summer 2011 discipleship ideas

jun/jul/aug 2011 volume 12 issue 7 Included: Radiant Life Summer 2011 Order Form REFINING THE STUDENT LEADER THE SUSTAINABLE LIFE IS YOUR CHURCH ACCESSIBLE?

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The Summer Discipleship Ideas magalog for Sunday School and small group facilitators contains resources and articles to reboot Sunday School programming, refine student leaders, things to consider when trying to reach and effectively minister to those with special needs. Father's Day and Graduate resources are also included in this issue.


Page 1: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 1

jun/jul/aug 2011volume 12 issue 7Included: Radiant Life Summer 2011 Order Form


I S YO U R C H U R C H A C C E S S I B L E ?

Page 2: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

EVERY ISSUE Vida Nueva Highlights

Indague qué aprenderán sus alumnos este semestre.


Radiant Life Highlights Find out what students of all ages will be learning this quarter.


Refining the Student LeaderOrdinary students with the right support and training can do something huge for God.

Ministering to Their NeedsTo meet the spiritual needs of people with special needs we first have to show them we care by meeting their physical needs.



I Don’t Heart Sunday SchoolFive ways to reboot your programming and help your congregation fall in love with Sunday school all over again.

The Sustainable LifeAuthor and speaker Alicia Britt Chole’s exercise toward healthier living will help you evaluate and prioritize your soul purpose.




Gifts For Your Graduates p15

Page 3: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas


by amy melton

The clock could not tick fast enough. In the third Sunday of the month with a different teacher every week, Sunday school became more of an obligation than a pleasure. Up until this point as a fifth grader, I enjoyed coming to learn more about God’s love. Now, it seemed as though adults in the church volunteered because of the available position rather than the desire to instill life-long values in the children of God’s Kingdom. I never sensed that each of our teachers truly cared about walking with us through the good and bad, pretty and ugly. Needless to say, Sunday school disappointed me. Five years later, I teach third and fourth graders every Sunday as a sixteen-year-old. I journey with eight and nine-year-olds with one simple mission: to transform Sunday school into an enjoyable experience that each child will never forget.

With change comes vision. As a teacher, I aim to give the children

an undying love for their Creator. To accomplish this goal, my love for God and passion for the students must carry me through every trial that comes my way. After all, these kids have the perfect opportunity to learn God’s view of life. It is vitally important that my classroom invites them in such a way that they enjoy reading God’s Word and knowing Him deeper.

At this stage of life, children are most impressionable to the influences around them. What they learn now makes the difference for how they behave later.

I keep this in mind as I shape my lessons to their individual needs and ultimately plan for revolutionary occurrences every Sunday. The classroom certainly appears different to me as a teenager than it does to an experienced adult. Because of

that, I often introduce unconventional ideas. While many teachers see Sunday school as a place for quiet and motionless students, I see an opportunity to include them as much as possible. Throughout several interactive activities, I have found that I end up learning just as much from the children as they learn from me.

–AMY MELTON is the teen blogger for ONCOURSE magazine <>. She teaches Sunday school at her home church Trinity Fellowship in Sharpsburg, Georgia. For the complete article, visit

Discipleship Ideas comes to you every quarter, filled with great resources† for building disciples of all ages. For additional copies of Discipleship Ideas, see your Radiant Life order form or call 1.800.641.4310.ORDERING INFORMATION:

UNITED STATES & INTERNATIONALPHONE: 1.800.641.4310 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (Central Time) Monday–Friday Please have your GPH account number ready.FAX: 1.800.328.0294 (24 hours a day*)INTL. FAX: 1.417.862.5881 (at customer expense)MAIL: Gospel Publishing House 1445 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802-1894 WEB:

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†Some products may reflect doctrinal statements and practices not completely in harmony with the stated position of the Assemblies of God. *Due to the large volume of orders, we are unable to notify you of orders received. If you need order confirmation, please place your order by phone. Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices listed in U.S. dollars. All orders subject to credit approval. Discipleship Ideas is published quarterly. Subscriptions: $4.95 per year; 5 or more to the same address, $3.95 each. ©2011 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.

I Love Sunday SchoolThese fun products are great for welcoming visitors and new members, awarding students, and celebrating volunteers. Check out the entire I Love Sunday School line at

Pencil. 16LK7122. 12 for $3.99Mug. 17LK7576. 1-5 $3.99 ea

6+ $3.49 ea

Reviving the Sunday School Dream

Tips for TeachersOne-on-One God Time: Don’t place the ministry above the Savior.

Mental Preparedness: Know your role, responsibilities, and the demographics of the students.

Trial-and-Error: When using resources such as Radiant Life curriculum, test the effectiveness of different activities.

Rewards: Reward positive behavior with prizes and words of encouragement.

Teachable Spirit: The students have much to offer with their child-like faith. Allow yourself to learn from them as God speaks through their lives.

Page 4: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S4 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

by heather van allen

After a busy week of work, family time and social activities, Angie and her husband Jake roll wearily out of bed on a Sunday morning. Coaxing their 3-year-old daughter out of her toddler bed, the family of three begins rushing through the next hour, scarfing breakfast, getting dressed and doing everything else necessary to get the family ready and out the door on the way to church. The young family pulls into the parking lot and casually slips into their seats in the sanctuary just as the opening song begins.. They sing some worship songs, put offering in the plate, listen to the pastor’s inspired sermon and head straight for the door with the closing song’s exodus. Following the service is Sunday school, but Angie and her family won’t be attending any classes today. Instead they’re on their way to the rest of their Sunday activities – their weekly dinner with Mom and Dad coupled with an afternoon of football. In fact, Sunday school hasn’t been on this family’s agenda for years, and they figure, at this point, why start now?

While this scenario is fictional, it is a snapshot of a growing trend—a growing number of people who have decided that attending Sunday morning worship service is sufficient for them.

However, Dan Stanley, Discipleship Ministries training coordinator for the Assemblies of God, believes this decline to be an unhealthy one as

it directly impacts the discipleship process. The possible reasons or “excuses” are varied, but churches can effectively find ways to respond—attracting more people to come back to Sunday school.

Here are five strategies to combat these common excuses:

1I doubt I can get anything from Sunday

school that I don’t already get from worship service.Actually, an effective Sunday school program will need to stand out as offering something more. Sunday school must provide an experience much different from a worship service experience. “[Services] are great for unity, community and worship,” says Stanley, “but Sunday morning services don’t quite fill the bill for in-depth disciple-making.”

