sullivans times dec 11

1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE COMMAND REMARKS……….PAGES 1 & 2 OMBUDSMAN NOTES………. PAGE 3 “HOW I MET MY SAILOR”……….PAGES 4 & 5 CRAFT of the Month……….PAGE 6 CEILI SCHEDULE AND USEFUL LINKS……….PAGE 7 CAN YOU SPOT YOUR SAILOR?………..PAGES 8 & 9 OMBUDSMEN AND BASE CONTACT INFORMATION……….PAGE 10 HOLIDAY VOLUNTEER OPPOURTINITIES…………PAGES 11 TO 14 THE SULLIVANS TIMES COMMAND REMARKS THE SULLIVANS’ Friends and Families, This is my first newsletter as Commanding Officer. I am very excited, honored, and privileged to be leading such a professional team as we have in THE SULLIVANS. I have had the unique opportunity as serving as Executive Officer for the previous year and witnessed the challenges and triumphs of this crew and you, our families and friends. I want to thank each of you for your continued support of our Sailors. They depend on a strong support system at home to continue to answer the call of the nation. Since assuming command in November the schedule has been action-packed. We have enjoyed several port visits to Spain, Crete, Portugal, and Croatia. We honored our ship’s namesake on November 13, 2011 in remembrance to the 69 th anniversary of the loss of USS JUNEAU (CL 52) during WWII in the battle of Guadalcanal where the five Sullivan brothers, George, Joseph, Madison, Albert, and Francis perished. Next we participated in a multi-national undersea warfare exercise with the French and British Navies. We held a Sixth Fleet reception onboard hosting over 130 distinguished guests n Lisbon, Portugal, which included the United States’ ambassador to Portugal, the Commander of Sixth Fleet, several European ambassadors, and numerous foreign military admirals and generals. They were all extremely impressed with the ship and pride of the crew. Following Our Lisbon port visit we transited to Split, Croatia where the crew enjoyed a beautiful port visit in the Adriatic Sea. Our Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) team trained with the Croatian Navy’s team, which was a great opportunity for our Sailors to share boarding and search techniques with another nation. While inport the crew also participated in a Community Relations event where we volunteered at two of the local orphanages. Our Sailors played basketball and soccer with the children of the orphanage, which boosted their holiday spirit and morale as they beat us in soccer. We delivered them candy and several soccer balls and basketballs. I’m proud to announce the following Sailors were advanced to the next higher paygrade in a ceremony conducted on the flight deck on November 28 th : CS1(SW) Carter, GM2 Barber, GSM2(SW) Bennett, LS2(SW) Gavitt, FC2 Hanks, LS2(SW) Hathorn, STG2(SW) Javner, EM2(SW) Ramos, BM2 Sams, PS2 Smiley, STG2 Wilson, OS3(SW) Berkley, GM3 Bush, QM3 Dewitt, GSE3 Doby, GM3 Escoto, GM3 Rosariogarcia, EM3 Smith, and OS3 Spann. Additionally, I had the authority to meritoriously advance two well-deserving Sailors to the next paygrade. STG2(SW) Grier and SH3 Jackson were selected from a top-notch group of Sailors and were also advanced to the next rank. Well done! December 2011 Ombudsman Family Newsletter By Meagan Snyder and Sarah Wester

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December Ombudsmen Newsletter


Page 1: Sullivans times Dec 11




“HOW I MET MY SAILOR”……….PAGES 4 & 5 CRAFT of the Month……….PAGE 6





THE SULLIVANS’ Friends and Families,

This is my first newsletter as Commanding Officer. I am very excited, honored, and privileged to be leading such a professional team as we have in THE SULLIVANS. I have had the unique opportunity as serving as Executive Officer for the previous year and witnessed the challenges and triumphs of this crew and you, our families and friends. I want to thank each of you for your continued support of our Sailors. They depend on a strong support system at home to continue to answer the call of the nation.

