student welfare information bookletstudent welfare information booklet 2017. ... progress, stress,...

Thurgoona Public School Student Welfare Information Booklet 2017

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Page 1: Student Welfare Information BookletStudent Welfare Information Booklet 2017. ... progress, stress, anxiety, personal problems and many others. ... support needs or complex health conditions,

Thurgoona Public School

Student WelfareInformation Booklet


Page 2: Student Welfare Information BookletStudent Welfare Information Booklet 2017. ... progress, stress, anxiety, personal problems and many others. ... support needs or complex health conditions,

This booklet is a guide for Thurgoona Public School parents, staff and students to inform you of our welfare and discipline system and to seek your support in developing positive attitudes towards acceptable behaviour both in the classroom and the playground.

Our student welfare and discipline program is aimed at providing a safe and happy school environment in which children have a right to learn, free of disruptions and fear from others.



Statement of Purpose 3 Core Rules 3

Welfare and Students 4

Leaving the School Grounds Daily routines Playground duty Absences

5 5 5 5

Sun Sense Uniform Policy

6 6

Homework Policy 7

Management and Expectations of Student Behaviour Rainbow Merit Awards

8 8

Special Merits in Rainbow Books for Stage 2 & 3 9 Level System 10-13 Cyberbullying 12

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Excellence, innovation, opportunity - student success in a caring

environment. Thurgoona Public School –

• Providing the foundations for life-long learning.

• Valued partnerships with parents and the wider community.

• Highly experienced and enthusiastic teaching and support staff.

• Successful sporting teams with focus on healthy life-style.

• Developing leadership skills and social responsibility.

CORE RULES FOR STUDENTS IN NSW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Students in NSW government schools are provided with a high quality education so that they may learn to the best of their ability and become self-disciplined, tolerant, enterprising and contributing members of the school and community. Core rules for student behaviour have been developed to establish consistent expectations in all government schools in support of these aims. These rules are based on our core values of integrity, excellence, respect, responsibility, cooperation, participation, care, fairness and democracy. The critical role of parents and care-givers is recognised as the primary influence on each child’s character and behaviour and as essential partners in supporting the core rules and the successful education of their children. The Department is committed to supporting principals and school staff in the implementation of these rules through state-wide policies and programs, together with regional support staff, professional learning and alternative provisions, in order to promote the highest standards of behaviour and learning in our schools.

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My responsibility as a student at Thurgoona Public School is to:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be a Learner

How2Be Matrix The following matrix covers our school rules and expected behaviour for students. It is displayed in the classroom and referred to frequently by staff.

CORE RULES All students in NSW are expected to:

• Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn.

• Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s uniform and dress code policy.

• Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.

• Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.

• Treat one another with dignity and respect. • Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.

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My responsibility as a student at Thurgoona Public School is to……

Keep my hands and

feet to myself Report any

problems to a teacher Be where I should

be at all times Travel safely to and

from school Care for others Line up sensibly

Walk sensibly Use equipment,

furniture and other facilities for their intended purpose

Wear hats and

shoes – be sun-safe

Follow rules of games and play safely

Stay in bounds Use equipment

properly Report problems

to the duty teacher

Follow instructions

Walk at all times Play safely and

with care Line up quietly in

canteen lines Stay in bounds Use equipment

properly Follow


Walk Wash my hands Keep the floor

dry Use toilet

facilities appropriately

Report damage to a teacher

Be honest, fair and

polite Use friendly words

and actions Follow instructions Keep my school

clean Use my manners

i.e. knock when entering a room Wear my uniform

with pride Walk quietly so

others can continue to learn Respect other’s

right to learn Use friendly words

and friendly actions


instructions Look after all

property Speak politely and

use inside voices Remove my hat

inside Ask before I use Keep my

classroom neat and tidy Listen carefully

and politely to others

Line up quickly

and quietly at bell times

Look after equipment

Share equipment Play fairly

Sit and eat in

approved areas at recess and lunchtime

Put rubbish in the bin

Look after equipment

Use friendly words and actions

Follow instructions

Use my manners at the canteen

Listen carefully to the duty teacher

Respect the

privacy of others Clean up after

myself Use toilet

facilities appropriately

Be an active

listener Be an active

participant Try my best Display a positive

attitude Be at school on

time each day Come prepared to



participate in all activities Respect other’s

right to learn Listen carefully in all learning situations Do my best Communicate


