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Sun StorEdge™ 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide

Part No. 817-4951-13February 2005, Revision A

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Preface xi

1. Overview 1

Supported Communication Modes 1

Accessing the CLI 2

▼ To Access the CLI from UNIX Operating Systems 2

▼ To Access the CLI from Windows Operating Systems 3

Accessing the Man Page and Help 3

▼ To Access the Man Page from UNIX Operating Systems 3

▼ To Access Help from Windows Operating Systems 4

Interactive Command Mode 4

Single-Command Mode 5

Command Keywords 6

Device Names for Inband Communication 9

Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication 10

Disk Device Syntax 11

Logical Drive Syntax 12

Logical Volume Syntax 13

Device Capacity 1414



















2. System Function Commands 15

Basic Commands 16

about 16

exit 16

help 17

quit 17

select 18

version 18

Network Commands 19

configure network-interface 19

create host-wwn-name 21

delete host-wwn-name 22

set protocol 23

show host-wwn-names 25

show ip-address 26

show network-parameters 26

show port-wwn 27

show protocol 28

show rs232-configuration 29

Component Status Commands 29

set auto-write-through-trigger 30

show access-mode 31

show auto-write-through-trigger 32

show battery-status 33

show enclosure-status 35

show frus 43

show peripheral-device-status 45

Configuration Commands 4646




























iv Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

download nvram 47

reset nvram 48

show bypass device 49

show bypass RAID 51

show bypass SFP 52

show configuration 55

show loop-map 57

upload nvram 59

Event Message Commands 60

clear events 60

show events 60

show persistent-events 62

3. Controller and Disk Commands 65

Controller Commands 66

download controller-configuration 66

fail 68

mute 69

password 69

reset controller 70

set cache-parameters 71

set controller-date 74

set controller-name 75

set controller-password 76

set rs232-configuration 76

set unique-identifier 77

show cache-parameters 79

show controller-date 79

show controller-name 8080




























Contents v

show inquiry-data 80

show redundancy-mode 82

show redundant-controller 84

show shutdown-status 84

show unique-identifier 85

shutdown controller 86

unfail 87

upload controller-configuration 87

Disk Commands 88

abort clone 88

clone 89

configure global-spare 90

set disk-array 91

set led 92

show clone 94

show disk-array 94

show disks 95

show led-status 98

unconfigure global-spare 99

4. Channel Commands 101

Channel Commands 102

configure channel 102

set drive-parameters 104

set host-parameters 107

set inter-controller-link 109

show channels 110

show drive-parameters 112

show host-parameters 114114




























vi Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show inter-controller-link 115

5. Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 117

Logical Drive Commands 118

abort create 118

abort expand 119

abort media-check 120

abort parity-check 121

abort rebuild 121

add disk 122

check media 123

check parity 124

configure local-spare 126

create logical-drive 127

delete logical-drive 130

expand 131

rebuild 133

set logical-drive 134

show disks logical-drive 135

show logical-drive 137

show logical-drives add-disk 139

show logical-drives expanding 139

show logical-drives initializing 140

show logical-drives logical volume 141

show logical-drives parity-check 143

show logical-drives rebuilding 143

show media-check 144

show stripe-size-list 145

shutdown logical-drive 145145




























Contents vii

unconfigure local-spare 147

Partition Commands 148

configure partition 148

map partition 150

show lun-maps 152

show partitions 154

unmap partition 155

Logical Volume Commands 157

create logical-volume 157

delete logical-volume 159

set logical-volume 160

show logical-volumes 161

6. Firmware Show and Download Commands 165

Show Commands 165

show safte-device 166

show sata-mux 167

show sata-router 168

show ses-devices 169

Download Commands 170

download controller-firmware 171

download disk-firmware 173

download pld-hardware 175

download safte-firmware 176

download sata-path-controller-firmware 177

download sata-router-firmware 178

download ses-firmware 179

A. Summary of CLI Options and Commands 181181CLI



























viii Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

B. Error and Event Messages 193

C. Show Configuration Command Output 203

Show Configuration Output 204


Sample Show Configuration XML Output 236

Glossary 277

Index 285285







Contents ix

x Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Use the Sun StorEdge™ 3000 Family Command-Line Interface (CLI) to manage Sun StorEdge 3000 family array controllers, examine and configure Sun StorEdge 3000 family arrays, save and restore configuration data, and download new firmware to RAID controllers and Just a Bunch of Disks (JBODs). The CLI utility communicates with the storage subsystem using inband or out-of-band communication with the RAID controller over low voltage differential (LVD) SCSI, Fibre Channel, or Ethernet connections.

The commands in this document apply to the:

■ Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array■ Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array■ Sun StorEdge 3320 SCSI array■ Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array■ Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array

Note – The Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array is a standalone JBOD. It does not have a RAID controller to manage the disks. For a list of the available JBOD CLI commands, see “JBOD Commands” on page 190.

For instructions on installing the CLI, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software Installation Guide.

This guide is written for experienced system administrators who are familiar with Sun hardware and software products.


How This Book Is OrganizedThis book covers the following topics:

Chapter 1 introduces the Sun StorEdge CLI and provides an overview.

Chapter 2 provides the available system function commands with sample code.

Chapter 3 provides the available controller and disk commands with sample code.

Chapter 4 provides the available host and drive channel commands with sample code.

Chapter 5 provides the available CLI commands with sample code for logical drives, partitions, and logical volumes.

Chapter 6 provides the firmware, disk drive, SCSI Enclosure Services (SES), SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE), programmable logic device (PLD), and serial ATA (SATA) router and path controller show and download commands.

Appendix A contains a list of the CLI options, a list of CLI commands for RAID arrays, and a list of CLI commands for JBODs.

Appendix B lists error and status messages and error codes.

Appendix C includes a list of the items included in the output of the show configuration command and the sample XML output of the show configuration XML file command.

The Glossary provides RAID terminology and definitions used throughout the product documentation.

Using UNIX CommandsThis document does not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. See the following for this information:

■ Software documentation that you received with your system

■ Solaris™ operating system documentation, which is at

xii Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Shell Prompts

Typographic ConventionsThe CLI syntax and examples use the typeface conventions described in the following table.

Shell Prompt

C shell machine-name%

C shell superuser machine-name#

Bourne shell and Korn shell $

Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #


1 The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.

Meaning Examples

AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output

Edit your.login file.Use ls -a to list all files.% You have mail.

AaBbCc123 What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output

% su


AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms, words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.

Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.These are called class options.You must be superuser to do this.To delete a file, type rm filename.

Preface xiii

The CLI syntax and examples use the special characters described in the following table.

Related DocumentationThe following table contains a list of related software documentation. For a complete list of all related documentation, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation, Operation, and Service Manual for your array.

Character Description Example

[ ] brackets Brackets indicate that the option or argument is optional. If the brackets are omitted, the argument must be specified.

mute [controller]

{ } braces Braces indicate that the enclosed options or arguments are mutually dependent. Treat everything enclosed in braces as a unit.

check parity {ld-index | ld-id}

| separator A separator indicates that only one of the arguments separated by this character can be specified.

shutdown logical-drive ld-index | ld-id

Title Part Number

Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI Array Release Notes 816-7955

Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI Array Release Notes 816-7292

Sun StorEdge 3320 SCSI Array Release Notes 817-7660

Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA Array Release Notes 817-6597

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family 2.0 Software Installation Guide 817-3764

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware 4.1x User’s Guide 817-3711

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration Service 2.0 User’s Guide 817-3337

Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Diagnostic Reporter 2.0 User’s Guide 817-3338

xiv Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Accessing Sun DocumentationAll Sun StorEdge 3000 family documentation is available online in both PDF and HTML format at the following location:

The following locations are specific for the SCSI array and FC array:

You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation at:

Contacting Sun Technical SupportFor late-breaking news and troubleshooting tips, review the Release Notes for your array located in the appropriate directory:

If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in the documentation, go to:

To initiate or check on a USA-only service request, contact Sun support at:


To obtain international technical support, contact the sales office of each country at:

Preface xv

508 Accessibility Features The Sun StorEdge documentation is available in 508-compliant HTML files that can be used with assistive technology programs for visually impaired personnel. These files are provided on the Documentation CD for your product as well as on the web sites identified in the previous “Accessing Sun Documentation” section. Additionally, the software and firmware applications provide keyboard navigation and shortcuts, which are documented in the user’s guides.

Sun Welcomes Your CommentsSun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:

Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback: Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide, part number 817-4951-13.

xvi Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



This chapter introduces the Sun StorEdge Command-Line Interface (CLI) and includes the following topics:

■ “Supported Communication Modes” on page 1■ “Accessing the CLI” on page 2■ “Accessing the Man Page and Help” on page 3■ “Interactive Command Mode” on page 4■ “Single-Command Mode” on page 5■ “Command Keywords” on page 6

■ “Device Names for Inband Communication” on page 9■ “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10■ “Disk Device Syntax” on page 11■ “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12■ “Logical Volume Syntax” on page 13■ “Device Capacity” on page 14

Supported Communication ModesThe CLI provides the capability to monitor and configure Sun StorEdge 3000 arrays from an operating system command-line interface using inband or out-of-band interfaces.

Note – All methods that involve accessing a local device require superuser privileges. Only when an IP address is specified on the command line can the user invoke the CLI without being root.


The management mode is determined based on the following:

■ If a host name or IP address is specified on the command line, it is used. This is out-of-band mode. For more details, see “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10.

■ If a local Fibre Channel (FC) or SCSI device is specified on the command line, it is used. This is inband mode. For more details, see “Device Names for Inband Communication” on page 9.

■ When no address or device is specified, a search of local devices is done. If only one device is found, it is automatically selected. If more then one device is found, a list of devices to select from is displayed. This is inband mode. For more details, see “Device Names for Inband Communication” on page 9.

■ If the user selects a local device and specifies the --oob option, the CLI retrieves the network address of the device using inband methods. However, from that point forward, out-of-band access is used.

Note – If the array’s IP address cannot be found, the --oob option does not switch to out-of-band mode. This prevents scripts from failing when the array’s IP address is not set.

Accessing the CLIThe CLI must be installed on the server attached to the array that you want to access. For instructions about installing the CLI, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Software Installation Guide. To access the CLI, follow the appropriate procedure for your operating system.

Note – To prevent unauthorized access to administrative functions of the RAID controller, the CLI requires superuser or system administrator privileges for inband access, and uses the controller password to authorize users of the out-of-band interface.

▼ To Access the CLI from UNIX Operating SystemsTo access the CLI from Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, or AIX operating systems, perform the following steps.

2 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

1. To access the CLI, log in as root on the server that is attached to the array.

2. Type:

Note – If you do not have /usr/sbin in your PATH environment variable, you can run the CLI as /usr/sbin/sccli.

▼ To Access the CLI from Windows Operating SystemsTo access the CLI, go to Start → Programs → Sun StorEdge 3000 Family → Command Line Interface. This launches the file: c:\program files\sun\sccli\sccli.bat. You can modify this file if you want to change the command-line options passed to the CLI utility.

You can also access the CLI from a command shell. In the shell window, type:

Accessing the Man Page and HelpRefer to the CLI man page and the Release Notes for the latest documentation updates.

▼ To Access the Man Page from UNIX Operating SystemsIn Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, and AIX operating systems, to access the man page, type:

# sccli (with options and commands as described in this guide)

c:\program files\sun\sccli\sccli.exe

# man sccli

Chapter 1 Overview 3

▼ To Access Help from Windows Operating SystemsTo access help in Windows, go to Start → Programs → Sun StorEdge 3000 Family → Command Line Help.

