study guide pce jason shane amanda mrsic

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  • 8/9/2019 Study Guide PCE Jason Shane Amanda Mrsic



    Study Guide to The PCE Written Exam

    Prepared by PABC Members Jason Shane & Amanda Mrsic, Fall 2012

    Prepared by Jason Shane and Amanda Mrsic. Hopefully the time (let’s be honest, ridiculous amount

    of time, lol) we spent making this will help you studying for the national exam.

    (p.s. go to the end of the document for a good bye note...and a page count, yikes!)


    01.01. Neuromusculoskeletal (50%±5%) (This list is not necessarily




    01.01. Neuromusculoskeletal (50%±5%) (This list is not

    necessarily exhaustive.)

    01.01.01 Muscle contusions/strains/tears/weakness 

    Mm Strains: majority occur in bi-articular mm at the mm-tendon jx,

    most occur during eccentric loading; Rx: Acute Phase-PRICE,

    crutches if in LE; Repair Phase-modalities, DTF’s, strength,stretching; Remodeling phase: strength (incr loading and velocity),

    stretching (static and dynamic)

    01.01.02 Pelvic floor dysfunction 

    Can be assessed via: digital, EMG, manometric, dynamometer,

    RTUS real time ultra sound, MRI & biofeedback.

    Rx: isolate PFM during exercise, avoid accessory mm use, eg.

    Glutes, abs; overload the mm by holding longer with shorter rest

    periods; weakness or laxity of PFM can occur during pregnancy orchildbirth further loss of elasticity and mm tone later in life (or

    even after pregnancy) can lead to cystocele=herniation of bladder

    into vagina, rectocele=rectum into vagina, uterine prolapse=uterus

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    maintain mm length and mobility, AROM for elbow, wrist, andhand; Repair-gently stress collagen via DTFM and eccentric

    strength training, cont with stretches

    01.01.05 Fasciitis, fascial tearing, myofascial restriction 

    P59 o sullivan 

    01.01.06 Joint derangements/dysfunction (e.g., loose bodies,

    hypermobility, hypomobility) 

    Loose body: free floating piece of bone or cartilage; often result ofOA or chip fracture; typical symptom is locking or catching

    Hypermobility: spondylosis (OA of joints in spine and narrowing of

    foramina), listhesis (fracture and slip of cranial vert anteriorly),

    lysis (fracture of pars)

    Hypomoility: capsular patterns, O’sullivan pg 4 

    01.01.07 Fractures, dislocations, subluxations 

    Shoulder (GH joint) dislocation: Rx-scapular stabilization/posture,

    rotator cuff strengtheningàfunctional rehab

    Fractures:K&C pg 321-325 Comminuted fracture=fracture with more than 2 fragments 

    Subluxations: of AC joint, K&C pg 494; clavicle post and sup on


    SLAP lesion= Superior Labral tear Anterior to Posterior

    Bankart lesion=injury to ant/inf portion of glenoid labrum

    01.01.08 Osteoporosis/osteopenia 







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    01.01.09 Tumour/pathological fractures (ahh, the good old

    tumour lectures, didn’t realize we were studying to be


    Primary malignant tumors of soft tissues and bone are rare but

    may occur in youth

    Osteosarcoma=occur at either end of long bones, produce jt pain, Agg:activity, X-ray:moth eaten appearance, Rx=surgery (Terry Fox

    had this)

    Primary malignant tumors are rare in bone, usually are secondary

    Synovial sarcoma = usually in larger joints, P (often at night or w/

    activity), swelling and instability, Rx:Sx +/- chemo/rad

    Malignant tumors=may metastasize to bone

    Mets from breast, lung, prostate, kidney, thyroid

    Osteoid osteoma=benign bone tumor, exercise related bone P

    and tenderness (often mistaken for bone #), characterized by

    presence of night P and abolition of Sy’s with aspirin, CT scan

    shows a central focus point, Rx:ablation, ethanol, laser

    01.01.10 Degenerative joint disease 

    Mechanical change, jt disease and jt trauma

    Degeneration of articular cartilage: hypertrophy of subchondral

    bone and ht capsule (wt bearing jts)

    Meds: corticosteroids and NSAIDS

    OA: decreased jt space, dec cartilage height, osteophytes

    PT goals: jt protection, improve jt mechanics, aquatics

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    01.01.11 Mechanical spinal abnormalities (e.g., low back pain,

    scoliosis, postural dysfunction) 

    MEMORIZE THIS PICTURE, I’m told it can be useful!!! 

    Posture: RSPT 518 Oct 8th 

    Posture and LBP: RSPT 544 Oct 13 (May Nolan lecture) 

    01.01.12 Inflammatory/infectious conditions of the

    neuromusculoskeletal system (e.g., osteomyelitis) 


    BY AND INFECTION; O’Sullivan pg 37, usually a staph aureus

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    infectionGoals: maintain joint function, cast care





    sites supraspinatus, common extensor tendon of elbow, patella

    BURSITIS-caused by overuse, trauma, gout, infection; S and S is

    pain with rest, active and PROM are limited; Rx-flexibility, mobs,thermal agents

    01.01.13 Amputations (we spent a lot of time memorizing

    this...sure would have been nice if they asked us a question

    about it) 

    Causes: diabetes mellitus, PVD, trauma, congenital/correction of

    deformity, tumors, infected TKR

    Sites of amputation (the tricky ones): toe (ray resection), ankle


    Effects of:1)Toe amputation-decreased power for push off, decrease

    balance d/t decreased proprioception and BOS

    2)Partial foot-lose forefoot lever, decrd balance, risk for tissue

    breakdown secondary to incrd pressure on remaining WB surface

    prosthesis: shoe filler, carbon fiber afo, complete prosthesis

    3) ankle (Symes): goes through the jt, distal end of tip and fib


    -long lever, bulbous end, better than transtibial

    -high risk of skin breakdown

    prosthesis: similar to trans-tib, trap door to fit over maleoli, can

    have partial patellar WB

    4) transtibial - can’t WB through the end, some ppl can achieve a

    normal gait pattern

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    Prosthetic sockets: total surface bearing, patellar tendon bearingPressure sensitive: anterior/distal end of tib, fibula - head and end,

    bottom of stump

    pressure tolerant: post mm mass, patellar tendon, medial/lateral


    suspension: supracondylar, suprapatellar cuff, sleeve (req lots of

    hand strength), locking pin, suction (1 way valve)

    gait deviations:

    stance: foot flat or foot slap, knee hyperextension or buckling,

    early heel rise,swing: inc/dec stride length, toe drag, lat/med whip, vaulting

    5) knee disarticulation- thigh mm preserved, potential to WB

    through the stump, prosthetic: trap door for condyles

    6) transfemoral - no WB on end, takes 60% more energy to

    ambulate with prosthesis compared to able body walking, may

    require a gait aid, often asymmetrical gait, WB through Ischial

    Tuberosities and hydrostatic loading, pressure sensitive areas=

    end of residual limb, adductor tendon

    Knee prosthesis: manual lock, mechanical/friction,

    hydraulic/pneumatic/microprocessorgait deviations:

    stance: ABduction, lat trunk shift, excessive trunk lordosis, hip flex,

    dec stance time,

    swing: medial or lateral whips, circumduction, hip hike, vaulting

    with good leg

    7) hip disarticulation- probs require gait aid, asymm gait pattern

    210% energy expenditure

    8) hemipelvectomy

    PT education: contracture prevention, knee or hip flex contracture

    >20% will prevent prosthetic use, pain management, edema

    control, shaping, fall prevention, foot care of remaining limb, falls

    prevention (risk @ night)

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    NO PILLOWS under legs in supine or between legs fortransfemoral

    Socket-supports body wt

    Liner-interface b/w socket and limb

    Suspension-system used to keep prosthesis on the residual limb

    Socks-ensure proper fit

    Shank/pylon-connects socket to foot, provides ht

    01.01.14 Congenital malformations (e.g., talipes equinovarus,

    hip dysplasia) 






    (talocrural), adducted, inverted (subtalar, talocalcaneal,

    talonavicular, calcaneo-cuboid), supination at midtarsal joints


     AnD NECK OF TALUS- hereditary or neuromuscular disorders;

    2) POSTURALfeet squished in utero

    Rx: casting and splinting or Sx




    01.01.15 Nerve compression (e.g., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,

    radiculopathy, spinal stenosis) 

    Radiculopathy=Si’s & Sy’s depend on degree of compression and

    may include P, tingling, numbness. Loss of nn conduction, mm

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    weakness, decrd skin sensation, and loss of reflex

    SPINAL STENOSIS P60 -hypertrophy of spinal lamina,

    ligamentum flavum, facets; vascular or neural compromise; also

    see May Nolan L-Spine pg 15 

    Rx: joint mobs, flexion bias exercises, avoid extension, traction 

    THORACIC OUTLET - subclavian artery vein, brachial plexus,

    vagus/phrenic N, sympathetic trunk

    compress at : sup thoracic outlet, scalene triangle, clavicle and rib

    1, pec minor and thoracic wallTx: restore mm imbalance, Sx


    ulnar nerve-normally occurs in cubital tunnel, could be d/t trauma,

    compression, thickend retinaculum in FCU, Sy’s medial elbow

    pain, pos tinnel sign

    median nerve-occurs in pronator teres, and under FDS, occurs

    with repetitive gripping activities; aching pain, forearm pain

    radial nerve-entrapment of distal branches (post interosseousnerve) occurs in radial tunnel

