiable criterion in each benchmark. The scope and content of the benchmark is appropriate, data-driven, and measurable.

Candidate uses knowledge of instructional planning to develop IEP benchmarks that relate to the annual goal. Based on the curricular area, the candidate appropriately sequences each benchmark and provides a sufficient number of benchmarks to address the scope of the goal. Candidate includes a condition, learner, observable behavior, and verifiable criterion in each benchmark. The content of the benchmark is data-driven, but the scope may at time be too narrow or too broad to be effectively measured.

Candidate ineffectively uses knowledge of instructional planning to develop IEP benchmarks that may relate to the annual goal, but do not cover the scope of the annual goal. Based on the curricular area, the candidate may or may not appropriately sequence each benchmark. OR Candidate includes a condition, learner, behavior, and criteria in each benchmark. However, the behavior is not observable and the criterion is not appropriate for the benchmark. Consequently, the benchmark cannot be effectively measured.

Candidate does not use knowledge of instructional planning to develop IEP benchmarks that relate to the annual goal, and cover the scope of the annual goal. Based on the curricular area, the candidate may or may not appropriately sequence each benchmark. AND Candidate includes a condition, learner, behavior, and criteria in each benchmark. However, the behavior is not observable and the criterion is not appropriate for the benchmark. Consequently, the benchmark cannot be effectively measured.

Candidate uses knowledge of assessment principles and practices to select evaluation procedures and schedule for measuring IEP annual goals and objectives. CEC 4.1, 4.2

Candidate uses knowledge of assessment principles and practices to select evaluation procedures and schedule for measuring progress on the IEP goals and benchmarks. Candidate selects evaluation procedures that will provide both formative and summative data on the learner’s performance. Candidate measures goals and benchmarks on a schedule that aligns with the learner’s stage of learning (acquisition, proficiency, maintenance, and generalization).

Candidate uses knowledge of assessment principles and practices to select evaluation procedures and schedule for measuring progress on the IEP goals and benchmarks. Candidate selects evaluation procedures that will provide summative data on the learner’s performance. Candidate measures goals and benchmarks in accordance with legal guidelines and at school designated data report times (report cards and parent conferences).

Candidate ineffectively uses knowledge of assessment principles and practices to select evaluation procedures and schedule for measuring progress on the IEP goals and benchmarks by selecting evaluation procedures that do not align with the content of the goals and benchmarks. Consequently, the data will not accurately reflect the learner’s performance. OR Candidate measures goals and benchmarks once a year.

Candidate does not use knowledge of assessment principles and practices to select appropriate evaluation procedures and schedule for measuring progress on the IEP goals and benchmarks. Candidate selects all available evaluation procedures regardless of whether the evaluation procedures are appropriate to the measurement of the IEP goals and benchmarks. Consequently, the data will not accurately reflect the learner’s performance. AND Candidate measures goals and benchmarks once a year.


Components Exceeds Expectations 4

Meets Expectations 3

Inconsistently Meets Expectations 2

Does Not Meet Expectations 1

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the learner’s participation in state and district assessments inclusive of assessment accommodations. CEC 4.3

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the learner’s participation in state and local assessments by accurately identifying the state and district assessments to be taken inclusive of required testing accommodations. If the learner is to participate in alternative assessments, the candidate provides a justification that aligns with rules for assessment administration. Candidate selects a variety of essential assessment accommodations (testing format/inputs, learner’s processing abilities including processing time, output preferences, and testing environment) based on learner performance data and legal mandates regarding testing accommodations that have the potential to enhance the learner’s access and performance on the assessment. Candidate incorporates the same testing accommodations at the classroom level as well.

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the learner’s participation in state and local assessments by accurately identifying the state and district assessments to be taken inclusive of required testing accommodations. If the learner is to participate in alternative assessments, the candidate provides a justification. However, the candidate does not use the rules for alternative assessment administration to justify the learner’s participation in alternative assessments. Candidate selects assessment accommodations (testing format/inputs, learner’s processing abilities including processing time, output preferences, and testing environment) in accordance with legal mandates. However, candidate selects a menu of assessment accommodations that may enhance the learner’s access to the assessment content, but may not result in enhancing learner performance on the assessment. .

Candidate demonstrates some knowledge of the learner’s participation in state and local assessments by accurately identifying the state and district assessments to be taken. However, the candidate lists assessment accommodations that demonstrate no relationship to the learner’s needs or improves the learner’s access to the assessment content.

Candidate demonstrates minimal knowledge of the learner’s participation in state and local assessments by inaccurately identifying the state and district assessments to be taken. In addition, the candidate does not identify assessment accommodations that align with the learner’s needs and improves the learner’s access to the assessment content.

Candidate selects supplementary supports and accommodations. CEC 3.3, 5.1

Candidate selects specially designed instruction (SDI) that directly aligns with the IEP goals/objectives, acknowledges the abilities of the learner, and is grounded in evidence-based practice. Candidate selects supplementary supports and accommodations that increase the learner’s independence and provide access to the general education curriculum.

Candidate selects specially designed instruction (SDI) that directly aligns with the IEP goals/objectives, acknowledges the abilities of the learner, and is evidence-based practice for individuals with diverse abilities. Candidate selects supplementary supports and accommodations that provide the learner with access to the general education curriculum.

Candidate selects specially designed instruction (SDI) that indirectly relates to the IEP goals/objectives and the abilities of the learner. When selecting specially designed instruction, the candidate does not incorporate evidence-based practice. Candidate selects supplementary supports and accommodations that may or may not provide the learner with access to the general education curriculum.

Candidate selects specially designed instruction (SDI) that does not relate to the IEP goals/objectives and the abilities of the learner. When selecting specially designed instruction, the candidate does not incorporate evidence-based practice. Candidate selects supplementary supports and accommodations that do not provide the learner with access to the general education curriculum.


Components Exceeds Expectations 4

Meets Expectations 3

Inconsistently Meets Expectations 2

Does Not Meet Expectations 1

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of service delivery to identify specially designed instruction and related services. CEC 6.2, 6.3

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of service delivery by accurately listing primary (specially designed instruction) and related services, supports for school personnel, and extended school year services that align with the learner’s needs. Candidate also accurately lists the date of initiation, frequency, and anticipation duration of special education services. Candidate selects service delivery options that result in a degree of integration that is appropriate to the learner and results in access to the general education curriculum and meaningful learning progressions on the IEP.

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of service delivery by accurately listing primary (specially designed instruction) and related services, supports for school personnel, and extended school year services that align with the learner’s needs. Candidate also accurately lists the date of initiation, frequency, and anticipation duration of special education services. Candidate selects service delivery options that result in a degree of integration that is appropriate to the learner and results in access to the general education curriculum.

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of service delivery by listing primary (specially designed instruction) and related services, supports for school personnel, and extended school year services. However, the candidate selects special education services that do not align with the learner’s needs. OR Candidate makes errors in reporting the date of initiation, frequency, and anticipation duration of special education services. OR Candidate selects service delivery options that do not result in a degree of integration that is appropriate to the learner and minimizes the learner’s access to the general education curriculum.

Candidate lacks knowledge of service delivery by listing primary (specially designed instruction) and related services, supports for school personnel, and extended school year services. However, the candidate selects special education services that do not align with the learner’s needs. AND Candidate makes errors in reporting the date of initiation, frequency, and anticipation duration of special education services. AND Candidate selects service delivery options that do not result in a degree of integration that is appropriate to the learner and minimizes the learner’s access to the general education curriculum.


Appendix F

Unit Plan Format 1. Introduction/General Information

• Unit title/theme • Areas of interdisciplinary integration • Grade level(s) • Introduction/unit summary and rationale

2. Academic Standards/Assessment Anchors 3. Unit Goals 4. Pre-Assessment - Provides data for evaluating degree of student learning after unit is taught. 5. Motivational Device for the Unit 6. Content - Daily lesson plans (Use the prescribed lesson plan format.) 7. Differentiated Learning Activities

Include context of the learners as a rationale for differentiation: • Describe important characteristics of the learners in your classroom: number of learners and gender, race/ethnicity, school socio-economic status, special needs,

and language proficiency.

• Explain the strategies utilized to maximize success for diverse learners.

8. Instructional Resources and Technology (i.e., multimedia, technology, lab equipment, outside expert) - If technology is excluded, provide an instructionally sound rationale for its absence. 9. Summative Assessment/Post-Assessment - Relates directly to pre-assessment to evaluate degree of student learning after unit is taught. ************************************************************************************* 10. Reflection - Completed after implementation of unit plan

• Analyze assessment data and explain to what degree instructional decisions made an impact on student learning and achievement of unit goals and lesson objectives.

• Describe modifications for redesigning your unit plan that would improve student learning outcomes. (page 23)


Scoring Rubric for Special & Deaf Education Unit Plan

Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidates demonstrate knowledge of learner development, individual differences, and environ- ment in the planning of the unit. CEC 1.1, 1.2

The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing and implementing academic and social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that are developmentally appropriate or culturally responsive (language culture, and family background).

Candidate differentiates active and effective learning experiences based on the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication and safety needs.

The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing and implementing academic and social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that are developmentally appropriate or culturally responsive (language culture, and family background).

Candidate individualizes active and effective learning experiences based on the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication and safety needs.

The candidate demonstrates a limited understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing academic or social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that may or may not be developmentally appropriate or culturally responsive (language culture, and family background).

Candidate may or may not tailor active and effective learning experiences to the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication and safety needs.

The candidate demonstrates a limited understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing academic or social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that are not developmentally appropriate or culturally responsive (language culture, and family background).

Candidate does not tailor active and effective learning experiences to the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication and safety needs.

Candidates write unit goals and learning objectives that are aligned with academic and CEC Standards. CEC 3.1, 3.2, 6.1

The candidate designs unit goals and learning objectives that are developmentally appropriate, measurable, and meaningfully aligned to the CEC and PA Common Core Standards and address individual student learning outcomes. In addition, the candidate supports the unit goals with learning objectives that are measurable, accurately sequenced, and requires the students with exceptionalities to utilize the unit content across curricular areas.

