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  • 7/31/2019 Summary of eCRM


    e-CRM - Summary

    1 Introduction

    2 Tracking and Analyzing Data2.1 Log-File Analysis2.2 Data Mining2.3 Customer Registration

    2.4 Cookies3 Personalization

    3.1 Intelligent Agents3.2 Personalization vs. Privacy

    4 Contact Centers4.1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    4.2 e-Mail4.3 Online Text Chatting4.4 Speech Synthesis and Recognition; Natural Language Processing4.5 Voice Communications4.6 Sales-Force Automation

    5 Business-to-Business e-CRM6 Complete e-CRM Solutions

  • 7/31/2019 Summary of eCRM


    1 Introduction

    Customer relationship management (CRM) Focuses on providing and maintaining quality service for

    customers, by effectively communicating and delivering

    products, services, information and solutions to address

    customer problems, wants and needs

    Can include:

    Call handling (the maintenance of outbound and inbound calls

    from customers and service representatives)

    Sales tracking (the tracking and recording of all sales made)

    Transaction support(the technology and personnel used forconducting business transactions)

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    1 Introduction

    eCRM is the application of CRM to an e-businessstrategy Includes the personalization and customization of customers

    experiences and interactions with the e-business

    Relationship between merchant and customers isdistant

    Less expensive to keep customers than to acquirenew ones

    Repeat customers have higher lifetime value thanone-time buyers A customers lifetime value is the expected amount of profit

    derived from a customer over a designated length of time

    Evaluate the potential to profit from a customer

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    2 Tracking and Analyzing Data

    Employ tracking devices Personalize each visitors experience

    Find trends in customer use

    Measure the effectiveness of a Web site over time

    ID cards An ID card enables information to be sent to your computer

    from a Web site such as the numerical address of your PC on

    the Internet, your browser and your operating system

    Click-through banner advertisements

    Click-through advertisements enable visitors to view a service

    or product by clicking the advertisement

    Advertisers can learn what sites generate sales

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    2 Tracking and Analyzing Data

    Web Bugs, or clear GIFs

    A type of image file embedded in an image on the screen

    Site owners allow companies, especially advertising

    companies, to hide these information-collecting programs on

    various parts of their sites

    Every time a user requests a page with a Web bug on it, theWeb bug sends a request to the Web bugs companys server,

    which then tracks where the user goes on the Web.

    Log-file analysis

    Data mining

    Customer registration


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    10.2.1 Log-File Analysis

    When visiting a site, you are submitting a requestfor information from the sites server and the

    request is recorded in a log file

    Log files consist of data generated by site visits, including

    each visitors location, IP address, time of visit, frequency ofvisits and other information

    Log-file analysis organizes and summarizes the information

    contained in the log files

    Can be used to determine the number of unique visitors

    Can show the Web-site traffic effects of changing a Web site

    or advertising campaign

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    2.1 WebTrends Feature

    WebTrends provides solutions for tracking visitors User specifies source of log files, types of reports and

    location where data is stored

    The analysis is conducted automatically

    Collected information can be used to evaluate e-commercemethods, customer service and Web-site design

    Graphical interpretation of the log files can be presented

    Can view demographic and geographic data, technical

    analysis of a Web sites effectiveness and top-referringsitessites that most frequently refer visitors to your site
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    2.2 Data Mining

    Data mining Uses algorithms and statistical tools to find patterns in datagathered from customer visits

    Costly and time consuming to go through large amounts ofdata manually

    Use data-mining to analyze trends within their companies orin the marketplace

    Uncovered patterns can improve CRM and marketingcampaigns

    Discover a need for new or improved services or products by

    studying the patterns of customers purchases Data mining software

    HNC SoftwareData DistilleriesApplied MetrixData Instinctsand SmartDrill
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    2.3 Customer Registration

    Customer registration Requiring visitors to fill out a form with personal

    information that is then used to create a profile

    Recommended when it will provide a benefit to the customer

    When customers log on using usernames and passwords,their actions can be tracked and stored in a database