    CARPAL TUNNEL P48, can do Phalen’s test, long term

    compression of median nerve can cause atrophy of thenar mm

    01.01.16 Peripheral nerve injuries 

    WALLERIAN DEGEN - transection results in degen or axon and

    sheath distal to site of injury

    SEGMENTAL DEMYLINATION-axons are preserved but are

    demylinated, remylelination restores fx, ex GBS

    AXONAL DEGEN- axonal degeneration of axon cylinder and

    myelin, distal to proximal, “dying back of nerves,”, ex-peripheral


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    P129-133NEUROPATHY-any disease of nerves characterized by

    deteriorating neural fx


    Expect to see motor, sensory, and potentially autonomic changes

    (ex- ), and pain; an MRI or nerve conduction test is used to

    confirm a peripheral nn injury

    Neuropraxia= just a compression of the nerve, causes a transient

    disruption, good recovery w/good prognosis which could take

    minutes to weeksAxonotemesis= disruption of axon but myelin sheath is still intact,

    may cause paralysis of the motor, sensory, and autonomic. Mainly

    seen in crush injury. Longer recovery with fair prognosis which can

    take months

    Neurotemesis=completely severed axon and sheath; recovery is

    only possible with surgery with variable success; i.e. it may never


    Charcot Marie Tooth Disease=a hereditary motor and sensory

    neuropathology causing extensive demyelination of motor andsensory nerves of the foot

    Presentation-slow progression of symmetric mm weakness,

    atrophy of foot intrinsics, diminished deep tendon relfexes, pes

    cavus/hammer toes, weak dorsiflexors and pronators

    PT Rx: contracture management (stretching mm),

    management/education on foot care

    Bell’s Palsy=d/t latent herpes virus, days before onset Pt reports

    pain around mastoid; virus causes inflam response over facial nn

    Clinical manifestations-unilateral facial paralysis

    Facial nn innervates-mm of facial expression, stapedius mm of

    inner ear, sensory and autonomic fibers for taste (ant aspect of

    tongue), tears, salivation

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    Rx: corticosteroids, estim?, protect eye

    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome=an entrapment syndrome caused my

    pressure on brachial plexus

    Risks for getting it-posture, growth, trauma, body comp

    Pathology-chronic compression of nn roots results in edema and

    ischemia of nn roots-->neuropraxia and wallerian degen can occur

    presentation-paraesthesia, weakness and pain in arm, neck pain

    may radiate into face, scapula, ant chest; coldness, edema,

    raynaud’s, fatigue in hand, distension of veins Rx: correct posture, surgical mngmt if vasculature gets


    Diabetic neuropathy=peripheral nn disorder in diabetes that

    occurs w/o any other cause for neuropathy

    Pathology-chronic metabolic disturbance affects nn and schwann

    cells-->loss of both myelinated and unmyelinated axons

    Presentation-symmetric, distal pattern of sensory loss, painless

    paraesthesia with minimal motor weakness

    Rx:control hyperglycemia, skin care, amputation-

    01.01.17 Neural tissue dysfunction/neuro-dynamic


    DURAL TENSION kate kennedy

    DOUBLE CRUSH - compress of N along several sites proximal

    and distal H


    01.01.18 Scars 

    Patho notes

    Keloid scar: thick scar that goes beyond the margins of the

    original wound

    Hypertrophic: thick scars that do not extend beyond the boundary

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    of the original wound but has an excess amount of tissue inrelation to what is needed to replace the damaged dermis

    01.02 Neurological (20%±5%) (This list is not necessarilyexhaustive.) 

    01.02.01 Cerebral Vascular Accident/transient ischemic attack 


    01.02.02 Acquired brain injury 

    TRAUMATIC=change in brain fx d/t external force; forces can

    include blunt (MVA, fall, accel/decel), contusion, shearing,

    bruising, axonal tearing, rotational forces, penetrating, blast


    Epidural-outside the dura, 90% assocd with skull fractures, most

    often in temporal or temproparietal region, arterial bleed

    Sub-dural-brain collects between brain and dura, often requires

    surgical intervention (burr holes or craniotomy), venousl bleed

    Intracranial-most common, blood within the brain

    Diffuse axonal injury=shearing of the brain’s long connecting

    nerve fibers; usually causes a coma, can’t see on MRI; can affect

    grey/white matter interfaces

    Secondary brain injuries=cerebral blood flow is 50% less than

    normal post injury, bruising, inflammation, incrd ICP

    Intracranial pressure: normal is 0-10mm Hg, >20mm Hg is

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    Physio problem list:

    Resp complications (decrd tidal volumes, small airway,

    atelectasis), ICP, abnormal posture, mobility, contractures,

    confusion/agitation, fatigue

    Decerebrate posturing=indicates brain stem damage (lesions or

    compression in midbrain) and lesions in cerebellem

    Decorticate posturing= arms flexed, legs extended, damage toareas including cerebral hemisphere, thalamus, cord, corticospinal



    Initial medical management=prevent hypoxia, maintain adequate

    BP, adequate fluids to maintain Mean Arterial Pressure, HOB 30


    Nutrition: hypermetabolism, energy expenditure may be doubled

    for up to 4 weeks

    Other complications: 40% get post traumatic epilepsy; DVTs, andPE’s 

    Basal skull fracture=signs are blood or CSF out of nose or ears,

    racoon eyes, bruising over mastoid (battle sign)

    Coma=altered state of consciousness so that no amount of

    stimulus or only pain will cause Pt to respond

    Frontal lobe injury=disinhibition, memory impairment, anosmia

    (can’t smell), seizures, expressive aphasia) 

    Temporal lobe= receptive aphasia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, amnesic

    syndromes, epilepsy

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    ischaemic= 80% of strokes; could be d/t a thrombus (slower sy’s

    to evolve) or embolism (occurs rapidly w/o warning); risk factors

    are atherosclerosis, HTN, cardiac disease, diabetes, TIA=sudden

    onset, last 24hrs, warning sign of stroke;majority have full stroke

    w/i 1 year

    hemorrhagic=20%, aneurysms and AV malformations, HTN, head

    trauma, illicit drugs, bleeding disorders

    S’s and Sy’s= confusion, headache, trouble speaking,

    understanding speech, numbness or weakness on one side, can’t

    see, trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination,

    sudden severe headache

    Rx: thrombolytic agents, Tissue Plasminogen Activator

    (TPA)=activates plasminogen to digest fibrin which breaks down

    the clot, TPA can salvage penumbral tissue if given within 3 hours;

    mechanically widening an artery

    White matter is not plastic, grey matter is

    Lacunar strokes (infarcts)-subgroup of ischemic strokes, small

    but deep in the brain; assocd with HTN and diabetes, correlation

    with decreased cognition

    What causes a stroke:

     Arterial factors-artherosclerotic plaques, aneurysms, pressure on

    artery walls

    Venous factors-tendency for person’s blood to clot quickly,

    irritation or inflammation of lining of vein, DVT’s 

    Penumbra=an area of the brain at risk for dying; is located

    between an area of perfusion and necrosis

    Progression of and Risk for a Stroke: ABCD Score; Age, Blood

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    pressure, Clinical features (hemi-weakness, speech problems),Duration

    Brain Stem stroke=not very common v. disabling b/c it can take

    out ALL the ascending and descending tracts

    Prevention of recurrent of stroke: anticoagulants (aspirin), lipid

    lowering agents, lifestyle changes

    cortex=grey matter and capable of neuroplasticity

    Cortico-spinal tract-made up of white matter, is not plastic

    CONCUSSION= a complex pathological process affecting the brain,induced by traumatic biomechanical forces.

    -mild form of brain injury (most common TBI)

    -loss of conciousness may or may not be present

    -diagnose with signs, behavioral change, cognitive impairment,

    sleep disturbance

    -baseline cognitive Ax: SCAT 2

    -second impact syndrome- rare/fatal uncontrolled swelling of brain,

    minor 2nd blow before initial symptoms are resolved

    -post concussion syndrome: persistent symtoms

    - 3+ consussions = 5X greater risk Alheimers, 3x memory deficits-coup, contre-coup

    - grade1: does not lose conciousness, dazed

    - grade 2: no LOC, period of confusion, does NOT recall event

    grade 3: loss of conciousness for short time, No memory of event,

    requires eval asap

    risk: contact sports, anti-coagulants, prior events

    S&S: dizzy, headache, vomit, suddent weakness, nystagmus,

    change in pupil size, emotional lability, memory loss, drowsy,


    post concussion syndorme: persistent sympoms: headache, dizzy,

    irritable, memory, vision, concentration

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    ***head down positioning is CONTRAINDICATED! for those with

    traumatic brain injury******

    positioning: limit neck flex and rotation

    suctioning: pre/post oxygenation at 100%O2

    resting splints 6-8hrs to prevent contractures

    aspiration risks: turn feed tube off 20mins prior to Tx

    01.02.03 Spinal cord injury 

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    incomplete injury ASIA BVoluntary Anal Contraction=if present indicates motor incomplete

    (AIS C)

    Motor exam: 10 bilateral myotomes 

    C5 ABD/elbow flexors, C6 wrist extensors, C7 elbow ext, C8 thumb

    ext/ ulnar dev, long finger flexors, T1 finger abductors

    Level of lesion=defined as the most caudal segment of the spinalcord with normal sensory and motor Fx on both sides of the body

    Sensory level-most caudal segment w/bilateral score of 2 for both

    light touch and pin prick

    Motor level-most caudal segment with a grade greater than or equal

    to 3 provided ALL segments above are grade 5

    Clinical syndromes:

