summer essentials english

SUMMER ESSENTIALS ENGLISH 7 PRACTICE BOOK ANSWER GUIDE Name: Usen este enlace para obtener la información en español. ይህንን መረጃ በአማርኛ ለማግኘት ይህንን ማገናኛ መረብ ይጠቀሙ غة العربية.لومات بالمعل إلى الوصولل إستخدم هذا الرابط ل请使用本链接获得中文信息。 ستفاده کنيد.رسی اعات به زبان فا دسترسی به اين اط لينک برای از طريق اين이러한 정보를 한국어로 확인하려면 다음 링크를 이용하기 바랍니다. ستعمال کريںے ليئے، يہ لنک اومات حاصل کرنے کردو زبان ميں معل اHãy dùng liên kết này để truy cập thông tin này bằng tiếng Việt : Message to families: Welcome to your Summer Essentials Practice Book! This book is designed to support your learning this summer during the weeks of June 29 - July 31. In this book you will have opportunities to: Practice and apply reading, writing and word study skills from the past school year Engage in open-ended creative tasks through Learning Quests This practice book focuses on essential skills in reading, writing, word study, mechanics, and vocabulary and has suggested activities for you to complete each weekday over the next five weeks. Take a few moments to look at the calendar on page 3 and explore the book with your family. Learning Quests are included for you at the end of the book. You can complete the quests and share your learning with family and friends. As you use this book, keep in mind: Practice books reinforce the most important skills needed as readers and writers. It is recommended that you engage in this review this summer; practice books will not be collected or graded. Practice books and answer guides are posted to FCPS 24/7 Learning Blackboard. Answer guides are not mailed. You have the opportunity to attend one virtual office hour each week with a teacher from your school. Office hours are optional and give you the chance to receive help with the content in this practice book. Please contact your school if you have questions about office hour details.

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ይህንን መረጃ በአማርኛ ለማግኘት ይህንን ማገናኛ መረብ ይጠቀሙ

إستخدم هذا الرابط للوصول إلى المعلومات باللغة العربية.


از طريق اين لينک برای دسترسی به اين اطلاعات به زبان فارسی استفاده کنيد.

이러한 정보를 한국어로 확인하려면 다음 링크를 이용하기 바랍니다.

اردو زبان ميں معلومات حاصل کرنے کے ليئے، يہ لنک استعمال کريں

Hãy dùng liên kết này để truy cập thông tin này bằng tiếng Việt :

Message to families:

Welcome to your Summer Essentials Practice Book! This book is designed to support your learning

this summer during the weeks of June 29 - July 31. In this book you will have opportunities to:

• Practice and apply reading, writing and word study skills from the past school year

• Engage in open-ended creative tasks through Learning Quests

This practice book focuses on essential skills in reading, writing, word study, mechanics, and

vocabulary and has suggested activities for you to complete each weekday over the next five

weeks. Take a few moments to look at the calendar on page 3 and explore the book with your

family. Learning Quests are included for you at the end of the book. You can complete the quests

and share your learning with family and friends. As you use this book, keep in mind:

• Practice books reinforce the most important skills needed as readers and writers. It is

recommended that you engage in this review this summer; practice books will not be collected

or graded.

• Practice books and answer guides are posted to FCPS 24/7 Learning Blackboard. Answer

guides are not mailed.

• You have the opportunity to attend one virtual office hour each week with a teacher from your

school. Office hours are optional and give you the chance to receive help with the content in this

practice book. Please contact your school if you have questions about office hour details.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 1


WEEK 1: JUNE 29, 2020

JUNE 29: Read Use this strategy as you read “Craig Kielburger Reflects on Working Toward Peace.”

READING STRATEGY: MANY CAUSES, MULTIPLE EFFECTS This task helps you to think about how events and changes are connected in a text.

Follow these steps:

1. Read the text. 2. List events that happen in the text (ex: a person changing, a problem, a relationship, etc.) at the bottom

of the article. 3. Pick one event. 4. Ask yourself: • “What made (caused) this happen?” • “How do I know this?” • “What part of the text tells me this?”

5. Go back and look again:

• “Are there other causes that might have made this event happen?” • “How do I know?” • “What part of the text tells me this?”

6. Find evidence, quotes, from the text. 2.

• Interested in comics – which leads him to read about a boy from Pakistan who is in bondage • Learns about child labor • Begins “Free the Children” a nonprofit organization • Met all kinds of children in poverty and suffering from child labor during his travels • Met José – spent the day with him in Brazil • Exchanged shirts (José took the Soccer shirt off his own back to give to the author) • Interviewed on talk show – asked if he was “gifted”


• This happened because the author spent the day playing soccer with José and his friends. It can be assumed that the author did so without judgment and with kindness in hopes to learn about these children as human beings.

• It is clear that there was a sense of friendship between the author and José because they spent the day “playing soccer on the streets” with the other children with “an old plastic bottle they had found in the garbage.” Also, the author references Ghandi and shares that “I have learned my best lessons from other children.”


• This event, of the author playing with and learning from José, also happens because of the original event of reading comics in his home when he learns about a boy, his very own age of twelve who was killed. This event changes the author and makes him interested to learn about children and help children less fortunate than him.