Interactive Command ModeThe CLI utility supports single-command mode and interactive mode. In interactive mode no command is specified on the command line. Specifying the device name on the command line is optional. If the device name is omitted, the CLI searches for any locally attached Sun StorEdge 3000 Family arrays. If one is found, it is selected automatically. If more than one device is found, a list of choices is displayed. If no device is found, the CLI exits with an error.

In interactive mode, specify the device on the command line. For instance, type:

To choose from a list of available devices, do not specify a device on the command line. For instance, in Solaris, type:

# sccli selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3310 SN#000001]sccli> show disks freesccli: no free disks found

# sccliAvailable devices:

1. /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 [SUN StorEdge 3310 SN#000001] (Primary) 2. /dev/rdsk/c6t40d0s2 [SUN StorEdge 3510 SN#003CE3] (Primary)

Please enter selection: 1sccli> versionsccli version 2.0.0

4 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Note – In interactive mode, special characters must be enclosed in single or double quotes, which are parsed and stripped off. For example, if you want to set your password to an empty string, specify an empty string by typing two quote characters with nothing in between, such as set password "".

Single-Command ModeIn single-command mode, the name of the target device and the command to execute are specified on the command line. The CLI executes the command and exits.

To start single-command mode, type:

In single-command mode, type the entire command on the command line. For instance, in Solaris, type:

In single-command mode in Windows, type:

When the CLI performs a single command, an exit code indicates the success or failure of the command. An exit code of 0 indicates success, and any non-zero code indicates the command failed.

# sccli option [device-name |host-name [:port]] command parameters

TABLE 1-1 Single-Command Syntax

Syntax Description

device-name Specify a native operating system device file name for a locally attached SCSI target.

host-name Specify a controller name or the IP address for the host of the primary agent.

port Specify a port number for the primary agent on the specified controller or IP address.

# sccli /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 show events

c:\> sccli \\.\PhysicalDrive3 show events

Chapter 1 Overview 5

Command KeywordsCLI commands are case independent. Uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case parameters, commands, and options can be used. Options have a long form and a single-letter form. Options begin with a single dash “-” for single-letter form and with two dashes “--” for long form.

In most cases, you can abbreviate command keywords to the shortest unambiguous substring. For example, abbreviate the show disks command to sh d. Or, type show lds to execute the show logical-drive command. However, to avoid ambiguity, do not abbreviate the command name.

The general syntax for commands in single-command mode is:

Except for the help, about, and version commands, all CLI commands require the specification of a device name.

The following table shows the parameters and options that are used with commands in the following chapters. TABLE 1-2 also shows the options that can be used to simplify script creation and retrieve information.

# sccli option [device-name | host-name [:port]] command parameters

TABLE 1-2 Command Parameters and Options

Parameter or Option Short Form Description A single-host LUN mapping for a logical unit on a host channel can be specified using 3 dotted decimals in this form. Where ch is the physical host channel number, id is the SCSI ID of the logical unit, and lun is the logical unit number.

device For more information, see “Device Names for Inband Communication” on page 9 and “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10.

disk Physical disk drives are specified as two decimal integers separated by a period. The first number is the physical channel number, and the second number is the SCSI target ID for the drive on that channel. For example, specify the disk with target ID 1 on channel 2 as 2.1.

6 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

--disk disk -d disk LVD JBOD enclosure only. Selects the disk enclosure containing the specified disk. Specify a Solaris device name such as sd31 or c1t0d0. This option is an alternative to specifying an enclosure services device such as /dev/es/sesn when selecting a JBOD enclosure. The disk option does not support split-bus JBOD enclosures.

disk-list A list of disk specifiers, separated by commas. For example, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.

--help, --usage

-h Displays a usage message and exits without processing any commands. This option can also be used as a command. For information about the help command, see “help” on page 17.

inter-controller-link icl The command abbreviation, icl, provides an alternative to typing the full command name.

ld-list A comma-separated list of logical drive indexes, for example, ld0,ld1,ld2, or a list of logical drive identifiers. Note that these logical drive numbers do not necessarily correspond to the single-digit logical drive identifiers in the firmware menu interface. The CLI logical drive indexes might change when logical drives are deleted.

--list -l Displays a list of local or remote devices that the CLI manages, and exits without processing any commands. The output includes a file name or URL that can be used to access the device in subsequent commands and the SCSI inquiry data and serial number of the subsystem. If a network URL is specified on the command line, the output is limited to that device. If a local device file name or directory name is specified, the search is limited to matching devices. The output includes the device name, vendor, product ID, and serial number.

logical-drive ld or lds A logical drive can be represented by a logical drive index (a small decimal number distinguished by an ld prefix), or a logical drive identifier (an eight-digit hexadecimal number). For example, a logical drive might be identified both by its logical drive index ld3 and its logical drive ID 71038221. For additional information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.Note that these logical drive numbers do not necessarily correspond to the single-digit logical drive identifiers in the firmware menu interface. The CLI logical drive indexes might change when logical drives are deleted.

TABLE 1-2 Command Parameters and Options (Continued)

Parameter or Option Short Form Description

Chapter 1 Overview 7

logical-volume lv or lvs Logical volumes are specified using either a logical volume index, such as lv12, or an eight-digit hexadecimal logical volume ID. For additional information, see “Logical Volume Syntax” on page 13.Note that these logical volume numbers do not necessarily correspond to the single-digit logical volume identifiers in the firmware menu interface. The CLI logical volume indexes might change when logical volumes are deleted.

lun Partitions of a logical drive or logical volume are made available to hosts by mapping each partition to a target ID and logical unit number on one or more channels of the array controller. Commands with a lun parameter accept the physical channel number, target ID, and logical unit as three decimal numbers separated by periods. For example, 4.1.2 represents physical channel 4, target ID 1, logical unit number 2.

lv-list A comma-separated list of logical volume indexes, for example, lv0,lv1,lv2, or a list of logical volume identifiers. Note that these logical volume numbers do not necessarily correspond to the single-digit logical volume identifiers in the firmware menu interface. The CLI logical volume indexes might change when logical volumes are deleted.

--no -n Assumes a no response to any yes/no prompts. Use this option to prompt the user before running scripts.

--oob -o Accesses the selected device using out-of-band communication rather than using the SCSI or Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) with which the array is connected to the host. This option accesses the device using a local HBA only briefly, to retrieve the array’s network address, and all subsequent access is done over the network. This can provide better performance when the array is processing large quantities of SCSI I/O.If the IP address for the array cannot be determined, inband communication is used instead.

partition A logical drive or logical volume identifier with a suffix indicating a specific partition within the logical drive or volume, for example, ld2-03 or 2CA48914-03. The suffix is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to 7F.

TABLE 1-2 Command Parameters and Options (Continued)

Parameter or Option Short Form Description

8 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Device Names for Inband CommunicationFor inband communication, device names include one of the following:

■ Native SCSI or FC disk device file names■ Native device file names with the directory names and partitions removed

For systems using the Solaris operating system, the device name is typically specified as:

In the preceding device name code:

X = controller number

Y = SCSI target number

Z = logical unit number

s2 = slice 2 of the (logical) disk. Usually, slice 2 is specified when identifying a disk for administrative purposes, but any slice number between 0 and 7 (if the slice exists) works.

An example of the device name in Solaris is:

--password password -w password Specifies the password assigned to the array controller. The user must supply the correct password when issuing potentially dangerous commands to the array over a network connection. For security reasons, it is preferable to supply this password using the CLI password command, or enter the password interactively when prompted for it. No password is required for commands which do not modify the state of the controller, or commands issued using the inband communication mode.

target-list A comma-separated list of SCSI target ID numbers.

--version -v Displays the version number of the CLI utility and exits without processing any commands.

--yes -y Assumes a yes response to any yes/no prompts. Use this option to run scripts without prompting the user.



TABLE 1-2 Command Parameters and Options (Continued)

Parameter or Option Short Form Description

Chapter 1 Overview 9

To access a JBOD enclosure services device using Solaris, specify the device name as shown in the following example, or use the --disk option and specify the name of a disk device within the enclosure.

For Windows operating systems, the device name is specified using the Windows internal device name for the physical device, where N corresponds to the disk number displayed in the Disk Administrator.

For example:

Note – If no device is specified on the command line, and more than one array is connected to the host, a menu of devices is presented with one device file name for each array. If there is only one Sun StorEdge array device connected to the host, that device is selected automatically.

Note – If inband management access has been disabled by Sun StorEdge CLI, the firmware application, or Sun StorEdge Configuration Service (SSCS), and a user attempts to use inband management, the message “RAID controller not responding” displays when a command is run. If this occurs, use out-of-band management to access Sun StorEdge CLI. For details, see “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10.

Device Names for Out-of-Band CommunicationTo access a RAID array using its out-of-band network interface rather than using the SCSI or FC host bus adapter (HBA) with which the array is connected to the host, specify the --oob option. This option accesses the device using a local HBA only briefly, to retrieve the array’s network address, and all subsequent access is done over the network. Out-of-band communication is useful when heavy SCSI I/O makes inband access slow. It can also be used when the host has no path to the primary controller, but can still retrieve the IP address of the array from a logical unit number (LUN) mapped from the secondary controller.




10 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Alternately, if the host on which the CLI is running is not connected to the array with a SCSI or FC HBA, a URL can be specified to indicate that the CLI should connect to the remote array over the network.

In out-of-band management, the device name is typically specified as a URL in the format:

Disk Device SyntaxA physical disk attached to the array can be identified with any of the following:

[se3000://] hostname-or-address[:port]

TABLE 1-3 Out-of-Band Device Name Syntax

Syntax Description

[se3000://] Optionally, use this prefix to ensure that the string that follows is interpreted only as a host name and not as a device name.

hostname-or-address Specify a host name or the IP address for the host of the primary agent.

port Optionally, specify the TCP/IP port number to use. The default value, 58632, is the only supported value.

TABLE 1-4 Disk Device Syntax

Syntax Description Dotted-decimal format where ch is physical device channel and id is the SCSI ID of the device.

ch.m-n Where ch is physical device channel and m to n represents a contiguous range of IDs on the same channel.

sdn or c<X>t<Y>d<Z>

JBOD LVD disks only. Specify a disk device using a Solaris or SPARC device name such as sd31 or c1t0d0 when a JBOD chassis is selected.

Chapter 1 Overview 11

Logical Drive SyntaxLogical drives can be specified by one of the following alphanumeric strings:

■ an eight-digit hexadecimal logical drive identifier.

■ a logical drive index composed of the prefix “ld” followed by a temporary decimal ordinal number ranging from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of logical drives configured on the array.

Note – Logical drive indexes can change whenever a logical drive is deleted, while a logical drive identifier never changes over the life of the logical drive.

The logical drive index number referenced with each logical drive is dynamic; it might change when logical drives are created or deleted. The index number is used strictly as a placeholder that enables you to visually keep track of logical drives. For example, if four logical drives exist, and LD2 is deleted, the existing LD3 dynamically changes to LD2, and LD4 changes to LD3. Only the LD index number changes; all LUN mapping and data on the logical drives remains unchanged. Care must be taken not to assume that a logical drive keeps the same logical drive index after creating or deleting any logical drive or rebooting the array controller.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes.