Be a positive

problem solver Participate co-

operatively Include others

Be a positive

problem solver Participate and

play co-operatively

Include others Walk quietly so

others can continue to learn

Use friendly words and friendly actions

Return to class

or playground promptly

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WELFARE AND STUDENTS NSW Department of Education and Training Core Rules, School and Class Rules, teacher and parent expectations and daily routines assist to provide an environment which is safe, responsive and supportive of the needs of our students. Thurgoona Public School provides access to many people, groups and activities which help and support the students. Help and guidance for students may be sought from:

• Parents - assist their children in home learning programs and may assist teachers to implement programs within the classroom such as reading. A working With Children Check must be completed prior to parents assisting or volunteering at school in any capacity. This is free to persons volunteering their time and is completed online through If you do not have access to the internet, assistance is available by calling (02) 9286 7219. Once completed please take to the office staff so it can be recorded on our system.

• Classroom Teacher - provides support to all students under their care.

• Student Representative Council - elected students represent the general welfare concerns of all members of their class from Years 2-6.

• Principal and Assistant Principals - oversee the welfare of all the students and manage specific problems beyond normal classroom and playground management.

• School Counsellor - provides confidential counselling in relation to such matters as academic progress, stress, anxiety, personal problems and many others.

• Student Welfare Teacher - provides support for students in relation to such matters as academic progress, stress, anxiety, personal problems and many others.

• Home School Liaison Officer - (HSLO) monitors student attendance and assists students who are having problems attending school regularly.

• Reading Recovery - provides a specialist reading and writing program designed for children in Year 1 who are experiencing difficulty.

• Support Teacher Learning Assistance- provides specific assistance to those children experiencing difficulty in the area of literacy.

• School Learning Support Officers - (SLSO) provides support to teachers who have children with a diagnosed disability in their class.

• Itinerant Support Teacher Hearing-provides support for hearing impaired students.

• Itinerant Support Teacher Visually Impaired – provides support for vision impaired students.

• A number of outside agencies, including allied health professionals, are also accessed on need, to provide specific support for students.

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Leaving the School Grounds Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day unless they are collected by a responsible adult and have presented a note explaining their absence. Parents/carers sign children out and back in on their return at the school office. Daily Routines Morning:

• Children are not to be at school before 8:30 am. There is no teacher supervision until 8:30 am.

• Library is open from 8:30 am to 8:55 am each morning for buddy reading. BELL TIME ROUTINE

8:30 – 8:40 am Children sit on steps in the Quadrangle and wait quietly for bell. Teacher on duty dismisses students.

8:40 am – 8:55 am 2 teachers on duty in playground. Teachers are in their classroom unless on duty. This is time available for parent &/or student meetings. Children take their bags to classes – put on hooks or outside rooms, lunch orders placed in Lunch Order box, notes to the office and then go and play.

8:55 am Go to class and get organised (unpack bags, notes to teachers, change readers, bank books to teacher…….)

9:00 am - NO BELL Roll marked Lessons start - Session 1

11:00- 11:15 am Lunch in class – fully supervised - children sit at desks to eat 11:15 – 11:45 am Lunch play 11:45 am– 1:15 pm Session 2 1:15 – 1:25 pm Recess eating – in playground - supervised by teacher on duty 1:25 – 1:45 pm Recess play 1:45 – 3:00 pm Session 3 3:00 pm Home time After school:

• Parents are welcome to wait in the quadrangle covered area when collecting students at 3:00 pm.

