suits, wama at, beit door lo "...

'CONTAINS MORE •?• VOL. XXI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOJBER 30, 1891. NO. 48 PUBLISHERS i»n PRQPMET0E8. Oflw oi Blaokwoll Stwt next don to the National Union Buk. TUMI 01 BOBMBIPTIOK XHVABI- DnTua SH MOHTBJ .' VUKBCB, BatBKE, .a Wama at, Beit door lo " (aarj'a Can." - ' Balr Oaulac aa< Uaapaalu Jvurt received two carloads o! Bedroom Baits'; which I will'oloso m at urn following prlcoB, including Mattross and Bed Spring. 50 Antiquo Ouk Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, regular prioB 180.00, will olose them out at $20.00 50 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, carved top; regular prjco f 40 00, will oloso them out at , (30.00 60 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieoos, carved top, bevel plate, regular pnoo $50.00, will olose Uiom out ul $40.00 The attractions of tlie store nro the Parlor Suits oovorod in Mosaic lapestry and Sill Tapestry, nnil the Mahogany BoJroom Suit nna Maplo Bodroom Suit; all took first premiums and silver medals at the Vfavorlj ITair. CARPETS. Uo liouso in the oily bus a larger, cloaner and bettor slock to scloc from. 2Gjiioees of Tapestry BruMeh Oarpot, rognlnr price por yard 75 cents; reduced to . ......... ,.G0 cU 2« piecoB of Tapestry Brussels Oarpot, rogulai pnoe per yard 90 oentn; redttOfid to •.„ Tficta 25 piecas of Body BruBsels Carpot, regular pnoo nor yard H 25 i reduoed to ., „ . *...,.. ,., mo 25 pieces ol All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price per yard 75 cents; rodnoed to ....... GOcln. IT r\VL. J. 1. SMITH, GENERAL PHACTrnONEH, or mwx AHDTBEOAT. DB. J, D DOVER,'N. J. gjCCKSNE JT. COOPER ACTOBBSMTLiW, us •WTKK An DOUOITOI IN CilAKUIKT. OIHU lit TOO. Bullalm OY« I i. I»o»'< Stow, DOYM, ». J i nunons, HABOB ADD BOTUMCB, - Borax, H. I. 0. ODHMIIB, »•».. rfOULUT IM X B I TUiXlflUH «mmi. nmim now. »• '• puuisaDWI 1-. - •- rout, USE ot rural MIDUJUHK, *Ta aHMHm t Well Pftw.. «t. jr -# ^todbuuinii raoa MOU, V • T»Ii THLOB. cotmrr BOfK O«o« ko«»;-t 1.V fo 12 m. •Ann AID Soucnox n Cumin. TTH» »• n s s n rjunrttnaiti 00. 1 m i , BriSHOP«.!I.J._ --~ «B BERRY, aadpaiaaTaUu nofi bj «oed mwhaolci. SaoMa' Bbsatibt Fapar alaraja on hat Offloa and•hop ooSlackwell HE., Mrt to Dora Lumlttr Oomfaaj a MM If R. Wiumx " A. S BHUY. t- ~ 'OLIVER S, FRtEMAN, Cwpanler and Builder, , nionoii, Painter, Dooorator, Grataer and Paper Hangar. A im'in luu of WiLL PiPEIB, In all lla(Upn«M. SIOH VOUK*•>» lfat.Osp.lIn.L.A. .O.BOZX& SUITS, GIVEN AWAY I Kind Kattren and Bed Spring with- every Bedroom Hnlt sold: ., > j PARLOR SUITS. Oood Parlor Suits, in Silk Rnsli t Parlor Suite, extraordinary goodf, extra finish $45.00 Parlor Suits, in rug covering O THE STOVE STORE OF THE CITY! Wj ? BooauM I ha™ tho lajgoEt aeaortmont, latest styles «nd lowest piioes Lekigh Parlor Stoves and PortJaud Ranges eiolnde all others. Folding Beds. Extension Tables, Sideboards, Hall Stands, Ohiffonieres,, Couches and , Lounges. Bedding and Bed Springs, all .marked down 20 percent, below v other stores. -, . . v (CHEDIT GIVEW IF DESIRED.) SIIRTATOB TO BVBBT FIOOB. - -:• ; mVEFHOHX 880 WOODS DMLIVXIUD ¥BEM OT CKAJIG* TO AltT PAHTCP TBX aTATM. AMOS H. VANHLQRN, 1 '"•';,?';..': .1''!..,NEWARK. N. J (NEAR PI-AWE STREET.) W-AIiTON BROS., Merchant Tailors t lu»4 Ik* iton 1 SUSSEX STREET,' DOVER, N. J. MERCHANT TAILORING AND CLOTHING , BRlBLIBinUNT, wilh a'ooaplala aid mUnli VAI/rON naOTHIBS bare Ud u aapMaooa or Ban/ jean u liRhul UlUn aad •lolkian, an pntUeal ontton tod miken of cmtom work, and ara^able to furum eoai DEDICATED to OUT OUR FAITHFITL ADVERTISEMENTS ' ' PLAITTED . - [n ii bod of competition, -' IRRIGATED -- 13; the galvanio flmd of progressive labor, .1 ' -._ \( ,' -^FERTILIZED J Jf_ '' < By file phosphorio snbstnnee genoratod in an active bnsheai GROWING r - 1 pnb'io favor, like the vast wheat fields of iho WStefn prairies,*' < .- , WAVING",'- \ '/''"T \- To and fro in a strVng broczo of glorious snecoss, ' YIELDING , ''-i,J; j A. licb harvest of bargoiua in Men's. ToutW, BOJB 1 and Oliildxea'a SUITS AND OVERCOATS To a largo orop of dehghtod customers. 1 > .' 1 Wo are rating things right and left thronghont the wholo storo nnd tho poople ore.reaping tho benofit ol our r y < ; MCGREGOR & Co. 850 and 852 Broad street, KEWAItK, 1V V J 4 QC5TAGOES FARTHEST, OWi weexx Tlic highest grado of Cocoa mamiloetureil Perfectly P No brcakraat table Bhould bo without it nst. y, : WEARE|| Neither Republicans,Democr«ls| Prohi- bitionists nor Mugwumps. We s|e sim- ply woman suffragists. Our platform is bouad for women's rights to h»Ye'i \ Ist-A Shoe tlmt is buUt on the correct principle requisite to comfort, style, ele- gance and all at a reasonable cost;• 3d--1ney miitit hare the Htest designs, the most comfortable fitting rind the best wearers. ' •'. , : - ••' ••'•• •'?$•• Sl--Tliey must have all Yarteliei'for all occasions, and must have a stock to select . from that will enable them nt iill times ; to procure their proper size ondirldih. 4th-Iliey must have a denier^ to pat- ronize who they can imp,H<$l)rkt,rust; whose warrantee on » shoe has been proved by tho test of time to be » guar- antee or Its quality. $ 5th—We are the people. , ; 1 HEAGAN & CO., ' " •• •• I D6ve^lf.J. h. LEHMAN &Co., tlie Ke*ark Cash Grocow.oa Elwlcwell street, nett door to the Post-office", hme reduoed neatly erory uUole in tht line of Groceries. As we do the largest retail grocery bnsiness in the Slate and buy in Tery largo quantities FOR CASH, we o»r. sell cheaper than anyotlier Btore in (he county, Here are a feV prioea of the many articles reduced:/ FLOUR I FLOURI At (h« Fifteenth Hegtount reunion lut wk»KMd»toT mm U>\A of FetorOututer- OMB, of fiiueex. tbe italirart Color Bergeant of the reginMut, .vbo bore tne Hig tbroagn MOW of the-Uoodle*t engagemenU of Vir- ginia. At Pwtenlitug the eolon borna by Qmxhraun wen the tint that went over tba enemj'i work* and they went over In advance of tht regiment. When den. Fenroae came up boTOmrpriMd to find tho color guard fttaui and adud, "Sergeftnt, where are tha o n o m r " ADdQuii4ennanraplledl << aeiieral, I bamn't aaen ablanked efflott tuU moniing t" A t Uw M M time Gen. FcnnMe told how tto Flnrt N»w J«nar Brigade mt eotitltd to Van ftdwdtlMoltyor Peteraburg. Follow- log tbl oolon o( Uw Flftwuth they were tba flm Union tntopa to enter the city. Tba Hajor and other anthorlUts came out and Uadantd the Mimndar of tht alt? to an ad* jalant of the brigade Darned Fa;, but he wu too nudertor dlffldant to accept It, and as a naulttbeolBidali went In another direction waWe troop, went entering at a different point and than made tha formal aurnader. But for thia dcouiram th« Firrt Jerasy boyi would ba«b»dtb©c«ditl0 hlitorycfl Ing the Bumndar of the d f F IE8T (Hungarian Trootm) a tFlour, thebestta themar- ket, snJ will make 800 ponndi of bread to tho boml and only fe.S9 per banal. \t MORNING GLOU' nour i bread j The above brandi are put in* bog* of all liaiforfBinllfiiH XXX Ground Cofffa.;.; ....... SSe. . v Nono»-Kaali piucluwr of one pound of •or ol 11*i abo»«pitoad;Taaa «ULlaotln I I1-. OiaaateMftaiarnBX.oIctana. ;; miT AiinoLa la TIIBSK CMLVUHB BAD naur aaovoao ODBnta vats oBBAt B Special Bargain! Bat Sugar Cured Haim18e.' ~ M«ilUn. .......... llo. ked BfaoaMen...:,;;• *a: Laat UnA -80. ftillCnam Cbioa ..... 130. 19 lb.. ran L.rt,-.:..;.: Kt a •> llolleri Oata.... v. 2a& NBtHl-T>»»D Special Bargain*. BptbiilB»rgaln«. 0 CJ»« BabUUV Soap SBa Piwholdar I^wwnce aaya that the regtitry lowi feven Mwrotera In Itfendbam townahlp *bot»ve com* id age, ofwhoniilr.beregniti io »ay, are B«publlcanm, But tbls }• gener- ally tht oaae, *ltaough perhapa not in qtJtft noh larga proportlona. If the new voten were only thoaa who oatw at age In tbla eoun- t then iron^l not be any doubt of Republl- oan aupremacy, > . . : ' . The good little wif/of the Urilt-iinuhliig •dltor looked over Uw top or tho paper ahe waa nadlng tha other eveolng and: aaldt "Calamity, daar, the Idea of tha tariff nfonner, aa I tutdentand It, lathat weoan- oot fDake.tln-pUta In till country and the tariff la pan oatomake tin outi ea«S OUMT da more expenilve to those who buy tbem,* 1 aatly, my lai*, n feald the editor, "the tariff robben waattotax Uw peopletodeath lnaUartlclaainadeof Un." ." Well, puratted ta» little woman, I don't encUj uudentahd aUthoMtUtwu, I mad here In my paper that Norton Erpa, th. Urga UE-plata makan U ! Wilt. Star BAkliiJ Foirdar la' toa lxrt In tba martst .t/lio. pv 1'). bail, aid a handlome pnwnt glran with tvu7 oaa, andkondndi of otter bargain* toaniaeroue too manUon, Una tail; mil atoidl tea nnk''* ; fpsi?v}t A v'\ •;•:••:-• L. THE LAIiOESX KETA1L QEOOEES INTHE STATE, ^ TO' TBE nOVEJl POST-OPFIOE,' .131"UoottidoUverad treetbrougBautO»counter. ' •- '•< ':*'.•• •'• ; ; STOVJQ3! STOVES ! Largest Assortment! L90SSBHI It toil thebestand fig . sent to anyaddress Fn I ft'one-cerit postal card will - ! e^t it : lypuV WRITHE FOR^lT;NOWi: v ppld jdirect froni/factpty atJwipIesale ^^prices for cash": or upbri\,an - ieasy installment plan to suit all pockets. -OK mm. Msnvgi Wl WroiCCKT^IIUA tt $m. ' 3 Or 4 BIG PROFITS and Cotnmis- {•iTosii'SAVED^THEiV'ARE ;VOURS: CCIUE 'I W JOHN 1S7. JOHN •i ^ o»D be fornd a complete stock in orery department, racl. aa Ory Goods Notions, Hosiery, .Carpeteii "Oil Cloths. Large aaaortment ol Ladies', Misses' and Moa'a SHOES. r ^GBOOEBIES, PBOTISIONS, &ft ; We koep the Seat goods the market ban afford, and prioos flufj all "'::% V> J ••,-/,•:,w>nipetitibn. : .••-.^-'.;'.'»,•.•"*.,.;. •. " QnORB STOMX TAXg. or won TOE mi SUST o.uasi OBUBVATIO>, . When tb« Balntion Army noeotlj »p- pewed lo Mtdlawn ttwr'aonoutioed in oiron- Ian .wittered all over that "•The BalrttUon Army waald bombtud ths Devil's Kingdom la Uftdlion on Bandar iftaiiioon a t 8 6'olwk and that an open air detnonstmtlon would follow ioUweTwtinjt," iUnbalBqular.bow- oror, stopped tho opeo air deoionBtrttioii. It mi « pr*ttj broad amrtlon Uftt lha devil had Mtabltifced hta kingdom In M«jor Al- richfa btiUirlck, and I Unlly blftnu Uu ealttatliorlUMfornaeiiUitKlt. J think tba nutlftaUtt^ailniiarat Moniitowa. •*• TL* d«Ui of tbe late Emmet S. Miller, of bwtoriowmhlp, ihowa how careful people •houUfaaln bUMWog drug* "^ m»>ud phjilcfaui of mj acquftinbutot of another lad- ilaut that occurred near Cbestor not many moaUii ago. Achild wu experlmctuSMvero obiMttrotiblefroiaaix.ldlan(lau old lad? who llladTiaad the uotLer U u i l i t drop of turpantltu Inthrae Uaspooni full of lard And rub it en tli. llttlfl iDfferer'i cbeet The motfatr, thlnHflff abe waa following the ad vice oorrecOj, mixed tliree tutpoons full of tar- pebUne irith Urae teupoatufull of lard and appllod it PM directed. The remit was that the powerful mixture removid ill tlie outlde the child Ud in the rlcinlty of Ita chat and Vtlr «VDUat*d m luffwinis., Tbe- bat thjnfto do b not to handle powerful drug! except upon the writteu pnacrlptloa of a bad pataed the vowa ot betrothal were out riding In the vicinity of Ut. Arlington and between them on the rear Mat aat tho lltUe daughter ot a friend, who wore a broad Gaineeborougu hat wltb flaring brim. Upon tbe front eeat waa alady friend whow atten- tion was completely engroeaed for a time with tin beautif ul autumn anenery conitantlyopen- lUCtOTlew. After a time the lady happened to turn around. The engaged coupla were aa demure aa If nothing ununual bad bappened. but the-wide hat of the little girl between them was crn*had tothe acinblaniw of a com- preaaed chapean and told an eloquent atory, A Caan STQSB OBSIRVCE. Tba Horrli County Journal Is tilled laat week wltb tha private peraonal concern) and family aflaln of ita editor, tbe publication of whtch waa e*rtalo!y a ninUe-r of bad taste, and had no bearing whatever upon the mat- ter at tame. Ita only to tha burning question WAB the following; 'A deuuutd la made bye, certain uawapnper upon us to aailat In 1Uat tankB upon an old eatauUBhtd drug ntore of our torn. We de- aim to tay, thla U aoi tbe builnea ol the Journal. Thla paper is uot run In the interest o£ any one peraoi. or firm, or at the request of.ottlerB. WehareahigbermaLivetoaerve." Yi, but you haven't hesitated to attack oUW people. YouattBDb«dtheBHi.andao- cuaod ua falatly of being an enemytotemper- . You mouthed tbenama of Councilma Hpanglerand Inflated because no did not do your Irishes that be oould uot oo&afateatly belong to a rellgtoijg organisation. Von found aaaloon keeper whom you alleged kept hit place open after tbe legalized haura, and called on the autuarittw to punUh tbem. When we asked youto pnwot tbe evldanoe you aald you were not a prosecutor, and it was only your dutytopreaenHtw facts. You hare published the namea of signerstoopplJ- caUoiia for lloeiue and hare held them up to odium. WbtnevM you have found an oppor- tunity you b^ve not litwltated tobe personal and attack, elthar Justly or unjuBtly, those h h t f d id t te anceworlc But w gored you shirk your duty. Wban the praal- dent of the company that gires you employ-, ment-i. man who poem aa the head of a I prohibition paper—la shown to be not only a Hiioar seller, but anIllicit liquor eeller, you akulk away and tell ua vou don't propwe to I aaaiat In "attacks upon an old eatabllahed drug itora of our town." You bill ua In an-1 other caw It U JOUI duty to publlih f&ota Mgardlug Infringement of the law. Then why not In tbla caae, where we have got bot-, ties f uU ot evidence lor you 1 What better Ii Jai, A. Goodale to be published thau anybody, else that vlolaka the law 1 You are not con-1 alstent In your podtton and youcannot gain a reputation for either falrnen or oonaJitency while yon profeaa what you do and excuae violators of the law becauas they are your bnalneaa friends and aseoclate*. ; Until you, eipnsa your opinion ot the ooaduot ot Jatne*' A.' Qoodtle you cannot consistently attack anybody else. -The Tory fact that you didn't: do it promptly and at once will always atant.' e t m n t , nerbondrad, and that they are exactly the Kinw daw, kind and quality wWcb th~j oold a ywr ago tot *S.1S per fanndnd. Now what I wanttoknow la, U the tariff makea tin gooda dearer, how can Norton Broa. aell tin oana for dllahufldrtdlMi than they did a year "There jou go again," roared Calani- (tj, "aikint »bout thlngiyoa don't under- irf Y t A d b t It erer alnoe tbe dayt of your grandmother B 1 ! , I know I make no mlataka In ettlmaUag the temper of the peopls regarding politico* rrofalblUoauita ui taelr laoeasant ftttempta to craatedlsobnl'ii] thi* town. The i«ople are £attlt.JE Uredaudjilagopt^ Trlth tktir mioh- lnaUoD*Twhfch d» not waoU in the.llgbtoit guod in.the way of promotiog the. genaioe work of temperance ref bnn and only arooae bitter feelioga in the obuichea and everywheM •lae. There haabaen >'Ugiwwltlon of feel- ing on ttla nutter within tbe part f e»r weebu v . ; •'•. "•-"•*• •",•-•"•'• 1: -..'•'-.'• HotwIUiatandinK too efforta of Hon. Wn, Walter Rwlpa it 1Bquite apparent that all of the American hog* have not p*aatd under the Brandenburg gate\ .LouliMuuu/otiCadifOD, to win'» inger, ocaunmed lttt oyitentoelgbt i t e and waa^made ao aerloQaly Ul than iittfe Hm, it ra thought be woulddie. It wally waant kli fault that be didn't.' ; : ' , . . - . - . . . ; ' . ; . . * . . - " , . . * - : v TVe baTant got much of a political cam- paign thia fall, but an lakoe that appeala atrongl/ to erorj farnier. btulmea Wan and houMholder whopa'yaatazviithalviAltwnMa aad eifavvagatjca of the majority, In tha hut Legialatui*, which for aolely political pur- poaaa created a. perfect horde of oewanduae- ]tm offloa holder* in New Jenef, Involvnig an expanditura of a quarter of a million of dol- lart in M I MlarlH and f we. Tbe already ovarbordaned ftrmen were Meklug relief from grievmii taxstlon. and from unequal railroad chargw, that omnpslled' them to pay higher fnigbta than their comp»Utor» at adistance, bat ,thla LcgUature ignored all their wiahM, aad daroted the^enUre madou, alinoat,totbe tJao of anug bertha for the political thiige of Hudeon and Faain counties at the expense of Jlorrii oountr tai-payera. J!ven rwpoct- ablaDetnocrata all tnrar tbe Slate cried out atalnat U, but our itwniber ot tb« L e g U U t . Mr. Fonl D. Smith, did not lift up hla voloa agabut U, and bis vote waa alway* ready when needed of tbeae u- b»Tagant echunei. - For these and other raaaooi manylXniocrata.will voteagalnrt him nextTueadajr, and erary. E«putUcaa and In- depeoduit ritlum ihoold torn cut and help along tba work by toting for Tbomaa Halley, tie people's cwdidate. ; Tbe PVeehoadera cannot act up any claim of ltYeaponaiblltty for tba icniouH accident that ber«l Mri. Huff at the Union atreet bridge In Dover oo Monday uiftht' The aeddaat wei canaed by groaa and loexcuaable nrgllgenca In falling toprotect a. moat dangM-otu'F.ace, and If Uwj are wiae they will aettle tbe matter ai beat O»y con without Jetting the faota go Tb«« Is without doubt > deep fc«llng of dts-' .oBtcnt sprMdioff OT«P tho Bute la regud to tie pkclug of to mujr Uwjorf In 'tha LCRIS- latnraj vbo ereqr yemr clatter oar statute books wltfa s, g mt tmootit Ot tows, to oon- sirnctod ttuit tbsry ou hardi/ nodttntand ttatoUiflauelpes. end wlvlch greatijr IttcrctUB litigation. For tana yetra our Democntlo MendilUaTabeonrtinDliis UiU crate for Iaw- y»r-IeglBUtori to inx tunuiul extent In Morris txantjy and Uwyan W«U, AlhriRtat, Hunt, N«lgbbmir nnd Pmllh hays followed each other In ntftd tticctMlon. I>t xa bar» a change It* oat*. 1*1 n»h»TB % plain, practi- cal bndaMa man, .who frill gat nearer to tha practical noedi at tis peopla. Let mi eloct Tbomu tfalley. ot Horrirtown, neit Tuesday. The «lacti6a *at Porl D. Bmltb would meaa Hudson ocrantjiuprwiiacj and Hadaon eonntj metludi In Ota ccntnl Ol tha Stale of Saw Jenej. H« kmd Urn opportunity JM. JNUT to prove bla lttdependeiios. bat bo failed to do so. "Wo nndentand ha ia now KIICJUOK IU- publlctni. to Toto lor him. Tbojr sbouli nmtunber »boa bo does so tbat tbtra b*m nob been a mom bitter ptrtban Democrat In tbo State, a fart tbataboaid be luflldent 16 induce erery Republican to come out and rote agalnit ntm. " ' Oa a. recent day a couple between whom , J y jy, ftDot faTored your ideal ot temper- c that jtlougba with you U A friend ot Bad UvlalaUon. Not only i n s Mr. Ford D. Smith a member of tha Legislature that Rotated upon the peo- ple ot Hew Jersey latt winter the wont legis- lation that ever cumd the State, but be wat an active- member of the majority that did the Job. They created hordta of nnnecesaary ofBcea, adding greatly to tbe burden of taxes on tbe farmer and buslnew man, until even Democrat* of charactor and standing oried out In disgust. Tofolat tha polltioal beulen otHwlacra and K*SMCCOUUU« Into fat posi- tions at the expense of every property owner in Morrii county they craatod offioes that verabevBt thougbt ol lielore, and voted away thei people's money. In the moat reckleaa and mvugMil manner.; i*onl D. Smltlili Voice never taised .In prot«iit against Uieas measures, and hla vote waa never lacking whet) it was neededtopass tbem. Everyman that pays a tax aboiild rebuke him at the polla next Tuesday by voting for Tboa, Valley, ' n for Farmera. For yean the. Democratia party baa been professing what a trfaad they have beaa to the farmers. Lut year. they, had a large working majority .'In both branches ot the LegWator^tmt when th* faifom aibed them for legislation to equallu railroad freight, and other mutton. In their Interest tbiH Bem- txoratto Legislature turned taeirbackaoutbeiu and turned them out la the cold. Ford J)'. Bmlth was a member of tha majority that did tiiis, altliougu ha ropnuented au agricultural district. Vote for Thomas Uuiiey. - •_,^ —- ••:';]/• ZTMtHaa Lost Hla Orip. Thomas Nast, of Korrlitown, once a cele- brated oartoonlet, is again drawing campaign pictures for Democratld papers. Next waa onoe a powar lu the coininunlty, and his brilliant work during tha Tweed regime waa elfKtlve and vigorous. His pencil baa loot Ita ounulng now, and the conjury of bis art has passed away. It, is a logical result of tie yielding of one's power tothe dominant In- fiueuoe of the highest bidder. There bai been no Boul inHut's work dnce the hand and tie heart refosed towork togetbar. ,. AH UHJ?.Via*eTA.1£It£MT. TaECEILDBKH'BENTBBTAIHMEMX An addrest Is madii to " tba people of llan- The lecture room of (lie Preebytortan doIp^TowMhlpl"o»ertUesigijftturesof Meears. [ Church was complBteiy tilled wltb A pleasant Oeo. BluglBtou. Chm. E. Clark and ' " ' " * Ueesri.! g . . SOB. II. Blmpaon, which is prefaced with tbe following declaration: "Tha artidoa which have appeared In tie Juoif Eiu from time to tltna in relation to Collector Dunbjun'B aooounU, are, to n&y tbe least, not creditable to tfcow who* took, an Interest fn the mutter. From tho very be- ginning that paper has endeavored to redact upon those who chow to question Ibu Col- lector^ jiublktiod account*. It does seem to tbose familiar with t'ue whols matter, bod tbo editor ta&de the kaat effort to luiarm blmael., and had bo aUat*d tils articles la accordauce with the facU In tho cose. It would have left n different Impression upou tbe, rwuiara, dune juatice t* th«e who took a direct interest iu the matter, aud he would have received the thanks of all concerned," There are reasons from which we con infer why Mr. Ohas. IS. Clark should feme a u fento of ibis lort, but why Moaara. Blneteton and Slmjaon should bavfl jollied In tbe declara- tion la utterly iiicomprebeutible. When tbo former jmdehls aburiwat attack on Collector Dunham, Just oa tbe eve of our charter elec- tion, vrbon Mr. Dunham wai tba Republican canaldtiu) for Mayor, and persisted in It aftci ha had been asked In the moit kindly spirit to dealst a single week only, tuo EUA, bellovlng fmt ilr. Clark wished to dot cat Us party lu that election met hi. alleRaUoP with all tlie Information it could obtain, That tho ERA was right fn Its estimate of Sir. Clark's motive wan clearly provon on the morning or tho election, when and otuor Dom- oorats peddled Indugtrlbualy Mr. Clark's state- ment In order to promote the miooess of tbe Democratic ticket Week after week a Democratic paper was flllwl with Insinuation* calculated to create the impreaaioa tlitrt Oolleolor Duubum wna nothing Bhort of a defaulter, and those liiainu- atloni were caught up and bruited about till many actually named the figures of hi* detal- catloii. There was not an lota of proof to aliowany ddhooeaty on his pott, and If tlie Em-became It mildly Imdited that » man ahouldu't rwt under mien accusation* until they were supported by aonie tamtlble proof— h u done a reprohongHile thing, then wu plead gjlltj, and if a lllio occasion ariaM, trill prob- ably be guilty again. But to n y that we have " endeavored to re- Hoot upon those who otiose to question tho GellMtai-'apubltaliod reiMrte," la both mislead. Ing and nntme, and when they question our integrity In the matter we proposetoput them to the proof; Ourfilesare at your disposal, gentlemen, and we cballonge youto shotr a aiogle reflection upon your oommlttee daring t«e e&Ure course of yourluvesUgatfons, IVo have malutained, la fast, a strict Bllanoe, wblle tbe organ of the opposition lus'en- deavorod from weak to week to. prejudice publla opinion In thla matter. For youtoBay now that we have reflwted upon you, looks very much like a premeditated and unfnlr at- tempt toplaoa ua in afabe position. Your oomplaint that thsedltu- has not made thtf Isaat effort to Inform himself, la also susceptible of a little explanation. When has your committee offered us the least facility for Information» Bo far aa tbe Btu U con- cerned, your work has been entirely secret We bad no knowledge even of your Initiatory meeting until it was over, but a representative was present to write si distorted account for the newspaper that wu doing all in its power to ccnvtot Collector Dun bam beforehand— an account ec distorted that iteTanlnrinuatad that Collector Dunham wu look'foft In a box for missing casb, with the aid of one of tbe moet repatabte dOeetu, oC the place. No, all knowledge of your doing* was carefully con- cealed from the Eiu, and except the few matters that came tons by hearsay respecting ypur first meeting,, we never knew augbt of your proceedings and never alluded to them attarward. Howyouoiaaftynoirthat u frcin tbtf very beginning" we hart "pBdaivored to reflect"'upon you. paatea'6rdlaauy>innre- beaslon, sndleads to.tlw belief that• two of you at leant have been Influenced into awning a declaration that yon nave not carefully con a l d e r e d . '•.'. . " . •• ;•:•'. . •• •'...• . - . company of people on Tuesday evening to vitives the entertainment of tiie children of th'o Junior CuiIsUou Eudeacer Society. It a an entcrtainmont of tUe little foUfs.aDdcbarmingtotlioeiid. That all «em delighted waa niaulfested bytbe hearty ippliiue that greeteJ all their efl^rU. Tbe greeting and farewell aongs were olcelr ren- ttorod. The VilUgQ Choir was wndared In two scecea—the flint a tableau and the locond a medley of tbe songs of the olden time, lathe 11 Wise and FOU1.AU Viiglm" ten litUe gitls illuatrated tha well Irnotrn ji.trable Tery pret- tily. ll King Copbetua aud tlie Boggar Maid," ilepicted wltb force the princely honor to the lowly maid iu tbe presence of a gorgeous court, »nd " Uttle Boy Blue," revived the nursery ruynio with very pleasant surroundiagt, " Keeping Timo " was a very marry concert exercise tbat provoked groat mirth, and an orchestra of llttb boys and girls with paper boms and cotnbi, accompanied by drum and triangle, Intorape reed the solecUnna with quaint and not unpleasant music. ILIlas Annie Coe anng Tery iweetly tbe sola, "Twinkle, fickle, Little Btar^Prentissde Veuve Ron* recited "Tlie Dlue and tneQray" with Ulllog elocutionary olTect for H boy of his years, and the sons "Polly HopVlus and Tommy Tom- klne," wus sung inexijuUlte taste by Miss BertUa Rlohardi and Master Ilaymond Wli- drlck, whowereai»prouriateayco8tum«l. The Ji Uirougtiout wero vory pretty and admirably adapted and tbe groupings ware ao good that In every scene just tliedetlred effect - was produced. TueUUIefolluwhocoatributdd were ttietea Uabel Buck, Beuie Coe, Louie Courtney, Jmnle Jeakloi, ' Addle JCanouae.lIeieaaleeker.BadleRicliaroa, Mabel Waer, Laaa Buck, Daisy Bennett, Kutb. Bennett, Pauline Danbam. ilatUo Frooman, Haul (llbaon, Karsarat Qray, Clara Otto, Floeruce Blmeti, Mildrod Olbsou, Grace." ltlcharda and BerUia Drummer and Uutera Horace Duuham, Fral. Gibson, Alfred Harris, Horny Jobnaon, Uusull Bammla, Oaymond WoodbuHondAlflckBinnett. The whole WM " uder tbe direction cf Ulas Hattie Halloway, who nt tbe conclusion' was warmly and deservedly congratulated upon the charming success toot bad IMCO accoraoUshod. iliw Sue Crlttendoa rendered cQIcieQt aid in the . training of the orchestra, A neat sum was A Most flmweaef al Affair. A delightful parlor entertainment was given Monday avodngat tie residence or Mr. Robert Richards, on Essex street, under tie capable direction of Miss Annie £. nicbards, for tbe banofltof 8t Jobn'B Pariah House.. A very pleasant company oC people «u usetubled, and they enjoyed it heartily treat, beglnalcjj toend. The introductory feature m i a nicely arranged and intermlng soriea-ot magic Un torn views, and af tar that came a number of tableaux, Interspened with musical and liter- ary features: The tableaux Included "Blue B-Ard't WTM," the "Bacbfllor's Broam," " liberty Enll«bt4mlrjg the World," the " Fire Wonhtppers,' 1 "Qoesip Over a Cup of Tea, 1 the l( Old Uald," tba " Cbosen ot Charles V, 1 from an old painting, and "The Unfinished Prayer," all of which were artiitlcaily posed and elegantly oostutood, and woru l d d In by aUlBsea Clara Richards, Bll , Jessie Richards, Lulu Bhafer, EdlthlUcbards, Josephine Csnnon, Maud lambert, Florenue Sbt Mi Rldl D B p Sbeote, Mwiau Dr. Bougn nnd l lU ll , , g Hobble Richards. Tho musical eeleoUons, all of which, were rendered moat excellently,' om- brsoed a piano solo by Miss Emma Simpson, Vocal solos by. Hisses Uartia Gage, and' Uarlan'Richards, a duet by .Bdna Tillyer and Marian. Hlohardg, and choruses 1>y Hand Lambert, Florence Bheets nod Marian Richards, concluding with a charming good nlgbt aong by UIBlitUe folk*, attired |n night dreeeea and bearing candles, . Er. Ilougfa, of Hookaway, demomrtmted fla* eapahUIttea aa an elocutionist In two renditions The succeu of tho whole refleou great credit upon Miss Richards, the projector, ft&l the tin ot *35 waa realised for tba Parish Houw fund. XtWaaXnaoMlXean, Tha meanett piece of work ever recorded In these parts was performed l>y a paper called the Morris County Journal, printed at Dover. The ERA, of that place, was having some re- pairs dona iutheir office and had oontvactcd with the Joumaltodothelrpressworlc When the ERA went to hare: their work done latt week the Journal people refused to do their work because the ERA contained an Item tUat as distasteful to tbe Journal's owners. Tbla i about as amaU a piece of work as we have ever recorded.—Deckertown Indepecdtint.' ' "Wanted toSeduo* Labor. When Mr. Smith waa elected Recorder of the Town of Dover, almost bis Jlrst act l an attempt to reduce tha price of labor in a work that was already underpalil, but other Democrats acted with tbe Republicans In the Council and prevented lb Every working- man next Tuesday should vote for Tho*. Mal- ley, who has been a typical worldngraan and • workingnun'a friend. Lawyers do not gen- erally want •mall wages for themselves. '< A-WorUngtoan 1 * Candidate. Thomas Halley, tbe Republican candidate for the Aasetnbly In thli district, was born at Baskingrldje, on the borders of this county, went out tp work for nlrawlt 1 at the age of 15, lor three years carried a bod, awl then became a m u o n . apprentice and learned his trade so well that he afterward becamn an employer. He Is typical worklngman and has climbed unaided the ladder to success. Every work- logman should take pleasure In voting for him. The Closest Trottlns Heat. In tbe free far all race nt Nashville last Baturdaj Botallnd Willies was beaten by CIUEBU who likea a •olf-modo mati—or man Kelile W. and VloH., but the third heat,]ofbon«tpurpow,Ilberalbeftrfc and Intelligent wh!chwutrottedlnS:ia,lsaaId tobarebeen conviction. Thomas MaJIey is a man ot the the Qneat ever trotted In tblscountrr, aa there people. Give Iilm your votes next Tuesday, waa not the distance of a head between tbe three mares, when they went under the wire. TIo H. got the Beat, with Roeallnd Wllkes : TbeBeToltAsrainstBmttli. There la no miitaldng the sentiment among a great, many indepondunt Totera In this TidnUy. They are going to vote against Tord D. Smith next Tuesday, Tboy roaliu that the LAglslatura was two-thirds Demo- cratlB lart year, and with tbe new distrlctlon, giving still farther advantage to tbe Demo- crats, thni body to iuro t o be largely Dems- cratlij again tbe coming eesslcm. Hence many Democrat* who da not like Mr. Smith, bat wbo would vote tor him it party supremacy were at stake, will not do » now under the present conditions. Therefore the Issue la narrowed down to& question of men, nod aa between MoJIey and Sraltli there Is no room to doubt which tbe Independent voter will select. Halley represents tbe working and businean people. His life bos been cost among them and he kuows th&tr needs. He oan feel a. greater sympathy for tbem, and con mere clearly understand their needs, than can Mr. Bmltb, wbo, to say the letut, baa never ibown much Inclination to fn* tern Ira with thaw whom Mr. LInooln used to call" tho common people." It isn't a question of politic* this year, but a question of men, and Mr. Halley should have tbe Vote of erery Independent Uonlt County B*U Estate. Mcond. Kellle TV. won tho race. Aa Election Day Bide. Following are some of tlie latest transfers of Morris county property: Archibald Apgar to John B. Fennoll, Morristown, consideration leave tbat ctty for Morrlttown the bardlmt riders or ths club, and a ecorcb to U»KiK.«.onIIoviaBwm b» the xesa.t. The team bavtng the greatrat number of men arriving first, calcalating bj polnta, will en joy: their dinner at the expente of tha otlier team. ItwIUc«ityou nothing and 'vrill surely do you good, If you'have aCough, Cold, or any trouble *iUi Tbrmt, Chtai or Lungs. Dr. Kind's Kew Dlacoyoty lor CotuumpUon, ConghB and Colds is froarantMd to {dvo relief, or money will bo paid back. SutTeren from La Grippe found It just tho tiling and undar ita ma bad a speedy aad perfect roooTerr. Try a sample bottle at oar expensa and loam foryourwlf Jurt how good a tiiag It la. Trial bottles free at Robert KUlgotv's Drug Store, Dover, Orain, Hance £ Co 1 ! Drug Htora, Fart Oram, and P. K. Jeakini' Drug 8tore. Cheater. Larg«ri«s,fi0o.andJ1.0ll. - •d, Washington -•" Ann Smith I township, «2lfi i Oeo. PJenou Pieraon, Randolph townihlp, fSOO; Jantea Q, Jacobus atid 17m. H. Jacobin to Vlnoenl Uonld, Boonton tawmhlp, ^130 ( Joan J. Eckhart and Itobert T. Bmlth to Anna II. Wtwtervelt,Rockaway towniblp, (172 { Datid M. CanilQo to Eugene J. Cooper, JeEterton township, 11,000; Emma Cory and Amelia T. Piercon to Jane M. Groro, Morris towo, tTS \ Philip RenletoCluu, I* EnU.lloiVjitrytown- tfalp, 1125; Wm. r. Oflborn to Wru. A. Weir, U t Olive townihip, |20O} EIIBH T. Eakeley to Annie JoliDdcra, Uorrittown, <0W •, BrtBth VT. Burnett toHoraeo S. Tan Doyn«,Uont- Tillo township, |30; Edward Cbovj to Jtunos A. Caw?, Psqithnnock toinwhlp, |J00. p p y c R o jiestcr;" alarap with the light of the morning. j^onH«tett«rL«iOiSPkPlNy BOONTON. - . Than was a meetiug of tbe Board of Trade Monday utgbb ot last week In llnpldua' UaJl, called for tba purpose of dl*cujs1ngthef«u.- belity of tho board adTanclog the sum of two bolp In s«uringasurroy ' "•:• r a proposed DBIT railroad route to oonoees >V**~* with tba N. J. Central at Bockftway. The - route suggested itouM go Uirougu towervilto, ••'•'' Booutoo, Pftndpponj, Troy Bflla, and thence to Caldirell, conneotlns; umBwhem at the' . other end with tha Erie road. H r , H , 0 Key ' iiolili, tha Hcarelary of too new .Lake Eopat- " " oongroad, mtm then, and had a map showing' the different surraya of thii aactlan oC tho road alnaJyaada.. TbexewaiafrMdlsouasIonaa to when the new road would tmtorBocotoo, •. • ' and boir near the centra of the torn the depot'/•••'.'•• could be located, and when the only possible v • route wa* suggested and that tba neir itatlori " would not be any .hearer the center of tha ' , town tbsn Ue presont D., L. &W. itatlon 1>. '•'. ltdldn'ttaketbelloardbutatwiuttwomlnutei ' . to deotdaUut they didnt care to spend toe . > : twoUundreJdoUarBlorUia surrey when ip-' •'.'•.? parently the town of Boonton would not be* - ;' beneated any, and so.tba 0e«rebary;tMt i s w ^ i v ^ Board, Mr. Wm, &Smith, was iottrncBd to : notify Mr, Boynolda tbat Board did not deem". -' w •'• It advisable to lubicribo tba twobuodr»4 , . \i illara aiked tor the lurvoy RB suggested by '•' - -' Mr. JlejnoHs tbat evening. Thl«anbjeot •":;'/-, bulngdiipoiodor, tbe bilauue of UIDevening/;.'...' wasipontiadiwnsslDg'rallroAd mattenV tto ,--''- location of our depot being, tha principal v >..;' thouihU Mr. . Clanncs A. DeCwnp, tb* Presldontof the Hoard of Trade, li» gtv'ea: ! > .; this loms Btndy aud bad many good Bugged-: -'.-' Uoui to offer, lie thought, as did othen ; v "-: prestnt, tbat If tho toirn would tafte Ibis mat-'' \-~^: terbfaand; and had soiiTCtUivg(wdtooirar: : ^:'^: tho railroad, and by a united action on behalf 'V- •. of Boonton we might be able to g r t tha rall>-';.;•,'.-^i n>ad oompwiy todo BonketUng in'thDraattei*l-'^f-- of locating our depot fn tbe can tar of tbe town;. •'.-.-'i Tbla led to the Buggutlou tbat the Contmlttaa -.:. ; onKallroad»,toeetliW.iirlUitii» Pmtdont of.'v',:. ' tho Board of Trada try to have an Intarvbjir. :'; '1 with the D., L. & W. ofSclals and ondeartr ; • - tohava the civil engliwer ot the road, Mr.-'/:-•.: Unrub, to coma ben and give bU views as to-.j'^: 1 . where would bo tbo most desirable place to '••:-.'•', locate tbe depot, and then tho town would iv;: probably more in tlie matter.' Tfaliiss-step: •<-."' in tie right direction, and by a n n l t d effort,,-;.. : ' : •' on the part ot the people It seems a probtla ; v thing tliat' tba D., L. &TT,BtaUou may be, ; ;7 located lomewbere nearer the centw of town.';:' ':' Tba Cabinet bu held It* first mooting-1or th*:' •' \- season and elected-oBloen for the coming ' *, : rear, .Hint Vary B. J'enklns was re-elected '.;';>;, Jooretary and Samuel Davit TmniKMV* Tha -;-' '-'" :ntifB Committee cbosca wereHr. Coos.'-: v •''.•'•, A, tforrli, Presdeut, airs. B. C, Jenkins, Hlsi ' " Cora E. Hammond, Mr*. CUa. L, OooJIt aad',, . '••' U>,Ghae.Brock. The commtUe* appointed '•; will arrange the aubjecla for the oomlng Wla- '} 'y\ 'u-meotlnga. , " '••••;•• 1 ^ ; "-"';l-'' sv IUT. Thomas Carter and Elder ; Enoch '-'A- 1 .' Hammoad, of thePreebytariaa Chsrob, at--' : -,"v' tended the Presbyterlna Synod, In aeadon at>-~-;'': Long Branch. ' •'• , " . .-•. '•-••^.^.•^ . ThoY. P. 8. a KSocieties of New Jens*, -\^ have hail iiuulo fur their m a , at ittetr Stata / v •.. '••'• meeting! a good-slied banner whJoh bal been4 : '•'. \- completed and was unfurled for tbe fint time .. '.:•'.'• '-• at their meetings in Newark the latter part ot v- .;: last weak. It is something now IndMJgn; it-'-v " Btriltw mo, and decidedly odd, but very pretty*' • • Itlamadeofwhita sJlk, about five faethlgbi : •<•'. tint with the poles and trimming* it will : . irtand nearly twelve feet high, I should tUnk. ; -. ,•, There are borders of golden lace work around* i',-'-,- it, and tba fringe knd tassels are of tbo tame'<:\ gold tlnW. Down In oao corner U Urn mono- f •'."; gram of tbe societies, while about pi the cm-' ; 'V tar, lulottera of blua and gold, an tbe initial* • .' Y. P. B. O, E,, Kew Jorecy: The principal '; ;' featun. of the banner Is tbe largo number of - , «mall silkbadgea that are attachedtoIt, ono •'•'•• from about every orgnaltaUon ta the State,: : - who were requestedtoMnd them to ths State- ,': . Secretary, Mr, Halsoy Hammond, of Boon' -• , ton, who hed the making ot tho banner lo ".'" : charge. Tboy ore of all stiea, shapea and oolora Imaginable. Notwo appear to be ex- , '•:';'' actly alike, and yet the colon aro so mixed '- - together, andarrniigodwnlcely.thatHmake* > .:>/ Tery pretty banner. ' • • "• :. . ."j In connection vritb bis fish and Tegetable /:•/'' market, Mr. Qeo. Galloway bat opened <-!- •: ULLTOWK A»D TIOIKITT. Mrs. David Ulller is convaieMlug nicely,. the skillful treatmont of Dr. 8. VT. Miss Eva B. Cox has returnedtoBummlL . Mr. Cbas. Ford and family, of Middle Val- ley, were the goeeta of Mr. TJ300. E. Cox and family last Sunday, . - >.; Mr. William Heniorwn spent last Sunday wltk his parent* here. , . Our tMobers attended the Institute at Do* rer, Thursday and Frioay. A good Ume reported. We have a live Superintendent;. one who is a practical teacher and.a wide •- awake educator. Uorrls county scbools are . rwsinirnDdBr his skillful anperrlslaav' • ' . P. M. ChunberVain boa soil sir hlgb Kradebicyclealnaboutaamanywesks. Haw ' Is that for sales I The girls begin to look tour. The " eatetj" ii taking itw plaoo ot the "buggy" aad two can't ride. Beef ' - Did yon attend the concert lu tbe CoDgrega- tionalChurch.atCbeaterlastFridajevening! , No Then you missed the best treat ever '; given In Chtater. Themusic, boto vocal and' lostrumenta), .could not be surpassed. Mr. •: Banderton, of Uanistown, rendered splendid- Hinging. AUacquIttodtbemselreewItbcredltV: to thoawclto* andto the town. About $70 , was taken in. The newly deoorated interior of the church waa worth the admtsdos fee to eoit .Rev. Mr. Anderson, a student of Drew Seminary, preached a very able sarmon In tbeMilltown school house lastBanday P. ic. Wos&buldbe ploased tohave Mr. Anderson.•'- with as again. , '.- Someof ourjoungmentalk"West." Roys,-' ant.t»Teyoui"ni«iiiM," '. More red-tape, Nov. 3d. '•'• : '..' Our tST to Hon. Horace L, Dunhsin, your popular Mayor. He has. vraveti hlmmlr to be , gentltman and a ' ' " - - trustworthy ofllolal DlESTEBI Husband and Wife . ;l bare more than once been saved by the timely; use of Kemp's Balsam for tha throat end lungs, niter all other rnmedleBlnvB been tried in vain. Tlie Balaam stops decay of the lungs nod corea (afluenm and acute mid chronic- * caught. There" Is no other tnedielna In the world that acts eo prompily, certainly none ;• that does ita work, so Uiorpngtuy as Kemp? Dalsam.' AU^ruggista wliit. LorgebotUes

