subject verb agreement developmental reading

Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For Your protection and love we thank you. Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.

Upload: glenn-melendez

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: subject verb agreement developmental reading

Dear Lord and Father of all,

Thank you for today.Thank you for ways in which you

provide for us all. For Your protection and love we thank you.

Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we

listen and write.Guide us by your eternal light as we

discover more about the world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus.Amen.

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Gen. Glenn Melendez calls for assistance.

Subject Verb

Does the subject agree with the verb?

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Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

Rule 1

The subject and verb must always agree with each other no matter what words come between them.Singular subjects take singular verbs.

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Gen. Glenn Melendez calls for assistance.



Does the subject agree with the verb?

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The flower smells good.

Does the subject agree with the verb?

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The farmers plant corn.



Does the subject agree with the verb?

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The students are going on a field trip.

Does the subject agree with the verb?

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Barber or Glenn is attending a soiree.



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Rule 2Compound SubjectsWhen both parts of a compound subject joined by OR or NOR are singular, a singular verb is reqiured.

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Hilario or Abegail is helping in decorating the stage today.

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Mary joy and her brothers are kind people.




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Mary joy and her brothers are kind people.



Subject joined by AND A compound subject joint by AND is generally Plural and requires a plural verb..

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A car and a bike are my means of transportation.

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Exception:If the parts of compound subject joined by AND are thought of as one item or unit, a singular verb is required.

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Track and field is my favorite athletic event.

One item or unit


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Ham and cheese is my usual breakfast.

One item orunit


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Exception:If the word EVERY or EACH comes before a compound subject, a singular verb is also needed.

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Every man, woman and child was tested for the virus.


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Each student and guardian is requested to join in the activity.


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Exception:If the parts of compound subject refer to the same person, place, thing, or event, the verb is singular and therefore requires singular verb.

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The owner and manager of construction firm is her husband.

Same peron


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Rule 3. Confusing SubjectsAmount and MeasurementsA noun denoting an amount or measurement is usually singular and needs a singular verb

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Example: Ten thousand pesos is all I need for my shopping spree.Singularsubject


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Twelve feet is the depth of the swimming pool at the resort.

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Collective NounsWhen a collective noun is thought of as a single unit, singlular verb is required

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Example: The team is going to win in the championship game.

Singleunit Singular


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The committee has decided on the issue of his expulsion.

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When a collective noun is thought of as composed of many individuals, a plural verb is needed

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Example:The jury have been deliberating on the verdict for hours but they haven’t agreed upon it yet.

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Example:All the Cabinet have been given a memorandum.

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Hard to find subjectsIn this case where the subject is preceeded by its verb, the verb should still agree with the subject, not with the word, phrase, or clause that comes before it.

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Example:On top of the table are three apples.

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Example:There is a pine tree beside the house.

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The subject of an interrogative sentence must agree with the verb.

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Example:Does the boy go to rehearsals everyday?

Do the boys go to rehearsals everyday?

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Example:Has everybody found a partner?

Have all the boys found their partners?

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Example:Was the cake baked by mother herself?

Were the cakes baked by mother herself?

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Rule 4.Indefinite pronounsSingular indefinite pronouns like anyone, everyone, someone, anybody, everybody, nobody, and somebody, require singular verbs.

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Example:Everyone is expected to submit his project on time.Someone is knocking at the door.Everybody is invited to go to my party.

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Plural indefinite pronouns like both, few, many, others and several require plural verbs.

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Example:Several of the contact workers were sent home

Both of the suspects are missing.

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The pronouns all, any, more, most, none and some require singular verbs if the noun they refer to its singular, and plural verbs if the noun is plural.

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Example:All of the book was ruined

All of the cubicles were occupied.

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Rule 5.Plural-looking NounsNouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning require singular verbs.

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Example:Mathematics is my favorite subject.

Semantics is the study of meanings in language.

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Rule 6.Always Plural Noun.Some nouns are always plural and should have plural verbs.

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Example:The tweezers are on top of my dresser.

Grandfather ‘s eyeglasses were lost.

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Exercises.1. The team (is, are) playing now.

2. My tweezers (is, are) on the dresser.

3. “Romeo and Juliet” (is, are) one of shakespeare’s best literacy works.

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Exercises.4. The commander of the troops (was, were) told to surrender.

5. The jury (has, have) acquitted the criminal.

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Exercises.6. (Is, Are) Mathematics a difficult subject?

7. The Dance Troupe (practice, practices) all day.

8. The choir (sing, sings) sweetly.

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Exercises.9. Tuberculosis (is, are) a disease that is curable in six months.

10. Miss Sison, our teacher, (inspire, inspires) us to do our best.

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AssignmentStudy the following sentences. If the sentence is gramatically correct, write C. If not, change the verb to make it correct.1. English is fun.2. Students enjoys themselves

while doing the hands-on activities.

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3. Our creativity and confidence are developed everytime we have a presentation.4. My favorite basketball team aim for the championship this year.5. The Science Club meet daily to plan for an exhibit.