Jennifer Gale, associate pastor at Evangel Temple (Springfield, Missouri) agrees, saying that Sunday school has been an integral part of their church. “Spiritual growth happens in the context of relationship, and Sunday school provides the opportunity for the kinds of relationships where people can speak into each other’s lives,” Gale says. “God works through people and relationships, and for us [Sunday school] is the heart of where that happens.”

2 I’m a busy person. I only have time to go to

Sunday morning service.It should be the other way around. If time is a factor in how much a person can commit to church, attending Sunday school is the better choice.

“We have one class that’s interesting,” Gale says. “Probably the majority don’t attend the service. The only thing we can figure out is that maybe [the class does such a good job] of meeting the felt needs for spiritual growth, friendship, worship and fellowship.” Gale suggests that, whatever the reason–time or otherwise–these church-goers have chosen one over the other, they have made the right choice.

“I know of pastors who have stood in front of their congregation and said, ‘If you can only dedicate one hour of your week to church, don’t go to Sunday morning service, go to Sunday school,” Stanley says. “They know [Sunday school] is where discipleship is going to take place.”

3 I have committed my time to an outreach

ministry; that’s more important than Sunday school.“I’m concerned that the church is becoming so focused on ‘outreach’

Page 5: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 5

… and drawing new people in, we’re neglecting those already within the church,” says Scott, a local church attendee.

Stanley agrees, reminding us that the Great Commission is not about making converts but about making disciples. “If our focus is so outward that all we’re thinking about is how to get more people into the pews or to an altar, then we’re still not following the Great Commission,” he says. Stanley also states that statistically only about 5 percent of the 5 million people who accept Christ in Assemblies of God churches over a 10-year period actually remain in the church. However, he says about 85 percent of those who get saved in a church and plug into a smaller group discipleship ministry are still in the church after five years.

4I can’t find a Sunday school class that fits

my age group, needs or interests.Not only must a successful Sunday school program run the age gamut from infants to senior adults, it should meet the different “felt needs” of the people in the congregation. A church should offer a variety of classes. Some churches might even consider offering classes that provide a biblical basis for practical or artistic interests.

“I used to go to a church that offered Bible classes as well as practical classes,” local church attendee Taryn says. “For example, you could choose to do a book study of Psalms or learn songwriting, painting, self-defense, cooking, acting, photography or any area in which you chose to use a discipline to represent Christ in the para-church world.”

5I don’t see why Sunday school is important.

Promotion is important in letting a congregation know about a Sunday school program—what is offered and how it can meet the diverse needs

of individuals represented in your congregation.

Gale says, though her Sunday school program is successful, she would like to increase numbers by revisiting how the church promotes the program. “This may happen by doing a video or asking the pastor to highlight [the classes] one Sunday.” Gale also noted the potential for using email and online social networking to get people excited about Sunday school.

Other options for churches to consider include redesigning the look of promotional materials and changing the name of the program (it doesn’t have to be called Sunday school) to put a fresh spin on the program.

“Pastors are the main cheerleaders of the church,” Stanley says. “What the pastor is passionate about is what the congregation is going to be passionate about.” Pastors should cast their vision for Sunday school before their congregation and find ways to show them its potential to change lives.

–HEATHER VAN ALLEN is a wife, mother of a 4-year-old as well as freelance writer and editor from Springfield, Missouri. For the complete article visit

Teachers in TrainingTraining teachers helps to develop them into strong disciple-makers. Our Christian Education Teacher Certification (CETC) is available in English and Spanish and is designed to equip teachers to be the best teachers they can be. The Christian Education Teacher Certification process includes:

• attending the CETC clinic • receiving the Christian Education Teachers Reference Manual • taking the open-book/open-notes exam at the end of the manual.

The certification process and the Teacher Enrichment Clinics are intended for all teachers involved in any Christian education or discipleship ministry, teaching any age group.

For more info on Teacher Certification and Enrichment opportunities follow the “Training” link at

The National Division of Church Ministries and Discipleship rec-ognizes one outstanding teacher each year. Nominate your amaz-ing teacher by downloading the Teacher of the Year nomination form and sending it in along with a letter stating why this teacher deserves recognition. Great prizes will be awarded.Download form: or fax: National Discipleship Ministries office at 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802. 417-862-3299

“Teaching” Lapel Pin and BookmarkBookmark features Colossians 3:16 (NIV) and gives an inspiring definition of teaching. Silver apple-shaped lapel pin has a gold-toned cross accent. Bookmark is 1-1/2 x 5-7/8”.

38LK2373. $1.99

I Sunday School Teachers

Teacher Appreciation Day is Sunday September 25th

Page 6: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S6 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

KNOWING GOD AS YOUR FATHERThe Apostle John spoke more about our relationship with the Father than any other biblical writer. There are 112 references to God as “Father” in John’s gospel (compared to 44 in Matthew, 5 in Mark and 14 in Luke) and another 17 references to the Father in John’s epistles.

I have often pondered why John talked so much about the fatherhood of God, and why he seemed to understand better than any other disciple that Jesus Christ was the embodiment of the Father on earth. John quoted Jesus saying, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30) and “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me” (John 14:11). John not only understood that Jesus was God, but He also had a deep revelation of how much God, who was in Christ, is a perfect father.

John referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23). This is why John is sometimes referred to as Jesus’ best friend. It does not mean Jesus loved John more than His other disciples, but it does imply that John perhaps understood the love of the Savior at a deeper level. Why is that?

The Bible does not tell us. We certainly don’t know much about John’s home life. It is possible that John did not have a good relationship with his own father—and that Jesus actually came to fulfill that role in his life as a true spiritual father. Perhaps it was John’s deep need for a loving father that caused him to follow Christ so passionately. Perhaps it is why he was even willing to stand at the cross of Calvary when Jesus was dying—while all the other male disciples had fled from the Roman soldiers and Jewish leaders.

And it might even offer the reason why John was privileged to have the “last word” by writing the last book of the Bible—the book of Revelation. One thing is for certain: If you know God’s love in a deeply personal way, that perfect love will change you. The apostle John’s theme is best summarized in 1 John 3:1a:

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we would be called children of God.”

–J. LEE GRADY, 10 Lies Men Believe (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2011), Used by permission.

Grady exposes 10 wrong mind-sets men have and offers practical, godly answers for every man who struggles to find his true purpose and identity. Use as a men’s small group study, or give a copy to every man in your church.

38LK2424. $14.99


E X C E R P T F R O M 10 L I E S M E N B E L I E V E

Remember, Father's Day is June 19, 2011!