• The author shares, “I had never heard of child labor and wasn’t certain where Pakistan was—but that day changed my life forever.”


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 1

CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING Answer these multiple-choice questions to check your understanding.

1. The author refers to dreams at the end of paragraphs 4, 5, 6, and 7 in order to — A. indicate that every child has hope for a better

future. B. explain what happens to children who live in

poverty. C. point out how different the children are from

each other. D. prove that poverty affects children all around

the world. 2. The author’s main purpose in telling the

story of José is to — E. describe how some homeless children live. F. encourage sharing by showing that everyone

has something to offer. G. show that children who live in poverty still find

time for play. H. explain that although childhood poverty seems

hopeless, it is not.

3. Which statement best expresses the author’s controlling idea in this personal essay? A. Child bondage is a problem faced by children

around the world. B. Education is the key to ending childhood

poverty. C. Everyone has the capacity to help end poverty,

but it requires cooperation. D. Every person is gifted, but each person is gifted

in his or her own way.

VOCABULARY PRACTICE In the space provided, write the word from the Word Bank that most closely relates to the boldfaced word in each question.

WORD BANK syringe

possession inquire

capacity exploitation

1. Which word goes with the word answer? inquire

2. Which word goes with the word needle? syringe 3. Which word goes with the word underpaid? exploitation

4. Which word goes with the word ownership? possession 5. Which word goes with the word skill? capacity

VOCABULARY STRATEGY: ANALYZING PREFIXES Many words can be broken into smaller parts. These word parts include base words, roots, prefixes, and suffixes. • Look for any prefixes or suffixes. Remove them so that you can concentrate on the base word or

the root. • See whether you recognize any elements—prefix, suffix, root, or base—of the word. You may be

able to guess its meaning by analyzing one or two elements. • Think about the way the word is used in the sentence. Use the context and the word parts to make

a logical guess about the word’s meaning.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 1

PREFIXES A word part attached to the beginning of a word. Most prefixes come from Greek, Latin, or Old English.

PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE mal- bad or wrong malfunction micro- small or short microscope

semi- half semicircle

Practice using prefixes. Select the answer option that best describes the meaning of the boldface prefix as it is used in each pair of words.





1. malnourished maltreat

o bad o normal o to get in the way of o state of being

2. disagree disappear

o more than o large o with o opposite of

3. microscope microorganism

o many o having to do with science o small o under

4. foresee forward

o before o between o same o away from

5. semiformal semicircle

o unlike o half o sight o full

GRAMMAR PRACTICE: COMMAS Commas have a variety of purposes. Used correctly, they help writers communicate effectively. They show readers which words and phrases go together and indicate which part of a sentence is most important. They can also create pauses, which give readers a moment to think about what they are reading. In “Craig Kielburger Reflects on Working Toward Peace,” commas are used for several reasons, including these:

• To set off introductory words or phrases: Indeed, even the most physically or mentally challenged person teaches all of us about the value and worth of human life.

• To set off nonessential words, phrases, and clauses: If more people had the heart of a street child, like José, and were willing to share, there would be no more poverty and a lot less suffering in this world.

• To separate dependent clauses from independent clauses: Although José’s shirt was dirty and had a few small holes, it was a colorful soccer shirt and certainly much nicer than mine.

• To separate two independent clauses joined by one of the coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, for, nor, so, or yet:

He may have been a poor street child, but I saw more goodness in him than all of the world leaders I have ever met.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 1

Practice and Apply Write your own sentences with commas using the examples from “Craig Kielburger Reflects on Working Toward Peace” as models. Your sentences can be about Craig Kielburger’s work or about a topic related to helping others. When you have finished, share your sentences with a partner and compare your use of commas.

Answers May Vary

Yesterday, I helped my brother with his math homework.

My mom, struggling with the groceries, graciously accepted my help.

When I went to get the last bag, the food was gone.

The bags were heavy, but it didn’t really matter.

When I finished my homework, I helped clean the kitchen.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 1

WRITING PRACTICE Set a time limit for yourself to write about something or someone who inspires you to make a difference. Use details to explain what it is that inspires you.

Answers May Vary

My mom is someone who inspires me to make a difference. When she was younger, it was not

common for women to go to school beyond high school. My mom is very smart, and she didn’t

listen to those telling her that college wasn’t important or within her reach. She worked hard and

received a full scholarship to college. Once she was there, she found she was only one of a few

women who were enrolled. People laughed at her when she said she wanted to go to law school.

They stopped laughing when she received a full scholarship to law school and graduated at the top

of her class. When she attended, they didn’t even have women’s bathrooms, but she didn’t let that

stop her. My mom inspires me to make a difference because she never let the expectations or

beliefs of others hold her down or back. There are so many people who will criticize or judge your

actions. True strength comes from moving toward your goal despite the noise.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 2

WEEK 2: JULY 6, 2020

JULY 6: Read Use this strategy when reading “Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire” by David Brooks.

READING STRATEGY: FACTS LEAD TO MAIN IDEA This strategy helps you to better understand the main idea and author’s perspective (opinion) by collecting facts and details. Follow these steps: 1. Read the passage title and ask yourself: ● What is the topic of this passage? ● Write it down. You might use this sentence starter: The topic of “Title of Text” is _________.

