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STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE IN PARALLEL WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF SPECIFIC MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PhD Catalina Ababei “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Professor MSSHF PhD Radu Ababei - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Professor MSSHF Theodor Mincioagă “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau MSSHF Master student Keywords: athletic performance, equipment The world was (and still is) a permanent change. If we wants to refer only to the period after reinstatement of the modern Olympic Games (5 April 1896), we can say that history was strongly influenced negatively by the two world wars, followed by strong social unrest, the emergence and disappearance of the communist regimes, state and territorial changes, such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the former Yugoslavia (and that only the European continent). However, science and technology developed at a dizzying pace. Now the computer appears and grows exponentially in computer science and cyber pace. All this had a direct impact on sports competitions, implicit in the evolution of athletic performance. Sporting competitions in general and the Olympic Games in particular, have experienced the same explosive growth in all aspects. Now is born true industry and financial interests increasingly present, have determined that sportswear companies increasingly invest more in research results as sports. The records that do not knock dreamed of in 1896, an example being that of the Jamaican Bolt H. 100 m running 9.58 seconds. Our study is based on a distribution in time of major events that have marked the evolution of athletic records samples in parallel with the improvement of specific materials and equipment. Abundance of information has led us to orient ourselves in highlighting these issues, selecting samples from the three large groups of athletes, respectively, running, jumping, throwing, namely: two samples of jumps (pole and height), a sample of shoots ( spear) and a sprint test (100 m) Bibliografie ABABEI, C., Jocuri Olimpice Sporturi, Eroi, Ed. Alma Mater, Bacău, 2007 ABABEI, C., ABABEI, R., Repere istorice în evoluţia exerciţiului fizic, Editura Alma – Mater, Bacău, 2003 COLINON, M., Histoire des jeux Olympiques, collection Grand Pavois, Edition Geldage, 1960 GREUZE, A., Atletism: Istorie/Competiţie, Ed. Dargaut S.A., 1968 PARIENTE,R., La legende de l`athletisme, Edition Liber, 1997 ETUDE CONCERNANT LES MANIFESTATIONS AFFECTIVES DES ATHLETES SPECIALISTES DES EPREUVES DE DEMI-FOND EN SITUATIONS DE STRESS DE COMPETITION Alexe Cristina Ioana, professeur C.S. Ştiinţa Bacău – CTC N.V.Karpen Bacău Grigore Vasilica, prof. univ. dr. Université Nationale d’Education Physique et Sport Bucarest

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PhD Catalina Ababei – “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Professor MSSHF

PhD Radu Ababei - “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Professor MSSHF

Theodor Mincioagă “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau MSSHF Master student

Keywords: athletic performance, equipment

The world was (and still is) a permanent change. If we wants to refer only to the

period after reinstatement of the modern Olympic Games (5 April 1896), we can say that

history was strongly influenced negatively by the two world wars, followed by strong

social unrest, the emergence and disappearance of the communist regimes, state and

territorial changes, such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the former

Yugoslavia (and that only the European continent).

However, science and technology developed at a dizzying pace. Now the computer

appears and grows exponentially in computer science and cyber pace. All this had a direct

impact on sports competitions, implicit in the evolution of athletic performance. Sporting

competitions in general and the Olympic Games in particular, have experienced the same

explosive growth in all aspects.

Now is born true industry and financial interests increasingly present, have

determined that sportswear companies increasingly invest more in research results as

sports. The records that do not knock dreamed of in 1896, an example being that of the

Jamaican Bolt H. 100 m running 9.58 seconds.

Our study is based on a distribution in time of major events that have marked the

evolution of athletic records samples in parallel with the improvement of specific materials

and equipment. Abundance of information has led us to orient ourselves in highlighting

these issues, selecting samples from the three large groups of athletes, respectively,

running, jumping, throwing, namely: two samples of jumps (pole and height), a sample of

shoots ( spear) and a sprint test (100 m)


ABABEI, C., Jocuri Olimpice – Sporturi, Eroi, Ed. Alma Mater, Bacău, 2007

ABABEI, C., ABABEI, R., Repere istorice în evoluţia exerciţiului fizic, Editura Alma –

Mater, Bacău, 2003

COLINON, M., Histoire des jeux Olympiques, collection Grand Pavois, Edition Geldage,


GREUZE, A., Atletism: Istorie/Competiţie, Ed. Dargaut S.A., 1968

PARIENTE,R., La legende de l`athletisme, Edition Liber, 1997




Alexe Cristina Ioana, professeur

C.S. Ştiinţa Bacău – CTC N.V.Karpen Bacău

Grigore Vasilica, prof. univ. dr.

Université Nationale d’Education Physique et Sport Bucarest

Alexe Dan Iulian, lector univ. dr.

Université „Vasile Alecsandri” de Bacău

Mots clés : athlétisme, performance, stress de compétition, affectivité


Parmi les nombreux facteurs qui interagissent avec la performance sportive en

athlétisme, le stress en est un qui a des effets des plus importants sur la manière dont les

athlètes se comportent à l’entrainement, mais surtout en compétition.

Déterminer le profile affectif en situation de stress de compétition avant le

déroulement d’une compétition à objectif au niveau des athlètes de performance pourrait

mettre en évidence des aspects utiles aux praticiens.

Les sujets de la recherche sont neufs athlètes de performance, spécialisés dans les

épreuves de demi-fond, moyenne d’âge 22,67 ans (minimum 19 ans, maximum 26 ans),

ayant une expérience dans la pratique de l’athlétisme comprise entre 5 et 14 ans, et une

spécialisation dans les épreuves de demi-fond de minimum 4 ans.

Les modifications affectives dues au stress de compétition peuvent souligner un

profile particulier de ce type d’athlètes.

Bibliographie :

1. Crăciun, M., (2005), Psychologie Educationnelle. Cours pour les étudiants de la

Faculté d’Education Physique et Sport, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca;

2. Hanin, Y.,L., (2000), „Emotions in Sport - Anger, Aggressive Behavoir, and Athletic

Performance”, traducere MEC, ANS, INCS în Biblioteca Antrenorului nr.5/2003,


3. Holdevici, I., (1993), Psychologie du succès, Editura Ceres, Bucureşti;

4. Epuran, M., Holdevici, I., Toniţa, F., (2001), Psychologie du sport de performance,

Editura F.E.S.T., Bucureşti,

5. Golu, M.,(2000), Fondements de la psychologie, vol. 1, Editura Fundaţiei România de

Mâine, Bucureşti;

6. Rioux, G., (1980), Déterminants psychologiques de la performance, Editeur J.Vrin,



Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Apostu

Conf. univ. dr. Corina Predescu

Lect. univ. dr. Anca Dana Popescu

UNEFS Bucureşti

Key words: endurance effort, electrolytes, metabolism


Background. The trainee’s organism is often solicited to its maximum capacity,

which means that many homeostatic indicators are totally disturbed for a period of time.

Aims. Investigating the electrolyte’s circuit through the testing of specific

biochemical parameters can point out as well as the immediate cellular dynamics, as well

as the homeostatic modifications on a long term.

Methods. We have applied the longitudinal experiment, observing the changes in

different variables at different moments of the effort. In order to do this, we considered the

independent variable – the specific effort – athletics and cycle on a distance of 30 km, and

the dependent variables - the blood level of sodium and potassium ions.

Results. Determining serum ions before and after the effort has revealed significant

quantity changes, caused by the decrease of permeability of the cellular membranes and the

acceleration of protean catabolism, specific to an aerobic effort.

Conclusions. The orientation of the electrolytic oscillation curves belong to

endurance effort and are unique for the sportsman’s organism, representing a safe way to

assure the mineral rebalancing of recovering.


Mathews, K. Cristopher; van Holde, K.E., Biochemistry, The Benjamin/Cummings

Publishing Company, Inc., California, 2000.

Anderson, R.A.; Guttman, H.N., Exercise, Nutrition and Energy Metabolism, Macmillan

Pub. Co., New York, 1998.

Powers, Scott, Howley, Edward, Exercise physiology, Theory and application to fitness

and performance, Fifth edition, McGraw Hill High Education, 2004.

Hunt, S.M.; Groff, J.L., Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, St. Paul: West

Publishing Company: 264-348, 2000.

Hiller, W.D., Dehydration and hyponatremia during triathlons, Med Sci Sports Exerc 21:

219-221, 1990.

Irving, R.A.; Noakes, T.D.; Buck, R., Evaluation of renal function homeostasis during

recovery from exercise induced hyponatremia, J. Appl. Physiol. 170: 342-348, 2001.

Guyton AC. Fiziologie (traducerea Radu Cârmaciu), ediţia a-5 a, Editura Amaltea,

Bucureşti, 1996.

Maughan, R.J., Effects of exercise intensity on absorption of injected fluids in man, Exp.

Physiology 275: 416-421, 20.



Lector univ. Dr. Bădescu Delia Mariana

University „Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu

Professor univ. Dr. Grigore Vasilica

UNEFS Bucarest

Keywords: dynamics, efficient, athletic training.

Summary This paper aims to act as an attempt to define the terms of dynamics and efficiency, with

reference to sport, to use the definitions and terminology that encompass the various

dictionaries and other specialties

In a bid to penetrate the core concepts of dynamic and effective and has encompassed all of

their essential detection tried several definitions for the terms of dynamics and efficiency

in various fields of science and technology.

It is noted that in all these definitions there are issues that overlap or are similar.

Through a summary of the definitions above, it can be concluded that the concept of

dynamic meet the following defining elements:

• full motion;

• active;

• evolving;

• continuous development (of events);

To highlight the dynamic content concept, we believe that we can resort to listing the basic

characteristics resulting from the explanations given. Thus, the dynamics can be:

• all changes;

• the effect of moving forces;

• accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Regarding the notion of efficiency, it is defined by the following elements:

• positive effects expected in good condition;

• ratio between mechanical work and energy absorbed;

In our view, efficiency can be translated into the following general ideas:

• Speed;

• efficiency of a method;

• capacity for learning and use of knowledge;

• maximum results with minimum expenditure.

Our proposal is to try to define those two words in sports, includes definitions and

terminology used earlier.

He attempted a systematization of the concepts of dynamics and efficiency with regard to

sports training, by including them in a computer system of training athletes

It is proposed to study the dynamics and efficiency of athletic training in conjunction with

high performance in relation to processes optimization, creativity, decision and analysis ..


1. ***Dicţionarul explicativ al limbii române,. Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti 1980,

pag. 304 şi 332.

2 ***Dicţionarul de termeni tehnici, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1980. Pag.723

***Dicţionarul de neologisme, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 1986.pag 61 si 93

3. ***Dicţionarul de sinonime. Ed. Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1993, pag 78

4. ***Dicţionarul de pedagogie. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti 1979, pag 43

5. ***Dictionnaire Hachette. Encyclopedique illustre Hachette Livre, Paris, 1998, pag 81

6. ***Dictionnaire de la philosophie. Ed. Librairie Larousse, Paris, 1984, pag 36

7. ***Dicţionar de fizică teoretică. Ed. Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1999, pag 28

8. ***Dicţionarul politehnic, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti 1967, pag 54

9. ***Lexiconul de construcţii şi arhitectură, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti 1986, pag 77

10. ***Dicţionarul de neologisme, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 1986.pag 61 si 93




Behnam Ghasemi1, Saeid Rostami

2, Ali Mohammad Rezaei

2, Mahmood Aeini


1Phd in exercise traumatology ,Departement of sport sciences, Shahrekord university, Iran.

2 MSc student in exercise physiology, Departement of sport sciences, Shahrekord

university, Iran.

3 MSc student in exercise traumatology ,Departement of sport sciences, Shahrekord

university, Iran.

Key words: needs, futsal referee, knowledge, sports injury.


Purpose: The objectives of this study were to examine the effect of demographic

factors, including gender, educational system, study group, grade, education level of

parents, type of sports extra curriculum participated, past sports injury experience, on

knowledge and needs of "Prevention and Management of Sports Injury", and the

correlation between knowledge and needs, so as to improve recognition of knowledge

properly, and to fulfill the needs of referees in first Asian futsal championship.

Methods: The study questionnaire is divided into three parts: demographic information,

tests for knowledge and needs of "Prevention and Management of Sports Injury".

Results: The main results from the analysis are: Knowledge for Prevention and

Management of Sports Injury has statistically significant in gender, education system,

grade and source of knowledge. Needs for Prevention and Management of Sports Injury

has statistically significant in only gender and source of knowledge.