    Complete injury=no sensory or motor Fx is preserved in the sacral

    segments S4-S5; there may be dermatomes below the sensory

    level and myotomes below the motor level that remain partiallyinnervated…KNOWN as Zone of Partial Preservation, the most

    caudal segment with some sensory defines extent of ZPP

    Anterior Cord Syndrome=loss of motor Fx, P and temp below

    injury level; dorsal column is spared (i.e. kinesthesia, proprioception,


    Central Cord Syndrome=upper motor and sensory Fx more

    impaired than LE; often associated with spinal canal stenosis

    Brown Secard= one side of cord more damaged than the other;

    IPSILATERAL loss of motor Fx and dorsal column Fx (reason is

    they cross in medulla); CONTRALATERAL loss of P and temp

    sensation a few levels below the lesion

    Conus and Cauda Equina=spinal cord terminates at L1-L2; injuries

    at conus can affect both conus and root resulting in a varied neuro

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    picture; i.e. mixture of UM and LMNLPrognosis for neuro injuries: pinprick preservation (LE and sacral)

    w/I 72hrs is good prognosticator of motor function to return and

    ability to walk

    SCI Effects on Resp Fx: 

    C4 is normally the level Pt’s need to breathe independently 

    T11 and below, normal vital capacity

    Cough Fx: C1-C3 absent, C4-T1 non functional, T2-T4 poor, T5-T10

    weak, T11 and below is normalC2-C7 innervate accessory mm of breathing

    T1-T11 intercostals

    T6-L1 abdominals

    Levels of injury: 

    C1-C4 Patterns of weakness-paralysis of trunk and UE, probably


    Possible mvmts: neck mvmts, slight sh retraction and addn

    Role of PT: ROM, spasticity management, neck strengthening,

    chest physio, prevent contracturesMajor mm innervated:

    FULL: C1-C3 SCM, neck extensors, neck flexors

    C2-C4 traps

    PARTIAL: C3-C5 Lev scap, diaphragm, supraspinatus, infraspinatus

    C4-C5 rhomboids

    C5: patterns of weakness-sig imbalance around sh girdle, absence

    of elbow ext, wrist pronation, ext, flex or any hand/finger movement

    Possible mvmt-sh abd, flex, ext, elbow flexion and supination,

    scapular add and abd

    Full: all of the C4 mm plus diaphragm, rhomboids (C4-5 dorsal

    scapular), levator scapula (C3-4 and dorsal scapular)

    Partial: Deltoid, biceps, brachioradialis, teres minor (C5-6)

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    Hand Fx-use wrist splints and universal cuffs

    C6: patterns of weakness-no wrist flexion, elbow ext, hand movt

    Possible mvmt-radila wrist ext, some horiz adduction, can extend

    elbow in some positions using ER of shoulder; have tenodesis grip

    which permits a weak grasp w/o any hand mm

    Slide board transfer possible, manual W/C possible, FIRST LEVEL

    OF SCI to have potential to live in community w/o care

    PT role: maximize strength for transfer to functional tasks, teach

    “trick” mvmt strategis, ROM and stretching, prescribe equipment 

    C7-C8: patterns of weakness-limited grasp and release dexterity d/t

    lack of intrinsic mm of hand

    Mvmt possible-elbow ext (C7), wrist ext, DIP/PIP flex, MP flex (C8)

    Triceps allow independent transfers, manual W/C, indep with

    most/all ADL’s 

    Hand function-C8 gives finger and thumb flexors (which are weak)

    and no lumbricals

    Thoracic paraplegia-intact UE Fx, mainly use W/C

    Lumbar paraplegia-more motor sparing more efficient gait,

    possible to have functional gait, if conus or cauda equina may have

    flaccid bowel and bladder

    2 tests for spasticity: Modified Ashworth, Tardieu

    Lat spinothalamic- P and temp

     Ant “ – crude touch and pressure

    Dorsal columns – fine touch, stereognosis, vibration

    Lateral corticospinal-the 90% that cross in the pyramid motor

     Anterior corticospinal-the 10% cross at the level of innervations


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    Autonomic effects of SCI on Heart and Lungs: 

    Sympathetic NS-Chain T1-L1, fight or flight, increases HR and BP

    and blood flow to skeletal mm, RELAXES bronchial mm (one would

    think it would contract them BUT if a bear was chasing you, you

    would want the mm to relax to incr O2 supply)

    Parasympathetic NS-craniosacral, primary interest in Vagus nerve;

    decreases HR and contractility, decr blood flow to smooth mm,

    contracts bronchial mm

    With Level of injury T6 and above: (in general)

    Sympathetic influence is dependent on level of injury (b/c it goes

    from T1-L1)

    Parasymp influence remains intact and UNOPPOSED via the vagus

    nerve in injuries T6 and higher

    Limits cardiac output and shunting of blood from inactive to active


    Blunting of heart rate often to only110-120bpm

    Heart response is d/t vagal withdrawal rather than sympathetic drive

    (normally sympathetic would drive up HR but it is no longer intactthere must rely on removing parasymp)

    Spinal Shock=temporary suppression of all reflex activity below the

    level of injury (24-48 hrs)

    Neurogenic shock (T6 and above)=body’s response to sudden

    loss of symp. control, therefore parasymp dominance, loss of

    vasomotor control; 3 clinical signs are 1) bradycardia, 2)

    hypotension, 3) Hypothermia

    Rx for hypotension: volume resuscitation (saline), vasopressors (to

    counter loss of sympathetic tone)

    Health risks with SCI: DVT, pulmonary embolus, HO (2 main

    contraindication for Rx are forced PROM and serial casting),

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    osteoporosis ANDPost traumatic syringomyelia=a formation of an abnormal tubular

    cavity in the spinal cord; the dura tethers/scars to the arachnoid

    blocking CSF flow, CSF is forced into the spinal cord progressively

    enlarging the cyst which compresses the cord and its vascular


    Spastic bladder =injuries above the conus, messages will continue

    to travel b/w bladder and spinal cord since reflex arc is still intact,

    may be triggered by “tapping”, bladder can be trained to empty onits own, bladder mngmt is either intermittent catheters or

    condom/foley drainage

    Flaccid bladder=in conus and cauda equina injuries, messages

    don’t travel b/w spinal cord and bladder since the reflex centre is

    damaged, bladder loses ability to empty reflexively, bladder will

    continue to fill AND must be catheterized

    Misc info: 

    CVD is major cause of death in people surviving 30years+

    L ventricular myocardial atrophy seen in SCI

    100x higher rate of bladder cancer in people with SCISpasticity, common clinical characteristics: incrd mm tone or

    firmness, incrd stretch reflex, uncontrolled mvmts

    01.02.04 Tumour (Can you believe it, they put tumors on the

    blueprint twice! Bah!)

    tumor = neoplasm, benign or malignant, soft tissue or bone,

    develop from or within tissue in a localized area - later they can

    spread (mets)

    epithelial = carcinoma

    mesenchymal (type of undifferentiated loose connective tissue from

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    01.02.05 Degenerative neurological/neuromuscular disorders

    (e.g., muscular dystrophies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,

    Parkinson disease) 

    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerigs)=a motor neurone

    disease and gradual deterioration of BOTH UMN and LMN (may

    have both flaccid and spastic paresis), characterized by rapidly

    progressive weakness, muscle atrophy and fasciculations, muscle

    spasticity, difficulty speaking (dysarthria), difficulty swallowing

    (dysphagia), and decline in breathing ability.amyotrophy-mm fiber atrophy

    lateral-lateral column atrophy

    sclerosis-sclerosis (harden/thickening) of those axons

    Starts peripherally, moves central, mm groups are affected


    sensory system, cognition, bowel and bladder are spared

    Rx:resp difficulties, complications of immobility, sy relief

    Parkinson disease=chronic neurodegenerative disease,reduction in dopamine produced by substantia nigra

    Possible causes:infectious/post encephalitis (irritation and swelling

    (inflammation) of the brain, most often due to infections), drug


    Dopamine normally inhibits Ach, without dopamine there is

    excessive excitatory output

    Motor disturbances: resting tremor, rigidity, akinesia/bradykinesia,

    postural instability, impairments of voice, dexterity, balance, gait

    Non-motor disturbances- pain, visual/spatial, proprioceptive,

    postural hypotension,sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety,

    fatigue, dementia

    Limiting factors and contraindications to exercise: cardiac or resp

    condition, MSK problems, postural hypotension, severe dyskinesia

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    Secondary progressive – starts off as relapsing remitting thensteadily worsens

    Progressive relapsing --there is a steady progression with attacks

    PT Rx: treat vestibular dysfunction, posture, proprioception, core,


    Contraindications and precautions to exercise: heat, fatigue,


    01.02.07 Inflammatory/infectious conditions of nervous

    system (e.g., meningitis, Lyme disease) 

    Lyme disease: from a bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, through ticks

    may occur in stages,

    stage 1) localized presentation, erythema, flu like

    stage 2) neuro (headache and neck stiffness) MSK and cardiac

    (tachy, brady, arrythmia, myocarditis) , may have Bells palsy

    3) final stage long term neuro, with arthritis(1/3) and cognitive

    deficitsInfo: mimics other diseases like MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue

    syndrome, guillan barre

    Rx: antibiotics to treat

    PT management: relieve pain, prep deconditioned patients for

    home ex, ed re FITT w/out exacerbating symptoms, improve


    meningitis: infectious disease that causes inflammation of

    meninges (all 3: pia, arachnoid, dura)

    Info: increased risk of infarctions, cortical veins may develop

    thomboses, may be block of CSF secondary to scar tissue (can

    cause hydrocephaly - excess amount of fluid in the brain) which

    causes headache (the CARDINAL SIGN!)

