summer 2014 (pdf) 4mb

At 11.00am on the 4th August ancestors in this country found themselves at war. Many of you, like me, will have had relaves who were caught up in the events that followed, and which we remember parcularly in this centenary year. One of my great grandfathers served in the Royal Navy on HMS Vivid during the Great War and died on 18 July, 1918 aged 48. Reading about what happened during that me, it does not surprise me that he did not survive. The idea of most of Europe (and beyond) caught up in blood-soaked conflict is hard for us to comprehend in our age. Though even today (and of course recently) events happen which remind us that our peace is relavely vulnerable, and underlying tensions between and within naons can suddenly and unexpectedly emerge. In the light of that possibility of conflict which always lurks not far beneath the surface, it is perhaps for our good that we take me to remember the realies of World War 1. You like me, I am sure, was powerfully reminded of some of those realies while watching the stage adaptaon of Michael Morpurgo’s novel, ‘War Horse’. Remembering mes of war is not to glorify war, but nor is to deny the paradox that glorious episodes arise out of the horrors of war. There are the stories of startling courage, deep compassion and immense sacrifice. There is the flowering of literature, poetry, art and music which sprang forth at the me and subsequently. And there is the solemn splendour of row-upon-row of war graves, and the lists of names at places such as the Menin Gate. Remembering mes of war is primarily so that we will learn. In relaon to the First War in parcular, one of the immediate triggers – the assassinaon of an Archduke – can seem so inconsequenal. But it was significant because of all the underlying tensions, uncertaines and other issues that were around at the me. We need, therefore, to be on our guard lest something of the same kind happen again: it can be the unexpected or insignificant thing that becomes the spark which leads to conflagraon. We are invited to gather in prayer with Marn, our bishop, at a service of remembrance in front of the Royal Pavilion , on Sunday 3rd August at 3.00pm. As we remember mes past, so we join in prayer for the world in our generaon: that the ways of the Prince of Peace will prevail; that God’s coming Kingdom of righteousness, truth and peace will flourish now and for all mes. From the Vicar…... BAPTISMS We welcome into the family of the church… 26 June 2014 James Richard Grimwood Alice Mary Lowe CONFIRMATION by the Bishop of Lewes James Richard Grimwood Miia Isabella Newman-Turner 2014 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY AUGUST 3 3.00pm WWI Service in City Centre (Lawns in front of Royal Pavilion) Preacher: Bishop Marn SEPTEMBER 7 1.30pm Pop up Lunch - AutonLloyd Catering 12 1.00pm-3.00pm—Heritage Open Door 13 Sussex Historic Churches Ride & Stride 14 1.00pm-3.00pm—Heritage Open Door 19 Ursula Oppens, Pianist, plays Ravel and Modern American Masterpieces 26-28 September Fesval of Music Patron: Peter Field President: Dame Felicity Lo 26 7.30pm Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus 27 7.30pm Opera Gala—D'Oyly Carte Opera singers ‘An Evening of ‘Gilbert and Sullivan’ 28 10.30am—Fesval Eucharist Preacher: The Dean of Southwark followed by Jazz Brunch and Teddy Abseil 6.30pm –Fesval Evensong OCTOBER 4 TSSF Francisde Celebraon Celebrant: Fr Robert Chavner 5 Harvest Thanksgiving followed by Soup Lunch 11 12.30pm-1.15pm Lunchme Recital— Cara Barseghian and Norman Jacobs 7.00pm Friends Quiz ST NICHOLAS’ Parish News The Parish Church of St Nicholas, Brighton SUMMER FREE TAKE YOUR COPY FUNERALS We have trusted to God’s merciful keeping… 12 June Trevor Griffiths the outstanding quality of the building, so everyone of any faith or none can be part of the St Nicholas’ community and contribute to protecng this important part of Brighton's heritage and at the same me have fun together.” Lady Bryson, President of the Friends thanked everybody for aending the AGM and said “ I personally believe the Friends of St Nicholas has an excing future. Change is inevitable and today we look forward to a new management commiee of trustees being appointed. I was also delighted to learn this week that the Sussex Historic Churches Trust has awarded the PCC £5000 towards the cost of the repair and refurbishment of the Fleche and tower roof. Together with the Church Council we, as Friends, sll have much work to do!” Arcles for the AUTUMN EDITION of St Nicholas’ News to reach the Parish Office by 28th SEPTEMBER 2014 From the Registers…... On the 5th July, the Friends of St Nicholas elected a new chairman and management commiee. Cllr Bill Randall, Brighton and Hove City Council’s Heritage Champion said, “it took me all of thirty seconds to consider whether I would accept Fr Robert’s invitaon to become Chairman—I had the privilege of coming to this church several mes during my year of office as Mayor of the City of Brighton and Hove and the atmosphere and great sense of community impacted upon me. While the church does much to involve the community, the Friends’ focus is on During its history Brighton's ancient Parish Church, St Nicholas, has seen many significant services. On Thursday, 17th July, at 1.30pm we added to that record with a service marking the centenary of the First World War and the 5th anniversary of the death of Henry Allingham, Brighton's First World War Veteran. 100 years on, determined that the sacrifices of the WW1 generation, are never to be forgotten, dozens of people packed in to Brighton’s Mother Church to mark the passing of this remarkable generation and during the silence that promise was honoured. Following the war, Henry worked as an engineer and at the me of his death at 113 he was the oldest man in the world. He had seven grandchildren, 16 great-grand children, 14 great-great, grandchildren, and one great-great-great grandchild. FRIENDS OF ST NICHOLAS 11 th October 7.30pm Supper Quiz 29 th November 7.30pm 20th Anniversary Dinner and Cabaret 18 th December 7.00pm Friends Evening of Carols by Candlelight