Conclusion: The entire study population considered training for "Prevention

and Management of Sports Injury" highly needed indicating referees who were more

acquainted with "Prevention and Management of Sports Injury" had higher needs for more



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Cîmpeanu Mariana, teacher, PhD student.- School Sports Club no.7 Dinamo Bucharest

Potop Vladimir, Associate Professor, Ph.D - Ecological University of Bucharest

Key words: training, effort, artistic gymnastics, physical training, technical training,



This paper aims to highlight the correlation of effort parameters with physical and

technical training level of junior female gymnasts, category III. With that aim in view, we

considered that by providing an optimal relationship of training effort parameters in

different preparation stages and periods with the level of physical and technical training of

female junior gymnasts we can show if there are multiple correlative links between these

indices and better performances achieved in competitions.

The study was conducted throughout an annual cycle of training, 2007, applied to 8

junior female gymnasts, aged 11-12 years, at category III level. We monitored gymnasts’

evolutions in the preparation stages, in training sessions and competitions.

The review of training effort parameters shows the work schedule on apparatus /

exchanges, the work order and the number of apparatus per day and per training session

throughout the preparation macro-cycle included in the study.

As for the correlation of training effort parameters in pre-competitive stage with the

level of physical, technical training and the average of performances, we notice significant

differences at P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively, while the differences of effort parameters

during basic stage and competitive stage are insignificant at P>0.05.

In terms of ensuring an optimal relationship between effort training parameters in

different stages and periods of training with the level of physical and technical preparation

of junior female gymnasts, we can find out the existence of multiple correlative links

between these indices and the achievement of better performances in competitions.


1. Bompa, T.O., Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training “Ex Ponto”

Publishing House, CNFPA. Bucharest, 2002, p.5.

2. Grigore, V., Artistic Gymnastics- Theoretical Bases of Sports Training. “Semne”

Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001, p.48-49.

3. Nicu, A., Modern Sports Training. “Editis” Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993,


4. Potop, V., Women’s Artistic Gymnastics – Elements of Theory and Methods.

“Bren” Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008, p.7.

5. Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., Methodology of Research in Physical Training,

volume II, Performance Sport, 386-389, Editorial Office: CCPS Bucharest, 1977,


6. Vieru, N., Handbook of Sports Gymnastics. “Driada” Publishing House,

Bucharest,1997, p.31-33.


Ciolcă Sorin, conf.univ.dr., U.N.E.F.S.

Grigore Gheorghe, lector univ.dr., U.N.E.F.S.

Palade Tudor, prep.univ.drd., U.N.E.F.S.

Keywords: training, coach, juvenile football, player, performance


Football has become a phenomenon present extremely complex and demanding, a fact

which requires a scientific approach to preparation and game.

Teaching children playing soccer and their involvement is a highly important and highly

responsible. The coach must have technical knowledge, tactical, educational, psychological

and communication, given the age of the children with whom they come into contact.

In this context it is very important perspective on children's football game, the

coach, relations with coworkers, the process of preparing and playing, to arbitration, etc.

Children think about these important aspects of football, plays a decisive role in obtaining

good results in the preparation and play.

This idea is supported by the fact that in 8-10 years, children have more years of

organized and systematic training, selection of primary (initial) is accomplished in football

at the age of 5-6 years.

Application of a questionnaire for children 8-10 years, consists of 10 specific

questions about certain fundamental issues of this age of preparation and game design will

enable small current players about the game of football.

Questionnaires were applied to three groups of children 8-10 years of football at the

Sportul Studenţesc Center for Children and Junior in Bucharest, from April to May 2011.


1.Ciolcă, Sorin – Fotbalul la copii 6-10 ani. Metodica pregătirii, Bucureşti, Editura

Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., 2009

2.Grigore, Gheorghe – Fotbal. Selecţia la copii şi juniori, Bucureşti, Editura Moroşan,




Ciolcă Sorin, conf.univ.dr., U.N.E.F.S.

Grigore Gheorghe, lector univ.dr., U.N.E.F.S.

Palade Tudor, prep.univ.drd., U.N.E.F.S.


The motility is looking for hypertrophy of performance motor components

respectively the motility qualities of speed, stamina, strength, skill, suppleness and

mobility and even more, is the pivot for all other components of athletic training (actually

constitutes the basis for the entire process of preparation).

Over time specialists in the field of motility were busy trying to define it as clearly

as possible. In this context, the idea that motility can develop and educate is very

important. Based on its availability can aim to achieve superior performance for each

motor as well as motility skills added.

The research took the following hypothesis: the collection of data from a number of

5 samples related to motility football 7-8 years leading to some further guidance that may

shape the process of preparing. The five samples which were collected data were: Speed

30m, standing long jump, lifting the trunk of lying back in 30 sec., running the 400m

strength, coxo-femoral mobility.


Ciolcă, S. – Fotbalul la copii 6-10 ani. Metodica pregătirii, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică şi

Pedagogică, 2009;

Cojocaru, V. – Fotbal de la 6 la 18 ani. Metodica pregătirii, Bucureşti, Editura Axis

Mundi, 2002;

Grigore, Gh. – Fotbal. Selecţia la copii şi juniori, Bucureşti, Editura Moroşan, 2008;



Ciolcă Sorin, Associate Professor Dr., Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, National

University of Physical Education and Sport

Ploieşteanu Constantin, Associate Professor Dr., Faculty of Physical Education and Sport,

Lower Danube University of Galati

Drăgan Aurelian, Ph.D. Lecturer, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport , Lower Danube

University of Galati

Keywords: training, capacity conditional, football, performance, resistance


The current football players must have basic driving skills combined with a level as


In terms of resistance development issues must remember that football players play

football in the current period lasts over 90 minutes, taking into account the additional

minutes (for an extension due to interruption of the game - injuries and other unforeseen

problems, etc.. ) dictated by the referee at the end of each half.

Preparing young footballers should focus on developing basic motor qualities

combined in parallel with the improvement of technical and tactical component for the

formation of these players are able to cope with current demands of the game.

The research aims to highlight the effectiveness of using specific means for the

development of the game driving quality strength training classes at a third junior team

(15-16 years).

The content of the paper is a further argument about the importance of using specific

means to play football and bilaterally in the development of resistance to players.

The research was conducted at the Children's Center and Student Sports Junior Bucharest,

III junior football team, coach Tudorel Cristea (experimental group) from 15/09/2010 -

15.05.2011. For comparing the results obtained in the experiment, players III junior team

used Rapid Bucharest coach Silvian Dobre (control group).

For lots of teams, consisting of 25 players, I chose to research 20 of them - two

goalkeepers, 8 defenders, six midfielders and four predecessors.

The training group experiment we used a number of specific ways of playing football for

development of resistance, which were introduced by courtesy coach with whom I worked

very well during the whole experiment.

The specific means of the game, which were used in the experimental group had

15-20 minutes of training during each lesson in which the players worked for the

development of resistance, and the practice of football (the game to end bilateral theme

lessons ) 30-40 minutes.


Ciolcă, Sorin (2005) - Performance capability in football, Bucharest University Publishing


Cojocaru, Viorel (2007) - Football. Theoretical and methodological issues, Bucharest

University Publishing House

Drăgan, Aurelian (2009) - Optimizing training lesson in discipline football, Galati,

Publisher University Press

Tüdös, Ştefan (1993) - Elements of applied statistics, Bucharest, Ministry of Youth and




Adin COJOCARU Asoc.Prof.PhD - SPIRU HARET University - FEFS

Marilena COJOCARU Asist.Prof.PhD. - SPIRU HARET University - FEFS

Key words: efficiency, digger, block, volleyball


The speed and force wherewith is gambled today in the modern volleyball, can say

that I am among the first causes for a part among the modifications supervened of long

time, inclusively for the introduction of the player libero, I carry represents a main pawns

for the defense of the team. The shifting created fractionally defensive one offensive he

drove it one competent to do it to take a measure in this sense and thus created a job for a

player specialized in the game in line two In the present work shall try to find out if the

defensive part the format from the relation block take over from attack is afterwards in his

disadvantage is registered a little modifications.

To check out the proposed research we made a National Championship Men's

Division. in which we intend to introduce effective action game for the blocking actions

and opposing the takeover of the attack, carried out the official game of the senior men's

volleyball National Championship.

Determining the effectiveness of formation follows and structures of the game as

accurate an idea of the value of teams in the championship game and the championship


We tried to identify the assumptions from which to start and establish working

variables. Two hypotheses have revealed:

The efficiency of block is low, but his value fluctuates many from match to match.

The efficiency of digger brings up along with the efficiency block and is dependent

on this.

For the development work we have established several tasks, including literature

documenting the establishment registrations recorders, production records and data

storage, processing and data recording sheets, calculating the effectiveness of the deadlock

and return in attack for every match made, developing conclusions.

Were used method observations along with other complex methods, which are

present in scientific research.

To record the actions I used personal record sheets.

To rate using the scale of assessment was developed by the FIVB and presented in

"Handbook for F.I.V.B. Statistical Match Record (SMR).

The uded sentence for the computation of the efficiency of block:

E={[4 x (A) + 3 x (B) + 2 x (C) + 1 x (D) – 1 x (F)] x 100}/4 x N

And for digger:

E={[3 x (A) + 2 x (B) + 1 x (C) – 1 x (D)] x 100}/3 x N

From the research carried out we tried to find the lock and taking effective action in

attacking teams registered. We hope this work to create a more effective action on both

defenses at the net and second line.


1. Cojocaru, A.(2007) Model şi modelare în voleiul de performanţă, Editura

Universitaria Craiova.

2. Epuran, M.(2005) Metodologia cercetării activităţilor corporale, Editura Fest


3. F.I.V.B (1992) Manual for Statistical Games Record. FIVB, Fotocopie FRV.

4. Ioniţă, M (2007) Modelarea pregătirii jocului de volei din perspectiva

modificărilor regulamentului, Editura Universitaria Craiova,


5. Nicu, A. (1999) Teoria şi metodica antrenamentului sportiv modern, Editura

Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti

6. Şerban, M. (1999) Gândirea – Factor de optimizare a modelării. Volei; Editura

Printech, Bucureşti.


Christophe Deville

Haute Ecole d’Hainault, Universite de Mons, Belgique;

En Comunauté française de Belgique, depuis quelques années, certaines

associations sportives proposent des programmes d’entraînements à la course à pied.

Depuis le début de l’année 2008, le programme “Je cours pour ma forme” a rallié

un grand nombre de villes et de villages belges à sa cause. Le principe de ce type de

programme est le suivant : des groupes d’adultes se forment partout sur le territoire de la

Wallonie (région de Belgique) et de Bruxelles (capitale). Ces groupes sont placés sous la

direction d’un entraîneur afin de permettre au plus grand nombre de découvrir les plaisirs

et les bienfaits que la course à pied procure.

Une étude menée en 2009 par l’institut de recherche Synovate1 pour le compte

d’une grande marque de sport, auprès de 3500 coureurs européens, indique que plus de

50% des sondés déclarent courir pour être en forme.

De nos jours, de plus en plus d’individus prennent conscience de l’importance de

bouger pour se maintenir en bonne condition physique. Un programme tel que “Je cours

pour ma forme” répond parfaitement à ce besoin en proposant aux participants une prise en

charge et un suivi régulier quant à l’évolution de leur bien-être physique.

Sur le plan physique, l’efficacité d’un tel programme n’est plus à démontrer. Par

contre, rares sont les recherches qui évaluent les bénéfices de ce genre d’initiative sur le

plan mental. C’est un tort puisque comme le traduit si bien la devise “Un esprit sain dans

un corps sain”, chez l’individu, corps et mental sont intimement liés.

C’est ce travail que nous avons entrepris. Voici la synthèse de nos travaux.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy : Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.

Psychological Review, 84, 191-215.

Bandura, A. (1982). Self-efficacy mecanism in human agency. American Psychologist, 37,


Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action : social cognitive theory.

Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : prentice – Hall.

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy : The exercise of control. San Francisco, C. A. :


Black, S. J. & Weiss, M. R. (1992). The relationship among perceived coaching behaviors,

perceptions of ability and motivation in competitive age – group swimmers. Journal of

Sport & Exercise Psychology, 14, 130-145.

Hull, C. L. (1943). Principles of behavior. New York : Appleton – Century – Crofts, Inc.

Hull, C. L. (1951). Essentials of behavior. New Haven, C. T. : Yale University Press.