Note – In contrast, in the firmware application, the LG number on the View and Edit Logical Drives menu is not dynamic. After a logical drive is deleted, you see an empty placeholder.

Some commands accept a list of logical drives, or LD-list. This list is constructed by concatenating one or more logical drive identifiers or indexes as shown in the following examples.

This example lists logical drives using the local drive identifier.


12 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

This example lists logical drives using the index number.

Note – Do not include spaces before or after the commas when specifying a logical drive list.

Logical Volume SyntaxLogical volumes are specified by one of the following alphanumeric strings:

■ an eight-digit hexadecimal logical volume identifier.

■ a logical volume index composed of the prefix “lv” followed by a temporary decimal ordinal number ranging from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of logical volumes configured on the array.

Note – Logical volume indexes can change whenever a logical volume is deleted, while a logical volume identifier never changes over the life of the logical volume.

The logical volume index number referenced with each logical volume is dynamic; it might change when logical volumes are created or deleted. The index number is used strictly as a placeholder that enables you to visually keep track of logical volumes. For example, if four logical volumes exist, and LV2 is deleted, the existing LV3 dynamically changes to LV2, and LV4 changes to LV3. Only the LV index number changes; all LUN mapping and data on the logical volume remains unchanged. Care must be taken not to assume that a logical volume keeps the same logical volume index after creating or deleting any logical volume or rebooting the array controller.

A list of logical volumes identifiers or indexes can be specified by concatenating one or more logical drive identifiers or logical volume indexes, separating them with commas.

Caution – Any time logical volumes are created or deleted, the numbering of logical volume indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical volumes, issue a show logical-volumes command to view an updated list of logical volume indexes. Or, use logical volume IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical volume, rather than logical volume indexes.


Chapter 1 Overview 13

Note – In contrast, in the firmware application, the LG number on the View and Edit Logical Drives menu is not dynamic. After a logical volume is deleted, you see an empty placeholder.

This example lists logical volumes using the local volume identifier.

This example lists logical volumes using the local volume index number.

Device CapacityIn the CLI, all device capacity is displayed in powers of 1024.

1 Kbyte = 1024 bytes

1 Mbyte = 1024 Kbyte = 1,048,576 bytes

1 Gbyte = 1024 Mbyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes

1 Tbyte = 1024 Gbyte = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes



14 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


System Function Commands

This chapter provides the available system function commands with sample code. Topics covered in this chapter include:

■ “Basic Commands” on page 16■ “Network Commands” on page 19■ “Component Status Commands” on page 29■ “Configuration Commands” on page 46■ “Event Message Commands” on page 60

Note – To prevent unauthorized access to administrative functions of the RAID controller, the CLI requires superuser or system administrator privileges for inband access, and uses the controller password to authorize users of the out-of-band interface.

Note – If no command is entered on the command line, the CLI enters an interactive mode, prompting you to enter commands until the quit command is entered. All commands operate on the currently selected device.


Basic CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ about■ exit■ help■ quit■ select■ version



The about command displays version and copyright information.



The following example shows the about text for the CLI.



The exit command exits the interactive mode. You can also use the quit command to exit the CLI.


sccli> aboutSun StorEdge 3000 Family CLICopyright 2002-2005 Dot Hill Systems Corporation.All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.sccli version 2.0.0built 2004. u

16 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005




The help command displays a short summary of the available commands.


If no command is specified, basic usage information is displayed.


The following example shows the help text for the show channels command.



The quit command exits the interactive mode. You can also use the exit command to exit the CLI.



help [command]

sccli> help show channels show channels display channel configuration


Chapter 2 System Function Commands 17



The select command selects a new device to which subsequent commands are issued. If no device is specified, and more than one choice exists, a menu of choices is displayed. This command should not be used on the command line because a select command is automatically executed if no device name is specified.



The following example selects an out-of-band FC device.

The following example selects an inband SCSI device.



The version command displays the version number of the CLI.


select device

sccli> select selecting se3000://[SUN StorEdge 3510 SN#000187]

sccli> select c15t0d0sccli: selected /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2 [SUN StorEdge 3310 SN#00028E]


18 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


In the following example, version 2.0 is displayed.

Network CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ configure network-interface■ create host-wwn-name■ delete host-wwn-name■ set protocol■ show host-wwn-names■ show ip-address■ show network-parameters■ show port-wwn■ show protocol■ show rs232-configuration

configure network-interface


The configure network-interface command configures the local area network (LAN) interface, enabling the Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and out-of-band management functions.

Note – If you assign an IP address to an array to manage it out-of-band, for security reasons consider using an IP address on a private network rather than a publicly routable network. Using the controller firmware to set a password for the controller limits unauthorized access to the array. Changing the firmware’s Network Protocol Support settings can provide further security by disabling the ability to remotely connect to the array using individual protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, telnet, FTP, and SSH. Refer to the “Communication Parameters” section of the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide for more information.

# sccli versionsccli: selected se3000://[SUN StorEdge 3510 SN#000187]sccli version 2.0.0

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 19


For dynamic addressing, use the following syntax.

For static addressing, use the following syntax.


The following dynamic options are accepted.

Note – The rarp and dhcp options can be combined to specify that the controller try the protocols in the listed order.

Note – All LAN parameters must be specified on the same command line.

Alternately, if none of the dynamic options are specified on the same command line, a static IP address can be specified along with optional netmask and default gateway parameters.

configure network-interface lan0 [rarp| dhcp]

configure network-interface lan0 [ip-address ip-address | netmask netmask-ip | gateway gateway-ip]

TABLE 2-1 Dynamic Options for configure network-interface

Argument Description

rarp Specify whether the Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is used to establish an IP address.

dhcp Specify whether the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to obtain an IP address.

TABLE 2-2 Static Options for configure network-interface

Argument Description

ip-address n.n.n.n The IP address of the array.

netmask m.m.m.m The netmask, in dotted-decimal format; for example,

gateway g.g.g.g The IP address of a default router.

20 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example configures the controller IP address as, netmask as, and gateway as

The following example specifies that the DHCP protocol be used to establish an IP address.

create host-wwn-name


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The create host-wwn-name command creates a list of Host ID/worldwide name (WWN) entries to associate a symbolic name with a host worldwide port name (WWPN). This enables the user to use the symbolic name instead of the numeric WWPN when creating host LUN filters. To review the available WWPN values, run the show port-wwn command. For details, see “show port-wwn” on page 27.

Note – A maximum of 64 host WWN entries can be created.


# sccli c2t0d0 configure network-interface lan0 ip netmask gateway

# sccli c2t0d0 configure network-interface lan0 dhcp

create host-wwn-name wwn name [position]

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 21



The following example creates the alias sun-hba-1 for the HBA WWPN value 210000e08b095562.

To see the existing WWNs, run the show host-wwn-names command. For details, see “show host-wwn-names” on page 25.

delete host-wwn-name


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The delete host-wwn-name command deletes a Host ID/worldwide name (WWN) entry.


Note – Names that contain special characters, such as spaces, must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

TABLE 2-3 Arguments for create host-wwn-name

Argument Description

wwn Specify a WWPN corresponding to a host bus adapter, expressed as a 16-digit hexadecimal number.

name Specify a symbolic name for the host bus adapter. Names that contain special characters, such as spaces, must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

[position] Specify a number representing the position in the list of names where this name will appear. To add the WWN to the top of the WWN list, specify head. To add the WWN to the bottom of the WWN list, specify tail.

# sccli c2t0d0 create host-wwn-name 210000e08b095562 sun-hba-1

delete host-wwn-name [name | wwn]

22 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example deletes the alias test name 2.

set protocol


The set protocol command enables or disables the specified network protocol and sets the Telnet inactivity timeout value. For security reasons, you might want to disable the network protocols that you do not want to support. This limits the ways security can be breached.



Note – The PriAgentAll protocol must remain enabled for Sun StorEdge Configuration Service and Sun StorEdge CLI to receive information from the controller firmware. Do not disable this protocol.

sccli> delete host-wwn-name “test name 2”

set protocol {protocol-name {enabled | disabled} | telnet-inactivity-timeout s}

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 23


The following example sets the Telnet inactivity time period to 60 seconds.

The following disables FTP access.

TABLE 2-4 Arguments for set protocol

Argument Description

protocol-name {enabled | disabled}

Specify the protocol name and enabled or disabled to control the protocols that can be used to access the CLI. For instance, to prohibit data access through a protocol, specify the protocol name and disabled. The supported protocol values include:• TELNET – Telnet access to the IP address (enabled by default).• HTTP – Hypertext Transport Protocol (disabled by default).• HTTPS – Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (disabled by

default).• FTP – File Transfer Protocol (disabled by default).• SSH – Secure Socket Handling (disabled by default).• PriAgentAll – Controller internal communication protocol

(enabled by default).• SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol (enabled by

default). SNMP might be used to communicate with external management software.

• DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (enabled by default). DHCP is used in some networks to dynamically assign IP addresses to systems on the network.

• Ping – Ping enables hosts in the network to determine if an array is online (enabled by default).

Valid values: enabled, disabled.

telnet-inactivity-timeout s

Specify the amount of time before the Telnet connection times out. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 60s, 120s, 300s, 600s, 1200s, 1500s, 1800s, 2700s.

# sccli c2t0d0 set protocol telnet-inactivity-timeout 60s

# sccli c2t0d0 set protocol ftp disabled

24 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show host-wwn-names


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The show host-wwn-names command displays all registered host bus adapter (HBA) worldwide name (WWN) entries in the controller for host channels.

Note – A maximum of 64 host WWN entries can be created.




The following example shows all host WWN entries for the specified device.

If no host WWN entries are defined, a message is displayed onscreen, but it is not considered an error. For details on defining host WWN entries, see “create host-wwn-name” on page 21.

show host-wwn-names

TABLE 2-5 Arguments for show host-wwn-names

Argument Description

[name | wwn] Specify the host name or WWN.

# sccli c2t0d0 show host-wwn-names Host-ID/WWN Name -------------------------------------- 210000e08b095562 sun-hba-1 210100e08b295562 sun-hba-2

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 25

show ip-address


The show ip-address command displays the IP address of the array controller.

Note – Before running this command, make sure the network parameters on the controller are set.



The following example shows the IP address for device c2t0d0.

show network-parameters


The show network-parameters command displays the IP address, netmask, and default router address of the network management port.


show ip-address

# sccli c2t0d0 show ip-address206.1.111.11

show network-parameters

26 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example shows the network parameters for the network management port.

show port-wwn


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The show port-wwn command displays the worldwide name (WWN) entries for the FC host channels.

Note – A maximum of 64 host WWN entries can be created.



The following example shows the worldwide port name (WWPN) entries for the FC host channels.

sccli> show network-parameters ip-address: netmask: gateway: mode: static

show port-wwn

sccli> show port-wwnCh Id WWPN------------------------- 0 40 216000C0FF800238 0 41 216000C0FF900238 1 43 226000C0FFB00238 1 42 226000C0FFA00238 4 44 256000C0FFC00238 4 45 256000C0FFD00238 5 47 266000C0FFF00238 5 46 266000C0FFE00238

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 27

show protocol


The show protocol command displays all possible network protocols supported by the controller and protocol parameters including the Telnet inactivity timeout value. To enable and disable network protocols, see “set protocol” on page 23.



The following example shows all network protocols for the specified device and shows that the Telnet connection does not time out if it is not being used.