2. Read a chunk—a few sentences or a paragraph. 3. Ask yourself: ● What is the author’s perspective, or opinion, on the topic? ● How do I know? ● Underline facts or details that support the author’s idea.

4. Write a main idea statement (what the author is telling you about the topic). You might use this sentence starter: The main idea of “Title of Text” is ________.

5. Continue to read in chunks. Repeat step 3. 6. Ask yourself: Do these facts and details support what I believe to be the main idea?

● If yes, keep reading. ● If no, revise your main idea statement as needed.

1. • The topic of Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire is the relationship between a person

(Frances Perkins) and a fire at a factory. 3.

• The author believes something about upper class, educated people. I don’t know exactly what the author’s perspective is, but I noticed that he describes “nice homes” and talks about where Mrs. Gordon Norrie and Mrs. Frances Perkins were descended from. These details don’t seem necessary in understanding the rest of the text, but he chose to include them for a reason.

• The author thinks this is a horrific historical event. This is clear because of the wording within the sentence, “It was a horrifying spectacle” as well as the additional description that describes what happened during the first.

• The author’s perspective is that this could have turned out differently – it was an event that had horrifying results. People tried their hardest, but it was in vain. This is clear because of the details the author is including. For instance, when the author writes, “The firemen held out nets, but the weight of the bodies from that great height was too much for the nets to support.” This shows that the firemen were using their best efforts, and yet, they were useless.

4. The main idea of Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire is that sometimes despite great efforts, failure can occur.



English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 2

• In this next section, in paragraph 13, the author shares details about the purpose behind the building and the entry and exit ways. The author believes that this horrific event was caused by people’s negativity towards poorer people.

6. The main idea of Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire is that tragedy often leads to greater movement for significant change and betterment. It is the job of all of us to support changes when we see wrongs and mistreatment occurring.

CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING Answer these multiple-choice questions to check your understanding.

1. What key idea could a reader most likely determine from the details in paragraph 9? A. No one could have prevented the fire. B. Cotton dust and scraps are flammable. C. Poor decisions made the fire much worse. D. A growing fire cannot be stopped.

2. In paragraph 15, the author includes a direct quotation from Mary Bucelli in order to — E. explain the factory workers’ actions during

the fire. F. persuade readers that the fire could have

been prevented. G. explain why the fire spread so quickly. H. describe what happened after the fire.

3. Which sentence best explains why Frances Perkins devoted the rest of her life to bringing reform to the lives of workers? A. She always had been interested in helping

the poor. B. She was deeply affected by the tragic fire

at the factory. C. She was unhappy about the indifference

that city leaders showed toward the poor. D. She wanted workers’ children to have a

better life than their parents had had.

VOCABULARY PRACTICE In the space provided, write the word from the Word Bank that most closely relates to the boldfaced word in each question.

WORD BANK lobby fatal

distinguish indifferent

1. Which vocabulary word goes with unimportant? indifferent

2. Which vocabulary word goes with disastrous? fatal 3. Which vocabulary word goes with distinct? distinguished 4. Which vocabulary word goes with influence? indifferent


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 2

VOCABULARY STRATEGY: LATIN ROOTS A root is a word part that came into English from an older language. Roots from Latin appear in many English words. Note this comment by Mary Bucelli in “Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire”: You see a multitude of things, but you can’t distinguish anything. (paragraph 15)

The word distinguish contains a root, sting, from the Latin word dīstinguere, which means “to separate.” You can see the root meaning in the word distinguish; it literally means separating what you perceive or being able to tell things apart. Recognizing the root sting can help you figure out the meanings of other words that include this root.

Practice and Apply In each sentence, identify the word with the Latin root sting or its variation ting. Write what each word means. Use a print or digital dictionary to check your ideas.

1. There are many kinds of maple trees, but most people think that one maple tree is indistinguishable from another.

Indistinguishable means that people cannot tell one thing from another, usually because those things are similar.

2. Despite the criticism they got, they would not let anyone extinguish their dream.

Extinguish refers to an act that puts an end to something. In the example, critics try to put an end to some people’s dream.

3. Although many of her players were undistinguished, the coach led them to win games by inspiring them to work hard as a team.

Undistinguishable means something that cannot be separated from the other things in to a different category. It is ordinary or unnoticed.

4. A fire extinguisher works by removing one or more of the three elements of every fire: oxygen, heat, and fuel.

Extinguisher refers to a device that puts our fires, often by smothering the fire and separating the elements that a fried needs to have all together to burn.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 2

GRAMMAR PRACTICE: PRONOUN ANTECEDENT AGREEMENT To keep your writing clear, make sure that the pronouns that you use agree with their antecedents in number (singular or plural), gender (male, female, or neuter), and person (first, second, or third).


First Person I / me / my, mine we / us / our, ours

Second Person you / you / your, yours you / you / your, yours

Third Person he, she, it / him, her, it / his, her, hers, its

they / them / their, theirs

Look at these examples from “Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire” and examine the pronouns and their antecedents.