Since assuming command in November the schedule has been action-packed. We have enjoyed several port visits to Spain, Crete, Portugal, and Croatia. We honored our ship’s namesake on November 13, 2011 in remembrance to the 69th anniversary of the loss of USS JUNEAU (CL 52) during WWII in the battle of Guadalcanal where the five Sullivan brothers, George, Joseph, Madison, Albert, and Francis perished. Next we participated in a multi-national undersea warfare exercise with the French and British Navies. We held a Sixth Fleet reception onboard hosting over 130 distinguished guests n Lisbon, Portugal, which included the United States’ ambassador to Portugal, the Commander of Sixth Fleet, several European ambassadors, and numerous foreign military admirals and generals. They were all extremely impressed with the ship and pride of the crew. Following Our Lisbon port visit we transited to Split, Croatia where the crew enjoyed a beautiful port visit in the Adriatic Sea.

Our Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) team trained with the Croatian Navy’s team, which was a great opportunity for our Sailors to share boarding and search techniques with another nation. While inport the crew also participated in a Community Relations event where we volunteered at two of the local orphanages. Our Sailors played basketball and soccer with the children of the orphanage, which boosted their holiday spirit and morale as they beat us in soccer. We delivered them candy and several soccer balls and basketballs.

I’m proud to announce the following Sailors were advanced to the next higher paygrade in a ceremony conducted on the flight deck on November 28th: CS1(SW) Carter, GM2 Barber, GSM2(SW) Bennett, LS2(SW) Gavitt, FC2 Hanks, LS2(SW) Hathorn, STG2(SW) Javner, EM2(SW) Ramos, BM2 Sams, PS2 Smiley, STG2 Wilson, OS3(SW) Berkley, GM3 Bush, QM3 Dewitt, GSE3 Doby, GM3 Escoto, GM3 Rosariogarcia, EM3 Smith, and OS3 Spann. Additionally, I had the authority to meritoriously advance two well-deserving Sailors to the next paygrade. STG2(SW) Grier and SH3 Jackson were selected from a top-notch group of Sailors and were also advanced to the next rank. Well done!

December 2011 Ombudsman Family Newsletter By Meagan Snyder and Sarah Wester

Page 2: Sullivans times Dec 11


Command Remarks (continued) During the same ceremony we “pinned” our newest Enlisted Surface Warrior Specialists (ESWS),

FC3(SW) Laster, OS3(SW) Berkley, ET3(SW) Luttrull, and STG3(SW) Howe. This designation is the culmination of months of hard work.

Wearing the ESWS pin signifies the Sailor is competent in their job, and has acquired additional

general knowledge that enhances their understanding of warfighting, mission effectiveness, and command survivability by learning the entire ship’s systems and capabilities. We also reenlisted BM3 Brown on Thanksgiving Day and IC1(SW) Snyder atop the ship’s mast, which was an exciting time for those in attendance!

I’m happy to welcome aboard our newest Shipmates, LT Smith, IT1 Baumgartner, ITSN Rosetty, GMSA Rosariogarcia, ICFN McKeel, GSMFR Fox, GSMFA Charles, ENFR Richardson, STGSN Fitzgerald, and STGSN Dunn. We also bid farewell to a few of our Shipmates as they depart for follow-on tours of duty. Fair winds and following seas to LT Griffith, STG2 Maldonado, and QM2(SW) Standback.

Commanding Officer, CDR Derick Armstrong, sends.

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By Sarah Wester

I don’t know if I am the only one that is having trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year or what. Probably not, right!? As I look around my little area of base housing this 2nd day after Thanksgiving at the many houses who have already decorated, I can’t help but miss my Sailor. It’s not that I’m not capable of breaking out a ladder and stringing lights on the house but who wants to do that by themselves. As depressing as it may seem to spend this holiday season without Joe, I am determined to keep up the appearance of cheerfulness for my son and the rest of the family. I did catch myself today humming the tune of Sleigh Ride so perhaps the holiday spirit is slowly warming up my Grinch heart.