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Post on 11-Feb-2020




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Page 1: SUITS, Wama at, Beit door lo " (aarj'a Can." - ' Balr Oaula c aa< Uaapaalu Jvurt received two carloads o! Bedroom Baits';




Oflw oi Blaokwoll S t w t next donto the National Union Buk.


D n T u aS H MOHTBJ .'


BatBKE,.a W a m a a t , Beit door lo " ( a a r j ' a Can."- ' Balr Oaulac aa< U a a p a a l u

Jvurt received two carloads o! Bedroom Baits'; which I will'oloso mat urn following prlcoB, including Mattross and Bed Spring.50 Antiquo Ouk Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, regular prioB 180.00,

will olose them out at $20.0050 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces, carved top; regular

prjco f 40 00, will oloso them out at , (30.0060 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, 8 pieoos, carved top, bevel plate,

regular pnoo $50.00, will olose Uiom out ul $40.00The attractions of tlie store nro the Parlor Suits oovorod in Mosaic

lapestry and Sill Tapestry, nnil the Mahogany BoJroom Suit nnaMaplo Bodroom Suit; all took first premiums and silver medals atthe Vfavorlj ITair.

CARPETS.Uo liouso in the oily bus a larger, cloaner and bettor slock to scloc

from.2Gjiioees of Tapestry BruMeh Oarpot, rognlnr price por yard

75 cents; reduced to . . . . . . . . . . ,.G0 cU2« piecoB of Tapestry Brussels Oarpot, rogulai pnoe per yard

90 oentn; redttOfid to • . „ Tficta25 piecas of Body BruBsels Carpot, regular pnoo nor yard H 25 i

reduoed to ., „ . * . . . , . . , . , mo25 pieces ol All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price per yard 75

cents; rodnoed to . . . . . . . GOcln.


r\VL. J. 1. SMITH,



DB. J , D




O I H U lit TOO. Bullalm

OY« I i . I»o»'< Stow, DOYM, ». J


Borax, H. I.

0. ODHMIIB, »•». .

r f O U L U T IM X B I T U i X l f l U Hu» «mmi. nmim

n o w . »• '•

puuisaDWI 1-. - •-rout, U S E o t r u r a l MIDUJUHK,

*Taa H M H mt Well Pftw.. «t. „

• jr -#

^todbuuinii raoa MOU, V •T»Ii THLOB.

cotmrr BOfK

O«o« ko«»;-t 1.V fo 12 m.

•Ann AID Soucnox n Cumin.

TTH» » • nssn rjunrttnaiti 00.1

m i

, BriSHOP«.!I.J._

- - ~ «B BERRY,

aadpaiaaTaUu nofi b j «oed mwhaolci.SaoMa' Bbsa t i b t Fapar alaraja on hatOffloa and •hop oo Slackwell HE., M r t to

Dora Lumlttr Oomfaaj a MMIf R. W i u m x " A. S BHUY.


Cwpanler and Builder,

, nionoii,Painter, Dooorator, Grataer

and Paper Hangar.A im'in luu of WiLL PiPEIB, In alll l a ( U p n « M . SIOH VOUK *•>»



Kind Kattren and Bed Spring with-every Bedroom Hnlt sold: ., > j

PARLOR SUITS.Oood Parlor Suits, in Silk Rnsli tParlor Suite, extraordinary goodf, extra finish $45.00Parlor Suits, in rug covering O

THE STOVE STORE OF THE CITY!W j ? BooauM I ha™ tho lajgoEt aeaortmont, latest styles«nd lowest piioes Lekigh Parlor Stoves and PortJaudRanges eiolnde all others.

Folding Beds. Extension Tables, Sideboards,Hall Stands, Ohiffonieres,, Couches and ,

Lounges. Bedding and Bed Springs, all.marked down 20 per cent, below

v other stores. -, . . v





1 '"•';,?';..': .1''!..,NEWARK. N. J


W-AIiTON BROS.,Merchant Tailors

t l u » 4 Ik* iton 1



VAI/rON naOTHIBS bare Ud u aapMaooa or Ban/ jean u liRhul UlUn aad•lolkian, an pntUeal ontton tod miken of cmtom work, and ara able to f u r u m eoai


' ' PLAITTED . -[n ii bod of competition, - '

IRRIGATED • • --13; the galvanio flmd of progressive labor, .1 ' -._

\( ,' -^FERTILIZED JJf_ '' <By file phosphorio snbstnnee genoratod in an active bnsheai

GROWING r-1 pnb'io favor, like the vast wheat fields o f iho WStefn prairies,*' <

.- , WAVING",'- \ '/''"T \-To and fro in a strVng broczo of glorious snecoss, '

YIELDING , ' '-i,J ; jA. licb harvest of bargoiua in Men's. ToutW, BOJB1 and Oliildxea'a

SUITS AND OVERCOATSTo a largo orop of dehghtod customers. 1 > . ' 1

Wo are rating things right and left thronghont the wholo storo nndtho poople ore.reaping tho benofit ol our r y < ;

MCGREGOR & Co.850 and 852 Broad street, KEWAItK, 1VVJ4


OWi weexxTlic highest grado of Cocoa mamiloetureil „ Perfectly

P No brcakraat table Bhould bo without i t nst.

y, :WEARE| |Neither Republicans,Democr«ls| Prohi-bitionists nor Mugwumps. We s|e sim-ply woman suffragists. Our platform isbouad for women's rights to h»Ye'i \

Ist-A Shoe tlmt is buUt on the correctprinciple requisite to comfort, style, ele-gance and all at a reasonable cost;•

3d--1ney miitit hare the Htest designs,the most comfortable fitting rind the bestw e a r e r s . ' •'. , : - • ••' ••'•• •'?$•• •

Sl--Tliey must have all Yarteliei'for alloccasions, and must have a stock to select

. from that will enable them nt iill times ;to procure their proper size ondirldih.

4th-Iliey must have a denier^ to pat-ronize who they can imp,H<$l)rkt,rust;whose warrantee on » shoe has beenproved by tho test of time to be » guar-antee or Its quality. $

5th—We are the people. , ; 1


' " •• •• I D 6 v e ^ l f . J .

h. LEHMAN & Co., tlie Ke*ark Cash Grocow.oa Elwlcwell street,nett door to the Post-office", hme reduoed neatly erory uUole in thtline of Groceries. As we do the largest retail grocery bnsiness in theSlate and buy in Tery largo quantities FOR CASH, we o»r. sell cheaperthan any otlier Btore in (he county, Here are a feV prioea of themany articles reduced:/


A t (h« Fifteenth Hegtount reunion l u twk»KMd»toT mm U>\A of FetorOututer-

OMB, of fiiueex. tbe italirart Color Bergeantof the reginMut, .vbo bore tne Hig tbroagnMOW of the-Uoodle*t engagemenU of Vir-ginia. At Pwtenlitug the eolon borna byQmxhraun wen the t int that went over tbaenemj'i work* and they went over In advanceof tht regiment. When den. Fenroae cameup bo TO mrpriMd to find tho color guardfttaui and adud, "Sergeftnt, where are thao n o m r " ADdQuii4ennanraplledl

<<aeiieral,I bamn't aaen ablanked efflott tuU moniing t"

At Uw M M time Gen. FcnnMe told how ttoFlnrt N»w J«nar Brigade m t eotitltd to Van

ftdwdtlMoltyor Peteraburg. Follow-log tbl oolon o( Uw Flftwuth they were tbaflm Union tntopa to enter the city. TbaHajor and other anthorlUts came out andUadantd the Mimndar of tht alt? to an ad*jalant of the brigade Darned Fa; , but he w utoo nudertor dlffldant to accept It, and as anaulttbeolBidali went In another directionwaWe troop, went entering at a differentpoint and than made tha formal aurnader.But for thia dcouiram th« Firrt Jerasy boyiwould ba«b»dtb©c«dit l0 h l i t o r y c f lIng the Bumndar of the d f F

IE8T (Hungarian Trootm) atFlour, thebestta themar-

ket, snJ will make 800 ponndi of bread to thoboml and only fe.S9 per banal. \ t

MORNING GLOU'nour ibread j

The above brandi are put in* bog* of allliaiforfBinllfiiH

XXX Ground Cofffa.;.;....... SSe. . vNono»-Kaali piucluwr of one pound of

•or ol 11*i abo»«pitoad;Taaa «ULlaotln II1-. OiaaateMftaiarnBX.oIctana. ;;

m i T AiinoLa la TIIBSK CMLVUHB BAD naur aaovoao ODBnta vats oBBAt B

Special Bargain!Bat Sugar Cured Haim 18e.'~ M«ilUn. . . . . . . . . . . llo.

ked BfaoaMen...:,;;• *a:Laat UnA -80.

ftillCnam Cbioa. . . . . 130.19 lb.. ran L.rt,-.:..;.: K ta •> llolleri Oata....v. 2a&

N B t H l - T > » » D

Special Bargain*. BptbiilB»rgaln«.0 CJ»« BabUUV Soap SBa

Piwholdar I^wwnce aaya that the regtitrylowi feven Mwrotera In Itfendbam townahlp

*bot»ve com* id age, ofwhoniilr.beregnitiio »ay, are B«publlcanm, But tbls }• gener-ally tht oaae, *ltaough perhapa not in qtJtftnoh larga proportlona. If the new votenwere only thoaa who oatw at age In tbla eoun-t then iron^l not be any doubt of Republl-oan aupremacy, > . . : ' .

The good little wif/of the Urilt-iinuhliig•dltor looked over Uw top or tho paper ahewaa nadlng tha other eveolng and: aaldt"Calamity, daar, the Idea of tha tariffnfonner, aa I tutdentand It, la that we oan-oot fDake.tln-pUta In t i l l country and thetariff la pan oa to make tin outi ea«S OUMT U»

da more expenilve to those who buy tbem,*1

aatly, my lai*,n feald the editor, " thetariff robben waat to tax Uw people to deathlnaUartlclaainadeof Un." ." Well, purattedta» little woman, I don't e n c U j uudentahdaUthoMtUtwu, I mad here In my paper thatNorton Erpa, th . Urga UE-plata makan U

! W i l t . Star BAkliiJ Foirdar la' toa lxrt In tba martst . t / l i o . p v 1'). bail, a id a handlomep n w n t glran with t v u 7 oaa, and kondndi of otter bargain* to aniaeroue too manUon,U n a t a i l ; mil atoidl tea n n k ' ' * ; • fpsi?v}t A v'\ • ; • : • • : - •


^ TO' TBE nOVEJl POST-OPFIOE,'.131"Uoot t idoUverad t r e e t b r o u g B a u t O » c o u n t e r . ' • •- '•< ':*'.•• •'• ; ;

STOVJQ3! STOVES!Largest Assortment!

L90SSBHI It toilthebes tand fig

. sent to any address FnI ft'one-cerit postal card will -!e^t it :lypuV WRITHE FOR^lT;NOWi:v

ppld jdirect froni/factpty atJwipIesale^^pr ices for cash": or upbri\,an - ieasy

• installment plan to suit all pockets.-OK mm. Msnvgi Wl WroiC CKT IIUA tt $m.

' 3 Or 4 BIG PROFITS and Cotnmis-{•iTosii'SAVED^THEiV'ARE ;VOURS:



JOHN•i o»D be fornd a complete stock in orery department, racl. aa

Ory Goods Notions, Hosiery, .Carpeteii "Oil Cloths.

Large aaaortment ol Ladies', Misses' and Moa'a SHOES.


We koep the Seat goods the market ban afford, and prioos flufj all"'::% V > J • • , - / , • : , w > n i p e t i t i b n . : . • • - . ^ - ' . ; ' . ' » , • . • " * . , . ; . •. "


orwon TOE m i SUST o.uasi


. When tb« Balntion Army noeotlj »p-pewed lo Mtdlawn ttwr'aonoutioed in oiron-I an .wittered all over that "•The BalrttUonArmy waald bombtud ths Devil's Kingdomla Uftdlion on Bandar iftaiiioon a t 8 6'olwkand that a n open air detnonstmtlon wouldfollow ioUweTwtinjt," iUnbalBqular.bow-oror, stopped tho opeo air deoionBtrttioii. I tm i « pr*ttj broad amrtlon Uftt lha devilhad Mtabltifced hta kingdom In M«jor Al-

richfa btiUirlck, and I Unlly blftnu UuealttatliorlUMfornaeiiUitKlt. J think tba

nutlf taUtt^ailniiarat Moniitowa. •

•*•TL* d«Ui of tbe late Emmet S. Miller, ofbwtoriowmhlp, ihowa how careful people

•houUfaaln bUMWog drug* "^ m»>udphjilcfaui of mj acquftinbutot of another lad-ilaut that occurred near Cbestor not manymoaUii ago. A child w u experlmctuSMveroobiMttrotiblefroiaaix.ldlan(lau old lad? who

llladTiaad the uotLer U u i l i t drop ofturpantltu In thrae Uaspooni full of lard Andrub it en tli. llttlfl iDfferer'i cbeet Themotfatr, thlnHflff abe waa following the ad viceoorrecOj, mixed tliree tutpoons full of tar-pebUne irith Urae teupoatufull of lard andappllod it PM directed. The remit was thatthe powerful mixture removid i l l tlie outldethe child U d in the rlcinlty of Ita chat andVtlr «VDUat*d m luffwinis., Tbe- b a tthjnfto do b not to handle powerful drug!except upon the writteu pnacrlptloa of a

bad pataed the vowa ot betrothal were outriding In the vicinity of Ut. Arlington andbetween them on the rear Mat aat tho lltUedaughter ot a friend, who wore a broadGaineeborougu hat wltb flaring brim. Upontbe front eeat waa a lady friend whow atten-tion was completely engroeaed for a time withtin beautif ul autumn anenery conitantlyopen-lUCtOTlew. After a time the lady happenedto turn around. The engaged coupla were aademure aa If nothing ununual bad bappened.but the-wide hat of the little girl betweenthem was crn*had to the acinblaniw of a com-preaaed chapean and told an eloquent atory,


Tba Horrli County Journal Is tilled laatweek wltb tha private peraonal concern) andfamily aflaln of ita editor, tbe publication ofwhtch waa e*rtalo!y a ninUe-r of bad taste,and had no bearing whatever upon the mat-ter at tame. Ita only to tha burningquestion WAB the following;

'A deuuutd la made bye, certain uawapnperupon us to aailat In 1U at tank B upon an oldeatauUBhtd drug ntore of our torn . We de-aim to tay, thla U aoi tbe builnea ol theJournal. Thla paper is uot run In the interesto£ any one peraoi. or firm, or at the requestof.ottlerB. WehareahigbermaLivetoaerve."

Y i , but you haven't hesitated to attackoUW people. YouattBDb«dtheBHi.andao-cuaod ua falatly of being an enemy to temper-

. You mouthed tbenama of CouncilmaHpanglerand Inflated because no did not doyour Irishes that be oould uot oo&afateatlybelong to a rellgtoijg organisation. Vonfound a aaloon keeper whom you alleged kepthit place open after tbe legalized haura, andcalled on the autuarittw to punUh tbem.When we asked you to pnwot tbe evldanoeyou aald you were not a prosecutor, and itwas only your duty to preaenHtw facts. Youhare published the namea of signers to opplJ-caUoiia for lloeiue and hare held them up toodium. WbtnevM you have found an oppor-tunity you b^ve not litwltated to be personaland attack, elthar Justly or unjuBtly, those

h h t f d id t teanceworlc

But wgored you shirk your duty. Wban the praal-dent of the company that gires you employ-,ment- i . man who poem aa the head of a Iprohibition paper—la shown to be not only aHiioar seller, but an Illicit liquor eeller, youakulk away and tell ua vou don't propwe to Iaaaiat In "attacks upon an old eatabllaheddrug itora of our town." You bill ua In an-1other caw It U JOUI duty to publlih f&otaMgardlug Infringement of the law. Thenwhy not In tbla caae, where we have got bot-,ties f uU ot evidence lor you 1 What better IiJai , A. Goodale to be published thau anybody,else that vlolaka the law 1 You are not con-1alstent In your podtton and you cannot gaina reputation for either f alrnen or oonaJitencywhile yon profeaa what you do and excuaeviolators of the law becauas they are yourbnalneaa friends and aseoclate*. ; Until you,eipnsa your opinion ot the ooaduot ot Jatne*'A.' Qoodtle you cannot consistently attackanybody else. -The Tory fact that you didn't:do i t promptly and at once will always atant.'

e t m n t ,nerbondrad, and that they are exactly theKinw daw, kind and quality wWcb th~j oold aywr ago tot *S.1S per fanndnd. Now what Iwant to know la, U the tariff makea tin goodadearer, how can Norton Broa. aell tin oana for

d l l a h u f l d r t d l M i than they did a year"There jou go again," roared Calani-

( t j , "aikint »bout thlngiyoa don't under-irf Y t A d b t

It erer alnoe tbe dayt of your grandmotherB 1 !