1 Synovate est une société mondiale d’études de marché qui génère des données et analyses intuitives visant

à aider les clients à créer des stratégies concurrentielles liées à la marque, au produit et à l’expérience client.

Loehr, J. (1983). Science Periodical On Research and Technology in Sport, January 1983.

Maslow, A. H. (1970). Motivation & personnality. New York : Harper N. & Row.

Maslow, A. H. (1987). Motivation & personality. 3d ed. New York, NY : harper & Row,

publishers, Imc.

Spence, K. W. (1956). Behavior theory abd conditioning. New Haven, CT : Yale University;




Prof. a c. Mario Di Carlo, Universities of Ferrara and Pisa

Dr.ssa Federica Rossi, University of Ferrara

Lecturer Cezar Hantau, Ph.D., UNEFS Bucharest

Key-words: Rugby, planning, training, young, methodology

The study of the game of Rugby will be analyzed from all angles. Details the

various methods suitable for training and improving the rugby player in relation to age,

qualification and role, as different means of training for the implementation of those

methodologies. It concludes that there is no "single" truth about the physical preparation,

but each "idea" may be valid if properly contextualized and developed.

This work starts from the use of means and methods of training their athletics

sufficiently appropriate for the game of rugby, with the aim of achieving the following

objective: finding a more effective approach (strategy) to use the means of training for

capacity development of young rugby player, aimed at improving the performance.

This of course refers to the group of players followed and the availability of facilities and

equipment of the club. All this, not forgetting that the work was done on group of young

boys, who need, certainly of the proposed effective workout for the game, but at the same

time, these proposals must be interesting and stimulating.

Aim.Check to see if one of three methods of work differs from the other absolute.

Hypothesis. Workouts that do not take into account the development of young

athletes biopsicofisico

Tasks. Annual training planning

Research methods.Three groups that follow three different methods of training


Result. One of the three methods was very appropriate for the purpose of work.


Ass.Univ Dr. Dinţică Gabriela

U.N.E.F.S. Bucureşti

Keywords: fencing, training, plyometrics, exercises


Today, fencing known sporting performance at a number of tangible

progress that focuses towards modernization of technology, superior physical and mental

preparation, which have great value as a final strategy in official competitions, which in

turn are continues to diversify

The level of motor qualities (and general movement skills) make directly to

obtain sports scores higher. Individual capabilities -technical, tactical, psychological - were

ineffective in the competition if they are not based on an "underlying" solid,

consisting of motor skills such as: speed, strength, durability and also dexterity, flexibility,


Each level of development of man's physical quality of learning opportunities to

meet certain driving skills. With the change of level development

of changes and opportunities driving qualities of athletes and the very technical.

Technical perfection in turn, promotes the full and effective

physical manifestation of the fencers capacity as his driving skills are manifested through

the physical qualities and their components: strength, speed,

strength, flexibility, coordination abilities, muscle relaxion .


Bompa, T., Develop qualities biometric, Editura

ExPonto, Bucureşti, 2001

Ravai, Gabriela Contributions to the study of the relationship

between physical training and technical

execution efficiency performance in fencing,

Teză doctorat, ANEFS, 2009

Rogers, E., Fencing Essential Skills Training, Editura

Crowood Pr, 2003

Stone,M.I., Fencing, explosive exercises and training,

Human Kinetics, 2004


Ghitescu Iulian Gabriel – Ph.D. Associate Professor, UNEFS

Moanţă Alina Daniela – Ph.D. Associate Professor, UNEFS

KEYWORDS: basketball, practicing, parameters, tactics, performance,



Achieve superior performance parameters in major competitions, have highlighted a

number of issues that characterize the game of basketball today, practiced by the best

teams in the world, issues which enables us to present trends that will develop.


Prospective models of play are determined from statistical and mathematical

calculations on the value of key model parameters of the basketball game as well as from

the collective tactics analysis commonly used by teams participating in major international



In analyzing the developments of the participating teams at the World Championship

of Basketball, held in Istanbul in 2010, we postulated that if the game model, model

parameters of the best teams playing in major competitions are studied, then these features,

will become trends, operational objectives in preparing technical - tactical teams in the

next step.


The sixteenth edition of the World Basketball Championship was held in Turkey,

from August 28 to September 12, 2010.

TEAM CHARACTERISTICS A very aggressive and active team that can play up tempo and create offense from

its defense. Do a good job of mixing up their scoring, getting a lot of points in transition

and from the free throw line. A team that plays to its strengths and maximizes its chances

at success. Posts complement the perimeter game on both ends of the floor. Perimeter

players drive ball hard into the paint to score and create for teammates.

As defensive principles one should point great amount of switching and also their

hedge and recover tactics. They will always contest every shot and the close out is very

important in their defensive game plan.


Following the results of the studies of the trends we can appreciate the tactical

evolution of the basketball game. Thus, we may conclude that the principles which would

form the basis of tactical training team performance will be as follows.

The concept of the game of basketball specific training and performance, will

support a methodical and scientific knowledge, trained and continually improved through

information and experience which is applied in the practical realization of the objectives of

training and competitive activities.






Carmina Mihaela Gorgan, Univ. Prep. drd., University Vasile Alecsandri "Bacău

Gloria Rata, Prof. Univ. Dr., University Vasile Alecsandri "Bacău

Keywords: optimization, training, semifond, junior

The intensive growth of global sports performance in athletics, organizational forms

requires continuous improvement and methodological training of athletes at this level.

Accordingly, attention is focused not only experts on the improvement methodology of

sports training at high performance but also on improving the system of training athletes.

Process Improvement in the athletic junior has been a major concern for many

authors. nterval training used by athletes is a complex process that requires multiple

solutions based training information, experiments, surveys and studies.

Training process has a number of features due, especially features that we have


A training that allows the athlete take into account the particularities and achieving optimal


Our analysis of this work were found following conclusions:

hypothesis that I left "that there is possibility of improving the model of

training and competition at junior 1500m semifond by increasing

intervals method was denied"

mileage training period October to December 2010 and October-

December 2011 values are different

mileage competition during January to March 2010 and January-March

2011 values are different, smaller than those in the preparatory period.


Alexandrescu, D. , Antrenamentul în alergările de semifond,fond şi mare fond, Ed. Sport –

Turism, Bucureşti, 1982 ;

Dragnea, S. Mate Teodorescu, Teoria Sportului, Ed. FEST Bucuresti, 2002;

Dragnea A., Antrenamentul sportiv , Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., Bucureşti, 1995

Gârleanu, D., Ghidul viitorului atlet de performanta, Ed. Printech,Bucuresti, 2009



Prof. univ. dr. Grigore Vasilica – U.N.E.F.S. - Bucuresti

Lector univ. drd. Zaharie Nicoleta - Univ. „Lucian Blaga”



The purpose of our research has been to emphasize the importance of tests and

trials by which one can determine the initial level of display of some psychomotor

elements at beginner gymnasts and to determine the initial level of display of some

psychomotor skills at gymnasts that are in the inception level of the activity.

The literature provides us with information according to which the motor skills are

influenced by the psychomotor skills, which as opposed to the first ones, they are more “

refined and enclose a higher degree of display of intellectual and perceptive function”


The process of motor learning in feminine artistic gymnastics can not be efficient if

the sportswoman does not know her laterality, does not show a good balance, has not

gained enough coordination, safety and precision in her movements, can not place herself

in space, does not control the length of motor actions, etc.

The targeted psychomotor skills in our research have been: laterality ( manual and

podal) and ambilaterality; dynamic and static balance; coordinative capacity and spatio-

temporal orientation.

The test by which the initial check has been performed were: the Bruininks-

Oseretsky test, Matorin test, and testing method “Miron Georgescu-Altered”.

2 GRIGORE,V., Artistic gymnastics –theoretical basis of sports training, Ed. SemnE,

Bucharest, 2001,p.41

So, the tests and the trials from the present paper have a greater importance than the

tests and trials that target only the investigation of some motor qaulities such as

force,movement speed, muscular resistance ( functional power of arms, torso) and others.

The data obtained on these tests and trials, allow the improvement of prognosis

regarding the existence of necessary skills to practicing artistic gymnastics.


1. BISSIG, V., M. and felow-workers, (1984), Physical education in pre-school,

Publishing house ASEP, Zürich

2. DE HILLERIN, P., J., (2007), Tests performed with high jumps (I) trial "Miron

Georgescu", Sport Science Magazine (no. 6), Bucharest

3. DRAGNEA, A., (1984), Measurement and evaluation in physical education and sports,

Publishing house Sports-Tourism, Bucharest

4. GRIGORE, V., (2001), Artistic Gymnastics – theoretical basis of sports training,

Publishing house SemnE, Bucharest

5. HORGHIDAN, V., (1997), Methods of psychodiagnosis, Publishing house Didactic and

Pedagogic, Bucharest

6. TEODORESCU, S., (2009), Training and competition, Publishing house Alpha MDN,


TUDOR, V., (1999), Conditional, coordinative and intermediary abilities – elements of

motor capacity, Publishing house RAI, Bucharest



Prof.univ.dr.Vasilica GRIGORE, UNEFS, Bucharest

Prof.Titel IORDACHE, gr.did.I, drd.UNEFS, Ilfov County School Inspectorate

Keywords: sport, optimization, selection, orientation, counseling, computer,



The paper aims to highlight the possibility of optimizing the selection and

orientation process by using computer technology and applications specially adapted

sports. Application of software "OS-Sport" which present, as a tool of management and

information generation, affordable, efficient and useful to teachers and coaches.


Adăscăliţei A., Instruire asistată de calculator. Didactică informatică - IAC, e-learning şi

tehnologia de instruire, 2007, Editura Polirom – Iaşi

Bocu T., Investigarea selecţiei în sport. Ed. Med. Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie

„Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca, 1999

Dorina Zaharie, Ioan Roşca, Proiectarea obiectuală a sistemelor informatice, Bucureşti, Ed. Dual

Tech, 2002

Deliu D., Predicţia performanţelor motrice sportive, Bucureşti, 2007

Grigore, V., 2007, Educarea capacităţii motrice, Manuscris de autor

Virgil Tudor, Măsurare şi evaluare în cultură fizică şi sport, Bucureşti, Ed.Alpha, 2005


Gutiérrez Aguilar, Óscar1; Contreras Marín, Julia


Saavedra García, Miguel2; Fernández Romero, Juan José


Hantau, Cezar3

1 University Miguel Hernández (Spain);

2 University A Coruña (Spain);

3 UNEFS Bucuresti (Romania)

Key-words: Relative age effect, handball, junior, female.


Age differences among individuals belonging to the same group is called relative

age effect and has been investigated in various fields. In sport it have analyzed the

influence that may have had the time of birthday in the year in the possibility of reaching

the elite, such as studies Helsen, Starkes and Van Winckel (1998), Musch and Hay (1999)

and Verhulst (2000).

The aim of this paper is to determine if the birthday influences the arrival of the

elite youth in the sport of handball. The sample was 363 handball players who have played

the last World Championship junior female organized by the International Handball

Federation in Korea in 2010, recording the year of birth.

The study conclude a significant difference P = 0.000 for players born in odd years,

so that the selection system adopted by the IHF participating in international competitions

of junior causes biggest selection of participants from year odd than those of pair year.


Carling, C., le Gall, F., Reilly, T. & Williams, A.M. (2009). Do anthropometric and

fitness characteristics vary according to birth date distribution in elite youth academy

soccer players? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 19(1), 3-9.

Cote, J., Macdonald, D. J., Baker, J. & Abernethy, B. (2006). When "where'' is more

important than "when'': Birthplace and birthdate effects on the achievement of sporting

expertise. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(10), 1065-1073.

Delorme, N., Boiche, J. & Raspaud, M. (2009). The Relative Age Effect in Elite Sport:

The French Case. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80(2), 336-344.

Gutierrez, D., Pastor, J. C., Gonzalez, S. & Contreras, O. R. (2010). The relative age

effect in youth soccer players from Spain. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9,


Helsen, W.F., Starkes, J.L. & Van Winckel, J. (1998). The influence of relative age on

success and dropout in male soccer players. American Journal of Human Biology, 10(6),


Helsen, W.F., Van Winckel, J. & Williams, A.M. (2005). The relative age effect in youth

soccer across Europe. Sociology of Sport Journal, 16(1), 54-64.

Russell, R. J. H. and Startup, M. J. (1986). Month of birth and academic achievement.

Personality and Individual Differences, 7(6), 839-846.

Serovic, A. (2005). The effect of season of birth and sporting success. 4th International

Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, Proceedings Book - science and profession -

challenge for the future, 498-500.