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    Presentation: can present as acute (hrs-days)sub acute (2wks plus)

    chronic (1mo plus)


    1) aseptic (fungus, virus, parasite, can also get with: herpes syplex

    2, ebstien barr, lupus)

    2) tuberculosis: abcess or edema

    3) bacterial: in child or infant is considered a medical emergency

    Physical test for meningitis: patient supine, passively flex neck,Brudzinski’s sign: knees and hips will flex 

    Creutzfeldt Jakob disease=caused by prions; is bovine

    spongiform encephalopathy in cows (mad cow disease); occurs in

    young adults, is a movement disorder/dementia; it is rapidly

    progressive and fatal

    Pathology-contracted by ingestion or via the nose; incubates 5-


    01.02.08 Post-polio syndrome (from Wikipedia) I’ve been toldthis is good to know...

    Poliovirus attacks specific neurons in the brainstem and the 

    anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, generally resulting in the

    death of a substantial fraction of the motor neurons controlling 

    skeletal muscles. In an effort to compensate for the loss of these

    neurons, surviving motor neurons sprout new nerve terminals to

    the orphaned muscle fibers. The result is some recovery of

    movement and the development of enlarged motor units.[3] 

    The neural fatigue theory proposes that the enlargement of the

    motor neuron fibres places added metabolic stress on the nerve

    cell body to nourish the additional fibers. After years of use, this

    stress may be more than the neuron can handle, leading to the

    gradual deterioration of the sprouted fibers and, eventually, the

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    neuron itself. This causes muscle weakness and paralysis.Restoration of nerve function may occur in some fibers a second

    time, but eventually nerve terminals malfunction and permanent

    weakness occurs.[3] When these neurons no longer carry on

    sprouting, fatigue occurs due to the increasing metabolic demand

    of the nervous system.[6] The normal aging process also may play

    a role. There is an ongoing denervation and reinnervation, but the

    reinnervation process has an upper limit where the reinnervation

    cannot compensate for the ongoing denervation, and loss of motor

    units takes place

    01.02.09 Cerebellar disorders 


    - hereditary ataxia, Friedreich’s ataxia 

    -neoplastic, metastatic tumors


    -vascular: stroke

    -developmental: ataxic cerebral palsy, arnold chiari syndrome

    -trauma: TBI

    -drugs: heavy metals-chronic alcoholism; acute alcohol poisoning, effects GABA


    1 archicerbellum lesions: central vestib system, gait and trunk ataxia

    2 paleocerebellum lesions: hypotonia, trunk ataxia, ataxic gait

    3 neocerebellum: intention tremor, dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria,

    dyssynergia, errors in timing

    additional impairments: asthenia (generalized weakness),

    hypotonia, motor learning impairments, cog deficits, emotional


    01.02.10 Vestibular disorders

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    cause of dizziness: cardiovascular, neurological, visual,psychogenic, cervicogenic, meds, vestibular

    3 functions of vestibular: 1)gaze stabilization - objects in visual

    field stay clear with head movement; 2)postural stabilization -

    maintain balance and equlibrium; 3)resolution of sensory motor

    mismatch (proprioception, vestibular and visual)= sea

    sickness/motion intolerance

    anatomy: semicircular canals x3; horizontal, anterior, posterior=

    GAZE/ angular displacement of the head

    otolith: utricle- detects horizontal plane motion, and saccule-detects sagittal plane motion; together detect acceleration and

    deceleration= POSTURAL 

    vertigo= the subjective experience of nystagmus (room spinning

    around you) - get it with BPPV

    dizziness= discrepancy between R and L side, patient can’t work out

    where they are in space

    oscillopsia=blurred vision

    antibiotic= GENTOMYCIN = affects vestibular system

    UVL-unilateral vestibular loss= peripheral dysfunction: cause-infection (vestib neuritis, labyrinthitis, disease (Menieres- too much

    endolymph squishes structures in the ear S&S: low freq hearing

    loss, tinnitis), trauma, BPPV)

    presentation: dizziness, oscillopsia, imbalance

    BPPV(UVL) = benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

    - displaced otoconia go to the posterior canal

    -presentation: brief transient vertigo when looking up/down, rolling to

    that side in bed, sitting to supine

    -Dix Hallpike maneuver to test - head 45 deg to test ear, 30 deg ext,

    lower from sit to supine and keep for 30 sec +ve test nystagmus-

    delayed onset, brief and rotary

    CI’s arthritis, vertebral art insufficiency, 5D’s 

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    Tx: modified Epley maneuver

    BVL: causes: toxicity, bilat infection, vestibular neuropathy,


    BVL presentation: very poor balance, NO DIZZINESS

    vestibular occular reflex= maintain stable vision during movement;

    deficient with unilateral and bilateral vestibular loss

    Central vestibular disorders= TIA, Stroke, head injury, brain tumor,MS,

     Ax: direction changing nystagmus

    recovery dependent on cortical reorganization

    motion sensitivity:

    1) sensitivity to movement of the head - position change, repetitive

    movement, car train or boat travel

    2) sensitivity to moving visual field - visual vertigo, occular dizzness,


    01.02.11 Neuropathies (e.g., peripheral neuropathies, complex

    regional pain syndrome) 

    peripheral neuropathy = injury to peripheral N that may be due to

    injury or illness

    -mononeuropathy, mononeuritis, polyneuropathy, autonomic

    neuropathy, neuritis

    most common cause is from diabetes. can also be due to injury or

    other diseases like : lyme, HIV, shingles, Gullian-Barre

    Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (formerly known as Reflex

    Sympathetic Dystrophy)= a chronic pain condition believed to be

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    the result of dysfx in central or peripheral NSTypical features: changes in the color and temp of the skin over

    the affected limb or body part, with intense burning pain, skin

    sensitivity, sweating, swelling, stiffness

    Stage 1 (0-3 mo) puffy swelling, redness, warmth, stiffness,

    allodynia, pos bone scan

    Stage 2 (3-6 mo) incrd P and stiffness, firm edema, cyanosis,

    atrophy, osteopenia on xray

    Stage 3 (6mo plus) tight, smooth, glossy, cool, pale skin; stiffness

    and contractures, nail and hair changes; severe osteopenia

    PT Rx: prevention and early detection-> early ROM and use, P

    and edema mngmt (desensitization, contrast baths, modalities),


    01.02.12 Developmental/birth injuries (e.g., cerebral palsy,

    myelomeningocele, Erb’s palsy) 

    Cerebral Palsy: 

    CP: non progressive lesion of the brain that occurs before the age of2, hearing and speech problems, hydroencephalus,

    microencephaly, scoliosis, hip dislocation, mental retardation

    anoxia, haemorrhage (intraventricular, periventricular leukomalacia -

    most common ishcemic brain injury in premature babies) or brain


    risk factors: of mom is older, low birth wt, IVF (invitro fertilization)

    mono, di, tri, quad, hemi

    spastic: mm stiffness, dec ROM, movements limited to synergies -

    primitive movement patterns- trouble start/stop movement

    athetoid: slow twisting wide amplitude movements, changing of

    mouth positions

    ataxic: abnormal rate, range, force, duration of movements;

    difficulty with rapid move, gait, fine motor, balance

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    dystonic: long sustained involuntary movements and postureshypotonic: lack of tone, weakness

    hip subluxation, spasticity of adductor longus and iliopsoas,

    dislocate posteriorly

    Tx: seating, botox to adductors, surgery, baclofen pump, tendon


    PT: manage atypical mm, habituation, not rehab, positioning,

    orthotics, maintain ROM

    Sitting modifications-put pummel between legs

    Spina bifida: neural tube defect resulting in vertebral and/or spinal

    cord malformation

    1) spina bifida occulta - no spinal cord involvement, may be

    indicated by hair tuft

    2) spina bifida cystica - visible or open lesion

    a)meningocele - cyst includes cerebrospinal fluid cord intact

    b) myelomeningocele - cyst includes CSF and herniated cord tissue

    -link between maternal decreased maternal decreased folic acid,

    infection, exposure to teratogens (alcohol)-hydrocephalus

    - meningitis

    -foot deformities -talipes equinovarus (club foot) esp with L4, L5


    -latex allergy

    Erb’s palsy (waiters tip)

    - C5, C6, injury in infants, usually come out of birth canal

    - can affect: rhomboids, levator scapulae, serratus anterior, delts,

    supraspinatus, infraspinatus, biceps, brachioradialis, brachialis,

    supinator, long extensors of wrist, fingers, thumb

    Rx: immobilization initially, gentle ROM, play exercises

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    Klumke (claw hand)-C8,T1

    effect: intrinsic mm of hand, flexors and extensors of wrist and


    Median N palsy (ape hand)