Returned Values

The returned protocol values include:

■ TELNET – Telnet access to the IP address (enabled by default) and the Inactivity-timeout parameter which indicates the amount of time before the Telnet connection times out.

■ HTTP – Hypertext Transport Protocol (disabled by default).

■ HTTPS – Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (disabled by default).

■ FTP – File Transfer Protocol (disabled by default).

■ SSH – Secure Socket Handling (disabled by default).

■ PriAgentAll – Controller internal communication protocol (enabled by default).

show protocol

sccli> show protocol Identifier Status Port Parameters -------------------------------------- telnet enabled 23 inactivity-timeout=disabled http enabled 80 n/a https enabled 443 n/a ftp enabled 21 n/a ssh enabled 22 n/a priagentall enabled 1 n/a snmp enabled 161 n/a dhcp enabled 68 n/a ping enabled n/a n/a

28 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol (enabled by default). SNMP might be used to communicate with external management software.

■ DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (enabled by default). DHCP is used in some networks to dynamically assign IP addresses to systems on the network.

■ Ping – Ping enables hosts in the network to determine if an array is online (enabled by default).

show rs232-configuration


The show rs232-configuration command displays the RS-232 connection configuration. Returned values include the port number and current baud rate. In a redundant-controller configuration, the COM port rate is always the same for both ports. Valid rates include: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 115200.



The following example shows the baud-rate is set to 38400 bps for COM1 and COM2.

Component Status CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ set auto-write-through-trigger■ show access-mode■ show auto-write-through-trigger■ show battery-status■ show enclosure-status■ show frus

show rs232-configuration

sccli> show rs232-configuration COM1 speed: 38400bps COM2 speed: 38400bps

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 29

■ show peripheral-device-status

For details on displaying all the components for an array, see “show configuration” on page 55.

set auto-write-through-trigger


Use the set auto-write-through-trigger command to configure the array to dynamically switch from write-back cache to write-through cache, or to shut down the controller, if a specified event occurs. For details on setting the write policy, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.



set auto-write-through-trigger param value

TABLE 2-6 Arguments for set auto-write-through-trigger

Argument Description


If the cache setting is set to write-back, specify whether the cache setting automatically defaults to write-through cache when a controller event trigger operation, such as a controller failure, occurs. Valid values: enabled, disabled.


If the cache setting is set to write-back, specify whether the cache setting automatically defaults to write-through cache when a battery backup event trigger operation, such as low voltage on a battery backup device, occurs. Valid values: enabled, disabled.

ac-power-loss If the cache setting is set to write-back, specify whether the cache setting automatically defaults to write-through cache when a power loss event trigger operation, such as a power failure, occurs. Valid values: enabled, disabled.

30 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example sets the temperature threshold time period to two minutes.

The following example disables the automatic write policy change on controller failure.

show access-mode


The show access-mode command displays whether the communication mode being used to manage the device is FC/SCSI channels (inband) or an Ethernet connection (out-of-band). Returned values include inband and out-of-band.

Note – If inband management access has been disabled by Sun StorEdge CLI, the firmware application, or Sun StorEdge Configuration Service (SSCS), and a user attempts to use inband management, the message “RAID controller not responding” displays when a command is run. If this occurs, use out-of-band management to access Sun StorEdge CLI. For details, see “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10.


If the cache setting is set to write-back, specify whether the cache setting automatically defaults to write-through cache when a power supply event trigger operation, such as a power supply failure, occurs. Valid values: enabled, disabled.

fan-failure If the cache setting is set to write-back, specify whether the cache setting automatically defaults to write-through cache when a fan event trigger operation, such as a fan failure, occurs. Valid values: enabled, disabled.


Specify whether to force a controller shutdown if a temperature is detected that exceeds system threshold limits. Adjust this setting to shut down the controller as soon as the temperature limit is exceeded, or after a configurable delay. Valid values: enabled, disabled, 2min, 5min, 10min, 20min, 30min, 45min, 1hour.

sccli> set auto-write-through-trigger temperature-exceeded-delay 2min

sccli> set auto-write-through-trigger controller-failure disabled

TABLE 2-6 Arguments for set auto-write-through-trigger (Continued)

Argument Description

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 31



The following example shows the CLI communication mode is inband.

show auto-write-through-trigger


The show auto-write-through-trigger command displays the controller event trigger configuration including whether the array dynamically switches from write-back cache to write-through cache, or shuts down the controller, if a specified event occurs. The specified events include fan failure, power supply failure, battery back-up failure, AC power loss, and temperature that exceeds system threshold limits.



The following example shows the event trigger information for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.

show access-mode

sccli> show access-mode access-mode: inband

show auto-write-through-trigger

sccli> show auto-write-through-trigger controller-failure: enabled battery-backup-failure: enabled ups-ac-power-loss: disabled power-supply-failure: enabled fan-failure: enabled temperature-exceeded-delay: enabled

32 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Returned Values

The returned values are described in the following table.

show battery-status


Fibre Channel and SATA arrays only. The show battery-status command displays the status of the battery modules, which preserve the contents of the write cache in each RAID controller. For redundant controllers, status for both batteries is shown. Status values include: Warning, Not present, Bad, N/A, Expired, and OK.

If you run the show battery-status command and the battery in-service date is not set, run the show battery-status -u command. Early model battery boards were not programmed with an in-service date. The show battery-status -u command sets the in-service date to the battery board manufacturing date and prompts the user to verify the date. For details on replacing the battery, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide.

Note – To successfully execute scripts using the CLI, the battery in-service date must be set. Newer battery boards are programmed with the in-service date.

If the battery type is an early board module (FRU ID 370-5545 REVB), then battery expiration monitoring is not supported. In this case, a message displays, “battery board type is not supported.” If your configuration requires the battery expiration feature, consult your sales representative to obtain a new battery.

TABLE 2-7 Output for show auto-write-through-trigger

Field Description

controller-failure Controller failure event trigger status.

battery-backup-failure Battery backup unit has failed or is not fully charged.

ups-ac-power-loss UPS AC power loss.

power-supply-failure Power supply failure.

fan-failure Fan failure.

temperature-exceeded-delay Number of seconds delay before controller shutdown after exceeding the temperature threshold Valid values: enabled, disabled, 2min, 5min, 10min, 20min, 30min, 45min, 1hour.

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 33




The following example shows one good battery and one expired battery.

show battery-status [-u |--update]

TABLE 2-8 Arguments for show battery-status

Argument Description

-u | --update Specify -u or --update to automatically enter interactive mode if the battery in-service date is not set. The in-service date is set to the battery board manufacturing date. Newer battery boards are programmed with the battery in-service date. This option is only required for early model battery boards.

sccli> show battery-status Upper Battery Type: 1 Upper Battery Manufacturing Date: Fri Oct 17 15:59:08 2003 Upper Battery Placed In Service: Fri Oct 17 15:59:08 2003 Upper Battery Expiration Date: Sun Oct 16 15:59:08 2005 Upper Battery Status: OK

Lower Battery Type: 1 Lower Battery Manufacturing Date: Fri Oct 17 19:29:20 2003 Lower Battery Placed In Service: Fri Oct 17 19:29:20 2003 Lower Battery Expiration Date: Sun Oct 6 19:29:20 2004 Lower Battery Status: Expired

34 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example uses the -u option, which prompts the user to verify the battery date if the battery in-service date has not been set previously.

show enclosure-status


The show enclosure-status command shows the status for all chassis components including SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE) revision number and status information (for SCSI arrays only), SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) revision number and status information (for FC and SATA arrays only), fan, power supply, temperature sensor, and drive slot status. If the selected device is a RAID subsystem consisting of more than one chassis, status displays for each chassis in the system. For details on the controller environmental sensor status, see “show peripheral-device-status” on page 45.

Note – FC and SATA enclosures contain two SES processors in a dual-controller array, and there can be more than one enclosure in a RAID subsystem.

Note – In split-bus configurations on SCSI devices, half the drives display a status of Unknown. The drives are present, but because of a SAF-TE design limitation, the information does not display.

sccli> show battery-status -u Upper Battery Type: 1 Upper Battery Manufacturing Date: Mon Feb 2 08:00:00 2004 Upper Battery Placed In Service: Wed Aug 11 20:18:02 2004 Upper Battery Expiration Date: Fri Aug 11 20:18:02 2006 Upper Battery Status: good

The date 2004/ 9/29 will be stored as the In-Service Date of Lower Battery. Are you sure that this date is correct? y

Lower Battery Type: 1 Lower Battery Manufacturing Date: Tue Mar 30 14:32:26 2004 Lower Battery Placed In Service: Wed Sep 29 21:04:39 2004 Lower Battery Expiration Date: Fri Sep 29 21:04:39 2006 Lower Battery Status: good

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 35



The following example shows the enclosure status for a Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI device.

Note – The Enclosure SCSI channel type values include single-bus and split-bus. Throughout the documentation and the CLI, the term “split-bus” is interchangeable with the term “dual-bus.” For details on configuring an array, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide for your array.

show enclosure-status

36 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

sccli> show enclosure-statusCh Id Chassis Vendor Product ID Rev Package Status---------------------------------------------------------------- 0 14 002A4C SUN StorEdge 3310 A 1170 1170 OK

Enclosure Component Status: Type Unit Status FRU P/N FRU S/N Add'l Data---------------------------------------------------------------- Fan 0 OK 370-5398 016626 -- Fan 1 OK 370-5398 016625 -- PS 0 OK 370-5398 016626 -- PS 1 OK 370-5398 016625 -- Temp 0 OK 370-5524 002A4C temp=25 Temp 1 OK 370-5524 002A4C temp=27 Temp 2 OK 370-5398 016626 temp=26 Temp 3 OK 370-5394 013924 temp=30 Temp 4 OK 370-5394 013919 temp=28 Temp 5 OK 370-5524 002A4C temp=28 Temp 6 OK 370-5398 016625 temp=25 EMU 0 OK 370-5394 013924 EMU 1 OK 370-5394 013919 DiskSlot 0 Unknown 370-5524 002A4C addr=0,led=off DiskSlot 1 Unknown 370-5524 002A4C addr=1,led=off DiskSlot 2 Unknown 370-5524 002A4C addr=2,led=off DiskSlot 3 Unknown 370-5524 002A4C addr=3,led=off DiskSlot 4 Unknown 370-5524 002A4C addr=4,led=off DiskSlot 5 Unknown 370-5524 002A4C addr=5,led=off DiskSlot 6 OK 370-5524 002A4C addr=0,led=off DiskSlot 7 OK 370-5524 002A4C addr=1,led=off DiskSlot 8 OK 370-5524 002A4C addr=2,led=off DiskSlot 9 OK 370-5524 002A4C addr=3,led=off DiskSlot 10 OK 370-5524 002A4C addr=4,led=off DiskSlot 11 OK 370-5524 002A4C addr=5,led=off

Enclosure SCSI Channel Type: split-bus

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 37

The following example shows the enclosure status for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC device.

sccli> show enclosure-statusCh Id Chassis Vendor/Product ID Rev PLD WWNN WWPN------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 12 003CE3 SUN StorEdge 3510F A 1046 1000 204000C0FF003CE3 214000C0FF003CE3 Topology: loop(a) Status: OK 3 12 003CE3 SUN StorEdge 3510F A 1046 1000 204000C0FF003CE3 224000C0FF003CE3 Topology: loop(b) Status: OK

