study, relax, sleep, eat a good breakfast and you will be all set!

Ecosystem Review Study, Relax, Sleep, Eat a good breakfast and you will be all set!

Upload: shon-holmes

Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Ecosystem Review

Living or Nonliving? Part 2: 100Is sunlight living or nonliving?Nonliving

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Food Chains: 100What is the hawk in a prairie food chain?Predator

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Living or Nonliving? Part 1: 100Is a plant living or nonliving?Living

Go back to game board3Ecosystem necessities: 100Name two things that make up the community of living and nonliving things.Plants and animals

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Living or Nonliving? Part 1: 200Is air living or nonliving?Nonliving

Go back to game boardLiving or Nonliving? Part 2: 200Is soil living or nonliving?Nonliving

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Food Chains: 200What is a mouse in the prairie food chain?Primary or secondary consumer

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Whats for dinner?: 200I am a carnivore; what do I eat?Other animals

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Ecosystem necessities: 200Name two types of things in the animal and plant community.Living and nonliving

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Living or Nonliving? Part 1: 300Is the wind living or nonliving?Nonliving

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Food Chains: 300What is grass in the prairie food chain?Producer

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Whats for dinner?: 300I am a scavenger. What do I eat?Dead animals

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Ecosystem necessities: 300True/False: If one part of an ecosystem is disrupted, the entire ecosystem can be disrupted.True

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Living or Nonliving? Part 1: 400Is an animal living or nonliving?Living

Go back to game boardLiving or Nonliving? Part 2: 400Is water living or nonliving?Nonliving

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Food Chains: 400Name one decomposer on the prairie.Ex: mushrooms, earthworms, bacteria

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Whats for dinner?: 400I am an omnivore. What do I eat?Plants and animals

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Ecosystem necessities: 400Name three things all living things need in order to survive.Food, water, sunlight

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