This time of year can be downright gloomy for some and especially for those of us who are dealing with a deployed spouse. Some of the best ways to get past those bah hum bugs are to get out and enjoy time with the kids or go to a holiday event (hint, hint, Spouses’ Night Out). The cities of Jacksonville and the beaches as well as NS Mayport have many events during the season for both children and adults. All local events have been posted to our Facebook page @ If you feel like driving a little north or south, St. Augustine and Nassau County both have some wonderful events as well.

There is also a list of volunteer opportunities in the local area at the end of this newsletter (pages 11 to 14) . This is another awesome way to brighten your holiday spirit while bringing joy and comfort to others.

If you seriously cannot seem to beat the holiday blues or feel like there may be something more serious going on, there are many resources both military and civilian for you. Please see below for a list of available resources. Military One Source: Confidential Counseling options available by calling 1.800.342.9647. You can

also visit their website @ for further information.

TRICARE Value Options: TRICARE’s behavior health and counseling services. You do NOT need an initial referral from your PCM. You can contact TRICARE directly for a referral. Their number is 1-800-700-8646 and representatives are available Monday-Friday 8AM-7PM, excluding federal holidays. You can visit their website for further information:

The Fleet and Family Support Centers in the TriBase area are also readily available to offer clinical counseling for your individual needs.

Services offered by FFSC include:

o Short-term clinical counseling for individuals, groups, and families

o Crisis intervention and/or response to disasters and other catastrophes

o Group counseling and/or educational groups

o Referral to other military and community resources

NAVSTA Mayport Phone: 904-270-6600

NAS Jacksonville Phone: 904-542-2766

SUBASE Kings Bay Phone: 912-573-4512

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Due to the Holiday Season and the awesome influx of stories that have been pouring in; the “How I Met My Sailor segment will be two pages in this newsletter edition. Remember if you submit a story, you will receive a first kiss



By: Dina M. Sanchez

It was 1995; I was a single mother, and working at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. I had just gone through a divorce. Some friends of mine kept telling me about this guy that they wanted to introduce me to. I wasn’t ready at the

time to meet someone new, and I told them so. I did not want to step out of the frying pan into the fire per say. So I kept refusing to go out with them.

A couple weeks later, a friend of mine asked me if I would like to go out for drinks after work so I agreed to go. Page and I chose Baha’s Beach Club as the place to go that evening. We were dancing and having fun, when I

noticed a handsome man standing at the bar. This handsome man took my breath away. I told Page that I wanted to dance with him and that I would before the night was over. She said no he can’t dance and I said yes he can and I will dance with him before the night is over. I was so sure that I would dance with him, I bet her a


I kept looking over his way because I thought he was so handsome and couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. He was like the handsome prince in a fairy tale that just sweeps the princess off of her feet in the end. After a while our eyes met and he smiled and then he was gone. My heart fell out of my body right there on the dance floor. It

seemed like forever that he was gone, but forever was only about thirty minutes.

When he returned to the same spot he was standing before, I made my move. I kept my eyes on him this time I wasn’t going to let him get away. So I walked off of the dance floor and walked very close to him and he tapped

me on my shoulder and asked me if I wanted to dance. I didn’t give it a second thought and off to the dance floor we went. He was such a gentleman and moved with such ease on the dance floor. I finally had met my true love.

I didn’t know a thing about him yet, but felt that he was the one and I must not let him go. Some people don’t believe in love at first sight, but I do and I learned so that evening.

We danced as if we had taken dance classes together our whole lives. Every song that came on we had to dance to. It seems like we were there for only a short while, but actually it had been hours. My friend said that she knew

we had fallen in love. She could tell by the way we looked at each other.