, I know I make no mlataka In ettlmaUagthe temper of the peopls regarding politico*rrofalblUoauita u i taelr laoeasant ftttemptato craatedlsobnl'ii] thi* town. The i«ople are£attlt.JE Uredaudjilagopt^ Trlth tktir mioh-lnaUoD*Twhfch d» not waoU in the.llgbtoitguod in.the way of promotiog the. genaioework of temperance ref bnn and only arooaebitter feelioga in the obuichea and everywheM•lae. There haabaen >'Ugiwwltlon of feel-ing on ttla nut ter within tbe part f e»r weebu

• v . ; • ' • . " • - " • * • • " , • - • " • ' • 1 : - . . ' • ' - . ' •

HotwIUiatandinK too efforta of Hon. W n ,Walter Rwlpa i t 1B quite apparent that all ofthe American hog* have not p*aatd under theBrandenburg gate\ .LouliMuuu/otiCadifOD,to win'» inger, ocaunmed lttt oyiten to elgbt

i t e and waa^made ao aerloQaly Ul thaniittfe Hm, i t ra thought be would die.

It wally waant kli fault that be didn't.' •• ; : ' , . . - . - • . • . • • . ; ' . • ; . . • * • • • . . - " , . . * - : • v

TVe baTant got much of a political cam-paign thia fall, but an lakoe that appealaatrongl/ to erorj farnier. btulmea Wan andhouMholder whopa'yaatazviithalviAltwnMaaad eifavvagatjca of the majority, In tha hutLegialatui*, which for aolely political pur-poaaa created a. perfect horde of oewanduae-]tm offloa holder* in New Jenef, Involvnig anexpanditura of a quarter of a million of dol-lart in M I MlarlH and f we. Tbe alreadyovarbordaned ftrmen were Meklug relief fromgrievmii taxstlon. and from unequal railroadchargw, that omnpslled' them to pay higherfnigbta than their comp»Utor» at a distance,bat ,thla LcgUature ignored all their wiahM,aad daroted the^enUre madou, alinoat, to tbe

tJao of anug bertha for the political thiigeof Hudeon and Faain counties at the expenseof Jlorrii oountr tai-payera. J!ven rwpoct-ablaDetnocrata all tnrar tbe Slate cried outatalnat U, but our itwniber ot tb« L e g U U t .Mr. Fonl D. Smith, did not lift up hla voloaagabut U, and bis vote waa alway* readywhen needed lor toe of tbeae u -b»Tagant echunei. - For these and otherraaaooi manylXniocrata.will voteagalnrt himnextTueadajr, and erary. E«putUcaa and In-depeoduit ritlum ihoold torn cut and helpalong tba work by toting for Tbomaa Halley,t ie people's cwdidate.

; Tbe PVeehoadera cannot act up any claim ofltYeaponaiblltty for tba icniouH accident thatber«l Mri. Huff at the Union atreet bridge InDover oo Monday uiftht' The aeddaat weicanaed by groaa and loexcuaable nrgllgenca Infalling to protect a. moat dangM-otu'F.ace, andIf Uwj are wiae they will aettle tbe matterai beat O»y con without Jetting the faota go

Tb«« Is without doubt > deep fc«llng of dts-'.oBtcnt sprMdioff OT«P tho Bute la regud totie pkclug of to mujr Uwjorf In 'tha LCRIS-latnraj vbo ereqr yemr clatter oar statutebooks wltfa s, g m t tmootit Ot tows, to oon-sirnctod ttuit tbsry o u hardi / nodttntandttatoUiflauelpes. end wlvlch greatijr IttcrctUBlitigation. For tana yetra our DemocntloMendilUaTabeonrtinDliis UiU crate for Iaw-y»r-IeglBUtori to inx tunuiul extent In Morristxantjy and Uwyan W«U, AlhriRtat, Hunt,N«lgbbmir nnd Pmllh hays followed eachother In ntftd tticctMlon. I>t xa bar» achange I t* oat*. 1*1 n»h»TB % plain, practi-cal bndaMa man, .who frill gat nearer to thapractical noedi at t is peopla. Let mi eloctTbomu tfalley. ot Horrirtown, ne i t Tuesday.

The «lacti6a *at Porl D. Bmltb would meaaHudson ocrantjiuprwiiacj and Hadaon eonntjmetludi In Ota ccntnl Ol tha Stale of SawJ e n e j . H« kmd Urn opportunity J M . JNUT toprove bla lttdependeiios. bat bo failed to doso. "Wo nndentand ha ia now KIICJUOK IU-publlctni. to Toto lor him. Tbojr sboulinmtunber »boa bo does so tbat tbtra b*m nobbeen a mom bitter ptrtban Democrat In tboState, a fart tbataboaid be luflldent 16 induceerery Republican to come out and rote agalnitntm.

• • • " • • • '

Oa a. recent day a couple between whom

, J y j y ,ftDot faTored your ideal ot temper-

c that jtlougba with you U

A fr iend ot Bad UvlalaUon.Not only i n s Mr. Ford D. Smith a member

of tha Legislature that Rotated upon the peo-ple ot Hew Jersey latt winter the wont legis-lation that ever cumd the State, but be watan active- member of the majority that didthe Job. They created hordta of nnnecesaaryofBcea, adding greatly to tbe burden of taxeson tbe farmer and buslnew man, until evenDemocrat* of charactor and standing oriedout In disgust. To folat tha polltioal beulenotHwlacra and K*SMCCOUUU« Into fat posi-tions a t the expense of every property ownerin Morrii county they craatod offioes thatverabevBt thougbt ol lielore, and voted awaythei people's money. In the moat reckleaa and

mvugMil manner.; i*onl D. Smltlili Voicenever taised .In prot«iit against Uieas

measures, and hla vote waa never lackingwhet) it was needed to pass tbem. Everymanthat pays a tax aboiild rebuke him at the pollanext Tuesday by voting for Tboa, Valley, '

n for Farmera.For yean the. Democratia party baa been

professing what a trfaad they have beaa tothe farmers. L u t year. they, had a largeworking majority .'In both branches ot theLegWator^tmt when th* faifom aibed themfor legislation to equallu railroad freight,and other mutton. In their Interest tbiH Bem-txoratto Legislature turned taeirbackaoutbeiuand turned them out la the cold. Ford J)'.Bmlth was a member of tha majority that didtiiis, altliougu ha ropnuented au agriculturaldistrict. Vote for Thomas Uuiiey. -

• _ , ^ — -••:';]/• ZTMtHaa Lost Hla Orip.Thomas Nast, of Korrlitown, once a cele-

brated oartoonlet, is again drawing campaignpictures for Democratld papers. Next waaonoe a powar lu the coininunlty, and hisbrilliant work during tha Tweed regime waaelfKtlve and vigorous. His pencil baa loot Itaounulng now, and the conjury of bis art haspassed away. It, is a logical result of t ieyielding of one's power to the dominant In-fiueuoe of the highest bidder. There bai beenno Boul in Hu t ' s work dnce the hand and t ieheart refosed to work togetbar. ,.

AH UHJ?.Via*eTA.1£It£MT. TaECEILDBKH'BENTBBTAIHMEMXAn addrest Is madii to " tba people of llan- The lecture room of (lie Preebytortan

doIp^TowMhlpl"o»ertUesigijftturesof Meears. [ Church was complBteiy tilled wltb A pleasantOeo. BluglBtou. Chm. E. Clark and ' " ' " *

Ueesri.!g . . SOB. II.

Blmpaon, which is prefaced with tbe followingdeclaration:

"Tha artidoa which have appeared In t i eJuoif E iu from time to tltna in relation toCollector Dunbjun'B aooounU, are, to n&y tbeleast, not creditable to tfcow who* took, anInterest fn the mutter. From tho very be-ginning that paper has endeavored to redactupon those who chow to question Ibu Col-lector^ jiublktiod account*. I t does seem totbose familiar with t'ue whols matter, bod tboeditor ta&de the kaat effort to luiarm blmael.,and had bo aUat*d tils articles la accordaucewith the facU In tho cose. It would have left ndifferent Impression upou tbe, rwuiara, dunejuatice t* th«e who took a direct interest iuthe matter, aud he would have received thethanks of all concerned,"

There are reasons from which we con inferwhy Mr. Ohas. IS. Clark should feme a ufento of ibis lort, but why Moaara. Blnetetonand Slmjaon should bavfl jollied In tbe declara-tion la utterly iiicomprebeutible. When tboformer jmdehls aburiwat attack on CollectorDunham, Just oa tbe eve of our charter elec-tion, vrbon Mr. Dunham wai tba Republicancanaldtiu) for Mayor, and persisted in It aftciha had been asked In the moit kindly spirit todealst a single week only, tuo EUA, bellovlngfmt i l r . Clark wished to dot cat Us party luthat election met hi . alleRaUoP with all tlieInformation it could obtain, That tho ERAwas right fn Its estimate of Sir. Clark's motivewan clearly provon on the morning or thoelection, when B. fi. Pattersoj and otuor Dom-oorats peddled Indugtrlbualy Mr. Clark's state-ment In order to promote the miooess of tbeDemocratic ticket

Week after week a Democratic paper wasflllwl with Insinuation* calculated to createthe impreaaioa tlitrt Oolleolor Duubum wnanothing Bhort of a defaulter, and those liiainu-atloni were caught up and bruited about tillmany actually named the figures of hi* detal-catloii. There was not an lota of proof toaliowany ddhooeaty on his pott, and If tlieEm-became It mildly Imdited that » manahouldu't rwt under mien accusation* untilthey were supported by aonie tamtlble proof—h u done a reprohongHile thing, then wu pleadgjlltj , and if a lllio occasion ariaM, trill prob-ably be guilty again.

But to n y that we have " endeavored to re-Hoot upon those who otiose to question thoGellMtai-'apubltaliod reiMrte," la both mislead.Ing and nntme, and when they question ourintegrity In the matter we propose to put themto the proof; Our files are at your disposal,gentlemen, and we cballonge you to shotr aaiogle reflection upon your oommlttee daringt«e e&Ure course of yourluvesUgatfons, IVohave malutained, la fast, a strict Bllanoe,wblle tbe organ of the opposition lus 'en-deavorod from weak to week to. prejudicepublla opinion In thla matter. For you to Baynow that we have reflwted upon you, looksvery much like a premeditated and unfnlr at-tempt to plaoa ua in afabe position.

Your oomplaint that thsedltu- has not madethtf Isaat effort to Inform himself, la alsosusceptible of a little explanation. When hasyour committee offered us the least facilityfor Information» Bo far aa tbe Btu U con-cerned, your work has been entirely secretWe bad no knowledge even of your Initiatorymeeting until it was over, but a representativewas present to write si distorted account forthe newspaper that w u doing all in its powerto ccnvtot Collector Dun bam beforehand—an account ec distorted that iteTanlnrinuatadthat Collector Dunham w u look'foft In a boxfor missing casb, with the aid of one of tbemoet repatabte dOeetu, oC the place. No, allknowledge of your doing* was carefully con-cealed from the E i u , and except the fewmatters that came tons by hearsay respectingypur first meeting,, we never knew augbt ofyour proceedings and never alluded to themattarward. Howyouoiaaftynoirthatufrcintbtf very beginning" we hart "pBdaivored toreflect"'upon you. paatea'6rdlaauy>innre-beaslon, sndleads to.tlw belief that• two ofyou at leant have been Influenced into awninga declaration that yon nave not carefully cona l d e r e d . '•.'. ." . •• ; • : • ' . . •• •'...• . - .

company of people on Tuesday evening tovitives the entertainment of tiie children ofth'o Junior CuiIsUou Eudeacer Society. I t

a an entcrtainmont of tUelittle foUfs.aDdcbarmingtotlioeiid. That all«em delighted waa niaulfested by tbe heartyippliiue that greeteJ all their efl^rU. Tbe

greeting and farewell aongs were olcelr ren-ttorod. The VilUgQ Choir was wndared Intwo scecea—the flint a tableau and the locond amedley of tbe songs of the olden time, lathe11 Wise and FOU1.AU Viiglm" ten litUe gitlsilluatrated tha well Irnotrn ji.trable Tery pret-tily. l l King Copbetua aud tlie Boggar Maid,"ilepicted wltb force the princely honor to thelowly maid iu tbe presence of a gorgeous court,»nd " Uttle Boy Blue," revived the nurseryruynio with very pleasant surroundiagt," Keeping Timo " was a very marry concertexercise tbat provoked groat mirth, and anorchestra of l l t tb boys and girls with paperboms and cotnbi, accompanied by drum andtriangle, Into rape reed the solecUnna withquaint and not unpleasant music. ILIlas AnnieCoe anng Tery iweetly tbe sola, "Twinkle,f i c k l e , Little Btar^Prentissde Veuve Ron*recited "Tlie Dlue and tneQray" with Ulllogelocutionary olTect for H boy of his years, andthe sons "Polly HopVlus and Tommy Tom-klne," wus sung in exijuUlte taste by MissBertUa Rlohardi and Master Ilaymond Wli-drlck, whowereai»prouriateayco8tum«l. The

Ji Uirougtiout wero vory pretty andadmirably adapted and tbe groupings ware aogood that In every scene just tliedetlred effect -was produced. TueUUIefolluwhocoatributdd

were ttietea Uabel Buck,Beuie Coe, Louie Courtney, Jmnle Jeakloi, 'Addle JCanouae.lIeieaaleeker.BadleRicliaroa,Mabel Waer, Laaa Buck, Daisy Bennett, Kutb.Bennett, Pauline Danbam. ilatUo Frooman,Haul (llbaon, Karsarat Qray, Clara Otto,Floeruce Blmeti, Mildrod Olbsou, Grace."ltlcharda and BerUia Drummer and UuteraHorace Duuham, Fral. Gibson, Alfred Harris,Horny Jobnaon, Uusull Bammla, OaymondWoodbuHondAlflckBinnett. The whole WM "uder tbe direction cf Ulas Hattie Halloway,

who nt tbe conclusion' was warmly anddeservedly congratulated upon the charmingsuccess toot bad IMCO accoraoUshod. i l iwSue Crlttendoa rendered cQIcieQt aid in the .training of the orchestra, A neat sum was

A Most flmweaef al Affair.A delightful parlor entertainment was given

Monday avodngat t ie residence or Mr. RobertRichards, on Essex street, under t ie capabledirection of Miss Annie £ . nicbards, for tbebanofltof 8 t Jobn'B Pariah House.. A verypleasant company oC people « u usetubled,and they enjoyed i t heartily treat, beglnalcjjtoend. The introductory feature m i a nicelyarranged and intermlng soriea-ot magic Untorn views, and af tar that came a number oftableaux, Interspened with musical and liter-ary features: The tableaux Included "BlueB-Ard't W T M , " the "Bacbfllor's Broam,"" liberty Enll«bt4mlrjg the World," the " FireWonhtppers,'1 "Qoesip Over a Cup of Tea,1

the l( Old Uald," tba " Cbosen ot Charles V,1

from an old painting, and "The UnfinishedPrayer," all of which were artiitlcaily posedand elegantly oostutood, and woru l d dIn by aUlBsea Clara Richards, Bll ,

Jessie Richards, Lulu Bhafer, EdlthlUcbards,Josephine Csnnon, Maud lambert, FlorenueS b t M i R l d l D B

pSbeote, Mwiau Dr. Bougn nnd

l l U ll, , g

Hobble Richards. Tho musical eeleoUons, allof which, were rendered moat excellently,' om-brsoed a piano solo by Miss Emma Simpson,Vocal solos by. Hisses Uartia Gage, and'Uarlan'Richards, a duet by .Bdna Tillyerand Marian. Hlohardg, and choruses 1>yHand Lambert, Florence Bheets nod MarianRichards, concluding with a charming goodnlgbt aong by UIB litUe folk*, attired |n nightdreeeea and bearing candles, . Er. Ilougfa, ofHookaway, demomrtmted fla* eapahUIttea aaan elocutionist In two renditions The succeuof tho whole refleou great credit upon MissRichards, the projector, ft&l the t i n ot *35waa realised for tba Parish Houw fund.

XtWaaXnaoMlXean,Tha meanett piece of work ever recorded In

these parts was performed l>y a paper calledthe Morris County Journal, printed at Dover.The ERA, of that place, was having some re-pairs dona iu their office and had oontvactcdwith the Joumaltodothelrpressworlc Whenthe ERA went to hare: their work done lattweek the Journal people refused to do theirwork because the ERA contained an Item tUat

as distasteful to tbe Journal's owners. Tblai about as amaU a piece of work as we have

ever recorded.—Deckertown Indepecdtint.'

' B» "Wanted to Seduo* Labor.When Mr. Smith waa elected Recorder of

the Town of Dover, almost bis Jlrst act lan attempt to reduce tha price of labor in awork that was already underpalil, but otherDemocrats acted with tbe Republicans In theCouncil and prevented lb Every working-man next Tuesday should vote for Tho*. Mal-ley, who has been a typical worldngraan and• workingnun'a friend. Lawyers do not gen-erally want •mall wages for themselves.

'< A-WorUngtoan1* Candidate.Thomas Halley, tbe Republican candidate

for the Aasetnbly In thli district, was born atBaskingrldje, on the borders of this county,went out tp work for nlrawlt1 a t the age of 15,lor three years carried a bod, awl then becamea m u o n . apprentice and learned his trade sowell that he afterward becamn an employer.He Is • typical worklngman and has climbedunaided the ladder to success. Every work-logman should take pleasure In voting for him.

The Closest Trot t lns Heat .In tbe free far all race nt Nashville last

Baturdaj Botallnd Willies was beaten by CIUEBU who likea a •olf-modo mati—or manKelile W. and VloH., but the third heat,]ofbon«tpurpow,Ilberalbeftrfc and Intelligentwh!chwutrottedlnS:ia,lsaaId tobarebeen conviction. Thomas MaJIey is a man ot thethe Qneat ever trotted In tblscountrr, aa there people. Give Iilm your votes next Tuesday,waa not the distance of a head between tbethree mares, when they went under the wire.TIo H. got the Beat, with Roeallnd Wllkes

: TbeBeToltAsrainstBmttli.There la no miitaldng the sentiment among

a great, many indepondunt Totera In thisTidnUy. They are going to vote againstTord D. Smith next Tuesday, Tboy roaliuthat the LAglslatura was two-thirds Demo-cratlB lart year, and with tbe new distrlctlon,giving still farther advantage to tbe Demo-crats, thni body to iuro t o be largely Dems-cratlij again tbe coming eesslcm. Hence manyDemocrat* who da not like Mr. Smith, batwbo would vote tor him it party supremacywere a t stake, will not do » now under thepresent conditions. Therefore the Issue lanarrowed down to & question of men, nod aabetween MoJIey and Sraltli there Is no room todoubt which tbe Independent voter will select.Halley represents tbe working and busineanpeople. His life bos been cost among themand he kuows th&tr needs. He oan feel a.greater sympathy for tbem, and con mereclearly understand their needs, than can Mr.Bmltb, wbo, to say the letut, baa never ibownmuch Inclination to fn* tern Ira with thawwhom Mr. LInooln used to cal l" tho commonpeople." I t isn't a question of politic* thisyear, but a question of men, and Mr. Halleyshould have tbe Vote of erery Independent

U o n l t County B*U Esta te .

Mcond. Kellle TV. won tho race.

A a Election Day Bide. •

Following are some of tlie latest transfers ofMorris county property: Archibald Apgarto John B. Fennoll, Morristown, consideration

leave tbat ctty for Morrlttown

the bardlmt riders or ths club, and a ecorcbto U»KiK.«.onIIoviaBwm b» the xesa.t. Theteam bavtng the greatrat number of menarriving first, calcalating b j polnta, will en joy :their dinner at the expente of tha otlier team.

ItwIUc«ityou nothing and 'vrill surely doyou good, If you'have a Cough, Cold, or anytrouble *iUi Tbrmt, Chtai or Lungs. Dr.Kind's Kew Dlacoyoty lor CotuumpUon,ConghB and Colds is froarantMd to {dvo relief,or money will bo paid back. SutTeren fromLa Grippe found It just tho tiling and undarita ma bad a speedy aad perfect roooTerr.Try a sample bottle at oar expensa and loamforyourwlf Jurt how good a tiiag It la. Trialbottles free at Robert KUlgotv's Drug Store,Dover, Orain, Hance £ Co1! Drug Htora, FartOram, and P. K. Jeakini' Drug 8 tore. Cheater.Larg«ri«s,fi0o.andJ1.0ll. -

•d, Washington- • " Ann

Smith Itownship, «2lfi i Oeo. PJenouPieraon, Randolph townihlp, fSOO; Jantea Q,Jacobus atid 17m. H. Jacobin to VlnoenlUonld, Boonton tawmhlp, ^130 ( Joan J .Eckhart and Itobert T. Bmlth to Anna II.Wtwtervelt,Rockaway towniblp, (172 { DatidM. CanilQo to Eugene J . Cooper, JeEtertontownship, 11,000; Emma Cory and Amelia T.Piercon to Jane M. Groro, Morris to wo, tTS \Philip RenletoCluu, I* EnU.lloiVjitrytown-tfalp, 1125; Wm. r . Oflborn to Wru. A. Weir,U t Olive townihip, |20O} EIIBH T. Eakeleyto Annie JoliDdcra, Uorrittown, <0W •, BrtBthVT. Burnett to Horaeo S. Tan Doyn«,Uont-Tillo township, |30 ; Edward Cbovj to JtunosA. Caw?, Psqithnnock toinwhlp, |J00.

p p y c R ojiestcr;" alarap with the light of the morning.j^onH«tett«rL«iOiSPkPlNy

BOONTON. - .Than was a meetiug of tbe Board of Trade

Monday utgbb ot last week In llnpldua' UaJl,called for tba purpose of dl*cujs1ngthef«u.-belity of tho board adTanclog the sum of bolp In s«uringasurroy ' "•:•r a proposed DBIT railroad route to oonoees >V**~*

with tba N. J . Central a t Bockftway. The -route suggested itouM go Uirougu towervilto, ••'•''Booutoo, Pftndpponj, Troy Bflla, and thenceto Caldirell, conneotlns; umBwhem at the ' .other end with tha Erie road. H r , H , 0 K e y 'iiolili, tha Hcarelary of too new .Lake Eopat- • " "oongroad, mtm then, and had a map showing'the different surraya of thii aactlan oC tho roada lnaJyaada . . TbexewaiafrMdlsouasIonaato when the new road would tmtorBocotoo, •. • 'and boir near the centra of the torn the depot '/••• '.'••could be located, and when the only possible v •route wa* suggested and that tba neir itatlori "would not be any .hearer the center of tha ' ,town tbsn Ue presont D., L. & W. itatlon 1>. '•'.ltdldn'ttaketbelloardbutatwiuttwomlnutei ' .to deotdaUut they did n t care to spend toe . > :twoUundreJdoUarBlorUia surrey when i p - ' • •'.'•.?parently the town of Boonton would not be* - ;'beneated any, and so.tba 0e«rebary;tMt i s w ^ i v ^Board, Mr. Wm, & Smith, was iottrncBd to :

notify Mr, Boynolda tbat Board did not deem". -' w •'•It advisable to lubicribo tba two buodr»4 , . \i

illara aiked tor the lurvoy RB suggested by '•' - -'Mr. JlejnoHs tbat evening. Thl«anbjeot •":;'/-,bulngdiipoiodor, tbe bilauue of UIDevening/;. ' . . . 'wasipontiadiwnsslDg'rallroAd mattenV tto ,--''-location of our depot being, tha principal v >..;'thouihU Mr. . Clanncs A. DeCwnp, tb* •Presldontof the Hoard of Trade, l i » gtv'ea: !> .;this loms Btndy aud bad many good Bugged-: • -'.-'Uoui to offer, l ie thought, as did othen ;v"-:prestnt, tbat If tho toirn would tafte Ibis mat-'' \-~^:terbfaand; and had soiiTCtUivg(wdtooirar::^:'^:tho railroad, and by a united action on behalf 'V- •.of Boonton we might be able to grt tha rall>-';.;•,'.-^in>ad oompwiy to do BonketUng in'thD raattei* l-'^f--of locating our depot fn tbe can tar of tbe town;. •'.-.-'iTbla led to the Buggutlou tbat the Contmlttaa -.:. •• • ;onKallroad»,toeetliW.iirlUitii» Pmtdont of.'v',:. 'tho Board of Trada try to have an Intarvbjir. : ' ; '1with the D., L. & W. ofSclals and ondeartr ; • -tohava the civil engliwer ot the road, Mr.-'/:-•.:Unrub, to coma ben and give bU views as to-. j '^:1 .where would bo tbo most • desirable place to '••:-.'•',locate tbe depot, and then tho town would i v ; :probably more in tlie matter.' Tfaliiss-step: •<-."'in t ie right direction, and by a nnl td effort,,-;..:': •'on the part ot the people It seems a probtla ; vthing tliat' tba D., L. &TT,BtaUou may b e , ; ;7located lomewbere nearer the centw of town.';:' ' : '

Tba Cabinet b u held It* first mooting-1or th*:' •' \ -season and elected-oBloen for the coming ' *,:rear, .Hint Vary B. J'enklns was re-elected '.;';>;,Jooretary and Samuel Davit TmniKMV* Tha -;-''-'"

:ntifB Committee cbosca wereHr. Coos.'-:v•''.•'•,A, tforrli, Presdeut, airs. B. C, Jenkins, Hlsi ' "Cora E. Hammond, Mr*. CUa. L, OooJIt aad',, . '••'U>,Ghae.Brock. The commtUe* appointed ' • ;will arrange the aubjecla for the oomlng Wla- ' } 'y\'u-meotlnga. , " '••••;•• 1^;"-"';l-'' s v

I U T . Thomas Carter and Elder ; Enoch '-'A-1.'Hammoad, of thePreebytariaa Chsrob, at--':-,"v'tended the Presbyterlna Synod, In aeadon at>-~-;'':Long Branch. ' •'• , ". • .-•.'•-•• . .•^. ThoY. P. 8. a K Societies of New Jens* , - \ ^ •

have hail iiuulo fur their m a , at ittetr Stata / v •.. '••'•meeting! a good-slied banner whJoh bal been4 : '•'. \-completed and was unfurled for tbe fint time ..'.:•'.'• '-•a t their meetings in Newark the latter part ot v - .;:last weak. I t is something now IndMJgn; i t - ' -v "Btriltw mo, and decidedly odd, but very pretty*' • •Itlamadeofwhita sJlk, about five faethlgbi : •<•'.tint with the poles and trimming* it will : .irtand nearly twelve feet high, I should tUnk. ; -. ,• ,There are borders of golden lace work around* i',-'-,-it, and tba fringe knd tassels are of tbo tame '<: \gold tlnW. Down In oao corner U Urn mono- f •'.";gram of tbe societies, while about pi the cm- ' ; 'Vtar, lu lottera of blua and gold, a n tbe initial* • . 'Y. P. B. O, E,, Kew Jorecy: The principal '; ;'featun. of the banner Is tbe largo number of - ,«mall silkbadgea that are attached to It, ono •'•'••from about every orgnaltaUon ta the State, : : -who were requested to Mnd them to ths State- , ' : .Secretary, Mr, Halsoy Hammond, of Boon' -• ,ton, who hed the making ot tho banner lo ".'":

charge. Tboy ore of all stiea, shapea andoolora Imaginable. Notwo appear to be ex- , '•:';''actly alike, and yet the colon aro so mixed ' - -together, andarrniigodwnlcely.thatHmake* > .:>/

Tery pretty banner. ' • • "• :. . ."jIn connection vritb bis fish and Tegetable /:•/''

market, Mr. Qeo. Galloway bat opened • <-!- •:

U L L T O W K A » D TIOIKITT.Mrs. David Ulller is convaieMlug nicely,.

the skillful treatmont of Dr. 8. VT.

Miss Eva B. Cox has returned to BummlL . •Mr. Cbas. Ford and family, of Middle Val-

ley, were the goeeta of Mr. TJ300. E. Cox andfamily last Sunday, . - >.;

Mr. William Heniorwn spent last Sunday •wltk his parent* here. , .

Our tMobers attended the Institute at Do*rer, Thursday and Frioay. A good Umereported. We have a live Superintendent;.one who is a practical teacher and.a wide •-awake educator. Uorrls county scbools are .

rwsinirnDdBr his skillful anperrlslaav' • '. P. M. ChunberVain boa soil sir hlgb

Kradebicyclealnaboutaamanywesks. Haw 'Is that for sales I The girls begin to looktour. The " eatetj" ii taking itw plaoo ot the"buggy" aad two can't ride. Beef ' -

Did yon attend the concert lu tbe CoDgrega-tionalChurch.atCbeaterlastFridajevening! ,No Then you missed the best treat ever ';given In Chtater. The music, boto vocal and'lostrumenta), .could not be surpassed. Mr. •:Banderton, of Uanistown, rendered splendid-Hinging. AUacquIttodtbemselreewItbcredltV:to thoawclto* andto the town. About $70 ,was taken in. The newly deoorated interiorof the church waa worth the admtsdos fee toeoit.Rev. Mr. Anderson, a student of Drew

Seminary, preached a very able sarmon IntbeMilltown school house lastBanday P. ic.Wos&buldbe ploased to have Mr. Anderson.•'-with as again. , '.-

Someof ourjoungmentalk"West." Roys,-'ant.t»Teyoui"ni«iiiM," '.More red-tape, Nov. 3d. '•'• : '..'Our tST to Hon. Horace L, Dunhsin, your

popular Mayor. He has. vraveti hlmmlr to be, gentltman and a ' ' " - -trustworthy ofllolal


Husband and Wife . ; lbare more than once been saved by the timely;use of Kemp's Balsam for tha throat endlungs, niter all other rnmedleBlnvB been triedin vain. Tlie Balaam stops decay of the lungsnod corea (afluenm and acute mid chronic- *caught. There" Is no other tnedielna In theworld that acts eo prompily, certainly none ;•that does ita work, so Uiorpngtuy as Kemp?Dalsam.' AU^ruggista wliit . LorgebotUes

Page 2: SUITS, Wama at, Beit door lo " (aarj'a Can." - ' Balr Oaula c aa< Uaapaalu Jvurt received two carloads o! Bedroom Baits';

THEThe Dover Printing Company






Tbe Mori Is County Twii-her's Institutein tlie public school builillug in tuiB i>!acuUnlay for a two d&jn w.iuion. Tlio largemanin which they root was neatly decarnti<dhouse plants aud on the trail ut tbo rear cf theroom, where all could wo It UA tlmy «tnture.WOB Uie word " Aroleonio." Tburo are RUII110 toaeiiora ia tbn county mil uf tbat IIUJIIIH

The meeting wns called to ur.Itir l.i CountBitporluUndent Coojwr ul '-*:'•''> uYliick. Hu'Fred. Bloom, or Grace M. K Chunli, wlioIs also District Clerk, oj*ncil ibo intetingreading a jKirt'oti of tlio Scriptures and of-fering prayer, aftnr whirli tbo twicbors Juixiin sinking.