The candidate designs unit goals and learning objectives that are developmentally appropriate, measurable, and meaningfully aligned to the CEC and PA Common Core Standards and address individual student learning outcomes. In addition, the candidate supports the unit goals with learning objectives that are measurable, accurately sequenced, and tailored to the needs of the students with exceptionalities in the specific curricular area.

The candidate designs unit goals and learning objectives that may or may not be developmentally appropriate, measurable, and aligned to the PA Common Core Standards. Candidate does not establish a connection between the unit goals and learning objectives and student learning outcomes.


Candidate supports the unit goals with learning objectives that are not measurable, accurately sequenced, or align with the unit goals.

The candidate designs unit goals and learning objectives that may or may not be developmentally appropriate, measurable, and aligned to the PA Common Core Standards. Candidate does not establish a connection between the unit goals and learning objectives and student learning outcomes.


Candidate supports the unit goals with learning objectives that are not measurable, accurately sequenced, or align with the unit goals.


Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidates select pre- and post- assessments that are aligned with learning objectives and CEC Standards to monitor student progress. CEC 4.1, 4.2

The candidate selects multiple types of informal and formal technically sound assessments that minimize bias and data sources that are aligned to monitoring student progress toward unit goals, and lead to making sound individualized instructional decisions and long- range instructional plans.

Candidate includes developmentally appropriate pre-assessments to provide baseline on the knowledge of students with exceptionalities, and post-assessments that are aligned with the pre-assessments, and uses technologies to support their selected data sources.

The candidate selects multiple types of informal and formal technically sound assessments that minimize bias, and data sources that are aligned to monitoring student progress toward unit goals, and lead to making sound individualized instructional decisions and long- range instructional plans.

Candidate includes developmentally appropriate pre-assessments to provide baseline on the knowledge of students with exceptionalities, and post-assessments that are aligned with the pre-assessments; however, the candidate does not use technology to support or manage data.

Candidate may or may not select multiple types of informal and formal assessments and data sources; however, the assessments are not aligned to monitoring student progress toward unit goals, or lead to making sound individualized instructional decisions and long-range instructional plans.

Candidate may or may not include developmentally appropriate pre- assessments to provide baseline on the knowledge of students with exceptionalities, and post- assessments that are aligned with the pre-assessments. Candidate does not use technology to support or manage data.

The candidate does not select multiple types of informal and formal assessments and data sources that are aligned to monitoring student progress toward unit goals, or lead to making sound individualized instructional decisions and long-range instructional plans.

Candidate does not include developmentally appropriate pre- assessments to provide baseline on the knowledge of students with exceptionalities, and post- assessments that are aligned with the pre-assessments. Candidate does not use technology to support or manage data.

Candidates develop lesson plans within the unit plan that incorporate evidence- based explicit and implicit strategies. CEC 5.1, 5.6, 5.7

The candidate incorporates the students’ interests, abilities, and cultural/linguistic factors when selecting and using explicit and implicit evidence-based instructional strategies within the unit lessons.

Candidate designs instruction and activities that encourage students to think critically to master and generalize the unit content.

The candidate incorporates the students’ interests, abilities, and cultural/linguistic factors when selecting and using explicit and implicit evidence-based instructional strategies within the unit lessons.

Candidate designs instruction and activities that encourage students to master the unit content and think critically to apply the unit content.

The candidate incorporates evidence-based instructional strategies within the unit lessons. However, it is not evident that the candidate considered the students’ interests, abilities, and cultural/linguistic factors when selecting the explicit and implicit instructional strategies.

Candidate designs and implements instruction and activities that encourage students to master the unit content, but did not require students to use critical thinking to apply unit the content.

The candidate incorporates evidence-based instructional strategies within the unit lessons. However, it is not evident that the candidate considered the students’ interests, abilities, and cultural/linguistic factors when selecting the explicit and implicit instructional strategies.

Candidate designs instruction and activities that encourage students to master the unit content, but during implementation, the candidate did not provide instruction as designed in the lesson plans. Consequently, it is not evident that the students mastered the unit content.


Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidates develop lessons within the unit plan that address access to general and specialized curricula. CEC 3.3, 5.3

The candidate integrates explicit instructional techniques, modifications, and accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student learning of and access to general and specialized curricular content and activities.

The candidate integrates explicit instructional techniques, modifications, and accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student access s to general and specialized curricular content and activities.

The candidate attempts to integrate techniques, modifications, and accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student access to general and specialized curricular content and activities; however, it is not clear how students with exceptionalities will access the content and activities.

The candidate does not use explicit instructional techniques, modifications, or accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student learning of and access to general and specialized curricular content and activities.

Candidates use evidence/ data to evaluate impact on student learning. CEC 4.2

The candidate meaningfully evaluates instructional data by describing and comparing quantitative and qualitative pre/post data which includes supporting tables or graphs. Candidate discusses the results including an error analysis and provides supporting documentation (work samples) demonstrating the extent to which all students met the standards and unit goals. Candidate uses the analysis to guide decisions for future instructional planning.

The candidate meaningfully evaluates instructional data by describing and comparing quantitative pre/post data which includes supporting tables or graphs. Candidate discusses the results and provides supporting documentation (work samples) demonstrating the extent to which all students met the standards and unit goals; however, the candidate does not include an error analysis. Candidate uses the analysis to guide decisions for future instructional planning.

The candidate evaluates instructional data by describing and comparing quantitative pre/post data which includes supporting tables or graphs. Candidate discusses the results, but does not provide supporting documentation (work samples) demonstrating the extent to which all students met the standards and unit goals. Additionally, the candidate does not include an error analysis. Candidate creates a data analysis that has limited utility in guiding decisions for future instructional planning.

The candidate evaluates instructional data by describing and/or comparing quantitative pre/post data; however, the candidate does not include supporting tables or graphs. Candidate discusses the results, but does not provide supporting documentation (work samples) demonstrating the extent to which all students met the standards and unit goals. Additionally, the candidate does not include an error analysis. Candidate creates a data analysis that has limited utility in guiding decisions for future instructional planning.


Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidates reflect on the impact of the lesson on students with exceptionalities. CEC 6.1, 6.2, 6.4

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of reflection by discussing the effective and ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. Candidate supports the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate is able to use professional resources (cooperating teachers, paraprofessionals, university supervisor) and literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning.

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of reflection by discussing the effective and ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. Candidate supports the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate is able to use professional literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of reflection by discussing only the effective or ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. OR Candidate does not support the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate selects professional literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning, but it is not evident how the literature supports the change.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of reflection by discussing only the effective or ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. AND Candidate does not support the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate selects professional literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning, but it is not evident how the literature supports the change.

Candidates collaborate with colleagues in the instructional planning and delivery of the lesson. CEC 7.3

The candidate collaborates with professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) and families during lesson planning and implementation by incorporating their ideas to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully involve students with exceptionalities in lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and to promote the well- being of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate demonstrates collaboration with professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) during lesson planning and implementation by incorporating their ideas to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully involve students with exceptionalities in the lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and to promote the well-being of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate consults with colleagues; however, the candidate does not appear to incorporate ideas of professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) during lesson planning and implementation to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully include students with exceptionalities in the lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and may or may not promote the well-being of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate consults with colleagues when prompted by the cooperating teacher; however, the candidate does not incorporate ideas of the professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) during lesson planning and implementation to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully involve students with exceptionalities in the lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and to promote the well-being of students with exceptionalities.

Appendix G


I. Title

II. Explanation/Rationale – (target group, subject, students’ needs, etc.)

III. Evaluation – (effectiveness, students’ reaction, future changes, etc.)

Page 28


Appendix H


I. Title

II. Picture

III. Explanation/Rationale – (target group, subject students’ needs, etc.)

IV. Evaluation – (effectiveness, students’ reaction, future changes, etc.)

Page 29




Date Time Student Behavior Teacher Reaction Student Reaction



Appendix I (2)

ABC Analysis Format




(if observable)

1. (list separately)

A. B. C.

2. (etc.)

Page 31


Appendix J Induction Information

(Completed first week of each placement.) One of the first problems encountered by the teacher candidate or a teacher who is new to a particular school is that of becoming acquainted with school policy. Once situations involving policy are mastered and become automatic, the teacher can put efforts where they belong – his/her students and teaching. Are you familiar with/responsible for: First Second Assign Assign ___ ___ morning arrival time? ___ ___ departure time? ___ ___ responsibility on the playground? ___ ___ hall duty? ___ ___ schedules of specialists? ___ ___ lunch orders and schedules? ___ ___ fire drill procedure? ___ ___ civil defense procedure? ___ ___ procedure for purchasing and serving milk? ___ ___ method of checking daily attendance? ___ ___ handling of attendance reports? ___ ___ procedures for excusing children to leave building? ___ ___ schedule of subjects and activities? ___ ___ staff meeting procedures? ___ ___ responsibility in the lunch room? ___ ___ accident reports? ___ ___ ventilation, lighting and clean-up practices? ___ ___ rules governing discipline? ___ ___ bus regulations? ___ ___ general care of classroom? Can you locate: First Second Assign Assign ___ ___ the central office? ___ ___ the supply rooms? ___ ___ the library? ___ ___ the cafeteria? ___ ___ the playground areas? ___ ___ the duplicating facilities? ___ ___ the technology aids? ___ ___ the professional library? Page 32


Do you have: First Second Assign Assign ___ ___ a desk of your own? ___ ___ a definite conference time with your CT? ___ ___ a teacher’s copy of texts? ___ ___ a copy of the teacher’s school policy handbook? ___ ___ a procedure for requisitioning supplies? ___ ___ a school calendar of activities? ___ ___ a copy of planned courses (if accessible) Do you know about: First Second Assign Assign ___ ___ nurse’s program? ___ ___ guidance services? ___ ___ speech therapist? ___ ___ psychologist?