• Notice how the pronouns his and he agree with their antecedent, Bernstein, in number (singular), gender (male), and person (third):

When Bernstein finally did take his eyes off the wall of fire, he was astonished by what he saw. (paragraph 11)

• Notice how the pronoun its agrees with its antecedent, fire department, in number (singular), gender (neuter), and person (third):

The fire department arrived quickly but its ladders could not reach the eighth floor. (paragraph 17)

• Notice how the pronoun she agrees with its antecedent, Perkins, in number (singular), gender (female), and person (third):

Perkins hardened. She threw herself into the rough and tumble of politics. She was willing. (paragraph 21)

Practice and Apply: Write 4 or 5 sentences that summarize this piece of history writing. Try to use different pronouns. As you do, check to make sure that the pronouns agree with their antecedents. Use the examples and chart above as guides.

Answers May Vary

The Triangle Factory Fire was a tragedy, but it could have been prevented. Unsafe working

conditions were a main cause of the Triangle Factory Fire. Frances Perkins was a witness to the

fire, and she was deeply affected by it. After the fire, Perkins devoted her life to improving working

conditions and the lives of the poor.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 2

WRITING PRACTICE After reading about Francis Perkins and the Shirtwaist Factory fire, think about a recent news story you find interesting. What information would be important about that news story that you want to share? Start writing about it here and include details that support why others should be interested in the topic.

Answers May Vary

Recently, I read an article about plastics in our oceans. The article talked about how we are

polluting our oceans and rivers so much that sea life is ingesting plastic trash. What scientists are

finding is that that plastic is then traveling from shrimp and fish, into the human body when we eat

seafood. It seems like an easy solution to just not eat seafood, but the article then goes on to say

that plastic is present in our water. No matter what we eat or think about the environment, we can

all agree that drinking plastic is not good our bodies. I hope this will inspire people recycle and

avoid throwing trash away in rivers and oceans.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 3

WEEK 3: JULY 13, 2020

JULY 13: Read Use this strategy to read “Your Mission” by Ellen M. H. Gates.


This strategy helps you pay attention to ways authors use precise and intentional words and phrases to convey a message or influence you.

Follow these steps: 1. Think carefully about the words and phrases used by the author.

2. Ask yourself: • “Why does the author use these words and/or phrases?” • “What does the author imply or suggest by using these specific words and/or phrases?”

3. Ask yourself: • “What other words could have been used?” • “How would those words change the meaning and the implied message?”

4. Decide if you agree with what the author implies about the topic.

1. 2. 3.

Words/Phrases Used

Why Used by Author?

Implication/Suggestion? Other Words Change to Meaning this would make

• Rocking on the highest billows

• The author uses these words to help the reader imagine a boat rocking violently in the middle of the ocean

• This would show great bravery – the author implies that this is not the only way to be brave!

• Waves • This would sound more regular or ordinary and therefore the bravery of this would not be as apparent.

• anchored yet within the bay

• Anchored Yet – to show reader the image of a boat sitting in the bay – safe and anchored

• This juxtaposes the difference between the previous image of a brave sailor in the deep waters with billowing waves. The author is setting the reader up to see how to be brave no matter what you do.

• Stuck • This would sound negative as if it was not a choice – anchored shows strength while stuck shows weakness.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 3

• Fortune is a lazy goddess

• Interesting pairing of lazy and goddess. Never thought of a goddess as lazy.

• Implies that if you wait around waiting for the lottery to hit, you will be unlucky because this is unlikely to happen. We can understand that the author thinks we make our own fortunes.

• Lottery • Would imply that it’s hit or miss, rather than unlikely to occur.

4 The author of “Your Mission,” Ellen M.H.Gates, suggests that if you want something to happen, you must go out and do it. She suggests that bravery comes in all places, and it is just as powerful to walk alongside others, to support others in their efforts, as it is to stand on the front lines. For every sailor in the giant waves, for every soldier on the front lines, for every man/woman bravely risking his/her life, there is a support of people who are just as daring and brave, standing in support. I agree with the author’s message. We cannot wait for fortunes, riches, treasures, successes to find us, we must go out and seek out our own successes.

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Answer these questions to check your understanding.

1. The author uses repetition of “you can” to tell the reader: A. They are helpless in life. B. They must wait their turn. C. They are able to help in other ways. D. They are able to do better than others.

2. The author uses the simile “Fortune is a lazy goddess” to tell the reader: E. Patience is the key to success. F. The way to success is to wait. G. You must act, not wait for Fortune. H. Patience must win, not Fortune.

3. The message of the poem is: A. There is a right and a wrong time to act. B. There are opportunities to act everywhere. C. Change can only happen in certain places. D. Change can only happen in certain times.

VOCABULARY PRACTICE In the space provided, write the word from the Word Bank that most closely relates to the boldfaced word in each question.

WORD BANK anchored

chant multitude


1. Which vocabulary word goes with the word tied? anchored

2. Which vocabulary word goes with the word labor? toil

3. Which vocabulary word goes with the word many? Multitude

4. Which vocabulary word goes with the word chorus? chant


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 3

VOCABULARY STRATEGY: Connotations and Denotations A word’s denotation is its literal, dictionary meaning. A word’s connotation comes from the ideas and feelings associated with the word.

The conditions as they now exist are hideous…. The choice of hideous suggests that the conditions were terrible and revolting because the word suggests an upsetting image to most readers. Some words have positive connotations; other words have negative connotations. To determine a word’s connotation, examine the context of the phrase, sentence, or paragraph in which the word appears.