Game Plan for LifeThis New York Times best seller from three-time Super Bowl and NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs gives you an “average Joe’s”

guide to what the Bible has to say about the 11 most-important topics for men. Hard. 336 pages.38LK2274. $24.99

Strong in the Lord Pen and Bookmark Gift SetBookmark features Psalm 27:1 (KJV). Comes with ballpoint pen in a clear case wrapped with silver-toned ribbon.38LK2417. $2.99

Page 7: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4


7Download the complete Theme Chart at

Permission to duplicate for classroom use.

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4N




ar c


Noah and the ArkBecause God kept Noah safe, kids will discover that God can keep them safe too.

Baby Moses“God helps me” reminds kids that God will watch over them just like He did Moses.

Samuel is a HelperKids will learn they can help at home just like Samuel helped Eli at church.




& BE








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Care for God’s WorldKids will discover that God made the world, and that it’s important to help take care of it.

Help OthersThrough stories about Rahab, Deborah, Gideon, Peter, and Lydia, kids will find out how pleased God is when we help others.

Care and ListenKids will practice caring and listening through stories about a good Samaritan, Mary, Zacchaeus, and others.

Choose both Preschool

and Beginning Explorers

to partner your preschool

Sunday school and

Children’s Church!



& TW






God Made the WorldKids love to explore nature, so they’ll enjoy stories about how God made the world and all the things they see in nature.

God Made FoodFood is a fun topic for kids, and Bible stories in this unit will remind them that God made bread, fruit, and other things they enjoy eating.

God Made AnimalsKids will learn about all the wonderful animals God made, including zoo animals, farm animals, pets, and others.

God Made PeopleBecause God made everyone, He loves everyone too – a great reminder for kids in your class.

Find out more about Sunlight Kids at

Permission to duplicate for classroom use.7

Download the complete Theme Chart at

Faith Case®: Fruit of the SpiritHere’s a fresh new way to teach your kids about the fruit of the Spirit! Your kids will join the wacky Fruit Inspector Adam Apple and the capable, no-nonsense Commissioner in a suspenseful search for each fruit—and Adam Apple’s evil nemesis, the Spoiler. Along the journey, kids will learn to let the Holy Spirit shape Christlike character in their lives. Don’t miss this fruit-astic adventure!

You’ll love how simple it is to use Faith Case: Fruit of the Spirit. With almost no prep needed, these ten DVD-based sessions come complete with unforgettable videos, games, object lessons, and Bible stories that make learning fun!

33LK5010. $139.99Kit includes• Lead Investigator Guide• 3 DVDs and a CD-ROM• Fruit of the Spirit Cards• Fruit of the Spirit Theme Verse Poster• 5 Case Folders• The Fruit of the Spirit by Donald Gee

Page 8: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4


8Download the complete Theme Chart

at www.radiantlife.orgPermission to duplicate for classroom use.

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3KI








The First ChurchJesus’ promise to return, the lame man being healed, and the first deacons are some of the people kids will “meet” from the early church.

The Church GrowsKids will learn about forgiveness from Stephen, healing from Aeneas and Dorcas, protection from Peter’s prison escape, and more.

Stories about PaulFive stories highlight Paul’s ministry, from his conversion through his shipwreck and survival after a snake bite.





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Peter Follows JesusExplore how Peter’s life changed when he left his boat to follow Jesus and become a fisher of men. Obedience and servanthood are the key lessons in this unit.

Peter Needs ForgivenessLessons from Peter’s failure and eventual restoration will teach your children that God offers forgiveness if they turn to Him.

Peter Leads the First ChurchDiscover how the Holy Spirit gave Peter power to heal, to stand up to persecution, to proclaim the gospel to Cornelius, and with an angel’s help, escape from prison.







Growing SpirituallyKids will discover how they can show spiritual fruit as they learn the purpose of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and look at the lives of Bible people.

I Am a WitnessKids will discover how forgiving others, being truthful, and developing their talents can all lead to opportunities to tell others about Jesus.

God Helps with Our ProblemsThrough Bible stories about people who faced and overcame big problems, kids will identify the Source who will help them with problems they face.







God the Holy SpiritKids will discover answers to who, what, and why questions about the Holy Spirit, and be encouraged to seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The Armor of GodBecause God provides spiritual armor for believers through Jesus Christ, students will be encouraged to do their part to get and keep this protection.

The Books of Major Prophets and DanielThrough examples from Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, kids will discover that God is patient and always keeps His promises.

HighPoint mixes large group, children’s church sessions with small group discussion and hands-on activities. Visit for more information.

SupernaturalIn Supernatural, kids discover that God has not changed. He still does the supernatural to get their attention and help them. Bible Focus: Various supernatural events in Scripture. Destination: Outer Space.33LK1680. $59.99

MEGA Sports Camp®: Go the DistanceMEGA Sports Camp curriculum teams sports skills with Bible truth in a winning combination for community outreach that can’t be beat! In the newest theme, kids are encouraged to run the race of life God’s way, all the way. Use this award-winning resource for VBS, midweek, day camps, spring break, even missions trips! Kit includes:

• Director Guide • Director DVD & CD-ROM • Art CD-ROM • Poster Pack (8) • Playbooks for soccer, basketball, baseball, and cheerleading • Theme Music DVD & CD, and much, much more!

33LK0500. $129.99


Page 9: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

Description Previous Qty. Change To Item No. Unit Price Total Price

PRETEEN (Ages 10 & 11, Grades 5 & 6)

PreTeen Teacher Guide ❉ 474 6.99PreTeen Resource Packet ❉ 439 13.99PreTeen Student Guide ▲ 473 3.99Bible Explorer ▲ 427 3.99Welcome to Holsom Set 7 (Issues 22–24)▲ 02LS0148 3.99

YOUNG TEEN (Middle School / Junior High)

Young Teen Teacher Guide ❉ 429 6.99Young Teen Resource Packet ❉ 428 13.99Young Teen Student Guide ▲ 431 3.99Take Five Plus ▲ 25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 435 3.99

HIGH SCHOOL High School Teacher Guide ❉ 436 6.99High School Resource Packet ❉ 433 13.99High School Spirit Student Guide ▲ 438 3.99Take Five Plus ▲ 25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 435 3.99


Please see page C (or Discipleship Ideas page 9) for resources.