___ ___ social worker? ___ ___ field trip procedures? ___ ___ reading specialist? ___ ___ testing program? ___ ___ use of library facilities by the children? ___ ___ instructional materials available? ___ ___ philosophy of the school system Have you met or conferred with: First Second Assign Assign ___ ___ the principal/local education authority? ___ ___ other classroom teachers? ___ ___ the custodians? ___ ___ the secretaries? ___ ___ any parents? ___ ___ support staff? Name: ________________________ Name: _____________________________ (Teacher candidate 1st placement) (Teacher candidate 2nd placement)

page 33


Appendix K Bloomsburg University School of Education

FINAL EVALUATION FORM – EDUCATION OF THE DEAF/HH The University Supervisor or the Cooperating Teacher named below completed this FINAL EVALUATION FORM for the teacher candidate. The narrative assessment and the rating are a measure of student teaching competencies and are not intended to be a measure in comparison to experienced classroom teachers. Teacher candidate ________________________________ Date_______Fall/Spring 1st/2nd Placement Major ________________________ Last, First, Middle Name of School ________________________________ Grade Level(s)________________

Performance Evaluation Scale: 3=Distinguished, 2- Proficient, 1-Basic, 0-Unsatisfactory Domain 1: Planning & Preparation ______A. Demonstrates Knowledge Content and the Structure of the Discipline ______B. Demonstrates Knowledge of Prerequisite Relationships ______C. Demonstrates Knowledge of Content-Related Pedagogy ______D. Demonstrates Knowledge of Child and Adolescent Development ______E. Demonstrates Knowledge of the Learning Process ______F. Demonstrates Knowledge of Students’ Skills, Knowledge & Language Proficiency ______G. Demonstrates Knowledge of Students’ Interests and Cultural Heritage ______H. Demonstrates Knowledge of Students’ Special Needs ______I. Values and Designs Sequential Instruction Aligned with the Discipline ______J. Communicates Instructional Outcomes with Clarity ______K. Designs Balanced Instructional Outcomes ______L. Designs Instructional Outcomes Suitable for Diverse Learners ______M. Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources for Classroom Use ______N. Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources to Extend Content Knowledge and Pedagogy ______O. Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources for Students ______P. Designs Coherent Learning Activities ______Q. Designs Coherent Instructional Materials and Resources ______ R. Designs Coherent Instructional Groups ______ S. Designs Coherent Lesson and Unit Structure ______ T. Designs Instruction Congruent with Instructional Outcomes ______U. Designs Assessment with Clear Criteria and Standards ______V. Designs Formative Assessments ______W. Uses Assessment Results to Plan Instruction for Students ______ X. Develops Materials Appropriate for Deaf/HH Learners _______ TOTAL DOMAIN 1 Domain 2: The Classroom Environment ______A. Interacts Respectfully and Genuinely with Students ______B. Designs an Environment for Respectful Student-to- Student Interactions ______C. Communicates the Importance of Content ______D. Communicates Expectations for Learning and Achievement ______E. Designs an Environment Motivating Students’ Pride in

Work ______F. Manages Instructional Groups ______G. Manages Transitions Seamlessly and Efficiently ______H. Designs Routines for the Management of Materials and Supplies ______I. Designs Efficient Systems for Performing Non-instructional Duties ______J. Supervises Volunteers and Paraprofessionals ______K. Communicates Clear Student Behavior Expectations ______L. Monitors Student Behavior ______M. Manages Response to Student Misbehavior ______N. Organizes a Safe and Accessible Physical Space ______O. Arranges Furniture and Physical Resources ______ P. Uses Class Time Effectively and Paces Lessons To Keep Deaf/HH Students’ Attending Behavior ______ TOTAL DOMAIN 2 Name: ___________________________________________________________ Position & School: _________________________________________________ School Phone: _____________________________________________________

Domain 3: Instruction ______ A. Communicates Expectations for Learning to Students ______ B. Communicates Directions and Procedures ______ C. Provides Explanations of Content ______ D. Uses Correct Oral and Written Language ______ E. Asks Questions of High Quality with Adequate Student Response Time ______ F. Generates Discussions among Students ______ G. Engages All Students in Class Discussions ______ H. Engages Students in Activities and Assignments ______ I. Arranges Productive Grouping of Students ______ J. Utilizes Suitable Instructional Materials and Resources ______ K. Designs Lessons with Coherent Structure and Pacing ______ L. Uses Assessment Criteria in Instruction ______ M. Uses Assessment to Monitor Student Learning ______ N. Provides Assessment Feedback to Students ______ O. Incorporates Student Self-assessment and Monitoring of Progress ______ P. Demonstrates Flexibility through Lesson Adjustment ______ Q. Responds to Students’ Learning Needs and Interests ______ R. Persists in Seeking Effective Approaches ______ S. Uses Clear and Appropriate Sign Language ______ T. Uses Clear and Appropriate Oral Language for Deaf/HH Students. _______ TOTAL DOMAIN 3 Domain 4: Professional Responsibility ______A. Assesses Accurately Lesson’s Effectiveness ______B. Uses Self-reflections in Future Teaching ______C. Maintains Accurate Records of Student Assignments ______D. Maintains Accurate Records of Student Progress and Learning ______E. Maintains Accurate Noninstructional Records ______F. Communicates with Families about Instructional Programs ______G. Communicates with Families about Individual Students ______H. Engages Family in the Instructional Program ______I. Establishes a Positive Relationship with Colleagues ______J. Demonstrates Involvement in a Culture of Professional Inquiry ______K. Volunteers Services to the School ______L. Participates in School and District Projects ______M. Seeks Opportunities to Enhance Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Skills ______N. Welcomes and Seeks out Feedback from Colleagues ______O. Initiates and/or Participates in Important Activities to Contribute to the Profession ______P. Demonstrates Professional Integrity and Ethical Conduct ______Q. Provides Proactive Services to Students ______R. Advocates to Ensure Fair Treatment of All Students ______S. Demonstrates Decision Making Based on Professional Standards ______T. Complies Fully with the School and District Regulations ______U. Demonstrates Familiarity with Assistive Listening and Communication Devices (e.g. Hearing Aids, FM units). ______V. Manages and Maintains Assistive Listening and Communication Devices Appropriately _______ TOTAL DOMAIN 4 ________ TOTAL POINTS NARRATIVE EVALUATION/LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION IS REQUIRED

Recommended Grade ___________ (3, 2, 1, or 0)

Appendix L

Classroom Overview

1. Type of class: i.e. full-time, part-time, inclusionary, mixed category (specify the

mix). 2. Size of class: number of pupils listed on roster 3. Subject areas taught: academic and non-academic 4. Outline of takeover schedule.

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Appendix M (1)


STUDENT: CLASS: PERIOD: TIME: General Student Behavior: Student/Student Interactions: Teacher/Student Interactions: Time Spent on Task: Other:

Page 36


Appendix M (2)

Observation Format

I. Purpose - 1. Date – 2. Time – 3. Subject/Activity – II. What Observed – III. Personal Reaction -

Page 37


Appendix N Lesson Plan Format

Name: Date:


Lesson Title: Lesson Number w/in Unit: Unit Title: Grade Level(s): Time Allotted: Subject Area(s)/Subject Content Explanation:

Standard(s)/Anchors: PA Academic Standards/Anchors describe what students should demonstrate and be

able to do as a result of instruction. Common Core Standards may be used by school districts to represent a set of expectations for student knowledge and skills that high school graduates need to master to succeed in college and careers.

Essential Question(s): An essential question establishes content knowledge and connects that knowledge to the topic at hand and to the student’s prior knowledge. Essential questions should be embedded throughout the introduction, procedures, and closure of a lesson or unit of study.

Instructional Objective(s): A clearly delineated statement of what a student will demonstrate or do after instruction has occurred. This should specify the condition, performance, and criterion.

Formative Assessment: The assessment process that occurs during instruction and learning activities. Summative Assessment: The assessment process that occurs after instruction and learning activities. If the

lesson is a component of a unit of study, describe how students will demonstrate mastery of material and how it will be measured.


INTRODUCTION: A process to engage/activate student learning, interest and prior knowledge. This activity

and instruction relate the experiences of the students to the objectives of the lesson. An “Instructional Set” may include a motivational device, connection to prior learning and real-life experiences, relevance to future learning, stated connection to instructional objective and academic standards or the essential questions to be addressed in lesson.

TEACHING PROCEDURES: The step-by-step process/procedure for teaching information, concepts and

skills identified in the instructional objectives. Must include:

*Description of Method(s) Used to Present Subject Matter - Explicitly and sequentially describe how you will teach/present the lesson's concepts to your students and the multiple approaches you will use. Include the learning activities, processes, procedures and or strategies that support the lesson.

*Guided Practice - Explicitly and sequentially describe the opportunities provided to students for practice and application of skills under direct teacher supervision. This may involve modeling, use of prompt hierarchies and use of key discussion questions to stimulate thought and provoke inquiry.

*Independent Practice - Explicitly and sequentially describe the opportunities provided to students to practice and apply skills independently. This provides a platform for formative assessment practices and connection to lesson objectives.

CLOSURE: A process designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. Used to help

students bring things together in their own minds, to use, apply and extend what has just been taught. The lesson summary includes a review of central lesson concepts and/or essential questions, a preview of future learning, an application to daily living or an expansion/extension of concept. page 39



DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Specific activities designed to provide for the instructional needs of ALL students (e.g., learning profile, ethnicity, ability, gender). Learning profiles can include student interests, readiness, and learning styles.

Instruction should be differentiated through: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and/or 4) learning

environment. Describe how differentiation meets the learning needs of students in your classroom and research-based strategies utilized to optimize learning.

Additional individualized strategies as mandated by IEPs and 504 plans include:

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES, MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY: List all materials, resources and technology utilized in the instruction of a lesson.