Verhulst, J. (2000). Seasonal birth distribution of west European soccer players: A

possible explanation Original Research Article. Medical Hypotheses, 38(4), 346-348.

Musch, J. & Hay, R. (1999). The relative age effect in soccer: Cross-cultural evidence for

a systematic discrimination against children born late in the competition year. Sociology

of sport journal, 16(1), 54-64.


Lect. univ. dr. Hantău Cristina

A.S.E. Bucureşti

Keywords: maximal force, détente, plyomethry, methods, tests.


The present research try to bare the way in which the development of the maximum

force, for the principals muscular groups of the inferior member concerned into specific

effort of the volleyball game, manages to influence the development of the détente.

In the same time, by our approach, we try to propose a method to develope the

détente based on a combination of more methods of development of the maximum force

and explosive force.


1. Bosco, C. (1994)– La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo feminile, Societa Stampa

Sportiva, Roma

2. Bompa, T. (2001)– Periodizarea – Teoria şi metodologia antrenamentului sportiv,

CNFPA, Bucureşti.

3. Cerretelli, P. (2001) – Fisiologia Dell’ Esercizio, Sport, Ambiente, Eta, Sesso, Societa

Editrice Universo, Roma

4. Cerrulo, C. (2004)– Schedario teorico-pratico per una preparazione atletica senza

rischi per il calcio e per gli sport di squadra, Ed. Calzetti-Mariucci, Perugia.

5. Cervar, L. (1998) – La pallamano secondo me, CONI – Scuolla dello Sport, Roma.

6. Cristea, G. (1980) – Elemente fundamentale de fizică, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca.

7. Croitoru, D.(1999) - Volei, Ed. A.N.E.F.S., Bucureşti

8. Dina, G. (2009) – Volei – Metodica Învăţării acţiunilor de apărare, Ed. Moroşan,


9. Harre, D. (1977) – Teoria dell’allenamento, Societa Stampa Sportiva, Roma.

10. Harre, D. (1986) – Schnellkraftraining, SdS rivista di cultura sportiva, Roma.

11. Hantău, C. (2000) – Handbal, Ed. Alpha, Buzău.

12. Hantău, C. (2002) – Handbal – Jocul în apărare, Ed. Printech, Bucureşti.

13. Hantău, C. (2004) – Handbal – Antrenamentul copiilor şi juniorilor, Ed. Printech,


14. Manno, R. (1996) – L’allenamento della forza, Societa Stampa Sportiva, Roma.

15. Marela, M. (2004) – Il libro dei test. Le prove di valutazione fisica per tutti gli sport,

Ed. Correre, Milano.

16. Nicu, A. (1992) – Planificarea antrenamentului sportiv – modele, CCPS, Bucureşti.

17. Nicu, A. (1993) – Antrenamentul sportiv modern, Ed. Editis, Bucureşti.

18. Platonov, V. (1996) – Allenamento sportivo, teoria e metodologia, Ed. Calzetti-

Mariucci, Perugia.

19. Platonov, V. (2004) – L’organizzazione dell’allenamento e dell’attivita di gara, Ed.

Calzetti-Mariucci, Perugia.

20. Platonov, V. (2004) – Fondamenti dell’allenamento e dell’attivita di gara, Ed.

Calzetti-Mariucci, Perugia.

21. Pradet, M. (2000) – Pregătirea fizică, vol. I, CCPS, Bucuresti.



IRANSHAHI farzaneh1 msc , GHAHRI mahdi

2 msc , HANZAEEZADEH Zahra


msc,IRANSHAHI sahar4.

1-Islamic Azad University Parand Branch , Tehran , Iran . sport science.

Keywords : exercise , metabolic profile , CRP.


Purpose . The purpose of this study, aerobic training effect on metabolic profile and CRP

in women were adult non-athletes.

Methods . For this purpose, 20 healthy women and disabled adults as volunteers were

selected . they randomly divided into two groups of ten : aerobic exercise group (mean age

34.2 ±4.91 years, height 158.4 ± 1.95 cm, weight 62.3±4.47 kg , BMI 22.48±1.96 kg m

and fat 12.97± 2.16 percent) And control group (mean age 32.8 ± 3.25 years, height

162.4± 3.43 cm , weight 63.42± 6.60 kg , BMI 22.7 ± 2.28 kg m square and fat 13.3±2.32

percent) subgroups.From all subjects after fasting for 12 hours in two stages (before and

after exercise) and in the same conditions, were bled . Experimental group and 12 weeks of

aerobic training three sessions per week were . Aerobic training program included running

60 to 80 percent of the maximum heart rate .

Results . Data analysis using T test showed no significant effect on aerobic exercise

variables BMI and triglycerides does not , However, this exercise significantly reduced

weight variables, total cholesterol , LDL-C , HDl-C , CRP and percentage body fat is.

Conclusions. Aerobic exercise can be said to have helped improve the metabolic profile

And also reduce inflammation and indices Perhaps the risk of future cardiovascular events

in non-athletic adult women decreased.


-SOHAILY , SH., et al , 2010 , Effect of endurance training on the inflammatory

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protein, metabolic syndrome and risk of incident cardiovascular events : and 8year follow

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- NICKLAS, B.J., YOU ,T., and PAHOR , M., 2005, Behavioural treatments for

chronic systemic inflammation : effects of dietary weight loss and exercise training .


- CHU , N.F., CHANG , J.B ., AND SHIEH , S.M ., 2003 , Plasma c-reactve protein

concentration in relation to 5year body weight chang among children : the Taipei children

heart study : inter . j . obes : 27(6). 735-39.

- ZGRAGGEN , L., AND FISCHER ,J.E ., 2005 , relationship between hem

concentration and blood coagulation responses to acute mental stress . Thrombosis


- RAWSON , E.S., FREEDSON AND OCKENE , I.S., 2003, Body mass index, but not


Activity is associated with C-reactive protein : Med Sci Spo Exer . 35(7):1160-1166.


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and c- reactive protein in men , Arterioscler thromb vase boil . 22 : 1869 – 1876.

- VARO , JJ ., et al , 2003 , Distribution and determinants of sedentary lifestyles in

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ROSENSCHEIN , U., AND SAGIV, M., 2005 , Exerise training modulates cytokines

activity in coronary heart disease patients ,.Int.J.cardiol .100:93-99 .

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training with weight loss lower serum c-reactive protein levels? Arterioscler . thromb .

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- KELLEY , G.A., and KELLEY , K.S., 2006 , Effects of aerobic exercise on c-

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density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration in healthy elderly metabolism , 48 (8): 984-8



Corina Ivan, Maître de conférences Dr. - UNEFS

Mots-clés: boissons sportives, hydratation, électrolytes

RÉSUMÉ Le nécessaire en liquides est augmenté chez les personnes qui pratiquent un sport.

La perte de 2% de l’eau corporelle influence négativement la performance physique, sa

diminution de 5% mène à l’épuisement et celle de 7% à 10% peut être fatale.

L’eau est essentielle pour la croissance, la régénération cellulaire et le déroulement

de l’activité physique. De plus, elle contribue à la transportation des substances nutritives

et de l’énergie vers les cellules du corps, mais aussi à l’élimination des déchets résultant du

métabolisme. Le processus d’englober les hydrates de carbone dans les muscles sous la

forme du glycogène nécessite lui-aussi de l’eau, chaque gramme de glycogène fixé dans les

fibres musculaires réclamant environ 3 grammes d’eau. La perte en fluides par les urines et

notamment par la transpiration implique la perte en minéraux électrolytiques - calcium,

magnésium, sodium, potassium et chlore, et l’ingestion de l’eau pure dilue effectivement la

concentration d’électrolytes dans le sang.

D’autre part, les boissons énergisantes contiennent des électrolytes (qui remplacent

rapidement les pertes) et stimulent l’ingestion volontaire de quantités plus grandes de

fluides, en augmentant le taux de réhydratation après un entraînement. En même temps, le

taux d’absorption du fluide dans l’intestin grêle semble s’améliorer quand on ingère des

boissons sportives.

Alors, quel est le meilleur choix pour les sportifs: des boissons énergisantes ou de


Cet article présente des aspects importants de l’hydratation, en essayant de trouver

la meilleure réponse à la question d’en haut.


- Armstrong, L.E. et. all. Voluntary dehydration and electrolyte losses during

prolonged exercise in the heat. Aviat. Space Environ. Med., 1985

- Douglas J. Exercise in the Heat. II. Critical Concepts in Rehydration, Exertional

Heat Illnesses, and Maximizing Athletic Performance. Journal of Athletic Training,


- Hamilton, A. Hydration therapy. Peak Performance, 2004

- Maughan, R. J. Fluid and electrolyte loss and replacement in exercise. Journal of

Sports Sciences, 1991

- Rehrer, J. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Ultra-Endurance Sport. Sports

Medicine, 2001

- Shirreffs, S. M. et. all. Fluid and electrolyte needs for preparation and recovery

from training and competition. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2004

- Wilk, B., Bar-Or, O. Effect of drink flavor and NaCL on voluntary drinking and

hydration in boys exercising in the heat. Appl Physiol, 1996



Assistant professor PhD candidate Lică Marcelina Eliana,

PhD candidate professor Cosma Alexandru, N.Titulescu College of Craiova

Key words: physical, training, volleyball, performance


In this paper we determine the subjects’ level of physical training after we’ve

elaborated and justified all working programs focused on the training optimization during

the general physical training of junior volleyball players. The experiment has been

developed in order to verify working techniques, as well as the stated hypothesis, the

subjects submitted to the experimental activity being organized for completing the

experiment group, made up of 12 volleyball players. The efficiency of the physical training

employed during the experiment is also supported by the results of the Mann-Withney test

which reveals significant differences between the experiment and the control group to the

final testing for all the control tests applied.


Dragnea, A, Mate-Teodorescu, S., 2002, Teoria sportului, Editura FEST, Bucureș ti.

Păcuraru, A., (2000), Teoria antrenamentului sportiv, Editura Fundaţiei Universitare

“Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi

Platonov, N., V., (1991), L’entrainement sporitv. Theorie et methodologie, Editione Revue,

E.P.S., Paris.

Znamenskaia, E., (1993), Dezvoltarea forţei explozive a voleibaliştilor, SDP nr. 222,




Sabina Macovei, Prof. univ. Dr. UNEFS,

Florentina Toniţa, Drd. UNEFS,

Elena Lambu, Drd. UNEFS

Mots-clés: anxiété, performance, Karaté Do


Les caractéristiques des situations de concours en Karaté Do (temps-limite,

difficulté et complexité des situations de combat, lutte contre un adversaire direct plus ou

moins connu, l’arbitrage, enjeu du concours etc.) représentent des facteurs proximaux

importants pour l’augmentation du niveau d’anxiété.


Bădescu, L., 1998, Arte marţiale, Editura Teora, Bucureşti

Deliu D., 2000, Karate Do, Editura ANEFS, Bucureşti

Deliu, D., 2008, Metodica disciplinelor sportive de combat, Editura Bren, Bucureşti

Deliu, D., 2008, Antrenamentul sportiv în disciplinele de combat, Editura Bren, Bucureşti

Endler, N.S., Parker, J.D.A, Bagby, R.M., & Cox, B.J., 1991, Multidimensionality of state

and trait anxiety: Factor structure of the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales. Journal

of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 919-926

Lewis, P., 1997, Introducere în Arte Marţiale. Origini, filozofie, practică. Editura Teora,


Popescu-Neveanu, P., 1978, Dicţionar de psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureşti

Sillamy, N., 1998, Dicţionar de psihologie Larousse, Editura Univers Enciclopedic,


Spielberger C. D., 1972, Direcţii în teoria şi cercetarea anxietăţii (vol. 1), New York

Academic Press

Spielberger, C. D., 1979, Understanding stress and anxiety, Harper & Row, London and

New York

World Karate Federation, 2001, Regulamentul competiţiilor de karate. Kumite şi Kata,

Editată de F.R.K.M., Bucureşti


Vasile Marcu, prof. univ. dr., University of Oradea

Sorin Buhaş, prof. drd., The District Direction for Sports and Youth Bihor

Keywords: systemic approach, sports activity, systemic conception, social system

Sports activity represents a complex social phenomenon that accompanied mankind

along its entire evolution. During the time, along with the crystallization of common

consciousness, due to practical needs, appeared the theoretical consciousness and, as its

effect, appeared scientific consciousness.