A little while later my friends came in from work. I went over to say hello, and the handsome man excused himself to go somewhere before I walked over their way. I said hello and the first thing out of their mouths was, that guy is here we want to introduce you to. I said no way, I have met my true love here tonight, and I don’t want to meet anyone else. They just laughed dismissing my words as humor and said it it’s too late. The man they wanted to introduce me to was right behind me. I waved my hands profusely saying no, I am not kidding, I have met the

man of my dreams. So right about then they turned me around and there he was the man I had heard so much about at work. For weeks the girls were telling me about him, and him about me. They were definitely trying to be match makers. So I took a deep breath and turned around. There he was, that handsome man from the bar, the prince, the one and only true love that I had met just hours before. It was FCC Juan C. Sanchez, the man I had planned to spend the rest of my life with after just meeting him. I know it sounds crazy, but we both knew that it

wasn’t. We dated for two years, and married. Two years later we had our second child Selena.

We celebrated our fourteenth anniversary this year as husband and wife. We have had many good memorable times, as well as bad, but we are still together and very much in love.

We attend any and all of the Navy Balls, Christmas parties, and take part in a lot of activities that the Navy has to offer. We love God, our family, Navy family, our Country, and friends dearly, and are thankful for every aspect of

our lives.

I must say in closing of this story of How I Met My Sailor,” each and every time I dance with my husband, it takes me back to that day we met at Baha’s Beach club in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and I fall in love all over again

on the dance floor. “

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How I met my Sailor-FC3 Josh Laster

By Michelle Truett

I met my sailor when I was in the 8th grade he was in the 11th grade. When I

was in middle school I wasn't very good in math so the high school would let the

people in advanced math classes tutor the people who weren’t good in math,

Josh was my tutor! I used to wear cute stuff to try to get him to notice me but

he wouldn't. When I came to high school I would see Josh in the halls and my

heart would start to beat faster but all he would do would say hey or smile.

Sometimes he would take my hair down if I was wearing it in a pony tail, just

flirting! After he graduated we lost touch until Christmas 2010. I was working

at Wal-Mart and he was walking out of the restroom with his little brother,

who I was friends with in high school also. We started talking on Facebook and

after a few days I knew he was the one I was going to spend the rest of my life

with! January 1, 2012 will be our 1 year anniversary, and he won’t be here! I

miss my sailor so much! Every night I dream of the day I will see him walk of

that ship and into each other’s arms where we belong.

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Compiled by Meagan Snyder

Oh no! One of Santa's elves forgot to take his shoes with him after his visit! Hang them up on your Christmas tree in case he comes back to look for them.

What you'll need:

½ sheet green felt 3" square piece of red glitter felt 6 medium silver pom poms 8" piece of green yarn Felt glue Scissors Pattern

How to make it:

1. Cut two shoes from the green felt and two cuffs from the red glitter felt using the pattern (see image).

2. Glue the red cuffs to the tops of the green shoes (see image). 3. Glue two silver pom-poms to the points on the cuff, repeat for other shoe. Glue the remaining two

pom poms to the points of the shoes. Let dry. 4. Glue yarn to the back of each shoe, creating a hanger (see image). 5. Lay the shoes on the work surface and position on shoe layered over the other. When you have

them how you want them, glue them together.

(Courtesy of

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What is a Ceili (kay-lee)? A Ceili is simply a social gathering. During deployment and throughout the year, the Ombudsmen host Ceilis to foster friendship and camaraderie throughout the families and Sailors of

USS The Sullivans.

18 December -Spouses’ Night Out


Location: Ted’s Montana Grill,

St. Johns Town Center

14 January-Ceili

2-4pm Location: TBD

Valentines for the ship

18 February-Ceili

2-4pm Location: TBD


Military HOME FRONT: MilitaryHOMEFRONT is the Department of Defense website for official Military Community and Family Policy (MC&FP) program information, policy and guidance designed to help troops and their families, leaders, and service providers. Whether you live the military lifestyle

or support those who do, you'll find what you need.