Enclosure Component Status: Type Unit Status FRU P/N FRU S/N Add'l Data------------------------------------------------------------------ Fan 0 OK 370-5398 017243 -- Fan 1 OK 370-5398 017243 -- Fan 2 OK 370-5398 016962 -- Fan 3 OK 370-5398 016962 -- PS 0 OK 370-5398 017243 -- PS 1 OK 370-5398 016962 -- Temp 0 OK 370-5535 003CE3 temp=23 Temp 1 OK 370-5535 003CE3 temp=23 Temp 2 OK 370-5535 003CE3 temp=25 Temp 3 OK 370-5535 003CE3 temp=23 Temp 4 OK 370-5535 003CE3 temp=23 Temp 5 OK 370-5535 003CE3 temp=25 Temp 6 OK 370-5537 008307 temp=31 Temp 7 OK 370-5537 008307 temp=41 Temp 8 OK 370-5537 008226 temp=30 Temp 9 OK 370-5537 008226 temp=35 Temp 10 OK 370-5398 017243 temp=22 Temp 11 OK 370-5398 016962 temp=25 DiskSlot 0 Absent 370-5535 003CE3 addr=0,led=off DiskSlot 1 Absent 370-5535 003CE3 addr=1,led=off DiskSlot 2 Absent 370-5535 003CE3 addr=2,led=off DiskSlot 3 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=3,led=off DiskSlot 4 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=4,led=off DiskSlot 5 Absent 370-5535 003CE3 addr=5,led=off DiskSlot 6 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=6,led=off DiskSlot 7 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=7,led=off DiskSlot 8 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=8,led=off DiskSlot 9 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=9,led=off DiskSlot 10 OK 370-5535 003CE3 addr=10,led=off DiskSlot 11 Absent 370-5535 003CE3 addr=11,led=off

38 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Returned Values

The following table describes the location of the enclosure devices from the back of the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array orientation as shown in FIGURE 2-1.

FIGURE 2-1 Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI Array Enclosure Device Orientation

The returned values for the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array are described in the following table.

TABLE 2-9 Output for the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI show enclosure-status

Enclosure Types Description

Fan 0 Left side power supply fan

Fan 1 Right side power supply fan

PS 0 Left side power supply

PS 1 Right side power supply

Temp 0 Left drive temperature sensor

Temp 1 Center drive temperature sensor

Temp 2 Temperature sensor on left side power supply module (Power supply 0 in FIGURE 2-1)

Temp 3 Temperature sensor on left side I/O module

Temp 4 Temperature sensor on right side I/O module

Power supply 0

Power supply 1

Fan 0

Fan 1

Front of array

Left side

Right side

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 39

The following table describes the location of the enclosure devices from the back of the Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array orientation as shown in FIGURE 2-2.

FIGURE 2-2 Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI Array Enclosure Device Orientation

The returned values for the Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array are described in the following table.

Temp 5 Right drive temperature sensor

Temp 6 Temperature sensor on right side power supply module (Power supply1 in FIGURE 2-1)

Disk Slot 0-3 Disk slot identifier refers to the backplane field-replaceable unit (FRU) to which disks are connected

TABLE 2-10 Output for Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI show enclosure-status

Enclosure Types Description

Fan 0 Left side power supply fan

Fan 1 Right side power supply fan

PS 0 Left side power supply

PS 1 Right side power supply

Temp 0, 1, 5 Temperature sensor on chassis

TABLE 2-9 Output for the Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI show enclosure-status

Enclosure Types Description

Front of array Right side

Left side

Fan 0 Power supply 0

Power supply 1

Fan 1

40 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following table describes the location of the enclosure devices from the back of the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and the Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array orientation as shown in FIGURE 2-3.

FIGURE 2-3 Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and 3511 SATA Array Enclosure Device Orientation

Temp 2 Temperature sensor on left side power supply module (Power supply 0 in FIGURE 2-2)

Temp 3 Temperature sensor on left side event monitoring unit (EMU) module

Temp 4 Temperature sensor on right side EMU module

Temp 6 Temperature sensor on right side power supply module (Power supply 1 in FIGURE 2-2)

EMU 0 Left side event monitoring unit

EMU 1 Right side event monitoring unit

Disk Slot 0-11 Disk slot identifier refers to the backplane field-replaceable unit (FRU) to which disks are connected

TABLE 2-10 Output for Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI show enclosure-status

Enclosure Types Description

Front of arrayRight side

Left side

Fan 0

Fan 1 Power supply 0

Fan 2

Fan 3

Power supply 1

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 41

The returned values for the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and the Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array are described in the following table.

Note – Voltage sensors make sure that the array’s voltage is within normal ranges. To check the status and determine the location of voltage sensors, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

Enclosure status values include:

TABLE 2-11 Output for Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and 3511 SATA show enclosure-status

Enclosure Types Description

Fan 0, 1 Left side power supply fan

Fan 2, 3 Right side power supply fan

PS 0 Left side power supply

PS 1 Right side power supply

Temp 0–5 Temperature sensor on chassis

Temp 6, 7 Temperature sensor on upper I/O module

Temp 8, 9 Temperature sensor on lower I/O module

Temp 10 Temperature sensor on left side power supply module (Power supply 0 in FIGURE 2-3)

Temp 11 Temperature sensor on right side power supply module (Power supply 1 in FIGURE 2-3)

Disk Slot 0-11 Disk slot identifier refers to the backplane field-replaceable unit (FRU) to which disks are connected

Status Description

OK This component has a status of OK.

Absent This component is absent.

Fault The component is exhibiting a fault condition.

Missing The field-replaceable unit (FRU) is missing, status cannot be determined.

Unknown This component status is not available.

42 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show frus


The show frus command displays field-replaceable unit (FRU) ID information for the RAID and any related JBODs, including dynamic FRU status information. All FRU information is retrieved from the SAF-TE device (SCSI unit) or SES (FC unit).



The following example returns all FRU information in a RAID array.

The following example returns all FRU information in a JBOD unit.

show frus

# sccli c2t0d0 show frus

# sccli /dev/es/ses2 show frus

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 43

The following example shows a partial list of the FRUs in a Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI device.

sccli> show frus Name: PRI RAID CONTROLLER Description: SE3310 LVD RAID CTLR, 512MB MEM, BATT Part Number: 370-5403 Serial Number: 007725 Revision: 02 Manufacturing Date: Wed Jul 16 19:24:30 2003 Manufacturing Location: Milpitas California, USA Manufacturer JEDEC ID: 0x0301 FRU Location: PRIMARY CONTROLLER SLOT Chassis Serial Number: 002A4C FRU Status: OK

Name: SEC RAID CONTROLLER Description: SE3310 LVD RAID CTLR, 512MB MEM, BATT Part Number: 370-5403 Serial Number: 006550 Revision: 02 Manufacturing Date: Thu Jul 17 19:24:47 2003 Manufacturing Location: Milpitas California, USA Manufacturer JEDEC ID: 0x0301 FRU Location: SECONDARY CONTROLLER SLOT Chassis Serial Number: 002A4C FRU Status: OK

7 FRUs found in chassis SN#002A4C at ch 0 id 14

Name: RAID_CHASSIS_BKPLN Description: Minnow BOX, RAID, LVD, Chassis+Bkpln Part Number: 370-5524 Serial Number: 002A4C Revision: 01 Manufacturing Date: Thu Jun 26 15:15:17 2003 Manufacturing Location: Milpitas,CA,USA Manufacturer JEDEC ID: 0x0301 FRU Location: SCSI RAID MIDPLANE SLOT Chassis Serial Number: 002A4C FRU Status: OK...

44 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Returned Values

The returned status values for the show frus command are described in the following table.

show peripheral-device-status


The show peripheral-device-status command displays the status for all controller environmental sensors. For environmental status of the chassis (the SAF-TE or SES chassis components), see “show enclosure-status” on page 35.

The threshold ranges for peripheral devices are set using the firmware application. If a device exceeds the threshold range that was set, its status displays “Over upper threshold.” If a device does not meet the threshold range, its status displays “Under lower threshold.” For information on how to set the threshold ranges, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.


TABLE 2-12 FRU Status Values

Status Description

OK All subcomponents of this FRU have a status of OK.

Fault One or more of the FRU components is exhibiting a fault condition.

Absent No FRU is located in the device.

N/A Not applicable.

show peripheral-device-status

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 45


The following example shows the sensor status for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.

Note – Voltage sensors make sure that the array’s voltage is within normal ranges. To check the status and determine the location of voltage sensors, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

Configuration CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ download nvram■ reset nvram■ show bypass device■ show bypass RAID■ show bypass SFP■ show configuration■ show loop-map■ upload nvram

For details on uploading and downloading the controller configuration, see “download controller-configuration” on page 66 and “upload controller-configuration” on page 87.

sccli> show peripheral-device-status Item Value status------------------------------------------------------------- CPU Temp Sensor(primary) 41.50C within safety range Board1 Temp Sensor(primary) 46.00C within safety range Board2 Temp Sensor(primary) 55.00C within safety range +3.3V Value(primary) 3.384V within safety range +5V Value(primary) 5.126V within safety range +12V Value(primary) 12.442V within safety range Battery-Backup Battery(primary) -- OK CPU Temp Sensor(secondary) 45.00C within safety range Board1 Temp Sensor(secondary) 53.00C within safety range Board2 Temp Sensor(secondary) 60.00C within safety range +3.3V Value(secondary) 3.368V within safety range +5V Value(secondary) 5.126V within safety range +12V Value(secondary) 12.381V within safety range Battery-Backup Battery(secondary) -- OK

46 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

download nvram


The download nvram command restores the NVRAM configuration from an NVRAM file to the RAID controller. The binary NVRAM file contains information specific to the host device, such as channel settings, RAID controller parameters, and so on. The IP address, password, and controller name and unique ID are not downloaded from the NVRAM file to the host device since these settings differ for each controller. After the download completes, reset the controller for the NVRAM settings to take effect.




The following example downloads the NVRAM file, tmpsn2-1.nvram, and then resets the controller.

download nvram filename [-r | --reset]

TABLE 2-13 Arguments for download nvram

Argument Description

filename Specify the file name for the file that you want to download.

[-r | --reset] Reset the controller after the download completes.

# sccli download nvram /tmpsn2-1.nvram -r

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 47

reset nvram


The reset nvram command clears the NVRAM configuration memory and restores the original default settings, including all controller, host, and drive parameters. The controller unique ID is set to the chassis serial number and the controller name is not set.

Caution – This command does not restore the controller IP address, instead it configures the network for DHCP. You must have a serial connection to reset the IP address, netmask, and default gateway settings. And, the serial connection must be set to 38400. Use the RAID array’s COM port and the firmware application to restore these settings. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

After issuing the reset nvram command, reset the controller and reconfigure the controller to restore any non-default configuration options for your array, such as cache write policy and LUN maps. When you run the reset nvram command, LUN maps are not restored. To review the existing LUNs before running this command, run the show lun-maps command. For details, see “show lun-maps” on page 152.

Caution – Logical drives and logical volumes are not deleted, but it is possible for them to become inaccessible after this command is run. This might result in data loss.

Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers.


reset nvram

48 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example shows the message prompts that are displayed when you run the reset nvram command.

show bypass device


Note – This command should only be used by Sun support personnel during troubleshooting procedures.

FC and SATA arrays only. The show bypass device command displays the bypass status of all disks and SES devices on a specified loop.