    - C6-8, T1 median N

    - impairment of thenar mm

    -can’t ABduct and oppose thumb 

    01.02.13 Dementia, affective and cognitive disorders 


    Impairment in: memory, language, visual spatial skills, cognition,


     – Most pts die of pneumonia

    -Mini Mental State Exam (MMSI) is m

    ost used outcome measure

    PT concerns: prevent falls, retain motor activities, reduce

    restlessness improve sleeping support for caregivers

    01.02.14 Altered level of consciousness (e.g., coma, seizures) 

    Coma = lowest level of conciousness

    - use GCS to assess; will not obey commands, open eyes, or

    interpret words

    Epilepsy/ seizures- disturbances in CNS

    S&S: altered conciousness, motor activity (convulsions), sensory

    phenomena, autonomic, cognitive

    1)primary generalized seizures - bilateral and symmetrical w/out

    local onset

    a) tonic-clonic (grand mal) - dramatic, whole body - 2-5 mins

    b) absence seizures (petit mal) - brief, almost imperceptible

    LOC, come back to full conciousness, no change in posture, can

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    be up to 100/day2) partial seizures

    a) simple - usually one part of the body

    - focal motor = clonic activity on specific area of body

    - focal motor with march (Jacksonian) - orderly spread or march

    of clonic movements; can progress to whole side

    - temporal lobe seizure - episodic change in behavior, complex


    b) complex partial seizures - simple partial seizures followed by

    impairment of consciousness

    NEUROANATOMY (Admit it, this reminds you of coloring class, who doesn’t like colored pens andpencils)

    Ascending Tracts: 

    Lat Spinothalamic-tests pain, hot/cold of limbs and trunk; receptors are free nerve endings

    sharp P is A delta fibers, slow/dull are type C fibers; ascends in lateral white column of spinal cord,

    crosses w/i 1-2 segments; finishes in parietal lobe (this lobe integrates sensory information from

    different modalities); F HALF THE CORD has lesion, at the level there ipsilateral loss, and

    contralateral loss below the lesion

     Ant (ventral) Spinothalamic- crude touch and pressure; receptors are Merckel discs and Ruffini

    corpuscles and free nerve endings; A delta and A beta; ascends in ant white column; crosses w/i 1-2

    segments; finishes in parietal lobe as well; IF HALF THE CORD has lesion, at the level there

    ipsilateral loss, and contralateral loss below the lesion

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    Dorsal columns (medial lemniscu)- 2-pt discrimination, fine touch, sterognosis, vibration; receptorsare pacinian corpuscles (vibration), merckels’s disc, meissners (light touch); a beta; fibers cross in the

    brain stem; lesion below medulla=ipsilateral loss; lesion above medulla=contralateral loss; finishes in

    parietal lobe

    Descending Tracts: 

    Lateral corticospinal=primary motor tract; 90% cross in pyramids (part of the brain stem); synapses in

    ant horn cell in grey matter of spinal cord, goes out on an alpha motor neuron, terminates at the

    neuromuscular junction; LESION above level of medulla where they cross-->loss of vol mvmt

    contralateral to the lesion below level of medulla

     Anterior corticospinal=primary motor; 10% that cross at level of innervation; target lower motor

    neurons; start in frontal lobe; don’t cross in the pyramids;travel in ventral white column; IF LESION is

    on one side of the cord->loss of 10% voluntary mvmt contralateral to the lesion

    Cerebral arteries: 

    Internal carotid artery= collateral supply is possible thru ant. and middle cerebral arteries;

    deficit=contralat. hemiplegia and hemisensory disturbance, global aphasia (if dominant side), mentally

    slow, contralateral homonymous hemianopia, partial Horner’s syndrome, gaze palsy (eyes to opp

    side); is the main supply for ant cerebral a., post CA, middle cerebral a.

    Anterior cerebral artery=weakness and sensory loss of contralat limbs, self care problems,

    emotional lability

    Middle cerebral artery= contralat hemiplegia, hemisensory loss, hemianopia, contralat neglect,

    aphasia(impaired language abaility) if on dominant side, apraxia (disor der of motor planning, can’t

    carry out purposeful movements), impaired hearing, difficulty dressing, may also produce motor

    speech dysfunction (Broca’s area) 

    Vertebral artery= two join to form basilar artery; imp branches to watch for strokes PICA (largestbranch of vertebral a.), AICA, PCA

    Post cerebral artery (PCA)= supplies occipital lobes; vision problems, CN III palsy, contralateral

    hemiplegia, chorea (abnormal invol. mvmts, looks like dancing), hemiballismas (involuntary flinging

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    mvmts of extremities), hemisensory impairment, contralat homonymous hemianopia, difficulty withnaming and colors

    Superior cerebellar artery= supplies cerebellum, limb ataxia, Horner’s syndrome (droopy eyelid, red

    face), contralateral sensory loss

    Ant inf cerebellar = supplies cerebellum, ipsilateral limp ataxia, ipsilateral horner’s, sensory loss,

    facial weakness, paralysis of lateral gaze, and contralateral sensory loss of limbs and trunk

    PICA=supplies cerebellum, disarthria (poor articulation while speaking d/t motor issues), ipsilateral

    limb ataxia, vertigo, nystagmus, ipsilateral horners, sensory loss (p and temp) of face, pharyngeal andlaryngeal paralysis, contralateral sensory loss (p and temp) of trunk, visual sy’s (paralysis of vertical

    eye mvmts and decrd pupillary light reflex)

    Broca’s(receptive) aphasia= Broca’s area is located in the left frontal lobe

    Wernicke’s(expressive) aphasia= Wernicke’s area is located in the left temporal lobe

    Primary somatosensory= located in both parietal lobes, resp for all sensation

    Primary visual=located in both occipital lobes

    Primary auditory=located in both temporal lobes

    Olfactory area=located in both temporal lobes

    LEFT CVA mean most muscles on R side of body are affected. Also aphasias, used more reasoning,

    numerical and scientific skills, spoken and written language, sign language.

    RIGHT CVA means decreased musical and artistic awareness, spatial and pattern perception,

    recognition of faces, emotional content of language (speak in montotnous voice), discriminating

    smells, damage to right brodmann’s area have difficulty differentiating smells  


    1 Olfactory- does smell; damage to can cause anosomia (inability to detect smells, seen with frontallobe lesions) 

    2 Optic- does vision; damage to can cause homonymous hemianopsia (hemianopic visual field loss

    on the same side of both eyes. Hemianopias occur because the right half of the brain has visual

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    pathways for the left hemifield of both eyes, and the left half of the brain has visual pathways for theright hemifield of both eyes) 

    3 Occulomotor- does pupillary reflexes; damage to can cause absence of pupillary constriction or

    Horner’s syndrome (combination of drooping of the eyelid (ptosis) and constriction of the pupil

    (miosis), sometimes accompanied by decreased sweating of the face on the same side; redness of

    the conjunctiva of the eye is often also present) 

    4 Trochlear - turns adducted eye downwards 

    5 Trigeminal- V1 sensory on face, V2 opthalmic branch (touch with cotton), V3 motor mm of


    6 Abducens - turns eye out 

    7 Facial-facial expression; damage to presents as inability to close eye, droopy corner of mouth,difficulty speaking; innervates ant aspect of tongue 

    8 Vestibular- balance, gaze stability, auditory; damage to can cause vertigo, nystagmus, deafness  

    9 Glossopharyngeal- phonation (voice quality), swallowing; damage to can cause dysphonia (hoarse

    or nasal voice); innervates the back of the tongue 

    10 Vagus- elevates the soft palate and controls position of uvula, gag reflex 

    11 Accessory (spinal) - innervates traps and SCM; damage to will cause inability to shrug ipsilateral

    shoulder (traps) or inability to turn head to opp side (SCM) 

    12 Hypoglossal - tongue movement; damage to can cause dysarthria or deviation of tongue to the

    weak side 



    01.03 Cardiopulmonary-vascular (15%±5%) (This list is not necessarily


    01.03.01 Heart disease/malformation/injury (e.g., arteriosclerosis,blunt trauma, tamponade, aortic aneurysm) 

    valvular heart disease: valves break; failure of valved to open completely

    thereby impede forward flow (stenosis), regurgitations(insufficiency): fail

    valve to close-reverse blood flow

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    dilated cardiomyopathy: heart with increased mass, heart has troublepumping; risks: third trimester, alcohol

    hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: hypertrophied heart, abnormalities in

    filling ; young athletes at risk of dying; S&S chest pain, SOB, sudden

    cardiac tamponade: compression of the heart due to blood or fluid buildup

    in the pericardial sac, may occasionally be the result of puncture wound

    through the heart during a procedure

    Sy’s-jugular distension, hypotension, muffled heart sounds

    arteriosclerosis=stiffening of the arteries; thickening and loss of elasticity -

    hardening of arteries

    artherosclerosis: plaques into lumen and weakened underlying artery;

    heart attack, stroke, aortic aneurism; atheromas (plaques, cholesterol or

    lipids) form within the intima of artery

    aortic stenosis: calcification due to age or lipid accumulation;

    consequences: heart murmur, hypertrophy, angina, syncope

    aneurism: localized abnormal dilation of the wall of a blood vessel, all

    aneurisms may rupture

    causes; atherosclerosis, trauma, congenital defectsmost common site: abdominal aortic aneurism

    aortic dissection: chest pain, dissecting aneurism

    Blunt trauma to the heart:

    Flail Chest=multiple rib fractures, free floating rib section; Inspiration-flail

    segment sucks in->lung, heart, mediastinum shift away, reducing air entry

    into the unaffected lung; expiration-flail segments pushes outward->lung,

    heart, mediastinum are pushed toward flail segment

    Rx-pain control, intubation/ventilation if necessary, O2, airway clearance,

    occasionally Sx

    pneumothorax= collapse of the lung due to air in pleural space; can be

    due to puncture of chest wall or lung spont bursts; hyperresonant

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    percussion; aspirate or chest tube1)open - stabbed- air into pleural space; 2)tension - v.serious! - open

    wound becomes sealed on expiration, air goes from affected lung into

    pleural space - on inspiration air will stay in pleural space, increase

    pressure on heart that can stop beating :(  

    spontaneous pneumothorax- spont rupture of air containing space of lungs

    hemothorax- collapse of lung due to blood in pleural space ; less breath


    01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia and infarction (including surgicalinterventions) 

    Terrible Triad: (3 I’s) 

    1) Ischaemia= Inverted T waves, poor blood supply and hypoxia, occurs

    w/i seconds of onset and is REVERSIBLE

    2) Injury= Elevated ST segment, myocardial tissue injured during MI

    occurs in 20-40mins, IS REVERSIBLE

    Depressed ST segment: inj to myocardial tissue, can occur during angina

    3) Infarction= abnormal Q waves and QS complexes, can also be tall R


    NOT REVERSIBLE, occurs 2hrs after onset

    BRADYcardia 100bpm

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    Ventricular fibrillation= incompatible with life = requires defib (shock!)