Adult Complete Curriculum Kit (includes • items) 498 29.99• Adult Teacher Guide ❉ 445 6.99• Adult Resource Packet ❉ 446 13.99• Adult Student Guide ▲ 447 4.49• Large Print Adult Student Guide ▲ 448 4.99

• Adult Lesson Folder (abbreviated 4-page

version of Student Guide for guests)449 3.99

• God’s Word for Today ▲

25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 444 3.99

• Live ▲ 443 3.99 Adult Teacher Vol. 5 Fall ‘10—Summer ‘11 02LS1528 18.95

Adult Teacher Vol. 5 CD F ‘10—S ‘11 28LS1613 9.95 Adult Teacher Vol. 5 Set F ‘10—S ‘11 02LS1527 24.95 Evangelical Commentary F ‘10—S ‘11 03LS1419 15.49

Total Page A Total Página A

Description Previous Qty. Change To Item No. Unit Price Total Price

NURSERY (Ages Birth to age 2)

Sunlight Kids Kit Kit contents available online 08LS1996 124.99

• Sunlight Kids Lesson Guides (Summer) ❉ 02LS0391 5.97Sunlight Kids Student Activity Book ▲ 02LS0268 8.99• Sunlight Kids Music CD 28LS0542 16.95• Sunlight Kids Bible Visuals ❉ 19LS0240 19.99

TODDLERS & TWOS (Walking through age 2)

Toddlers & Twos Teacher Guide ❉ 400 6.99Toddlers & Twos Guided Play Kit ❉ 424 14.99Toddlers & Twos Coloring Book ▲ 425 2.99Toddlers & Twos Bible Treasures ▲ 402 3.99

PRESCHOOL (Age 3 & 4)

Preschool Teacher Guide ❉ 404 6.99Preschool/Beginning Explorers Visuals ❉ 405 12.99Preschool Resource Packet ❉ 406 13.99Preschool Handwork Packet ▲ 407 3.99Preschool Bibletime Stories ▲ 408 3.99

KINDERGARTEN (Age 5 & 6, not in 1st Grade)

Kindergarten Teacher Guide ❉ 409 6.99Kindergarten Bible Visuals ❉ 410 12.99Kindergarten Resource Packet ❉ 411 13.99Kindergarten Handwork Packet ▲ 412 3.99Kindergarten Lesson Pages ▲ 419 3.99Kidz Adventures ▲ 413 3.99

PRIMARY (Age 6 & 7, Grades 1 & 2)

Primary Teacher Guide ❉ 414 6.99Primary Bible Visuals ❉ 456 12.99Primary Resource Packet ❉ 415 13.99Primary Handwork Packet ▲ 416 3.99Primary Lesson Pages ▲ 417 3.99Kidz World (Grades 1 & 2) ▲ 455 3.99

MIDDLER (Ages 8 & 9, Grades 3 & 4)

Middler Teacher Guide ❉ 420 6.99Middler Resource Packet ❉ 421 13.99Middler Student Guide ▲ 422 3.99Action Tracks ▲ 423 3.99


Check inside Discipleship Ideas for more resources.

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Page 10: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

Description Quantity Item No. Unit Price Total Price

CHILDREN'S CHURCH CONT.HIGHPOINT® curriculum New HighPoint Pricing: 5-9 kits, 49.99 ea; 10-19 kits, 44.99 ea.; 20-25 kits, 39.99 ea.; 26 or more, 34.99 ea. Split-level billing also available. Contact Customer Service for more information. (Spanish HighPoint available! For more information visit

FEATURED KIT: (See Discipleship Ideas p. 8)

Supernatural Kit 33LS1680 59.99

Attitude Check Kit 33LS1380 59.99

Changed Inside Out Kit 33LS1180 59.99

Compassion Kit 33LS1360 59.99

Confidence Kit 33LS1540 59.99

Courage Kit 33LS1460 59.99

Courtesy Kit 33LS1260 59.99

Devotion Kit 33LS1480 59.99

Everyday Choices Kit 33LS1220 59.99

Faithfulness Kit 33LS1520 59.99

Generosity Kit 33LS1500 59.99

Good Anger, Bad Anger Kit 33LS1100 59.99

Good vs. Evil Kit 33LS1320 59.99

Gratefulness Kit 33LS1600 59.99

Hope Kit 33LS1660 59.99

Joy Kit 33LS1440 59.99

Leadership Kit 33LS1620 59.99

Ministry Now Kit 33LS1200 59.99

Obedience Kit 33LS1300 59.99

Overcoming Disappointment Kit 33LS1140 59.99

Patience Kit 33LS1580 59.99

Peer Pressure Kit 33LS1560 59.99

Perseverance Kit 33LS1420 59.99

Purity Kit 33LS1640 59.99

Respect Kit 33LS1120 59.99

Responsibility Kit 33LS1240 59.99

Self-Esteem Kit 33LS1280 59.99

Truth and Consequences Kit 33LS1400 59.99

True Love Kit 33LS1160 59.99

Worship Kit 33LS1340 59.99


GPH Account #____________________________ Name___________________________________________ Phone____________________

Description Quantity Item No. Unit Price Total Price


I Love Sunday School Pencil 16LS7122 12 for 3.99

I Love Sunday School Mug 6+ 3.49ea 17LS7576 3.99

I DON'T HEART SUNDAY SCHOOL (Discipleship Ideas p. 4)

"Teaching" Lapel Pin and Bookmark 38LS2373 1.99

BOOK EXCERPT: 10 LIES MEN BELIEVE (Discipleship Ideas p. 6)

10 Lies Men Believe 38LS2424 14.99Game Plan for Life 38LS2274 24.99Strong in the Lord Pen and Bookmark Gift Set 38LS2417 2.99

DEVOTIONAL (Discipleship Ideas p. 9)

Fire Starters One Year New Testament Devotional Guide 02LS0450 14.99

ESPAÑOL / SPANISH (Discipleship Ideas p. 10)

Fuerte en el Señor, juego de lapicera y marcador 38LS2418 2.99Juego de materiales La Vida en el Espíritu 08LS8462 109.99

La Vida en el Espíritu 5+, 6.99 ea. 02LS1055 9.99

RECOGNIZING STUDENT LEADERS (Discipleship Ideas p. 11)

Foundation and Inspiration Leaders Kit 08LS2069 39.99Responsibility and Evangelism Leaders Kit 08LS2070 39.99Foundation and Inspiration Leaders Manual 02LS0431 14.99Responsibility and Evangelism Leaders Manual 02LS0432 14.99Foundation Student Manual 5-9, 8.99 ea.; 10+, 7.99 ea. 02LS0433 9.99Inspiration Student Manual 5-9, 8.99 ea.; 10+, 7.99 ea. 02LS0434 9.99Responsibility Student Manual 5-9, 8.99 ea.; 10+, 7.99 ea. 02LS0435 9.99Evangelism Student Manual 5-9, 8.99 ea.; 10+, 7.99 ea. 02LS0436 9.99

MODELING JESUS CULTURE (Discipleship Ideas p. 12)

The Cause Within You 03LS0900 24.99

MINISTERING TO THEIR NEEDS (Discipleship Ideas p. 14)

Compel Them to Come In 38LS2422 29.95Same Lake Different Boat 03LS0863 14.99

CHILDREN'S CHURCH (Discipleship Ideas p. 7)

Faith Case: Fruit of the Spirit Kit

(See Discipleship Ideas p. 7)33LS5010 139.99

MEGA Sports Camp Go the Distance Starter Kit

(See Discipleship Ideas p. 8) 33LS0500 129.99


Total Page B Total Página B

HighPoint® SupernaturalIn Supernatural, kids discover that God has not changed. He still does the supernatural to get their attention and help them. Bible Focus: Various supernatural events in Scripture. Destination: Outer Space.