Note – Loop A and Loop B refer to the redundant FC loops that each device is connected to. The SES device in the top slot of the chassis is connected to Loop A, which is the first drive channel. The bottom SES device is connected to Loop B, which is the second drive channel.

Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA Array

The Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array contains a Sierra Logic SR-1216 FC-to-SATA protocol router. Unlike FC disk drives, the SR-1216 router presents multiple FC target IDs on a single physical hardware port. Therefore, if a target ID that is presented by an SR-1216 is bypassed, the SR-1216 physical port is bypassed. This causes the IDs of all SATA drives (target IDs) that are presented by the SR-1216 port to be removed from the loop. Conversely, if a target ID that is presented by an SR-1216 is unbypassed, all SATA drives (target IDs) that are presented by the SR-1216 port are restored to the loop.

sccli> reset nvramWARNING: The configuration of the array controller will be erased.Factory default parameters will take effect at next controller reset.Logical devices may not be accessible until mappings are reconfigured.If your configuration contains more than 32 partitions, data onpartitions may no longer be accessible.Are you sure?

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 49




The following example is sent on channel 2 and shows the bypass information for loop A.

show bypass device ses-channel channel loop [loopa|loopb]

TABLE 2-14 Arguments for show bypass device

Argument Description

ses-channel channel

Specify the drive channel number of the FC port from which to send the command. The channel must be configured as a drive channel.Valid values: 0-5.

loop Specify the drive loop of the small form-factor (SFP) transceiver for which the bypass information is displayed. Loop a is the top slot and loop b is the bottom slot. Valid values: loopa, loopb, a, or b.

sccli> show bypass device ses-channel 2 loop loopa

CH ID TYPE ENCL LOOP BYP-STATUS ATTRIBUTES-- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- SHF-------2 0 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 1 DISK RAID LOOP-A Bypassed S2 2 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 3 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 4 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 5 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 6 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 7 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 8 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 9 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 10 DISK RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---2 11 DISK RAID LOOP-A Bypassed HF2 12 SES RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed ---

50 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example is sent on channel 3 and shows the bypass information for loop B.

Returned Values

If a device is bypassed, the Attributes returned values include S, F, or H.

■ An S means the device was bypassed due to a CLI command.

■ An F means a drive fault caused the bypass.

■ An H means the device was bypassed due to a hardware problem (no signal was present).

show bypass RAID


Note – This command should only be used by Sun support personnel during troubleshooting procedures.

FC and SATA arrays only. The show bypass RAID command displays the hardware bypass status of the RAID controllers on Loop A and Loop B. In a redundant RAID controller system, there is a RAID controller in the top slot of the chassis and a RAID controller in the bottom slot of the chassis. Each RAID controller has a connection to Loop A and Loop B. In a normal redundant RAID controller system, the top and bottom RAID controllers indicate unbypassed status on both loops. If a RAID

sccli> show bypass device ses-channel 3 loop loopb

CH ID TYPE ENCL LOOP BYP-STATUS ATTRIBUTES-- -- ---- ---- ---- ---------- SHF-------3 0 DISK RAID LOOP-B Bypassed S3 1 DISK RAID LOOP-B Bypassed H3 2 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 3 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 4 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 5 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 6 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 7 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 8 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 9 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 10 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 11 DISK RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---3 12 SES RAID LOOP-B Unbypassed ---

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 51

controller has failed due to natural causes, or has failed as a result of the fail primary or fail secondary command, the show bypass RAID command indicates that the RAID controller is bypassed.



The following example shows the bypass status of the RAID controllers.

show bypass SFP


Note – This command should only be used by Sun support personnel during troubleshooting procedures.

FC and SATA arrays only. The show bypass SFP command displays the bypass status of all small form-factor (SFP) transceivers on a specified loop.

Note – Loop A and Loop B refer to the redundant FC loops that each device is connected to. The SES device in the top slot of the chassis is connected to Loop A, which is the first drive channel. The bottom SES device is connected to Loop B, which is the second drive channel.


show bypass raid

sccli> show bypass raidSLOT LOOP BYP-STATUS---- ---- ----------TOP LOOP-A BypassedTOP LOOP-B BypassedBOTTOM LOOP-A UnbypassedBOTTOM LOOP-B Unbypassed

show bypass sfp ses-channel channel loop [loopa|loopb]

52 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example is sent on channel 2 and shows the bypass information for Loop A.

TABLE 2-15 Arguments for show bypass SFP

Argument Description

ses-channel channel

Specify the drive channel number of the FC port from which to send the command. The channel must be configured as a drive channel.

loop Specify the drive loop of the SFP for which the bypass information is displayed. Valid values: loopa, loopb, a, or b.

sccli> show bypass sfp ses-channel 2 loop loopa

PORT ENCL-ID ENCL-TYPE LOOP BYP-STATUS ATTRIBUTES---- ------- --------- ---- ---------- SH--------0 0 RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed --1 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --L 0 RAID LOOP-A Bypassed -HR 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --4 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --5 0 RAID LOOP-A Bypassed -H

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 53

The following example is sent on channel 2 and shows the bypass information for a Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array on loop A.

Returned Values

The Port returned values indicate the type of device, FC or SATA, that is attached to the loop.

■ On a Sun StorEdge 3510 RAID IOM board, from left to right, there are six ports: channel 0, channel 1, channel 2(3) Left, channel 2(3) Right, channel 4 and channel 5. Valid values for the Sun StorEdge 3510 RAID IOM board include 0, 1, 4, 5, L and R.

■ On a Sun StorEdge 3510 JBOD IOM board, from left to right, there are two ports: Left and Right. Valid values for port include L and R.

■ On a Sun StorEdge 3511 RAID IOM board, from left to right, there are eight ports: channel 0 left, channel 0 right, channel 1 left, channel 1 right, channel 2, channel 3, channel 4 and channel 5. Valid values for the Sun StorEdge 3511 RAID IOM board include 0L, 0R, 1L, 1R, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

■ On a Sun StorEdge 3511 JBOD IOM board, from left to right, there are four ports: loop A left, loop A right, loop B left and loop B right. Valid value ports for the Sun StorEdge 3511 JBOD IOM include AL, AR, BL and BR.

If a device is bypassed, the Attributes returned values include S or H.

■ An S means the device was bypassed due to a CLI command.

■ An H means the device was bypassed due to a hardware problem (no signal was present).

sccli> show bypass sfp ses-channel 2 loop loopa

PORT ENCL-ID ENCL-TYPE LOOP BYP-STATUS ATTRIBUTES---- ------- --------- ---- ---------- SH--------0L 0 RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed --0R 0 RAID LOOP-A Unbypassed --1L 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --1R 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --2 0 RAID LOOP-A Bypassed -H3 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --4 0 RAID LOOP-A Not-Installed --5 0 RAID LOOP-A Bypassed -HAL 1 JBOD LOOP-A Unbypassed --AR 1 JBOD LOOP-A Unbypassed --BL 1 JBOD LOOP-A Unbypassed --BR 1 JBOD LOOP-A Bypassed -H

54 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show configuration


The show configuration command displays the array configuration including inquiry information, field-replaceable unit (FRU) information, SATA information, protocol support, automatic write-through event triggers, peripheral device status, redundancy mode, redundant-controller configuration, access mode, controller boot time and date, and the enclosure status, which includes the status for the SES or SAF-TE device and all chassis components—the fan, power supply, temperature sensor, and drive slots. The configuration can be displayed onscreen, or written to the specified file. The output is plain text by default, but XML output can be obtained by specifying the --xml option. To see a sample XML report, see “Show Configuration Command Output” on page 203.

Note – In split-bus configurations on SCSI devices, half the drives display a status of Unknown. The drives are present, but because of a SAF-TE design limitation, the information does not display.

Note – FC and SATA enclosures contain two SES processors in a dual-controller array, and there can be more than one enclosure in a RAID subsystem.



show configuration [--xml | -x] [filename]

TABLE 2-16 Arguments for show configuration

Argument Description

{--xml | -x} If the -x or --xml options are specified, XML output is generated.

filename Specify the file name for the configuration file that you want to show.

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 55


The following example shows a portion of a Sun StorEdge 3510 RAID configuration.

The following example writes the RAID configuration information to the myconfig.xml file.

sccli> show configuration

* inquiry-data

Vendor: SUN Product: StorEdge 3510 Revision: 411G Peripheral Device Type: 0x0 NVRAM Defaults: 411G01 3510 S410F Bootrecord version: 1.31H Serial Number: 003CE3 Page 80 Serial Number: 003CE3161637C100 Page 83 Logical Unit Device ID: 600C0FF000000000003CE3161637C100 Page 83 Target Device ID: 206000C0FF003CE3 IP Address: Page D0 Fibre Channel Address: A7 (id 40) Page D0 Node Name: 206000C0FF003CE3 Page D0 Port Name: 216000C0FF803CE3 Ethernet Address: 00:C0:FF:00:3C:E3 Device Type: Primary unique-identifier: 03CE3 controller-name: ""

* network-parameters

ip-address: netmask: gateway: mode: static

* host-parameters

max-luns-per-id: 32 queue-depth: 1024 fibre-connection-mode:loop inband-mgmt-access: enabled...

# sccli c2t0d0 show configuration --xml myconfig.xml

56 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Returned Values

Configuration values in the report include inquiry data, network parameters, host parameters, drive parameters, redundant-controller configuration, redundancy mode, cache parameters, RS-232 configuration, channels, disks, logical drives, logical volumes, partitions, LUN maps, FRUs, protocols, automatic write-through event triggers, peripheral device status, enclosure status, access mode, controller date and time, disk array parameters, host WWNs (FC and SATA only), port WWNs (FC and SATA only), intercontroller link (FC and SATA only), battery status (FC and SATA only), SATA router (SATA only), SATA MUX (SATA only), SES (FC and SATA only), and SAF-TE (SCSI only).

show loop-map


Note – This command should only be used by Sun support personnel during troubleshooting procedures.

Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The show loop-map command shows the FC loop positional map for a given channel. This information shows how the FC devices are connected in the loop. The positional map displays the Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (ALPA) and the SCSI Select ID that corresponds to that ALPA. Use the positional loop map during the diagnostic process to determine which devices to selectively bypass in order to isolate faulty devices.

There can be two RAID controllers on each drive loop. The first device displayed in the loop map is the RAID controller that executes the diagnostics and performs the port bypass operations. Both ALPAs and SCSI Select IDs are displayed. Additional information is also displayed including device type, chassis enclosure ID, and slot number that the device resides in.

Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA Array

The Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array contains a Sierra Logic SR-1216 FC-to-SATA protocol router. Unlike FC disk drives, the SR-1216 router presents multiple FC target IDs on a single physical hardware port. Therefore, if a target ID that is presented by an SR-1216 is bypassed, the SR-1216 physical port is bypassed. This causes the IDs of all SATA drives (target IDs) that are presented by the SR-1216 port to be removed from the loop. Conversely, if a target ID that is presented by an SR-1216 is unbypassed, all SATA drives (target IDs) that are presented by the SR-1216 port are restored to the loop.

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 57

Note – If one of the SATA disk drives is not installed or has suffered a catastrophic failure, the target ID of the SATA disk drive does not appear in the loop map.



Note – The channel must be configured as a drive channel and there must be an SES device present on the channel.

show loop-map channel channel

TABLE 2-17 Arguments for show loop-map

Argument Description

channel ch Specify the drive channel number of the FC port from which the loop map information is to be obtained. Valid values: 0–5.