    1degree AVblock= caused by prolonged conduction in AV node; P-wave


    2nd degree AV block (2 types, mobitz 1 and 2) =block occurs at occurs at

     AV node and is transient; PR lengthens until totally blocked then NO QRS

    follows a P causing a missed beat (MOBITZ type 1)MOBITZ type 2: block occurs at bundle branches/bundle of His; abrupt

    drop of QRS, but PR interval normal

    3rd degree AV block: block at AV node, bundle of His OR bundle

    branches; complete disassociation between atria and ventricles, this

    produces independent atrial and ventricIular rate (atrial faster)

    bundle branch block: in bundle branches and QRS is longer

    01.03.03 Heart failure,CHF: congestive heart failure

    -heart is unable to pump blood at a rate required by tissues of the

    body, or it does so at elevated filling pressures

    - marked by breathlessness and abnormal retention of sodium and water

    resulting in edema with congestion of lungs or peripheral circ or BOTH

    two types: systolic; deterioration of contractile function

    diastolic: can’t accommodate ventricular blood volume 

    Right sided heart failure: common cause: L sided heart failure; damming

    of blood in periphery, congestion of the portal system: liver damage and

    enlarged spleen, dec flow in periphery, kidney and brain issues, pitting


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    Left sided heart failure: due to: damming of blood in pulmonarycirculation; SOB when lying, nocturnal gasp of breath when sleeping,

    kidney and brain dec perfusion

    cor pulmonale: failure of the R side of heart; due to chronic severe pulm

    HTN: emphysema and chronic bronchitis (COPD)

    ischemic heart disease: caused by myocaridal ishcemia; S&S angina, MI,

    sudden cardiac death 90% due to artherosclerosis

    angina pectoris: paroxysmal (short and frequent) recurrent episodes of

    chest discomfort caused by transient myocardial ischemia: stable,

    unstable, prinzmetal(variant) occurs at rest

    MI: release troponin and creatine kinase

    01.03.04 Tumour (oh, sorry I was wrong, tumors are on the blueprint

    THREE times!!!)

    LUNG CANCER: 2 types:

    1)small cell: 20-25%: develops in bronchial cell mucosa, spread rapidly,and metastasize early

    2) non-small cell:

    1-squamous cell - spread slow, arise in central portion near hilum, mets


    2- adenocarcinoma- 35-40%- slow to mod spread, early mets throughout

    lungs brain and other organs

    3- large cell - rapid spread, wide spread mets, kidney, liver, adrenals, poor



    PT management: manage fatigue

    Brain tumours= 2nd to stroke is #1 cause of death (in the brain)

    50% chance of survival, kills more ppl than MS and lymphoma, sig cause

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    of death in kids (intra-tentorial)1) intracerebral primary= tumors neurons don’t proliferate (other cells

    around proliferate)

    2) intracerebral metastatic = come from lung, breast, prostate -

    compensate by dec brain tissue vol, CSF vol and blood flow vol

    3) Intra-spinal- signs: N root pain, worse at night, pain with cough, radicular

    pain Tx: surgery or radiation

    low grade astrocytoma - benign, good survival if treated early

    anaplastic astryocytoma - aggressive

    medulloblastomas - freq metastasize to other spots in brain and spineneuronomas: a) schwannoma - cranial N 8 (vestibular)

    S&S headache and seizure, nausea, vomit, cognition and behavior

    01.03.05 Pneumonia (primary or post-operative/preventive) 

    inflammation of parenchyma of lungs (lung tissue); could be caused by 1)

    bacterial, viral or fungal, 2) inhalation of toxic chemicals (smoke, dust,

    gas), 3) aspiration; normally airborne pathogens

    most are preceded by an upper respiratory infection followed by sudden

    and sharp chest pain, coughs up green sputum, can also have dyspnea,

    tachpneaRx: antibacterials/antibiotics, airway clearance techniques, antifungals (if

    fungal infection), oxygen support, positioning

    Hospital acquired pneumonia has a higher mortality rate than community

    typical (sudden onset of symptoms - bacterial often, fever, sputum, physical

    sign of consolidation) and atypical (walking- no symptoms, little sputum, min

    chest signs)

    aspiration: impaired consciousness- alc abuse, after surgery, neuro disease

    01.03.06 Atelectasis (primary or post-operative/preventive) 

    Atelecatsis = collapse of normally expanded and aerated lung tissue at

    any structural level involving all or part of the lung; can be patchy,

    segmental or lobar distribution

    can be due to: 1) blockage of bronchus/bronchiole, lung is prevented from

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    hypoxemic resp failure (gas exchange failure): arterial hypoxemia - low

    blood O2, no inc in CO2, due to: pneumonia, ARDS, obstructive lung

    disease, pulmonary embolism

    hypercapnic resp failure: too much CO2 in the blood, leads to dec O2 in

    the blood, due to dec ventilation (depress of resp ctr by drugs), acute

    upper/lower airway obstruction, weak/impaired resp mm, SCI

    01.03.08 Asthma chronic inflamm of the lungs characterized by variable airflow limitation and

    hyper-responsiveness; chronic inflamm disorder of airways - airway hyper-

    responsiveness: recurrent episode; wheezing, breathlessness, chest

    tightness, coughing (often reversible unlike COPD)

    smooth mm contraction

    gas exchange normal, hyperinflated during attack, normal elastic recoil,

    exercise capacity reduced, allergic exposure- child or adults

    2 categories: 1)extrinsic- allergic or atopic - normally due to allergen; mast

    cells release mediators which cause bronchospasm and hypersecretion -

    KIDS more2) intrinsic- non allergic- hypersensitivity to bacteria, virus, drugs, cold air,

    ex , stress - ADULTS more

    Rx: prevent triggers, pharmacological - inhaled corticosteroids

    exercise induced: smooth mm constrict - upright, lean forward and pursed

    lip breathing

    01.03.09 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g., emphysema,

    bronchitis, bronchiectasis) 

    COPD= chronic resp condition characterized by progressive airway

    obstruction that is not fully reversible, gas exchange is normal, always

    hyperinflated, decreased elastic recoil, age of onset middle aged to older


    Rx: pharmacological 2 focuses, 1) smooth mm relaxation, 2) reduce airway

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    inflammationO2 therapy, BUT NOT FOR Pts with pulmonary HTN, CHF

    Bronchiectasis: irreversible destruction(necrosis) and dilation of the

    airways with chronic bacterial infection; excess mucus, can be caused by

    CF, TB, and endobronchial tumors; eventually alveoli replaced with scar

    tissue due to chronic inflamm

    Rx: bronchodilators, antibiotics, secretion clearance

    Bronchitis: excess mucus production

    Emphysema=pathological diagnosis, destruction of air spaces distal to the

    terminal bronchiole with destruction of alveolar septa which causes merging

    of alveoli into larger air spaces-->this reduces the surface area for gas

    exchange; loss of airways and capillaries as well; Impact: hyperventilation

    put the diaphragm at mechanical disadvantage (it’s flattened) 

    01.03.10 Restrictive pulmonary disease (e.g., fibrosis) 

    interstitial lung disease: stiff, less compliant lungs (not airway obstruction)

    S&S dyspnea, severe O2 desaturation, finger clubbing, scarring on CT

    Tx: O2 therapy, lung transplant, pulmonary rehab

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    pulmonary fibrosis: ⅔ no known cause; ⅓ TB, inhaling harmful particles,

    radiation therapy, meds

    idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: scarring and fibrotic tissue

    asbestosis: caused by inhaling harmful particles

    pneumoconiosis (coal workers lung):

    01.03.11 Tuberculosis 

    (mycobacterium tuberculosis)

    infectious, inflamm systemic disease that affects lungs and may

    dissemminate to involve kidneys, growth plates, meninges, avascularnecrosis of hip jt, lymph nodes and other organ.

    airbourne particles

    S&S: productive cough 3+wks, wt loss, fever, night sweats, fatigue,

    bronchial breath sounds

    TB skin test: inject in forearm: determine of body’s immune response has

    been activated by TB before

    medical management: 10 drugs

    PT :thorough history and self protection (masks etc)