33LS1680. $59.99

Page 11: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

Description Quantity Item No. Unit Price Total Price

SMALL GROUPS Undated, Thematic Studies

FEATURED STUDY: (See Discipleship Ideas page 9.)

The Apprentice Series—The Good and Beautiful God This transformative book will help you discover the nar-ratives that Jesus lived by—to know the Lord He knew and the kingdom He proclaimed. At the end of each chapter, you’ll find an opportunity for engaging in spiritual practices that reinforce the biblical messages. Includes discussion questions. Nine sessions. Hard. 232 pages.

The Apprentice Series—The Good and Beautiful God 03LS0708 23.00


Class Record (6-ply) 50 for 16.95; 100 for 28.95 545 25 for 9.95

Class Folder 546 2.99

Visitor Record (without carbons) 100 for 9.50 547 25 for 2.75

Summary Sheets (without carbons) 548 100 for 6.95

OTHER RECORD SYSTEMS & SUPPLIESAG Desk Calendar, 2010 6 or more, 2.95 ea. 562 3.95

Visitation Assignment Form (3-ply) 549 100 for 4.50

Loose-Leaf Record Sample Packet 550 1.95

Secretary’s Record Book 551 3.49

Class Record Book 552 1.99

Registro general de la Escuela Dominical 07LS5412 3.49

Escuela Dominical Registro de clase 07LS5411 2.25

Envelope for Class Book and Offering 553 12 for 2.95

Enrollment Card 554 50 for 3.95

Individual Record Slip (100 per pad) 556 .85 pad

My Offering Envelope 2½ x 4¼" 500 for 12.95; 1,000 for 22.50 558 100 for 2.95

My Offering Envelope 3 x 5¼" 500 for 15.95; 1,000 for 28.45 559 100 for 3.45

Class Offering Envelope 560 12 for 1.75

Visitor’s Welcome Card 561 100 for 5.90

ADDITIONAL ITEMSRoad Trip Leadership 50LS0107 14.99

Total Page C Total Página C

Description Quantity Item No. Unit Price Total Price

GRADUATION RESOURCES (Discipleship Ideas p. 15)

FIRE Bible: Student Edition, NIV 20-99, 29.95 ea.; 100+, 27.95 ea. 01LS0845 34.9599 Thoughts for College Age People 03LS8212 5.99


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Strong in the Lord Pen and Bookmark Gift Set

This attractive gift set is perfect to hand out to all the men in your church. Remember, Father's Day is June 19th!

Bookmark features Psalm 27:1 (nIV). Comes with ballpoint pen in a clear case wrapped with silver-toned ribbon. (Contains small parts, not for children under 3.)

English. 38LS2417. 2.99 Spanish. 38LS2418. 2.99

I Love Sunday SchoolGive a warm welcome to visitors, award students, and celebrate volunteers. Check out the entire line at

Pencil. 16LS7122. 12 for $3.99

Mug. 17LS7576. 1-5 $3.99ea 6+ $3.49 ea

"Teaching" Lapel Pin and Bookmark

Give your teachers a special token of appreciation on Teacher Appreciation Sunday, September 25th.

Bookmark features Colossians 3:16 (nIV) and gives an inspiring definition of teaching. Silver apple-shaped lapel pin has a gold-toned cross accent. Bookmark is 1-1/2 x 5-7/8".(Contains small parts, not for children under 3.)

38LS2373. $1.99

Page 12: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

Description Previous Qty. Change To Item No. Unit Price Total Price

SUBSCRIPTIONS & QUARTERLY PERIODICALSToday’s Pentecostal Evangel** (13 Issues)(Foreign Rate 6.00) (Minimum of 6)

4QLP 3.05

Today’s Pentecostal Evangel, SpanishSummer 2011 edition 50 or more, 25 ea.

69LS7154 .50

Discipleship Ideas (4 issues) 5 or more to same address, 3.95 ea.

1YTS 4.95

God’s Word for Today ■ See Adult Section, page A

Take Five Plus ■ See Young Teen or High School Section, page A

CHILDREN’S CHURCH (Ages 3-6, not in 1st Grade)

Beginning Explorers Kit ❉

(Includes Leaders Guide)452 22.95

Beginning Explorers

Leaders Guide ❉450 6.99

Preschool Beginning Explorers Visuals ❉ 405 12.99B. E. Coloring & Activity Book ▲ 453 1.99Rusty & Raspberry Puppets 849 24.95Sycamore Sam 14" Puppet 19LS7771 90.00


See page B.

Gospel Publishing House1445 N Boonville AvenueSpringfield, MO 65802-1894


**All changes to subscriptions for Today’s Pentecostal Evangel must be made by calling 1.800.641.4310.■ Annual subscriptions available by calling 1.800.641.4310.

Visit the web for more great Sunday School, leadership, and Spanish resources.


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PRIMARY (Ages 6 and 7, Grades 1 and 2)Primary Teacher Guide 1 1 214 5.99

Primary Bible Visuals 2 1 256 10.50

Primary Resource Packet / 6 215 12.50

Primary Handwork Packet 2 0 216 3.65

Primary Lesson Pages 217 3.65

Kidz World (Grades 1 & 2) 255 3.45

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Párvulos: Primeros Pasos - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 3-4)Preschool Teacher Materials

357 7.99

Párvulos: Primeros Pasos - AlumnoPreschool Student Materials 358 1.99

Principiantes: Tesoros del Rey - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 5-6)Kindergarten Teacher Materials

359 7.99

Principiantes: Tesoros del Rey - AlumnoKindergarten Student Materials 360 1.99

Primarios: Mis Amigos - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 7-9)Primary Teacher Materials

361 7.99

Primarios: Mis Amigos - AlumnoPrimary Student Materials 362 1.99

Intermedios: El Compañero - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 10-12)PreTeen Teacher Materials

363 7.99

Intermedios: El Compañero - AlumnoPreTeen Student Materials 364 1.99

Adolescentes: El Explorador -Guía del Maestro (Edades 13-16)Adolescents Teacher Guide

365 3.99

Adolescentes: El Explorador - AlumnoAdolescents Student Guide 366 1.99

Jóvenes: El Embajador -Guía del Maestro (Edades 17-21)Young Adults Teacher Guide

367 3.99

Jóvenes: El Embajador - AlumnoYoung Adults Student Guide 368 1.99

Adulto: El Maestro/RústicaAdult Teacher Guide/softcover 369 6.99

Adulto: El Maestro/TelaAdult Teacher Guide/hard 371 9.99

Adulto: La Guía Adulto-AlumnoAdult Student Guide 370 1.99

Adulto: Ayudas y Recursos/Folleto deTransparencias MaestrasAdult Resource Packet

372 13.99


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Page 13: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4


9Download the complete Theme Chart at

Permission to duplicate for classroom use.