58 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example displays the loop map on channel 2.

Note – The first line of output in the loop map identifies the primary RAID controller that requested the loop map and that issues any subsequent FC diagnostic commands.

upload nvram


The upload nvram command saves the NVRAM configuration to a host file. The binary NVRAM file contains information specific to the host device, such as channel settings, RAID controller parameters, IP address, RAID controller password and name, and unique IDs.

sccli> show loop-map channel 2

14 devices found in loop map

=== Channel Loop Map retrieved from CH 2 ID 12 ===

AL_PA SEL_ID SEL_ID TYPE ENCL_ID SLOT(hex) (hex) (dec)----- ----- ----- ---- ------ ----CE 0F 15 RAID N/A N/AD4 0B 11 DISK 0 11DC 06 6 DISK 0 6D5 0A 10 DISK 0 10DA 07 7 DISK 0 7D3 0C 12 SES 0 N/AE8 01 1 DISK 0 1E1 04 4 DISK 0 4E4 02 2 DISK 0 2E2 03 3 DISK 0 3E0 05 5 DISK 0 5EF 00 0 DISK 0 0D9 08 8 DISK 0 8D6 09 9 DISK 0 9

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 59


For details on downloading the NVRAM file, see “download nvram” on page 47.

Event Message CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ clear events■ show events■ show persistent-events

clear events


The clear events command clears the RAID controller event log. These events are not saved in the persistent event disk reserved space.



The following example clears the event log for controller c0t5d0s2.

upload nvram file

clear events

# sccli /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2 clear events

60 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show events


The show events command displays the events for the specified RAID controller. Events are erased from the controller cache when the controller is reset or power cycled. When the events are erased from the controller cache, they are stored as persistent events. For more information, see “show persistent-events” on page 62.




If no option is specified, the command shows all events.

show events [last {n} | all]

TABLE 2-18 Arguments for show events

Argument Description

last {n} Gets the latest n events for the controller.

latest {n} Gets the latest n events for the controller.

all Gets all the events for the controller.

sccli> show events

Wed Apr 9 05:45:55 2003[Primary] NotificationController Initialization Completed

Wed Apr 9 05:45:54 2003[Secondary] NotificationController Initialization Completed

Thu Apr 10 05:53:33 2003[Primary] NotificationLG:0 Logical Drive NOTICE: Starting Parity Regeneration

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 61

To show the last 10 events for a controller, type:

show persistent-events


Out-of-band connections only. The show persistent-events command displays the events recorded in disk reserved space. When a controller is reset or power cycled, all events are moved to disk reserved space and can only be viewed with this command. Unlike regular events in the controller cache that display with the show events command, persistent events are not erased from the cache when the controller is reset or power cycled. However, only 512 events can be stored. This command must be issued out-of-band. For details, see “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10.

To view current events, or any events that have occurred since the last reset or power cycle, use the show events command. For details, see “show events” on page 60.



# sccli c2t0d0 show events last 10

show persistent-events {[from date] [to date]}

TABLE 2-19 Arguments for show persistent-events

Argument Description

date Specify the date for the events you want to display in the format MMDDhhmmYYYYss or mm/dd/yy. If no DD value is entered, the default value is 1. If no hh, mm, or ss value is entered, the default value is 0. If no YYY is entered, the default value is the current year.

62 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example displays the events from October 26 to October 27. No persistent events occurred on October 26.

The following example shows all events from July 12.

The following example shows all events from November 24, 2004.

# sccli show persistent-events from 1026 to 1027sccli: selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3310 SN#000001]Wed Oct 27 11:28:42 2004[Primary] NotificationController Initialization Completed

Wed Oct 27 11:28:43 2004[Secondary] NotificationController Initialization Completed

# sccli c2t0d0 show persistent-events from 0712Mon Jul 12 14:59:00 2004[Primary] NotificationOn-Line Initialization of Logical Drive 2 CompletedMon Jul 12 15:11:51 2004[Primary] NotificationOn-Line Initialization of Logical Drive 0 Completed

# sccli show persistent-events from 11/24/04sccli: selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3310 SN#000001]Wed Nov 24 14:18:57 2004[Primary] NotificationSAF-TE Device(0) NOTICE: Fan Back On-Line(Idx:1)

Wed Nov 24 14:18:57 2004[Primary] NotificationSAF-TE Device(0) NOTICE: Power Supply Back On-Line(Idx:0)

Chapter 2 System Function Commands 63

64 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Controller and Disk Commands

This chapter provides the available controller and disk commands with sample code. Topics covered in this chapter include:

■ “Controller Commands” on page 66■ “Disk Commands” on page 88

Note – To prevent unauthorized access to administrative functions of the RAID controller, the CLI requires superuser or system administrator privileges for inband access, and uses the controller password to authorize users of the out-of-band interface.

Note – If no command is entered on the command line, the CLI enters an interactive mode, prompting you to enter commands until the quit command is entered. All commands operate on the currently selected device.


Controller CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ download controller-configuration■ fail■ mute■ password■ reset controller■ set cache-parameters■ set controller-date■ set controller-name■ set controller-password■ set rs232-configuration■ set unique-identifier■ show cache-parameters■ show controller-date■ show controller-name■ show inquiry-data■ show redundancy-mode■ show redundant-controller■ show shutdown-status■ show unique-identifier■ shutdown controller■ unfail■ upload controller-configuration

For details on downloading controller firmware, see “download controller-firmware” on page 171.

Note – The secondary controller in dual-controller configurations does not support any administrative functions. In active/active configurations where LUNs are assigned to both the primary and secondary controllers, the CLI command can be used only with those LUNs assigned to the primary controller.

download controller-configuration


The download controller-configuration command restores controller configuration information previously saved using the upload controller-configuration command. The configuraton file includes channel settings; host

66 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

and drive side parameters; array parameters; network port setup; controller general parameters; logical drive, logical volume, and physical drive information; partition information and mappings on host channels.

A logical drive or logical volume create operation might be required to completely restore the saved configuration. However, creating a logical drive might take a long time, and block other operations. The command provides an option to specify whether to build the logical drive.

Caution – The download controller-configuration command deletes all existing logical drives if they do not match the configuration file that is being downloaded.

Note – Optimally, rebuild any logical drives before running this command.



Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers. After running a reset command, to stay in prompt mode, run the select command to reselect the device.

download controller-configuration [-b | --build] filename

TABLE 3-1 Arguments for download controller-configuration

Argument Description

-b, --build Rebuild RAID sets specified in the saved configuration. If this option is not specified, RAID sets are not created.

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 67



The fail command simulates a controller failure and causes all the LUNs assigned to the specified controller to fail over to the redundant controller, if it is configured for failover. If the controller is configured for failover, the inter-controller link is not disconnected with this command.

Note – Before running this command, perform a show redundancy-mode command to make sure a secondary controller exists. For details, see “show redundancy-mode” on page 82.

Note – This command prompts the user to confirm the failure, unless the --yes option is specified.




The following example fails the secondary controller if Y is specified at the prompt. Specify N to cancel the failure.

fail {primary | secondary}

TABLE 3-2 Arguments for fail

Argument Description

primary Fails the logical drive to the primary controller.

secondary Fails the logical drive to the secondary controller.

sccli> fail secondaryAre you sure?

68 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example fails the primary controller and uses the -yes option so no prompt is displayed before the controller fails.



The mute command silences the controller’s audible alarm. After the fault condition that caused the alarm to sound is cleared, the next fault condition causes the alarm to sound again. For details on alarms, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation, Operation, and Service Guide for your array.

Note – This command works on RAID subsystems. It does not work on JBODs. To manually silence a JBOD alarm, push the Reset button on the right ear of the array.




Use the password command in scripts to specify the password assigned to the array controller when the user is not available to respond to password prompts. The correct password must be supplied when issuing potentially dangerous commands to the array over a network connection. For interactive sessions, the CLI prompts the user for this password only when necessary. No password is required when accessing the array using inband SCSI. For details on setting the password, see “set controller-password” on page 76.


Note – Use quotation marks around password strings that contain spaces or apostrophes.

# sccli c2t0d0 -yes fail primary

mute [controller]

password password

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 69


The following example supplies the controller password, test password.

reset controller


The reset controller command shuts down the controller, flushes its cache to disk, and then restarts the controller. This temporarily causes the array to go offline, which might affect applications running on any hosts connected to the array. After running a reset command, to stay in prompt mode, run the select command to reselect the device.

Caution – All reset commands are potentially dangerous. Reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers.

Note – When the controller is reset, the check media command automatically starts and runs continuously unless the abort media-check command is issued. For more information, see “check media” on page 123.


sccli> password "test password"

reset controller

70 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example resets the controller for the specified device.

set cache-parameters


The set cache-parameters command sets cache policy (write-back or write-through), optimization mode (sequential or random), and a periodic cache synchronization value.

Caution – Data inconsistency can occur when a controller configured with one optimization mode is used to replace a failed controller with a different mode.

Caution – In a single-controller configuration, if you set the cache policy to write-back, data corruption might occur in the event of a controller failure. To avoid the possibility of data corruption, set the write policy to write-through.

The controller must be reset for this command to take effect.

Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers.

# sccli /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2 reset controllerWARNING: This is a potentially dangerous operation. The controller will go offline for several minutes. Data loss may occur if the controller is currently in use. Are you sure? ysccli: resetting controller...sccli: controller has been resetsccli: /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2: waiting for device to be readysccli: /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2: device resetsccli: /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2: device is ready

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 71

Cache Policy

The cache policy determines when cached data is written to the disk drives. The ability to hold data in cache while it is being written to disk can increase storage device speed during sequential reads.

Using write-through cache, the controller writes the data to the disk drive before signaling the host OS that the process is complete. Write-through cache has lower write operation and throughput performance than write-back cache, but it is the safer strategy, with minimum risk of data loss on power failure. Because a battery module is installed, power is supplied to the data cached in memory and the data can be written to disk when power is restored.

Using write-back cache, the controller receives the data to write to disk, stores it in the memory buffer, and immediately sends the host OS a signal that the write operation is complete, before the data is actually written to the disk drive. Write-back caching improves the performance of write operations and the throughput of the controller card. Write-back cache is enabled by default.

The controller cache write policy is the default setting for all logical drives. When you create a logical drive, if you do not specify a write policy, the logical drive uses the write policy specified by the set cache-parameters command. If the write policy changes for the controller, the write policy automatically changes for the logical drive as well. If you specify write-back or write-through for individual logical drives, the write policy for those drives remains the same regardless of any changes to the global write policy. For details about setting individual logical drive cache policy, see “set logical-drive” on page 134.

You can also configure the write policy to automatically change from write-back cache to write-through cache when certain environmental events, such as a fan failure, occur. For details, see “set auto-write-through-trigger” on page 30.

For more information on cache policy, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

Optimization Mode

Before creating or modifying logical drives, determine the appropriate optimization mode for the RAID array. The controller supports two optimization modes, sequential I/O and random I/O. Sequential I/O is the default mode.

The RAID array’s cache optimization mode determines the cache block size used by the controller for all logical drives:

■ For sequential optimization, the cache block size is 128 Kbyte.■ For random optimization, the cache block size is 32 Kbyte.

72 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

An appropriate cache block size improves performance when a particular application uses either large or small stripe sizes:

■ Video playback, multimedia post-production audio and video editing, and similar applications read and write large files in sequential order.