Practice and Apply For each item, circle the word you think better expresses the meaning of the sentence. Then explain your choice in the space provided.

1. “Furious New Yorkers refused to let the issue rest.” The people were (serious, determined).

Explain why you selected that word. Refused and rest made me think they weren’t going to give up.

2. “They examined workers’ filthy living conditions....” The workers’ living conditions were (disgusting, messy).

Explain why you selected that word. The story talks about a terrible situation so I went with the stronger word.

3. “As a result of the Commission’s shocking findings, New York State quickly passed thirty-three new labor laws....”

The findings were (surprising, alarming).

Explain why you selected that word. Shocking is a really strong word, so I chose alarming which is also strong.

GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Subject–Verb Agreement and Prepositional Phrases As you know, the subject and verb in a clause must agree in number.

Agreement means that if the subject is singular, the verb is also singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb is also plural. Most verbs show the difference between singular and plural only in the third person of the present tense. In the present tense, the third-person singular forms ends in -s.

Singular Plural I work we work you work you work she, he, it works they work

However, the verb be causes subject-verb agreement issues because this verb doesn’t follow the usual patterns. It is important to pay particular attention to agreement with this verb.

FORMS OF BE Present Tense Past Tense

Singular Plural Singular Plural I am we are I was we were you are you are you were you were she, he, it is they are she, he, it was they were


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 3

In addition, you need to pay attention to words between a subject and a verb. A verb only agrees with its subject. Therefore, when a prepositional phrase or other words come between a subject and a verb, ignore them and focus on identifying the subject and making sure the verb agrees with it. Notice the prepositional phrase “of the tragic Triangle factory fire” does not change the agreement of ashes and came in this example from The Story of the Triangle Factory Fire: From the ashes of the tragic Triangle factory fire came help for millions of United States laborers today.

Practice and Apply Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Today, the victims of the Triangle factory fire (is / are) remembered.

2. The safety of workers (wasn’t / weren’t) as important as today.

3. Citizens in the courtroom (was / were) furious with the verdict.

4. Investigators in the tenement buildings (was / were) searching for dangerous conditions.

5. The details of the 1911 fire (anger / angers) public safety officials.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 3

WRITING PRACTICE Choose a line, phrase, and word from the poem you found to be the most meaningful. Write about why you chose them and the effect they had on you as a reader.

The author of “Your Mission,” Ellen M.H.Gates, suggests that if you want something to happen, you

must go out and do it. She suggests that bravery comes in all places, and it is just as powerful to

walk alongside others, to support others in their efforts, as it is to stand on the front lines. For every

sailor in the giant waves, for every soldier on the front lines, for every man/woman bravely risking

his/her life, there is a support of people who are just as daring and brave, standing in support.

I agree with the author’s message. We cannot wait for fortunes, riches, treasures, successes to find

us, we must go out and seek out our own successes.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 4

WEEK 4: JULY 20, 2020

JULY 20: Read Choose two of the passages from this practice booklet to compare. Use this strategy to support your process.


This strategy helps you to think while you read by asking yourself questions and answering them to develop bigger ideas.

Follow these steps: 1. Read a chunk (a few sentences or a paragraph) from each reading.

• Notice parts of the text that make you wonder. • Ask, "Am I surprised or confused?" "Do I disagree?" • Turn that thinking into a question and write it down ✬Use the sentence frame, " I wonder why ____________?"

2. Continue reading to answer your questions in both pieces.

3. Review your questions • Ask, “What are my questions mostly about?” “Do the authors agree? Disagree?”

4. Ask, “So what?” Based on steps 1-3, what bigger understanding or idea do you now have about both texts?”

5. Write long to grow your thinking. Try writing as much as you can.

1. 2.

Questions Common To Both Texts Answers

• What makes a person interested in helping others?

• Whose job is it to take care of others?

• What would it take to end poverty?

• Should we look at people differently or less than who are less fortunate?

• Having an impactful experience can make you interested in helping another (that you don’t even know). For Frances Perkins it was watching a horrific fire. For Craig Kielberger, it was reading about a child his very own age, who was murdered.

• Both authors seem to agree that it is OUR job to take care of others. They would both agree that “it takes a village” and we won’t improve if we don’t look out for one another and the well-being of all our community.

• The author of Frances Perkins doesn’t really touch on this. Craig Kielberger shares some research about this.

• Both authors agree that no matter your monetary situation, we are all humans and should be treated equally.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 4

3. My questions are mostly about the author’s views, stance, and main idea. I was seeking clarity on some questions of morality and basic kindness in society.

4. Based on my questions and thinking so far, I think both authors, although writing about varied topics, share the same stance and message about humanity. They both believe that taking care of others is important and that by doing so, one becomes a hero.

5. Taking care of others is of the utmost importance. Specifically to the topic of caring for others in financial and monetary needs, reading two pieces not with similarity of topic, was intriguing. It is clear that being kind is what really matters and what causes one to become heroic. Although Craig Kielberger did not save anyone from a burning fire, his position and ability to give back and share his perspective with others adds to the efforts that are going into reducing poverty. In the same vain, Frances Perkins used her position to do all she could to change things for those who were less fortunate than her. I am connecting this to the celebrities who use their voice and position to shed light on issues that matter to them. Just this morning, while watching the news, I was struck by a NASCAR driver who was using his voice to support current movements and changes. Although many don’t agree that sports players should use their fame for this reason, I believe it is their duty to support and raise awareness with the power they have in the position they are given.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 4


This writing strategy helps you consider facts and details to include in order to better best communicate your message. 1. Write about a topic you know a lot about or write about the most powerful thing you have learned from

your packet reading so far. ✬Consider using something you have already written or try writing something new.