ANALYSIS OF STUDENT LEARNING: Review of data and documented evidence of lesson results as related to instructional objectives or standards. ANALYSIS OF TEACHING: Include modifications/recommendations of current instruction for future

application on 1) planning and preparation, 2) classroom environment, 3) instruction, and 4) professional responsibilities as related to instructional objectives or standards.

*Approved by COE Assessment Committee 5-8-13

Page 40


Scoring Rubric for Special Education Lesson Plan (also used for Deaf Education)

Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Candidates write goals/ objectives aligned with standards. CEC 6.1

The candidate designs and communicates lesson objectives that are observably aligned to the CEC and PA Common Core Standards and support all students with exceptionalities in meeting rigorous learning goals. Candidate uses the lesson objectives as a means to target instruction and determine impact of instruction on the learning of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate designs and communicates lesson objectives that are observably aligned to the CEC and PA Common Core Standards and support all students with exceptionalities in meeting rigorous learning goals. Candidate uses the lesson objectives as a means to target instruction for students with exceptionalities.

The candidate designs and may or may not communicate lesson objectives that are observably but not necessarily meaningfully aligned to the CEC or PA Common Core Standards. Additionally, the candidate writes lesson objectives that may or may not support students with exceptionalities in meeting identified learning goals. OR Candidate uses the lesson objectives as a means to target instruction for students with exceptionalities; however, the candidate uses lesson objectives that are not in alignment with the needs of the students with exceptionalities.

The candidate designs and/or communicates lesson objectives that are not meaningfully aligned to the CEC or PA Common Core Standards. Additionally, the candidate writes lesson objectives that do not support students with exceptionalities in meeting identified learning goals. AND Candidate uses the lesson objectives as a means to target instruction for students with exceptionalities; however, the candidate uses lesson objectives that are not in alignment with the needs of the students with exceptionalities.

Candidates demonstrate knowledge of learner development and individual learner differences in the lesson planning. CEC 1.1, 1.2

The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing and implementing meaningful and challenging academic and social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive (language, culture, and family background). Candidate differentiates learning experiences based on the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication needs.

The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing and implementing meaningful and challenging academic or social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that are developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive (language, culture, and family background). Candidate individualizes learning experiences based on the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication needs.

The candidate demonstrates a limited understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing academic or social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that may or may not be developmentally appropriate or culturally responsive (language, culture, and family background). However, while implementing the lesson the candidate does not tailor learning experiences to the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication needs.

The candidate demonstrates a limited understanding of the impact of learner development and individual differences on instructional planning by designing academic or social learning experiences for students with exceptionalities that are not developmentally appropriate or culturally responsive (language, culture, and family background). Additionally, while implementing the lesson the candidate does not tailor learning experiences to the students’ interests, learning preferences, and communication needs.

Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Candidates demonstrate in their planning and teaching, an under- standing of general and specialized curricular content knowledge. CEC 3.1, 3.2

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of general and specialized curricula in planning and delivering instruction by presenting key concepts related to the lesson objective in a systematic and errorless manner. Candidate provides a variety of examples that support student learning. Candidate differentiates learning by utilizing methods, curricular content, and student products that will result in meaningful learning progressions within and across curricular domains for students with exceptionalities.

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of general and specialized curricula in planning and delivering instruction by presenting key concepts related to the lesson objective in a systematic and errorless manner. Candidate individualizes learning by selecting methods and curricular content that will result in meaningful learning progressions for students with exceptionalities.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of general and specialized curricula in planning and delivering instruction by presenting key concepts that relate to the lesson objective, but the candidate makes errors in presentation. When errors are made, the candidate self-corrects or responds to a prompt from a cooperating professional/university supervisor. Given the candidate makes errors in the design and/or presentation of content, the learning progressions of students with exceptionalities are negatively impacted.

The candidate demonstrates unacceptable knowledge of general and specialized curricula in planning and delivering instruction by presenting key concepts that may or may not relate to the lesson objective. Errors in presentation of the content are observed. When errors are made, the candidate does not self-correct or respond to a prompt from a cooperating professional/university supervisor.

Given the candidate makes errors in the design and/or presentation of content, the learning progressions of students with exceptionalities are negatively impacted.

Candidates adapt instruction to increase curricular access and improve learning. CEC 3.3

The candidate designs and implements curricular adaptations that are tailored to the needs of students with exceptionalities to make content knowledge accessible and improve student learning. Candidate selects adaptations that foster learner independence, and can be used across curricular areas.

The candidate designs and implements curricular adaptations that are tailored to the needs of students with exceptionalities to make content knowledge accessible and improve student learning. Candidate selects adaptations that foster learner independence in the current setting, but the adaptations may not be viable across curricular areas.

The candidate designs curricular adaptations that are tailored to the students’ needs to make content knowledge accessible, but the candidate does not incorporate the adaptations into the instructional delivery. Consequently, it is not evident that the adaptations could improve student learning.

The candidate designs curricular adaptations that are not tailored to the students’ instructional needs. Therefore, it is not evident that the candidate makes content knowledge accessible for students with exceptionalities.

Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Candidates use formative and summative assessments that are aligned with lesson objectives and CEC Standards. CEC 4.1, 4.2

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of formative and summative assessment in the planning and implementing of instruction by selecting and using formative and summative assessments that are culturally responsive, align with student interests, monitor learner progress, and guide instructional decision making.

Candidate designs and utilizes a record keeping system within the lesson plan that monitors students’ responses as well as errors within the lesson. Based on student responses, the candidate adjusts instruction to meet the needs of the students with exceptionalities.

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of formative and summative assessment in the planning and implementing of instruction by selecting and using formative and summative assessments that are culturally responsive and monitor learner progress and guide instructional decision making.

Candidate designs and utilizes a record keeping system within the lesson plan that monitors students’ responses within the lesson. Based on student responses, the candidate adjusts instruction to meet the needs of the students with exceptionalities.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of formative and summative assessment in the planning and implementing of instruction by selecting formative and summative assessments that are culturally responsive, but do not effectively monitor learner progress and assist the candidate in making instructional decisions.

OR Candidate designs and utilizes a record keeping system within the lesson plan that monitors students’ responses within the lesson. At the conclusion of the lesson, the candidate examines student responses to determine where adjustments to instruction should have been made.

The candidate demonstrates unacceptable knowledge of formative and summative assessment in the planning and implementing of instruction by selecting formative and summative assessments that are culturally responsive, but do not effectively monitor learner progress and assist the candidate in making instructional decisions.

AND Candidate designs and utilizes a record keeping system within the lesson plan that does not effectively monitor students’ responses within the lesson. Due to the lack of meaningful data, candidate cannot use the data to determine where adjustments to instruction should have been made.

Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Candidates take into consideration the student with exceptionalities learning needs during instructional planning and selection of teaching strategies. CEC 5.1, 5.3, 5.6

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of instructional planning and strategies by selecting, adapting, and using a range of evidence-based instructional strategies that address the individual interests, abilities, needs and background of students with exceptionalities. Candidate seamlessly integrates explicit instruction techniques and modifications, and incorporates accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student learning of and access to the instructional content and activities. Candidate designs instruction that encourages students with exceptionalities to use and apply skills in other learning environments.

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of instructional planning and strategies by selecting, adapting, and using a range of evidence-based instructional strategies that address the individual interests, abilities, needs and background of students with exceptionalities. Candidate seamlessly integrates explicit instruction techniques, and modifications, and incorporates accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student learning of and access to the instructional content and activities. Candidate designs instruction that encourages students with exceptionalities to use and apply skills within the classroom.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of instructional planning and strategies by selecting adapting, and using instructional strategies that do not address the individual interests, abilities, needs and background of students with exceptionalities. OR Candidate attempts to integrate explicit instructional techniques and incorporates modifications or, accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student learning of and access to the instructional content and activities; however, it is not clear how students with exceptionalities will access the content and activities. AND Candidate designs instruction that does not encourage students with exceptionalities to use and apply skills within the classroom.

The candidate demonstrates unacceptable knowledge of instructional planning and strategies by selecting, adapting, and using instructional strategies that do not address the individual interests, abilities, needs and background of students with exceptionalities. AND Candidate does not use explicit instructional techniques, modifications, or accommodations (inclusive of AAC systems and AT to support the language and communication needs of the learner) to improve student learning of and access to the instructional content and activities. AND Candidate designs instruction that does not encourage students with exceptionalities to use and apply skills within the classroom.

Elements Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Inconsistently Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Candidates reflect on the impact of the lesson on students with exceptionalities. CEC 6.1, 6.2, 6.4

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of reflection by discussing the effective and ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. Candidate supports the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate is able to use professional resources (cooperating teachers, paraprofessionals, university supervisor) and literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning.

The candidate demonstrates knowledge of reflection by discussing the effective and ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. Candidate supports the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate is able to use professional literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of reflection by discussing only the effective or ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selection, and activity selection. OR Candidate does not support the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candidate selects professional literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning, but it is not evident how the literature supports the change.

The candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of reflection by discuss only the effective or ineffective components of the lesson including curricular content, method selectio and activity selection. AND Candidate does not support the discussion with examples from the lesson and supporting assessment data. For the areas in which the candidate is ineffective, the candid selects professional literature to support the changes that could be made to improve the impact on student learning, but it is not evide how the literature supports the change.

Candidates collaborate with colleagues in the instructional planning and delivery of the lesson. CEC 7.3

The candidate collaborates with professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) and families during lesson planning and implementation by incorporating their ideas to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully involve students with exceptionalities in lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and to promote the well- being of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate demonstrates collaboration with professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) during lesson planning and implementation by incorporating their ideas to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully involve students with exceptionalities in the lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and to promote the well-being of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate consults with colleagues; however, the candidate does not appear to incorporate ideas of professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) during lesson planning and implementation to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully include students with exceptionalities in the lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and may or may not promote the well-being of students with exceptionalities.

