studying ppl scientifically nb 913

Issues and Life Science Unit A: Studying People Scientifically Mr. Forde Scofield Magnet MS

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Issues and Life Science

Unit A: Studying People Scientifically

Mr. FordeScofield Magnet MS

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Activity .5: August 27, 2013

Getting Started: Write 2 – 3 things that you think would keep science class safe.


1) Review the science lab rules with the class 2) Form a team of two and think of a science rule that you would like to illustrate as a team.3) Review the rubric for your first science grade.3) Check in with Mr. Forde to get the OK to get started on a rule to create.4) Start creating the poster that you will present tomorrow!

Homework…. Have the science safety contract signed and returned by tomorrow!

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Let’s Save Poor Fred!

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Activity 1: Saving FredAugust 30, 2013

Getting Started: 1) Write 2 - 3 sentences describing problem you solved in the last week and how you solved it. 2) Complete the “before” column on the anticipation guide.

Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-4 in one sentence.

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Challenge: Rewrite the challenge question in your own words.

Key Words: Hypothesis, Scientific Method (Let’s start a vocab section in your notebook!)

Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure on pg. A5 - A6? Write one sentence that describes what you will be doing.

Results: Use words and drawings (be as specific as possible ) to describe exactly what you did to save fred!

Analysis: Answer Analysis Question 5.

Reflection: People face problems in their lives every day. What did you learn from this activity that you can use to solve other problems? How do you think this compares with how scientists solve problems?

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Activity 2: The Pellagra StorySeptember 3- 4, 2013

Getting Started: List 2 things that scientists could do to learn more about a disease and its cause or causes?

Introduction: We read the intro.

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Challenge: What are the common elements of all scientific problem-solving methods?

Key Words: ethics, evidence, inference, observation

Results: See Worksheets Fill in “Notes on the Pellagra Story” sheet Complete “Observation and Inference” sheet Compare “Dr. Goldberger and the Traditional Scientific Method’

<<Video Link -->>

Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, (homework)

Reflection: Choose two careers that interest you (police officer, nurse, teacher, scientist, etc.) and describe the kids of problems they face in their careers and how they solve them.

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Hypothesis: An educated guess

Scientific Method: Steps that scientists use to complete their work.

Ethics: Looking at what is right and wrong

Evidence: Info that is collected to see if something is true.

Inference: A conclusion based on evidence

Observation: Looking at something carefully.

Key Words:

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Should a prisoner who participated in Dr. Goldberger’s experiment on Pallegra be allowed to be released

from prison?

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Activity 3: Testing Medicines- A clinical trialSeptember 10-11, 2013

Getting Started: Discussed in class. How would you test a medicine to be sure it is safe and improves the health of headache patients? Write two ideas here.

Introduction: Participate in a clinical trial to test a medicine!

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Challenge: How are medicines tested in a clinical trial?

Key Words: Clinical Trial, Control Group, Placebo, Sample Size, Simulation

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Clinical Trial: A controlled test of a new drug on humans.

Control Group: The group in a clinical trial that receives a placebo (fake medicine).

Placebo: A simulation of a medicine.

Sample Size: The number of units (participants) in a study.

Simulation: An experience that is meant to be “like” experience.

Key Words:

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Results: See chart

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Results (cont:) See Bar Graph - (A-53)

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Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b and 4

RACE the following question: (Re-state, Answer, Cite, Explain)

Based on the results for all four classes, do you think that this headache drug should be sold to the public?

The Data: Same Better Side effects

Placebo 12 11 25

Medicine 0 43 0

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Let’s share some ideas:



Cite Examples:


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Activity 4: Testing MedicinesSeptember 12, 2013

Getting Started: Discuss in class. How does the USA keep our medicines safe?

Challenge: How are medicines tested in a clinical trial?

Key Words: Informed Consent - permission to be in a clinical trial.

Placebo Effect – Effect of a fake medicine on a person.

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Main Ideas:1)





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Activity 5: Can you feel the difference?September 12, 2013

Getting Started: Discuss designing an experiment. (Watch PBS Video-

Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-20 in one/two sentences.

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Challenge: What is the smallest distance apart at which you can still feel two points?

Key Words: variables, control variables, sample size, sensitivity

Procedure: We will read the procedures on pg. A21 - A23 together.

Results: See sheet

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Control Variables-

Dependent Variables

Independent Variables

Sample size:


Key Words:

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Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 3, 4a, 4b and 6.