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4YO





ar c


Women of DestinyChristians owe gratitude to faithful women whose service and sacrifice set an example for all believers. This unit reveals to students how ordinary girls—and guys—can follow that example.

Peer PressurePeer pressure is inevitable for students. Young teens will learn how to resist negative peer pressure and utilize positive peer pressure.

Final DestinationsYoung teens will take a closer look at what the Bible says about heaven, hell, and living right now with an eye on eternity.









Encountering Global ReligionsBy contrasting Christianity with other religions, high school students will gain a healthy understanding of how to minister to those of other faiths.

Follow Your LeaderTeens will look at historic accounts from the books of 1 and 2 Kings and get an understanding of how to respond to God through obedience and trust.

Relationship TipsThrough studying proper interaction with family, friends, and members of the opposite sex, teens will learn to cultivate godly, healthy relationships that will last.







Maturing in Christ (Philippians)One of the themes found in the Book of Philippians is spiritual maturity – growing up in Christ. God is working in us and with us to pursue a lifestyle that reflects our faith in Christ.

Wholeness in Christ (Colossians)These studies from the Book of Colossians will help you understand how to live in the wholeness that is available through faith in Christ.

Friends of JesusIn this unit, we are going to be looking at some of the friendships Jesus had during His earthly ministry to discover qualities about friendship that can help us become better friends with Him and others.

The Apprentice Series—The Good and Beautiful GodBY JAMES BRYAN SMITH

We all have ideas we tell ourselves about God and how He works in our lives. Some are true, but many are false. Turning to the Gospels, Smith invites you to put your ideas to the test to see if they match with what Jesus himself reveals about God. This deep, loving, and transformative book will help you discover the narratives that Jesus lived by—to know the Lord He knew and the kingdom He proclaimed. At the end of each chapter, you’ll find an opportunity for soul training, engaging in spiritual practices that reinforce the biblical messages. Includes small group discussion questions. Nine sessions. Hard. 232 pages.03LK0708. $23.00

Fire Starters One Year New Testament Devotional GuideKindle godly passion in teens. Fire Starters is designed to help young people read and study through the New Testament in one year, regardless of when and where they start. Even if they don’t follow the one-year track, they can still select the devotional that corresponds to whatever they are reading in the Bible on any given day. Fire Starters provides 10 to 20 minutes of daily study, including Bible reading. These devotionals are highly adaptable for small group leadership and study and directly linked to the notes and commentary in the FIRE Bible: Student Edition (see page 15). Padded. 376 pages.

02LK0450. $14.99


Page 14: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas







Jesús cuenta historias

Jesús, mi Salvador

Jesús, mi Sanador

Cuido del mundo de Dios

Ayudo a otros

Ayudo y escucho





Reyes de la Biblia

J esús triunfa sobre la muerte

Héroes de la Biblia

La primera iglesia

Crecimiento de la iglesia

Historias de Pablo




S* Historias de Elías

Historias de la Pascua

Historias de Eliseo

Pedro sigue a Jesús

Pedro necesita perdón

Pedro, líder de la primera iglesia






Los libros poéticos

Ilustraciones de Jesús

La vida que agrada a Dios

Dios el Espíritu Santo

La armadura de Dios

Los profetas mayores




DOR La adoración a Dios

Estudio de Filipenses

Sabiduría de Proverbios

Campeones espirituales


En el principio




R La ciencia y la Biblia

Difundir las buenas nuevas

La cosmovisión cristiana

Jeremías: Palabra de Dios en tiempos la difíciles

Los postreros tiempos




* Lucas: la vida y las enseñanzas de Jesús

Rut y Ester

Filipenses: la madurez en Cristo

Colosenses: nuestra plenitud en Cristo

Amigos de Jesús

Currículo y recursos en español

10Se permite copiar sólo para el uso en el salón de clase.

*Ahora paralelo con el currículo en inglés de Radiant Life!


Fuerte en el Señor, juego de lapicera y marcadorEl marcador tiene las palabras del Salmo 27:1. La lapicera y el marcadorvienen en una caja transparente de regalo, con una

hermosa cinta plateada.

38LK2418. $2.99

Juego de materiales La Vida en el EspírituNuevo producto: Juego de materiales La Vida en el Espíritu. Basado en La Vida en el Espíritu, por George O. Wood, este interesante conjunto de recursos ofrece sólida enseñanza acerca del Espíritu Santo, dirigida a tres niveles de edad en la iglesia: niños, jóvenes, y adultos. Usted contará con ocho lecciones para cada edad que incluye un CD-ROM con ayudas para la enseñanza, un DVD con material de apoyo, hojas para la conversación del tema en familia, y el libro La Vida en el Espíritu.

Este poderoso nuevo material acerca del Espíritu Santo educará y llenará de energía a personas de toda edad.08LK8462. $109.99 Libro. 02LK1055. $9.99 5 o más, $6.99 c/u

Page 15: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 11

L i n e a r .

Though the hands of a clock steadily announce each new second circle upon circle, we often view time as a straight line. Time is a train and though it moves forward at a consistent speed, time appears to pass faster or slower depending upon the scenery.

Our challenge then, becomes a matter of prioritizing our activities on this train of life based upon their order of importance. What/who is first? Then place that at the top of today’s priority list. What is second? Then attend to it after first is finished.

However, life is not so easily managed and time is not so easily tamed.

I would like to invite you into a brief exercise that could bring clarity (and perhaps even sanity) to your days. On a personal prayer retreat several years ago, God led me to consider my life not as a straight line punctuated by priorities, but as concentric circles of essential purpose.

With a fresh piece of paper and favored pencil in hand, draw three to five concentric circles (think of the classic image of a drop of water falling into a still pond). Label the center circle not with what is first on your “to-do” list today, but with what your primary purpose is for life. Who are you? With or without a title, before and after any accomplishments, what is your primary purpose?

