sums of distinct divisors

Sums of Distinct Divisors Author(s): B. M. Stewart Source: American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 76, No. 4 (Oct., 1954), pp. 779-785 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 09/12/2014 21:04 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The Johns Hopkins University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Mathematics. This content downloaded from on Tue, 9 Dec 2014 21:04:45 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: Sums of Distinct Divisors

Sums of Distinct DivisorsAuthor(s): B. M. StewartSource: American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 76, No. 4 (Oct., 1954), pp. 779-785Published by: The Johns Hopkins University PressStable URL: .

Accessed: 09/12/2014 21:04

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1. Introduction. For a given positive integer .Il, let cx(M) indicate thle nutimber of integers n which can be written in the form

(I) n Ed

wh ere the d are distinct positive divisors of M. Obviously a (M) ? ((M), the sumn of all the divisors of M.

For a given set S of integers M, define S* to be the subset of S con- taining those integers for which a (M) -a (MI) is minimal.

Thus for the set I of all positive integers, the set 1* contains all integers, such as M1 2k, for which a(M) - ax(M) = 0. However, for the set 0 of all odd integers 1l1> 5, the set O contains all integers, such as M = 945, for which a(M) - ax(M) = 2, for certainly both 2 and a(M1) - 2 defy repre- sentation in the form (1).

In this paper we give complete structure theorems for l* and Q* and indicate their application to problems of the Egyptian fraction type. We also show that the function a(M)l/a(Ml) is everywhere dense on the interval O to 1.

2. Structure theorems for 1. It is clear that i1 = 2k belongs to 1*, because any n in the range 1 < n < a(M) = 2k+1- 1 when written in the binary notation is in the form (1).

THEOREM 1. If M belongs to 1* and p is a prime with (p, M) = 1, then a necessary and sufficient condition that M' pkM, k > 1, belong to 1* is that p a (M) + 1.

Proof. The smallest divisor of Ml' not a divisor of M is p. If p > a (M) + 1, then n = o(M) + 1 defies representation with respect to M'-

Conversely, suppose p ? (M) + 1. We show by induction that pk ? < (p-lM) + 1. This is obvious for kc = 1. Using the induction hypo- thesis on k, we have

* Received May 23, 1953, revised January 28, 1954. Presented to the American Matematical Society, April 25, 1953.


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780 B. M. STEWART.

pk+1 ? pu(p'-1M) + p ? p(pk-lM) + o(M) + 1 +(pM) -- 1 We assume as an induction hypothesis that pk-lM belongs to I*. To show that f11' - pkM belongs to I*, we consider the intervals ranging from Qpk

to Qpk + o(pk-lM) for Q = 0, 1, u la(M). It follows that no integer n in the range 1 _ n -_ a (M') is omitted from all these intervals. For on the one hand, because pk ? Ur(pk-lM) + 1, we have

(Q + l) pk Qpk + a(pk-IM) + 1,

hence the intervals are overlapping or contiguous. On the other hand, the intervals include 1 and pko(M) + (plk-lM) - a(M'). Thus each n can be written

n Qpk + R, O Q a(M), Q 0 R ? (pk-lM).

Since M and pk-lM are assumed in I*, we can write Q = E d, where the d are distinct divisors of M, and we can write R =

' D, where the D are distinct divisors of pk-lM. Then

n E d'+ ED

where the d' - pkd are distinct from the D because of involving the factor pk and both the d' and the D are divisors of M'. Hence M' belongs to I*.

COROLLARY 1. M belongs to I* if and only if M is of the form M = 2% aO 0, or of the form

M =2pap1ai** . p..e, a > 1l aj _ 1, j 1, 2, * *,k

where the primes pj satisfy the following conditions:

2 < pi < * * < pk, pl _? .(2a) + 1, and

pj+l ?C (2aplai . . . pja) + 1, j=1, 2, * * *, k 1.

Proof. It is easy to see that 1 is the only odd number belonging to 1*. We have noted that M = 2a belongs to 1*. The corollary then follows from Theorem 1 by induction on 7k.

3. Practical numbers. A. K. Srillivasan [1] has defined a practical number 11 (i. e., a number of advantage for use in weights, measures, or coinage), requiring that 31 have property (1) for all n with 1 ? n ? M. But he failed to find a complete structure theorem for these numbers.

It is obvious that every number belonging to I* is a practical number. WVe show below that the converse is true. It follows that Corollary 1 answers

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Srinivasan's question about the complete structure theorem for practical numbers.

To establish that every practical number belongs to 1*, we simply review the proof of Theorem 1, noting that if 31i is assumed practical, the criterion of Theorem 1 applies to decide whether M' -pkI is practical. For if p > r(M) + 1, then not only does n = o(M) + 1 defy representation in the form (1) relative to M', but also n < M'. Thus the condition of Theorem 1 is necessary for M' to be practical. Since the condition is sufficient to make M' belong to 1*, it is sufficient to make M' practical.