The candidate consults with colleagues when prompted by the cooperating teacher; however, the candidate does not incorporate idea of the professional educators (e.g., teachers, grade level team, paraeducators) during lesson plann and implementation to create culturally responsive learning environments that meaningfully involve students with exceptionalit in the lesson learning activities and positive social interactions, and to promote the well-being of students with exceptionalities.

Special Education Lesson Plan (also used for Deaf Education Lesson Plan, with the word ‘special’ being interchangeable with ‘Deaf’) GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN This special education lesson plan is used to plan and implement lessons in the special education student teaching placement. The special education lesson plan and special education rubric were used as assignments in other classes to prepare for this student teaching assignment. For this assignment, you will design and implement one special education lesson plan following the directions provided. To facilitate candidates’ demonstration of the understanding of the link between teacher directives, expected student responses, material usage, data collection, and analysis, the directions have been adapted to guide you in writing the assigned lesson plan. The lesson plan format and directions support key components for developing, implementing, and reflecting upon the lesson. The components are: content and skill selection, standards, instructional objective, formative and summative assessment, introduction, instructional methods, guided practice, independent practice, closure, differentiated activities, instructional resources, materials, and technology, analysis of student learning, and analysis of teaching. Using the lesson plan components, the special education lesson plan rubric (teacher candidate performance expectations), and in collaboration with your co-operating teacher and other professionals, develop one special education lesson that will be implemented and then submitted as a required assignment for this course. In planning, implementing, and reflecting on your lesson plan, you are required to meet with your cooperating teacher and other relevant professionals* (e.g., university supervisor, paraeducators, general education teachers, related service providers, and families). The input from this collaboration must be considered throughout the lesson plan process. To demonstrate your collaboration, the attached form must be completed with verification (e.g., signature, e-mail). The completed lesson plan will be assessed using the Special Education Lesson Plan Rubric. Candidates must meet CEC Initial Preparation Standards on this assessment to pass SPECED 461/561. If on the initial submission of the plan, the candidate does not meet standards, the plan must be revised and submitted until standards are met. The meeting of standards is defined as having an average rating of “meets expectations” across the assessment. SPECIAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN DIRECTIONS FOR EACH COMPONENT Describe what you will say or do for each component in the lesson. SPECIFIC LESSON PLAN DIRECTIONS –SKILL SELECTION Select the content area (e.g., Reading, Mathematics, Life Skills) and the skill to be taught (identified from the scope and sequence for that content area). SPECIFIC LESSON PLAN DIRECTIONS – LESSON FOUNDATION

1. Standard(s)/Anchors: Select a PA Common Core Standard(s) that aligns with the grade level content and curricular scope and sequence. The standard(s) describes what students should demonstrate and be able to do as a result of the instruction; it sets expectations for student knowledge and skills.

2. Instructional Objective(s): Write an objective(s) that depicts and measures rigorous academic and social learning goals for students with exceptionalities. The objective(s) should specify the condition, learner, measurable behavioral performance, and criteria.

a. Condition - Describe the circumstance under which the skill will be taught. b. Learner - Write “the learner will…” c. Behavior - Clearly delineate what the learner with exceptionalities will demonstrate after instruction has occurred;

ensure alignment with the standard(s). d. Criteria - Describe the level of performance expected of the learner with exceptionalities, and the number of trials

required to achieve the objective. 3. Formative and Summative Assessment: Identify the assessment tools and procedures that will be used to assess the

student, and state when to administer each assessment(s) (i.e., prior to, during, and/or after instruction). Describe the recording system that will be used to document student responses and errors. Examples, such as recorded observations, student artifacts, performance tasks, or self-evaluation may be used to engage learners in their own growth.

Page 46

SPECIFIC LESSON PLAN DIRECTIONS – LESSON BODY TEACHING PROCEDURES: Describe the step-by-step process/procedure for teaching a concept(s) and/or skill(s) identified in the instructional objective(s). Include all five components as listed below. 1. Introduction: Describe how you will introduce the academic standard(s), objective(s), and/or essential question(s) to be

addressed in the lesson. Include a motivational device or strategy such as, self-questioning, predicting, brainstorming, or using graphic organizers. The introductory activity you describe should connect to prior learning and link to current learning and include an explanation of why the concept/skill to be learned is important.

2. Instructional Methods Used to Present Subject Matter: Explicitly and sequentially describe how you will teach the lesson's concept(s) or skill(s) using evidence-based and differentiated instructional practices that address your lesson’s objective(s). Include how you will model and provide a variety of examples to support student learning of the concept or skill being taught.

3. Guided Practice: Explicitly and sequentially describe the opportunities you will provide to students for practice and application of the concept or skill being taught under your direct supervision. This may involve modeling, use of prompt hierarchies, task analysis, differentiated activities. Include how you with give frequent feedback and correction.

4. Independent Practice: Explicitly and sequentially describe the opportunities you will provide to students to practice and apply the concept or skill independently. Ensure that the practice activities specified are meaningful, challenging, and aligned with the learning objective(s), and provide for errorless learning.

5. Closure: Describe how you will summarize/conclude the lesson to help students bring together the concept or skill, and to use, apply, generalize to other learning environments and extend what has been taught.


1. Differentiated Learning Activities: Describe how you will differentiate instruction to meet the learning needs of students with exceptionalities. Include any individualized strategies (e.g., strategies identified in students’ IEPs and/or 504 plans) relevant to this lesson.

2. Instructional Resources, Materials and Technology: List all materials, resources, and technology you will utilize in the instruction of this lesson, such as Augmentative or Alternative Communication system(s) and Assistive Technology, to support delivery of instruction, and enhance language and communication for students with exceptionalities.


1. Analysis of Student Learning: Review the formative and/or summative assessment data collected during your lesson. Analyze the results and report the evidence of student learning as related to the instructional objective(s). Compare your pre- and post-assessment data. As a result of the data analysis, describe what you will do to improve and/or enhance student performance.

2. Analysis of Teaching: Through reflection, describe your areas of strength and need for each component of your lesson and the effectiveness of instruction as reflected by student learning. Describe and support the modifications and recommendations based on your reflection, in collaboration with professionals and in support of the literature.

Page 47

Verification of Collaboration Form—Lesson Plan Complete this form after each collaborative meeting or consultation. Ensure that each member in attendance (e.g., cooperating teacher, university supervisor, paraeducators, general education teachers, related service providers, grade-level team, and families) signs this form.

Date/Time Person(s) Feedback Comments Signature(s)*

Use additional paper as needed

Page 48

Appendix O

Elements of a Performance Objective A performance objective includes: 1. the conditions under which measurement will occur 2. the actual behavior 3. the measurement standard or criterion The conditions element lists the specific circumstance(s) or situation(s) in which the student will perform. Examples of condition categories include time, materials, environmental setting, manner of assistance, etc. The behavioral element is usually an action word which delineates what the target is expected to do. The clarity of the objective is to a great degree dependent upon the specificity of this word. Verbs which precisely define the expected performance will be employed in well-stated objectives. The criterion element indicates the acceptable level or standard for performance. This part of the objective clearly states the level of performance which the teacher expects. This is an important part of the objective because it defines the minimum expected achievement. The learning objective now has magnitude, in addition to directionality. Table I provides explicit illustrations of each element.

Page 49

Appendix P


Conditions (Givens)

Actual Behavior (Action Verb)

Measurement Standard

One-hour exam In front of class Without reference When presented with a typed list Given a slide rule Random sample W/o dictionary Using three sounds 10-minute quiz using a 10-key adding machine given a blueprint without a scale drawing using a shop manual without calipers Suggestion: What are the givens, the limitations, the restrictions which are imposed on the pupil when demonstrating the terminal behavior? They might include information, tools, equipment, source, materials to be or not to be used.

To Write Point Touch Underline Distinguish Identify Construct Answer Name Order Describe State Apply rule Demonstrate Interpret Compile Discriminate Compute Etc. Suggestion: Use clear action verbs which are observable.

90 percent correct four out of five list four steps 10 words correctly distinguish 3 main ideas nearest percent nearest tenth 100 percent accuracy in alphabetical order 50 wpm for 5 minutes nearest thousandth Suggestion: How effectively is the behavior performed? What is the minimum acceptable level of performance required to indicate mastery of the objective?

Page 50


Appendix Q Action Verbs Useful in Specifying Student Outcomes

GENERAL AREAS OF BEHAVIOR General Discriminative Behaviors choose discriminate match collect distinguish omit define identify order describe indicate place detect isolate point differentiate list select Social Behaviors accept discuss participate agree excuse permit aid express play allow follow praise answer forgive react argue greet remain communicate help smile compliment interact talk contribute invite thank cooperate join volunteer dance laugh wait disagree meet Language Behaviors abbreviate look to spell accent outline state alphabetize print summarize articulate pronounce syllabicate associate punctuate tell call read turn to capitalize recite translate demonstrate repeat use edit say verbalize hyphenate sign whisper identify select write indent speak

Page 51

Motor Behaviors balance grasp roll build hold sit catch jump stack copy kick thread crawl kneel throw cut lift track fold paste walk gallop print Study Behaviors arrange follow organize categorize gather quote chart itemize record cite label reproduce circle locate search classify look sort compile map underline copy mark diagram mate find name Self-Care Behaviors bite feed secure brush hold sit clean open snap close put on swallow drink reach take off dry replace wash eat retain zip fasten scoop

ATTITUDES AND VALUES Responding answers notes clarifies attempts participates in begins responds to Preferring advocates identifies proposes asks for initiates recommends avoids invites seeks challenges justifies states chooses offers takes defends praises undertakes describes presents volunteers displays promotes page 52

Complying Carries out does meets Completes follows submits Accepting articulates does submits carries out identifies supports chooses offers undertakes completes selects volunteers contributes states describes

BEHAVIORS LISTED ACCORDING TO BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Observing cites names reports describes points out shares expresses points to states indicates records identifies lists relates Remembering chooses names reproduces cites points out restates describes relates states lists repeats tells matches reports writes Interpreting demonstrates graphs restates depicts illustrates retells dramatizes pantomimes role plays draws paraphrases simulates enacts presents sketches explains renders states in own words expresses rephrases Comparing cites lists reports describes names states explains outlines expresses points out Classifying arranges names sorts catalogs outlines tabulates graphs places labels rearranges

page 53

Generalizing abstracts identifies relates expresses presents groups proposes Inferring expresses presents states formulates proposes identifies relates Analyzing cites illustrates points out describes lists relates expresses outlines Synthesizing assembles expresses produces constructs illustrates proposes depicts makes puts together explains presents relates Hypothesizing expresses guesses speculates identifies proposes relates invents presents states Predicting estimates presents speculates expresses proposes states identifies relates Evaluating argues criticizes explains classifies describes justifies compares equates supports These listings were provided by two sources from Allegheny Intermediate Unit. Verbs relating to Attitude and Bloom’s Taxonomy appeared in Planned Course Development – Workshop Series, Instructional Support Division. The remainder were from I.U. #3’s Central Support Project.