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Page 1: Summer 2014 (PDF) 4Mb

At 11.00am on the 4th August ancestors in this country found themselves at war. Many of you, like me, will have had relatives who were caught up in the events that followed, and which we remember particularly in this centenary year. One of my great grandfathers served in the Royal Navy on HMS Vivid during the Great War and died on 18 July, 1918 aged 48. Reading about what happened during that time, it does not surprise me that he did not survive. The idea of most of Europe (and beyond) caught up in blood-soaked conflict is hard for us to comprehend in our age. Though even today (and of course recently) events happen which remind us that our peace is relatively vulnerable, and underlying tensions between and within nations can suddenly and unexpectedly emerge. In the light of that possibility of conflict which always lurks not far beneath the surface, it is perhaps for our good that we take time to remember the realities of World War 1. You like me, I am sure, was powerfully reminded of some of those realities while watching the stage adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s novel, ‘War Horse’.

Remembering times of war is not to glorify war, but nor is to deny the paradox that glorious episodes arise out of the horrors of war. There are the stories of startling courage, deep compassion and immense sacrifice. There is the flowering of literature, poetry, art and music which sprang forth at the time and subsequently. And there is the solemn splendour of row-upon-row of war graves, and the lists of names at places such as the Menin Gate.

Remembering times of war is primarily so that we will learn. In relation to the First War in particular, one of the immediate triggers – the assassination of an Archduke – can seem so inconsequential. But it was significant because of all the underlying tensions, uncertainties and other issues that were around at the time. We need, therefore, to be on our guard lest something of the same kind happen again: it can be the unexpected or insignificant thing that becomes the spark which leads to conflagration.

We are invited to gather in prayer with Martin, our bishop, at a service of remembrance in front of the Royal Pavilion , on Sunday 3rd August at 3.00pm. As we remember times past, so we join in prayer for the world in our generation: that the ways of the Prince of Peace will prevail; that God’s coming Kingdom of righteousness, truth and peace will flourish now and for all times.

From the Vicar…...


We welcome into the

family of the church…

26 June 2014

James Richard Grimwood

Alice Mary Lowe

CONFIRMATION by the Bishop of Lewes

James Richard Grimwood

Miia Isabella Newman-Turner


AUGUST 3 3.00pm WWI Service in City Centre (Lawns in front of Royal Pavilion) Preacher: Bishop Martin

SEPTEMBER 7 1.30pm Pop up Lunch - AutonLloyd Catering 12 1.00pm-3.00pm—Heritage Open Door

13 Sussex Historic Churches Ride & Stride 14 1.00pm-3.00pm—Heritage Open Door 19 Ursula Oppens, Pianist, plays Ravel and Modern American Masterpieces

26-28 September Festival of Music Patron: Peter Field

President: Dame Felicity Lott 26 7.30pm Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus 27 7.30pm Opera Gala—D'Oyly Carte Opera

singers ‘An Evening of ‘Gilbert and Sullivan’