2. Ask yourself, “What is the message you want to share?” ✬Consider writing it at the top of your draft with this sentence stem: “I want my readers to know/learn/think ____________ about ________ (the topic).”

3. Read through your writing considering: • “What facts have I stated that may need more information?” • “Are there any areas that need to have background information added?”

4. Revise and Add Details

Answers May Vary

I want my readers to think about the conditions of the workers at the Triangle Factory and about some

changes that could have saved many lives.

Today I am going to write about the Triangle Factory fire article. As I read this article, I thought about the

bad conditions the workers were in and how some of the injuries and deaths from the fire could have been

prevented. When the fire started, Samuel Bernstein started to put out the fire with buckets of water. If he

had focused on getting the people out before putting out the fire, that could have saved lives. If he had

thought about getting people out and telling workers in the floors above, they might have had enough time

to get out before the fire got out of control. Because the workers did not know how bad the fire was or

how to get out, more people lost their lives than should have.

When I reread my writing, I noticed that I could add more information to the third and fourth sentence.

Right now, it just talks about the buckets of water and I remember more details from the article that I can

add. I might consider adding this sentence to add details about the fire

hose. “When the workers got the fire hose, there was not enough water pressure to stop the burning of

the patterns and cloth scraps.”


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 4


This strategy helps you to think about the information of multiple texts (books, blogs, social media, videos, etc.) to build understanding.

Follow these steps: 1. Think about texts you have read. 2. Compare how the authors of the texts view the same topic or theme.

• Ask, “How are they similar?” “How are they different?” ✬Use the sentence frame, “This author thinks ______, but this one thinks ______.”

3. Compare your thinking with the thinking of the author. • Ask, “How is my thinking similar/different to the thinking of the author?” ✬Use the sentence frame, “This author thinks ______, but/and I think ______.”

4. Ask, “So what?” Based on steps 1-3, what bigger understanding or idea do you now have?” 5. Write long to grow your thinking. Try writing as much as you can.

Answers May Vary

The first text in this practice book, “Craig Kielburger Reflects on Working Toward Peace,” was an

article that made me think about hope. The author wrote about traveling and being around

people from all over the world. I liked how he talked about no matter where people were from or

how much they had, everyone was hopeful that the world can be a good place. The story he

included about switching shirts with José, reminded me that everyone can share little acts of

kindness to help others. And doing that costs nothing. This theme of hope connects to the

poem, “Your Mission.” As I read the poem, I was thinking about all the things the poet is saying

you can do if you feel too tired or weak. I agree with this idea and think that there are many ways

we can connect to the world around us. Doing something for someone else might seem little, but

to that person, it might feel really huge. It seems like both writers are talking about ways we can

help make the world good. Taking a moment to put some good in the world is something

everyone can do. If we all do a little, it might add up to lots!


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 4


This writing strategy helps you consider facts and details to include in order to better best communicate your message. 5. Write about a topic you know a lot about or write about the most powerful thing you have learned from

your packet reading so far. ✬Consider using something you have already written or try writing something new.

6. Ask yourself, “What is the message you want to share?” ✬Consider writing it at the top of your draft with this sentence stem: “I want my readers to know/learn/think ____________ about ________ (the topic).”

7. Read through your writing considering: • “What facts have I stated that may need more information?” • “Are there any areas that need to have background information added?”

8. Revise and Add Details

See the answer to July 21st


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 4

JULY 24: Writing Practice Consider the Essential Question at the start of this work: What inspires you to make a difference? Think about a time when you were moved to act. What made you feel the need to act? What steps did you take?

Answers May Vary

When I was 22 years old, I was inspired to help the homeless. I was living in a city, which had a

large homeless population, and I would see people betting on the streets on a daily basis.

Growing up in a small down, I had no idea how prevalent homeless was in America until it was

right before my eyes. Since I couldn’t ignore the issue, I decided to take action. I started

volunteering at the local shelter in Bath. I also trained for and ran a half marathon, raising money

for this local shelter. To this day I have a passion for helping those less fortunate.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

WEEK 5: JULY 27, 2020

JULY 27: REVISE TO ADD DETAILS Choose one of the pieces you have written. Elaborate by adding details and revise it using the writing strategies you have practiced.

REVISION STRATEGY: GATHERING DETAILS SUPPORTS MY MAIN IDEA This writing strategy will help you use reasons and facts to support your main idea. ✬Reasons are big categories for proof. ✬Facts are more specific details that elaborate on the categories.

Follow these steps: 1. Think of a topic you know a lot about. (Example topics: social media, outer space, skateboarding,

favorite musician) 2. Think about what information you could include.

• List/jot/draw all you know about the topic. • Consider which are reasons (big categories) and which facts/details connect to those reasons • Underline/Circle the things you want to include.