Page 54

Appendix R

Classification of Educational Objectives and Illustrative Behavioral Terms _____________________________________________________________________________ COGNITIVE DOMAIN VERBS Know define, describe, identify, label, (Remember) list, locate, match, name, outline, reproduce, select Comprehend convert, defend, distinguish, (Interpret) estimate, explain, give examples, infer, paraphrase, predict, rewrite, summarize, translate Apply change, compute, construct, (Use) demonstrate, manipulate, modify, operate, predict, prepare, produce, relate, show, solve, use Analyze diagram, differentiate, (Break down) discriminate, identify, illustrate, infer, outline, point out, relate, select, separate, subdivide Synthesize categorize, combine, compile, (Put together in new form) compose, create, devise, design explain, formulate, generate, integrate, modify, organize, plan, rearrange, reconstruct, relate, reorganize, revise, rewrite, summarize, write Evaluate appraise, compare, conclude, (Judge value) contrast, criticize, describe, discriminate, explain, justify, interpret, relate, summarize, support

page 55

AFFECTIVE DOMAIN VERBS Receive ask, choose, describe, follow, (Attending) give, hold, locate, name, select, sit erect, reply Respond answer, assist, comply, conform, (React) discuss, greet, help, label, perform, practice, present, read, recite, report, select, tell, write Value complete, describe, differentiate, (Internalization) explain, follow, form, initiate, invite, join, justify, propose, read, report, select, share, study, work Organize adhere, alter, arrange, combine, (Building a value system) compare, complete, defend, explain, generalize, identify, integrate, modify, order, organize, prepare, relate, synthesize Characterization act, discriminate, display, (Philosophy of life) influence, listen, modify, perform, practice, propose, qualify, question, revise, serve, solve, use, verify PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN VERBS To date, a classification system assemble, build, calibrate, for this domain has not been completed. change, clean, compose, connect, construct, correct, create, design, dismantle, drill, fasten, fix, follow, grind, grip, hammer, heat, hook, identify, locate, make, manipulate, mend, mix, nail, paint, sand, saw, sharpen, set, sew, sketch, start, stir, use, weigh, wrap. Reference: Readings in Mental Retardation page 56

Appendix S

Guidelines for Teacher candidate Evaluation _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Name of Cooperating Teacher Name of Teacher Candidate/Semester

The purpose of this evaluation form is to help guide the teacher candidate in understanding his/her specific strengths and weaknesses. If completed with this objective in mind, the teacher candidate, cooperating teacher, and college supervisor should be able to plan sequential steps that guide the teacher candidate in continuous professional growth throughout the experience. A special time should be set aside, at the discretion of the cooperating teacher, at the mid-point and prior to the completion of each student teaching assignment for the teacher candidate and cooperating teacher to discuss the completed evaluation form. During these conferences, the teacher candidate should have access to the completed evaluation form as the cooperating teacher discusses various competency areas. The cooperating teacher should keep in mind the importance of evaluation of each item in specific terms rather than using broad generalizations. By following this procedure, the cooperating teacher can give specific suggestions for improvement; consequently, the teacher candidate will also know exactly what is expected related to his/her future performance. Teacher candidate evaluation, however, should be continuous and should not be exclusive to these conferences. It is understood that a teacher candidate may not have had the opportunity to develop certain competencies during the first or second evaluation periods. Furthermore, a few competencies may not be measurable in a given classroom. If either situation should occur, please indicate by placing N/A (not applicable) in the appropriate category. The teacher candidate is not penalized for areas not scored. Each competency should be evaluated with the following criteria in mind: 3. Distinguished - Performs task with a high degree of effectiveness; requires little or no supervision.

2. Proficient - Performance is continually improving; still requires general direction in this area to maintain effectiveness. 1. Basic - Requires direction and/or demonstration from co-op and supervisor to maintain effectiveness.

0. Unsatisfactory - Specific direction and supervision does not alter unsatisfactory performance and ability to make changes; performance is inadequate to recommend for teaching.

N/A Not Applicable

Page 57




1. Lesson plan is appropriate to age group and subject 2. Demonstrates knowledge of students’ needs/interests 3. Demonstrates knowledge of content & pedagogy 4. Demonstrates knowledge of classroom resources 5. Designs lessons for differentiated instruction


6. Creates a safe, engaging learning environment 7. Interacts respectfully/genuinely with students 8. Manages transitions smoothly and efficiently 9. Monitors and responds to student behavior

10. Arranges and oversees student work groups 11. Demonstrates classroom management strategies

INSTRUCTION 12. Communicates clear learning expectations 13. Voice is loud, clear and pleasant 14. Introduction (set) is made to the lesson 15. Communicates importance/relevance of content 16. Asks key questions allowing adequate response time 17. Content/ideas communicated clearly and accurately 18. Technology is effectively utilized 19. Motivates students with positive reinforcement 20. Uses variety of materials, activities and methods 21. Assesses students for understanding during the lesson 22. Appropriate summary/conclusion evidenced 23. Assessment is made at the conclusion of a lesson 24. Lesson plan is followed and adjusted when necessary 25. Uses correct oral and written language

Page 58




1. Professional in appearance and demeanor 2. Assignments are neat and timely 3. Follows rules and policies of the institution 4. Uses self-reflection for future teaching 5. Welcomes and seeks out feedback for improvement 6. Works effectively with cooperating teacher 7. Communicates well with university supervisor 8. Connects with students’ families


9. handles information about children, peers, colleagues and supervisors ethically. 10. demonstrates flexibility by adapting readily to changes and emergency situations. 11. displays initiative, punctuality and accountability on a consistent basis. 12. develops an I.E.P. consistent with the standards of the school district or I.U. (including assessment by teacher candidate).

13. submits and discusses lesson plans with cooperating teacher and/or paraprofessional in advance of teaching.

14. demonstrates flexibility in planning and scheduling. 15. writes objectives indicating measurable and/or observable performance. 16. plans a project (unit, I.E.P., or other appropriate project) that considers specific functional and/or developmental levels of students.

17. utilizes Pennsylvania K-12 Academic Standards in planning instruction. 18. demonstrates effective prevention by anticipating potential problem areas and takes precautions to eliminate them.

19. takes care to establish accuracy, objectivity and confidentiality of reports. 20. consistently reinforces appropriate behavior and enforces class rules. 21. manages more than one group (subject/program/activity) simultaneously.

Page 59


EVALUATION Midpoint Final

DEAF EDUCATION PROGRAM ADDENDUM OF COMPETENCIES (cont’d) The Teacher candidate: 1. provides equitable learning opportunities for all students. 2. effectively works with and/or directs paraprofessionals and/or other support staff. 3. experiments with alternative and innovative devices and techniques. 4. gives concrete examples and takes advantage of real-life situations. 5. effectively works with other teachers in the school. 6. effectively works with multiple groups. 7. paces lesson to ensure appropriate length and sequence. 8. understands and supports what the regular class teacher is teaching. 9. focuses on other groups during direct instruction with one or two other groups. 10. uses a method of record keeping that precisely indicates the growth and accomplishments of each child (progress monitoring).

11. records the extent to which objectives were achieved. 12. re-teaches or adjusts objectives which are not achieved. 13. effectively links assessment(s) with intervention approach(es) delineated in I.E.P. 14. completes all clerical responsibilities in a timely manner (grading assignments, attendance reports, progress reports, etc.).

