success tips from small business women entrepreneurs

Learning from Small Business Women Entrepreneurs

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Learning from Small Business Women Entrepreneurs

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Sharifah Hardie, Business Consultant and Radio Talk Show Host

“I would advise women business entrepreneurs to believe in yourself and your abilities. Because we often have so many things pulling on us and are responsible for just about every aspect of our family lives we don’t know if we have the time, energy or resources to add one more thing to our plate. We feel as if our family will suffer. Being a successful entrepreneur is one of the best gifts you can give to your family, especially to our children. We can then stand tall and say, “If I can do it. You can do it!”

On believing in yourself …

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Gabriela Chavez, Founder,

“Running a business has a lot of positive elements and there is a wonderful sense of freedom, but there are also the times you come across when you can feel overwhelmed. Or there are times that you feel you are running into a few walls; these are the times that having a flexible and open minded attitude helps. When things aren’t necessarily going “as planned” being flexible that changing a thing or two or (i.e. doing a little more research or forming a strategic alliance with a company that could help your company) could help prevent you from stressing out and overwhelming yourself.”

On the importance of having a support system …

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Suzanne Meyer, Founder of The Welcome Committee

“Find your passion and be true to yourself. Anything is possible when you believe in yourself. Always look at the glass as half full, and keep a positive attitude, it will get you far. Don’t give up easily….persevere. Be interested in others, and they will find you interesting. Smile and be happy….your inner beauty will shine through. Associate yourself with like-minded female entrepreneurs and get together regularly…you will learn so much! Most of all, enjoy what you do, and take pleasure in the little things!”

On finding your passion …

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Kristin Marquet, President of Marquet Communications

“Self-employment is not easy; it takes a lot of risk and resiliency. You have to be willing to adapt to the economy.

Self-employment takes such a huge time commitment that can range anywhere from 25 hours a week for a freelance business to 70 hours a week for a fulltime business.

It may take many sleepless nights to get the business off the ground in the beginning. Patience and persevere are what bring success. Once you get it though, all the hours you put in, make it worth while.”

On patience and perseverance …

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Mandy Krammel, Inventor of Tweakerz Bra Accessory

“If you believe in your product, don’t give up. My patent was rejected twice, thank goodness I tried again. The bumps in the road helped me to create a better product. Do your research and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Consider doing your market research study before investing too much money.”

On believing in your product …

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Jeanne Roth and Leslie Smith, Founders, L'il Darlin Baby Accessories

“If I could give any advice to women starting their own business it would be the following:

Be willing to change your business plan to succeed, mistakes are learning experiences-not failures, become certified by WBENC (organization that supports minorities and women in business), network/network/network!”

On being flexible …

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Arve Krise, Founder,

“Do what you love and love what you do. My style may not work for everyone, but I believe in the motto of a very large company we all know, and that’s just do it. You won’t ever be successful without the risk of failure, and you sure aren’t going to be successful just sitting on the fence thinking about it. There’s a saying that my husband uses, analysis to paralysis. Personally, I’ve been successful and I’ve had businesses not work, but I’ve never regretted not trying. Some of the biggest companies in the world have gone through bankruptcies more than once, and have come back to be more successful than ever. You can’t even think about failure, much less be afraid of it. Just think of it as brushing off the dust.”

On willingness to take risks …

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Kelly Wagner and Laura Thake, Creators of the Daysteps Lifestyle Planner System

“There will always be more to do than you can physically accomplish. That’s why prioritization is critical. Every second spent on one activity is a second *not* spent on another. If the latter activities are more profitable than the ones you are doing, that has a direct impact on the bottom line. To prioritize marketing and sales activities, ask yourself if that activity has a direct, positive impact on reaching or satisfying your ideal customer. If not, there are more profitable ways to spend your time.”

On the importance of prioritization …

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Jen Husted, Owner of JIH Designs

“Don’t be afraid to take risks!!! If you’re confident about yourself and your work then stick with it and stay true to what you really want to do. If you’re not extremely happy in your current work situation, then it’s time to re-evaluate and do what you really have a passion for.

I was “stuck” in well paying & secure job but I was the unhappiest I’ve ever been. I took a large pay cut to pursue design and start a company. I can honestly say that I have never for a second regretted my decision–and, as a result, I have never been happier in my life.”

On finding your passion …

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Laura Wellington, Founder, Giddy Gander Company

“Fear is but a test. How you handle it will determine whether or not you reach the next step in your journey. Let it energize you but never stop you.”

On overcoming fear …

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Joanna Vaiou, Founder,

• Only you are responsible for your life and for your future

• Whatever you do today, will determine who you will be tomorrow

• If you don’t take control of your life, someone else will, & that will be forever

• Live your life with positivity, enjoy your life! It’s short & wonderful to waste! Be a person of value & admiration, joy and happiness, purpose and positive energy.

Remember always …

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