After tlo singing Hujmriiitemli'iit CIIUJIIntroduced Prof. Austin C. A|>j;ar,«if tliu NiJorwj S La Ui Nonnni Sclilml, «bo Utuk fm11itilijoct " Uow tlio KleinciiLirj SiHfiiewi hbouhe taught in the I'liMIt? HcbooU" Aiu-rgeneral talk for a filiort time he tik.k uu tlstudy of true* JIo said tbat ho t augh t tinbe could not take a more npjiropiliuo hiil>j>asthero were at least twvotity different kniof. trees In Morris and morotroct* tothobijuumllo tban any other n.unly In th>> Ktutc. Iwent on to say tliat ho hnjied [hoy would ntbiDk that teaching consisted merely in poringover books nud telling tlioir jiujiils of otllauds. They nhonld nlsn k'Jieb them m kna thing wliou they see it and wptdnlly if tliatthing happens to bo in tlio I tu mediate vMnit.v.lla showed how ucceannry treea ivcr© to tinwelfare of mankind In goieml, tbo JiiTereukinds of trees and tbo eiitterout purijosos t(•which they wero put. Ho tliou explained thidifference in tho leaves, hud.H.ljark, wiji^hiijnofthebruncLo',et<;,,liitrwM(j|(iiirort'iitl,IntiHHo WBR liiUiiicd to with rapt attention ft-oubeginnlu^ to end. At tlio cimclusjou of bintalk Trot Augnr Infornitil tlie teachers tbat

to convnsB for any books, but liu bad writtcia book on trees with uvery MiicuUllc wonused iu tbi) book defined on two jiag^s. Itold bow tu dlsMiiguIili any tree in luo North-ern Unlt*il titatcs, East of tlio Kocky MitaJnabyliiu bark and leaves. He tliyiigutpably worn ,>f the tenders might wtuit it so bobrought u few along. Sujit. Conjior RUVO thoteachers « few moments to exnmiuo tho books

After fi-cera the roll was called and thenProf. 8Ilu« T. NefT, I'Hnclpnl of tlio NntlounlSchool of Elocution and Oratory a t Ptiiladdphlo, WOJ Introduced. Jib subject wai"ttUtorj." lio linudJcl tlia Btiljuct in nmutorlv way and showed clearly tbat bo onsmaster of Ul» prufroalun. He gave the tench-en a great deal o( valuable advice ami toldthorn that ia everything, history included,thore must bo a concrehi liuis tobuilil on.Tlio reason a child ilooa not liko history Ia because it does not have a clear uoiireption. llystudying about a battle tlio child getstun facto but not tlio the teacher's place to rosko tho letson intoijoetlnR, to put cntbiiKlami Into tils or tier wto make tfae child picture a battle In bis mUnless this la done no one can bhiuo a chili]for not liking a study. Tlio kind of wen andwomen that generally succeed lu teaching arethose who digest what they lenrn and put Itinto practice. It is not a teacher's bua hieturn out a chilli that knows a gwxl manythings and at the same time it unable to tollwhat he does kuow, but to turn out childrenthat will make a SUCC&M of wbntov«r tliaymay nndqrtake. It Isatiiantalcriiiio to loachany subjoctand not uiakall>echild understandi t ID touching, omi should always give thochild a good Idoa of the luaan.somotbtugtuatwill bo sure to attract its attention a n i caufieIt to roniotnhor. Tlie secret nf a navel is thatthe author makifi you seek for i t in tho end.Tbs secret or any product of tlio liuinnn mindisthflti t is At tlio baso coucruU). He clonedby saying tbnt no child will over be ariiHjuntdyinterested whoso whole soul in not In bis orher work. Throughout bin en tiro Ulk thoteachers gave hira tho closest attention.

After Prof. NelTBnlilown Rup't Cooper reada numbor of changes tbat uavo been mndo iutho school law and then tbe meeting was ad-journed for dinner,

Tbe foregoing will givoagood Idea of theopening semfon and the work tbat in charao-terldtig the inititute, further <leatails of whichwe are unable to giro for r an t of space. Yea-tenlay aftcnioon Profs. Apgar and NfiT con-tinued tbe subjects tbey opened in the morn-ing. The former fa nlm Bpeaklng on tbe Mine•ubject a t both of tha melons of toJay, whileProf. Veil ii coiialdcriug"Coti]polatiou"aiid' ' l i te ra ture ." Tbe rrocwtlinKa aro of thogreatest intereat to all in nlUtuiliiiiPe.

YAK EUSEK-PITHiiY.One of the moat brilliant tredillnga ever

witnessed in Morris county occurred Inst oven-ing In tbe South Ktrat Pretibjlerlan Cbutx-iia t MonUtnwn, where Miss Katharine J. ]'it-noy, daughter of Vice Clianrcliar Henry C.Pitney, was united to Kir. Usorge R. Van-Duten, of Pbikutelpbla. Rov. Jobn AbbottFrench, of liong Inland, performed llio cere-mony. Mia Mary- Pitney, n sister of tbabride, was maid of honor, aud Joseph B. Van-Dusen, a brother of tbo bridegroom, MIU U-atmm. Tbe bridesmalda noro Mitta I.ucettaFitney Johnson, a niece of tbo bride ; JIIssDolllo Conger, of Newark; MIMI Helen Marshand Miss Alverta VanDutan, of Philadelphia,a strterof tho bridegroom.

The bride woro a beautiful costume nf whitefaille, and the bridesmaid* were attired inwhite over light blue, with pearl trimmings.The floivors wero chrysanthemums.

Tbe ushcrt wore Charles V. Blight, Char logTV. Vanli.iwn aud W. R- VonDusen, of I'hil-adelpbla ; llenjamfn H. Ix>wry and ilalilonand Trel V. Pitnoy, lirotbnrs of tbo bride.

Tbe bmuliful church was filled with friends.Among tb<>se present went Mr. and Mrs. Jos-eph B. VnnDusen, parents of tbe bridegroom;Vice Chancellor and Mrs. Fitney, Mi*s EttaVan DtiKt-n. Mr. and Mrs. JRIDM W. BtcUnn,ol Pbibd.lpbia; Mr. anJ lire. Samuel 11.Van Dus- II and Mr. and Mrs. II. 6. Lucas, ofNow Yoik city; Mr. and lira. Itobort lk>yd,of Fbllodi-lphia; Miss Maggie TonDnnen, Mr.I J . 8 . T\"hiw, Mr. Edward Pbllllps and Mr.•nd Mn. Townsond, of New York; Mrs. P. T.Wntklnu and Idlis C. little, of Oakland, Cal. iMr. and Mrs. William Dnrnlism, of Plilla-dolpbio; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hnistead and Mr.and Mrs. Jacob M. Ualskad, of New Yorkcity; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Flmoy, Jr. , Mr.Stockton Ilalatead, or llrooVtyn ; Mr. II. O.Mirth and MIsa Manb, Mira Hn7flltino, MisiBhaw, Miw Gamble, Mr. aud M M ItolicrtTurnbull, Ueut. Watts, Mrs. (Jillesple, Dr. A.A, Lewis, D, B. HaU'b, Mrs. Badlo Juhopon,Miss Richard, Miss Minnie C r M , Ulna Voor-bees, Benatar and Mrs. YotingMood, Mrs. A.Reajonsr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballentlne,Mn. Kinsley Twining, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. W.Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W. A . llalitead, Mrs. Mc-Coy and daughter, Minn King, Miss FlorenceSheltoD, Mr. and Mri. WilHam ShelUra, Mn.Hopldat, Mln Carrie Hopkins, Mba Wimlow,Mn. O>orge B. HuUngo, Mr. Vincent B.King, Jobn Marsh, Mia Gamble, Mr. andMrt. George B. Wjllo, Senator Oeorge T.WertssndMr.arlfTlth.

Tbe esteem In which the bride it belli andthe numerous company of her friend* wasBYldenced by the fact that »be received somefour hundred present,, ot great value andbeauty.

Tbe discussion nf tbe revision o( the Con-feaslon of Faith was resumed Monday morn-ing by tho Presbytery of Morris and Orange*,In tbe Sunday school room of tbe South StreetPresbyterian Church. About thirty minister*and lar deleRatn warn presant when thePresbytery WM called to order. The dls-ousdom were extended and oaraott and lm-portent recomtneridationa were mode, par-ticularly ccncarnlne the ijucatinn of tlcctinn

" 8 life.

Increased Ouial SoaWm. I. Fowera, Buperintemlent of Morrb

Canal, ban been for roma lim i lla boat building, so that the boats would curry85 tons, being ten tani above tbo average. Aaa nsol t of his wort , boat 737, Copt, S. Whit-more, arrived this week ittWni.BrOK-ii'sdockin Boooton, rritli stove coal, woigbt 85 tons.Boom for tbe Superintendent and lbs MorrliCanal—Bulletin.

Court Nowa.Tiu i .!^ ..f tho CampUll Iiintiiif

uud Man'f'E Co. vs. tbe ltocLjnvuy 1'tiing Co. u jury wus waived aud thu cwa «-aula-onl by tL.ic.iuiL Docisiou retiorved.

Thucoju of Si«iihcn VauDuyno T*. I.ymV.uiug «a» triod uua icniltcd iu a verdictfM tor tlio (ilaintlir. J. 8. Buhuoofor |i|niu-till, N. 8. KlU-Udl for defendant.

Tue i>ru.-«nliiioiild found by tbe Grand Jurywero us tolloud : Against Alpbuus K. I'iorEoiifur kucpin;; and con Jutting a fat houno oiWo^tern avenue, this city. Against JeiferwiTowHohlii CaintuitUii for wurking tho matnitb thoir own UsaniB. Agalnrt (Jo*i. WMi.inrJ Tor kofplng a iiair of Kales in t!jmblic rouil In Moutvlllu towiir.lil{i.

Tbu following odiitfoiial plvas to indi.

1'rauk Clulitrk, lan-uuy of lianiuoa uicbicU-uti rrum Jo^pb Cramer, not guilty.

William H. Krtackbauier, <•( WasUi'ugt*tAwikliip, assault and battery, guilty.

Prank Giillek aud Jam us Lowry, of IUdull ill lowii-iliip, larceny o( cluvcr iwtxl, n8ui Ity.

Tbnuiati Kdluy, diwirJerly b<mrii> hi Hu,|(>I]>li lownMp, Hiiilty.

I'*ilor TiiTiu-y, dUurdurly buti»u hi llai

l>urM Jjuruo.f, <if U'aHliiiigtiiu tuH-nitlil|>, Ii

(k-u. K. Wd-.r, dihunli-rly buiisu, MUIIIWJU,guilty.

tory, h'ltRuilty.U'i|].V«rtiii>Lii,.li»>rd.>rl.vtioui«atMcCi

vlllo, n'trnrtitl lilsjiluanf not guilty and pleadguilty.

Jnirii'itH. JXJI-M nud J'rnuk Uuliik laiif clover st'isl, iJeail tint guiliy. Tho com-

attjinrnt, nnJ Imtb W{ ro a<f]Uitled.Frtmk Uulii-k, stealing u wtt of hariiPhti urar(.mtiMull™, ltMi<ln|f,b toniihbl|>, wnafound

fiullty.sqih VanfJnkii.iuillctetl for assault and

battery rutractcd bU pk'U nf not guilty andloft'l guilty.John Ki-lley, nf IJover, outuml a pit

guilty to ti.u i-btirgo uf kei'iilnj; u disorderly

tncs ll'I,':iiry, of tbo nainu jjlaco, cburgi'dwith tlo sainu nlTuuce, .'literati II plea of notguilty.

Kii-bunl Chapman, <liHt>rd«i']yh»iiMiat ijik\i\ia\eong, rotruuttil hi-; plea (it iiiitguiltyn'l pkad guilty.Tho taw, of Win. II. Laeuy, of Monist<ir arson, ocmpiul tho attention of tlio Court

yrstcnlny nml the jury went out last nlgut.Tho fullowing persons woroindlctetl forrlot

Tlii-7 (tri! nil tit fitnnluy anil connected withtho Huv. A. C. Hill trundle: Frank MolTett,t 'rci. Tuft, Jmnos Travis, Heilwrt a. Torroy,Antbnny Hi'liuuinohcr, Orny Torn'i I'rcd.

Altrahnm Cooper, Jobn Ferris. Tlioy all ploodA guilty ami guru bcnil!)tAia|i|)«ar on FridayunilnK.Aim Tell vn. Wm. M. Force. Off for tbenil on aMdarlU xhowmc tuo f uablllty of the

ileloiidnnt to lu pn-scnt liocnusoof Hcvure111-

TBOV H I L I . 3 .Mlaa May Gocllor, from Now York, w

ban beou tjidnJing the pn^t two wo&L's withMIM Mnry VonderholT, bau roturned bo mo.

II. 0 . Slit'lly says tbo cider !m8inesa n•ver NO liriet as this Fall. Ha average l,fiihliels every three days.[A>Q. KighUT has UO bronclio liontoi pastur-K for Murtlu B. Monroe, of Morris 1'lains.Communion services next Sabbath morning

in tho M. H. Church at Partlppauy. Preach-ing l.y tbo Elder.

If you wkb to uee us HUB large apples asgrows In any State call on ABherDortuiusandHe will abow you with a smile some he has onixhlbilion, grown liy Thomaa Pollard, ori'ar-lippaiiy. They are stimply luimonse.

Itevival MfTices every Sunday uigbt in theUI, E, Cburcli. All are Invited.

iL-eiiiH thai Wmluy Rotuhie bos gone In,lia cartiug IJUJIUCIH in dead earnuut. A collm We»loy will insure oTcrythlng done In bisIUB with tieatoeas and dispatch.

On last Friday whilo Wm. 0. Bates wasreturning from Troy llilla to his residence,and oppoaita tho school liouae, lila borso be-

aino frig lite ned by ouo of the scbool chlldron,hrowing Mr. BnU>a and carriage into tham<!li. mid iii fuct almost wrecking his wagon,•ut fortunutHy Air. Hutcs cscnjiod without annjury.

Tbe (djjbono has lwcn removed from M. R.utitJit'B Htom a t l'ursipiiany. Wo soo nonsou why Uiia should be dons, forono is

irRuly in ileumnd at this ]tciut.Thomai Pollard cams very near nieetlng

with u wriuus accident on Monday night,when his wagou collldeil Into another oue

wned by lluxuW D im Tho sliafUofMr.,'ollurd'M wnf-on wero broken, but fortunately

D otbor ilamago wni done.We lenm tbat Win". Hopjiing camo near

invhig a runavay witb bin groy iiiuBtanj; lastwivk. Hut tbo animal won utopped beforemuch dnninge won done.

We me not any advocate for tbesale of rum,it we w i o over ji)eased to learn of a llceuie

being granted to John Martin, ot Wlilppauy,last Friday. This hotel w&i formerly kopty hlfl tut bur and him a widely known reputa-ion, and wo uin tufuly wy Jobnnv will lookell nfU'i- UID wautA of bis patronc and an>t-clatu hotol In Whlppany has long t>oen a

Wm. C. BaUs can boast of the fhieat Heldf ttinil|w in tills vicinity. Ouly taut Bpring

whore those turnips were grown, the groundwas nothing but rocks, and through the un-tii'lngelTortsandlshorofFred. TouipkinsthisHeld is now almost a garden. And It 1§ well

•nrth ubilo to call on Fred, aud he will Hbowon with mi a i r of satMoctlou, tlie huge

nouldcrs of rock bD has blasted and runiovnt. till*field. ScTcrjalnd, Fred,l.y ib»innte>f your Inbor we nball know you.

We ooUreil last Babuath one of our HalBuy->wn riding would-be farmers with bis hiredmn pulling turnips. Let mo Bay, right here.

kVolivoln a Uliristian community, and if ain has nn nioro regard for tho Hsbbath

.nan tliln, why chnuld wo hnvo ifgard fur

Tlie Kj.HiirtL League will bold their Dionthlymmess niMtUug in tho 11. tl. Church on Fri-

day evening, Kor, intb.Bow tbat tha gome law Is up aa all game

next Alondny, It IH welt worth wlillo for the>vora of this sport to call ond BOO John Ailam-m, of Wblpimny, to escort tbem around, forsi* widely known as our hunter and guide.


OIILLBEOOK.Pat Hourrlgan, the now hostler at tho Wood-

ort Ilntise, WDS considerably Injured by tbeick of a horso last Runday.Tho two year old child of David VanOrden

was badly btimod the other Jay, by fallingInto a nail of hot water,

Goorgo Tallroan, of Oak Hid go, has startedhoop yard at Woodport.1'eturDuebtusolJ out bis personal property,

it public Hale, nod wilt relinquish fanning tomgage In another branch of business.

ll's etraugo that so many ask, " W a y does>t«*o. Ilourrlgan seem so oitramely pleasant]Ow-Q-dnya I" Why, don't you know 1 A 10

nnd boy ia tbe auwt uf ILIVe have auotber now noighbor. John

Ramage has moTod Into oao of JohnsonChumberlain'a houses.

Tom Bmith tan returnod and wilt make hisonio ID this place,Tbe Mis>H I.ily and Julia Hyde, of Xewton,

re vtniting their mother ia Hurdtown.MIw Josle Btight has returned home from

Htiwburg, N. Y., where she him been visiting'riends.

Kamuel Flatt Is sLlll conllne.1 to his bed withicknws, but wo are glad to hear la Improving.George Cailngban has hia new barn com-

pleted. Borne of our people ore trying to raiseninney to roof and otherwise repair the M. K.Church of this p l a n .

PORT OKAM.Tbu masons have commenced work on the

Knight* of Pythias ball.James T. Spargo contem plates building an

addition to bis house and U digging out thefoundation for tbe same.

Joseph Kaiser's new houBe on Main street lanclosed. Abu P . C. Buck's is enclosed and

ready for tbe masons.Oram, Hance & Co., are baring a steam

ieater put in position to warm their store,Bamuol Pemin was i[UlU) severely hurt whileI work In theMt- Pleasant mlneou Tuesday

>i this week. He was working ID the Ho. BHink," and was under a platform that con-

tained about three or four tons of ore, when Itsuddely gave way, strklng Samuel nod inflict-ing an ugly gaih on the back of tbe bead, andalmost burled him completely. Had It notbeen for tho quick atstataiico ot his fellowworkmen ho would have smothered In tha finere.The Luxemburg Llhrary Association gave a

nna entertainment on Wednesday ovenlng hutIn tbe now brick mill.

We hear a goodly number from this placeLttendm) the I'ottcr-Wright debate In Dover

on Tue&day evening, and we bear that friendPotter look tho cake, aa being best man.


i the EHA.Assemblyman John V. Post was in town

Thursday last. Although there U uo doubtabout Mr. Pobt's re-election on Tuesday uext,still every Republican voter in this districtshould consider it his duty to not only to go totfio jnllH and voto, but to M « tbat bin ueljfhborIocs tha satiio, tUat we may roll up a largelonijillraontory majority for eucb on elllclcnt>fllcinl H.H Mr. PoHt has proved bimwlf to be.

Proparatloaa uru hoing made for a grentliootinR coutest in Deuvllle ou Thanksgiving

Day. I t in bald there will be target shootingfur turtle* and chickens, aud clay plgishooting in abundnuce.

Hundrtdd of buahala uf applet In thb vi-cinity are rotting under the tree* bccauiw tbe

icooffered ia not Bufllcient to pay for pickingand carting to mar tot.

Mr. Joseph Moan b u ugafn engaged Ia (hirwp liusbicK* nnd will omploj iwvei'ai meturitig tha winter.Crane & Devon, of Rocknwny, are doing

Quito a number of young people from heiattended the amateur theatrical pvrfonnaniat Horrlstowu ou Wednesday evening last.

MIBS Maggio M. Crane has retumod honeafter a visit of several weeks with friends atNewark.

Mn. JI. A. Kipp.of Tabor, will siwntaweeki with friends In Nowarli.

Mr. Arthur Cablo is visiting his nixter, Mn.teptt'ii Dlckerson.The season for hunting quail and rabbit will

emmonu) on Monday, when tho law abidinghunters may hunt for what Is loft. X.

Tbo JUiv. Mr. Bullard, of Par*i[>i>any,preached Iu the Presbyterian Church hutSunday.

Tbe Mite Society met at Mr. TheodoretsrcW this wrolc •Ourffnrt killing frost cama on Oct Ifith,

rblch Ii nncommouly late for thhi part of theountry.Mr. ClllTord He-loll'n hi font daughter tiledrt Saturday.Charley Hanvlllo killed a flu* gray fox

itcly, and h u bad it stuffed,Mrs. Oogcrty Is about to lears bar home

tere, and moTs to Morrirtowc -

DENVILLE.'J'iiu ilisilonary Concert at tho M. K. Church

uit iSunilof tivtiiinc proved a very pleasa)ulfnir. Tbe rhun-ti was coinplutiOy (lllfTbu jaiigrttuiiiie nkk'b vm Hrll th.wu BIappropriate to tho occjuion, coiihiekd of rt*ings, rccitutiiuiit, fiingiiig, oti\ Therucitatioiiiby Ibi- children nf Uie Bumiay Eolmol werencll rendorul aud tbo ilui-ts by tu« MissesUlanclie l'*vr aud Edith L'rann and by Mrs.D. U. Rigbter and Mr. Oeorge \'anOrdeworn vory line indi-cd.

Tli>> now rhuri'li l(?nguo cnUrlfliiiiiifnt willIw buld tbU Friday uvuning at the nvldenoeuf Mi. Uaniul Diikun^iii.

JAUlo Ubucace Howe, wbu WUJ au bodl.injured at Tnltor ggmo tutie ugo, was romovoito bis home in Nonnrk lost wook. Dr. I'oetor,n'bo has attended him, now cnkrtaiiia hope othis ultifiiato recovery.

Mr. Jtaujeiuin I-.wr, eon ot W. II. Peer,prietar uf the Dcuvilla huuiw, wba loft henturn* ten years ago with nothing but hia twostrung arniH and a brave heart, IN IIIIW a proe-

ms farmer and stock raiur lu tho greatI anil evidently not one uf tbe clnsi whoti

nnliinE the govumiiient to ail police tnont-y onthulrgniwinKcrorM. Mr. Peer, who is locatedou tbo North Flat to, Nebraska, in a recentletter xtatcs that he ban just harvested nearlyY2,'M) bn.hhcls uf ccrn, raiuxl from IWJacretnf ground, llo BIM wija Ills corn will not bemarketed, but fed tobls) ouug stock, of wbicbbo has at pre»>nt W head of borsts and num-bers bis rattle and hogs by the hundreds. U•eat, young men, go west.Au Itnllan Intttror 111 the employ of bwtloi

oreiimn J. D Codjwr went nraty ono dny lasout aui) HUH taken to tbu county |»>or bouse.Mr. K. U. Earla b tulle ring (rum a wv<

attark of neuralgia.isiiittsg mcu iKifore placing their n

bhould notu thu futt tliat Jaa. A. Uoodale,druggint Btiil Prcaidciit of Iho I'rolilUUoi

' illBhing oouipany, of Dover, lias eaid thatstatement iu thu ERA that he is tolling

scriptlon, is an advertisement worth |MH) tohim. Vfe are sure tho Ell A had no Intentliof nldiug tbe illicit sale of liquors, but Btrai

M0RRIBT0WN.Morriatown Lodge No. 1^1, Knights of

'/tlilas. beld their regular meeting on Fridayironing lost. After going throuab tbe busi-ness, excepting tbo cloalng ceremonies, n rapwas heard at tbo door, thu inner guanl oskedwho was there. In answar a delceatlou fromHonry Clay J-odge, No. U, of Uowark, andPlato Lodge, No, 122, of Orange, (lied In tbacastlo hall. After addressing tbe C. C.t baarose and in a very neat speech mode an od-diefis of welcome to tbe ofllcers nnd membersof Henry Clay aud Plata Lodges, after whichtlwy took their tmto aud tho lodge was closedn due form. Tbe doors were then openeda some strangers, after which tbe ChancellorCommander of Morriatown Lodge called onbe Grand Chancellor of tbo SUta, Judge Ul-

rica, or Plalnlleld, for a few remarkg, whichhe made in a neat and appropriate manner.Then the other oflloera were called upau and

lade urat speeches ia behalf of tbe order,fter which some songs were rendored by some

of tha visiting brethren ; also from Mr. Man*Held, a friend of our J. C. Next tbe visitor*were Invited to a collation at Mr. Piper'sHotel, whom tbey all went, headed by MorrisilrasB Hand, and after tho collation the visi-tors marched to the depot and took a specialtrain for their respectful homes. There werebetween one and two hundred present at the»Uation. All had a good time and one whichill will long remember. Tbe special traintbat carried tbe visitors hers and also tooktbcm home, left Morrlatotvu about l-'&i'mid:hoersand good wishes from tbe homo lodge.

A drummer for confectionery was In Mor-riatown Wednesday, waiting for a train andleft a valise on the seat. When tbe train ar-rived and he looked for bis valise it was gone.Itate Detective II. H. DobblaB at once tele-

nil to tbe Orange authorities a dcscrlp-Df a suspicious young man, and they

captured him, together with the missingvallso, wlen tbe train arrived In that city.Detective Dobbins and tbe owner weat downon tho next trulu, and Identified tbe man and

missing property. Tbe thief gave tbiie nf Walter L. Donaldson and Raid he re-

sided In New York. He In b-lievcd to be aerook and was locked up. The valbn resenv

es one of tho kind that drummers for Jew-ry munlly carry, and itia supposed that tbeilef thought It contained valuable* Instead

if imnilry Mmples.

Tba indictment* ngsinut Chief Ansay<n- Her-bert Gray Tomy nnd otlinr cltlwns of Btlrl-Inc. nhicli charged conspiracy and Incitingriotous outbreak* against Itev. Arthur C.Dill, of tbat place, have boon quashed in thawart*. Prcwecutor W. W. Cutler drew tbeindictmeuta and when lire prisoner's counEolmoved to quash ho declared tbat ho was no

ell satisfied that the Indictments were faultylat he nbmild enter a nolle proseipiiMarenal bquior went down to New York

and captured George UrookQoId, who jumpedhis ball from Madison. The Martha 1 askedhim U> come back and ho consented wltboutuiiy extradition papers. Mr. Rosa, hia bondi-

IB.D, caraa up to Morris town with tbe Mar-ia 1 and Hiirremiered Brook field to the Sheriff,

X . T . Z .

GERMAN VALLEY.Min Mary Dell, of Newark, apeut Hunday

at borne.Lewi* DufTord boa twen quite 111; glad to

noto be Is coavaleaclng at Uiio writing.Mr. aud Mrs. Itabcock, of RoHville, spent

lunday as the guests of Mrs. Itottlor. 'TholnBtallatlonBertnonsworeof an excellentbaracter, and the only thing to be regrettedaa tlio small atUindauc», owing to tbe veryluiRreoablo day. The cbolr discoursed beau-

tiful muftla, which was very appropriate fortba occasion. A would be critic informs us

it tho Lutheran choir will surpass anycountry choir for miles around. They ren-dered a beautiful anthem again on Sundayevening,' Mr, and Mrs Davidson, of Deattyfitown,ipent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Downs.

Jacob W. Willotthssbeenfortuoateenoughto secure a One building lot and will soonerect n handsome- residence thereon. SuccesstoourenergoUcyouDgmon.

Mrs. Arthur Gregory, of Brooklyn, bosbeen (pending a few days In tbls village,

Sir. and Mrs. F. D. Stephens spent Wednes-day at Lake Hopatconc.

The social and literary circle will meet onThursday evening of this week at the Presbj-terlan manse.

Mr, Tetter and Hiss Strubie, our teachers,will attend tbe teachers' institute at Dovertbla week. •

ML T. Welsh recently lost a valuable dog.Whether the dog strayed away or w u cap-

ired by tome one is & mystery. Heia unable> find any clue whatever to hia whereabout*.Tho weathor begins to feel more like winter

now, the ground being frozen for the pa«t fewiitght*. ^ ^

MT. FBEEDOM.We had something unusual In our plaoe but

Habhath evening. At tbe element Itey. Mr.IIollenBhed'a sermon he shipped down lu frontof the audience, whereupon Mr. Alonio De>Camp, of Drookside, and Miss Florenoe King,of Mine U1U, were united in holy wedlock,after which tbe happy coupla drove to thoirhomo, handsomely furnished by the groom, atDrooislite.

Quite a number of persons from these partswere ia attendance at court ba Wednesday on~ asea of Lowory aud Oullck. The former

acquitted without a defence, the Judgeordering the jury to acquit, the State havingfailed to moke out a cose. Not so fortunatefor Qulick, tbe jury finding him guilty ofpetit larceny and for.lack of bonds he was

Tbo schools are all closed for Thursday and iPridaj-, the teachers being in attendance a t 'tho Institute.

Quite a number of UM member* of tbo Y.P, 8. C. B. wen la attendance at tba Bteto

entlon at Newark on Saturday and Sun-

Thsoold snap with strong winds la* tnodsUifeelaBtbouRh It ware D*«mher weatherrather than October.

Mrs. Bowman waa abls to leave her roomFor tbe first time ID sit weeks last Sunday.

Bert Bowman bos returned attera week'svliit to Nsw York. . , .

l&iulre Blackford U spending a few daja InMorrittown. VIOL«T.

Tb* Florida B t t t a H*aUr,For Ulnatnted tdroolan stod to Praa. D.

BOONT0N,Tbo iii'W- library ro.iius wc-re ojieucd to the

oullic Muiiiluy i'viiiiui; inat, wLt-n a mvi>tlonwon ylvin Ly tbu otliixirs of the Ubau-j Aaso-clutiou. The I.HUH3 an- looaU-d iu Mr. J . H.

. w»- buiiiiing, m'ufly upi>oait« theint Cbunb. Thu luain rooui ia au the

tirnl lltMir uud id ilttird up iiktly aud bas avery invitiug npiKurauiv. It is lighted byehfLrieity. IJowmtfliru isauulbergood ub»d

mil, which can be put to sorua good use liyc asjociatiim as time warrant* it. It struck? tbat thin room could bo arranged witboujch oijiense for Bort cf an amuwment room

with goiuutj, suiii aa tbfl young fellJWS wouldlike to play—daiuintm, chackers, crokluolt)others aa iuteresUot'-soioBlbJiiB that willterost the young, and Uien in time, jierbeps,

asiuu, ou a uuioil basis to begiu• fltliMl up, and this would attract

young men, who BO em anxluui to haveBtartod bore. Au annuul foe could be chargedfor tbU ftiniiKeniout, which would help coo aid-

ibly iu juijiug tbu run ui tig expenwa of tlieu-K-latlon, t.iid while It would asiiat finan-

cially, it, at the Kama time, would be doing agreat dual of good lu bringing our young manin sucb a place. I bavo thought coiuddorablyover this gymnasium matter for some timepast, and have talked to HOUIO of our youngfellows about it, and thiire seemed to be butone opinion, and that waa that they would goIn for it, and hulp support it. Such an op-portunity as we now hare baa not before beenour good fortune to have, and it struck tquite forcibly that a gymnasium in additlico our library association would be a goodthing. Well, 1 have wandered from what I

* commenced Ui write, but will get back toAt tho n.'ceptluu Monday night quite

uutabor of new hooka were brought lu eud Idieve they now have about oue thousandJIUIIICH. I believe tbo Uilephaue exchange

Is to bo put In tlio library roam, and I under-itttid tliat tlio dh-octora of tUo OEBooIntion einaklng tn clTort to have tbs telegraph ofili

located tben* also. If they get both of theseIt will bo iiulto a busy little room. Mlea Mel,Uonlon Is the Librarian.

Mr. Tooko Htraker, who Is well known In[orris and Warren couutl&s in conuectlou

with tbe blast furnaces In this section of tbeState, ia lying critically 111 at his residence Iithis place, and there appears to be but smallbopeof hia recovery. Mr. Btrakor bos beenconBned to tho bouse altout a week, but onMonday noon was taken suddenly worsa byUie bunting of a blood vessel near tbe heart,which for a tlino flowed to freely that all hopewai given up aud bis dtmtli was looked for at

f moment. But at tbU writing (Wednro-r evening) ho remains about tbo Bame, anddoctors have but little bo[>o of his recovery,ter. lir. Pock, of Corona, L. I., occupiedpulpit of tho Presbyterian Church lost

Sunday In exchange with Rev. Mr. Carter.Tha eleventh anniversary of tbo Ladles'

Mleilonary Union of the Presbytery of ilor-rla aud Orango, waa beld in the Presbyterian" irch this (WoduetdftyJ morning and after-

n. Tbo nioroiug session conalsted of Jovotlonnl oierciRPH, remllug of reports and ap-polntlug of committees. Ati addreta WHSmade by a Wte Campbell, eubject, " I nMemoriamot Miss 8arali Seward, M. D., of[ i idk" Otber Ulks wera given by Miss AliceKoberteOD, cf Indian Territory, aud Mrs.

rthur Mitchell. About noou lunch wasirved in tbe chapel. Tup novel feature of

this part of the programma w u tbat eachlady, delegate or otherwise, brought ber ownlunch with her, tbe Ooonton ladles only fur-nishing tbo fruit and coffee. It must havobeen sort of plc-nlc fashion. Nevertheless, itie tbe plan they adopted at their last annualmeeting, and all soem to enjoy it. In theafternoon, after the opening exorcises, HissIsabel Dodd, of Constantinople, but formerlya Iloonton lady, gave aa Interesting address,aa did Mrs. Jamoa Dennis, of Syria. TheQuestion l)ox was in charge of Mrs. EarlGreen man, of llooutou, who should bo com-plimented for answering BO admirably thevarious questions that were given. After aiiymn and tha report on resolutions, prayerand bonodictlon by ftov, Thomas Carter, tliemeeting adjourned. Thoro woro present, Iunderstand, some two hundred delegates.