15. manages and maintains Assistive Listening and Communication Devices (ALDs)

R page 60


College of Education – CS & TC for Video-Self Eval Appendix T Classroom Observation Form Bloomsburg University Teacher candidate ______________________________________ Activity ________________________________ Time________________ Date __________________ PLANNING & PREPARATION: demonstrates knowledge of content/pedagogy/standards OBJECTIVES uses available resources, materials, or technology Lesson Plans: collects background info uses appropriate methods/materials/activities ______________________________________________________________________________________________ detail blocked easy to follow difficult to follow assessments aligned to goals/student needs Goals/Objectives: criterion terminal behavior conditions sequenced ______________________________________________________________________________________________ adapted to student needs based upon previous evaluation reflect PA standards Organization: portfolio _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Set: beginning throughout Type – stated objective model ______________________________________________________________________________________________ background information alerted students to important parts of lessons other ___________________________________________________ Reinforcement: none single word repetitive varied specific ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Motivation: promise of success provides feedback on progress ______________________________________________________________________________________________ animation importance of topic communicated no identifiable technique employed voice Presentation: small steps focus upon single concept use of new knowledge ______________________________________________________________________________________________ pace (Fast, Slow, Appropriate) detailed directions examples (Many-Few) variety of approaches (1, 2, 3, 4) teaches to objective vocabulary level ___________________________________ Independent Practice: directed non-directed circulates ______________________________________________________________________________________________ checks work corrects and reinforces checks for student understanding other _______________ Closure: used not used throughout lesson conclusion only ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Type – summarizes student involvement students summarize indicates completion of task connection to future learning Other: use of past knowledge identifies similarities between ideas ______________________________________________________________________________________________ identifies how skill will be used in different situations (future) insures task mastery before new concept is introduced feeling tone (Neutral-Positive-Negative) uses student ideas ______________________________________________________________________________________________ considers degree of original learning (identifies gaps) clear/accurate explanations evidence of student growth flexibility responsive to student needs engages students in learning process: questioning/discussion assesses student learning: formal/informal integrates various disciplines within curriculum CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT: clear expectations for student achievement/work quality equitable learning opportunities for all students establishes rules-clearly communicates rules prepares for and minimizes transitions ______________________________________________________________________________________________ appropriate interactions: teacher and students/students and students assertive consistent provides meaningful consequences establishes and maintains student support/rapport employs plans establishes routine considers physical/safety factors cues On Task Behavior of Student: most of the time mostly off task varies TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM: follows rules and policies of institution (punctuality, attendance) cultivates professional relationships: Co-op teacher, other school staff, students, university supervisor self-evaluation presence accurate records attire accepts/acts on feedback ______________________________________________________________________________________________ contributes to school and/or community effective communication: oral/written OTHER: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________page 61________________________________________________________________________________________________


Appendix U

Instructional Procedures Refinement Form For the Self-Evaluation Program

Subject ______________________________ Date _______ Time________ Step 1: View video or listen to audio cassette of your lesson. A. Perceived Strengths: B. Concerns: C. My immediate objective(s) for my next few lessons will be:

Page 62

Appendix V

Weekly Suggested Teacher candidate/Supervising Classroom Teacher Activities (for

itinerant teachers, adapt as needed)

Activities for First Week

Teacher Candidate Supervising Teacher First day – report to the principal’s office – introduce self. Meet class – join in group activities. Observe class routine and procedures. Prepare copies of class roll and daily schedule. Explore room to become familiar with materials and resources, and their locations. Begin to help individual children with teacher’s permission. Associate with children during recess, or other informal periods. Observe standards of behavior for different activities. Begin to conduct total group activities for a period not to exceed a class period each day – such as games, roll call, discussions. Become familiar with basic texts used for skill areas. Become familiar with school rules and regulations by reading School Policy Handbook. Select pupil for assessment and IEP development with CT help.

Orient teacher candidate to school and introduce to staff. Familiarize teacher candidate with supply sources and procedures for obtaining them. Provide class roll – program schedule – school rules and regulations. Provide teacher candidate with desk or similar work area. Supply teacher candidate with a School Policy Handbook. Introduce teacher candidate to class. Discuss teacher candidate schedule plan for beginning of participation in classroom activities. Discuss teacher candidate responsibilities such as lesson plans, arrival time, duties, absence procedures, etc. Require teacher candidate to observe teaching. Observe and give suggestions to teacher candidate for any activities in which he/she is engaged. Provide basic skill area texts for teacher candidate. Prepare a list of suggestions for directed observations – i.e. routine procedures, child behavior, discipline options, special teacher techniques for handling groups.

Page 63

Activities for Second Week

Teacher candidate Supervising Classroom Teacher Teach total group activity for at least one class period daily. Make written lesson plans for lessons taught. Submit plans in advance to supervising teacher for corrective feedback. Continue to observe classroom instruction, especially the teaching of skill subjects. Share playground, lunchroom, or similar responsibilities. Observe and note teacher’s methods and techniques for handling group, special discipline problems. Prepare a list of ways supervising teacher handles classroom routines and management. Teach reading and arithmetic lesson to small group. Become involved in classroom activities, give help and assistance when needed. Visit other special education or regular education classes in building. Ask questions about observations, teaching skills, materials, etc. Identify and consult with support personnel (speech clinician, physical therapist, etc.) Confirm pupil for assessment and IEP development. Outline a take over schedule. Page 64

Make comments on teacher candidate’s lesson plans. Evaluate teacher candidate performance; discuss strengths and weaknesses with teacher candidate. Encourage self-evaluation by student. Provide samples of types of seatwork activities suitable for class. Discuss activities which teacher candidate might use with individual child. Help teacher candidate plan appropriate goals, content, and seatwork for lessons to be presented. Share your planning with the teacher candidate; emphasize the importance of planning ahead. Demonstrate a specific teaching technique or skill – discuss and evaluate the lesson with the teacher candidate. Provide children’s cumulative records. Begin list of materials, texts, etc. loaned to teacher candidate. Remind student to list in priority classes to be taken over (a take over schedule). Confirm pupil for assessment and IEP development that the two of you will collaborate on or that the ST will lead, and collaboratively with CT.

Activities for the Third Week

Teacher candidate Supervising Classroom Teacher

Assist in preparing materials. Teach about two periods of the day including total group activities and two small groups. Plan bulletin board displayor learning center activity. Assist children in changing classes, going to special rooms, dismissal, etc. Be responsible for managing behavior of children while in charge of a group. Practice self-evaluation of teaching experiences. Familiarize yourself with children’s papers and work. Continue to observe classroom instructions – planned observations. Continue to submit teaching plans to supervising teacher. Test pupil chosen for IEP (if appropriate). List any additional activities you were able to experience above. Page 65

Include teacher candidate in parent conferences if scheduled. Emphasize growth and learning aspect of student teaching experiences. Explain reasons for techniques and approaches used in your teaching. Make available resources and materials for teaching. Give teacher candidate opportunities to feel independent. Discuss list of observed classroom routines and management with the teacher candidate. ** Complete first evaluation on overall performance of teacher candidate (same as final evaluation).

Activities for Fourth Week

Teacher candidate Supervising Classroom Teacher

Increase teaching time to about one-half of the day, or three instructional periods. In teaching and classroom responsibilities, include academic and non-academic areas. Help keep records of children’s progress. Plan second bulletin board. Be involved with children at individual, small group, and total group levels. Try many ways and approaches to teaching lessons. Be prompt in returning borrowed materials, equipment, etc. Be considerate and neat in using materials and resources. List any additional activities you were able to experience above. Page 66

Be sure that teacher candidate has access to teaching materials. Continue to support and encourage efforts of teacher candidate through written and oral comments. Begin to leave room for short periods of time while teacher candidate is teaching. Help teacher candidate in proper use of instructional technology (if necessary). Discuss evaluation with teacher candidate. Require plans only for new activities – discontinue plans for routines such as opening exercises, etc.

Activities for Fifth Week

Teacher candidate Supervising Classroom Teacher Increase teaching responsibilities to about three-fourths of the day or four instructional periods. Assume all routine management of children. Submit plans for intensive teaching experience. Prepare for unit work during intensive teaching period. Be aware of mechanics and housekeeping needs of the classroom. Continue to submit lesson plans and self-evaluations. Prepare materials needed for teaching. Complete IEP. List any additional activities you were able to experience above. Page 67

Include teacher candidate in meetings that may arise (faculty, parents). Continue observation and evaluation of teacher candidate lessons. Take advantage of opportunities to work with individual children, administer progress tests, special help, etc. Help children adjust to the increasing role of the teacher candidate in the classroom.

Activities for Sixth and Seventh Weeks

Teacher candidate Supervising Classroom Teacher If practical, assume full day teaching responsibility. Prepare all needed materials for teaching. Initiate instructional unit if not already in progress. Know where supervising teacher can be reached if necessary. Be independent in handling group, but don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Share day’s experiences with supervising teacher, especially if she has been out of the room. List any additional activities you were able to experience above.

**Complete second evaluation on overall performance of teacher candidate after week six (same as final evaluation). Discuss evaluation with teacher candidate. Observe areas of teaching not already observed. Spot check areas of weakness. Plan with teacher candidate for intensive teaching. Explain and make necessary suggestions to avoid disaster. Leave room to allow teacher candidate freedom for teaching. Be available if teacher candidate needs help.

Activities for Eighth Week

Teacher candidate Supervising Classroom Teacher Perform classroom routine non-academic activities. Return all materials and resources borrowed. Be responsible for physical condition of room. Express appreciation to principal and other staff for their help. Complete unfinished units, projects, etc., if not finished during intensive teaching. Begin turning responsibilities back to supervising classroom teacher.

Help children plan farewell for teacher candidate. Check list of borrowed materials; are all returned? Begin taking over teaching skill subjects. Complete final overall evaluation form. Discuss with teacher candidate the final evaluation (strengths and areas that need development for future growth).

Adapted for Deaf Education (12/16) page 68

Appendix W Student Teaching Resources: Deaf Education

Bodner-Johnson, B., & Sass-Lehrer, M. (2003). The young Deaf or hard of hearing child: A family- centered approach to early education. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Bullard, C. (2003). The itinerant teacher’s handbook. Hillsboro, OR: Butte.

Chute, P., & Nevins, M. (2006). School professionals working with children with cochlear implants. San

Diego, CA: Plural.

Easterbrooks, S., & Beal-Avarez, J. (2013). Literacy instruction for students who are Deaf and hard of hearing:

Professional perspectives on deafness: Evidence and applications. New York City, NY: Oxford University


*Easterbrooks, S., & Baker, S. (2002). Language learning in children who are Deaf and hard of hearing:

Multiple pathways. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

*Marschark, M., Langu, H., & Albertini, J. (2002). Educating Deaf students: From research to practice.

New York: Oxford University Press.

Moog, J., Stein, K., Biedenstein, J., & Gustus, C. H. (2003). Teaching activities for children who are Deaf and hard of hearing. St. Louis, MO: The Moog Center for Deaf Education.

*Moores, D., & Martin, D. (2006). Deaf learners: Development in curriculum and instruction.

Washington,D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.Paul, P. V. (2009) Language and deafness. Sunbury, MA.: Jones and Bartlett.

Seaver, L. (2009). The book of choice: Support for parenting a child who is Deaf or hard of hearing. Hands &

Voices Press.