• Teachers supervise students who are waiting for buses. • Thurgoona Drive and Bottlebrush Street crossings are manned by crossing supervisors. • A drive through drop off / pick up zone is provided within the school car park. This is not a

parking area. Playground Duty Teachers are rostered to perform supervision of the playground before classes begin, from 8:30am, lunchtime and recess.. At lunch play and recess there are three teachers on duty. The teachers wear hi-visibility vests in the playground. Teachers also supervise students who are waiting to travel on buses. Children arriving early are required to sit in the quadrangle area. A teacher is rostered on duty from 8:30 a.m. We request that students do not arrive at school until 8:30am.

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Absences From :- School Attendance Policy 2015

Regular attendance at school for every student is essential if students are to achieve their potential, and increase their career and life options. Schools in partnerships with parents are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, school staff, as part of their duty of care, record and monitor part and whole day absences. Schools, in providing a caring teaching and learning environment, which addresses the learning and support needs of students, including those with additional learning and support needs or complex health conditions, foster students’ sense of wellbeing and belonging to the school community.

On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

• being sick, or having an infectious disease • having an unavoidable medical appointment • being required to attend a recognised religious holiday • exceptional or urgent family circumstance (e.g. attending a funeral)

Following an absence from school you must ensure that within 7 days you provide your child’s school with a verbal or written explanation for the absence. However, if the school has not received an explanation from you within 2 days, the school may contact you to discuss the absence.

Principals may decline to accept an explanation that you have provided if they do not believe the absence is in the best interest of your child. In these circumstances your child’s absence would be recorded as unjustified. When this happens the principal will discuss their decision with you and the reasons why.

Arriving at school and class on time: • ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the

day • helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine • give students time to greet their friends before class • reduces classroom disruption

Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.

Unsatisfactory school attendance is referred to the Home School Liaison Officer. This is a Department of Education requirement.

Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel during school term is necessary, discuss this with your child’s school principal. An Application for Extended Leave may need to be completed. Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and therefore contribute to your child’s total absences for the year. Sun Safe Policy No hat – play in the shade. During Terms 1 and 4 all students are encouraged to wear a hat that protects their face, neck and ears when outside. Caps are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate cover for sensitive skin areas. Classes usually will endeavour to do outdoor activity before recess during these terms, when practicable. Children who do not have a hat in Terms 1 and 4 are monitored by an executive. Our aim is to have children out and about having fun, not sitting all lunch. Students are given a verbal reminder to bring

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their hat the next day, 2nd consecutive day a note is sent home to parents to remind children to take their hat, 3rd consecutive day spend time with executive and help in library 2nd lunch. Students may wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from glare; however, responsibility for the care of these rests with the student. In Terms 2 and 3 the policy is ‘No hat - No Play in the sun’. Parents are asked to make sure children have a hat in their bag at all times. UNIFORM POLICY One of the most effective ways of developing school pride and feeling of belonging is to encourage the wearing of school uniform. The school uniform is a practical solution to the school clothing problem which allows active participation in school activities whilst at the same time encouraging positive self-image on visits away from school. The school parent body - Parents’ and Citizens’ Association - promotes and encourages all students to wear the school uniform at all times. Students who wish to represent the school on excursions or at sporting events are expected to be in school uniform.


Blue and white check, princess line dress with Peter Pan collar, short sleeves and navy tie Pleated navy shorts with royal blue polo shirt with school logo Black/brown sandals or black shoes with white socks.

Grey shorts Royal blue polo shirt with school logo Black/ brown sandals or black shoes with grey socks


Plaid skirt or slacks Long sleeved polo shirt with school logo Navy windcheater with school logo Navy and white stripe taslon school jacket, fleece jacket or vest with school logo. Black school shoes with white socks, grey or navy tights

Long grey trousers Long sleeved polo shirt with school logo Navy windcheater with school logo Navy and white school jacket, fleece jacket or vest with school logo. Black school shoes with grey socks

SPORTS UNIFORM -To be worn by boys and girls on Sports/Gym days ONLY Navy knit shorts or track pants

Short or long sleeved white T-Shirt with School Logo White sports shoes with white socks

HATS Navy wide brim / Navy bucket hat with school logo

Navy beanie Hair ties of plain white or navy, school check or plaid

SCHOOL BAGS Navy bag with Logo

Library bag with Logo (can double as a wet pack)

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Management and Expectations of Student Behaviour

It is important that schools implement fair, consistent and balanced welfare and discipline procedures, ensuring consistency in application and recognition of achievement, developing a positive and supportive school environment. It is important to acknowledge when students are participating in school activities in an appropriate, cooperative and positive manner. The Rainbow Merit Awards are an essential component of our school discipline code, recognising student achievement in academic, citizenship and sporting endeavours.