3. Ask yourself, “What do I want my audience (readers) to know about this topic based on my writing?” 4. Flashdraft - Get your pen/pencil/ moving. Write all you can using your list as you go!

✬Try writing for as long as you can. Start with 5 minutes and keep going!

Answers May Vary

Today, I am going to revisit my writing from July 24th when I wrote about when I was inspired to make a

difference. Since that writing was about what I did to help the homeless, I am going to continue with that

topic and write some reasons and details I could add to my piece.

• I have helped with a food drive in the past. I could write about when my class collected food to

distribute as a shelter.

• I can write about how I ran with other people when I ran the half marathon. By talking about what I

had seen with my friends, a few others decided to run and we raised more money.

I might include some details about a clothing drive I did with my neighborhood. We all got some extra

clothes that we grew out of and worked together to donate 9 bags of clothes for people who might need



English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

Thinking about these details, I want my audience to know that when you see something, you can do

something about it. By sharing what I did when I was inspired to help, maybe other people can be

inspired too.

Flash draft: “When I was training for the half-marathon, I started talking to my friends about what I was

doing and how the money could help people. Three people who I spoke with decided to train and run with



English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

JULY 28: REVISE FOR WORD CHOICE REVISION STRATEGY: WORDS THAT MATCH YOUR MESSAGE This writing strategy will help you use words and phrases that connect the audience to your message. Follow these steps. 1. Write about a topic you know a lot about. (Example topics: social media, outer space,

skateboarding, favorite musician). ✬Consider using something you have already written or try writing something new.

2. Consider your audience. Ask yourself: o “Who will read this piece?” and “What language will they need? o “What do I want the reader to know based on this piece?” o List words & phrases you might include.

3. Re-read looking for places where you can add/revise. Can you add/revise for o strong word choice? o powerful phrases?

o metaphors or other figurative language? o specific nouns and verbs?

Answers May Vary

Today, I am going to continue editing my writing from July 24th. Since I added stronger details

yesterday, I think my writing is going to be clearer for the reader. Now, I will think about who

might read my writing and think about the words I am using to help the reader understand. I am

hoping someone will read it who might be inspired to help others. Maybe someone who might

end up doing something themselves to make the world better.

To help strengthen my message, I could include words and phrases like:

• Help those who need it

• Support

• Do something good for someone else

• Inspired

• Open your eyes to all the ways you can help

• Hopeful

• Assist in my community

• Act


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

After rereading my writing, I found a few places I could revise my words.

Original Sentence My Revised Sentence When I was 22 years old, I was inspired to help the homeless.

When I was 22 years old, I was inspired to help the homeless and do something good for others.

To this day I have a passion for helping those less fortunate.

To this day I have a passion for helping those less fortunate, and I am hopeful I can make a difference for my community.


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

JULY 29: EDIT FOR GRAMMAR Editing involves finding and fixing errors that might otherwise cause readers to stumble over or misunderstand what you’ve written. These can be errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word usage. Begin by reviewing your writing for the Grammar issues reviewed in this Summer Practice Booklet.

• Commas • Pronoun Antecedent Agreement • Subject–Verb Agreement and Prepositional Phrases

Answers May Vary


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

JULY 30: REVISE FOR VOCABULARY Revising your writing means revisiting your draft and considering how to make it better. Go back in your writing and consider the connotation and denotation of the words you have chosen to include. Do the words match what your message is? Are there better words that could replace them

Answers May Vary


English Language Arts, Grade 7 Week 5

JULY 31: SHARING YOUR WRITING & CELEBRATE! Part of being a writer means taking the time to share and celebrate your work. Find a family member, a teacher, or friend to read your writing to. You might share your work on the phone, online, or in person. Share with them how you started your idea and grew it to a final product.

Answers May Vary

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

Vocabulary and grammar review activities adapted from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Literature. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2020.


ELD, Grade 7 Week 1

© 2020, Fairfax County School Board, Summer Practice Book

ELD Week 1: Cause and Effect This week you will use the language of Cause and Effect to explain how events lead to each other.

Example: Mayra hung a bird feeder on the tree. As a result, many birds came to eat the bird seed.

Cause: Mayra hung a bird feeder on the tree. Effect: Many birds came to eat the bird seed. Image sources: Pixabay (aviary-4302190_1920, birds-3414243_1920)

Directions: choose an option from the list below and write about at least one cause and effect relationship that you notice. Use the graphic organizer to organize your ideas.

● Cause and effect relationships in your summer reading for this week. ● Cause and effect relationships in the world around you. ● Cause and effect relationships in current events. What have you heard or seen on the news? ● Other cause and effect relationships of your choice.

Look-for: Student expresses at least one clear cause and effect relationship.

Now express your cause and effect relationships in complete sentences. These words and phrases can help you write: If...then, cause(s), effects, results, leads to, consequence, as a result.


o Students elaborate on cause and effect relationship(s) expressed in organizer. o Students write in complete sentences not copied from a text. o Students use cause and effect language appropriately. o Complexity and variety of language in student responses will vary according current level of

language acquisition.

Examples: When Craig Kielburger was 12 years old, he read about a boy in Pakistan who lived in abject poverty and was held in bondage. The boy was murdered when he was only 12. Because

Causes Examples:

Craig Kielburger read about a boy in Pakistan who lived as a slave, then was murdered at age 12.