    01.03.12 Pleural effusion accumulation of fluid in the pleural space due to disease

    - this can impair breathing by limiting expansion of the lungs

    transudate: commonly due to heart fail - low protein, clear

    exudate: formation of fluid by inflammation or disease, caused by infection

    or cancer of the pleura - opaque

    symptoms: SOB, chest pain, percussion - dull, decreased or ABSENT

    breath sounds, may hear a pleural rub

    may cause mediastinal shift

    01.03.13 Pulmonary edema 

    increased fluid in extravascular spaces of the lungs; may be increased

    hydrostatic pressure due to heart or kidney failure - pushes fluid out of

    vessels, or increased alveolar permeability (drug induced, ARDS,

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    inhalation of noxious gas)presents as stiffer lungs - inc work of breathing, and dyspnea

    classic symptom: cough that produces a frothy pink tinged sputum

    on auscultation: FINE CRACKLES

    Pulmonary embolus=bloody sputum, dyspnea, incrd RR, SOB, cyanotic,

    01.03.14 Cystic fibrosis 

    inherited autosomal disorder that effects all exocrine glands results in

    defective Cl- excretion and Na+ absorption = THICK MUCUScan get: recurrent chest infections, consolidation, atelectasis and thickened

    bronchial walls

    diagnose with fam history, sweat test - chloride content of sweat, 2 copies

    of abnormal gene

    respiratory symptoms most common; also get: finger clubbing,

    breathlessness, delayed puberty and skeletal maturity, infertility in males,

    symptomatic steatorrhea, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, osteoperosis

    Tx: airway clearance techniques, bronchodilators, aggressive antibiotics

    01.03.15 Peripheral arterial disease account for 95% of arterial occlusive disease; artherosclerosis is the

    underlying cause

    Signs and symptoms-occur distal to site of narrowing or obstruction;

    intermittent claudication, acute ischemia (pallor, pain paralysis, pulseless),

    ulceration and gangrene, skin (shiny, thin, hairless); often occurs in feet

    Outcome-decreased mobility d/t pain and loss of function or limb

    PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE: (same as peripheral artery


    -artherosclerotic obstruction of iliac, femoral, and politieal arteries in the legs

    - feel pain during physical activity, most often in the calf

    -pathologic conditions of blood vessels that supply extremities and major

    abdominal organs

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    underlying cause: artherosclosisS&S: intermittent claudication, dec pulses, uclers, cool skin, limit mobility,

    pain or loss of function of limb

    01.03.16 Venous disorders 

    THROMBOPHLEBITIS-partial or complete occlusion of a vein by a

    thrombus with secondary inflammation

    superficial or deep

    DVT - can become pulm emboli S&S: tender calf (d/t thrombus in calf vein),

    fever, test with Homan’s; risk is it may become a PE  CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY-inadequate venous return over a

    prolonged period

    cause: DVT trauma, obstruction by tumor,

    damaged or destroyed valves lead to venous stasis, can get edema,

    thickening brown skin and ulcers

    Varicose veins=faulty valves cause abnormal dilation of veins leading to

    twisting and turning of the vessel; at risk for thrombosis


    Assisted Cough: Contraindications are ruptured diaphragm and inf venacava filter

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    Volumes (I don’t even know how many times I’ve memorized this diagram

    over the years)

    TIDAL VOLUME (TV): Volume inspired or expired with each normal breath.


    INSPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME (IRV): Maximum volume that can be

    inspired over the inspiration of a tidal volume/normal breath. Used during

    exercise/exertion. (2-3L) EXPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME (ERV): Maximal volume that can be

    expired after the expiration of a tidal volume/normal breath.(1L) 

    RESIDUAL VOLUME (RV): Volume that remains in the lungs after a

    maximal expiration. CANNOT be measured by spirometry(1L) 


    INSPIRATORY CAPACITY ( IC): Volume of maximal inspiration: 

    IRV + TV (2.5L-4L) 

    FUNCTIONAL RESIDUAL CAPACITY (FRC): Volume of gas remaining in

    lung after normal expiration, cannot be measured by spirometry because it

    includes residual volume: ERV + RV(2L) 

    VITAL CAPACITY (VC): Volume of maximal inspiration and expiration: 

    IRV + TV + ERV = IC + ERV (3-4.5L) 

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    TOTAL LUNG CAPACITY (TLC): The volume of the lung after maximalinspiration. The sum of all four lung volumes, cannot be measured by

    spirometry because it includes residual volume: 

    IRV+ TV + ERV + RV = IC + FRC (4-6L) 

    DEAD SPACE: Volume of the respiratory apparatus that does not

    participate in gas exchange, approximately 300 ml in normal lungs. 

    --ANATOMIC DEAD SPACE: Volume of the conducting airways,

    approximately 150 ml --PHYSIOLOGIC DEAD SPACE: The volume of the lung that does not

    participate in gas exchange. In normal lungs, is equal to the anatomic dead

    space (150 ml). May be greater in lung disease. 

    FORCED EXPIRATORY VOLUME in 1 SECOND (FEV1): The volume of air

    that can be expired in 1 second after a maximal inspiration. Is normally 80%

    of the forced vital capacity, expressed as FEV1/FVC. In restrictive lung

    disease both FEV1 and FVC decrease , thus the ratio remains greater than

    or equal to 0.8. In obstructive lung disease, FEV1 is reduced more than the

    FVC, thus the FEV1/FVC ratio is less than 0.8. 


    3 goals: 1) restore optimal function

    2) prevent progression of underlying processes

    3) reduce the risk of sudden death and re-infarction

    S&S of cardiopulmonary disease: pain in chest, neck, jaw, arms; SOB at

    rest or mild exertion; dizzy or syncope; orthopnea (SOB while lying flat) or

    nocturnal dyspnea, ankle edema, palpitations or tachycardia, intermittent

    claudication, known heart murmur, unusual fatigue

    exercises to avoid: NO VALSALVA! (or Hulk imitations); extensive upper

    body activity; isometric/ static exercises;

    phase 1: inpatient

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    phase 2: outpatient 12 week programphase 3: in the community

    cardiothoracic index=size of heart in relation to thorax

    01.04 Multisystem (15%±5%) (This list is not necessarily exhaustive.)

    01.04.01 Episodic disease (e.g., oncology, HIV/AIDS, autoimmune

    disorders, rheumatic diseases, haemophilia) 

    Oncology: (the Alliance is being sneaky this time, they’re calling it

    “oncology” instead of tumors) 

    Staging cancer-TNM: Tumor (extent/spread), Nodes (lymph), Mets (distant


    PT relevant Rx: PT’s can teach Pt’s to stretch mm when radiation therapy

    begins to mitigate occurrence of contactures

    Physical activity:

    During Rx-improves QOL, physical Fx, fatigue; Precautions-severe

    anemia, immune compromised, severe fatigue

    Following Rx-goals are to have appropriate weight, be physically active,

    healthy diet

     ACSM guidelines-prescription must be individualized according to cancer

    survivors pre-Rx aerobic fitness, medical comorbidties, response to Rx,

    and the neg side effects of Rx

    Clinical presentation of cancer survivors: fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, bonehealth, peripheral neuropathy (impact on balance), deconditioning

    Palliative Care: Goals are to provide comfort, support, maximize

    independence; PT’s can help with respiratory, stress reduction, education 

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    (loss of hair ), photosensitivity, mucosal ulcers, Raynaud’s (fingers are cold

    sensitive), effusion in joints; associated with positive serum “antinuclear

    antibodies” (ANA) 

    Sclerodema-autoimmunity provokes massive fibrotic tissue response

    which may lead to joint contractures, pulmonary fibrosis, GI dysmotility

    (esp esophagus)

    Dermatomyositis and polymyositis=inflam connective tissue disorders

    characterized by proximal limb girdle weakness, often w/o P.

    Dermatomyositis- affects both skin and mm; is also assocd. w/ a

    photosensitive skin rash, purplish erythematous eruption over face (espupper eyelids), hands, forearms

    Polymyositis- mm only


    Type A-is the most common of hereditary clotting factor deficiencies

    - X-linked recessive (Males have the condition, and the gene that causes it

    is carried by women)

    -If the mother carries the haemophilia gene and the father does not have

    haemophilia: A male child will have a 50:50 chance of having haemophilia.

     A female child will have a 50:50 chance that she will carry the haemophiliagene.

    If the father is affected by haemophilia and the mother is not a carrier:

     A female child will be a carrier (she is known as an obligate carrier).

     A male child will not be affected by the haemophilia gene and cannot pass

    haemophilia onto his future children.

    Presentation:profuse post circumcision bleeding, joint and soft tissue

    bleeding, excessive bleeding, operative and post-traumatic hemorrhage

    Signs and Symptoms

    ●  Big bruises;

    ●  Bleeding into muscles and joints, especially the knees, elbows, and


    ●  Prolonged bleeding after a cut, tooth removal, surgery, or an accident.

    ●  Serious internal bleeding into vital organs, most commonly after a

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    serious traumaBleeding in the joints is the most common problem. 

    The symptoms of a joint bleed are as follows:

    ●  Tightness in the joint with no real pain.

    ●  Tightness and pain before any bleeding

    ●  Swollen and hot to touch, hard to move

    ●   All movement lost, severe pain

    ●  Bleeding slows after several days when the joint is full of blood

    There can be disabling arthritis if this is not treated.

