suicide as of 1 feb 2014. questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the apa practice guideline...

Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise noted.

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Page 1: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise


As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise noted.

Page 2: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise


DSM-5 additions are NOT included since the 2014 Board exams are to be based on DSM-IV-TR

Page 3: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Suicide rate

Q. What is the rate of suicides in the US, the annual number per 100,000?

Page 4: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Suicide rate

Ans. 12/100,000

Page 5: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Among Medical Specialties

Q. Among medical specialties, which has the highest rate?

Page 6: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Among Medical Specialties

Ans. Psychiatrists, followed by ophthalmologists and anesthesiologists. Women psychiatrists are especially vulnerable, about 4 times the national average.

Page 7: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Spinal Fluid

Q. Spinal fluid findings of suicides?

Page 8: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Spinal fluid

Ans. Reduced levels of serotonin and of 5-HIAA

Page 9: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Suicide assessment

Q. What is the value of a suicide assessment? Do such assessment’s have a high predictive level?

Page 10: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Suicide assessment.

Ans. Not a reliable predictor of suicide, but are of value as to what questions to ask, providing answers that assist the clinician in making the clinical assessment and judgment.

Suicide Practice Guideline, AJP Supplement, November 2003

Page 11: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Protective as to suicide

Q. The Practice Guideline on suicide list ten items that are relatively protective. List them.

Page 12: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Protective as to suicide - 1

Ans. [We all know exceptions, but the following tends to be statistically true.]

1. Children in the home2. Sense of responsibility to family3. Pregnant4. Religiosity5. Life satisfaction6. See next slide

Page 13: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Protective as to suicide - 2

6. Reality testing ability

7. Positive coping skills

8. Positive problem-solving skills

9. Positive social skills

10. Positive therapeutic relationship.

[Note that #1 and #3 are ripe for examiner’s questions.] Two other factors not mentioned: 1] female; 2] obesity seems protective.

Page 14: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Risk per disorder

Q. While “prior suicide attempt” is riskier than any Disorder, which disorder has the highest rate of suicides?

Page 15: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Risk per disorder

Ans. Eating Disorder has the highest rate, just ahead of MDD.

Page 16: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Low rate

Q. All disorders have a higher rate than the general population -- except which Disorder?

Page 17: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Low risk

Ans. Intellectual Disability pts have a lower rate than the general population.

Page 18: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Med that reduces suicides

Q. Which med has the strongest evidence of reducing suicides?

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Med that reduces suicides

Ans. Li

Page 20: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise


Q. What about anticonvulsants that are regarded as mood stabilizers? Can they reduce suicide?

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Ans. No evidence they decrease the risk of suicide. Even studies with a large N have not come close to equally the protective impact of Lithium.

Page 22: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise


Q. Which, if any med, has FDA approval for reducing the risk of suicides?

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Ans. Clozapine when used with people who have schizophrenia is seen as protective against suicide.

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Q. ECT any help in reducing suicide?

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Ans. Practice guideline say yes, “at least in the short term.”

Page 26: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Psychosocial approaches

Q. Do psychosocial approaches reduce risk of suicide?

Page 27: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Psychosocial approaches

Ans. CBT and DBT both have studies suggesting they are effective.

[Probably no exam question will assume that psychosocial approaches are not helpful.]

Page 28: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise


Q. Role of documentation?

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Ans. While suicide risk is not predictable, any exam question will expect a thorough documentation of the risk – partially for legal protection should the pt suicide. Restated, good documentation that you explored and weighed the risks reduces your legal risks.

Page 30: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Suicide contracts

Q. Value of suicide contracts?

Page 31: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Suicide contracts

Ans. Not recommended in ER, or when pt is agitated, psychotic, impulsive, or under the influence. Has no legal standing.

Page 32: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Communications with others

Q. What to do if pt seems very suicidal and refuses to let you speak to his wife or anyone else?

Page 33: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Communications with others

Ans. “The psychiatrist is justified in attenuating confidentiality to the extent needed to address the safety of the pt.”

Page 34: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Post-suicide communications

Q. Your pt has suicided? What to tell his family? What not to tell?

Page 35: Suicide As of 1 Feb 2014. Questions, unless otherwise indicated, are from the APA Practice Guideline on suicide or Kaplan & Sadock [2007, unless otherwise

Post-suicide communications

Ans. In allaying grief and, if indicated, helping family members, you should avoid:

-- revealing confidential info

-- avoid self-incriminating statements

-- avoid self-exonerating statements