4. Values of at(M)/a(M). We need the following lemma.

LEMMA 1. If p is a prime such that p > a(T), then

a (pT) =a (T) { (T) + 2}.

Proof. Every sum of divisors of pT must have the form n = n1p + n2 where n, and n2 are either 0 or a sum of divisors of T. Furthermore, since the maximum value of n2 is u (T) and p > r(T), no two of these n can be equal unless they have the same n1 and n2. Since there are a (T) + 1 choices for each of n1 and n2, except that the choice 0, 0 must be omitted, we have

ac(pT) {ac(T) +1}2- 1 (T){a(T) +2}.

We define s(M) a (M)/la(M).

THEOREM 2. The values of s (M) are everywhere dense on the interval O to 1.

Proof. For given real numbers x and y such that 0 < x < y ? 1, we must produce an integer K such that x < s(K) < y. We try to find K = pM where M is in I* and p > a (M), for then by Lemma 1

s(K) = s(pM) = o(M){or(M) + 2}/(p + 1)u(M) = {u(M) + 2}/(p + 1).

If we set u X 1/y, u(1 + E) = 1/x, our problem is to find M and p so that

u{u(M) + 2} < p + 1 < U{r(M) + 2} (1 + e).

On the one hand we know from Theorem 1 that there exist arbitrarily large numbers M belonging to I*. On the other hand we have the Cahen-Stieltjes theorem that for any E> 0 and for sufficiently large v = u{, (M) + 2} there must exist at least one prime p in the interval v - 1 < p < (v - 1) (1 + e), hence such that v < p + 1 < v(1 + E). Since u ? 1, such a prime p has the required property p > oa(M), which completes the proof.


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782 B. M. STEWART.

It seems difficult to decide whether s(M) will take on a specified rational value. Even s (M) = 1/3 requires some search before we find a solution such as M --12 - 89. For s (M) = 4/5 the simplest solution we know is MI 28 73 * 47269.

5. Structure theorem for O*. A necessary condition that M belongs to 0' is that M be a multiple of 15, for unless M has the factors 3 and 5, the numbers n = 3 and n = 5 will be exceptions to (1).

Arrange the - divisors dj of M in natural order

d =1 < d2 3 < d3a5 < . * < dT 1Q1M

and let oaj denote the sum of the first i of the dj.

THEOREM 3. Necessary and sufficient conditions that M = 1ST belong to 0* are that for i> 3,

either (a) di+1 ? o -2, di+1, = - 4;

or (b) di+1, = - 4, d+2 0-( 2.

Proof. For numbers of 0, it is clear that 2 does not have the form (1). Because of the ordering of the dj, it follows that if di+, > -i - 2, then n (r,--2 does not have the form (1). If di+, - 4, then n c=r- 2 = di+1 + 2 again defies representation unless di+, = - 2. Therefore the conditions (a) or (b) are necessary when i ? 3 if M11 is to belong to O*.

Conversely, suppose (a) or (b) satisfied when i ? 3. As an induction hypothesis on i assume when 3 ? i < ? - 1 and 2 < x < -i 2 that either x = d using distinct d?< di or that x 2 (u -2=di + 2 di+,. This hypothesis is easily verified when i == 3.

Consider y where 2 < y < uj+1 -2. When y < ui -2 set y =x and use the induction hypothesis to write y E d where d ?< d+. When vi-2?< y < -+, 2 set y di+, + x and note from (a) or (b) that O? x < j -2. Except when x 2 or x= d+1, d + 2, it follows from the induction hypothesis that y = d with distinct d E dj+j

WThen x = di+, di + 2 .= - 2 we find that y = di+, + x = di + ai-, n. When x= 2 the conditions Tj -2 ? y = di+, + 2 and di+, ? - 2

imply that either y , - 1, or a - 2. The first two cases obviously allow y E= d with d ? d+,. The last case y di+, + 2 = - 2 because of (b) has the representation y d+,

Thus we have established for the case i + 1 the exact counterparts of the induction hypothesis on i. It follows that every n satisfying

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2 < i < u(M) -2 has a representation (1); so do n = 1, ao(M) -1, and (1MI), hence Mll belongs to 0.

THEO1SEM 4. If MI belongs to 0* and p is an odd prime, then Ml' pM belongs to 0* if and only if

2p ?<a(M) -2, 2p v(M) -4.

Proof. Let the divisors and partial sums of M1' be indicated by d,' and o-', respectively, and note that the only divisors of M' which are not divisors of M are multiples of pa1+ where 11 paA, a > 0, (p, A) 1.

Supose that the first t divisors of M' coincide with those of 1l, so that d,- d/, i < t, 3 < t. Then the properties (a) or (b) of M as described in Theorem 3 carry over to M' for 3 ? i < t.