28 10.30am—Festival Eucharist Preacher: The Dean of Southwark followed by Jazz Brunch and Teddy Abseil 6.30pm –Festival Evensong

OCTOBER 4 TSSF Francistide Celebration Celebrant: Fr Robert Chavner 5 Harvest Thanksgiving followed by Soup Lunch 11 12.30pm-1.15pm Lunchtime Recital— Cara Barseghian and Norman Jacobs 7.00pm Friends Quiz

ST NICHOLAS’ Parish News The Parish Church of St Nicholas, Brighton



FUNERALS We have trusted to God’s merciful keeping…

12 June Trevor Griffiths

the outstanding quality of the building, so everyone of any faith or none can be part of the St Nicholas’ community and contribute to protecting this important part of Brighton's heritage and at the same time have fun together.” Lady Bryson, President of the Friends thanked everybody for attending the AGM and said “ I personally believe the Friends of St Nicholas has an exciting future. Change is inevitable and today we look forward to a new management committee of trustees being appointed. I was also delighted to learn this week that the Sussex Historic Churches Trust has awarded the PCC £5000 towards the cost of the repair and refurbishment of the Fleche and tower roof. Together with the Church Council we, as Friends, still have much work to do!”

Articles for the AUTUMN EDITION of St Nicholas’ News to reach the Parish

Office by 28th SEPTEMBER 2014

From the Registers…...

On the 5th July, the Friends of St Nicholas elected a new chairman and management committee. Cllr Bill Randall, Brighton and Hove City Council’s Heritage Champion said, “it took me all of thirty seconds to consider whether I would accept Fr Robert’s invitation to become Chairman—I had the privilege of coming to this church several times

during my year of office as Mayor of the City of Brighton and Hove and the atmosphere and great sense of

community impacted upon me. While the church does much to involve the community, the Friends’ focus is on

During its history Brighton's ancient Parish Church, St Nicholas, has seen many significant services. On Thursday, 17th July, at 1.30pm we added to that record with a service marking the centenary of the First World War and the 5th anniversary of the death of Henry Allingham, Brighton's First World War Veteran. 100 years on, determined that the sacrifices of the WW1 generation, are never to be forgotten, dozens of people packed in to Brighton’s Mother Church to mark the passing of this remarkable generation and during the silence that promise was honoured. Following the war, Henry worked as an engineer and at the time of his death at 113 he was the oldest man in the world. He had seven grandchildren, 16 great-grand children, 14 great-great, grandchildren, and one great-great-great grandchild.

FRIENDS OF ST NICHOLAS 11th October 7.30pm Supper Quiz 29th November 7.30pm 20th Anniversary Dinner and Cabaret 18th December 7.00pm Friends Evening of Carols by Candlelight

Page 2: Summer 2014 (PDF) 4Mb


‘The long and the short of it is’ that we were pleased to welcome Bishop Richard to St Nicholas’ for his first confirmation as a bishop and to Baptise and Confirm candidates from within the deanery.

Page 2

CHARITABLE GIVING! HOME AND OVERSEAS 2014 MONTHLY FOCUS FOR GIVING - GIVE AS-YOU-GO SCHEME During the course of 2013, the PCC undertook to review the charities and organisations to which we make donations. Those chosen for 2014 – 2015 as St Nicholas’ Charities for the summer, with an introduction and their websites are as follows:

August Old Jeshwang Assc Gambian Health Centre The Association has been established to relieve sickness and to promote the preservation of good health in The Gambia through the provision of health centre facilities and the establishment of primary health care programmes. The Association achieves these aims by encouraging direct co-operation between communities and organisations in the UK and The Gambia in “Tesito”, or self-help, projects. The Association has built and maintains a Health Centre in Old Jeshwang village for Child Care and Maternity. Contact [email protected]

September St Paul’s CE Primary School and Nursery St Paul’s CE Primary School and Nursery is in the parish of St Nicholas, adjacent to the church. There are strong links between the church and school. Trevor Loveday (Foundation Parent Governor) is Chair of Governors and Father Robert is Vice Chair and leads worship in school regularly each term and the various classes make regular visits to the church. In the Spring term the vicar prepares the children for Baptism and Confirmation over 8 weeks ready for the inspirational Dawn service on Easter morning. Representing St Nicholas’ on the governing body is Rosalyn Addison, Diocesan Governor, Graeme Fraser, Foundation Parent Governor and Jessica Debene is an Associate. The vicar of the parish, Fr Robert has pastoral care of all the staff and children at the school. Contact: [email protected]

October Emmaus Emmaus Communities offer homeless people a home, work and the chance to rebuild their lives in a supportive environment. There are currently 19 Communities around the UK and several more in development. Trustee: Margaret Tuccori

Please look out for the special collection plates in church on the third Sunday

of each month


in church—Heather Wilkin said, “ Well done all of you and to Cara Barseghian, who had been planning this for

months. The Youth Choir has come on so much over the last year, thanks to Cara.”