Their website is:

FREE PACKING SUPPLIES FROM THE US POSTAL SERVICE: The United States Postal Service (USPS) will supply for free, to anyone who asks, specially packaged Priority Mail supplies for shipping "care kits" to members of the U.S. military stationed overseas. Each supply kit includes the following:

4 Priority Mail Flat-Rate "shoe box" 6 Priority Mail Flat-Rate "garment box"

10 Priority Mail labels 1 roll of Priority Mail tape 10 customs forms with envelopes

To obtain a free kit of shipping supplies, simply call the USPS' packing supplies order line at 1-800-610-8734, select option #1 ("Express Mail, Priority Mail or Global Express Guaranteed products"), and ask a customer service agent for CAREKIT04 (or a "military kit"). You need supply only your name, address, and phone number, and they'll get a kit off to you that should arrive within 7-10 days. We've tried this service ourselves: it was easy to use, the USPS customer service agent we dealt with was courteous and efficient, and we were supplied with a customer ID number to expedite the process of ordering additional supplies. (This offer includes only packing materials — senders who use these materials still have to pay postage for the actual mailing of care packages.)

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Sullivans Sailors providing some musical stress

relief during swim call. Band members: HMC

Larson, GM2 Naff, FC2 Grate and EM3 Porter

[Photo provided by USS The Sullivans FB page]

9 November 2011: CO Steele and CO

Armstrong enjoying some humor during the

Change of Command Ceremony.

[Photo provided by USS The Sullivans FB page]

13 November 2011: Five USS The Sullivans

Sailors carry wreaths to represent the five

Sullivan brothers in a remembrance ceremony of

the 69th

anniversary of the sinking of USS


[Photo provided by USS The Sullivans FB page]

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November 2011: The CA (Combat Acoustics)

division hard at work during an exercise.

[Photo provided by USS The Sullivans FB page]

10 November 2011: Memorial Wreath laid by DD

537/DDG 68 Association at The Sullivans Brothers

memorial in Waterloo, IA.

[Photo provided by John Mataka- DD 537 Association]

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USS THE SULLIVANS QUARTERDECK: (904) 270-7981 CENTRAL MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS: (904) 542-4677 NS Mayport Medical Clinic: (904) 270-4303 Fleet and Family Support Center: (904) 270-6600 Base Chapel: (904) 270-5212 ITT Office: (904) 270-5145 Outdoor Recreation: (904) 270-5221 Youth Center: (904) 270-5680 Child Development Center: Off-base-(904) 270-7740 Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS): (904) 270-5418 Pass and ID (Main Gate/decals): (904) 270-5585 Base Security: (904) 270-5583

AMERICAN RED CROSS: (877) 272-7337 (toll-free) When calling the Red Cross, please provide as much of the following information about the service member as is known:

Full name Rank/rating Branch of service (Army, Navy, Air

Force, Marines, Coast Guard) Social Security Account number or date

of birth Military address Information about the deployed unit and

home base unit (for deployed service members only)

USO (United Services Organization): Mayport USO 2560 Mayport Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: 904-246-3481 NAS Jacksonville USO Building 1050 (on NAS Jax) Jacksonville, FL 32212-0108 Phone: 904-778-2821


MEAGAN SNYDER: EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (904) 403-0048

SARAH WESTER: EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (904) 955-7864


CARELINE (RECORDED MESSAGE): Toll Free: 1-888-799-8081


FPO AA 34093-1287

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One of the most wonderful ways to help others and yourself at the same time is to volunteer!

Here is a substantial list of organizations that are eager for your help this holiday season! These are also a great way for any high school students to gain those required volunteer hours!

[List courtesy of Folio Weekly Holiday edition]


The ninth annual Gingerbread House Extravaganza

displays holiday houses from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily Nov.

30-Dec. 22 at Jacksonville Historical Society, located

at the Old St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 317

Randolph Blvd., Jacksonville. The more than 30

gingerbread houses are created by local chefs,

architects and civic organizations. Proceeds benefit the

Society. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for kids ages 3-

16 and free for kids younger than 2. The Victorian

Merrill Museum House is open from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for

tours. 665-0064.