In scientific research there are two ways of approaching: the analytical study of the

elements, of the component parts or even of the entire unit taken as part and the

functioning study of the part`s relations and interrelations for each element, of the whole as

a unit and of the correlations between various natural or social phenomena. These two

types of approaches in knowledge have evolved along with the knowledge itself,

sometimes parallel, othertimes trying to obtain a methodological unification.

Starting from natural sciences, the systemic approach extended in social sciences,

including sports activity research. The systemic approach in sports activity area is

legitimated by the existence of sports as a science and by the elements with which it

operates: system - structure - function. The systemic approach considers the structural and

functional interdependence of system`s elements, the methodology of this theory being

totally applicable for different activities where the analysis tools and techniques are

differentiated. The systemic approach in sports activity research is legitimated by its

complexity and also by the structure of the finalities specificity that outlines the system.

The sports character of diversity in complexity, the overall of adjacent and

subordinate relations, obliges us to be in constant search and adjustment of the means of

investigation, so the analyze in systemic approach eases the demarche confering it

consistency and coherence. The systemic approach is sustained by two main notions. The

first one allows us to anticipate the role and the specific mutual influence between sports

area as a subsystem and the other components of the social system. The second notion is

the one that allows us, considering sports area as a system, to highlight the elements – its

internal relations, internal relations – external relations and especially the finality of sports


The sports activity system, a compound of the social supra-system, is an ensemble

of elements in interaction, with proper structure, objectives and functions and with a high

rank of identification.

In essence, sports field provides sports practice for all human categories and

differentiates sports activity by preferences and skills.


Cârstea, Gheorghe (1993), Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and

Sport, Universul Publishing House, Bucharest

Colibaba, E. Dumitru, Bota, Ioan (1998) – Sports games, theory and methodology,

Aldrin Publishing House, Bucharest

Constantinescu, Paul (1993) – Modelling the genesis and development of uniform

systems, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest

Constantinescu, Paul (1990) – The sinergy and the genesis of the systems,

Technical Publishing House, Bucharest

Dragnea, Adrian, Iancu, Horaţiu (2000) – Theory of physical education and sport,

ANEFS, Bucharest

Dumbravă, Ionel (2001) – General management, Publishing House Fundaţiei

România de mâine, Bucharest

Gagea, Adrian (1993) – Scientific research methodology in physical education and

sport, Universul Publishing House, Bucharest

Jinga, Ion (1993) – Instructional management manual, Didactică şi Pedagogică

Publishing House, Bucharest

Maliţa, Mircea (1975) – The chronic of year 2000, Political Publishing House,


Marcu, Vasile, (1981) – Journal of Physical Education and Sports, no. 8, For a

systemic approach in physical education and sport research

Marcu, Vasile, (1995) – Theoretical foundation of exercise in physical therapy,

University of Oradea Publishing House

Marolicaru, Mariana (1992) – Systemic approach in physical education, University

of Cluj-Napoca Publishing House

Mihuleac, Emil (1999) – Management science. Theory and practice, Tempus

Publishing House, Bucharest.

Nicolescu, Ovidiu (2000) – Systems, methods and management techniques of the

organization, Economical Publishng House, Bucharest

Văideanu, George (1998) – Education at the border of the millennium, Political

Publishing House, Bucharest


Professor Gheorghe Marinescu, PhD, NUPES Bucharest

Professor Silviu Salgau, PhD, V. Alecsandri University, Bacau

Assistant Valeria Balan, PhD, NUPES Bucharest

Teacher Adina Zaulet

Assistant Laurentiu Ticala, NUPES Bucharest

Key words: swimming, specific training for turns, time / performance

Introduction: Turns represent the important elements during the training of the

performance swimmers. They can help sportsmen to realize better time performances

during races when these are performed efficiently, but these may decrease the performance

when they are performed slowly and with the technical mistakes.

Target: Our target in this paper s to underline the important part of the turns in the

swimming training and to obtain the good time performances in the races they participate


Hypothesis: The introduction of the specific training for turns in the training schedule of

swimmers can help to educate the acceleration capacity in the last metres before the actual

turn technique and also improve the time performances in competition.

Experimental content: The experiment was realised at the Lia Manoliu swimming pool.

In order to have a better success of this experiment we required the help of the National

Institute of Sport Research specialists who facilitated to the HC swimmer to try out this


Research progress: For this study, our swimmer worked supplementary. In order to carry

out this research the swimmer, HC, had to execute this test which concern the

consolidation and perfection technique of turning in freestyle. This training was applied as

extra training which our swimmer had in his training schedule.

In order to check of the hypothesis of this study, we applied a test together with the

researchers from the National Institute of Sport Research. At the beginning of the training

period our sportsman realised a turn sequel which was made up of six lengths of 21m each.

We realised two test too – and intermediary test and final test.

Within these tests we recorded the time performances of the 7m of each part of the

length. We also recorded the entrance of the turning speed, the swimming speed in the

middle of the race and the exit speed of the swimmer after turning. The test as well as the

training for turns was performed only in freestyle.

Conclusion: The introduction of the specific training for turns in the training schedule of

swimmers can help to educate the acceleration capacity in the last metres before the actual

turn technique and also improve the time performances in competition. Therefore, our

hypothesis was proved.


Dragnea, A., Mate-Teodorescu, S. – Teoria sportului, Ed. FEST, Bucureşti, 2002.

Ionescu, S., Ignat, C., Bidiugan, R. – Antrenamentul de întoarceri, Conferinţa Ştiinţifică

Naţională în domeniul ştiinţei sportului „Valorificarea cercetării ştiinţifice în domeniul

activităţilor corporale”, Bucureşti, 2008

Marinescu, Gh., Bălan, V. – MDS Nataţie şi nautice, Ed. ANEFS, Bucureşti, 2008.

Marinescu, Gh. – Copiii şi performanţa în înot, Ed. Institutul Naţional de Informare şi

Documentare, Bucureşti, 1998.

Marinescu, Gh. – Încălzirea, o necunoscută?, Ed. Romfel, Bucureşti, 1996.

Marinescu, Gh. – Nataţie - tempo şi ritm, Ed. Dareco, Bucureşti, 2002.

Marinescu, Gh. – Nataţie. Curs specializare, Ed. ANEFS, Bucureşti, 2003.

Niculescu, M. – Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice în educaţie fizică şi sport, Ed. ANEFS,

Bucureşti, 2002.

Perjaru, Gh., Iamandi, Şt., Boboc, V., Spârlea, D., Ionescu, D., Urmuzescu, A., Decuseară,

P. – Cartea Federaţiei Române de Nataţie şi Pentatlon Modern 2005 – 2008, Ed. Afir

Invest, Bucuresti, 2007.

Tudos, Şt. – Elemente de statistică aplicată, Ed. Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului,

Bucureşti, 1993.



Reader Ph. Alina Daniela Moanta - UNEFS Bucharest

Reader Ph.. Iulian Gabriel Ghiţescu - UNEFS Bucharest

KEY WORDS - junior, performance, individualized trainingâ

Junior basketball players progress involves a complex of measures that should not

deprive the individual and collective appreciation of players, accompanied by improving

the selection and training at all levels.

The main objective of the coaches of junior teams must be to develop and train

players who will one day be able to play for first division teams and the national team.

Most times, this is difficult, especially when the coaches because the teams looking for a

senior team player and not the results of monitoring results of individual players.

We must understand that if we pay more attention to developing players, and then

as a consequence, we have good results with the team. The objective of the club and coach

must be the same objective.

For this reason, the work of the coaches of young teams is very important. To this

end, the organization preparing junior players have done so logically that we can develop

players with solid fundamental skills.


1. ANASTASIADIS Mihailidis – Antrenamentul în baschet, Atena, 1989.

2. ANASTASIADIS Mihailidis – Exerciţii aplicate pentru jocul de baschet, Atena, 1990.

3. ANASTASIADIS Mihailidis – Program analitic al pregătirii precompetiţionale a unei

echipe de baschet, Atena, 1992.

4. ANASTASIADIS Mihailidis – Baschet. Teorie şi practică, Atena, 1995.

5. BOMPA, O.T. – Periodization of strenght – The new wavw intrength training. Ed.

Orietta Calcina, Toronto, 1996.

6. BRUNO, Pauletto – Strength training for basketball. Ed. Human Kinetics Publishers,

S.U.A., 1994.

7. COLIBABA-EVULEŢ, Dumitru; BOTA, Ioan – Jocuri sportive. Teorie şi metodică.

Editura Aldin, Bucureşti, 1998.

8. GHIŢESCU, G., MOANŢĂ, A., (2005) - Baschet. Fundamente teoretice şi metodice.

ANEFS, Bucureşti

9. GHIŢESCU, G. (2007) - Baschet. Exerciţii pentru învăţarea tacticii colective, Editura

MatrixRom, Bucureşti

10. GHIŢESCU, G. (2007) - Aspecte teoretice şi conceptuale ale pregătirii juniorilor în

baschet, Editura MatrixRom, Bucureşti

11. GHIŢESCU, G., MOANŢĂ A. (2007) - Bazele jocului de baschet, Editura MatrixRom,


12. MANNO, Renato – Bazele teoretice ale antrenamentului sportiv. Ed. Revue EPS,

Roma, 1992. Trad. rom. CCPS în “Sportul de performanţă” nr. 371 – 374, 1996.

13. MOANŢĂ, A. (2000) - - Pregătirea fizică în jocul de baschet. Pro-Editura, Bucureşti

14. MOANŢĂ, A. (2005) - Baschet . Metodică. Editura Alpha, Buzău

15. MOANŢĂ, Alina, Daniela (2009) – Baschet. Pregătirea copiilor ș i juniorilor, Editura

Moroș an, Bucureşti

16. PRADET, Michel – Pregătirea fizică. MTS, CCPS, Bucureşti, 2000

17. PREDESCU, Teodora – Contribuţii la îmbunătăţirea metodologiei modelului de joc şi

de pregătire stadială la juniori (grupele începători, avansaţi şi performanţă, jocuri

sportive, baschet). Teză de doctorat, Universitatea Bucureşti, 1995.

18. WEINECK, Jurgen – Biologie du sport. Ed. Vigot, Paris, 1992

19. WEINECK, Jurgen – Biologie du sport. SDP 365-366, 367-369, Bucureşti, 1995

20. WEINECK, Jurgen – Manual d’entrainement sportif. Ed. Vigot, Paris, 1980.

21. WOTTEN, Morgan – Coaching basketball succesfully. Leisure Press, Champaign,

Illinois, SUA, 1992.

FIBA – Basketball for young players. Guidelines for coaches, 2000




Ph. D. Professor Viorel Dan Năstase,

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Piteşti, Romania,

Key words: dancesport, tango, cha-cha-cha, effort, recovery, heart rate

Abstract: Studies on the activity of dancesport come to complete the image of this

relatively new area in all sports. Effort in dancesport knows aspects of the effort involved

in sport, but also specific features and characteristics of content. The specificity of the

dancesport competition we decided we pass off the effort of the 10 dance competition,

decathlon sports dance, the most complex test it.

In a research conducted in 2009 with the support of National Research Institute for

Sport in Bucharest courtesy of the director Prof. dr. Pierre de Hillerin, past studies of

technical-tactical movement, muscles work during the dance analysis was performed and

analysis effort and sample return effort after ten dances, based on indices of heart rate. The

research was done on the national champions in 10 dances, Ramon Zedan and Filip

Cătălina under similar competitive.

The present research aims at comparative analysis of indices of effort and recovery at

dancers in tango and cha-cha dances.

We believe that the analysis effort in dance sport has many aspects worthy of a

thorough search, and look at that heart rate may represent a point of view, but not enough.

Research, to be relevant, must be detailed and substantiated by other factors that may

create the image of effort in dance sport.