Rainbow Badges • There are six badges, one for each year of learning at Thurgoona Public School (except

Kindergarten). Badges are awarded on accumulation of 100 ClassDojos points • Kindergarten children receive class based awards that are immediate and reward their behaviours

and achievements on a class basis. • All students will start the appropriate colour level for their grade at the beginning of each year, or on

arrival if they are new to the school. • It is our aim for all children to complete each level, attaining their six badges in all, achieving high

standards in many areas of learning and school citizenship. • Merits can be awarded for displaying positive behaviour, academic achievements, and utilising

learning habits to achieve their goals. • Students will receive a printout of their ClassDojo points at the end of each year. • Students are also encouraged to become active citizens of Thurgoona Public School and our wider

Albury community. Special 'Community Merit' certificates may also be awarded at each stage for participating in community events and/or by displaying community spirit. Students will be responsible for collecting these and applying for a badge when they have 10. Badges awarded are as follows:- Bronze (Stage 1), Silver ( Stage 2) or Gold (Stage 3) badges.

• To avoid doubling up of colours in 2016 (whilst changing over to the new system) some alternative colour badges will be awarded. This may also occur when students repeat a grade. Alternate colours are white, turquoise and brown.

Colours for each grade are as below:

Stage 1:

Blue Badge Red Badge Bronze Badge

100 ClassDojo points acquired in Year 1 100 ClassDojo points acquired in Year 2 A collection of 10 Community Merit Certificates, acquired throughout Stage 1 are needed to apply for this badge.

Stage 2:

Yellow Badge Green Badge Silver Badge

100 ClassDojo points acquired in Year 3 100 ClassDojo points acquired in Year 4 A collection of 10 Community Merit Certificates, acquired throughout Stage 2 are needed to apply for this badge.

Stage 3:

Purple Badge Orange Badge Gold Badge

100 ClassDojo points acquired in Year1 100 ClassDojo points acquired in Year1 A collection of 10 Community Merit Certificates, acquired throughout Stage 3 are needed to apply for this badge.

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Special Community merit Certificates may be gained for the following reasons. This list is revised on a regular basis and is not conclusive. If a student participates in a school community activity or displays ongoing community spirit that is not on the list they may still apply, to a relevant staff member. Community Merits

Type of merit Who gives merit Merit given

Anzac Day March Anzac Day coordinator After the event

100% attendance Class teacher Each semester Ensemble/ Choir Teacher in charge End of year if they have attended performances Dance Group Teacher in charge End of performance Library Monitors Teacher in charge End of year Organising a whole school activity SRC Co-ordinator After the event

Kinder Buddies Kinder teachers On-going support to kinder children after Term 1 Regional / Zone PSSA rep. Sports Coordinator Make regional team in any sport offered at TPS Peer Support

Consistent home learning Class teacher One per year if child consistently completes home tasks

Consistent good behaviour Class teacher One per year Consistent responsive listening Class teacher One per year Correct school uniform daily Class teacher One per year Clean-up days Class teacher After the event Consistently showing kindness / being helpful in the playground

Class teachers, duty teachers, Assistant Principals

3 positive entries noted in the playground book

Level System

• The Level System is a program which is implemented to support the positive behaviour management process implemented through the Rainbow Merit System.

• Minor indiscretions in the playground will be recorded in the playground book by the duty teacher and impose immediate action, i.e. walk for a short time with teacher. The playground book is reviewed each week and follow-up by executive occurs where a pattern occurs or particular concerns regarding behaviour are evident. Levels may be given as a result of this follow-up.