DIsliop Storkoy-conflrmedl some twenty-fivearsons at the Episcopal Church Wednesday

night, Aftor tbo exercises a reception wasbeld in the rectory.

Willie Hiler, eon of Mr. George W, Htler,of this place, will sail for Florida in companywith Mr. and Mn. Halsey Hammond, Nov.Uh.

£ . D. Estlor boa sold out his dry goods andgrocery business in the old Union store buUd-iLg to Mr. Joho Itlcliards.

Our public school teachers are attending theTeachers' Institute at Dover, the school beingclosed Thursday and Friday.

Tbe new pastor of the llefonned Church,[tor. A. DeWitt Mason, will begin his worksro on Hunday next, November 1st. -

MT. ABIiXHOTON. .Mr. M. P. Lows and family, of Morrlstown,

and Mr. James Lowe, of New York, ipentlast Sunday with Mr. J. II. Lowe.

Mr. Frank Uray, of Hew York, and MissesLulu Allenbrond and Mabel Mason, of Brook-



"Under tbo gratifying circumstances, tbe»x-Prenident looks, It will he oonoeded, ex-DA-X iDBiuDiia 1 . i i n i i l Utf UUIluHUcU, CMr

ceedlaglj becoming..-. Ha could celebrate thenappy event in no more appropriate fashionthan by purchasing a diamond ring,

Watch movement* of all the leading Amer-ican and Foreign makers. I would remindmy cuatomurs aud the publlo that I atn con.-Btoutly roploniuhinBr myutock in all lta dopart-uienU and they will always find something

BW and in the latest patterns and styles.Ilepairing of fine watches a specialty,WATCHES BOLD ON INSTALMENTS.


HAS a new and Icautifid assortmentof Gents' Initial and Stone

lyn, went guests of Mrs. H. P. Frothingham,it Crescent Lodge lost Sunday.

Mr. S. N. Hand has been ']uita ill, isnow improving under the treatment of Dr, V,". Ailait.

Mr. Jobn Doyle, of l i t . Arlington, nud HissMary Crouin, of New York, were joinad Inthaholy bonds of matrimony by Rev. JamesH. Brady, on Tbtirsday, Oct. S>th. Congrat-ilatlona,

Mre. B. P. Jackson has returned from her'isit to Newark.The craey sociable held At DrakeavUlo lout

Friday orenlng was a very pleasant event.Many of the young ladles wero attired In oddcostumee and wove nob Black In dreeing tlielrhair, though the four barrel must have uuf-

!red severely. Everything which the appe-te could desire woa there and a Messenger'aa present Ia Case you should need anything

From the Baker. Mary nmde a Grut-rate beg-and did exnwiilngly well, though Samnot dlaposod to Hand over tha penny.

This Is tba first crazy eodablo that h u 1nwnhold In this vicinity, and wo trust It will actis a Warner to those vbo absented tbera-lelves, because they thought It to bo Scheernonsense. Tbe DrakosvUle fairs ar« always

ill patronized, bu t this was tho King oftliemai], KCSTICATB.

Bucklen'« Arnica Salve.The beat xoive In Uiu world fur Cule, Bores,

IruiMM, THn-m, Rait Rheum, Fever floras,Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,and nil Skin Eruptions, u d positively curesPiles, or so pay required. I t li guaranteed togive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded." ice tweuty-dve cent* per box. Kor s»lo b jftohert EUlgore, Dover, Orara^ Hance A Co.«Port Oram. and P. N. Jensitu.Caeatm-.






(Next to Pardee & Clark's.)

Lctter i remainiDsTtiMOiBtBHerfID (he Post OMoe at Dover, K. J .

DOVER, N. J., Oct. OOtti, 1G&1.Mfs. Ed. Bratted (S) Adam Dlclieraon,Jamos L. MeErvy, A. P . HohneiyMike Hennraiy, Geo. L Johnson,

aa. H. Lorey, Emma Parson,lisa Maria Ryan, ' Patrick Rller, -

JoeBbafer, Geo. A. Sheldon, •*, ; H o w e W i l s o n . ' . ••••. • -

To obtain any of the above letlers say "ad-artbod" and give date of this list


HABB1BD.LEONARD-O'NEIL-Oct. 25th, a t t h e .

dence of tha hride'a Rev. R. L.Bteed, Goo. E.Leonard and Kate A. OKell,both of Panippany. • -=; - • •• ; > •

WANTED.An Indnstrlous, strong ard willing young

man, to care for hana and make himself gen-erally useful about shop sad place. One withsome knowledge of painting preferred. Bat-

FAEM HAND WANTED.A ruspoiwiblo, comp«t«nt man. Steady

plaoo; good par. Must bo a good mlltter,sober and industrious. References required.

WU. T. COGHLAN, Decorator,•: '• : • MorrlitownN

FOB SALE CHEAP.TWO I4OTS, corner ol Pascals St. and llyr-

tleAvB.,wltb fine burn and Ice house. The

Boontoo, H. J .

A Fine Lot of Young Cattle

FOR SALE.Consisting nf fonr Steers and five Heifers;

(toed stock ; fat.' Two Btaen have been par*^ ^ ^ ~ " ^ ~ * * T T*W "W , 1


60 or 76 Ooba OidW,!BarreiB

for Bale! ;APH.T TO

: KAH0DBE * M0I.LEK,MJill . • • • . ' • • D o r ^ . H . J .

LOSTOn BjudAv, Oct. SKth; l*twoen MinnlainV

depot and WooJpoit.'sTrolJ pin of ttie deaisnof a brokuu liuib, w i a e buttercup tn t uoeiit^r. Tbe iluder will bu rewarded by re-turning tbe phi, or ixtwiantion oonoornlnfr

ABENT8 WANTEDfn Morris county upon

"BUTLER'S BOOK."The autebiograpbj of Hen. Benj. F. Lotkr.

The saccssBfursuiiaQriptloii book.DEliliY & FILLER,

r HI) Church S t , How York.

KINNEY & BENJAMINfill occupv thebtore next lu Jaa. S. Me'.ldi1

_owa store on Sussex strcvt, Dover, and areready 10 receive orders for


draining andPapering.

They have Uid in an entirely new and care-fully soleetal stock of WALL PAPER.


J. HAIRHOUSEWatchmaker and Jewe'er,


with and withoutDIAMONDS.

Also the hlc&l in silverSNAKE-RINGS.

F" AU designs'al greally reducedprices this and next week.

SPECIAL attention given to re-pairing Jine It. U, Walchca.



tuay be found in my yard. I keep my stockwell protected Irom the weather and myprices are renflormble. When you are buyinggive mo a coll before placing your order,


BlaclweU"Street, Dover, N. J.



INCOHPORATBD SlAil«H 3d. l iT4 .

l-r«W«nt—HENRY W. M1LLKH.VioePraldeat—AUBELIUB 0 . HULL.HwiMtarj and Treasurer— U. T. H ULL

MAHAOBRBt[eurr C P.UB.T. HfRtT W. Miller.iaita«tas 0. Oauleld, Anrelms It. Hall,[•moinn o Har b. Philip H. Hoffsaan,Iliu. Y. Sw»u, U. O. Jobn G. BMtty, •

; Paul Ravere, " ' 1st, 18S1 . , : «l,173.10S,OO

•LIABILITIES.Ine Deposl^rs....11,0:91WI.91:(U«nited cipeoKiand accrued inter-cut on depositor*'f, -1 j- • .•. - 1»fConotsr»mJ»n.;! ;.< i - ' ; . ' . *;1st to April 1st, . .-r.:7,«0.OP' •. . i , , ;.


- «I,lT3,103.OOJntfreat U deolired and paid ID J ino»r j u d

July ot «M>h y e v tnm too prollti of th* pr»-vloai six months famine**.

Dapoilta matlfl on sr befoM the 3d days oljMatrr ,Apri l , Ja l7Ud October irawtniereat(n)Blh*inntdayiofsaldaoBthinapHtlTely.



WEDNESDAY, NOV. Illh.. T U B , ,; ' J;'.-i .

Mozart Symphony Clubof New York, andar tho dlretittoa' UJbL

Mario Blodnck & Richard Bteclver.The mtufcal works of the' z i«a t ' i n s i tml iy

Teat Bololats, In one entertalnmaot of pro-ficiency and excellency of artlatia mudctl art .

Mr. JOHN F. RHODES, -IVioLrtr VntTuoso.


f ••'" Coaiirr YiBicosn.





8igaor MARIO J3L0DEGK,• / „ - , , VlOLOIfCBLlO BOLOIHT.

Mr. HENRY STIOHT,....._ • DoDsucBAsa.-Tba programme abound* with Uie latest

musical novelties both ri«—4«i and popular.PRICES -•'- -' - -1 - 35o., fiOo. and 7TKJ.

' SKATS HOW OK BALK ATatiLGORB'S CORKER DRUG BTORE.13T Beat* mar t* noored by btepbom.

- I N -

Ladies, Misses and %


LADIES' " " " " 8* t0 9i

REGULAR PRICES 15c , 18c. and 25c.

• 9 cfs.11 "13 «


Handkerchiefs 9c. each.

Children's School Shoes.Child's Grain Tipped Button School Shoes, size 6 to 10 - - 74 cts.Misses' " " * " ;" l| " H t o 2 ;- • 95 cts.Youths' A Calf Tipped School Shoes, Button and Lace, size

1 1 t o 1 3 - - *••- - . • • • . - . - . - - • • • 9 7 c t s

Boys' do. <lo. - - - - size 1 to 5 $1.00





EVKBYTBIBU THAT 18 • ' ' " • . , . - , - .'




Ac, FOB, t •

Lais, l iw anfl M i .

Our styles, prices, assort-ment and workmanship

;•'; i;nV T?M,'; T,"!Ifv'( !

. ' .•••:.; p i ;?'!-':;--:: :: ; — " — - .


" 'WINTER .;;



DUNLAP, MILLER & YOUMAN BLOCKS; ••••. . ( N O W B H A D T . ) • ' -•"-• ' .•• .••••- '••••"•"••-•••-


Great Bargains in sec-ond-hand Pianos.6 Rosewood Pianos at

your own price. If buppick for $65. Come and

Wright Organ & Piano ManTg Co.,- TDcvxrjni*!«• a - : : ; : : ^ ^•. a-.:,




; STTSSEX STREET;!Bubber Stamps.ind Writing Paper, »ny book in LOVELL'S. . . UBEABY. SHEET KTO|O. Cigar.. TotfaooS"' '

-'•••J. . a n d MpBr iohf tn inOiBBa«; ; , r / - , - ." ' ; ; : \ ; . i,'^\['•:•'•<

i »»"3eeing is Believingmost be simple; when'it is not simple it fa'not good. Simplt, Beautiful, 'Good—j"C-mffit i *¥««•«.!.' -i—.i. A . * ^ _ irll<l. - T _'Jiw.

. j . — « « juuu . oiwyviT, jjctiur.I Words .mean much, but to see "'Thoi RochesterH%will impress tKe trutfimorc forcibly.'-.'All'itictal,^*.0"E\?P°r6eaniIcs3i and made in three, pieces only,*}iiiaaefc/ufr/y ta/eiuul vnbreaiaile Like Aladdin's

. of old, it iiindeed a f" wonderful lamp,1' for its mar- - -Ajyelous light is purer and brighter than-gu light, ; 4^Dftertlian electric light and more cheerful than-cUhcr.

Page 3: SUITS, Wama at, Beit door lo " (aarj'a Can." - ' Balr Oaula c aa< Uaapaalu Jvurt received two carloads o! Bedroom Baits';

Friday, Oot 30, (891.Eotond »l Uj, Port Offloe a t Doror. N. 1



Till engtoe bouM haa been lighted Ijv .loo-

EteUo, n ^ . T o w a . ^ : Pilu opui trorn 0*. K. to T ( • . • « . ' - . . j - - ' — ; . • :

Vote (or a ramw&tatf *a vpritVoteforTjionja.'iSl|o,i.%•;, 1~

U V i tothepolla

Samu.i CWraaoM hla L o w ou' W r l j SI,Uorrlatoim, to Wm, B. HalUda; lot

A Soclsty of CurMlan EudWor b u b«nmpuiijwi at Hie Cfcajhan, Pnibjlerian obapd

Bearing ic BUrp are* erecting a doublebouat on JtoJartan atreet for Mrn. Newman.

SMaj 9l»a»,,of Hbrrlatown, la inning a••rotom wriit; cauM by a fall from a blejoln.

LetevciT RepubllcaD coine out to vote nextTuiwUir; S S J

A Ono now 041 Follow', liall wasilallcaudat BlBb BrMja nn Thiir«Ly i,l,bt ol laatweelt. : . . . ; ' ;: James I . Decker, or Suarta, hat-gnaw!about 85,000 buabeU of apiilae thus rar thiiieaaon •

fthntuoitg l>rXcli janls, near Morris-town, bave turned out over 3,000,(100 IjrirkBthin year. >

A' new air pouiprewor na* beeu addwl <LUie equipment of the Willis mine, at Upper

» . . H l b » r n l a . : : . . - , - - • • . • •••••• • • ; » • , "•

After a liorao'io'iilue-yaara old awrlnklcomeaoutheflyeUdaBth.uppereonier. Tblait iutalliule.

Tha merry-go-round^ ;that was recently inDover clear*! #8,000 £t (Like Hc&atcong durJa, tt.aiioiv' >+:,•,. -pgT .;.

•^ U**' UMIain.. tie,. _ ^ j l m . . . i L « J l . j ill7"-...!.

1" jj&'E-iao^biu workmen - . . „ . ..-•ajt'a mine on tbo Lansing property "at Ox-ford,•Woxren county.

Tho Lackawanna baa at last put the ewer tbe Morria ft Ease* .divisionon tho public time tables.

iUUi^d.oUqi»Vt«,«9iil»»tbfttshould enter tlio car from the roar and leave

T b V a o e M e ^ & j i a a W R o f ^ Powell,'ofAllna'Sfli; w u caufledbyV collision,'and notby a runaway, as before stated.

Did you erer before pee a fall where tbefflowOTbio^e^.jti^doors-tiU October HOto..yrlttunjt J»|ag killed by. the troala i

The new residence being erected on Blacfc-__ well rtroqt belongs to Sir. J . Wesley BammfB,

and pot. to-Mr* Xron, aa before stated. "-Jos. Nesbltt, Jr., who kept a. market

South, Btreet, HorrWown.iiaado na assign-ment of his good-, and then disappeared.

When did PoiM D. Smith"" offer In the Legis-lature a (netware to further tbo Intcrotta ofbusiness men, fanners or working people f: AllluUroeteaiuthe1 rtpalrioiaHu« Kurd-townlLE, Churoli are requwted to meet attheohurcbon Saturdayorenlng, at9o'clock.

y e b a o e n d e l e a t e d t l i m u i i l i• the Uck of one; vote, , Dq bat let that stigmalief ypon J-OT, , Vofai for llallej iwxt Tuesday.* QuArterly Conferenoe'and prtJachlng by tho

Preeldliig Elder, Rev, B. P. B^mmond, p . D,,In pnirftowfc ;M."E.lCtjtiMii! iin Saod*y.; at

Thoa. UaUty can be elected wiUi the rightflort or^worf.iLet^s all—Reiiublleans andIndependent DenlocraU-work for It next

y , . .The JohnE^BeahlTaVNo. itt, will bold it

fatr In Urn IliiU^r OpWa HOUM on Thanki-^tvtog me wd-'TtaulttgWing afternoon naderenlag. .."

;• Ths Jou.iialhBianeitendedodltorlalabo'uttba "Ohuroh'atWtbo'SalwMi." What aboutthe "Church and thePragBtore," Mr.-Drad-

• bro*>lr( " '. .; i;;n:w

Beif-mtde, Intelligent and npsot, Thonui1 I W h y i l p w A t i j ^ ' d a ^ o f fna.pei.dent,

thou|btftl1 clllM j ^ ^ i d4 ^

on the lightly place bB recently purchased onthe extern!ou of NormiinclloFark, Morrlstown,

Mm. P, H.Tlppett's bnrao raa away fromlo frontof her bouso Wednesday, and was notstopped till at the DeUartplaro, on tbe Hock-away road, where he fell down. Tliecarrlageva i quit* damaged. '. , :

Tha.ladlttf auxiliary ot tha MorrUtown V

parlors of tba association on Deo. 6 th, 9th andlDtb.' All e-bHilt_.wmbe.oa_ea to the ladledby private individuals,;" :;

A fisherman deplores the scarcity of blackaj» in the Pequannoo River and attributes

It partly to the action of tlie Passat. FiahWarden, wbo depletes Hits etreftM for Uiepurposoof stocking others, y -

•William M. Force bis sold "Ida Uarvloa,'In Lake Uopatcong, to Darry Appletori Of6ibock, Charles Maoy and William L, Fendle-ton, banker*, of New York. They will wonerect handsome lesideuoes on tbe Inland.

A publlo meeting of citizens mu beld InKewtoa l a« Friday evening, to devise meas-ures to suppress drunken and dbnirjorl; per-SOUH on the Btreeta. It was decided to auk tbetovrnihtp committee to appoint om> or two


Every worklnginau will find a good friendi Tbos. Malley in tlia Legislature 'ore one, boa always beon one,

spouted by every workluginon vhim. Vote to send htm to Trenton to repre-sent worklngmen'a Interest*.'

Tbs place ot holding the eighth Annual ballr tbe Worrls & E_»_ Employee.' Mutual

Benefit Association has again been changed,and the ticket* are out announblng that itwill 'be" b«il In Beatty'g Hall, Wublngfa n,Thursday evening, JTov. Il>tli,

[lev. A. DeWltt Mason willbelustalledjJflttor of the BooiitouIUroriuedOhurcbon Thurs-day evening, Nov. 6th. Tba _Uv. Mr. Dana

"""," - '" ....." ri.~

tbeiN0p]a l^dSer;A. !A: King Will praach


AboalHTOO Wur*»lfwi bjtlifl amaUieat^cals ia Uorrlstowo last Friday ovenv,006-halt rf -wbisJi wiH.oome to 8t,>Jgbu'»Cnurbb, Dotxr. - • •' :- 'J • • •" : '

An elghty-fl»« foot-l jfeheriaut fiagpbls blul»eu procured bji the truateecof the Chathampublic ucboo), and wUl be platwl at Uie Iront(.r Lh« buitdicg " l ; r ! ; : ; \

The offJoa^LBow^aker 1B *O befrom l ie Tort Pram will to the'ZAisetnbut^nJl), aad not.Tloe, versa, u errooeouHly atatod

. byju.lMt>iwk(iiUil. & :^-ii'r <-VIlav. Cba-j,:R..KnlmaB, of Pfalladolphfa, a

oe{il)ew of Pev. Dr. Enlman, occupied thei l t M b M U H w t Uhtirch In Morrla-

: ."rTb^f)t|rwti of.W«w.Y"Tk," will M pro-i1uoirfljy,tbfl"^rerDraiiiaUo;Compat.y, forthe buwBtof tbi^&m^aMdc;™^W«ltierfay

. enatng, November lHtfi.p .,;• Our'ifamillar rort'Wdrria^ letter will be

nil«ed rrpmjta accurtomed place UiU week."D.-J." haibeeaWTtrelylll, but weni-ogtad

Tbe3^1Iit .^tro.t«n,t lwpnMiit MUOQbaa been loereaKd t<WH, and the faitMttlnieerar ifaada intliA world by a.trottar hai bean

ItlsuiooaaoaattaattbellBdiioii OommosCouncil coatampiate. tolapbonlo oorimunlca-tlon between the pnraping rtation and a <WD-t«|-poin.ltaU,.berm»b. j . .. # 1.; f )•);: Spottfmettareeotn'plalnlrLttbitrabbi^aarijp p l a t t r a b i a a jbeing killed off In great quantitica by therural shorttore, who JOB them'for an earlyTOMUat on NoTtM&ber l»t,

Krcto the poaltion of a humble wotklng bbyb) that of Reoordar ot bla thriving dty Then.galley baa prond himself a man aUtha way.

All guae may bo killed liter XovNnber l i tand *x tintf day.falli on Sunday, thm Vondayfollowing Will bee BporUiuen,'reaJand allied,

d l

Qlendardneri Law ind Order Society, afew nlgbta state, t r ea t s a dlK)rf«rlr femaletoadoMOf fraVtar.< Tha.vlotlmbelongedtothe Beam family of Foi B1U,

ThB "Rorfttway ManiJactnrliig CompanywmmaBoXaotureUw Brfarea'bloyden a»uio c ^ j ^ a A T h - ' - l i i f e r w)l^b»v,V,VInchfront and IX-lnch rear cushion Urea,

District ehould not bo oausbfe napping by aBUlUuQt.E»ery n+iik ttte.sliOoUBHthe^dflii aiict assure kr . ratVeiectJon.'''

Every voter who Is'opposed to tunjlBgtlieadatn oINow Jersey orar;to a oombinationof ejitrawgantrHodaofi"and Eiak politidlansBhould vote for That MaUeyneitTuMday..

.X'hp'rw'ieio'liging to Mr. E. D. H*I«y,'ofBookawBy, attauihed to » cart w d «nut»god, larepfUridgadam, waidroirned'.on Monday bybefng backedjbrer'tbe dam ard Into the pond.

Mr. P. O Hwgan'a HtUo son FredJlo'fdlfrom a e&erry tree In1 Which be wai playinglart S^terdaj voi broke Ui «rm In thftflbow

- joInCv*B« w^ttVf.'n^ Nnw'VOrtf foV tiW

HirtltB.aiiriliv^^o^/eTonInBat7:!» o'clotfe1.' I 'AuaadrtM Will b« made by UI«Clara Cuihuwui, a retomod Wmlonary from

• C h i n a . - - . • - • • ;

A footbalUolub'ii' h*Ja^ orginlEal by themambanof tbeUorrls Tennta Club, of Mnr-riatdwB.;: Ttey are now n g l i g game* TTitUtb« Flawing, Coluinhie; and SUiveaa'a.•IntU-totaolub*.': I.T;- .it, •'.•_..

TheWorrti Coiintvy Branch of lha BtataCharities Aid Association, will meet in therooms of tha Young Men's Cbrlitlan Awocli-tlonMorrWoWigfw W&JnwdflT Pafimbflr

ul carpenteraidUUldw.bJMifflEtoiUoicoatii.ot to bunda minaion home f or HiUIonalrt Kintny oahie iut'donlsit>:atEI(^ieIi!m. - Estimated costo r W a d ' i i ^ ; ! ^ ^ ; ' : ; ^ ; : ; ^ - : - , ; ; ; ; 1 " " - ; : .

Dfdanybody'namrof Ford O. Smith's Voicebelntt^rilied Iri'ihV"interest>i tha farmerswbea m»aauree tijql aaked /^rVern before tho

, - , _ ^ - - - t Graphite Company iinaving a new iwdcoimiiodloiui dwelling bouseerected on Ita property bear Aaron Matthew*pbicB-ViWiien tbhibA ikaanx'tncapiti byBitperln^dantlngham,.,. ," -.-,~-r!»

, Tlio unmoor of patients In Uie Morrii PlaliAnylum has reached l.WJO.

11 Anse » Decker caught a five pound blaiu__t Woodport tbo otbef^y.Next Sunday, HOT. lat, is Ail Saint's Day

one of the gi«at festivaL. of the ehorch. 'Dr. CummW new trick building glvra

promise of being a very pretty rtnicture.Let all KapuUloanB do Uwir f nil duty owt

'uawlay and Thoa. Malley wllj be elected.TIJB 8rat story of Pierson'a new double hulld-

ig will be of stojia, and the nexttwo ol brick.Helaon Tunis, of Wblppony, tee gathered a

second crop of ripe strawberries from hligarden.' .

[t la reported thla morning Uiat 11. C. New-out the place ol Y. F. Apgar.

u street

ut of Uie Prohibition: pulilUilngcom-pany, BO Mr. Bradbrook says.

The mun or »1,600 wae raleed to defray texpeosea of the AawmWy ikOl, which washeld In Uorrlstown Wednesday *vening.

A carrier ptgeon Sew to tbe resUence ofAbram Leach, Brooh Valley, a few day* ago.

riugon oneof lulogiuiarked.'B. O,,180M230,"

Every room In Uie Helliodliit Beminary -Hackettstowu bts been takau tbla jeai, andthe aeaAon promlwa to be the tIn Ita history,

Tba Cirgan recital a t tbe Doonton II. E.Churoh »lll take plaoo on Thur»d*>-evening,Nor, I2tb. Prof. MorgRU baa beeu engagedfor the occasion.

Hundreds of Indupendent D«mocr»t< arettllog to old la the good work of denting

Thonuu Ualley, and ovary Republican itiould> to Uie polls to vote, .

It U said Uiat Ford D. Smith liaagous outto look arouod among UIi couatltueuUi. Howmuch would they bare Been or Mr. Bmltli If hehad nut got trlghtonnl. . .

On Wednesday < tlia Ksscr Hunt had anieot" out fwr (re

from Uieru over towards Orange. * A lew nttbe Morrlatowu huntera joined tbo cluun.

crop or applea and coiiBenuent-lylarge prodnctlon of ddor liia created auinpreeedented domaud for canlis and barrelvbicti tiRB boon far greater than the supply.Goorgo Mill has tha otmtroot for erecting a

hit opinion It was caused by icarbolic ndd. A solution of o

appearance auch u would bo proJuunl by anordinary soluUoa of carbolic acid. Tlie luugswere murii cougteted and U19 cavities o[ theheart were Oiled with bloo I, whichcoagulated. Hu would nut Bay wbat Iwd

tuaed death, but taking the ouloi»/ In con-nection with tlie oimuinBtaiices of death bowould think Uiat It waa dua to a lethal dose orcarbolic acid. He could not Ray how muchWas used. If taken at different timea Itwould not have caused death. The strtnigthof t t e solution used, Is used hy physiciansevery day. He was of the oplulon that deathwas caused by aii o?erdoaa of mtbolto acM.What would be a fatal dnw dnpendson dr-cuuiBUnoea. At he understood It, tbreedrMbm* •wore inject**! Into Uie liowcls «tonce, and be would cunelJor tliiw draclniu adeadly dow at any time. He died in tbe sameWay that people die from carbolic add poisonIng, w laid down in Uie books. The utiii of" ' • Miller w.e red from head to"Gome other actlrapoiwu might lmvo producedtoe sane effect.

Dr. E. P. Farrow, of Pwniaek, teatlfled toasIsUng ID tbe post mortem und corroborated

the evidence given by Dr. Greeu. The organ,.of the body were In a healthy amdltlua, ex-oopt t ie ooogesUoui noted. He could notstate positively what had caused death, bull,

n .njwstfDn ot> drachi

point of water might not cause deaU), but bowould not proscribe It In that strength. Car-bolic add Ii soluble In water but will not mix.It must be stirred. If taken In sufficient quan-tity itwlU *IU s» well iu If (akeu nlouo, HowaacaUed but Mr. Miller was dead when he

nived themIViJliain Mlllor. the brother of the deceawd,

«tw him tha uight hit dlfd. Ula wife calledfrom tha oUwr part of Uia IIOUBO.was staggering about and said be felt awful.He tried to eject tho solution, but WOB unable." it inllW, and they tried to

He was BO wild that bB flew athlairlfo and mother. The witness beld him,apd laid h\m clown upon the floor and hiback dead. It Via not over fifteen inlautenafter lie arrived before ha was dead.

FrwJ. K. Jeiiklm, the Cheater druggUt, toldhow Buisnett Miller came to bla placeBatunlay before laut, Just before noon. Ilobought carbolic Acjd,, Uebadnopresoriptlou,Heasked foy tix'-UtapofwhiU of pure ' 'WUnam Balced It lie" wanted *iactly t!x*poouifuljahd ho Bald he was not particalar.

" " «told iilm tbat It would be about 1ounce and Mr. Miller took It. The druggistasked fahn If be was going to use it for a horse,and he, and smiled. He labeled Itpoison, and IJontHlod by ths label the botth

uf carbvllu ecld con-tains about eight drachms. He saltl be thoughtthere wai from 4 to U drachms In tbo bottlishown him. (tha bottle shown seamed to: boa trifle losatliAj, tulf full.) Thu add hwt»a about 05 jier cunl,. pure add. l-'ruquaiitiu remaining In'tbo bottlo beltioiiglu

y g,ill charge tho paator, nor. J. W. Conklh

b ] ' ^ d B a r ; A . ! A : King will praaThe services will begin at 7:

- - ;

baltjook place,in thiTVododyi j i

end was p a « p r ^ M pTltoaa pretrrt. however, won upon Intitaticn.'.thij yfar.UfjiatUndJincj was larger, tiia(>torm«r'y«ar,, .Guests were preaeat&omlnrk;,SewTTwianamany

TheannlverBary. yyof the Presbyterian Suudoy. achool will beheld on Bunday' evenhigv. 'Mrs.' IaabellaCnarles JDavU, secretary of tbe order ot King'sBautfit*ra,.*M make .the address, Jin.Davii will also speak In the church in themortiiiig^on general mkslpuaryandbeiNivo-

Wbere Waa Xhi* Vine tTt» WtMu of tbie u

1 j-wterday ,d*cided| the action. Borgo,' of Worria 'county, to

•e set aside'a mortgage hold by a Un.Cbeeuey, and to bare a cotirayaiin of certain

: [iroperty to n numbiir of New Yorkl»wyt*ri deoUred invalid.'.' Un. Barge'owoeiian iron tulna upon her place; but lacked cap-ital. From the evidence offered It appearstbatW. H. Herrltt, a mining engineer, con-ceived Ujo Idea of.!', wiling1!, tbq IBLM, afterth« flOTraTed'.poloradb atid V%m Uextoo rty te,and nf caring capital to 'worit** It.*'A num-ber of, fyw Xork Uwfors,, wham U19 yip*(SbiiaK^itr declared know! B>i*cti mare abtmtl^wthan mlntW organlied » ootnninjr, pro-vided a lot of caah, and took, a conveyanceupon the property on pajmetit ot a coiwlder-able amount ,o£; money and stock to Mn.Darga. Mrs, Cheeney advanced several tbou-innd dotlara to back the enterprise, taking a

from the company. Mra. Qargshad no Fdoa ahe had been wronged, and aueittobave niortgaga and oonreyuice aet'aside,and tbe whole story then leaked out. TbeVice-chancellor held that the lawjart wetsthe principal dMpea, but that thelracUons^ 'all bt*n Loncflt and' fair. The mortgage «upbeWf^nd.Uif. victim* >OM abont »W,Isiinklntheintne." '•> : ••'•"• '-'•••

.''•. To toe 6p*nedK*xt Monday.Ur;U.UuaMnBearlnzbiwdecIded to open

j ne'w ainuaement rooraa. on Block well streetnext Monday aiternwn and oventog. Fourelegant bowling alleyi have been made andKiulppedras well u it complete rfilantige,and billiard and pool tables have besn' placedin position. Tbe reading and reception roomswill also be in «adioas« and tho sbuflle^boturd-willbfl&l)ehedIhBf«w;.day£ , The; whola hisbeen handsomely lighted with electricity,

I, carj»trf;.vftd;fpmU!Kd, making Ita handsome place of resort. The place will beknown as " Bearing's; Amusement Mall.". ,

Serioua Accident at Xt . Hove.A serioua-and possibly- fatal accident oc-

curred at Mt Hopo this morning to "ltody r t

Keeeaan. He" wa« engaged la aittBtlng totransfer sonw;tlmber from ».wagon to a carwhen for some reaeon a heavy stick whichwas being held in place by a bar slipped fromitipiWiUon. In IU descent It itruclcKe«hanend oaoglit bia bead with terrible'forca 'be-tween Uie falling Umber and one of the ironlounwJ boxtB ot the car. We learn b j tele-phone Just baTora going to press that the in-juries are noti»abad aa at Brat reported.