Acaev L I & Suchilin N G (2002) – How to create champions, Meier & Meier Sport


Bompa T (2002) – Teoria şi metodica antrenamentului – periodizarea, Ex Ponto CNFPA,


Colibaba-Evuleţ D, Bota I (1998) – Jocuri sportive, Teorie şi metodică, Edit. Aldin,


Dragnea A, Mate S (2002) – Teoria sportului, FEST, Bucureşti;

Gagea A (2006) – Biomecanică analitică, ANEFS Bucureşti;

Hillerin P J (2006) – Locul şi rolul informaţiei în dezvoltarea şi exprimarea potenţialului de

performanţă al sportivilor de elită, Ştiinţa sportului, Bucureşti;

Mathews, K D & Fox, L E (1976) – The physiological bases of physical education and

athletics, W B Saunder Company, Philadelphia, London, Toronto;

Năstase V D (2010) – Dansul sportiv – Curs pentru specializare, vol II, EUPIT, Piteşti

Năstase V D (2011) – Dansul sportiv – Metodologia performanţei, Paralela 45, Piteşti

Năstase V D (2002) – Tehnica în dansurile latine, edit. Paralela 45, Piteşti;

Năstase V D (2002) – Tehnica în dansurile standard, edit. Paralela 45, Piteşti;

Tschienne P (1995) – Transformarea efectelor antrenamentelor sau adaptarea pe termen

lung prin efort, colecţia SDP Fiziologia sportului, nr. 359, 351, 352, MTS – CCPS;



Author: Neagu Nicolae, Lecturer PhD

Institution: University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Târgu Mureş

Key-words: body mass center; somatic stage morphotype; complex screening selection


The study proposed by us is mainly addressed to the athletic teachers-coaches who are

concerned with hurdle races or with high jumps, events we consider to be under the

favoring factorial influence of the body mass center high position (>56% out of the height)

in athletes practicing these events. This research also aims at developing some topics

related to the selection process optimization and increased efficiency in athletics, by

introducing a new concept, namely the selected athletes’ complex screening (inclusively

the constitutional one) longitudinally developed along the permanent selection process

stages. At the same time, in the context of the presentation of a device meant to highlight

the body mass center position, we also emphasized some other possibilities to apply its

functions, respectively the specific training coordination in weightlifting, as well as the

possibility to use the device in the physical therapy analytical screening.


1. Ackland, R. Timothy, Elliot, C. Bruce, Bloomfield, John (2009), Applied Anatomy and

Biomecanics in Sport, 2nd

ed., Human Kinetics, Champaign

2. Bejan, A. & Marden, J.H., (2006), Unifying constructional theory for scale effects in

running, swimming and flying. J. Exp. Biol., 209, pp. 23-248

3. Calais-Germain, Blandine (2009), Anatomie pentru mişcare. Introducere în analiza

tehnicilor corporale, vol.1, Editura Polirom, Iaşi

4. Bejan, Adrian, Jones C. Edward & Charles Jordan (2010), The evolution of speed in

athletics: why the fastest runners are black and swimmers white. Int. Journal of Design

& Nature. Vol. 5, No. 0/2010, 1-13

5. Cathy, Roland, Marc, Cizeron (2008), Le modelage du corps en mouvement des

gymnastes par les entraîneurs experts en gymnastique artistique. Revue Interrogations,

no. 7, (

6. Charles, J.D. & Bejan, A., (2009), The evolution of speed, size and shape in modern

athletics. J. Exp.Biol., 212, pp. 2419-2425

7. Gagey, Pierre-Marie, Bizzo Guy (2001), La mesure en Posturologie, Institut de

Posturologie (, Paris

8. Gambino & Mirochhnik and Schechter (2006), Center of Mass of a Human. The

Physics Factbook™ (

9. Neagu, Nicolae (2010), Teoria şi practica activităţii motrice umane. Editura University

Press, Târgu Mureş




Conf.univ.dr. Netolitzchi Mihaela- U.P.B.

Keywords: assessment distance, basketball, motor skills, visual-motor coordination,


In preparing the players for basketball starts from the idea that sport is involved, it

can be a positive change in performance capacity level. Basketball training is regarded as a

specialized process of personality development and player training, in terms of its physical

and sports improvement to achieve maximum performance capacity, the availability for

high performance permanent.

A training concept must determine precisely what is purchased (instructional

objects) and how to prepare (for achieving strategy) to become competitive. Similar to the

concept of game development and design elaborate preparation. This is supported by the

fact that the game between the model and the model of training is always a connection.

The experiment lasted two years Competition: 2008-2009 and 2009- 2010 first

league a basketball team, whose sports make up a homogeneous sample and representative

of our country's basketball performance. In recent years, the team rose to international

standards (as in fact the entire Romanian women's basketball).

I spoke with the players in training methods and new means to improve the development of

basic motor qualities: speed, strength and endurance and worked out their development

programs to support and conduct the experiment. From the total annual volume 370 hours

was given to driving qualitative development.

In order to optimize the preparation of technical leadership has agreed with

developing a training plan.

We considered that in examining complex and determining the development of their

athletes is necessary psychological examination. We used test for assessing the distance.

We interpreted the test applied in conjunction with the methods and means introduced in

driving skills development.

The test consists to cross without visual control a line of 7m, noting plus and minus

deviations from the point and right-left end of a line drawn on the floor.

Through a systematic training regime, which was achieved through changes in training,

training intensity, volume of work and technique to reach a maximum effort of training and

a high level of performance through the development of visual-motor coordination and

assessment distance

Test applied to athletes, has shown that developing better driving qualities lead to

better concentration, better appreciation of the distance and a better visual memory.

One of the basic principles of athletic training is the individualization of both effort and

properties of supplied drivers. By applying specific methods and the game of basketball

and psychological measurements were able to find the particular individual and thus the

application of optimal solutions and further development driving qualities and thus visual-

motor coordination and assessment of distance and subsequent evolution of each sport.

Bibliography 1.Gagea, A., 1996, Course of Informatics and Statistics, ANEFS, Bucharest

2.National Basketball Conditioning Coaches Association - NBA, 1997, Power

Conditioning - Exercises and drills from the Experts, Human Kinetics Publishing

3. Netolitzchi M., 2010, The operating systems of the following disciplines: athletics,

gymnastics, basketball and football for the physical training of students in higher

education, Ed Printech, Bucharest

4. Netolitzchi M., 2009, Physical education and sport in Bucharest Polytechnic University

5. Netolitzchi M., 2008, Basketball-Middle physical education in higher education,

Ed.Printech, Bucharest

6. Netolitzchi M., 2008, Women's Basketball, Ed.Printech, Bucharest



Nica-Badea Delia Lect. PhD. Constantin Brancusi University, Targu-Jiu

Iosif Sandor Conf. PhD. dr. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj - Napoca

Monea Gheorghe PhD. dr. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj - Napoca

Keywords: information, involvement, motivation, doping, sports performance


The use of pharmacologically active substances by human beings is very old, has

its roots in remote antiquity, but he is still a problem. Doping in sport is the result of a

combination of individual, cultural, social and psychological factors. Prevention of doping

in sport should be based on clear understanding of the complex nature of the issue, and

comprehensive strategies combining all the authorities involved in sport to achieve

eradication of doping in sport, recognized as a serious problem that damages the

fundamental principles of sport . Întrprinse research goal was to find the empirical

knowledge of the athletes on doping activities and use them as reference points for

education and information program among athletes.

The research objective was to identify those categories of athletes who need more

information in this area (depending on age, gender or participation in doping tests before

the interview), but also to promote those who reject doping behavior as a means to enhance

sports performance.

Through this study we propose to test the hypothesis that, by monitoring the

phenomenon of doping we find awareness and involvement of athletes on doping

regulations to fight inside and outside the use of prohibited substances in sports

competitions outside their element essentially required for the content and strategy

information and education of athletes, reducing the deficit in the field and information

solutions for reducing and eventually eradicating doping in sport. Based on the study

objectives, groups - target respondents were selected according to three criteria: age, sex,

type of sporting activity, the role performed (coach, administration, athletes amateur /


Survey-research was conducted during 2010, was conducted by the development of

three types of questionnaires based on existing literature in the field of drug use in sport

Groups - the target of the area studied are part of the county and Constanta (collaboration).

In this research, 171 participants were included practitioners: football, tennis, boxing,

athletics, basketball, volleyball, handball, wrestling and judo, as follows: 23 respondents

T1, 82 T2, 66 T3 type. Sports categories in the study are discussed in the following

institutional structure: pre-university education, higher education and related professional

sports, clubs, sports associations. Statistically processed results are presented as tables and

charts .

The paper is made from a research contract holder under the UCB TG Jiu FEFS, in

collaboration with institutions with skills and expertise in sport and doping phenomenon.


1.Vâjială, GE, ,,România în contextul dinamicii activităţii antidoping în lume”, Ştiinţa

Sportului, 2002, 28; 19-30.

2.Strategia Naţională Antidoping pentru perioada 2007 - 2012 Publicat în Monitorul

Oficial, Partea I nr. 563 din 16/08/2007

3.Vâjială, G-E, Lamor, M., Doping – Antidoping, Editura Fest 2002, Cap.I5.

4.Potzaichin, IB., Cercetare privind nivelul de informare a sportivilor din România asupra

activităț ii antidoping, Revista Ș tiinț a Sportului, 2007; 56: 63.

5.Brissonneau, C., Words of deviants: houses of cycling from 1990 to 2000. In

International Conference on 'Ethics and Social Science Research in Anti-Doping, 2006.

6. European Charter on Sport, 1992.

7.Houlihan, B., Application of social science in anti-doping policy. In:

8. Karli, U., Polat, E., Koçak, S., The Turkish Attitudes Towards Doping Athletes. Why

Do They Use? In: International Conference, "Ethics and Anti-Doping Research in Social

Science, 2006

9.Nica-Badea, D., Controlul agenţilor dopanţi în sport, Editura Academica Brâncuşi,


10.Nica-Badea, D., Raport Contract de cercetare nr. 417C/13.10.2009 (9662/09.10.2009),

Studiul privind modul de informare-implicare, prevenirea şi combatere a uzului şi abuzului

de substanţe şi metode interzise”, finanţat de SC ARTEGO SA, Tg-Jiu, beneficiar

Universitatea ,,Constantin Brâncuşi” , Tg-Jiu .



Univ. PhD. Orţănescu Dorina, University of Craiova

Assist. PhD. Cosma Germina, University of Craiova


The approach of competitions through the development of motor abilities and skills

acquired by means of a technical-tactical system depends on the activity of all psychic

systems specific to the subject involved. The present paper points out the elaboration of

training programs specific to junior volleyball players and fencers which are focused on

exercises involving the attention (as an anticipation subsystem) meant to stimulate motor

intelligence for improving sports performances.

Key words:

Bibliography 1. UNGUREANU,O, (1997), Valorificarea resurselor umane in sportul de

performanta sub aspectul inteligentei motrice, revista Stiinta Sportului, Nr. 5/1997,


2. A. Pacuraru

3. PAUNESCU, M, (2007), Cercetari interdiscilinare in sportul de performanta,

coordonator GAGEA,A, pg.181

4. DRAGNEA A., MATE-TEODORESCU, S., (2002), Teoria sportului, Editura

FEST Bucureşti

5. COSMA G., LICĂ E., (2011), Working Methods Conducive to Motor Intelligence

Manifestation, Sesiunea Naţională de Comunicări Ştiinţifice “ SĂNĂTATE ŞI


Valahia, Târgovişte





Pârvănescu Marinică Iacov, doctor în educaţie fizică,

Collège National Sportif „Cetate”, Deva, Departement Hunedoara,

Mots-clé: indicateur, pertinent, division, effort physique, processus de formation,

equipe, jeu de sport handball, la performance sportive.


La recherche expérimentale basée sur la prémisse que c'est seulement en utilisant

l'enregistrement du matériel de pointe peuvent déterminer le montant exact des indicateurs


Les objectifs de la recherche experimentale: l’identification d’indicateurs

pertinents qui sous-tendent le processus de formation; soulignant le rôle clé dans

l'orientation de la frequence cardiaque dans l’ orientation des efforts dans la leçon de

formation de handball, l'identification des domaines spécifiques de l'equipe de handball

dans la leçon d’entrainement de handball feminin par rapport aux zones d’ efforts

spécifiques aux matches surveilles, l'établissement de comparaisons pertinentes en fonction

de la position tenue en équipe, l'établissement de VO2 max, la confirmation des

hypothèses de travail par le traitement statistique et mathématique des indicateurs

pertinents identifiés grâce à l’ expérience et l’etablissement de modèles minimaux de

reference au niveaut de l'équipe pour chaque joueuses, sur la base des valeurs exprimées

en pourcentage des enregistrements réalisés pour la fréquence cardiaque et l'apport


L’hypothèse de récurrence se refere a l'utilisation efficace d'indicateurs pertinents,

mesurées a l’aide d’un equipement électronique moderne dans la préparation des joueuses

de handball de performence d'augmenter la capacité de l’effort.