Sussex Churches and Chapels are open at various times on Saturday 13 September Cycle or walk to raise money for St Nicholas’ as well as for the Sussex Historic

Churches Trust Ride and Stride is an event that all ages can enjoy – families are welcome to take

part as well as individuals. Please see Vic Funnell for a sponsor form.

The Historic Churches Trust was founded in 1956 and gives grants or interest-free

loans to churches and chapels of all Christian denominations of architectural or

historic interest throughout Sussex for essential repairs and restoration. The

Sponsored Ride & Stride was created in 1982; there are now 31 County Trusts

raising £1.5million annually. Sussex Historic Churches Trust raised over £55,000 in

2013. This year in Sussex over 600 buildings will be taking part, including

St Nicholas’. We are grateful to the Trust this year for £5000 towards our Tower

repairs and maintenance.

Page 3: Summer 2014 (PDF) 4Mb

Every Wednesday 12.30pm-1.00pm

Minimum donation £2.50 towards expenses is

appreciated. Refreshments served, but bring your

own sandwiches.

AUGUST 6 Elliot Corner and Gilbert Wasserman Viola/Violin 13 Ambrose Page Piano 20 Stephen Gardiner 21 Piano/Voice/Indian Harmonium 27 Magdalena Reising Harp

SEPTEMBER 3 Jennifer Jones Soprano 10 Luca Luciano Clarinet 17 James Shenton Violin 24 Michele Roszak/Melanie Mehta and Lynda Spinney Mezzo Soprano/Soprano/Piano


1 Mary Thomas and Jonathan Steele


8 Louise Gledhill/Cathrine Long and Joe Ward Sopranos/Piano 15 Alan Brett Cello 22 Marianne Wright and Gabriel Jones Soprano/Piano

29 Helen Burford Piano

MUSIC AT THE HEART OF THE CITY Lunchtime Recitals at St Nicholas’

Volume 1, Issue 4

FESTIVAL OF MUSIC 26-28 September

Patron: Peter Field President: Dame Felicity Lott

26 September 7.30pm Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus £10.00

27 September

10.00am-2.00pm Selfish Giant Workshop £5.00

2.00pm Selfish Giant Performance

Free entry to parents of children performing.

Family and friends ticket for performance £3.00

The Selfish Giant is one of Oscar Wilde’s most popular fairy tales. The workshop incorporates a

variety of stimulating and imaginative musical experiences,; creative movement and dance,

instrument playing, storytelling and improvisation.

7.30pm Opera Gala with Picnic Supper £20.00

‘An Evening of ‘Gilbert and Sullivan’


D’Oyly Carte Opera Singers

Yvonne Patrick Soprano Louise Crane Mezzo-soprano Oliver White Tenor Ian Belsey Baritone Carl Donohue Baritone Lesley-Anne Sammons Pianist

Chorus : Shoreham Community Choir and other local groups who come together through their

love of ‘Gilbert & Sullivan’

28 September 10.30am—Festival Eucharist Preacher: The Dean of Southwark

12.30pm Jazz Brunch BBQ and Teddy Abseil £10.00 Family Ticket 2 adults and 2 children £20.00

6.30pm – Festival Evensong

Public booking opens on the 29th July 2014


Relaxing in the beauty of the Churchyard with music and dancing

‘Legendary American Pianist’

URSULA OPPENS ‘One of the century’s finest pianists’ Plays Maurice Ravel’s ‘La Valse’ and

American Masterpieces 7.30pm Friday September 19th in St

Nicholas Church

Tickets: £15/£13 Concessions

Queueing for PIMMS and BURGERS!