A Double Affliction., . • .Mr. and Mri. Wm. May", ot Hlbernla, h»v

within a fewtlayaboen bareaTcdbythedeattsof two bright and Interesting little daughters-Florence, whoso death waa before noticed,and Mary, who died on Tuesday, aged fourand a half years. In their lerriblo atlllcUonthey have ths deep sympathy o l M a n / frisnds.Dr. i. TV. Jockson «ays the cases wore notdiphtheria, . Tlwre are none other In tho vl-ololiy avid tbe V^bUc achool rr*s re oi«n*d on

Boclcaway AtbleUo Olub, -„ number of the mostproiuinentgenUe

in Rockaway are engaged In the formation cfU dub to tl»t placa nn4 it la under-

stood that tboy have leawd from Mr. C. C.DeHart the roriner Laburum race track pro(Hsrty It Is understood that UieicoBtoinida.temakinB a flnit<la« hall-mile bicycle track,snd within the drole wlU lay out base ballgrounds, tennis courts, etc.

ChanffM Amon* Ex»J--B Qtiw3it,anoldv«prB« meawnger en

' w u B ; h i b n promoled to



Tte Co«mcv'» ln^uaet lu the matter of thodeath of Emnutt Millar, of Cheater towiuhlp,waa beld in tae hall of tbe Cticslor House onWednttdsy.andwaBattafideduyinany poopleot that vicinity, besides quite a uumWlihysJcbuiii. Tbe infjueat wtu couductuJIosU«e E. 1>. litMy. acting a B Ourooer, B u u

Coroner J . W. Fancher, of Succasuuiia, actedwitn him. Tbo following genUemeu comprttied tbe jury: John H. Vandorveer, iltmryP. Drake, WhitHeld Kmuou, D. C. Hoi-IonAtnoiC. WoylvertoB, DauM H. BkellcngBr

Wm. T. Bird, Terry II. Bird, George FkLetiStephen U. Wortmau.

r.CsM, loroiarly otChesUr, tmtnutv ofitclair,api»ared hefore tho Coronor and

Claimed the rigbt to tetlity ou the toKladofcy' tlie matter In Out interest; or Dr. Otunim

and to act as his counsel, but tbs JusUadecided that under the law he could not«lm|

• W. A. Umn, of Oiester, tbo UrstwiL-. . tegtilled to laving Biade the postmortem.

It revealed that the various organs woreHealthy ; the Interior coating of theb l d d

y atbowel waa,de«tToyad and

i l b

Tbe druggist was not (tire he weighed thaitglvonhlm;hedldnotthlokhedld. H<

utd Mtller wasn't plrtlcnW about tbe qitan-tltfbo wanted wbeobs asked blio. He saidha wanted about AU ounce and be gave him aquantity that he the light would be fully mill,'dent. •/ ' • '* V,. Y • [ ; ' . -^S '• " '

Win. WGrlmiuii :d nefgliW' of Mr.' Miller,LW Llm laBtonTuBfldayeveniiigprecedingbfi

deatfa, Mr. Maunon, tbo gontlemau whoworked for Mr. lUltoi-, cume to him ami Ujldhim tbat Mr. Miller' was dead, tie midEnunett bad mod three teaspoons full of car-bolic odd, u an Injection, for lat> wirma tbat

troubling hlui, which a young doctor atHaokettstown had told him to two. Hls.wirostid Dr. Oamun bad told her husband to Ubethree teaiiioons full to:three pints of water,At tbe auggodloil of some uf tbe jieoiila audKr. Farrow,witoess vreqt to Hackettstownwltb Austin Thuraton to we Dr. Osmun. Hesaid " I apderstaud you are pretty good indoctoring jiin wormanway from people." Huatid jes, and told the witness be should takothree plataot warm water,* with three wantteaspoons full of carbolfc ndri, And Inject ttwith • rubber»jilDge of the kind he showedhim. Witnen aiked Win if be should Uketbe whole three' pints at once apd be said yes.WftiiBss then'asked lilui If tills was the prc-aorlpUoa he had given Kmmett Milter mid ho

" Well, tbcii, doctor," Bald |Uie wiUiuta, "Kminctt Miller Is n onrpse.'1

ha bad done for UiusmU wboli Ue was trotiblodin a similar way and he told him, wttbcmany knowledge of what ho wtu going to do.The doctor flays ho IIDJ since buon to HftvrVork and consulted authorities on the sub-ject and be la eatisM Uiat. tbo ,49100qt ofcarbolic acid named would not liavo produceddeath and tbat Mr. Miller must hifrom soiiis otlior cause. Ur. DelaUeld.ofNowYork, wbo Is a hlgb'aiitliorllv-, had eipratsedto him tin opinion that Mr. Mlllor had un-•loubtodly be«u uubjeut Ui lioort dl*oftao,wlilchhad been aggravated py the largo Injectlunproducing a Gtiocklbat biid caused tleatb.

Dr. Ouuun furtlior tavs tUatvslwu WinWortmau called ujaon him be nupinsed heraa a itatleut, and that b» was reaching for afeu t» vrtacribfc how tbe acid aboulil be Ubon

wben Wortman told him ot Miller's death,Dr. Case, who was present to testify iti tlielutter, had tj»ut several days lu Nor York,ludylng up Ibe toxicology of tbe ctm, yon-iltitig authorlUea and looking up Uie matter

in the library of tbe Academy of Hedlcine.lie bad brought with him tha nconls of 75different cauet, running up to a* higb as eightdrachma lujectad at one dose', without serlouior fatal multf, but as haa been nid, he was

at permitted to testify.This is Dr. Ouuuu'sstary, aad il is only fall

that It should I* presented In bontectlon withILo «vUtwtcB|(voi. above. : H • •

Eon't be Deceived.Wo unJerBliud U»t Mr. Smllbi or'tiii

working in bia interest, ore alarmed a t thegreat disafleulluu among Democrats respect-ing his enndidacy, aiidarauaklngiuisiroit toInduce somo iteuublicauBto vote for blm. Thismust require »me aseurance, to say the least,for there ii not In MBW Jersev ft mor« unoom-liromialng, bitter, partisan Democrat thanFord D. Bmltli. He (loubtlosa aaver votedfura canilidata on any Republican ticket inlilt life, hai bean n pcrslslent foe to ervry Re-publtiaMi |iriDcl|ilo and Idea, and la the lastABBomblv iiupiwrtid all the cstrsneaus leglf-

nprrjmniidortheHlaui.pfatra in Urn luiudi of the Uudmn county roxA>,

create a linrda or uscloen SeinocrAtlo ofDceboltiers to iierjioluate tbe power of the recklessmtil estnvvae&i.t Qeutotratlo ring that now

rolB Hew Jersey SITaira. Mr, Hmitb iatbB last Democrat in tlia world for whRpblican sboulii Tota. On tlie contrary aRepublican should .turn out and TO to againstblm If he bail to walk adoien mi lea to tbe polls.

Y. M. O. A. Notes.Don't forget tbe member's tweptlon to-

night. Every member ought to lw on bondand show that jou appreciate tho elTorfai ottlio Ladlei' CbD)4ilttee la yaurbetLatc! iitfaaprogranuno lian been arranged, comdating ot'Deal and Inatrumontal solo*, dnets, reclta-

tlonn, ot*3teo[itttMQ views, etc., after whichrefrcsbmenta will be served. Now, don't fallto como and come early.

Mr. Wm. E. Taylor, ol MorforV, who gaveui such a fliiq address some tiiontbi ago, hat

iseated to roitie and speak til; our men'smeeting Buuday a t -I P. u. He wiU.glre us"A Picture Tall(.'l( All who have board tmstalk aay It Is one or tbe finest talka tboy haveever heard and we all know Mr.-Taylor'sability as a epeaker- Tbe rooms ought to be

iwded and wo I'opo they will be.'" Mi1. Tay-lor will also s;*ab to ibe Bible training classat o A. u. Bsety member of tho class Isurged to be on, hand.,

A Ohurob. Dedicated, (

eUeUtDdlstEpiKopal Cltuiob of Mtltoiis uow uoiupiBted and furnlshod except etovefloud light, and was dedicated last Sabbath.The day wag very beautiful, aUhougli ratheruncomfortable in the churoti without fire.Tberc waa a goodly number in attendance inUrn forenoon, anil the Presiding Elder, I). It.Lowrie, D. D,, preached a very able and litcrestlnx sonnou. Iu tbe afternoon there wasquite a large oongtegaUon present, filling tbedmrob, andDr-^Lonrle seleoted far hie textthe words " book £mt behind thae,*' from

i! bei>r«clieil a'ver-y (Inenrniau. Tbetwo Bennoili of Dr. Luwrio will not soon boforgotten by thorn who were fort g

tv hear them. Alter preaching subscriptionswere taken to (layoff balance of Indektednetson Uie cbuTchv*b.Eb TTHH esUumtcd at * ,and f:>5 was tiil>!icrlt>nl, lBaving A balance ofabout $«0 to be rn'lscO.

The Last M, ft E. IncorporatesJamen R. Hoy re, a venerable cltlxen of KBW-rk, ia the only survivor ot tbe original in-

corporaUire and directors of tbe old Horils &K^zllallroail, vrhich Is now leWd by theD.iL&-W."R. H,,.nnd'proUB,uly the onlyperson not actively connected with tbe laatuamed coi joralt-'it who can ride over 1h«ruul tiw'ut »»l, iia fi-ciiUeully at b« oboiHe has only to inflation bis nnnio to employeesIn order to itceivo reipecttul attention. It

•em*that tliB otlglnnl directors.voted that9 Jong *B any of then* 11 rod they should l«v

tli« privilege nf tree ijUaa^ta,' autl when tbe'P. , h. & W. leased tbo road, thli rightrespected. Until i|ulte recently Mr. Bayroiuaiie' consiiltrab.B.i'iso ot hli privilege, andwas freyueutlj' a imssenger between 'Newarkand Morriatown.

L L A P Y B E V E ^ L T IK i n RED


Tlio now Iryn bridge plactd by tbs Free;holders ovorjtiio llockm<nf river on llclnnrtrwt, is not cquayafrldtb of roadn-ar to the

of the ii'treeV'and did o walk*, Con-Uy when j^edeiu-lans i«ss tho brldj(«

they must tiirain from tbe sidawnlk. If theywent on Btraijhttboy would walk in the riverinlaas a fall lot; were erected to |iravect tiiotn

from doing so. 'Although tho urldge had Iwonopeued for a month owailJuga for tbe proteo-Uon ol i»^\t*bian» bad-been erected up to thefirst of ihtiwMk. UJs. said a contract was

irith Kr/FostarT, Birch lo place such_'. & Uolftjnicaj,tbncnotempor-

ary guard bad been 'Artctal. nod 'ereryone fol-lowing the walk la tto darkam ot tbe nightnnuthate walked In fbeHver,' The bulldioRofstidew'alk on tW(Kait flld» two or threew«elu ago ouljr lucraued the danger at thisunproteuted ipot. Tiie aegleot to providesome security in this raepect elicited oomtnentamons those who noticed tbe dangaroui place,and a plank acri*u a couple oi barreln wouldlave prevented a serious accident

During; tbo dwrkoeaa »ad storm ot lloudayivealiig, a little before seven o'clock, Un.

Edward Hull started to cross thin bridge Ingolos from Bltdursll street to her boma onRichards avenue. Bhe naturally followed thasidewalk and was not aware of the dangerouspitfall Uiat la.7 Ui wait lor bar. As a resulttha plunged ovar tbe abutment of the bridgeand fell A distance of eight feat to tliB rockybed of tbe river below. • It wai fortunate thattbe water In the.river,'although culllclent todread her, was mt low, mark Instead of highmark, elw Urs. SUIT, would have beendrownedbeyondthequestlonofadoulit. Sheis a very heavy woman—her estimated weightbeing over 200, pound*-H,n4 as ft was bad afortunate esca)ie from death. ' ' '

Un. Huff trl«l to rlae, tmt finding lierseltunable by reason of Injury to itaiid upon berfeet, she screamed for h*tp. Ad. Wniever

neai, baanl her h&B anaE»an Jonet, Walter Clnm,

and irVm. p . Fool. vhoiittttfattlMiioiiseoftlielatter, alw beard kbei cries and went at onw totha pltoo. These men procured a ladder, sodatUr extricating Ura. Huff carried her to barhome. Dr. P. B. Hann.-wbo wai jnHnmoned.found that her lag was broken In two places

llttleabovetheankie, 'It Is more than probable that Mr. Huff will

oak damages from the county because of tbetnjnry susUlned by his w[fe, and looking atIt from a strictly lmp«nial standpoint vr«

mot see'why tbe Is not liable, asnone ot Uu ordinary tftaUtms tor tba preven-tion "of »uoh'an accIdeatMare taken by tbone' 1 authority. . ' a . 1 . 1 '

1 ' , Wild Cat Killed; . ' . ,There are pinny people wbo can hardly be-

lieve that wild cats stlU intent the mountainsof Morris county, but every now and tben thefact is proven. Kr. J a v T.'Eckhart w udrlTinalrumHewFoimdUndUi Dover earlyyeetsrda)- morning, with bl« little girl, andwlen' near the plioe of fiiro. Ponton, abovereteraburg, a largo wild cat, dragging a steeltrap fastened tohi»'leg,proe*ed1tharoaJ Infront of him. Mr. Bckbart Informed Pentonof the fact and the latter, taking his rifle,went In pursuit. Be eoenjioani*. up to the'iandban{Mdbeastand killedltwltbashot. I twas a vicious looking •'varmint," of Inrfiflalte, and measured four feat from IU now totha Up of Its thorttflt. Tl»re were no meansatjiand to weigh'I., but tboee who handled itware satUlled tbatlu baft waa'fuUy 30 pounds.Tbe animal bail got fott In trying to plnsdora trap wblctifEenton bid set for foxen. Mr.Bokhart'slltUs elrj wu.qulUi frightened bytho toroctous looklnff«raature and begged berfather not (w Jaa^*P?e wagon.

Au aui»drie?df BbAitlBM people attended onTuesday e^nfng,the. debate In the Armory,under thB,«B«'p)ow'^t Cwnpauy G,' between~ ~" " VJWIgbtiofNeWYorkdty.andMr. K.' Ba^Ppttera'l&f "Fort Onun', mwiij Uio

greater cut^p to hutnoidty thin all other formsof mono,toly «rnit4a*fl.Y 'John S. Gibson wanchosen top'r^efdis an'^f»cl.'tif tbacoitt«titantespoke twtue, iaking m Italf hour each time. Pr.Wrlgbt tlivlnitd by mMj orguiDenU tbat tho. . •_ I.T'J!'. f . . ^ . ' > " ] » ' » A . u . . . . I . • » ! - _

iijT peo

Vfnatr exclaltned ths doctor, " i s thatpossible f He tben oiplalned'that be couldnot understand It, and went on to toll how boUdusodltOLhlinaelf,

Austin Thuraton corroborated tbe aboveUatitnoay^ mating'to tbe vlalt to Br.OatrQun.TliB Jnquavt then adjourned to one o'clock,to send for Mrs. Miller aa a wituesa.

Un. Emroett Ulller taUI-ad tbat mao waapresent with ber huslanrl when be died. Shesaw him measure tha medicine—three scantUajponu full to' time plnta of water. Henwdlnkewarm water aa he was told. This tho bottle. lie Injected IL I twas from 10 to IS minutes when he died. Bhedid not know whethtr tbo prescription waswritten. Hedldnot use anything else, Mr.Miller prepared Uwlopewarm water, and sheMW him Uke the add. / The' wf

wnlaottottVasiije^tirrtdltUiatm p 1 BbeiaaagbtbenaedallUiemlx-

tnro eicept about a tabtespoon - fiill. Bbecould not'tttl bow long be wan Injecting it.

Dr. OrooP, recalled, to] J how carbolic Bold•a a poison, produced an effect, Hirst, byacoratic, and second by paralysing tha nervecentres, 'while ha .explained. Tba solutionused was not a strong one. He frequentlyused solutions twice that atrengtfa, bbtba hadnov-crutadtbatqaanUty ofadd. Heafaoii.deonsidar tha doae gj™ ft Very diiogo'rous one,'nomatierboW-mucnyilutfld:"'Tlio dt»e laiddown in tbe book's Is from' thrpe drops,twnd hethauld think a dose Wa Utnes that KIM,

vary dangorous mliture. He bad neverread of three draclun's being administered atonetime. II he administered .Uwtnmuch at

sUtneba would expect to product! death.His recollection was that no authority of his

iiowledge recommended more tbaiiV drachm>f carbolic add at a dose.Tbe jury, alter* dtlitwratlug a IltUe over anour, returned as! tieir verdict:". ttiatBrnme'tt

Stillercame'to his death by an'ovprJoseofcarbolic acid In jested into the bo well by hito w n B a n d . " • • • - • • • • ••• "•" ' . ' '

»R. OSMCK'U HTOnv. -The inu,ucst, to say the least, was peculiarly

conducted. The beginnlDg of, the cose, and omost important i*rt of it, waa -wbat occurredat Hackttt«tow» between Ur, MiUei and t)r.Osmun, . The latter was present and ready t?testify, but for acraa unoxplnlned reason wasnot called, and K U left in a meet embartiss-Ing posttlon. ' How alljhe facti In the casecould be presented to the Jury Without hit

rldrnce we cannot ew. Under theseclnrum-stancea tbe Eiu. Interviewed him, that all tho•articulara, as far aa iioafblo, might bo niaila

pnbllo- .. . , . ' ; .Dr. Ctoun. sayu that Jir. Miller came to

him on Thursday, or two''days beforo hisdeath. Be was aperaonal^friend and askedMm-wbatbe bad used la his" case -when ha

i onca troubled wtlb. plri wonus,' Thadoctor told him that be bad tued a Kant tea-spoon full of carbolic add to a pint of water,and-bail taken three of tht piuia thus t>re-pared, but dkl not teU blm that bo bad takenthem all a t obce^altboufib Dr. Ostnun Baysthat Is the I art, and that he once administeredthree pints cf this' solution \o his fa the!one time, Sy a scant teaspoon full' be meantibout a bidf-teajpoan lull, as owing to the

Tho Epwortb -U agues and ^ouiijT people'ssocleUettot tlie Uetbodlst Episcopal CburohIn the Paternin District huld tbelr annual con-

entiou In' Ilnckdtitowti ou ^ Tuftadsy, andield Wwstiiittreatlug aetnloun. besldea visiting

the ColleglatiTrmlltute onJatttaloo of Or.Whitney. : The/Young Pebpti'a'Union of Uie'Dover First M. K. Cnitrch, was represented byOscar P«i-,CliaB,:6brystal'iiidMlia« Berthafclajbarrj, AILDIQ Pal mar and E. Mojer, awllie Juutor Kpwortb L*(igoeof thecburchsent

as delegates Dev. Uni, Day, and Wetta Fan-nle Buck and MaMnncbanan. TheKpwortb

of Ursco Cbiircb.was represented byKev. f'ml m«iil» mid yrm. flaarlog. barrenHurnberger was ro electedI Treasurer ol theDistrict (or another year. About 235 dele-gates were present.. -ir l( ..,!.,.•,, , • . :

. . : — — » - » . ; . . . . — _ .-.•' •-.-.

A Perlpatetlo Orank. , .; 'The rfllglcua Vcrahb^-Mnaeon, who was

ibout two years ago ridden out of Park Ridgeon a rail, and last summer created a disturb-anco at the Mt. Tabor tamp maetlnK^ turned,up in Newark ou Piiday. With one of his fe-mala ilevoteei, bo waa brought before JiiftioaOnion forjloturblng a rellgloua meating atthe house or Un. ,p. N. Fitigerald; 188 Mul-berry street.' Mrs. Fitzgerald IB tba motherof BUooj. PttigeraM of tbe Metbodlrt BpiKtvpal Church^ For forty JMI-I she has held at

house on .Ftjd-iy meetings fpr-Bible study,aaon.IoilbwWbj'iwo'iromeiii- entered on

Friday. They, bad not .been long In beforetbey began to create a" diitarbence and vereirrested, but Mrs. Pltxgerald refused to pros-

eeutethem and they were'released:';.'"''i:';

• W • '-^- • * * • ' • ' " '

D f B l i d A lThis gentleman, n well known farmer retl-

dent of Boxbnry towasblp,' died at bit bornenear Part;Morris. on Tueeday flTenlng, afUr

IIIMB of only about four days. En w u aman of intelligence, Integrity r'and kindlyheart, tmftod^bllAui neighbors and friend*,

stblllty. HeatoDe'tlmB'rBpnissgWaRcthttrytownrfilp.In the mwrd pf ViW,ai*«:aHd attbo^tlmefof .hla daatkVaa^k.inmbfr of "tie

citizen Is lost and tbwe who^irlll regret hisdeparture are.many,_t_ ( , ^ . , ™ T

' t ° ' peculiar conitrnetion of a teaspo0D,B teaspoonf i t ^^ • _ . . . . . . • _ . . * _ _ . - i L . ' ~ |1,|an ~

r TWMIirm'iiiaiiaiaralltoiialimo. tal( teupoon full. TUU •»«. all t h . c r a » ^' RoM | j0,wlioba<boi!iiondut|!a»edtatw5iii.tlioni. Dr.Oamui

>. Tlie change patient, did not pay blm n fee, and ne dld.Bocf i«cpn«Iorn ta . "Heon]r aakul h lnmlu t

Qualland rabbit csn'belawfiilly killed ohNovember flrrti rVhm tJittt day^foila on Son-dpy the klllfnl cannbi 'l&wTualy b*?sin untiltbo second day pf (.WmonUf Some of our ex-cbank^s putWWwTul tlinSloti"HtinUng thligwnp/jdinthpUntdayof October to DeoemberlGtb tncluitvc-.-r Thit la a wrong constructionof tbe law, which nys • " Open season for quailand nbbltlirttrrrn October a 1st and DecemberI6Ui." Bowaro, boyhood don't Iwgln to shootin October nor cobtTnuB after December 15th,r you will be put to trouble and costs.

... ffo Id,y»It«a*lie'WotnRii,A. C. Kimball,'the ninn wbo was arrtuted

will] bis alleged wife tor stealing articles §om%months ago frcm tbs bouse of Mrs. Bolltho,on Sussex alreot, and who received a threenvotaUu' eentcne*, while his al l ied wito T Wlot free, IB now reported to have matlo a con-fwslou. He say» the woman was not bis wife,tbatibovtoleUj»arUcJeaand tbab they wereburled between Dover and Fort Oram. Tbsvroinan left as soon ai ht» was locked up, amibe bas not heard from ber rinco.' .

The WopdertuI PaU Sea •on.Ou "Wednesday, t^t,,sath, Dr. M. M. Blags

picked a bouquet of apple blowoma Croni tbetnwfl growing on Mr. P. H.Tippett's propBrt)'.Iiibiijpwu gsrdm:tliero may bo seen holly,hocks and* sUll In bloawm., Bealso has plckod nwpberrlw from bis raspberryfloes for th* past three weeks and bid pickedthem u p t o d a t y . fj.l_- 0 i "

•: . • . . . . P l o a r . • •• . •• • :•

I have sold during the past ton year* Plllt-bury'a, Woabburn's and all otser Bauf*, betnuns erer gaVe the mtbfactiou tbat Uie HourI am now soiling does. B. Frltts, - " •

A PEETTY WEDDIN3.Therttddeaceof Mr. and Mrs. AlfredTaylor,

ou PrOBpoct alreet, tibelU.-rod on Wednesdayevsnlng over eighty guesU, all Blucvro frlwnlaand wall wlajiei*u wfo had BBseml*^ J° dohonor to the nuptials of tbeir dauifoter, HInsMatUe, and Ur. John S^iirgo, of Mt. Ftrn.The parlors were "handsomely d eon rated uithDowen and 911 prchway,botwwm Uuua waa

ed njiingrW., iutereptiwd wltbdirysaatheinoos aid other bltwsoms. Underthla floral nrch, atfl^W r. M., tlio tttrttelpaiitatook tlialr pla^vs. wblls Mm. 1'rvd. Tujlorplayed a vredding march. They weru attendtd |bj Maura. Joim Taylor, brotUw- ol the brMu,

Day, ot;thB Firrt 1UB. CLurcL, ofliclalid, ami J . « w . JJ J e i l V | n 8 w a H vicctai a H r t r t l t ^^tberinj oereinimy,.wWch w»a u«U, WSB vary retary by tha Sioto Uouventlou of tbs Y. 1*.linjtresdvaly parformM, Ttoen came the con- " " i r

grrtulfttluniAind mor<bj*|il^er werei iievptgiven—and after that a gi^atlau tha t*!marked for Uu excsllenoe and Voriitty'of' tboviand* so temptingly porred. Tbis waa fal-lowed by a aeaaou of genuine merriment, abeing apparent thai Uia happy event had ln-apirod tbe fealbigt of all in a delightful way.

stbey were nuuieroiu, aivhule room behiKcompletely fllled wltb the charming display.Theee Included a bandiiowe bed room mite, abeautiful oak buffet from the young 1 adieu ofthe bride's Sunday wbooi class, a check for|1U>, silver, china and cut glasa wita of Ublowure in great vnrloty, CUWB uf Hllvor xpoum,three cake bankets, family IBIIJ.0, clock, throotasteful rockers, Btaud, a number of beautiru 1ploturw, rugs, a large ijunntlty of woolen aiilinen articles of tbo fta'cstWliire, a|ij luanolherthlugs, (ornilngnn array that WM iiloed Imuotdug,' flu! beyond Uie limit* of 01space and powers of dH>vri|>tluu. And overgift was more than a fcirmil offering—It waxa lova token fropi a filuoftro friend,

Atuld a perfect bl(i.i«r4 of t;S«> a»d >lS i>Ur.' and Mrn. Hiargo left to lake the $train going WeRt, atid It In lwtlavad that

apart of tho uont>ywoi.i, will \.t)n[«i.lntNiagara Falb. * ;

KaHord ef tha J'lCuU.v«.n auaytu." !Tbe Mulligan Ouarda 11, 11. Club, of Poii

Oram,do«ed tlie peasun oil Baturday, Ootolier1Mb, -ffatb tho RockawBj club at DenvUle.TfaDlr record Is a good 0110 and one uncqualedIn games playivl and won hy any dob In thinvicinity, Tho games they have lost, have,singularly been lost on their own ground*Manager Mulligan Is" lo ba complimented onthe manner he kept tlie Imyg at their work,

'ben he was with them. Eeary game theywon wben ha accompanied then.. As reganlitheir catchers, tlia UunrdK liavo the two t*«tIu tbe county, Trevena'aud IVillionn. Idpitching Jaiuoa and Kc tTigk, bo>Y« »Vjtie gfioiwork. Their Inlleld and outileld hitvo suprported their batteries | n good ausiw.' llieiraumber of games play«V ia 17, ot whicu they

9 won 13 and loat 5. • Following are thescares of games: <

UnUlganOuarda,4 lUackettstown,.1,. Mul-ligan Guards, 8 ; Mount Hops, 4.; MulliganGuarda, 1.1; Donvllle, 13. Mulligan Gua.nln:V2-, Denvllle,a. WulUganGuarflB.ft; MountHope, 0*. Mulligan Guard*, 13; Morris Juu-lora, a. Mulligan Guard*, i j Mt. Pleasant, 6,UuUlaan Uua»d8,17-, Ut. Pleaaaut, B. Mul-ligan Guardc, 1Q; Hlboraio, 4. Hulilgai)Guards, 18; Toabo, 1. Mulliijau Otmnla. HO)Bnwliua, 0. MulllganGuarttaViri *, Bilk Mill,t). MuUIgaa Guardu, 3 ; Hooka way, 7. Mul*ligan Guards, 6 ; Itockaway, 1. MulUsaiiGuards, 7:; llockaway,' a Blulligun Guards:2;.Rockatvay '4, {not^ilnlsliedl.-Mulllgfti)Ouards, fl; Ilookawoy, 1), ;

•Declared 0 to 0 in favor of Guard*. . iHoping they

next season 2 *CiRKFlI.

1 aim nJ'fO* «*a»j IjUv ^."Ul^lT 1\M «Al. H U11 acini yj[ p

citing nartiquuirly Ui« fflipta of liquor | m n apbytuoaogloal staadpolnly1 and laying.»tre«upon tbo(ieagnada'tloo)w]^iugbt b/. It, a* wellasiiresentingitatbtics to t'bow that the ex-

Invoiced* <nkM'itiHrXtiiHit! "Han theollaa. Mi-. Potter aaaumed bis- weU

known position that the money power la tbegieateet miraekuotni, that tho fall of nationswaa attriliutabla to ,*x»iaiUuttons of wealtbIn the bJUio^o/^^tUHi^tkuto. tnebr Lsty,cUiied.iws*rfo^p«1Pi*aisto tba tyranny

l W ; .BWanW ttotpeakeniwlthyiforoui'applauae and' all.agned thattbey bad>HD rery mucb. inUjwtodaudtertalned by tbe (laaaant controvsny.

Mr. TODIH BUmkor,' the . _tend^ot of tbe e x t a w l v e f i m ^ , "nailing andrailroad laUrtrtac^lJr.JoiWWrtOQluUiiHvlelnlty^liaa been imryjUl at hyjobe'fn.Boon-ton tbla week;" Sotne days ago Mr. 8trailer,foaling tU t hi. V M not well, donBiitted Dr.Jariotfay, of New! York.' The physician ex-pressed tha opinion that there wuananeuriuuof a large artery: In the neighborhood nf (beheart, and advised him to take to bis bed fora oonit&MaMe tlm^for^perbct quiet and m t ,which Mr.-HtraW did.' pn Monday be at-tempted to .rrtch for an article that requiredbut 11UU exertion, but it apparently caused arupture, for the act waa ImmtdtaUly followedby a ooplous hemorrbags of blood from thomouth. ?or a Urae bis condition was con-sidered critical, and on unfounded rumor ofhis death WM circulated, hot ws are glad to

that later odvlow Indicate) quite an Im-

Oet the Watch for Frank Pnwa.Tbedttltroaa'-Brnployee It oirerlng as a

premium to tbe agent "ho teeurei tbe krgwtnnrober of new snbaeribera from Oct. 1st toDee. Slat an elegant gold watch. Mr. PrankPraed, ot tbo c*u >&°PB, !• one of the con-testanU. ."Tho l>ovtr tioya are very anxjouithat tbo watch ihall come to our town and asttB paper I» well worth the' small amount 0!subacriptiDti charged we adTiae.ail to givePrank tfltftand obtain grod reading at thesame ilms. Ths .watch will be exhibited atKlllgoreVdrug store wine time next week.

Beportea Prl ieA lot of sporte, one, of whom had a badly

bruised connUn«iioV/0»me'*o~Dof«r on Bun-day evening and tpo^ a ^ n . ^ o r , Hew York.'It Is reported that Uwy^wera the'prlnclpalr!and partJclpanta of a-yriw flgbt which oc-curred Saturday at Mlnnlslnk, taesr Lake Ho-patcong.Jntbe old'tarn Io which MoAulitTeand Sacqj fought afewyeaxfaga. Thtdallypapers qcntaliwdno^qt^ce qt^a/llgnt* and Ifauch came off they were prbbtbly bruisers olanalleoastquenoe... i' " H >

What Will do it FI t will cause poopH to'call in to Bee what

you advertise, and when Uujy see mea's shoe*offered at 25 and M,«MU^pair)m,yi«Hother place In towS tto'y buy them. ' s . F ,of Moms street, b olTerlng lnunenBe bargainsInmeD's, ladles1and children's shoes, and he IiBdllQg them, too.. t » is also making a bis

underwear, tolttentt, woolen and cot-ten boelery, men'a and boya' pants.' Th

ffd I h t

H any



K, C. Clark, of Mnrristowu, Las guiie Wifor a short stay.