• For minor indiscretions within the classroom the teacher will follow the steps outlined in their class management plan.

• When Kindergarten students break school rules students will be referred to their class teachers. If the behaviour continues an executive member will be involved.

• The Level System will be applied to Years 1-6.

Procedure Teachers will complete the Level sheet indicating evidence of inappropriate behaviour and Level recommendations. Staff member making the recommendation is to make three copies – 1-Welfare Coordinator,

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2-Class teacher, 3-Parent receives original. Parent copy is to be placed in an envelope and sent home with the student.

Behaviour Management Plans and /or Risk Assessments will be developed for any student whose behaviour becomes a concern or poses a risk to others, regardless of whether they have been placed on a Level.

Behaviour Management Plans and/or Risk Assessments will be formulated for students who have been on Level 3 twice or suspended at any time.

Withdrawal from sporting teams may be a consequence of poor behaviour or poor sportsmanship whilst practicing or representing the school at a sporting function.

A level being implemented as a result of a sporting misdemeanour will result in withdrawal from representative sport the following week.

A student who has an outstanding detention at Level Two or above will not represent the school at any activity outside the school until their detention commitment is complete. (Curriculum related excursions as per points below.)

Participation in any activity outside the school will be determined

• In relation to Behaviour Management Plans and/or Risk Assessments in place. • In relation to the excursion policy. • At the discretion of the Principal following consultation with the teacher, parent or other

relevant contributors.

Participation in school activities unrelated to curriculum or programmed learning experiences will be at the discretion of the Principal following consultation with parent, teacher and student. Level One

Reason For Level What happens at this level

1. Continued disobedience (3 occasions) in class which may include:

Disruption of class activities

Avoiding set tasks/non completion of work

Being disrespectful to staff e.g. back answering

Throwing objects (not targeted)

Verbal threats

Teasing or name calling

Refusing to follow directions/defiance.

2. Use of offensive language while interacting with students or adults

3. Spitting at other students

4. Damaging other people’s property. (Minor but intentional)

o Discussion with student to try to resolve problem with the teacher.

o If possible, parent notified of level via note home prior to level starting. Acknowledgement slip to be returned to school. Class teacher will notify Welfare Coordinator to phone parent if level slip does not return the next day.

o Behaviour in class and playground monitored for a period of 3 days.

o Student to be placed in detention class for a half lunch time detention on Day 1.

o Students to complete a reflection sheet (either written or pictorial) about what they did to get placed on a level.

o Copy of level sheet filed by Welfare Committee coordinator.

o Student will carry a monitoring sheet for three

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5. Repeatedly (3 entries) doing the wrong thing in the playground which will be demonstrated through playground book entries.

For example:

Playing roughly

Interfering in other people’s games.

Refusing to follow directions/defiance.

Verbal threats

Teasing or name calling

Time at this level should be three days.

days. This is to encourage positive and acceptable behaviour.

o Monitoring sheet to be collected by class teacher at the end of the each day.

o Student to take monitoring sheet to stage supervise for praise and encouragement once completed.

o One unsatisfactory rating will result in the level recommencing.

o Parents phoned by the Welfare Coordinator, prior to the level recommencing, if possible.

Level Two

Reason For Level may include What happens at this level

1. Student who has been required to restart Level 1 more than once or has been placed on Level 1 more than twice in a term.

2. Bullying or harassment of other students.(Targeted and consistent)

3. Aggressive behaviour i.e. fighting (no injury)

4. Damage to property belonging to others. (Intentional)

Time at this level should be four days.

o Teacher placing student on level will discuss their behaviour at the beginning of the level to develop strategies for behaviour modification. These would be recorded on the level sheet. Teacher will contact parent.

o Parent notified of level by note home. Acknowledgement slip to be returned to school. Class teacher will notify Welfare Coordinator to phone parent if level slip does not return the next day.

o Behaviour in class and playground monitored for a period of four days. Student to carry monitoring sheet to encourage and acknowledge positive and acceptable behaviour.

o Student to complete two half lunch detention sessions.

o Copy of Level sheet filed with the Welfare Committee coordinator.

o Monitoring sheet to be collected by class teacher at the end of the each day.

o Student to take monitoring sheet to stage supervise for praise and encouragement once completed.

o One unsatisfactory will result in the level recommencing.

o Parents phoned by the Welfare Coordinator prior, if possible, to the level recommencing.