    Rx: recombinant factor VIII infusion; note, before VIII available many Pts

    received blood products in the 80’s and died of AIDS and many got Hep C 

    Desmopressin (or DDAVP) can be used for sufferers of mild haemophilia

    Rheumatic diseases: 

    Rheumatoid arthritis: synovitis is the main feature; synovium becomes

    swollen and cells proliferate->a dense cellular membrane (pannus)

    spreads over articular cartilage and erodes the underlying cartilage and

    bone; over time the pannus may extend to the opposite articular surface

    creating1) fibrous scar tissue, 2) adhesions, 3) bony ankylosing; immobility and

    consolidation (bones form a single unit) of a joint; bones can become

    osteopenic and ligaments and tendons become damaged or ruptured;

    surrounding mm deteriorate leaving joint unstable and prone to deformity

    symmetrical pattern

    Criteria for RA:

    morning stiffness>1hr (6 weeks), arthritis of >/= 3 joints (6weeks), arthritis

    of hand joints, symmetric arthritis (6weeks), rheumatoid nodules, serum

    rheumatoid factor, radiographic changes

    Have an abnormal antibody HLA-DR4 in 80% of people with RA

    Increased risk:after mother gives birth, cigarette smoking, pollution

    Clinical features:pain, fatigue, stiffness (decreased ROM), swelling, joint

    deformity, mm atrophy

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    Management: Meds (DMARDs, NSAIDs, tylenol, cortisone)Rehab: Acute phase-energy conservation, ice, splints, gentle ROM, NO

    STRETCHING as it may stretch the synovial membrane and cause

    irreversible damage

    Chronic phase-relieve pain, i.e. modalities, splints, exercise (gentle ROM),

    relaxation/rest; Reduce stiffness-gentle ROM, aquatic ex, heat; functional

    ex’s, prevent deformity 

    Inflam conditions:-pain worse in morning, morning stiffness greater than

    1hrNon-Inflam condition-yes, after used, morning stiffness less than 30min

    Joint count assessment=an indicator of the disease activity of RA

    1) Joint effusion,

    2) joint line tenderness

    3) stress pain

    Commonly affected joint in RA:

    1)atlanto-axial joint (esp transverse lig)

    Signs and symptoms of atlanto axial subluxation-clunking in repositioningin Sharp Purser test, dysphagia, dizziness, blurred vision

    2) TMJ-end stage may result in fusion of open bite

    3) Shoulder-humeral head moves superiorly

    4) AC joint

    5) elbow-loss of extension, i.e. flexion deformity; superior radioulnar joint

    commonly involved->erosion of radial head

    6) hip (groin P, flexion deformity)

    7) knee-baker’s cyst, flexion deformity, valgus deformity, quad wasting 


    Hallux valgus- 1st MTP synovitis, big toe is lateral, lig laxity and erosion,

    sublux-> dislocation, prox phalanx drifts lat, causes pronation of midfoot

    MTP subluxation- synovitis, displacement of the flexors, unopposed

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    extensors pull the prox phalanx into hyperext, metatarsal head prolapsesand get dislocation and lat drift of toes: Sign = callouses

    Claw toe- MTP synovitis, MTP ext, PIP+DIP flex, often all toes except big


    Hammer toe--MTP and PIP synovitis, usually involves 2nd toe, flex of PIP

    and hyperext of DIP (similar to boutinniere)

    Mallet toe-- flex of DIP, affects longest toe

    Swan neck (rheumatiod) flex of MCP(not always), hyperext of PIP, flex


    Boutinniere- zig zag deformity - MCP hyperext (not always), flex of PIP,hyperext of DIP

    Gout=Genetic disorder of purine metabolism, inc serum uric acid

    (hyperuricemia). Acid ▲ to crystals and deposits into jts, most= knee

    and great toe of foot

    Meds: NSAIDS, cox2-inhibitors, corticosteroids, ACTH

    PT goals: injury prevention ed, fast intervention

    Osteoarthritis=release of enzymes and abnormal biomechanical forces

    cause fibrillation and damage of articular cartilage leading to cartilage loss;increase in bone turn over->osteophytes

    7 risk factors: age, sex (more women), genetic, obesity, physical inactivity,

    injury, joint stress(occupation)

    Dx by x-ray finding: 4 main features-1)joint space narrowing,

    2)osteophytes, 3)subchondral cysts, 4)subchondral sclerosis

    Sources of pain in OA-bone, soft tissue, inflammation, mm spasm

    4 questions to diagnose OA: 1) pain most days in last month, 2) pain

    over the last year, 3) worse with activity, 4) relieved with rest

    3 tests indicative of OA of the knee: 1)flexion contracture, 2)abnormal

    gait, 3)swipe test or patellar tap

    Main joints it affects:

    Spine-osteophytes in facet jts of l-spine can cause stenosis

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    onset before 40, low back pain, sacroiliitis, kyphotic deformitiy Csp, Tsp,dec lumbar lordosis, M>F

    Meds: NSAIDS, corticosteroids, cytotoxic, tumor necrosis factor

    Diagnosis – HLA-B27

    PT goals: trunk flexibility, endurance, increase resp function (relaxation)

    Physical Ax-posture (tragus to wall), lateral trunk flexion, trunk flexion

    (modified schobers), trunk extension (smythe test), trunk rotation, chest

    expansion, cervical mobility

    Spondyloarthritis Rx:Meds-DMARDs, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, biologics

    Physical Management-control/decrease inflammation, P management,

    reduce stiffness/increase ROM, posture correction, increase mm strength

    and endurance, increase cardio

    Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis=signs and Sy’s must be present for 6 weeks

    to make diagnosis, avoid resisted ex’s with active disease, P does not

    indicate joint damage; improved strength (non-active period of the disease)

    reduces P and increases stability

    complete remission in 75% of kids if occurs before age 16Sy’s-joint pain, stiffness, warm swollen joints, eye issue (uveitis), HLA-

    B27, fatigue, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, rheumatoid factor

    Inflamm back pain-usually prolonged, >60min, max P and stiffness in

    early AM, chronic, age of onset 12-40 years, radiographs show sacroilitis,

    syndesmophytes, and spinal anklosis

    Mechanical back pain-minor

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    Hypoglycemia=dizzy, nausea, weak, sweating profusely (this rules out

    orthostatic hypotension)

    Hyperglycemia=blurred vision, fatigue, thirst, frequent urination

    01.04.03 Chronic pain/fibromyalgia 

    Chronic pain= pain that persists past the normal time of healing

    Chronic fatigue syndrome=may be viral

    Dx: by exclusion; persistent or relapsing fatigue for at least 6 months, not

    resolved with bed rest, reduces daily activity by at least 50%

    Rx: Analgesics, anti-inflamm, NSAIDS, nutrition, psych supportPT Rx: check ex tolerance

    Fibromyalgia=chronic pain syndrome affecting mm and soft tissue (non-

    articular rheumatism)

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    Etiology: unknownSy’s-headaches, sensitivity to stimuli, fatigue, myalgia (mm pain),

    generalized aching, sleep disturbances

     Anxiety and depression are common; more common in women

    11 of 18 points: Occiput (suboccipital insertions), low cervical (ant aspects

    of intertransverse spaces at C5-C7), Traps (mid-pt of upper border),

    Supraspinatus (at origin), Second rib (lateral to 2nd costochondral

     junction), lateral epicondyle, gulteal, greater trochanter, knee (at medial fat

    pad proximal to joint line)

    Rx:anti-inflamm, mm relaxants, pain meds, psycholgical support, nutritionPT Rx: energy conservation, aquatic therapy

    01.04.04 Lymphodema= lymph accumulating in tissues 

    2 types:

    Primary-rare, inherited condition caused by problems with the dvlpmt of

    lymph vessels

    Secondary-d/t identifiable damage to or obstruction of normally functioning

    lymph vessels and notes;ex-Sx, radiation, parasitic infections

    Fx of lymph system: removal from body tissues of fluid, proteins, bacteria,

    virusessmooth mm in walls contract to move lymph

    Risk factors: radiation, age, axillary node dissection, arm infection/injury,

    obesity, weight gain since operation

    Prevention: skin care (avoid trauma/injury to reduce infection), activity (and

    maintain body wt), avoid limb constriction, avoid extreme temperatures

    Role of PT’s: exercise (weight loss), education on what to avoid (BP cuffs),

    educating on signs and symptoms

    Rx:compression garments, manual lymph drainage, manage risk factors

    [Cording=tight fibrous bands that go from axilla to elbow or wrist and

    restrict ROM]

    01.04.05 Sepsis 

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    body has severe response to bacteria or other germs; whole bodyinflammatory state; have SIRS and a proven infection

    SIRS= systemic inflammatory response syndrome; whole body

    inflammatory state

    - diagnose with body temp, HR, RR, WBC count

    01.04.06 Obesity 

    Excess body fat; BMI=weight (kg)/height (m)^2

    overweight BMI= 25-29.9

    OBESITY= BMI > or = to 30morbidly obese > or = to 40

    skin caliper test fat greater than 1 inch is excess

    health risks associated with obesity: HTN, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes,

    cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance, gallbladder disease, menstrual

    irreg, infertility, cancer

    abdominal obesity=independent predictor of morbidity and mortality

    cause: excess calorie intake, psych/enviro factors, genetic factors, endocrine

    and metabolic disorders

    lifestyle modifications, behavior therapy, pharmacology, surgeryexercise=moderate intensity 40-60% progress to 50-70% HRR, 5-7d/wk, 45-

    60mins, circuits or aquatics

    01.04.07 Pregnancy and post partum conditions 

    NORMAL = gain 20-30lbs

    PT can teach relaxation and breathing ex, provide ed

    postural changes = kyphosis, forward lean in Csp, lumbar lordosis

    balance change, lig laxity (hypermobile SI - teach jt protections