Wrestling with this question on my retreat, I realized that at the center and always, before I am a teacher, writer, wife, mother…I am a soul. As a soul, my primary purpose is to live in vibrant relationship with my Creator. Next, I am a redeemed soul and as such have

the joy and responsibility of reflecting relationship with my Redeemer to the planet. Third, I am a soul called to be a wife and mother….Fourth, I am a soul called to be a truth-teller through mentoring, teaching, and writing…

Take a few minutes to sketch your life in terms of concentric circles of purpose. Remember that your core circles of purpose endure even when outer circles are added, deleted or edited.

Now, picture yourself standing in the middle of your circles with a garden hose.

Here is how we often live: we point the hose away from us and water our outer circles of purpose first. So the outer edges of our calling and relationships are green and flourishing, but our core is dry and barren. The outer edges receive the best of our energy, time, and talents, but the inner circles—our primary purpose and relationships—are deserts. Such living can be surrounded by applause because what people see (before they get to who we truly are) is green. The model, however, is simply not sustainable.

What would happen if we pointed the garden hose straight down? What if our core relationships—with God and those closest to us—received the best of our energy, time and talents? What if the Center—our relationship with our Creator—became so wonderfully and deeply saturated that we began giving from a rich overflow within?

What if…

–ALICIA BRITT CHOLE ( ) speaks to leaders, professionals, women’s groups, ministers, and university students concerning spiritual life, self-deception, conflict, disillusionment, commitment, choices, mission and mentoring. She has authored six books and Bible study series.

The Sustainable life

by alicia britt chole



If you’re hungry for a life full of passion and you’re ready to use your specific gifts and abilities to make a mark on the world, The Cause Within You

can change everything. Matthew Barnett, son of well-known megachurch pastor Tommy Barnett, discovered his great cause when he relinquished his dream of building a big, successful church and began listening for God’s dream for his life—to serve the poor and powerless of Los Angeles. Through his own story and the stories of others whose lives have been transformed, Barnett will lead you to the cause of your lifetime. Hard. 220 pages.03LK0900. $24.99

D i s c i p l e s h i p S e t t o M u s i c w i t h

Chris Sligh · “Taking It Back” “Lately I’ve been stuck on autopilot breathing just to breathe...”

This song on Chris Sligh’s new album The Anatomy of Broken plays like a simple response to those times when we feel we’ve drifted from God—just going through the motions of accomplishing God-business when in reality our relationship with Him is suffering. Chris’ desire to reconnect with the ultimate source of renewal is echoed in the chorus:·

“I’m taking it back, I’m taking control of the time I’ve wasted I’m not going back ‘cause this weary soul is tired of chasing myself.”

· Has there been a time in your leadership journey that you’ve felt spiritually weary? · What circumstances surrounded your dry spell? · What were some of the things that helped you hit the refresh button in your relationship with Christ? · How are you working daily to keep your relationship with Christ focused on who you are in Him instead of on what you do for Him?

–For more information on Chris Sligh visit Lyrics © 2010 Word Records/Warner Music Group. Adapted from ONCOURSE Fall 2010 edition by HEATHER VAN ALLEN.

Page 16: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S12 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

Jeff Swaim, a former youth discipleship director, tells

the story of a high school freshman who wanted to

start a Youth Alive club on her high school campus.

She approached her youth pastor, and he connected

her with another student. The two teamed up, and

within eight weeks over 300 kids were attending

the club. These were student leaders: ordinary

students who, with the right support and training, did

something huge for God.

So, what are the steps to raise up successful student leaders? According to Scotty Gibbons, director of Realife Student Ministries in Ozark, Missouri, the first step must be the ability to recognize essential traits of a spiritual leader.

Defining Essentials:

1 Find students who have “genuine, authentic, solid walks with God.”

Someone with the right kind of walk will have certain characteristics:

• Faithfulness. Find students who are around the ministry; who regularly attend services and are involved in small groups or other activities your group offers. • Evidence of love for God. Find students who come into worship services eagerly, and who worship passionately. • Evidence of a committed prayer life. Find students who

attend prayer meetings. • Evidence of a heart for evangelism. Find students who bring their unsaved friends.

While the first test for student leadership is the walk with God, not everyone who loves Jesus is a leader.

2 Find students who have aptitude for influence.

It is not true that all leaders are extroverted, and it is not true that every leader is popular on campus. Aptitude for influence includes both those who will be up front, gathering followers through natural charisma, as well as students who have talents, skills, and passions that are outside of the limelight. Leadership can also come in the form of administrative talents or technical skills. This aptitude for influence encompasses leadership by example. Do you have a servant in your group whose work ethic or attitude inspires others?

3 Find students with teachable spirits.

Many teenagers love Jesus and have the skills to become influencers, but many also have a problem with authority. A student leader has to follow the heart of the ministry and respect the authority over and within that ministry. Look for team players. A young person might be in your youth group who loves Jesus and exhibits an aptitude for leadership, but you should not place him or her in a position of leadership until he or she exhibits a willingness to work under the authority and guidance of a mentor.

by eric braswell

“ Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for

the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” 1 Timothy 4:12, (NIV).

Refining the Student Leader

Page 17: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 13

Now you’ve spotted some leaders, what are the steps to tap their potential?

1 Be the model of what it means to follow Christ.

The first step to growing student leaders is discipleship. “Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthians 11: 1, NIV) is, as Gibbons says, “the ultimate discipleship.”

This model is also the ultimate definition of Christian mentorship. While this statement goes beyond classes and books, tools such as FIRE Institute are available to help hone student leaders as they grow closer to Christ and His call for their lives. Programs such as FIRE include Bible memorization, accountability for prayer and Bible-reading, and the reading of faith-building books.

Gibbons says, “[This model] helps [students] remember that the most important thing is who we are and not what we do. So we’re going to try to

develop their gifts and their skills, but we’re more committed to developing their walks with God.”

2 Invest time and resources to help sharpen skill sets.

After discipleship has been established, plan regularly scheduled training opportunities that will sharpen your students’ leadership skill sets. Gibbons uses leadership retreats and vision days, as well as providing for scheduled one-on-one interaction between student and adult leaders.

3 Provide reliable support and accountability.

Establishing a healthy mentor/mentee relationship is crucial for the leadership building process. Swaim offers some things to consider when pairing students with adult leaders.

•Attitude is an important factor for both the mentor and student. Mentors should not feel threatened by students.

• Mentors should try to catch students doing things right. Something every

leader has to have is confidence, and encouragement builds that confidence, and in some cases even creates that confidence.