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Level Three

Reason For Level may include What happens at this level

1. Student who has been required to restart Level 2 more than once in a term or being placed on Level 2 more than twice in a term.

2. Swearing directly at a teacher.

3. Vandalism/destruction of others property.

4. Continued bullying or harassment of another student.(Consistent and targeted)

5. Aggressive behaviour - injuring others

Time at this level should be five days.

o Formal meeting with student/Teacher/Principal/Parent to discuss problem.

o Behaviour Management Plan, if not already in place, developed.

o The School Counsellor to be informed of the situation for monitoring purposes. Referral may be made to School Counsellor.

o On day one the student will be placed with buddy teacher for the entire day. Student will be placed in detention class for three half lunch detention sessions.

o Behaviour in class and playground monitored for a period of five days

o One unsatisfactory will result in the level recommencing.

o Monitoring sheet to be collected by class teacher at the end of the each day.

o Student to take monitoring sheet to stage supervise for praise and encouragement once completed.

o Parents phoned by the executive prior to the level recommencing.

o Copy of level sheet filed by the Welfare Committee coordinator.

Level Four - Suspension

Short suspension:

1. Continued Disobedience.

2. Aggressive Behaviour – targeted and intentional.

Long suspension:

3. Physical violence

4. Possession of a firearm, prohibited weapon or knife.

5. Engages in serious criminal behaviour related to the school.

6. Uses, supplies or in possession of a suspected illegal substance.

o Suspension for a length to be determined by Principal based on the DET Suspension Policy

o Suspension re-entry meeting with Principal/Parent/Student/Teacher/ Counsellor.

o A Behaviour Management Plan will be developed/modified. This plan is to be signed by the parent/student/teacher/principal.

o Student’s behaviour is monitored on return from suspension.

o Any incidents will place the student on Level 1.

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Cyberbullying Cyberbullying can be described as any harassment, insults and humiliation that occurs through electronic mediums such as email, mobile phones, social networking sites, instant messaging programs, chat rooms, websites and through playing of on-line games. (Reference: Susan McLean – Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People Conference, June 2010

Forms e.g.

- Harassing and threatening messages

- Sending nasty SMS, IM’s picture or prank phone calls

- Using a person’s screen name or password to pretend to be them.

- Forwarding others private emails, messages, pictures or videos

- Posting mean or nasty pictures or messages

- Sending sexually explicit images – “sexting”

- Intentionally excluding others from an on-line group

What happens:

- Incident is investigated Outcome may result in:

- School access privileges being revoked

- Parents contacted

- Appropriate level applied, depending on outcome of investigation

- Police liaison officer involved

- Confiscation of mobile phone

- Involvement of school counsellor.

These procedures are also supported by the schools Anti-bullying Policy and Procedures and Mobile Phone Policy. Mobile Phone Procedures: Parents may feel students need to bring mobile phones to school for safety purposes before and after school. All student phones are held for safety purposes and security in the administration office, clearly named, during 9am-3pm. Students do not need to have access to their phones during the school day. Students are required to hand their phones into the office on arrival and collect them at 3:00pm. Should these procedures not be followed the student’s phone will be confiscated and returned on either receipt of a note from the student's parent or in person to the student's parent.

Note: This policy has been:

- Compiled through collaborative staff input

- Endorsed by the Thurgoona Public School Student Representative Council

- Ratified by the Thurgoona Public School P&C, as minuted (Term 2, 2010)

Distributed to families Term 1, 2011 and each subsequent year to Term 1, 2016.

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