success in student music video

Success in student music video

Upload: ellyshakular

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Success in student music video

Page 2: Success in student music video

The protagonist in the music video is introduced within the first 10 seconds. However, during the music video we see many different sides and characters to her. In each character she has different hair, outfit and makeup making her look different each time. The first look is very casual and she is wearing simple makeup, this is the look that we are first introduced too. The second look is very party like, she is wearing heavy makeup and a Smokey eye taking away her innocence from the first look. She has big bold curly hair and is wearing a black dress. The third look completely differentiates from the other two girly looks, she is wearing a bow tie with a shirt and waistcoat, giving her a very masculine look, her hair is tied back and her makeup is much more simple. All of these looks are shown in a series of close ups and mid shots emphasising the difference between them all. Amy edited the video so that during the four minutes her look constantly changes, this means she filmed her lip singing to the full song in each outfit and then edited it afterwards so that different parts of the song were in different outfits. Most of the song is lip sung but there is also parts of the song where she is in a dark drama studio and she is dancing rather than singing. These shots all show different uses of lighting, here we can see that in the dark drama studio there was very bright lighting used to make the model look bold against the black background. However in the second and first screenshots there is more use of dimmer lights that create a warm glow on the model. These two images have visible backgrounds also however they are out of focus as the main focus is on the model. In the second screenshot we can see fairy lights behind the model.

Page 3: Success in student music video

She has used a number of different props during her music video. I noticed that most of the props that she used were related to lighting. For example she used fairy lights, candles and sparklers in the video, which all create different effects and different lighting throughout the video. There is many close ups used where only the lighting is shown and the camera is taken away from the model for a while, this is effective because it gives the audience something else to look at to keep the video exciting rather than watching the model the entire time. In the shots with the fairy lights and the sparklers, the model is looking at the prop instead of in to the camera, this draws more attention to them as we are interested to see what she is directly looking at.

Page 4: Success in student music video

From these images we can see that there was use of different lighting, for example in the first image the lighting has been placed in the left and right hand side to bring attention to the model that is in the centre of the studio, whereas in the second image the lighting is directly in the centre, creating less light on to the model. This section of the music video is when the model is dancing to the song rather than lip singing, she performs in two completely different outfits. One of the outfits is very masculine as she is wearing a bow tie and waistcoat, and the other outfit is very feminine as it is a long flowing purple dress and the model is wearing a lot of makeup.