A car drove through a red light by my building.


Craig Kielburger formed an organization called Free the Children to save children around the world who live in poverty.

There was a car accident.


ELD, Grade 7 Week 1

© 2020, Fairfax County School Board, Summer Practice Book

Kielburger read the article, he wanted to do something to help children around the world who live in poverty. As a result, Kielburger formed an organization called Free the Children.

Yesterday, a driver caused a traffic accident near my building. They drove through a red light without stopping. Consequently, they hit another car going the other direction.


ELD, Grade 7 Weeks 2 and 3

© 2020, Fairfax County School Board, Summer Practice Book

ELD Weeks 2 and 3: Infer

During these two weeks you will practice inferring. An inference is an informed guess based on clues that you observe and information that you already know.

What is in the book + What I already know = Helps me to infer

(clues) + (background knowledge) = (inference)

We constantly make inferences when we read.

Example: Mohammed opened the door and looked up at the sky. “Hmmm, just a moment,” he said. He turned around, picked up his umbrella, and left the house.

Clues Background Knowledge Inference

...looked up at the sky

...picked up his umbrella

I know that the sky often looks dark before it rains. I know that people use umbrellas to stay dry when it is raining.

I infer that Mohammed thinks it is going to rain.

Directions: choose an option from the list below and write about at least one inference that you have made. Use the graphic organizer to organize your ideas.

● Inferences from the reading passages for this week. ● Inferences from other reading you have done. ● Inferences from a movie, T.V. show, or song that you have seen or heard. ● Other inferences you have made in daily life.

Look-fors: o A logical connection between the examples written in the Clues, Background Knowledge,

and Inference columns. o Inferences are related to the text or event but are not explicitly stated.

Clues Background Knowledge Inference


Frances Perkins worked at the Consumer’s League of New York

She lobbied for worker’s rights

“She was willing to take morally hazardous action if it would prevent another catastrophe…”

“She pinioned herself to this

Factory workers today have labor unions and laws that help to protect them from working in unsafe conditions.

The work of Frances Perkins helped make positive changes for generations of workers who came after her.


ELD, Grade 7 Weeks 2 and 3

© 2020, Fairfax County School Board, Summer Practice Book

cause for the rest of her life.”

Now explain your inferences in complete sentences. These words and phrases can help you write: I infer_______ because…, I predict, I conclude, I think, I know, evidence, reason(s), maybe


o Students elaborate on the information they have written in the organizer. o Students write in complete sentences that are not copied from a text. o Students use the language of inferring appropriately. o Complexity and variety of language in student responses will vary according current level of

language acquisition.


Frances Perkins worked hard throughout her life to win rights for workers and to protect them from working in unsafe conditions. I infer that she helped make positive changes for generations of workers who came after her because she made this cause her vocation, and because I know that today workers’ rights are protected by laws and labor unions.


ELD, Grade 7 Weeks 4 and 5

© 2020, Fairfax County School Board, Summer Practice Book

ELD Weeks 4 and 5: Compare and Contrast

During these two weeks you will practice comparing and contrasting so that you can understand and explain how things are similar and different.

Example: We can compare and contrast pens and pencils.

Directions: choose an option from the list below to compare and contrast. Use the graphic organizer to organize your ideas.

● Ideas presented in reading passages this week. ● Books you have read or movies you have seen. ● News reports or articles on the same topic. How are the viewpoints similar and different? ● Two elements, ideas, or viewpoints from another topic of your choice.

Look-fors: o Students choose two elements that have clear similarities and differences. o Students label the Venn diagram with one of the two items they are comparing and

contrasting in each of the outer-ovals. o Students place contrasting characteristics in non-overlapping sections of the organizer and

similar characteristics in the overlapping section in the center.

Now express your ideas in complete sentences. These words and phrases can help you write:

like, alike, both, similar to, different from, but, however, while, on the other hand

You don’t have to be a hero to be a

social activist. Small acts are important, too. Everyone can

help. workers' conditions.

compare (same)

contrast (different)

contrast (different)

pen pencil • Used for

writing by hand

• Small and lightweight

• Made of plastic or metal

• Writes with ink

• Made of wood

• Writes with graphite

Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire

Your Mission

They also have important differences. While pens are usually made of plastic or metal, pencils are usually made of wood. Also, pens write with ink, but pencils write with graphite.

Pens and pencils are similar because they are both small, lightweight tools used for writing by hand.

Frances Perkins was a heroic person who devoted her life to improving

Social activism is

important. It makes the

world a better place.


ELD, Grade 7 Weeks 4 and 5

© 2020, Fairfax County School Board, Summer Practice Book


o Students elaborate on the information they have written in the organizer. o Students write in complete sentences that are not copied from a text. o Students use the language of comparing and contrasting appropriately. o Complexity and variety of language in student responses will vary according current level of

language acquisition.


“Frances Perkins and the Triangle Factory Fire” and “Your Mission” have a similar message. They both demonstrate the idea that social activism is important and can make the world a better place. However, they also have some important differences. While the Frances Perkins article tells the story of a hero who devoted her life to improving workers’ conditions, the poem, “Your Mission,” makes the point that you don’t have to be a hero to be a social activist. Everyone can help improve our society in small ways.