    Require only minimum information

    Give customers an incentive to register

    Free-trial run or a free demonstration to familiarize the user

    After customer registration, send an e-mail

    including customer usernames and welcoming

    them to your Web site

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    2.4 Cookies

    Cookie A text file stored by a Web site on an individuals personal

    computer that allows a site to track the actions of a

    Information collected is intended to be an anonymous

    account of log-on times, the length of stay at the site,

    purchases made on the site, the site previously visited and

    the site visited next

    Does not interact with other information stored on the


    Can only be read by the host that sets them on a personscomputer

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    2.4 Cookies

    Benefits Record passwords for returning visitors

    Keep track of shopping-cart materials

    Register preferences

    Assist companies in address target markets with greateraccuracy


    Customer privacy

    Can be misleading to site that places cookie on a computer Different people may use the same computer to surf the Web,

    and the cookie will not be able to differentiate the users

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    3 Personalization

    Personalization Uses information from tracking, mining and data analysis to

    customize a persons interactions with a companys

    products, services, Web site and employees

    Allaire, Blaze Software, NetGenesis and Personify

    Establish relationships that improve each time

    visitors return to site

    Customers may enjoy individual attention and

    become more loyal
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    3 Personalization

    Collaborative filtering Compares ratings of a present users interests and decisions

    with those of past users to offer content relative to the

    present users interests

    Rules-based personalization The delivery of personalized content based on the subjection

    of a users profile to set rules or assumptions

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    3.1 Intelligent Agents

    Intelligent agent A program that can be used on the Web to assist a user in the

    completion of a specified task, including searching for

    information and automating tasks

    Can be used as personalization mechanisms byproviding content related to the users interests

    Can observe Web-surfing habits and purchasing

    behavior to recommend new products to buy or

    sites to visit

    Can help e-businesses offer a level of customer

    service similar to person-to-person interaction

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    3.2 Personalization vs. Privacy

    Some people feel personalization representsinvasion of privacy and others may not be aware

    that data is being collected and personalization is

    occurring at a site

    Marketers must be discrete about the way they usepersonal information gained from data research

    Personalization Consortium

    An alliance of major Web sites attempting to accommodate

    those individuals who prefer to have their Web experiences


    Released a study suggesting that most users actually prefer

    to have their information stored and actions tracked
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    10.4 Contact Centers

    Traditional call centers house customer-servicerepresentatives who can be reached by an 800


    Call center, e-contact centeror multimedia

    contact center Purpose is the sameto provide a personal customer service

    experience that is individualized to each customers needs

    and questions

    Allow customers with Internet access to contact customerservice representatives through e-mail, online text chatting

    or real-time voice communications

    Integration of all customer service functions

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    4 Contact Centers

    Change the culture of customer servicerepresentatives

    More technically knowledgeable to handle all forms of


    Provide a highly personalized experience that satisfiescustomers

    New forms of contact can decrease costs

    Outsource contact center services

    May be appropriate if a company cannot afford to implementa contact center due to the costs of equipment, office space,

    service representatives and technical support.

    Stream International, Inc.Sitel Corporation and TeleTech
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    4.1 FAQs

    A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section onthe site Will help customers find answers to some of their questions

    Frees up time for CSRs to handle questions that can not beanswered without human interaction

    Self-service FAQ software and Web FAQsoftware

    Place phone numbers and e-mail addresses nearbyFAQ

    Include a search engine on your site Allowing users to type in a word or phrase to find

    information on your site relevant to their particular question

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    4.2 e-Mail

    E-mail can provide a less expensive customerservice solution Customers can use e-mail to ask questions or comment on

    your companys services or products

    Only appropriate if you have resources to handledemands

    Customers may be not be willing to wait long foran e-mail reply

    Ideally, a response to a customers e-mail inquiryshould be completed within forty-eight hours