Bereavement specialists lead discussions and group

exercises on coping with grief from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

on Dec. 3 at Acosta-Rua Center for Caring, 5450

Ramona Blvd., Jacksonville; at McGraw Center for

Caring, 4715 Worrall Way, Mayo Clinic campus,

Jacksonville and Flagler Hospital’s Cancer Education

and Support Center, 400 Health Park Blvd., St.

Augustine. The group also meets from 6:30-8 p.m. on

Dec. 5 at Neviaser Educational Institute of Community

Hospice, 4266 Sunbeam Road, Bldg. 100,

Jacksonville. 268-5200.


The 31st annual Tree of Life Celebration is held from

5:30-7 p.m. on Dec. 8 at Community Hospice’s Hadlow

Center, 4266 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville. Each of

the more than 60,000 lights on the tree represents the

life of a person cared for in Community Hospice’s 30

years of service. A candlelight Service of

Remembrance is featured. Proceeds benefit

Community Hospice Foundation. 886-3883.


The New Jax City Rollers Team Naughty skates

against Team Nice at 7 p.m. on Dec. 10 at Jax Ice

Sports Complex, 3605 Philips Highway, Jacksonville.

Admission is $10 and a new, unwrapped toy. Doors

open at 6:30 p.m. 357-0102.


This children’s event needs folks to hand out new toys,

donated by sponsor companies and regular folks, to

almost 8,000 kids 12 years old and younger at the 13th

annual gathering held from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Dec.

10 at Prime Osborn Convention Center, 1000 Water

St., Jacksonville. 350-1616.



The 30th annual children’s event is held from 8 a.m.-

noon on Dec. 17 at Clay County Fairgrounds, 2497

S.R. 16 W., Green Cove Springs. Open to any Clay

County kids up to 14 years old, the party features new

toys, food and entertainment. 284-7398.


850 Sixth Ave. S., Ste. 400, Jax Beach, 241-7437

Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry holds a

Thanksgiving basket giveaway to registered clients on

Nov. 18, 21 and 22 and needs packages of food and

grocery store gift cards for a turkey, ham or other main

course for the traditional meal, as well as volunteers to

put it all together. BEAM is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on

Mon.-Thur., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Fri., or call 994-1217 to

schedule a drop-off.


Crisis Hotline 824-1555

[email protected]

Betty Griffin House provides safe emergency shelter to

abused women and their minor children, and victims of

rape, as well as counseling, support groups, legal

assistance, community education and advocacy

programs. To see the group’s current wish list go to

Page 12: Sullivans times Dec 11



1824 N. Pearl St., Jacksonville, 354-7799

The Bridge is in need of food for Thanksgiving and gifts

for Christmas. The Thanksgiving drive for food and

turkey gift certificates runs now through Nov. 21; the

Christmas drive to sponsor a family runs now through

Dec. 19. For more information, call 354-7799 ext. 137.


24532 Deer Trace Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, 280-


Bright Holidays needs volunteers in early December to

shop, wrap and deliver gifts of clothing, food, school

supplies and other essentials. Pssst, high school

students: It’s an easy way to earn service hours.


P.O. Box 5616, Jacksonville FL 32247, 493-7738

Provides foster care, adoption, parenting education

and child-abuse prevention services to children and

families in Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns

counties. The Home Society needs monetary

donations to provide a family with a Thanksgiving

basket, as well as gift certificates, new toys and

volunteers to wrap donated gifts for Christmas. For the

Wish List of a child in need, go to


8443 Baymeadows Road, Ste. 1, Jacksonville, 726-


The ECS’ Holiday Outreach Program helps children

and families in Northeast Florida providing early

childhood education and social services. The ECS

needs monetary donations and Winn-Dixie gift

certificates for holiday meals.