Les hypothèses déductives sont:

Si l’on surveille et on opere aux indicateurs pertinents mesurés par l'électronique

spécialement appliquée, on pourrait réussir dans l'optimisation de la formation du jeu de

handball de haute performance.

Si, dans le processus d’entrainement on etablit exactement la valeur des

indicateurs - la frequence cardiaque et la consommation de calories et on delimite l’aire

des zones d’effort, alors peut-etre on va améliorer la capacité d'effort.

Si l’on divise le processus de formation à l'aide de nos structures techniques

et tactiques specifiques au jeu de handball, rationalisees sur la base des valeurs mesurees

des indicateurs pertinents alors on pourrait influencer la capacité d'effort, et la

manifestation motrique pourrait être en concurrence à un niveau supérieur .

Lors de l'expérimentation ont confirmé l’hipothese de recherche les suivants

indicateurs pertinents: la consommation d'énergie par minute,la fréquence cardiaque au

repos,la fréquence cardiaque moyenne, l'effort supramaximal et maximal, l’effort sous-

maximal,l’ effort modere et l’effort aérobie. Les indicateurs pertinents qui n'ont pas

confirmé l’ hypothèse de recherche sont: la consommation totale d'énergie,toutes les

pulsations et la fréquence cardiaque maximale.

L'étude expérimentale réalisée met en évidence - à partir des résultats - la

nécessité d'utiliser l'équipement approprié dans le processus de formation de fournir des

informations physiologiques pertinentes a l’entraîneur et au sportif,egalemment.

A partir de mesures faites au cours de la recherche, j'ai trouvé que la

participation de pourcentage aux efforts avec une certaine intensité, donnee de valeur de

la fréquence cardiaque, des joueuses est:

- 13,2% pour la joueuse pivot - une participation à la realisation de l’effort

avec la fréquence maximale;

- 35,8% pour la joueuse spécialisée sur la position extrême,une participation

a la realisation des efforts avec la fréquence sousmaximale;

- 30,5% pour la joueuse spécialisée sur la position d’ inter , une

participation a la realisation des efforts avec la frequence cardiaque modérée.

Le pourcentage de participation des ressources énergétiques – pour la

realisation des effort specifiques au jeu de handball:

- 12% pour les efforts maximals et surmaximals - anaérobie alactacide,

comparativement à 20% - valeur donnée dans la littérature de specialite;

- 34% pour les efforts sousmaximals - anaérobie lactacide, comparativement à

30% mentionne dans la litterature de specialite;

- 23% pour les efforts mixtes;

- 31% pour les efforts aérobies, comparativement à la valeur de 50% donne dans

la littérature de specialite.

L'utilisation d'un appareil à travers lequel on peut enregistrer la frequense

cardiaque dans les conditions reelles d’effort peut représenter un véritable document

d’evidence de l’activite deroulee au cours de l’annee competitionnelle.


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Asist. univ. drd. Pricop Adrian

Asist. univ. drd. Leonte Nicoleta

Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti


Following a survey conducted on a sample of 20 juniors from a sports club, aged

15-16 years, I noticed that if executions techniques will be conducted in accordance with

the standardization of parameters, then you made efficiency be objective in evaluating the

results recorded.


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ANEFS, 2000



Radu Alexandra Eliza

(doctorand) -National University of Physical Education and Sport -


Coordinator: prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan c. Negulescu


The handball game and everything that is necessary and conditioned by it, is

constantly changing, with a progressive grouth. Fierce competition, the increasing value of

the teams, at an international level, require numerous upgrades, adjustements, progress and

improvemets regarding the training and game aspects.

Modern handball game involves a high speed execution of various actions, a rapid

mobilization tactics of the game, a generally fast and incisive offence and a defence,

characterized by increased aggression, at the regulation limit.

Studies and recent research shows that "physical demand model" of handball

player in the game, has increased significantly. During a game, the handball player covers,

on average, a distance of 5000-6000m and executes over 50 sprints and accelerations.

Resistance, general and specific, is thus a basic driving quality, without which the handball

players can not cope with the demands of the game.

Test results have proven a real progress for all the athletes from the experimental

group, which although obtained from the very begining (initial tesing) better results than

the athletes from the control group, have managed to significantly improve the degree of

physical training, in particular, their endurance.

The control group was also able to achieve better results, on the final testing,

compared to the initial one (the progress rate was lower).

Success depends, in our opinion, on improving methods and means of the physical

training in handball players, without which, they can not cope with the very high demands

of the game.

Through the present research paper we tried to find the most effective ways and

means, and why not, even new ones to improve handball players endurance. Also, we

would like for this paper to represent a real job support, to other activists in the field, in

terms of endurance training.


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SOTIRIU, R., 1998, Handbal - de la inț iere la performanț ă, Ed. Garold;

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Ș ERBĂNOIU, S., 2004, Metodica educaț iei fizice, Ed. Cartea Universitară, Bucureș ti;

TEODORESCU, SILVIA, 2000, Programare-planificare, Ed. Semne, Bucureș ti;

TUDOR, V., 2008, Măsurare ș i evaluare în cultură fizică ș i sport, Ed. Moroș an,

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TUDOR, V., 1999, Capacităț ile condiț ionale, coordinative ș i intermediare,

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metodologia cercetării activităț ii corporale, Ed. M.T.S., Bucureș ti;




Bogdan Constantin RAŢĂ ,

Gloria RAŢĂ ,

Dan Iulian ALEXE,

Marinela RAŢĂ,

Adrian SAVA,






Keywords: evolution, competition, children, short events


The aim of this study is to emphasize the 8-13 year-old children's ability to

compete in final competitions, during the 2011 indoors season. In conducting this study,

we tried to verify the hypothesis stating that over 80% of the finalists manage to improve in

the finals their performance from the series. In order to underline the results, we used as

research methods: the study of the specialized literature, the observation, the electronic

recording, the statistical-mathematical method and the chart method. The results were

recorded using the Alge Timing Optic 2 electronic timing system. This research included

24 subjects (8 8-9 year-old children III, 8 10-11 year-old children II, and 8 12-13 year-old

children I). The recorded and analyzed results have shown the evolution of the time from

the series to the finals, and the manifestation of the movement speed during the indoor

competition season. The results prove that in nearly all cases the children cannot improve

their values in the final race, in comparison with the series. The conclusions emphasized

that the time recorded for the 24 contestants was better during the finals than during the

series in 17 runners, which represents 70.83%. This percentage is different from one age

category to another: 37.5% in 12-13 year-old children, 100% in 10-11 year-old children,

and 75 % in 8-9 year-old children.


1. ALEXE, D- I., 2010 Teaching Track and Field in Middle-school, Edit. Pim,


2. ARDELEAN, T., 1991, Speed and strength in Track and Field. Theoretical and

practical-methodical contributions regarding the capitalization of the speed

potential in the 11-14 year-old children. Doctorate thesis, A.N.E.F.S.,


3. MANO, R., 1996, Les bases de l'entraînement sportif, SDP 371-374,


4. PRADET, M., 1996, La preparation physique INSEP, Publications France,

translation C.C.P.S., Bucharest, 2001, 2 : 5-90.

5. RAŢĂ, B-C, 2008, Methodical orientations regarding the children's training for

the sprint events - Personal contributions, Edit. PIM, Iaşi.

6. ROST, K., 1994, Considerations regarding the importance of competitions

adapted to the development process of young talents in competitive sports,

translation Children's adaptation in sports, SCJ, No. 3 (96), 4(97), CCPS,


7. VOSS, G.,1994, Diagnosis of top performance and talent - consequences of the

new system of speed training, translation Children's adaptation in sports, SCJ,

No. 3 (96), 4(97), CCPS, Bucharest.


Dr. Ana-Maria Şintie *, Dr. Ştefan Cruceanu **

*National Authority for Sports and Youth

**Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of ROMANIAN


Keywords: anticipation, anticipation-coincidence test, sport games

Anticipation in sport as a spontaneous or prepared possibility to respond before the

onset of stimuli triggered a statement from the state meet the planning, programming and

reaching athlete actions.

In sports we see many situations which require the presence of anticipation in order to get

successful action.

The topic addressed is related to anticipation-coincidence. Epuran (1962) talks

about the time of coincidence, when “the reaction is simultaneous with the stimulus

timing” and Poulton (in Terry McMorris, 2004) named an operation intercepted as


Highlighting the existence of anticipation in the conduct of a motoric act is a

difficult process.

The documentation approach that I conducted to develop the thesis, I found that in

our country in sports or in psychology, anticipation tests are almost inexistent.

This has contributed to the personal determination to identify and construct a test

for anticipation-coincidence, that meets the needs of taking an experimental research.

Thus, the anticipation-coincidence test (ACT) was conducted by Dr.Ana-Maria

Şintie and Dr. Ştefan Cruceanu and it is a user-friendly test that provides objective results.

The test consists in trying to predict when a moving point hit a target. It is based on

memorization of movement speed and point trajectory in space.

The task is to assess as time and space an intersection point moves at a

predetermined line.

At the start of the test, point movement can be viewed on screen, then the point

movement can’t be viewed anymore.

The respondent is requested that, considering the speed of the point and its

trajectory, assess the item reaches the target (a vertical line) and to mark time by pressing a



EPURAN, M. (1962). Psihologia educaţiei fizice. Editura de Stat Didactică şi Pedagogică,

Bucureşti, p 158-166.

EPURAN, M. (1996). Psihologia sportului de performanţă. Reglarea şi autoreglarea

stărilor psihice ale sportivilor. Curs pentru "Studii aprofundate", ANEFS, Bucureşti.

GULINELLI, M. (1984). Calităţile de coordonare în fotbal şi formarea lor. Scuola dello

Sport, Roma III, 30-31, tradus în Sportul de Performanţă, nr.261, 1987, CNEFS, Bucureşti.

HUGO, D. (1961). Anticiparea (mişcarea de anticipare) la jocul cu mingea. Theorie und

Praxis der Körperkultur, nr. 11-12, Berlin.

McMORRIS, T. (2004). Acquisition and Performance of Sports Skills, Wiley, Chichester.

ŞINTIE, A.M. (2009). Rolul anticiparii in cresterea eficientei performantei. Teza de

doctorat. UNEFS, Bucureşti.

ZLATE, M. (1999). Psihologia mecanismelor cognitive. Editura POLIROM, Iaşi.




National University of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest

Key words: tennis, tennis service, sport training


The service is an important aspect in tennis. Currently the service has become an

important way to win, either directly or indirectly by an ace or by creating an advantage.

(J.Brown, 1995; Bollettieri, N., Maher, C.A.,1995)

"Efficiency of first and second service in juniors game ", is aimed at establishing methods

to improve service in a context where, as mentioned, currently it has become a major hit in

tennis on the role of decision outcome of the match. It will highlight both the effectiveness

of the service on the different playing surfaces and as a result of modeling a shot from the

simple to the complex and based on a strong awareness of the performance. (Felsing, J.,

1997; Kriese, K., 1993; Schultz, R., 1993; Stănescu, R., 2001)

After a thorough review of the topic, I found that the service is the most important shot in

the game of tennis in a very simple reason: it's one and only shot that depends on the

player, his opponent having no first role. The way in which the player serves largely

depends how the point arises. The ability to target the first service is more important than

the force with which the ball is hit, the owner of a powerful service can take the initiative

and having the best chance of winning.

There must be big and strong and do not need to have an athletic body to have a strong

service. Strength comes not only from the service of hand. The role of legs, the rotation of

the shoulder and abdominal muscles are crucial elements in the speed of the ball starting to

work. Those who can not run a very strong first service have the option to vary the effects

of positioning the ball and its opponent so always ask ahead. The worst thing that can be

done in practice, in addition to a double fault, is to use a first predictable and easy service

"attack." Analyzing the experimental results achieved can be seen that the hypothesis has

been confirmed to start. Thus, the gradual increase in the percentage of correct hits as a

result of modeling from simple to complex technical service strike, indicating a change in

the experimental group due to an awareness of the service's purpose and the strike targeting

the service to a predetermined point the opponent's court. Developing such capabilities as a

result of motivation and perseverance will lead to positive performance from players since

powerful service today does not mean just on 249km/h but mean effect and correct

placement of the ball in the service court.

For the purposes of the foregoing, to the great players of the moment, the service hit not

only involve force, but rather precision, consistency and strategy.

Following a statistical analysis shows that most players have performed the service hit

right at the middle of the service court. Player performance modeling should include the

capacity for service to the outside or inside zone. Performed by outside service area has the

effect by making the point for the otuer player difficulty following its removal from the

playing surface and obtain in this way, good conditions for the next shot. Services

performed by the inner (the "T"), as follows from the experiment, favored obtaining a

predominant number of aces.