PIANO APPEAL—£15,000 Amount raised to date £2,144.24

Thank you for your support

Our furry friends prepare for the competition Page 3

Chichester Diocese

Forthcoming Speakers at St Nicholas: 20 September 11.00am Eucharist

followed by a talk given by

The Reverend Colin Coward—Chairman of

Changing Attitude

18 October 11.00am Eucharist

followed by a talk given by the

Dean of Women’s Ministry, Canon Julia Peaty


Sussex Jazz entertain at the Summer Fair

Cheryl wins the Ping Pong race!


FOR CHURCH FUNDS Thank you to everybody who took


MOTHER JULIAN OF NORWICH Invites you to PRAYER AND LUNCH at Noon 7th August 4th September 9th October 6th November 4th December

Come and join us. We welcome you warmly

Julian Groups are contemplative prayer groups, the first of which were set up in 1973.Today there are over 400 such groups in the UK. The group welcome all, and at each meeting, a member of the group gives a brief Christian reading and leads into 30 minutes of silent contemplative prayer, ending with a closing prayer and a short time of talking over a light lunch. All are welcome to join the group and learn by doing.

Page 4: Summer 2014 (PDF) 4Mb

Sunday Worship at St Nicholas’ Parish Church,

Church Street, Brighton. BN1 3LJ

Sunday Worship

08.00—Holy Eucharist

10.30—Parish Eucharist (with Junior Church and Creche)

First Sunday of each month at 10.30am ‘Family Celebration’

Weekday Worship

Wednesday 10.30—Holy Eucharist

Saints and Holy Days as announced

Morning Prayer is said every weekday in

church at 08.30 (Saturday 9am)

Healing and Wholeness The laying-on of hands is offered at the Eucharist on

the first Wednesday of each month and at the Parish Eucharist on the second

Sunday of each month.

Holy Baptism, banns of Marriage, Weddings and Funeral Services should be arranged with the Vicar

Sacrament of Reconciliation and Counselling—Confessions can be heard

after any Eucharist or by arrangement with the clergy.

Visit us on FACEBOOK

St Nicholas Brighton

Parish Office

The Mother Church of Brighton 11th Century or earlier

The Church is open everyday

for prayer. All welcome


Contacts Vicar Rev Robert Chavner TSSF 01273 709045 Fr Robert is available to help at all times. He is happy to visit parishioners at their hospital beds or at home, and is grateful to be advised of any need. Whenever possible he will keep Friday as his ‘free’ day

Hon Assistant Priests Rev Canon Robin Protheroe 01273 687822 Rev Anthony Ball 01273 958789 Rev Robert Easton (Chaplain, Brighton College) 07793 417431 Fr Chris McDermott 01273 877123

(Chaplain, University of Sussex)

Churchwardens Josephine Baker 01273 708708 Martin Auton-Lloyd 01273 770213

Deputy wardens Bill Marlow 01273 380224 Joanne Morrell 01273 242836 Verger Matthew Suter 07878 928684

Organist & Director of Music Dominic Desouza-Campbell 01273 985053 Cara Barseghian (Assistant) 07944 344108

The Parish Office Lynn Rashid (Parish Administrator) [email protected] 0774 619 8026

For All Church Bookings please contact the Parish Office and speak to our Administrator who will be pleased to assist.

Safeguarding Officer Nigel Nash 01273 689765

Friends of St Nicholas’ Anna Golawski (Secretary) 07799 334594

Bells Gavin Bennett 01273 726307 Practice Night Mon 7.45-9.15pm 2nd and 4th at St Nicholas’ 1st, 3rd and 5th at St Peter’s

Junior Church Anne Cross 01273 737652

St Nicholas’ Nippers Angela Simpson 01273 509668

Youth Club & Our Space Café Kathy Rogers 07446 783059

Servers Bill Marlow 01273 380224

The beautiful ancient setting of St Nicholas’ Church with its flexible space is an ideal venue for all occasions. If you would like to be considered for a concert, recital or other event at St Nicholas’ please contact the Administrator: 0774 619 8026

Page 4

JULIAN GROUP : Join us for Contemplative

Prayer in church on Thursday 7th August at Noon, followed by ‘Soup, bread and cheese’ lunch. All Welcome. Contact: Fr Robert or Lesley-Anne TSSF

FOR YOUR INTEREST—Please do mention ‘St Nicholas’ News’ when contacting any of our local supporters.

WW1 Remembrance Publication compiled by St Nicholas’ people now available from the Parish Office £3.00