165 Wells Road, Ste. 301, Orange Park, 215-8520

The “Be a Santa to a Senior” program collects, wraps

and delivers gifts to needy area seniors. Giving Trees

for donating are available through mid-December at

various locations throughout Northeast Florida.


The Jacksonville chapter of HOPE needs volunteers to

help unload toys from noon-2 p.m. on Dec. 10 at Prime

Osborn Convention Center, 1000 Water St.,

Jacksonville. 292-2535. ?


The Inn Ministry’s annual Christmas Party for pregnant

women and mothers with young children features gift-

sharing and a visit from Santa from 1-4 p.m. on Dec.

18 at the German American Club, 4165 Lakeside

Drive, Jacksonville. Volunteers help with food,

managing games for young children and distributing

toys. Donations of toys, gifts and clothes are needed.



This food-distribution program needs help offloading

trucks full of groceries and distributing the donated,

non-perishable foodstuffs to more than 3,000 families

on Jacksonville’s Eastside. 633-2258 or 633-6590.


6261 Dupont Station Court E., Jacksonville, 448-1933

The food pantry needs canned food donations and

volunteers to help sort and stock the items. Its Jewish

Healing Network program needs volunteers to visit

others who are ill.


Drop off new or clean, used sweaters, coats and

blankets through Nov. 30 at WJCT Public Broadcasting

Studios, 100 Festival Park Ave., Jacksonville, at all

First Coast VyStar Credit Union locations, at Two Men

and a Truck, 8849 Arlington Expressway, and all

Community Hospice locations. Donations are

distributed to St. Vincent’s Mobile Outreach Ministry

(which serves migrant workers), Clara White Mission,

and other First Coast nonprofits serving the needy.



12456 Sago Ave. W., Jacksonville, 696-9100

The Center provides help to pregnant women,

including teenagers and single mothers who need food

and clothing for their babies. Baby clothing, maternity

clothes, gift cards and donations for a new facility are

needed. To see a list of specific needs, go to


1 W. Adams St., Jacksonville, 421-8585

The P.A.C.E. Center needs volunteers to tutor girls and

young women (ages 12-18) in math, English and

reading, and to help provide program enrichment

activities, Mon.-Fri. between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Donations of gift cards for food and clothing are also

needed. To make a donation or for more information,


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Volunteers collect shoebox gifts packed by local

individuals, and send them to needy children around

the world, at collection sites throughout Northeast



Part of Lutheran Social Services, Second Harvest

needs volunteers to stock, pull orders and help with

general upkeep. Monetary gifts are welcome. 1502

Jessie St., Jacksonville. 448-5995 or ?353-3663.


Marine Toys For Tots Foundation needs new,

unwrapped toys, but they also need folks to gather,

sort and distribute them to deserving kids. 714-7472.

[email protected]


2560 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, 246-3481

NAS JAX, Yorktown Gate, Bldg. 1050, 778-2821

Welcome Center, JAX International Airport, 741-6655

The USO, serving active duty members of the military

and their families in Northeast Florida, needs monetary

donations for food baskets, supplies and children’s



P.O. Box 119, Orange Park, 215-3150

This volunteer-based group collects and provides food

to organizations serving the homeless and hungry, low-

income families and seniors, people with disabilities

and at-risk youths. Monetary donations and volunteers

are needed.



Jacksonville’s City Rescue Mission needs volunteers to help with mailouts, holiday meal serving, data entry, phone

calls and gift wrapping. Thanksgiving dinner is held from noon-3 p.m. on Nov. 23 and Christmas dinner is from noon-3

p.m. on Dec. 23, at New Life Inn, 234 W. State St., downtown. The mission, located at 426 S. McDuff Ave.,

Jacksonville, holds an open house from noon-1:30 p.m. on Nov. 17, featuring tours and light snacks. On Nov. 19, the

Mission will have a booth at Riverside Arts Market to collect socks, canned goods and white twin sheet sets. On Dec.