Perseverance players from the experimental group approached modeling strategy increased

the number of correct hits the target areas.

Unlike the experimental group, control group carried out coordinated strikes without

service and without a clear strategy to have the purpose placing the ball in specific areas.

The results recorded weaker players in this group emphasizes the basic idea according to

which awareness of stroke and shaping them to a specific purpose is key to success in

tennis service shot performance.


BROWN, J., Trepte spre succes. Bucureşti, Editura Teora, 1995

BOLLETTIERI, N., MAHER, C.A., Matchball - das mentale Erfolgsprogramm von Nick

Bollettieri. Munchen, BLV Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1995

FELSING, J., Richtig Tennistraining. Spiel- und Ubungsformen fur Fortgeschritene.

Munchen, BLV Sportpraxis Top, 1997

KRIESE, K., Total Training Tennis. Illinois, Human Kinetics Publisher, 1993

Metodica unitară. FRT, 1990

SCHULTZ, R., Să învăţăm corect tenis. De la iniţiere la performanţă. Bucureşti, Editura

Helicon, 1993

STĂNESCU, R., Capacitatea de performanţă în tenis. ANEFS, Bucureşti, 2001



Lector univ. dr. Stelescu Ioan

University of Petrosani

Motivation for choosing the theme

We found that by using exercises as well chosen and organized by the use of dynamic

games and complex structures in content, form and fit effects of pre-established themes,

we were able to offer favorable conditions for developing athletes simultaneously driving

skills , the driving qualities and mental processes and personality traits.

Research hypotheses

1. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of modern football game may be a

starting point for teaching methodology throughout the game.

2. The ongoing assessment of driving ability of athletes practicing football game in

conjunction with the development and implementation of new models of training set will

be a stepless driving ability, with favorable repercussions on learning the game.

Experimental conclusions

1. We analyzed the performance tuning of actual driving ability of junior football to

practice by considering the real situation taking into account the practice and research


2. We proved experimentally that the factors which determine sporting

performance can be influenced by a scientific and responsible action at all levels of

training coaches.

Training will be tailored to all players, will be emphasized, particularly the elements that

makes our ability to adjust performance when driving ability.

3. Adjustment should be made in relation to driving ability and need a good

knowledge of maximum oxygen consumption is well developed and the guarantee of a

good physical condition so we can consider:

- to being more active in training to experience excessive fatigue;

- a better recovery of two years or between intense training sessions;

- the fact of being able to resist the duration of high intensity competition;

- failure to resist all forms of high intensity training techniques;

- the fact of being in shape during a sports season, any season.

Training that includes training intensities is not conducive to development

incompatible aerobic resistance.


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ZIMMERMANN, K. Aspecte selecţionate ale elaborării şi folosirii testelor pentru

diagnosticarea calităţilor de coordonare, Teorie und Praxis der Korpenkultur, Berlin, 34.



Lector univ. dr. Adriana Stoicoviciu

Universitatea din Bucureşti

Mot-clef: instruction, procédés techniques, moyens, methodes


Le niveau technique du sportsman détermine dans une grande mesure

l’accomplissement des tâches tactiques et leur applications efficients pendant les

compétitions; c’est la raison pour la quelle pour les débutants l’exigence primordiale

consistera en une assimilation correcte des principaux procédés techniques à travers

l’assurance d’une quantité de travail augmenté. Le perfectionnement de la technique pour

sa plus simple utilization dans de conditions variables constitue l’étape esentiale de la

préparation du sportman pour le concurs et par consequence les tâches fixées doit être

toujours faciles, mais rigoureusement definies, tous les sportsmen étant stimulés de les


Dans les jeux sportifs, le type et le contenu des actions tehnico-tactiques des

spotrmen pendant la competition depende, également de l’attaque et de la contre-attaque de

l’adversaire. Les études ont démontré que en général un sportmen qui se trouve en état de

tension émotive elevée, utilise très souvent des combinasion acquises il y a quelques

temps. Compte tenu du fait que dans le competitions des enfants et de juniors le nombre

des combinaisons est limité, il faut de temps afin que le sportsman les assimilent

parfaitement. La situation peut être resolvée, si au temp des exercices programmée on

introduit un adversaire qui actionne avec une intensité progressivement élevée.


Dragnea A., Mate-Teodorescu S.- Teoria sportului, Editura FEST Bucureș ti 2002.

Hrişcă A., Negulescu C., Baschet. Tehnica şi tactica individuală. Metodica învăţării,

Editura Sport-Turism, Bucureşti, 1981

Naglaka, Pregătirea tactică sportivă. În: Metodologia antrenamentului, M.T.S.-C.C.P.S.

Bucureşti, 2000.

Negulescu C., Popescu F., Moanţă A., Preda C., Metodica învăţării şi perfecţionării

tehnicii şi tacticii jocului de baschet. MI, ANEFS, Bucureşti 1997.

Predescu T., Negulescu C., Curs de baschet, specializare anul IV, 1998.

Teodorescu S., Antrenament şi competiţie, Editura Morosan, Bucureşti 2007.

Teodorescu S., Teoria şi metodica antrenamentului sportiv la copii şi juniori, 2010.








The element „jump backward (flic-flack take off) with ½ twist ( 180˚) through handstand

to walk over forward” („Mostepanova”) on beam, is a great prospect but too rarely

encountered in the performance of the balance beam gymnasts from Romania. This

prompted us to study certain aspects of performance technique and method of this aspect of


Harnessing personal experience, we propose to develop a completely algorithmic program

to learn the „Mostepanova” element on beam, which ensure successful inmplementation in

any conditions.



Ulăreanu Marius Viorel, Teaching Assistant, PhD student - Ecological University of


Potop Vladimir, Associate Professor, PhD – Ecological University of Bucharest

Key words: effort, weightlifting, intensity, performance, planning, volume


The paper is intended to reveal the relationship of volume, intensity and specific

means during the competitive period in performance weightlifting. Thus we have

considered that an optimum relationship of volume, intensity and specific means for

strength and technique during the competitive training would contribute to peaking for

competition and to achieve better performances in contests.

This scientific approach has led to the organization of a study in the Weightlifting

Olympic Team. The study was carried out during the period (16.08 -30.09.2010), formed

of a competitive mezzo-cycle including 6 training micro-cycles, applied on a group of 7

athletes of 19-25 years old.

The study analyzed the workout programs of the 6 training micro-cycles and

monitored statistically the effort parameters and the performance development.

The study results highlight the number of reps and the share of technique and strength

specific means throughout the competitive period.

The analysis of the technique and strength specific means content points out the

relationship and the dynamics of effort parameters throughout each training micro-cycle

during competition period.

The share and the dynamics of technical styles intensity (snatch, clean and jerk) and

of strength means (squats, pulls and bending) highlight the relationship of these ones in

each training micro-cycle of the competitive period.

Ensuring an optimum relationship of volume, intensity and specific means for

strength and technique during the competitive training contributed to peaking for

competition and to achieve better performances in contests, argument that confirms the

hypothesis of the study.


1. Bompa, T.O. Theory and Methodology of Training - Periodization:. Ex Ponto

Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002, p.39

2. Dragnea, C.A., Mate-Teodorescu, S., Theory of Sport. FEST Publishing House,

Bucharest, 2002, p.129.

3. Dvorkin L.S., Heavy Athletics. “Sovietski Sport” Publishing House. Moscow, 2005,

p.78, 270

4. Nicu, A., Modern Sports Training. „ EDITIS” Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993,

p. 237.

5. Potop V., Urichianu Toma S., Ulăreanu, M.,V. Content of Training Specific

Methods for Performance Weightlifters. In „ Millennium III Palestra - Civilization

and Sport”, Vol. 11, no. 3, July-September 2010, 211-215.



Associate professor Sanda Toma Urichianu, PhD

Stud. Andrei Bogdan Urichianu

Ecological University of Bucharest

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Key words: rowing, selection, training, physical and mental qualities, performance,


Abstract. The performances necessary for being awarded with medals at major

international competitions can be achieved only after a well directed and thought out

selection, started in preschool period and regarded not as a momentary action but as an

evolutionary process. The means and methods used in rowing activity should be structured

so as to serve the detection of rowers’ functional reserves, enabling us to know and have

some possibilities of forecasting the rowers’ evolution at the end of training stages.

Purpose. In selecting rowers for the superior stages of performance, all testing criteria

imposed by modern rowing must be applied.

Hypothesis. It is considered that the progress rate of anthropometric and morpho-

functional data orientates the selection, because the anatomic-functional and age

particularities make the difference in the dynamics of these data.


Documentation method.

Observation method.

Tests method.

Method of experiment.

Statistical-mathematical method.

Place, stages and subjects of research

The research was conducted in CSN Snagov, in two stages:

1st Stage –National Team Juniors II . This is the initial stage of primary selection.


stage –and selection finals, with promotion of juniors to upper echelons.

The research subjects are represented by 10 junior athletes, for the 1st stage, who took part

in the initial selection stage of creation and supplementation of Junior National Team.

Conclusions. The computerized statistical processing of our results back up in a

satisfactory manner the hypothesis that there is positive and significant correlation of the

result in trial and the result of the proximal contest, amended by the time interval between

registrations, the individual behavior of the rower in boat (single or crew), emotions or

other psychological factors.


1. Alexe, N., coordinator, Modern Sport Training, EDITIS Publishing House, Bucharest,


2. Dragnea, A., Mate-Teodorescu, S., Theory of Sport, FEST Publishing House, Bucharest,


3. Epuran, M., Methodology of Body Activities Research –Exercise, Sport, Fitness - (2nd

edition), FEST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005.

4. Florescu, C., Mociani, V., Rowing, Sport-Tourism Publishing House, Bucharest, 1983

5. Gagea, A., Informatics and Statistics, ANEFS Publishing House, Bucharest, 1955.

6. Gagea, A., Training Parameters, Collection of texts, ANEFS Publishing House,

Bucharest, 1982.

7. Gagea, A., Scientific Research Methodology in Physical Education and Sports,

Publishing House of „Romania of Tomorrow” Foundation, Bucharest, 1999.

8. Ghissen, L.D., Budovski, M.P., Study on Rowers’ Status throughout a Several Years

Long Experiment, CCEFS, Bucharest, 1977.

9. Harre, D., Winifried, L., Endurance, Strength and Endurance-Strength Training, in:

“Performance Sport”, no.267, Bucharest, 1987.

10. Herberger, E et al., Rowing, CCEFS, Bucharest, 1978.

11. Nicu , A., Selection in Sport, vol. III, Bucharest, 1980.

12. Nicu, A., Răduţ, C., Study on Athletic Shape in Performance Women’s Rowing, in

“Sport and Physical Education” Magazine, no.7, 1987.

13. Nioj, A., Răduţ, C., et al., Methods of Selection, Training and Competition of Women’s

Rowing Olympic Team in 1978 according to 1980 Olympics, CCEFS, Bucharest, 1978.

14. Răduţ, C., Mociani, V. et al., Research on Effort Complexity in High Performance

Women’s Rowing, Guidance and Improvement of the Process of Training and

Participation in Contests. Improvement of Selection, Training, Reactivity and Competition

Models, CCEFS, Bucharest, 1989.

15.Urichianu-Toma, S., Timnea Olivia, Sportsmen’s Effort during Rowing Technical and

Medical Particulars, Ars Academica& Addleton Publishing House , 2009 New York,


16. Urichianu-Toma, S., Interdisciplinary Approaches to Water Sports, Didactical and

Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009.


Authors: Luciela Vasile Reader PhD U.N.E.F.S. Bucharest

Stan Elena Amelia Lecturer PhD U.E. Bucharest

Key words: feedback, information technology, skills acquisition, sport


In this paper, we provide several sport examples of how performance feedback can

be augmented by the use of modern technology. The examples are presented as a

theoretical support for motor skills acquisition and are valuable instruments for coaching

and training. Our goal to describe and evaluate these kinds of technological advanced

instruments could be useful especially for the conches and performers. However, above all,

we all have realized that these new technologies are very important for all the factors

involved in learning of motor skills.

Since the sport aims are not standard models, imposed once and for all, but

dynamic models that allow redimensions depending on field of possibilities - equipments,

effort medication, relaxation and recovery techniques, competitional approaches, etc., the

information that we have at any given time are not sufficient. They should be linked to

others and automatically updated and analysed.


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