• Mentors must spend time with the student. Parents should also be closely in the loop. They should know who you are, why you are spending time with their child and the progress you’re seeing in their son or daughter’s life.

• Adult mentors must be able to stick with students—through junior high, high school and even college. That kind of commitment should never be taken on or considered lightly. Make sure that your mentors know that they should not “shift out” and pass the student on to another coach, teacher or supervisor if his or her schedule gets hectic. Aside from parents, a mentor should be the one adult committed to investing in a student’s life for the long haul.

–ERIC BRASWELL is a graduate of Evangel University and contributor to ONCOURSE magazine.


FIRE Institute®This intense student leadership development resource helps students reach a greater degree of commitment in their walk with Christ. It is divided into four 8-week studies—Foundation, Inspiration,

Responsibility, and Evangelism. Includes in-depth Bible study, a class project, Scripture memorization, and more. For more information, visit

LEADER’S KITS. $39.99 Foundation & Inspiration. 08LK2069 Responsibility & Evangelism. 08LK2070

LEADER’S MANUALS. $14.99 Foundation & Inspiration. 02LK0431 Responsibility & Evangelism. 02LK0432

STUDENT MANUALS. Foundation. 02LK0433. Inspiration. 02LK0434. Responsibility. 02LK0435. Evangelism. 02LK0436. 1–4 $9.99ea 5-9 $8.99ea 10+ $7.99ea

While the first test for student leadership is the walk with God, not everyone who loves Jesus is a leader.

Page 18: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S14 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

In preparation for this article, I asked several people if the church they attend has a ministry for people with mental disabilities. Nearly every one said, “No.”

A few years ago, statistics from the Christian Church Foundation for the Handicapped (CCFH) in Knoxville, Tennessee, showed 65 percent of churches without disability ministry do not have people with disabilities in the congregation, and less than 14 percent of all disabled people claim to be Christians. This forgotten population lives in our communities, but most are not in church.

Is your congregation ready to include them? Have you recognized their need for spiritual growth? Is your pastoral staff ready? (Bible college probably didn’t include courses to prepare them.) Are teachers ready?

Consider these ways to educate the congregation: add resources to the church library, hold an annual Disability Awareness Sunday, and have periodic awareness training.

To meet the spiritual needs of people with special needs, we first have to show them we care by meeting their physical needs. They need a way to get to church and an accessible building to get into. Do you have wheelchair ramps,

accessible doors and restrooms as well as directional signs inside the building? Do ushers know what to do if a person has a speech impediment? Some individuals may need help to choose appropriate clothing or assistance with collars, buttons or ties.

Many people with mental disabilities, especially those who have no church background, tend to speak out in church. Jewell Gardner, former Sunday school teacher to people with special needs, said she would explain in a firm, but kind and clear ways that individuals should share their situations in class, where she could pray with them one-on-one, instead of in the congregational setting.

Adults with mental disabilities like social activities, and most churches that have programs include special events. Whether it’s a all-church meal, Friday night Jesus party, or bowling, they need times allocated for fun.

“Everyone needs to know about Jesus, and that’s what I think,” said Jerry, an adult with developmental disabilities. Jerry learned about Jesus because his mentors realized all his needs—physical, social, and spiritual.

Some ask, “With their limited mental ability, can these people really learn enough to know about Jesus? Are they

capable of becoming Christians?”

“Eighty-five percent of persons with mental retardation reach a mental age of at least 12,” states Christian Church Foundation for the Handicapped ( “This is the age at which many people become Christians. They are fully capable of grasping spiritual truths.”

People with special needs must have curriculum to fit their mental abilities. An Internet search for church curriculum for adults with developmental disabilities yields several resources.“They need some activity and will only listen so long, “ Gardner said. “They enjoy coloring, but books that say for children on the front are not appropriate for an adult class. The teacher may have to copy pictures.”

People with special needs don’t have to be forgotten by the Church. With educated congregations, dedicated teachers and efforts to reach out to people in our communities with mental disabilities, we can help them know Jesus. Like Jerry said, “Everyone needs to know Jesus, and that’s what I think.”

–LEANN CAMPBELL retired in 1995 from teaching special education in a secondary vocational-technical school, and has also taught severely handicapped children. She is also an author with over 1,300 publishing credits.

by leann campbell

Compel Them to Come InHere is both a disability ministry conference between two covers and a journey into the world of disability as seen through those who live there. At the heart of the book is the premise that every person deserves to learn the gospel at their level of understanding. Paper. 256 pages.38LK2422. $29.95.

Same Lake Different BoatBY STEPHANIE HUBACH

Including both scholarly discussion and heart-warming stories, Hubach presents a biblical view of disability and teaches churches how to become an inclusive community for all. Paper. 234 pages.03LK0863. $14.99.



Page 19: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 15

For the GraduateCelebrate your graduates with these meaningful gifts they’re sure to use and enjoy.

FIRE Bible: Student Edition, NIVGive this first true Pentecostal Bible for students to your graduates as they prepare to face the challenges of life beyond high school. Features include:

• NIV Translation• 20 major themes tracked through Scripture• A simple, detailed and cross-reference system• Background & overview of every Bible book

(80+ key issue articles)• Commentary from a Pentecostal perspective• Nearly 50 easy-to-read charts, illustrations and maps• Practical training on Christian living and outreach• The most thorough study notes of any student Bible.

Imitation leather. 2306 pages.

01LK0845. 1-19, $34.95 ea. 20-99, $29.95 ea. 100+, $27.95 ea,

99 Thoughts For College Age PeopleBY CHUCK BOMAR

The transition from high school to college is usually the most dramatic in young people’s lives. In this humorous and thought-provoking resource, Chuck Bomar offers up pearls of wisdom gained over years of personal and professional experience. It’s great both as a graduation gift and as a college freshman small group discussion starter. However you put it to work, you’ll be sure to save young adults some money, pain, and foot fungus.

03LK8212. $5.99

Order online at

or call 800-641-4310.

Page 20: Summer 2011 Discipleship Ideas

Gospel Publishing House1445 N Boonville AvenueSpringfield, Missouri 65802-1894


Coast to coast, George O. Wood visits churches and encourages leaders. In his newest book, Road Trip Leadership, he shows you how to be a dynamically spiritual leader whose feet are planted firmly on practical principles. Drawing from over four decades of Christian service as a pastor, professor, campus minister, and denominational leader, Wood explains how to combine clear-headed thinking, common sense, and reliance on the Holy Spirit for ministry success. Plus, two superb tools, “Ministry Milestones” and “Check Your Gauges,” let you map your own journey.


Dr. George O. Wood is author of Living in the Spirit,

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