John S, Prince, it,e noted tiicydiat, waa aguest a t the hark Uu»l latit Hunday. - - ,

W. R tilocum, formerly at Bangor, f a , lat t M i U

Mrs. W. F. Day eud Uiu Bailie X Day, ofMorrlstown, era In Washington, 1). O, •

ThanldawutlUeU.Uiei.-(.tuV. D&Bielli&imsdtod at Hamburg, Hiifii)cj; county, on Tuesday.

"Wni. J. Sedgniftii in tuov'ing frutn New Turkto thu new UQUK ol Tooke Htmfcer, on ElUalt

* Altenbrand bave beenF U i b


. llr. Urn/ * bave beenguveUol Mr. end Mtu FrotUi(j«biun a t Hi.Arlington.

The lie?. B. Fay JJilla him beeud t i t K l l b b t hcuuduut uurvica. a t Kllaabutb nt the beginning

Thm EMIott, of CoularOrovB, left Wodily to >lilt a glitor lu Canada, audniay po«ii-

hly nmaia tb-<r«-Mr. and Un. Seymour Unfltb and pon, of

Waterloo, bavu taken up thdr winter realiu flaokettutowu.1. J , W. Jiuntlco and ma, havt -Loui:

ipuudbiK Uie port two witlt frhuiln atJutlor and Now York uitjr. ,- ' . .. -

Hauiuel H. Clark htm Weu eleutod HUt«icDaputy fortbgCouncil).of tbuO. y. A.M. Ii'urrld nnd Hu«ox couut)c». ... •VrrA, Welllcker, formorly Hiirrttgntflnf this

Munty,-ls tho Deraopratlu (jaitdldate for As-Hnbly It) tbe Yirvt HUrfrt of Morotar munty.Mayor and. lire. II. V. l^otbinshnm, nf Mt.

Arlington, wtU k-uve iivit Ttiiwlay for theirwin tor residfluco lu the Plaza lintel, Hew Vorkcity. , . . . . , , , . . . ; . . , . . •

[fa of AIIYHI Uultuof, wbodludla«t wont, Iiad1>«wi| uiarried fifty

, AIKI wan tUu wiottwy (,( efglitfwcLildren. . " , . , . . . . ' ' , , -

M'r.nnilMrB.W.T.CnEhlau, ni Morrbtown,'tVoau flfRttiit l»ftrii iwrty. i» a larft*

pnnyol frlemlx tu Uuli' new hnru on'V'o'ay • " » . « .lir.Oi II. TfiTrttiy, foniiorJy a memlwr of

thoMewarkiAI.-K-MSinfijrt-iiW.-niKl a very. a.__ j i | f t l . o n satiifday, at Mln-

^.^TtJreeniimii.t.rBooiiloii, was electeditlelegiU) to reproeotittltBNtjw Jersey W. (J.r. U. at tlio nnUoual timveuUup In limtau onT o v e m l w r WLVi. V ,, • ; •' W. K. Culli... V. B.' Vounja. K. ti.Drake, «T. R. Hnvrall t n j R, 0 Crll«le, rf

'hestQr>4irQtiia1hlug tliBif BAmwia. .aU iiQfi trip:lil* week toRro«co, Pa.* ' • • • ; ' '. '

l u Mnttliron, of Cnestar, 'm employee ofiTreasurr DepartnUutat^aablagUffl, D,.atuodej tha reunion offali'old hsgfment,•— atWMhlngU.p,Ni J ;

Mi^lridgolcapyflru.aJlne Hill, dlod last Batun

Uw BOA was killed by ori aerson rome'engine bous a

A Bucoeasful JHuiioaJ Event.ThBre w u arbp.hidld attdleiice In tliD ne*

mill at Luxemburg on Wednesday evbolug tienjoy a concert gtTeu»yqt|| H*^4^11 ttifby-

bencflt of tho Luicinburg Mlirary Amtociatioii. Included in tho nud(enco ware i ulta a

itiiber from Dovir, ai<Tfltl wore agreed thatwas one of thtf iilUb'del^btfurconoerta

heard In this vicinity in a long Unit. Thamembers of tbs tiuartette nro Ulas Amy WardMurray, Mlaa J. Brackw, Ml". U.-C; IVlllIsmsand Mi-, Ceo, H. Sduoad*, vo& Ur. HenryDunckleo, piano (oloist and accompanlnlflt,'added rery much to tho Interest of the occa-eloa. AUwereiDiUiDyblceandtneuDlfoni^itj-of BBWllence; Wfls^ucb, tha^Jjhijff WM nogenerality of agreemont upon iudlvldual

rlt,B>ndat the siuiiq time no diversity ofopinion asto tbe exca]|encBor*bacb. Tbifs itwas that each portlcliiant'waa frequeutly en-conri (ind mndo tho redpient nt the niwl ofspecial excellence. Tbo prograniina was oleoone of a high musical order and an 'eflltlunttest of the voices ptfit so cicely.A Doat suta wai hettwl for tha lieneflt .of theU h r a r y ' f u n d . •"•••* ' f . • ! . • > • ' , . - . M V . ,

;bat It was feared ebeeouldibi'e'recover, but

Wfllla .Hiler, win ot;< Counciluuu. Uoo. W.[lloTj of Booutou, ualbi for Florida, Nov. 4tiithDi-phbo,irlll ep^nd tbo wlut«r... HIM tdi

MIis Curie, rrlJl occuur blipoEltloaiaHo

4JIT 'fedwnixl Alien Ctelwrae, a' praialiientihjrjldin of Newark, who; died last Saturday

morning, Wnstho twa of tier. Knoij'A. Osborneami w u borii at Loiigwbod; In this county,

•A young ton of EUIioiJaT.'M; Pltrgerald,lorniorty of this Confertnee, iN'reeoveribg'roui averysoveraRlckneRiLtit'will ba totallyliml. The ttlshop'a family r<f.ldo at Mb

Owen Oonloy, ona of,«t experiencedmtiwraof Hevtheni New. Jersey, -wa«on Jfon-Jaj appointed by Mr. Kdtoa Weiie^a] Sup»rfloUuJetit of tbo .mlura, mi j','cpnccnLn.tJugworkaai'OBdnu , ',,' . ,'v"-~ • •'' - "

Oeo. IV. ClerlUw, i jiromfuent161otlitepublli'on and cliurch worker, of Jersey3Ity, who died reconily, woW a' nattvo' of•oiiiptouTiflJui, anil nc th* age of 10 wont torewarktocler«tlna6tore,1!: V •'•••-';- • iJoluiUoyle.coacbmsc forUra. Frdtblligbam

A Ohtstof Boy at Football:A press dispatch from Vrincetoo on Monday

says: " The Varsity eleven |ilayod one of thofinest games Been In Princeton this fall In tho

ictlce gaujB this nttaruoon. Taylor, "ft*), a* man, was entered for tho learn. He com-

pletely oulinatcbva-Byuliiiw, wbo played onthe second tileveu, aud If no conUnuoa to playas lie lias been dping tor.a few "days inst, thuifT«cUiremBs of the Una will ho filtogtihong»d .and 'tbe gniatect wpakueM .of.tbateam remedied." ^ Tbe subject of tblicomtIBKUOX Tuylor;son or Mr. W. J.1 Taylor, utt!bentcr. Tbat ha will contlnuo b* play wellwill create nodoulit in tlia .hinds if UIOM no-<|u«lnted with hie tM»irag« avA a^'^tlo i

^Tha Moaart Symphony Olub.Anrthei grtat tnunlcal treat Is in turn*

ths people of Dovor. tlia ilpzart -.ivmplionyluh having lmnn angngrd t<* app# \ ei Baker

OperalHouse on "Wedooaayt evening;Woyov'tiing,Itb, u will be seen by advertisement else-

whero, nrhlcb given iwrlicqlars, ,A finer IQUB-i«rorganl»tio'n"doe«'ihoti exist and tho stm-pla,anaounceiifont.should be iiufUclaiitta fill

takes no risk of beingdUappointed. In attend-: eti'tertainuStJntti;by pwnlB D^BfleVaitab-

llihod reputations, and. a generous patronagewill mu l t In bringing us nwre entarUlDiMntaof such established character. " '

CoVrla County BealEalate.Tbe following . ere i i late trannfors:

Nancy M.'ft»nald and Joseph £ . Sc'ofloli) toEdward L. Cook, Chatham township, $7,620 ;Albert J . VTbitobMtd to Lucltla 11. Vrf,Un<),MontriUo township. (100; Henry W. Craneto Qilbert p . Crane, Boantopt;|I.'KI{,AdatnE l e R t ' J m p u ' H ' l i k i ' F t k a w n y ' t ^ i O :p i .Thomw W.DeckertcHenryVrcelanJ.Montvilla townsblp, *l,no6;' Janua A. Goorfaloto

B a . ^ r t l s t o ; ^ ! h b t .Lidgerwood and Alfred Mills, executors, toEdward, fr.Coplj. JlaHIaon, jM2i>.;. j ,-,

Ut, Sayre'B Copper Uine.Mr. Marcus 8ayre,Vj)IM6warK,fUi giving,

leady employment to a number of mon In the'development of hi*,copper mi no, lorated ontbe Ogden range, abonta ttilrd of a mile il.B-Uat from tbo Ogden mine. . They have, nuw{

about one thousand' tons of thsroclc on thebank, all of which appears'to contain tracesof copper,' but same of our miiieraloRlEbiare oftee lipitilan that It does not contain euaugb tomoke it pay for working, although they think!the Iron ore he has found 1B better than thatwhich Is taken from thn Ogden wine .'ancrushed at the Edison Works. • . - : V '

Behind the a t r a t t ty g ; the Jrrepresslbie, prwurod'

bottle of whiskey And ou Tuesday eveningwent tmt to * lalL Fred. Keobtler and bis wife,who live along Uie canal. Spmowhat later,atthe potations grew stronger, thBrq'.-wttS.ah)ff row. and Mary atladwl Tred and his wife.Uanlial, Hagan, whft wut'cent'for, arrestedMary and put her In the lock-up over ulgiit.The next morning she was charged with aa-unit; and battery before JuitJcfl-Williams,'and being unable to furnish ball she. wan sonlto b*r old qiisrtera in the county jail.':

. . . A,I*at«rnParade.TbeMprris County IVbeelmoii, compotjd orover and Rockaway bicyclists, made an IIimlnatedparadotbrouglitbostrootsof Dover

lait evening, their wheels-being decoratedwith Chinese Uuiternsand trimmed w(th thenational colors. H reworks nnd colored liguUwere put off along tba lute, - and tbo spectouliwas rery pretty tyt pie. Hoes or,wavln£ lan-tirns R.oved'al(Dg;thD>Are«t, I Among thentoat elaborately decorated wheels wens tbosoof Dr. D. F, Tlllyer, Chu, Allen and Prank


ctofcpstt giuswBTO ever offered Is wbat every-

' : Tho Oha'pel ZHOC Se'laoui.Tbe committee ID charge of Uie erection of

thonsw Presbyterian Ciapel on^Uio MorrisBtreet bill, an. Monday punhaaed of Woillngton E. Cuterllne tho* Iqt^oil the northwifttcorner of Morris md'Cbrystai itreoU as a aitalor tt»new etjtuce. The about tJxty-flrel"MtfrtintaDdon9huiidredfeBtdeep. Tbsplans bave been completed by architect Goo.W. Bower, oIMonlstown, and Indicate avery neat and convenient structure)

A movement la on foot' to Introduce ft billInto tba LegbUture sbollabipg tbe offlee ofCoroner In How Jersey, substituting for it investigation by.phy-BICIAUBappointedby'theOorernor. TbemalndUQoulty to this proportion IB that the ofilcaof coroner U a conatitutiotial one. ' Uia dutiesmay be curtailed, but the'ofCoa cannot be ob-IlUnitcd by statute. In K contlngenoy bs be-comes acting aberilt. - t . : ,. .

Notice to Ladies. -Him Dora BImon wlabn th Inform the ladles

of pore^ual vlolnltyl thatr t*via& conddiil-•ble experience latj/o mllllocrj line', ahe'iaprepared, to taka In private millinery. TheBamawtll bedone In tie latest ityla and ntls-faiHIon wUI be assured: Oi ve ran a call. RoomsovarWrn. Bimon1*clothing store, Dover, N. J .

R. Stephens & CoS. "ExoeUlor" Prepared Jtmmou t* EamUa Oi-gaiia and Pi mm.. JiciieV*1*»lamp willi fl-clifihtoC tlieITour makes One biscuit;- TTJ It, <•-'*'• " " F. H. Jenkins, Agsot.'Cl«ter. K. J. ' .illohR^ttMwLanipOi^SPirk PUce.K. Y~.

A U\\ Una ot t$(l4 flay. Veliot,jand Merliio, --,t Bocbivo 8U)ro, bdvbr.

For »l'at Derry & Co'n novcStore. -

; , l u i g^VIX »» "> I'latfariu ni»Ung ut tbe Yfi. In tbo Uellovillu A™. Congregatichat^ewaik WtSuudny.,. , . .j

C. Looker, pf "Littleton, (lied thereaged V* "years He w a s f t e t

, plast woob, aged V* "years. He wasfortweutyl year* au employee of thq old IIoonton Iron

orks, arid was beldlo the' bluest t '

i l e n , (lied thereHe wasfortweuty-

thq old IIoonton Irthe' bluest oateeni.

g j HUw BOA was killed by ori acoldunt in tiirson rome'engine bouse., aooul a yearM U l H ^ i f i i i ' M l

H ytiia pick.

ago.t I

ft. Arlington, wai wedded-yesbinla'hope, by Father; Bradr.: to Mlsa Mary

3rouiu,aad numbers Df;,lDlluoutlaI.friends

lay ,81Mar3

.We ore glad to state that Idr. J. C. Vail was4 IB to return to bis home on Wednesday, the

•ration and treatment, ql,bln:eye, ,by DrlIp, of Newark, bavlpg' beon a suowea,ofnleiiigarMtoniUouortlgljt. - iTliouo who have h fud ihe Misses BnAkhlg their •met S*cdl»t) meladlas with guitar

accompaoloacnt will rrgretto learn Uiat theoldest of tho iUtora dimi a t bar batmen Glinttnet, Monday, from typhoid fevoiv.Hrs. Djron Sherman and Miss Sherman! of

i lowa, will, iwoifa a large number otgMta attnelrjboiwe pa Speedwell svenue,yaturdayaftflrnoon, when lie wlebrated MissAnn dtir Obti will ilvet>plajio recital. ^ !

' Tbe deatb 1| announced^ of Mrs. fiat Taykir,I'rcspectWliUy,'ofrHACketUtpwur Hermii


-C3-O TO-

Killgore's Corner Drug Store!AND HE WILL

A'tofflAL' 'FAS5 if- 3 C 9 K


Drugs OP Medicines I


Killgore's Corner Drug Store,J .




Fall Overcoats,Winter Overcoats,

Buitt »nd Overooftta for everybody! All (tradei at th« itw-est oaah prlooB! M you want to «ee an auortment th»t

" is anaBsortment oall on ual One prioe to M.



NEW BAKER OUW.i i t e i

U i , "Her. Yorkr«c«nUy, cn tho ^ihjccV'dritiulrimsoii thoNow Tboology," r It in laid to bave been ahtc,'nd eipit*a«il ntuily ujion tiiu mibibctU '-.

Cards aro out for tbu wedding of Ulsall.ucilla J. Clark, of Mt. Hojw, and Mr, FrankhllawelLotUorichB,!. 1 , vnkh vtlt occur

at Uje resident* onbebriile'sparentg.Mr.iindMrs TAM ClnrJc on Tueday tioit t 13 u 'Mrs.


* o e e s p n t g . M r . i i n drJc, on Tuesday tioit, at 13 u, 'Ithat Mr J Hl t th

. TAM. ClnrJc, on Tuesday t ioi , at ,It Is reported that Mr. J u , Hlnney, ot tha

Wckersoti mine, will uucceed Mr. W. V, Putteriia worklnj bou of the Andorer mines at HI•'bornla, but tba report 1* not yet Termed. Mr.'Bl is on r tb ost practical mloara in

po or tbe

flrtp vlatt to tawntWhW'l* in

>y is Qithis tcctlon.

Philip IL fhw^FHdsj-.. ._ r• •••»at,UrflDla,rr.Y.,bia'i _ _ _ _ _

feet, and will bo wnl^OO foot further.It is IOXUO feet ill size and will baTB threecom partm _nta<

Mra. P. B. Towtuead, of Ailcen, S. O,, baatturned t» lier boms from an --Tended - visit

to her sUter, Ura. H. P. Frothlngbam, a tCresoant lodge, take Hopatcong. Mr. IV". W:WllMy, Fraaldaut of ttw Alkea Bask, * uilsoagueatattbolxxlffolaitsanday, ;Robert Curtis was elected a Rentesentative

of Randolph l/id&. Mo. 13, to the Stato coa-vontlon of Odd Fellows In Trenton, on Nov.18ih, and John H. ; Toy Repreeontattve ofBethlehem Enwinipmant to tho Grand Kn>Mmpinatit In tbo same dty ou Nov. lTth. !

P. T. Iteevea, formerly a cabinet makor attb. Dover>ar nbops, and onca an undertakerat Mendbata, died Ip Brooklyn, but fiaturday'tnorntagi "gei: W ye»r»,nml,:lne funerala«rvioea werelieldat tha.Bnecmunuai. , '

Ian Cburcli on Tuesday. > Be wu'ons ofcharter momboni of, pDvcr^Couiidl, No. n,!


101^ JUST-RECEIVED.Also a big stoik of lioadod Shells, - , ' ' .

Hunting Coats, Vests and Leggtns, :

: ; • : dame Bag8,:Fli.8k8, Pouctes, v '. '•.';. •'.'.


A largo cbi7mnUi'emitn,"wVddl[ig occurredn Wcdlieac.-j\_ve^lDg1y:Oct. -'JSAh; nt the•lr_tlCorgf*Eational Churcl, EailOrange,1

rhon Elizabeth Cutler, ikugliter ot J. K. Cut-!icr, lorrotrly ol, pover, lint now of BteubenSt., East Orange, vras ntarried to buinmlngs'

about tKfpAfter' tbs

y a perfonn«Lby ,Ber.Evorrat ot Uut oburcb. 'About SltO Invltatfoniiware 1SBU«1 and A receptl^u.o( about 'was bald at the bonie ot 'brid'« After' ;many. A few minuter aftor 8 o'clock tbeLridnl party entered thethurch First cameUo uohen, Jaroea £.. Cutlor, brother of tbobrldo, John Kelman, C. 13. McLean, IU I 'T l C r i t t M d M l H F T hTolij.oC ,ber, of Brooltlju: the maid of lionor, MissMabel Thurber; W-'lirooHjii, and lastly Uiobrldo oahcr father's Brra,,,The groom,andhla best man,','Ur. Oeo. XloUer, or state Col'lege, Ittanold, mot the bridal part; at altar,The hrlds worqa princess ctfstume otwblte

ontBiik'anj'fronttof mqnuselaine de nlrlVroldenvI^wllh bridal H 1

ostrich feathon and carried a largo buuob of,nblto midnight icbry&anthemums', tied wltbbroad wWte ribbon. ' '

The hoUM and .church, were elaborate]]"decorated will ^Ulv«ri«tWiVif cluTnmum« und elegant rotes, gtf U ot friends. Ttsgifts were iiumeroui and elegant u well uuseful,-,*' Ths groom'J %Ut woian irlegant goldwntcV wb/wUb AiamondB. Tbo couple loft

lpSiiUi auJwillialifi theirlioine otmtsllcld, Mafs., where tli* groom, la. In bcij-WHJutrftjtfctHcii] *&*$*# , "'• V »^ {-\V1 - ' "auurAad.br4Bi*?9«l<''.'"-, ?

JOIJU jL>nklni,a Inrnjer a t Mldvale, onujountAliii beyond ltatltjr^.weiiMn aoarcb ofhlscatUaob.Thursday itorclng:o[ last Weeb,oiid faJlea'ta return at night. ' Alarmed at blaabftence, relative! anil TJelgbbor* •coured tholYiDWlrle Moqiitaimforhlni, and eoaliy,tn

the Bsaitblnft party were attracted togabf.nxkbfthebarkifagM&dig.-- Ani

Ing ihtt»,-ilieT dlaoenxed Uiadead body of thaf^r^AoatfattiebeMatoWrfUiath»iiitthli dMitlivi)y£aulBg on *._barp piece of rock,

remains to tba J*nlHa« f((rtirhouw'.:-t


W.HBAKER',3MT. » . -

Page 4: SUITS, Wama at, Beit door lo " (aarj'a Can." - ' Balr Oaula c aa< Uaapaalu Jvurt received two carloads o! Bedroom Baits';



Tbs trootdd In the UU1« FrabjtorbuChurch at BUrling has taken s> new and H•xpeoUd t o n , and the Bar. Arthur C. DUthe recent] j deposed pastor, maj noosedgetting tt» upper hand of hit tonnentara.complaint of Mr. DUt, tbt Morrl* Coat*OwalJarj ha* found «nindicta«it for**nc7 u d assault asalDst Herbert OrmjTorrtj, u «nptoys« of tbs United StatesAssay Offlc*. of Now York ; Or»j T o m j ,

I H k T b F d Td among the metal

ot tb» B*r. Mr. Dill's former taofn&tTbaOimsd Jury has also found Indictmentsagainst HsrUrt Onj Ton*/ and acaioetClaiksoD B. HatXett, one of tbe JustleeeofPeace, at BUrllng. tor conspiracy.

Tbs trouble between the Ber. Hr, DM andhis neighbors If the outgrowth erf a row in tbelittle rresbyterian Church at BUrliug. It wassaid that Hr. Dill manifested an overzaahInteract la curtain female members of bis flwand too report so irritated Uie young tornthe parish that tbey began a ijstematic perse-catlan of the clergyman.

Tbe scandal resulted In a bearing beforeIter, Dr. Wblte, ot Summit, the inoderator tba district, and the Her. Mr. Dill w toompellsdtoiwdgn. HeremaJnedinBtirllibowerer, aad with hi* followers worshipped• ball in tbe town. Many tricks wereon tbe reverend gentleman by ths young mecof the town. One Urns they stole the clergy-man's borse, and, after painting U»l«d It awaj to a lonely spot, ntiere It wiafterward! found.

Without exciting any notice, James B. filla New York lawyer, and a brother ofclergyman, went about collectlug evidence•gainst his brother's persecutors. He badscouts out In all directions, and affidavitsobtained from persons who knew all aboutplot to laraod feather Mr. Dill on tlie ulglof July 4th.

While the detect] >« were bunting evidenceIt was noUd around that t ie PresbyterianChurcb, whlcb bad been closed since the with-drawal of tbe Rev. Mr. Dill, was to have antw pastor. The now incumbent appeared al

. tbe appointed time. He preached aeeoptablfor three consecutive Sundays, and then hlastora of Biblical knowledge suddenly gave out.Borne, one heard him lisa a profane word, ithan it was discovered thnt tbe congregationbad uxparienccd U» novelty of boarlog Scrip-ture propounded by a full-fledged detective.

This detective appeared before the GrandJury with a groat deal of Information bo badobtained.

Ancther detective called on Uie Bister otcof tbe accused young men, and before long WMIn possession ot a tba young lady holdfora pistol that her brother had purchased.Ai soon as the Dill party bad secured all theevidence necnesry four of thosew e n asked to make aMdavlts without theknowledge of the others.

Wben the case was presented to thB GrandJury a greal deal of contradictory evidencewas given by the young mop, who did iknow ot the oxiitenoe ot tbe affidavits, whichshowed bow Uw party laid in ambush on thanlgfat of Joly 4th to tar and feather Mr. Dill,but war* tolled In their plans.

Those Indicted were arralgDitd before JudgeChild last Friday morning aad pleaded mguilty. Tbey a n Prank MoftVt, Fred. Tart,James Travis, Herbert Uray Torrey, AnthonyStumscber, Gray Torrey. Fred. Moffett,Richard Thomas, Clarkson, B. Moffett,Abnaam Cooper and John Ferris. HerbertGray Torrey and Clarkson B . Moffett a n In-dioted for conspiracy and all the others forriot

James Travis went bail for James Ferris,while Joel T. Bebout and Fred. HiahwlU wball for tbe others.

There was an argument concerning ths affi-davits. Counsellor Oeo. T. Werta, for thedefendants, objected to the Indictment ofMoffett and Torrey for oooBplraoy, andclaimed that i "

y py,charge had been made.

Prosecutor Cutler admitted ths •nor, and theCourt allowed the claim. Proseoutor Cutler•aid b* would aoter a nolle, and the indlotuMn tpassed. Counsellor Werta also objected to theriot ladlcbnsat 00 the ground of intuOdancy,but It Is believed It will be ordered to stand bythe Court. Mr. Torrey la quoted as havingsaid on a train Friday morning that he thoughtthe case would bo dropped where It U, Thetrial was set for Oct. 39th.

ThelUT.Mr. Dill baa been offered a newcharge, but be pnfan mmalnlng a dtiien ofBtlrUng until this case Is settled.

Y . F . S . 0 . 2 .. At the BUte Convention of this society InNewark Urt Saturday thu wttriojj StateSecretary, Mr. Halsey Hammond, of Boon-ton, presented hit annual report. He bad re-called statistical nports from 890 societies,showing a membership of 15,006 activeben, and 8,063 associate members. Fromthirty-time societies no reports bad been re-oalv»d( bnt, as estimated, tiny showed a mem-benfalp of 1,830 swUva, aod 8M> aasocbf* nwm-bers.' This gives a grand total of 433 societiesknown to exist la the State, with 17,228 activomembers, and 5,481 associate members. Ofthe junior sodeUoi, forty are known to exist,and thirty have reported a membership of 1,-039 active, and 211 associate. Ten societieshavs not reported, bnt they have an estimateduembenfaJpof&4>aoUve,atidelghtyTh^gfrea a grand total of 1.8M sctlve and321 nsjocl&to junior TnrmWrs In the St&to.'The total forth* State Is 473 sodeUes, 18,513•fltin 'and .8,603 associate members. Thenunbtr ot members bavlng Joined tbe churchilorust the year, as reported Is, from seniorsocieties, 2,008, and from Junior societies,while ft is estimated that from sodetlea notreported tbervvaiosisnlon, and twe&ty-nvejunior members, nuking a total of B.8C3seniors, and 10* juniors, or a grand total of9,867 wbobave Joined the chprch this year.Tberewase gaioof 40 sodeUet In the Statetbepmctyear. Morriscounty shows tbe largestgals, BU sodeUos having been organised bere,making tbe total camber S3, Of the 433societies, 1M a n Presbyterian, 83 are Baptist,17 are Kaf onned, 85 are Methodist Episcopal,19 are CtengngaUoiud,13areHethodist Protes-tant and the Others scattering.

Tbe Bett'aon'OInbSMOrd.The Newark Can dub team of ten men won

tbe Interstate Trap Bnooton Leagus match atNewark on Thursday ot last week, aod, bykilling 90 out of 100 birds, scored the highestteam rsoord ever made. 8«ven of the nwm-bers, Including John lUggott, of ttockaway,Ulkd their tan birds straight, two killed nineand ma killed eight The Central Can Clubkilled W, tbe Coney Island Oun Club » , tbePmmtain Ooa Club 87 and tbe Atiautk) GunClub&t The day wsarmlnr and unfavorable.

The Trua Pohor.Tlwtrwproteciionlstpollcyistosdniltfres

of duty every useM artlde which cannot beprodnoed here In Important quantities and atnasonablaprioBB after m little fostering earaby tbe forarnmenL Tfats U tbe BspnbUcmnpolicy. Itto for this ream that then Is adoty on woolen, cotton. Iron and strsel mann-faotores, and why sugar, taaand coffee are ontho free list -

Beal Bklns Will Dome HUh.Blnoe last season the price ofseal skin bat

alvsnoed 80 per cent, not only ban, but theworld over, and this Is not due to any corner-ing of the market, but to the scarcity. Someof the dealers say that unless the Alsska sealsare. protected better titan they have been, thesupply of this beautlfol for will be ubs.n*tedbefore ten yean have passed.

GettlBsT Saady for tha Encampment.J. Q. TolmlePost, O.A.R.,of FhlUlpsbarg,

has deckled to attend the National Bncamp-ment at Wasbjagion next year, and a com-mittos of swan tntmbsri bits bean appMaladto make sll > necessary arrangsrosnU, Thentniibenof tbs Fort wU'inaks .Weekly andmonmiydepositito the treasarer of the tripfund. - ^.m ^

A Gatikill PayalclamI jive to Sr. Desn^s Dyspapsla Hua the

credit of doing more for me than anyothermedidnes combined for the Add Stomach andIndigestion with which I have suffered fifteenyears. I now relish my food, hare so muchcomfort after sating, and have addsd tenpounds tony weight I lum seen forty-flreyean of active'prutloa,1 and'hava dona a

"larger business than any other doctor InGreene Co., yet I tare never felt better thanoflfita. E. B. U A C O T , 1L D.

If your dealer says he does not keep Hires'Boot Beer m stock, go to tbe &ext CM -whodoes. There is no valid reason because behasn't tbs^gninlne to accept an Imitation.Woold you take ootmterfait money I Thedealer's business b profit

"Cndarwear for "Winter.A full line for Indies, OeaU and Ublidren

In White, Bed and VTatora] Wool or Mnrino,at UM Bochivs Store, Dorer, N. J. *



TOBUCCCCD,Tba stockholders of Uw Uacksttstown Z

Company met In their Mew Tork offloe 1week for ths purpose of (UvWng pUmraising funds to oontinoo tbslrexperlmestetha fiimaoo. It was resolved to doublecapital stock for this purposa and tbe oom pla now capitalised *t #900,000. Tbs prellmi-

k f U t f tb l t e UpBaiy work for

ptb« sxporlmante

again under way and ft is hoped by those iicharge to bare tbe fires lit again nett week,H H gnat trouble at present !• the intensity olths beat P^M degrees) which makes it almoImpossible to keep a grate under It.taken two j e a n at valuable.time and cost agnat deal of money to overooou tbeWstake*of hurried oonstruobon and mil the progressmade has been made during the past year.—Hackettatowo QsteUe.

+ t +W a r DENY Alt BLGrXMXirr.

Then hap lees much local gossip concern-Ing the alleged «lopemsnt of MIsfJuliaHowand Wm. HoCrackea, both of HackatUtomi.MiM Bowell baa tMeaforsdfbtysaniaof tbe SBlearDom of her brother'! bakery. Herpreference for tbe society of young McCracken

been quite marked and tbe disapprovalber family have been equally marked andBillie's chivalrom derutian ai markedeither. A weak ago last Wednesday HissHowel! myatwouily disappeared from homeand McCracken was also missing. Nothingw u heard of tliem until Bunds; last wttbey were located at tbe borne of a mutualfriend at Mt Tabor, where they are watehingthe leaves fade and fall and basking In tbe•utuhine of each others amllee with no I ~brother to molest or make them afraid. Tbey

any that an elopement ooeurred or that tfcre married.-UaietU.

A. C1IBRBT AT OKI BITE.Mr. Joseph L. Cherry and UISB Vane

Baylor, of PLIIllpsburg, wsro married Us*.Wednesday afternoon at tbe bride's residence,by the Rev. E. Morris Ferguson.—HacketU-

' + + trat WARWICK woo

A Newaxker who spent soimer at Belvale. between Greenwood lakeand Warwick, says that "Warwick Wo. 'lands " have not great"

respect to guoe since the days wben FrankForester roamed there with lua dog and gun.He sayn that grouse and woodcock ara stillplentiful In many places) between Belralflmountain and Lake Wawajanda. and thatthe cover Is as wild and thick ai erer It was.—Puteraon Press.