    Brightware RightNow Technologies , Servicesoftand Delano
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    4.3 Online Text Chatting

    Instantaneous If representatives are busy with many chat sessions,

    customer may experience delay in responses

    Can lose the dynamics of human communication

    the meaning of a message may be misinterpreted FaceTime Communications, CLICKiCHAT and

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    4.4 Speech Synthesis and Recognition;

    Natural Language Processing Speech synthesis

    The process of having a computer convert text to voice

    Mechanical-sounding voices have some human intonationsand costs of these services are relatively low

    Speech recognition When a computer listens to speech and is able to convert

    what is being said into text

    Different pronunciations, accents, intonations and languagescan create difficulties

    Natural language processing Attempts to understand text and respond with a proper


    Ask Jeeves, Eliza, Artificial Life
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    4.4 Speech Synthesis and Recognition;Natural Language Processing

    Continuous speech recognition (CSR)

    When a natural language comment or question is posed to a

    computer over a phone or directly from a person, the audio

    must first be converted to text through CSR Allows a person to speak fluently and quickly to a computer

    without losing the accuracy of the translation into text

    Will impact the future of CRM applications

    Will provide more accurate automated answers tocustomers inquiries, cutting customer service

    costs as the technology advances

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    4.4 Microsoft Agent Feature

    Technology for adding interactive animatedcharacters in a Windows application or World

    Wide Web page

    Four characters: Peedy the Parrot, Genie, Merlin, Robby the

    Robot Allow users to interact with the application using natural

    human-communication techniques

    Accepts both mouse and keyboard interactions, speaks and

    also supports speech recognition

    If a compatible text-to-speech engine is installed

    Create your own characters withMicrosoft Agent Character

    Editorand theMicrosoft Linguistic Sound Editing tool

    Both free for download from the Microsoft Agent Web site
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    4.5 Voice Communications

    Internet provides another channel for human-to-human voice communication

    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

    VoIP products and applications allow people to

    communicate with speech over the Internet

    Internet telephony allows people to make phone

    calls over the Internet

    Quality of transmission yet to match regular telephone

    Many companies are using PC-to-phone communication

    because it is of higher quality than PC-to-PC

    A person speaks from a computer to another person who

    responds through another computer

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    4.5 Voice Communications

    PC-to-phone (computer-to-phone) voicecommunication

    Allows a visitor to a Web site to continue browsing while

    talking to a customer-service representative over the Internet

    Allows dial-up Internet users who have only one phone line

    to chat with a CSR without having to disconnect from the


    HearMe,RealCall, Web Call Backand ITXC


    Software program that walks you through the steps needed

    to complete a task on your computer
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    4.6 Sales-Force Automation

    Sales-force automation Assists companies in the sales process, including

    maintaining and discovering leads, managing contacts andother sales-force activities

    Can lighten the administrative load on the sales force

    Important information about products and customers can beaccessed in real time, allowing salespeople to keep currenton company and client information

    Customers may want human contact at some pointthroughout the purchasing process, especially withhigher-priced items, Sales.comSales Logixand Clarify
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    5 Business-to-Business e-CRM

    Key to (B2B) e-commerceis effective (CRM)

    When selling to another business, you may be selling to

    someone who is not the direct user of your product

    Ask your contact to speak with the end users

    Developing goodpartner relationship management (PRM)

    includes increasing efficiency in operations and processes

    between a business and its partners

    Partners can include resellers, distributors and businesses that

    improve your product or service

    Integrating systems to combine selling, buying and marketingoperations of partners will streamline processes and provide

    technical conformity

    ChannelWave Software, Inc.,Allegis and Partnerware
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    6 Complete e-CRM Solutions

    Solutions, software or services that use andintegrate all the tools of CRM provide a singleview of a customer Costs include the price of the software or service itself, the

    integration into the current system, the maintenance of the

    system and employing the service representatives Solutions will continue to become more efficient



    Siebel Systems

    Kana Communications

    Oracle Systems