3, students from Paul Mitchell school give holiday haircuts at the McDuff campus. On Dec. 10 from 9 a.m.-noon,

Santa’s on hand for photos at the Thrift Store, 5342 Normandy Blvd. And they’re giving away full and king-size

mattress and box-spring sets; first come, first served. On Nov. 23 and Dec. 23, donate your old coats to City Rescue

Mission at area Burlington stores. 387-4357.


Community volunteers serve Thanksgiving dinner to homeless and disadvantaged families at the Mission, 613 W.

Ashley St., Jacksonville. The 107-year-old Jacksonville mission needs donations of food and/or money to help the

program offer its two-meals-a-day service. Feed the City is held from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Nov. 19, Celebrate the Mission

dinner is held from 2-5 p.m. on Nov. 20, and the Thanksgiving Day Breakfast is from 8:30-10:30 a.m. on Nov. 24. 354-



Volunteers are needed to amass toys and ToysRUs gift cards, blankets, watches, cold-weather clothing, hygienic

products and non-perishable food items. The center is located at 611 E. Adams St., Jacksonville. 359-0457 or 359-



The need for Thanksgiving Baskets grows each year; the organization is getting some help this year from Intuition Ale.

A “dry” basket of items families may use to cook their dinner may include a gift card for a ham or turkey ($15-$20 for

Walmart or Publix), a pan, canned vegetables, chicken broth, fried onion bits, elbow macaroni, evaporated milk,

marshmallows, potatoes, rice, gravy, cranberry sauce, dressing, cooking oil, flour, sugar, paper towels and tea bags.

Deliver your assembled basket to Intuition Ale, 720 King St., Jacksonville, by Nov. 19 and you’ll get a $30 certificate for

their taproom brew. Call Intuition at 683-7720; Community Connections at 350-9949.

Page 14: Sullivans times Dec 11



4570 St. Johns Ave., Ste. 3, Jacksonville, 389-5231

The Sanctuary provides residential group care to foster children (13-17 years old), and provides housing, education,

life skills training and mentoring to youths 18-23 years old who have aged out of foster care. Christmas gifts, holiday

food and monetary donations are needed.


800 Shetter Ave., Jax Beach, 241-6767

This day facility, serving the homeless from Mayport to St. Johns County, provides meals, showers, clothing vouchers,

medical care, case management and referrals. The Mission House is in need of funding to support its programs.


70 Washington St., St. Augustine, 829-8937

This homeless resource, food pantry, soup kitchen and emergency housing shelter, serving 200 hot lunches daily,

accepts donations of time, money, sponsorships or handyman skills.


134 E. Church St., downtown Jacksonville, 356-2902 or 359-0331

Operated by Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, the 30-plus-year-old soup kitchen serves food at 7 and 10 a.m.

every Saturday, with clothing distribution from 8-10 a.m., canned goods at 10 a.m.


328 N. Ocean St., Jacksonville, 301-4846

The Salvation Army needs Red Kettle bellringers, sorters, meal servers on Christmas Day, Adopt-a-Family

participants, Angel Tree toy shop workers and volunteers to help with year-round local programs. A Thanksgiving meal

is served on Nov. 24, a Christmas meal is served on Dec. 24.


The pantry serves 9,000 families — approximately 27,000 individuals — every year. Food donations are needed.

Nonperishable food items are accepted. 2969 Park St., Jacksonville. 389-5341.


3015 Parental Home Road, Jacksonville,

1-877-720-0007 or 904- 720-0002

The Center shelters homeless, runaway and abandoned children (ages 10-17), provides counseling and attempts to

reunite families. Needed items include coats, sweaters, jeans, shoes, CD players, watches, journals, educational

games, arts-and-crafts materials, and backpacks.


Salvation Army, 356-8641

St. Paul’s By-The-Sea Episcopal Church, 249-4091

Community Presbyterian Church, 249-8698

St. Paul’s Catholic Church, 249-2600

Palms Presbyterian Church, 270-1089

Jacksonville Beach Church of Christ, 246-2457