Next consider cases t ? r < k where dr ? dk' < dk+1' < dr+,. By Theorem 3 applied to M we have

dk+l' ? dr+1 Ur - 2 < Tr + pia+l -4 -4

heiice case (a) holds for 111' and k. Finally, consider cases where M ?- dk' < d k+1 < Mt. Then dk+l' =M'd

where d1 < p hence dj divides M as the notation indicates. When M/dj > 5, it follows from Theorem 3 applied to M for i ? 3 that

Ml/dj (3? ) - Ml/dl - M/d2 - - M/dj -2. Hence

dk+=' pMI/dj pa(M) - M'/d1 - Md2 - ] M'/dj - 2p

< u(A) 4- por(Ml) - llId - M'/d2 - - 3I'/dj -4 -Ok 4,

so that case (a) holds for 1ll' and k. There remain onlv the possibilities that dk+l' =- p, 3p, or 5p with iM < dk+l'. In case 3p < M < -p we have p < M/3 < K(M) -4, hence dk+' =5p < U17(M) + p + 3p-4 ==-- '-4 so that (a) holds for M' and k. In case p < M < 3p or M < p, the condition dk+l' -3p < Uk' - 2 = 0 (M) + p -2 is necessary for M' to belong to 0*. The contingency suggested by (b) is ruled out for it would require dk+l' 3p dk+2- 2 =- 5p - 2, hence case (a) must hold with 3p H4 a(21i) + p - 4. Thus the conditions of Theorem 4 are necessary. Conversely, when these conditions are satisfied, then

dk+l' 5p < (M) + p + 3p-4 o4 -4;

and if M1 < p, the condition dk+_' p < C (M) --4 -k' 4 holds. Therefore for all k ? 3 the conditionis of Theorem 3 lhold an1d 311'

belongs to 0*.

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784 B. M. STEWART.

COROLLARY 4. If the prime p divides At and MI belongs to O*, them 1' pM belongs to 0*.

Proof. We have noted that M = 15T hence when p > 5, we have a(M) > 15p > 2p + 4; and if p = 3, or 5, we have a(M11) > 15 > 2p + 4; so the conditions of Theorem 4 hold.

We cannot give any simple catalog for O* like that for I* in Corollary 1, because there are infinitely many different types of "base" numbers in 0* instead of the single type 2a noted for I*. However, a few examples will help fix ideas.

Since ill - 1ST has a3 = 9, it follows from Theorem 3 that if M is in 0*, then d4 T 7. This implies u, = 16 and hence that d5 = 9, 11, or 13. It happens that all of 32 .5.7, 3*5*7*11, and 3*5a7*13 fail to belong to 0*, but only because dT > a, - 2. It is then easy to check, for example, that ]Ii 32.5.*7p is in Q* for any odd prime p ? 103. In particular, when p = 3, we find 211 = 945, the smallest integer in Q*. For use in the sequel, we apply Theorem 4 to see that M - 34 5 * 7 is in 0* for a ? 3.

Another special case of interest is that if Mk is the product of the first k odd primes, then Mk is in Q* when ki_? 5.

The author is indebted to the referee for noting and insisting on possi- bility (b) in Theorem 3, despite the fact that the smaller numbers in 0* consistently s7atisfy (a). By considering the arguments of Theorems 3 and 4, the author has constructed the following example: 11i 32.5 I2.72. 229pq where prime p = 2,641,663 and prime q = 7,924,991, such that M is in 0* and has d56 3p -455 4andd57= q =o 55-2, so that case (b) occurs for i 55.

6. Egyptian fraction problems. Let a positive rational number with numerator 1 be called a unit fraction. Then the usual Egyptian fraction problem is to show that any given positive rational number x may be written as a sum of a finite number of distinct unit fractions. A variation of this problem proposed by E. P. Starke [2] is to show that if x has an odd denominator, then x may be written as a sum of a finite number of distinct unit fractions with odd denominators.

Whether u1, 1/n or u,n 1/(2n + 1), the sequence {St}, where St u-- 1u + u * * *- + ut, is divergent, hence it is easy to replace the problem of representing an improper fraction x by that of representing a proper fraction A/B = x - St where A/B < ut,, is so small that unit frac- tions used in its representation cannot duplicate those used in the partial sum St.

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For the usual Egyptian fraction problem easy constructions are known, but an amusing variant is provided by our knowledge of numbers belonging to 1*. By Corollary 1 we can find C, one choice being C - 2a for a sufficiently large a, so that BC 1M will belong to J*. Since AC < M, we may write AC = E d, using distinct divisors d of M. If we set dd' = M, then

A/B = AC/BC = i d/M = E 1/d' solves the problem.

For Starke's problem, our knowledge of numbers belonging to 0O pro- vides the same sort of solution. We can find C, one choice being C - 3a'(945) for a sufficiently large a, so that BC = M, by Theorem 4, will belong to 0* and so that 2 < AC < M, and then proceed as explained above.



[1] A. K. Srinivasan, "Practical numbers," Current Science (1948), pp. 179-180. [2] E. P. Starke, "Advanced problem 4512," American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 59

(1952), p. 640.

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