*Spencer, P. & Marschark, M. (2010). Evidence-based practice in educating the Deaf and hard-of-hearing students. New York, NY:

Oxford University Press.

PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS: Appleman, K. I., Callahan, J., O. Mayer, M.H., Luetke, B., & Stryker, D. S. (2012). Education, employment, and independent living

of young adults who are Deaf and hard of hearing. American Annals of the Deaf, 157, 264-275.

Bouton, S., Bertoncini, J., Serniclaes, W., & Colé, P. (2011). Reading and reading-related skills in children using cochlear implants:

Prospects for the influence of cued speech. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16, 458-473.

SUGGESTED WEBSITES: Deaf Education. (n.d.). Educational enhancement for the field of Deaf education. Retrieved from

Page 69

Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech (n.d.). Retrieved from Deaf Life. (n.d.). Deaf view: Reader’s viewpoint. Retrieved from Education of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Program, (n.d.). Retrieved from Gallaudet University, (n.d.). Retrieved from Help Kids Hear. (n.d.). Resources for parents of Deaf and hard of hearing children. Retrieved from Listen-Up. (n.d.). Teaching and education resources. Retrieved from National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), (2004). Retrieved from Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, (n.d.). Retrieved from Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, (n.d.). Retrieved from 16. PROTOTYPE TEXT: Anderson, K., & Arnoldi, K. (2011). Building skills for success in the fast-paced classroom: Optimizing achievement for students

with hearing loss. Hillsboro, OR: Butte.

*Spencer, P., & Marschark, M. (2010). Evidence-based practice in educating the Deaf hard-of-hearing students.

New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Page 70

Video Self-Evaluation Critique Permission to Video:

• The teacher candidate will video five, 20- to-30 minute lessons and critique him/herself by viewing each video and evaluating yourself using the Classroom Observation form in Appendix T. Instructions: You must obtain permission from the parents of the students that you will be videotaping. Below is a draft of a permission form. You must a) view each entire video, b) evaluate/self-critique of your teaching and include constructive suggestions for improvements in future lessons, c) package each in a manilla envelope with: 1-your lesson plan, 2-any supplemental materials you used in this lesson, 3-Appendix T form with constructive suggestions for improvements. Submit each on the date specified in your syllabus. Sample Letter: Date Dear Parents/Caregivers, My name is ___________, and I am a graduate student at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. I am studying to become a teacher of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. This semester, I have been assigned as a teacher candidate to work with _____________, your child’s Teacher of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. I am looking forward to working with your child and his/her teachers. If you have any questions for me, please contact me through my cooperating teacher. Sincerely, __________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Permission Form Please read, sign, and return the following. Thank you! I, the parent or guardian of _________________________, give my permission for ___________ to videotape my child. My child may appear on these videotapes for the purpose of evaluating ____________’s teaching and the creation of a teaching portfolio. I understand that my child will not be named at any time. I understand that I can withdraw my permission at any time. ________________________________________ Parent’s signature Date Intern’s signature Date Teacher’s signature Date

Page 71

GUIDELINES FOR RECORDING VIDEO The following guidelines should be considered when recording video:

1. To honor students’ rights to confidentiality most schools require parents to give written permission for students to be videotaped or photographed. Many schools have a blanket permission form completed at the beginning of each year that allows videotaping, but some do not and will require that you obtain parental permission prior to recording. It is essential that you discuss permission procedures with your cooperating teacher well in advance of any schedule recording to have sufficient time for this process if it is necessary to obtain permissions.

2. If certain parents refuse permission, or you do not receive permission, talk with the cooperating teacher about the acceptability of positioning the camera in a way that this child(ren) does not appear on the tape.

3. You are responsible for providing your own videos and video camera. Practice with the camera prior to making your tape as all cameras operate differently. You should plan on the taping NOT working, and thus plan ahead.

4. Plan videotaping sessions well in advance. Taping should not be during the University Supervisor’s observation time. It is helpful to have someone in the room operating the video camera for you. If you do not have another person available, consider whether you will need a tripod, and how you will position the camera. Other considerations are: student response to having a camera in the room, length of time/length of the lesson, environmental noise levels, desired audio level, need to change camera angles if you move around, and room lighting. Please do NOT TAKE UP INSTRUCTIONAL TIME setting up your equipment. Do this in advance. You might want to make a practice tape or two so the students become used to having the camera in the room.

5. Focus on yourself rather than on the students, but remember it is helpful to see the reaction of the students to your instruction, especially if the person viewing the videotape is supposed to follow the conversation. You can evaluate your teaching effectiveness best if you are able to see yourself giving instructions and/or interacting with students.

6. Plan to record a complete lesson within a 20 to 30 minute timeframe, this will allow you to evaluate your introduction, body and conclusion.

7. If you are recording without the assistance of a helper, it is helpful to record lessons that entail limited teacher/student movement.

8. Avoid placing the camera in high traffic areas where it might be bumped or knocked over. Avoid: doors (in front of, or behind), bathrooms, hallways, positioning near pencil sharpeners or water fountains.

9. Be conscious of the lighting in the room. Shooting footage with a window in the background creates a “backlight” and darkens everything in the foreground, including you and the students. It is your responsibility to check that what you are videotaping is clear and able to be critiqued by you and others.

10. Be conscious of the noise level in the classroom. Background noise from other groups working, or heavy traffic in the hallway will drown out your voice, or the responses of the students. All cameras have built in microphones, but many also have a jack to take an external microphone.

11. Consider the instructions you will give your students about the recording process. Students may find initial recording distracting, so determine how to address this. Be sure to emphasize that the camera is fragile and expensive, and determine who may touch the camera and for what reason.

12. LAST BUT NOT LEAST.... Be sure to turn the camera ON and confirm that it is recording prior to beginning your lesson. Oh, and the main purpose of these videotaped sessions is for you to: view your own video, after teaching the lesson, and submit your self-critique using forms T and U both.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO DUE DATES: - Please plan in advance!!! 1st-Friday of week 4 2nd-Friday of week 6 3rd-Friday of week 8 4th-Friday of week 11 5th-Friday of week 14 The dates are scheduled now because it is important that you plan ahead. If equipment does not work, it is your responsibility to have allowed enough days/time to be able to reschedule that session for videotaping or choose a different student/video session.

Page 72


Name: ____________________________ School/IU/District: _______________________ CT: ___________________

Directions: Please read each item carefully and provide the necessary information. If you respond NO to any of the questions below (or YES to #10), explain your response on the reverse.

1. Lesson plans must be prepared for every lesson. They must be initialed and dated by the CT prior to teaching. Did you comply with this requirement for the first placement? Yes / No

2. Exemplary lesson plans were included in your Showcase Portfolio. Did you comply with this requirement for the first placement by the due date? Yes / No Title:

3. A unit is required for each placement with five exemplary lesson plans. Did you comply with this requirement for the first placement by the due date? Yes/No Title: __________________________________________________

4. One bulletin board, learning center, or exhibit is required for each placement. Did you comply with this requirement for the first placement by the due date? Yes/No Title:

5. A daily reflective journal is required. Did you comply with this requirement for the first placement -- having your journal complete and available to the supervisor for each visit? Yes/No

6. An observation of another teacher and reflection is required for each placement. Did you send the reflection to your supervisor and complete this requirement by the due date during your first placement? Yes/No

7. You are required to make a minimum of videos with lesson and critique submitted on or before due dates outlined in your Teacher candidate Contract. Did you complete this requirement for the first placement? Yes/No

8. You are required to provide documented evidence of the use and application of technology in planning and instruction. Did you complete this requirement during your first placement? Yes / No List an example:

9. You are required to self-evaluate lessons after you teach. Did you complete this requirement for all lessons presented during your first placement? Yes/No

10. You are required to dress and act professionally. Did anyone complain about your attire or your behavior at all during your first placement? Yes / No

11. You are required to develop a showcase portfolio for the first placement. Did you complete this requirement by the due date? Yes / No

12. Did you send your first week email by the deadline? Yes / No

13. Were you present every day for school? Yes / No If no, how many times were you absent? Were the absences


GRADING- The requirements cited on these pages MUST be completed. The supervisor will also consider various other indicators, including cooperating teacher recommendations and assessments, in completing your final evaluation. Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Page 72


Name: ________________________________School/IU/District:_________________ CT:_____________________

Directions: Please read each item carefully and provide the necessary information. If you respond NO to any of the

questions below (or YES to #8), explain your response on the reverse.

1. Lesson plans must be prepared for every lesson. They must be initialed and dated by the Co-op prior to teaching. Did you comply with this requirement for the second placement? Yes / No

2. A unit is required for each placement and must be sent to the supervisor via BOLT. Did you comply with this requirement for the second placement by the due date? Yes/NoTitle:

3. One bulletin board, learning center, or exhibit is required for each placement. Did you comply with this requirement for the second placement by the due date? Yes / No Title:

4. A daily reflective journal is required for each placement. Did you comply with this requirement for the second placement –having your journal complete and available to the supervisor for each visit? Yes/No

5. An observation of another teacher and reflection is required for each placement. Did you send the reflection to your supervisor and complete this requirement by the due date during your second placement? Yes / No

6. You are required to provide documented evidence of the use and application of technology in planning and instruction. Did you complete this requirement during your second placement? Yes / No List an example:

7. You are required to self-evaluate lessons after you teach. Did you complete this requirement for all lessons presented during your second placement? Yes / No

8. You are required to be dress and act professionally. Did anyone complain about your attire or your behavior at all during your second placement? Yes / No

9. You are required to develop a showcase portfolio for the second placement. Did you complete this requirement by the due date? Yes / No

10. Did you send your first week/follow-up email by the deadline? Yes / No / not applicable

11. Were you present every day for school? Yes / No If no, how many times were you absent? Were the absences


GRADING- The requirements cited on these pages MUST be completed. The supervisor will also consider various other indicators, including cooperating teacher recommendations and assessments, in completing your final evaluation.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Page 73