Reflection: How would you create an experiment to test a person’s sensitivity to sound?

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Activity 5: Paper Shots

Getting Started: Discussion “How would you design a basketball shooting experiment?” (Watch PBS Video-

Challenge: What are the variables of a well designed experiment?

Key Words: Control Variable, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable

Procedure: Each student shoots a paper ball 5x at 3, 6, 9,and 12 tiles to collect data.

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3 tiles 6 tiles 9 tiles 12 tiles

Data Table:

1 meter shot 2 meter shot 3 meter shot

Class Data:

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Control Variable- Those things you keep the same in an experiment.

Dependent Variable- D = data, Data you are collecting in your experiment.

Independent Variable- The change you are making (studying) in an experiment.

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Activity 6: Finding the NerveSeptember 16, 2013

Getting Started: What and where are your 5 senses?

Challenge: Why do different parts of the body have different sensitivities to touch?

Key Words: Homeostasis, Nerves, Nervous System, Neuron,

Procedure: Let’s read together. You will complete the stopping to think questions at each section in your binder.

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Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 4

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Nerves – a bundle of nerve cells

Neuron- a nerve cell Nervous System- Your brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Homeostasis- the ability to maintain a steady environment.

Key Words:

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Activity 7: Studying People Qualitatively and QuantitativelySeptember 17, 2013

Getting Started: What kinds of data can be collected about people?Challenge: How are qualitative and quantitative data used when testing a hypothesis about people?

Key Words: Data, Qualitative, Quantitative

Procedure: Let’s read together.

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Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 2, 3,4 (hw- q5 )Reflection: Both qualitative and quantitative data provide evidence for making decisions. How have you used both of these types of dat to make decisions? Describe your experiences.

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Data- Information that you collect about something.

Qualitative – QUALities; describes the properties of something (e.g. Color, Texture, Sound etc.)

Quantitative- QUANTities; describes what can be measured or counted about something. (usually numbers!)

Key Words:

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Notebook Quiz #1:

• Q1: On what DATE did we “Save Fred” in ?

Q2: What is the definition of placebo?

Q3: What was the getting started in Activity 3?

Q4: What is the definition of the word INFERENCE?

Q5: What was the introduction of Activity 2?

Q6: What were the key words of Activity 7?

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Challenge: What is the smallest distance apart at which you can still feel two points?

Key Word: range

Procedure 1: Did you read and understand the procedures PART A on page A35?

Results: See sheet and chart below.

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Activity 8: Data TossSeptember 24 2013

Getting Started: Tell me two things that all good experiments should have.

Introduction: Range: is a set of values used to describe variation in results.

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Procedure 2: Prepared our original lab on our pre-lab sheet

** Lab Report: Due Thursday 10/3 **

Prepare a full report for Ball Toss Lab B

Write your report on clean sheets of paper and data graph on graph paper. (Do not hand in the pre-lab sheet!)

See the lab report template for more information on what is to be included in the report!

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Activity 10: Evaluating Clinical TrialsSeptember 25-26, 2013

Getting Started: Why do you think it is important for scientists to review each others work?

Challenge: Which proposals have an experimental design worth funding?

Introduction: Read “The NIH Committee” and write a sentence describing what we will be doing today.

Procedure: Step 1- Do procedure Step 1 with your team below. (page A44)

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Procedure (continued):Step 2- Let’s read Study 1 togetherStep 3- Use sheet 10.1 to evaluate Study 1.Step 4- Use sheet 10.2 to evaluate the other studies and decide which one is the best to recommend.

Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 3 AND 4Reflection: How does the way that you solve problems compare to the way scientists solve problems?

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Power Point presentations:

Slide One: Why is this an important thing to care about?

Slide Two: Good clinical trial elements?

Slide Three: Final thoughts?

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Traits of a great clinical trial:1. Reproducible procedure2. Large sample size3. Diverse sample4. Qualitative and Quantitative Data5. Controlled variables6. Many trials7. Animal testing before human testing8. Placebo/control group9. Good problem and hypothesis10.Good Background research11. Informed consent12. ????

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New Key Words:Mean (Average)- add a set of numbers and divide by the number of items

(e.g 5, 5, 6, 7, 8,10 – Total = 36; Mean = 36/6 = 6)

Trade-off- Losing something in order to gain something else.

Reproducible- Able to be copied (reproduced)

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More key words:

Sensory Neuron- Nerve cells that receive signals from the environment.