It was expected that Boss Fldoock would geti Us Cue work lo the Senatorial light lo[unterdon. He never allows himself to b .

defeated if it Is possible to'win, either by fairfoul means, The Hunterdon Republican

says: "One hundred dollars apiece wouldn to be a pretty big price for delegate*, yet

that is tbe sum which tbe HJUUO delegatesthis (KarltaB) township, cost, Kali re-

ports are true. There were six of themelected here, and It 1* said that sir hundreddolkrsincashv u fomlibedUie workers bwith which to buy rotas. We can readily'believe this, /or oarer wu money more openlyused than at tbe primary election here listBatnnUy.—Belvldere Apollo,

EEL CULTUBI * RUGOUS.The teal with which the venerable Isaac

Wildrick, of Warren county, championed theeel Industry wtlJos mem ber of tb« Hew JerseyLegislature wai a matter of common interest

that time.looking to the preservation ot tbe eel kingdomw u granted him, not, however, without num-erotu heated debates. Tbe labors oC tbe "oldman" are now bearing fndt. One nightrecently 118 sell were taken by ay single partyfrom tba FanUcs Kill, and larger catches areaotldpatad.-Saasttt Herald.

4 + TBoa's H C U U A B n

Borne four weeks ago a dog bsloagjsc toAndrew SchulU, fell Into an old mine on MineHill, near Oxford. It was very deep but tiedog was not hurt, as bis wail can plainly bsheard wben aujoo* approadiM sad makes anoise on tbe top. Tbe miners, who ara faml-

with the working say there b no way 1reach him. He is kept alir* by the kindness

him by butcher Fred. rUUsr.-Balri-ten Journal.

BiRO tOADl FOB A. WATCH.Hiss Julia Bodd, of Budds Lake, drove

Dver to Btanhops to visit bar married sister atew days ago. On the way orar sha> lost herloldwatcb. ItwajfosndUMneatdaybatM

•any wagona and horses run ovar It that Itild only be used as a curiosity.—Sussei


m GOT WHAT nx HOST RKIDKD,A Hungarian eoploysd oa Uw Hlggdns

place at Morrirtown w u Tery abusive tbsother day, In ths absence of Mr. Coyle whohas charge of thi work, to hla atsistant. WbenHr. Coyle cams back bs n i e tbe fallow agood thaklof and discharged all*, whereuponthe Hrmgarlan boajtat a pistol and want bediHI tbe place, eayiof;" me sbooU* yoo," but heUd not, became Mr. Ooyle took fte pistol- u nirn • liiiin lm irTiBiiisssiisi

" - » — • • • : , ; : , • . . . • • • • • : • : - " •

BUKD FOR A nOU(J( WABOlOBja.A suit to recover tbe price alleged to hsvyswn paid by the former wife ot BnrnettT.

TiSany for bar VlnUr cloth* baa beenbrought by Kate Molley, a ITew York d t jdreasmaker. TlfT-ny is taw n o nf tbt wellmown jeweler, sod married Miss ftnma Pkr-

of Marrlstown, In 18tr7.bat tlteydivorced in May but, Last Winter tbe youngwife, during ber hpsbaiid^ ateatiiu. went to

dressmaker and ordered $472 worth ofand had the bill sent to Hr. Tiffany

with whom she * not living, out be didntl l lMlssPianoiilawell

one o( the most beautiful yous j womeaand also tba most graceful skater who fW

CkathamlsaboutoompletedandBamiielLuni,masoo, makes m y for Merrltt Lam, tha

milder and Hr. Lum, the Becntary oongrmtu-with Fred. Lorn, one ot Its wort en-

usiastic and generous nsaeabers. Oeorgaand Israel Lun await' th* solving of the

d l d b l h i * h dMidlsoB Eagle,

It H o s t Haw* Looked A s n s l n f .Tbe Mew York Journalist ot Oct. 17th, a

devoted to the prolsesian, nates sxten-rely tbe recent dlecourteooj sot of the Mor-lOoanty Joornal, In violating Its agraenpublish our forms because ii could not <

our columns* and ronciwlirf t " A« §JIt of one nawtpapsr to mouJe aDotoer, this

effort of the Horrla (Vmntr Journal mustseem highly amoaing to ths profession

The Sifjn otlHiMo»teot. -It li an ominous dnwnstaDCS that tba

Democratfc paper poblishod in AawnfalymanFord D. 8mlth> own home had soarcely aword to say Last week respseUngfali candidacy.That Its aUBDoe only vescsd tfes gsosral sptrtt* dlsoontent that la pmalsot anvmg Dsmo-raU in this district Is quit* apparent to all

swd politkal observan. Vote for Tbe*.lley. Tbsn b no qosstton of doubt about

p O. H. CUfford, New Cassal, Wlsoonsln, waslbted with Nennlgla and Rheumatism,Sbm<ach was disordered, his Uverwas

acted to an alarming degree, appetite fell,way, and bs was terribly ndoced m flash

strength. Three bottlea of BlectrioBIt-ters cured Mm. '.

Edward Shepherd, Harrtaburg, I1L, had amining son on his leg of eJg&f years' stand-

Used three bottles ot Etectria Bittenseven boxes ot BaekWs Anlea Salre,his leg hi sound and welL Jota Bpnaker,iwba, O., hsd live U r n Plover sores onleg, doctor, said he w u incurable. One

bottle Electric Bitten end one box Buckles*rnica Salve cored him entirely. Bold by

Elobert KUlgore1s Prng> Store, Dover, Oram,ft Go's Drug Store, Fort Oram, and P.

Jenkins1 Drag Stan, Cheater.

Pariah Prteafia Oartifloati Cartlflafl tofay the A^hlUhop of Kexloo.

1, ptrochial pries* and sodesfaiUcal jodftof Celtya, State of Onanajuato, hereby cer-Ufy that I know several people who have been

"by the Caotea Blood Oars. Itradioalr/jvl effectnally dispsls in imparities of tbt

FHAJTOO M. Oojnwaa,above signature is that which bs uses

all his business, officially and otherwise,be Is an old pupil of nine.

t P.A., ArcbbUhopofMeiiccor sal* at Robert Killgore'i Comer Drug

Store, Dover, K,J.

IS LACKS OF THE SOUTH.A a ObMtvar tilva* B»BS» IuUr*«t

TUw* of tbe Cbu*-** Amoojf Ttaatn.A colored preacher la Brookljn, who

watches tbe movement* of his :holda that there la no likelihood ofextensive migration of tbe colored p«frpie oi tbe iranUicra states to tbe north-ern, aa/a the New York Bun, A fenthousand come crerr yenrto tills etaUfrom the cities of the sou the iboard; some go from Virginia and Kentuckj lu tltc oUtea lying uortli of theiand a eonfilderaljle number ID the Gistates have been anxious to nettle upoithe lands newly opened In Oklahi

But it In doubtful whether the annualmigration from all thu southern statesIs aihifh as one hundred thousand. Thereports received by the preacher a s 'the pregtrtna of the colored peoplethe southern states at this time are cu-

\ag. The majority of them,have l » e n born in freedom Biuco thsolose of the war or were emancipated' early life, have acquired habiU ol

lf-rellancc which their onslaved an-cestors did not pututcss. anil in BCV<•tatea ore aa well educated as thewhites. The new ccniins shows that inNorth Carolina the proportion of col-ored children who attend school la aslarge as that of white children, and InVirginia It la but little leas, while thereporta from most of the other statesare good.

The preacher argues from the growthof prosperity In the southern states touttime b u now fully proved t lut thecolored people arc posaesaed of industri-ous habits, and that the notion preva-lent In slavery time that tbey wouldnever work undur freedom, has beendisproved by tbe experience of a quarterof a century. They rained tha crops ofcotton, tajrar, tobacco and cereals asthey did before the war. Colored me-chanics were few In nuaiber undeislavery, but now there are tens OLthousand* of colored workers tn skilled

The colored preacher also speaks withpride of the fact thatamong- tbe coloredpeople In tho south there la now a bodyof excellent scholars, who have trradu*ated from various Institutions of loarn-

They exercise an elevating1 Influ-ence, and are very useful i s teochera.

Finally, tlio colored preacher refersto tha Interesting fact that there has'uesn a change in the speech of tho col-ored people of the south, and Unit the"Sambo dialect" la going out of exist-ence. A large proportion of themipenk ths English language aa well as

Is epeken by other people, though.:re are parts of South Carolina and

_ J Gulf autes where the plantationlingo still holds its ground. Tho cnapgehas been brought about by the school-Ing of the new generation.


The Walk ef a Ceaaposltor Wb« IGrew* Wean «r W«1I DoUa>

Some compositor, disgusted with theInconsistencies of EIngllah orthography,has been at the pains tin conatrnat thefollowing elaborate travesty, which ap-pears in the Printer's Album. The ln<genlous reader can lengthen It at bis

pleasure: Know won kneadweight two bee tolled thee weigh toodew sew,

A rite itilta little buoy, thee sun of a,grate kernel, with a rough around hlaneck, flu* up the rode as quick as adear. After a tbjrmo he stopped at agnu house and wrung the belle. 111Bow hurt hymn, and he kneaded wrestHe was two tired to race hie fare, pall

A feint mown of paue rows from

The made who herd the belle waskbout to pair a pare, but she through It

i and ran with owl her mite, forher guessed wood knot weight.

Jutt when she saw the little won, tleraitood In her ayes at the site.

"Ewe poor deerl ttny dew yon )joBar? Are yew dyeing?""Know," he said, "I am feint."She boar hymn inn her alma, as she

aaght, two a rheum where he mite beequiet, gave hymn Sred and. meet, held acent bottle undei his knows, nntlde hiseholer, rapped hymn up warmly, gavehymn a suite drachm Irom a viol, till allast he went fourth as hail as A young

int. -Affection or xwa lieipan i.ors**.

Evciy one at Brussels, says a Frenchaper, will remember two superb whiteantes, whoso tails swept tho ground,

running- by tha stria nf esuth otlior In ihnRussian stjl«. Whether driven or rid*




BOYS1 double Imwuted Spo. pant mi it*, 4 toIX giu*. 40 styles tn select from, equal toregular (i goals at ta.9*.

BOYS' 8 po. pant HUIUJ. grand variety, glees vto 10, fullYnluo «a, 0 loader at Vi.&s.

BOYB1 Orarooabi. elegant styles, durable ma-terials and well made u|i, BIUK 2J^ tn U,equal to regular dealers H numberatW.w.

QOY8' fine all-wool panU, 95 pattern! forselection, liixe 4 to 14, enual to auy HueofTeredatll. Our price 70c



This branch ot our business <lrawi 1U pat-— e from every point of New Jersey, Ita_ j reputation being founded upon reason-

able prices without U10 iacriQc« of eitherquality or st/lo.


THE B E S T S H O E IN THE WQRU) FOB THE HOHETf•• * — with no Uelu or wax thread

9mm tbr. prlcoi fane Irlnl will eoaTlnos UIDwho want • IIIM for conitoii and MIYICB.Bf> '£5 nni it.Ot IVorktuimnn'B «ha

9 4 C B DTD ray iimiit null iIuraLTo. rtiom nl•— .• --"-ii will ivMjr no otlur mska

ltd 81.70


BBAOAN A Co.,ini DOVER. N. J .

OR. A. G. FREEMAN, DENTIST,has parosnsnUr looste•I'toppoilUtlisPostOfnLjoo's itore, snd IDTIIH.trou»go. I •ttUoootlonljgoodwoikUinodsr

osted hi* offloe ID UOVEB,stOfncelDroomioTPrJobB

UILUI4EKY, I It will LaULOAKH, I to your intercutBHOKB or i to bear ourDiUSSa OOOD9 \ bouse In mind

Ohrittmu Specialties,Indies who look around for HOLIDAY GIFTS

before the full Ude of trade seta In wlU nodour place f ully equipped ready to meet their

'r demands.

707 to 721 BBOAD St..N E W A R K , N . J .

Hall orden prompUy filled.




Millinery Goods!Irer fifty different atylei inTrimmed H»t§ to select from,All are lovely and at pricesto suit every one.

n th<ley always went together, andy fond of each other they could

at be separated, even to go to the far-er. For twenty yeurs these two iioblanlmals had never been parted until.boat three weeks ago, when one ofJjem d le l As toon u hla body wasylngdeadtnthe atabls bis companionbecame dejected, and when ft wastaken awmy he refused to vat. In rainWSJ the attempt made to deceive himby putting another animal at hia aide,A this w u all to no purpose, for herould not touch his oata, aod In a- week

died. • . -. ; ;-. ;

—A Fortunnto Loss.—"Afternil," re-Jtr»« Uo.iiHjk, "ll'a lucky I lobt

that twenty dollar tfoldplece." "Howso?" asked her hmbttnd, surprised. "1read In a newspaper that yon ,Ioue two

its' worth of raetat off n twenty dol-piece every day you carry it"—Inter



..-- CARPETINQ8 •:-' 'wereoriand asraral ol tbe Uadlng maoafao-nreri wan loitioetad to make oa a nnmber




Bthewwnt flnraa and turta, We a]«tw naar ckde. pattana l«




-. INGRAIN.nhnoH all Knoes of carpets




Heath & Crake,77 & 779 Broad St.,


A large assortment for ladles, Hisses and

Fur and Astraohan Trimmed

Jackets, in all sixes. '

Fur Capes and Muffs to maldi.

Feather Cdtars and Trimmings.

A nice line of Infants' Cloaks,

Dresses and Cajw.

StajXe Goods, Novelties aiul No-

tions of aU hinds.

Call an/4 see tbmu'


Pemoreit Sewing Machine.THE r.nrr i s TFIK wmiin.


DOVBB. n . J.

ffS?S5n.b&o. We have s t command s large con"

pateat waiters find cooltB.e solicit a otatinned Bbare ol the patron-and shall & pleased to prepare lists ol

,-ies desired to be lapplied, and wUl sub-mit figures In competition with tuber caterers.

W. F . DAY, Caterer,MOttltlSTOWN, N. J.

NOW.GENTLEMEN,we have jnst received a

large line of Winter Cloth'

Ing of Men's, Tonths', Boys'

and Children's Salts. Spe-

cial prices in Children's

Jersey Salts. Ton can also

flad a large assortment of

Gents' Fnraighlns Goods

S. LEVINGTON'S,Opp. Baker Opera House,


WANTED.Ham «Uk wlDlen and doublel* Steadr

work and good wtgea.BOOHTON BILE MILUI,

88-11 , Koonton, H. J.

M. D. HICKSla selling Us JewdiBeat Hns, Blseve ^ -rew otheTWrtJoles ATEorHaunar OOODS.

ot UOB Fins,ttfny Brlfl Si

to make mom


i a a bar a of uie publicHe, aslierctofore, loettttleptlMS. UymottoUi

jaOhupMtl'1 lamableto rtrartoartlllcla) u U of tteth that I hsvs mad!sad aoms of then In DoTsr, tbat have bees wora•iBblMD jrean,an& ths waarert saj •• tbey a » ai[Dad as«*ar," all work n n > n H d as (oodaa-apra««Bted. aVbtjiia«i cuperieno* ol Durlf3()tan In Hac^attatown enables ms to r*t*t,It nt^laary, to ihonaandi for wham I " '

wtawfiiic—^- " -irlarKsrcftTuL 'irsalTgai'ror"uTs paTniws^

UamlcDoftaetMUi. ArtwnajnMare*lTS*bilasfoUoirs.

Dr,-Fn«min bas bean my own acd funilf d<_tiat, aa ttaa far the Uealtj and sobalira of lhaiQSlltnte for tbe put twol™ jura. It Is a Ritst[leantre to reoonua»nil him as a thoroughly com-ueUutandreUable dentist.

UK*. OEO. O. WUIIUBT, D. D,I<THlit«nt HaakattsloiniCDneglatalDBti

UjTBcqualcUnoawlthDr. Frtimu has Bitsav«rap«rliHl or rainy i n n , For tnyxdf. familyand patrons I eheerfnlly rtootnnwnd him as acareful, thorough and roltsblt dentlit,

JOH» S.Oooi.M.CHasketUtown, H. JDr. FneuuQ baa tie pitrooana of aU our (tm\lj

or6mlUnalW»lBrloo,»od we with Mm groat SDO.»B In his osw flrid. BIMTJILT. gurrn,

GTAMHOI'I, May 4tli, IBSA.a.raKiuuKt—Dear Sin—Isball bebaFPjto

lUTeyonnssmynaniowltb,others a iyoa^uuut .UToalsaveHaeieustowa wi ar» gUa you vQlbe"> near s i DJt»r. SlDMralryaora,

8, W, BoiBPMtlf, D. D.D», PsiKwuit—Dear Bin—If ike use of my nanofaaybeDantiBaralarence.raa arewolooilelt. . > C I L N E U :

nce.yoa arenoloo0. B. NtlDBJt, II.

e o l s for whom 1

metI. D.

bA fawnamM of Dover people for whom 1 Lavedone work in tbe past Uitiry H> |w eioeUanes.

Dr. Wm, It. Ooodale, Darld Allen," " BTfluer T. Smith.




Established Yesterday 18*»



'ainter and Paper HangerMURAL DECORATION,



Bran and Wood Curtain Fixtures',

Hard War Finish far Floors, Paints, Oils,. Glass, &o. Artist's colors and brushes.HT" Competent men sent to any port of tba

State or ebewhere.WM. T. COGHLAN,



Park HttepUoni furnhhed and eared

far In all their details with fine French China,oaa^MtioMot a number of Loans of differentcolon ana designs In decorations with BUvar

" - • • • r "Tureen, Chafi



A Set of Tcplli, $5.


Toeth eztneted

Hold FflUnii:".".'!.'..'.".".'.'.".".'.*.*.'.'.'..'$1 and pBUver , . i . ' . 75c.and up,

BOSTON DRNTAL ASSOCIATION,039 Market St. , Newark, N. J.

W.H.BOLT D.». S. 1 - Manager.

OYSTERS! OYSTERS!Served la ever? stjle, nod supplied Inany quantity at .





' .Noticd of Settlement.Hotlee Is berebvjtlveo tbtt the acoouuli of

be sobtevtseri, Trosteei tinder tbe Will otBsmtHl Tippelt, dMwased, viU be aoditciland staled by tbe BntroiaU, ana reportedlor HttlemMit to Ibe Orpbacs' Court nl tbeOonmy or Morris, on MOND&X ihsieionlbday ul Dta tulwr ne i t

. 'cHAIlLift y Til PETT,1*1 T.wi T'Bitnnn

NOTICEIs hereby given that tho annual mroUrg rfthe StocVfaotders of ths Halsay Island UndOotnpaoy will be held at Ihe office cf JamesR NBlgnbonr,(n Dover, > J , on MONDAYthe second day ot November next, at ten

° Dover* M. J , October itithJRfl]

r Hfcret'arj


•asna'a Hatenhls. Coal at sll slaps eoaUy en hand u d dollrend Dr.aptly W

ssy Dart of ths town or •lel&tty.nwmo*—TtLinRW&LT, ttr.. n n v II




Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET AND SCROLL SA.WINO DONE TO ORDER.

COAL, WOOD A l B E D K HATEBIAlBtafel. HSTIIIB lately craoted a lar(« Coal. Trwtla with < W » V » » « D

and • capacity of one nundr«4 oarsi neoaa aupplj our ousloinus with

AND SCREENED COA£.»Fartlsa aestttag to bssd)» Utir nwa end eta h*n 1. serssosaVua losdttVirtlhnii snmltof.





fa Itocked HlUi thB beat or .T&rytUDg fs thuu

linea, uid told rt liflng prtoei. dell and o u >

IOB at etook and prloei. All Reedi delii

u an; pan of Ui« towii it abort DOUOB.


YOUNG MAN!Tiat are your almB la lire I Do you know'• a thorough baslnua education i . wlial

— nued to mioceed In your life work I AvailwuraU uC t ie

Naw Jersey Business College,764 & 768 BBOA1> Hr., NEWABK,

Ji Tns Kxw u BUII-

Day and Night Bartons,HliorUiitiid sod Typo-wrl ting Dept,

Dufiiuem Studies,Tuition very low,

Catalogue free.O. T. MILLER, Principal


3ay dosa opens Boptombor 1st.olaee opotta September lib.



For Kow York, Mewark aud Eliz-abetb, at 6:U, 11:42 A. M j 3 81,5 52

> M. SUHDAVB, 5:48 F. H.For PhiloJoIpbio at G 44, 11.42M; 3:31, 6:5a r. M.

For Loog Branch, Ocean Grove,•=abmy Pork and points on NowYork mid Iiong Bronoli Eoilroad»i3:31r tt.

For aU stations to High BriSaoit 0:44, l l i to A; M.; 3.3lT(i 03 r. M.3UNDAIS, 5:48 P. M.

For Lake Hopatoonpr at 044.11:42 A. H.; 3:31, 0:59 r M.

For "aU stations to ORJOL, C44,M.; 3:81 p. i t

ForEooknwoy at 9:14 A M J 12 00,1:07,6:14,7:22 P.M. So»DAys, 414*t M . • . • ;

For Hibernia at 9:14 A. H , 4 07,!:U r. Jt. SmiBAis, 414 r. x.For Easton, Allentown and Mauoli

Chunk at 0:44 A. «.; 3 31, 6B2 r.SUNDAYS, 5:48 r. v.

R. F. JOLLEY 4 Co.,SHIRT MANUFACTURERS,• ' • ; . - * H D - . • • / . "




AHD BEST HTOfJR 'fc tn»>t


DOVER, M. 3,

Wholcssils u d istaJ drjalen and bottlers

RoU agmta far BaOaniint d Co'a OlAroitdRquri aiid Lagtr Peer, mtppiitd in any

quantity jrom a box to a oar load

ls lot of BslluUna atX I Ale, whish v» putpint nottlxs •p«ot«lljAmity nsa

. _ j WMived a aamnle lot of Bsllantlne AtSon's India Pale and I I I A\ip ID pint and ball pint DdaptodfitThotel and iamll;



J r f f e cQarantee all ottr foods to bestrlatlrvan and tn civa entdrasatisfaetioD,


SMITH & FANNING,Masons aud Builders,

DOVER, -Jf; J.

Contnota for all tdnds of work takeii andall materials f umlalied. ~ Practical experiencein efery branch of mason work.


S H O P O H B I K O I B StBXR, V -V;

NEXT TO D., L. Be W.'-E. R. / ••'.

Tbe subscriber his opened a Hoiss-Stoelin,traneli la eon CM lion «Uk bit oiber bn«i»u ,rimer of Slaekwell aail flerenu SU.. Dorer.

« bnilnoii is ID ehirgs of a nnetloai andi-rlenoed norse-alioor unri I-'espettlnll;ioit aibmofpnbllopatronage.^: ;.::ii'.:••-

Oeo. MoOracken.

THOS.rsT and dealer it.-

iKOBIBUU, Euiitioii, liutili,and all work In Harbin and Granite." All work

ol tba best order aod ptiecs reasonable,


Fran to CO ftcfea ot noosd erowth dust-nntUmtw qoltonearTallraail. Address

"ERA OFFICE,'Dover. N. J

H*rdy Buibt and Plants.

andum; Rmilo SUi'i. VaaaJukau fcn..TptT.rII|cd l .rt

Ill »l"l«r Floral » k l ll


(HOBBia AHD JlSflEX'DlVIBION.)Depot In Mew Tort, loot of BarcUr 81.

rautorObnatopborat.rautorObnatopborat.BDllUEIt ABBAKQEMENT3.

Oommenoiug MONDAY, JUNE *«• « > •DOVER TIME TABLE.

nuSxs "»••« urn SKTABI raox THU attnoM forums:

Buffalo Bxpreii* B;BB

aokstUloiro£xrffsshinjWn Bpl'Bollalo Bxjirosu' a.MEsJtoD Exj'res* 8:«B t Bs* JI*W

Doror Aooom 19:.ElmiraBx.* 1:1Euton Hail • 9:4OswodoEipreii" i;CI'kettstown Spl.» 6:5

Dover Aoeom. G.OInfbio Kiprofls1 C:i)over Aecom 6.1!

HllkEipnuM* 6:0

Uilk Eipruu-MilkB*proisOingh'tanUaU'BsstDDHailOaOkloExp.* - . .Dovar Express 10:53H'aetUt'n 8pL» " "


g»ston fiipres* 5:!H)Haraotoa Ex.* 5:»

DoferExpreii 7:18Waab. Hpeoikl 6:0HpeoUI

Eiu* ~

r 0 16'VI*. Boonton Branch.


DOVER AND MORRISTOWN>avo.lover.5;t»A it.T:Ba •'

• - -

11:211:47 r3-Aifl:00CS3


7.17 i. u.B:(W •'B;Or •'

11;« "1:17 P. u.8:1S "6:S0 "7:3S "0:lS "

Le«Tfl.Hnrrfitown. Dorer.fl;03A. x. 0:81 i . H8:w *• B:aa ••

1:88 P. H. 3:00SiiS " i;is '«J57 ."' S3) '6;M •' «ai6OQ " 7.107:33 " 8:03 '8:10 •> 10:10


At «:20, 7tlD, liW. 900*. 0:00, 9..W, 10:10,i . H . ; 13:00 u., 1-00*. Jr'Jil, ,1:B0, 4:19*, 4:30fi:IO. 6:00,7:30*. 8:00*. S:10 and B:OL* v. u.

**ru. Boonton Branch.

CHESTER BRANCH.Westward. Wationi. Bulward.

WfcSa "S.05 i:i7".0:33 a:B7 6:090:12 3:63 6:040:03 2:47 EiG9I.G2 1I:JS 5:55*0 335

VX'Ts Wi'l"7 JS IS 118 A 17 87 1J 13 4 "7i*J 1J18 4BJ7 U U J3 i id7 53 13 30 8 0UO 3r35 6:47 1'ort Oram 7 53 13 » « . . „ .

B^5 3:80 5:1a Dover 8 00 13 35 S OS

i HickettatOKD Express i lopiB'nug SSBI at 7"° " " -

prena slops aA , K , golug



Leave New York at 6 00,8 45 A,,1:00, 4;30 P.M. SUNDAYS, 100,-M.- ' .

Leave' Roebway at C 36, 1135L. M.; 3:23, 5:45, 6:02 p. M. SON-IATTS, 5:40 P.M.

heme Port Oram at 9fl9 A. M,.2:01,4:02. G;09. 7:17P.M. SUHDAIB,1:09 P. M.

Iieava Lake Hopatcong at 8 42.1:30 A. M.; 8:20, 6:40, p. M.Leave High Bridge nt 810,1100M.J 3:00,0:17 r. M. SUNDAYS, 3 02M.


Gen, Pass. AgentH. OUUUSEN,






IRON MERCHANT.1 HuwkoUran' Sap




. 'ullrr ftDd Moioailo NetUnn. Alio a fa]Hue of Heat Bafci, B^rrlgemtori u d WlOo(ilfr«, Sabr {JarriagtiB. oio.

Aiicnt of Horrli and sdjotalnj oonntlesiLe O.lvsr Oliltied Plow, also Acme BarroE»«IB Wlioel OultlvaUm, ff.ltir A. WoodU -wi-ri, Bcapers aad Dmders, Horte Rakes,A.U er ctn aod Bullatd's B s j Tedders, b r e r-ud > ibadlloneroirar.and sllflrat-olais fsrmEU4d.ii.orT. AustinBoadHaoblnesandH*w*>rjf Hiutnp FuUera.




FURNACES, Oorna «xo 8BUT Iagx Boom*,

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ac.


8TEiH e n m i nASFE0IAXTX.


H. L DUNHAM,lta lcadlag Eonpau and Aatr-loan Goaipanu..

Lotses promptly adjuited ampaid In caih.


Iholoe baUdfDg lou aad larma on eat7 taraa


ulli all Bodern InpnviiManta,looaled ID l>a»r.

Honnj to loaa on tMnd and Dortgaga-


Baker IlulldlH. . OOVKH.

L. H. IVES & Co,

FaiiGr Goo


nsurance and RealEstate Agency,

0Z7ZL a&d Mimwa iwaiNMaiKo,OFFIOE-Ni.llosal Union Beak Ballding.

. WE HAVE FOH SALK% bsmatn throo cliolcobuiliiing iltos on

eiin AvD.,dBoUin«; and Urge lot on HU MopeLVO.; also a lirgo lot on tblsavcnae | dwot"i tbo Tlolollf of Bt. Man's Obqreb, at_ _IMO of about two sores of land wkh dwuilLoe,im a.ndotfaerttnpraT(iments.D*lalntt7ofllt•in. Thoao projnrtles raoit bo so'd and willB said ohea» and on aur terms.

, igent,[jOmtm'a \Vmioirr OEOAM PACTOHY,

OR. B T J A C K W E L L AND BERGKHBT8.. 3 • ' •



H.B.AiniaSir.U.D.:r a JMTS1 great suffMlDg from BciiUo

psinrni effort, leomnenoed on JOB ' "nd now artu a Tew weeks, UsiDg nI kAilMti, I feel betUr lo «TCW WI~ - n UIB p u t two jasrt. Toua »

b l ^ for nlsbrBnbart


Notice of Soitlement.Holloa is LmelJT alien tbat Ibo aocotnti or


A CbUdren'a.Bprlngand Summer Underwea-,

Jrf"» Linings/ Hualls,TaWe Linen, L»oes,

Kid alov«s. Tidies,,Handkerchiefi, Books,

Material for Fancy Work,BTATIONEEY, -

Fanoy and Staple.Work and BCTOD Baskets.






CARPENTER BUILDER3&3ft£L£3££:SZ.BtaUou. Be nturni thanlu for

Contract^ Flaw. BpcciaoaUoa. wid Hata-rlala fanlatod for vnrj kind of work Blat.BoofclaldIn Ua batmaaaar a j ? °


Tinners and Plumbers.. : an prepare! to do KIJ kind, of:

Plumbing, Booflng, Butteringand Sheet Iron Work,

•ad IlEPAlIUNa. Apnlraoo n worknm a o f iKaare tlw lnduoenwaU WB offw torJhopa, llorrii B t , on. door fromtowmitl tae river.-; ;. ;,: , . . " . . ,

York, lofflvUit, Dover some lime-in

Ifavsmberto tu^

Any mi ipiMng his '

ptccucmid orders to Ous

:; itJlON ERA

TbBannnal'Tl» Ltopold

•iflll be h.ld at Ita oOn la Do^S; H j "

k a BIERWIBTB,^'SMntary



X , ,Bf. '$.••

idnrrs FOE THB

Cor. f yitex *nd Bltckwall Sti,still Maintain* hU nFBfcaUoB f«r kvaffif All



Plllsbury's Best Brand

of Flour,

•laabf «c.Yl*tlaa B m i art larlM Maall aa.•suaU. nr laoai a>lMa tkM. taw•HalaU.nadl.flaM.«kaMBMH.iinllalla«.I.I • ! lai IIMIIB>»lai«l



UUI8T1NO SNfilHBS, «. |>i«




The Equipment of IronWnu a »|>»ejalt». - -' -

ffiom.' a. j. I




Amsilou sad JTortlga OnoU* udVMV.* Otasttir Wcrk,

SUtuiji Xonunntii 8tnoplugiiBMlstesM, let IndosMB, to.

Aio. W o u Arm ICanauL or-rau Bxsr


. TH. J



-'- naiai ifiitnii riiiimi l i ' -

VDILJHlffirS, aailKIKf-•helbar of BSIOK or BTOHB.

Slav oa norm ipM, oaB |a,Jnm> laot

BaabuUlw,I)mc,«.'>."•• ' i o n I. SOI





rrf lortilnr. W aU kl«*.'SidoTemblaK alaaior tfTOB-viat a

rlo. br •craelros of aU ilooi, i « to•••;•'-•'. '•;•!:*•• jlia..*:mouiwi •lean 81,near th. Sink. , Jhret.N.J.

Id Dock, B o m Iik^ajrf "ffli