■ Transaction-based and database update applications read and write small files in random order.

Since the cache block size works in conjunction with the default stripe size set by the cache optimization mode for each logical drive you create, these default stripe sizes are consistent with the cache block size setting. You can, however, specify a different stripe size for any logical drive at the time you create it. For more information, “create logical-drive” on page 127.

For information on stripe size and optimization modes, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.



set cache-parameters [random | sequential] [write-policy] [sync-period value]

TABLE 3-3 Arguments for set cache-parameters

Argument Description

random Optimizes for random access. Random I/O indicates small blocks of data are written across each drive.

sequential Optimizes for sequential access. Sequential I/O indicates large blocks of data are written across each drive.

write-policy Specify when cached data is written to the disk drives. The controller cache write policy is the default setting for all logical drives. When you create a logical drive, if you do not specify a write policy option, the logical drive uses the write policy specified by the set cache-parameters command. Then, if the write policy changes for the controller, the write policy automatically changes for the logical drive as well. Valid values: write-back, write-through.

sync-period value Specify the periodic cache synchronization value in seconds. Valid values: 0 (continuous syncing), 30s, 60s, 120s, 300s, 600s, disabled (default value)

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 73


The following example sets the cache mode to write-back.

The following example sets the cache mode to write-back, the optimization to sequential, and the sync period to 30 seconds.

set controller-date


The set controller-date command sets a controller date, time, and time zone which enables you to reference and correlate messages and errors.



sccli> set cache-parameters write-back

sccli> set cache-parameters sequential write-back sync-period 30s

set controller-date month day hh:mm:ss year time-zone

TABLE 3-4 Arguments for set controller-date

Argument Description

month Specify the month in abbreviated format. Valid values: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.

day Specify the day of the month. Valid values: 1–31.

74 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example sets the controller time and date to September 22, 2004 at 1:43 pm in the Pacific Standard time zone during daylight savings time.

set controller-name


The set controller-name command specifies a name for the array. The name can be between 1 and 15 alphanumeric characters, but the number of characters plus the length of the current controller password must not be more than 16 characters.



The following example sets the controller name as testname.

hh:mm:ss Specify the controller time based on a 24-hour system. hh: Specify the hour. Valid values: 0– Specify the minute. Valid values: 1– Specify the seconds. Valid values: 1–59.

year Specify the year. If you do not specify the year, it is automatically set to the year set in the RAID firmware.

time zone Specify the time zone based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) followed by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign and the number of hours earlier or later your location is from the Greenwich mean time. For instance, the time zone setting for Japan is GMT +9 and the time zone for New York is GMT -4 or -5 depending on daylight savings. If you do not specify the time zone, it is automatically set to the time zone set in the RAID firmware.

# sccli c2t0d0 set controller-date sep 22 13:43:00 gmt -7

set controller-name controller-name

# sccli c2t0d0 set controller-name "testname"

TABLE 3-4 Arguments for set controller-date (Continued)

Argument Description

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 75

To remove an existing controller name, specify a zero-length string with a pair of double-quote characters. For example:

set controller-password


The set controller-password command specifies a password that protects the RS-232 character interface, Telnet, and FTP services from unauthorized use. The string can be any alphanumeric string up to 8 characters in length, provided that the sum of the lengths of the password and the controller-name parameter is not more than 16 characters.



The following example sets the controller password as sun123.

To remove an existing password, specify a zero-length string with a pair of double-quote characters. For example:

set rs232-configuration


The set rs232-configuration command specifies the speed, in bits per second, for the specified RAID controller port. Single-controller configurations have a single RS-232 port (port 1). Redundant controllers have a second port (port 2). Usually, both ports are connected to support controller failover, so both should be set to the same speed. The default speed is 38400. The controller must be reset for this change to take effect.

# sccli c2t0d0 set controller-name ““

set controller-password password

# sccli c2t0d0 set controller-password "sun123"

# sccli c2t0d0 set controller-password ““

76 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers. After running a reset command, to stay in prompt mode, run the select command to reselect the device.




In the following example, the RAID controller RS-232 port 1 band rate is set to 38400.

set unique-identifier


Caution – This value is used to construct unique values for the Ethernet address, FC WWNs, and other identifiers, and changing it unnecessarily might cause the logical units to become inaccessible to hosts.

set rs232-configuration port-number speed

TABLE 3-5 Arguments for set rs232-configuration

Argument Description

port-number Specify the controller RS-232 port number. Port 1 is external. Valid values: 1, 2

speed Specify the controller RS-232 baud-rate parameter. Valid values: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400

# sccli c2t0d0 set rs232-configuration 1 38400

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 77

The set unique-identifier command specifies the unique identifier for the array subsystem as a six-digit hexadecimal number from 0 to 0xfffff. This identifier is initialized from the chassis serial number automatically, and should not be changed unless the chassis is replaced. The controller must be reset for this change to take effect.

Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers. After running a reset command, to stay in prompt mode, run the select command to reselect the device.

Note – If the value 0 is specified, it is interpreted as a request to set the controller unique ID to match the chassis serial number, which is obtained from the enclosure services device in the chassis.



The following example sets the controller unique identifier as 0x1234.

The following example sets the controller unique identifier to the default value based on the chassis serial number. This command must be followed by the reset controller command before the change takes effect.

set unique-identifier number

# sccli c2t0d0 set unique-identifier 0x1234

# sccli c2t0d0 set unique-identifier 0

78 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show cache-parameters


The show cache-parameters command displays the RAID controller parameters that influence the performance of the read/write cache. Returned values include write policy (write-through or write-back), optimization mode (random or sequential), and periodic cache synchronization period. For details on setting the cache parameters, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.



The following example shows all the cache settings for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC device.

show controller-date


The show controller-date command displays the boot time and date, current time and date, and time zone of the RAID controller.


show cache-parameters [list-type]

sccli> show cache-parameters mode: write-back optimization: sequential sync-period: 30s

show controller-date

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 79


The following example shows the controller boot time and date, current time and date, and time zone.

show controller-name


The show controller-name command displays the RAID controller name. If the RAID controller name is not set, the command returns ““ (an empty set of quotation marks).



The following example shows the controller name is test.

show inquiry-data


The show inquiry-data command displays the data returned by the array controller including the inquiry vendor ID, product ID, firmware revision, and if applicable, IP address. The output of this command varies from one product to another, and from one channel to another.

When addressing a primary controller, the Ethernet address is also displayed. A “Serial Number” field is also displayed; this may contain a RAID controller unique ID value, which defaults to the RAID enclosure’s serial number, or a JBOD serial number, depending on the type of device selected.

sccli> show controller-date Boot time : Thu Sep 16 02:37:36 2004 Current time : Wed Sep 22 13:43:06 2004 Time Zone : GMT -07:00

show controller-name

sccli> show controller-name controller-name: test

80 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

When inband communication is used with the array (for example, if a FC or SCSI device file name is specified), additional data derived from Vital Product Data are also displayed. The additional data may vary from one invocation to the next, even if the same device is selected, depending on the type of HBA that is used to communicate with the array, whether HBA load-balancing software is used, and which LUN received the command.


Note – The abbreviation inquiry can be substituted for the keywords show inquiry-data.


The following example shows an inband Sun StorEdge 3310 inquiry.

show inquiry-data

sccli> show inquiry-data Vendor: SUN Product: StorEdge 3310 Revision: 411G Peripheral Device Type: 0x0 NVRAM Defaults: 411G 3310 S415S Bootrecord version: 1.31G Serial Number: 000001 Page 80 Serial Number: 000001250FF1DC00 Page 83 Logical Unit Device ID: 600C0FF000000000000001250FF1DC00 IP Address: Page D0 Target ID: 0 Ethernet Address: 00:C0:FF:80:00:01 Device Type: Primary

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 81

The following example shows an inband Sun StorEdge 3510 inquiry.

The following example shows an out-of-band Sun StorEdge 3510 inquiry.

show redundancy-mode


The show redundancy-mode command shows whether the two controllers are operating correctly as a redundant pair. Returned values include Active-Active, disabled, enabled, failed, scanning, detected, and primary or secondary.

You can also use the show redundancy-mode command to monitor the status of an automatic firmware update. The CLI will display the progression of “Failed,” “Scanning,” “Detected,” and “Enabled” states. Returned values include:

sccli> inquiry Vendor: SUN Product: StorEdge 3510 Revision: 411G Peripheral Device Type: 0x0 NVRAM Defaults: 411G01 3510 S410F Bootrecord version: 1.31H Serial Number: 003CE3 Page 80 Serial Number: 003CE3161637C100 Page 83 Logical Unit Device ID: 600C0FF000000000003CE3161637C100 Page 83 Target Device ID: 206000C0FF003CE3 IP Address: Page D0 Fibre Channel Address: A7 (id 40) Page D0 Node Name: 206000C0FF003CE3 Page D0 Port Name: 216000C0FF803CE3 Ethernet Address: 00:C0:FF:00:3C:E3 Device Type: Primary

# sccli inquirysccli: selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3510 SN#004DE2] Vendor: SUN Product: StorEdge 3510 Revision: 411G NVRAM Defaults: 411G 3510 S415F Bootrecord Version: 1.31H Serial Number: 004DE2 IP Address: Ethernet Address: 00:C0:FF:00:4D:E2

82 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

1. Initial Failed Status Response: This is the response to the command upon a controller failure and is shown for completeness.

2. Scanning Status: Install Controller FRU. The installed controller is performing self-test and scanning disk channels. This is also the state where the controller updates the firmware on the newly installed controller if it is not identical to the running firmware version. The controllers can remain in this state for up to 10 minutes depending upon system activity.

3. Detected Status: Redundant Controller Process Starts. The installed controller has completed the scanning of the disk channels, updated installed controller firmware as required, and communicated to the primary controller. This status is transitional and normally cannot be detected unless repetitive operations are executed.

4. Enabled State: Redundant Controller Procedure Completed. The installed controller has completed the redundant controller procedure enabling the active-active operation.



The following example shows the redundancy status is Enabled and the mode is Active-Active for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.

Note – The primary controller location displays as “N/A” for SCSI arrays. The controller location is only provided for Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA arrays.

show redundancy-mode

sccli> show redundancy-mode Primary controller serial number: 8009328 Primary controller location: Lower Redundancy mode: Active-Active Redundancy status: Enabled Secondary controller serial number: 8009200

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 83

show redundant-controller


The show redundant-controller command displays the redundant-controller information.



The following example shows the redundant-controller information.

show shutdown-status


The show shutdown-status command displays the controller shutdown status.


show redundant-controller

sccli> show redundant-controller Redundant Controller Configuration: primary Cache Synchronization: enabled Host Channel Failover Mode: shared Local/Remote Redundant Mode: local Write-Through Data Synchronization: enabled Secondary RS-232 Port Status: disabled Communication Channel Type: SCSI

show shutdown-status

84 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example shows the controller shutdown is complete.

Status values include:

■ Controller-online – No pending or previously issued shutdown command■ Shutdown-busy – Busy with another shutdown command■ Shutdown-in-progress – Shutdown in progress■ Shutdown-complete – Controller shutdown complete■ Unknown – Unknown status

show unique-identifier


The show unique-identifier command displays the RAID controller unique identifier. A valid controller unique identifier is a hexidecimal number from 0 to 0xfffff. It is displayed as a six-digit value, where the first digit is always 0 for consistency with the presentation of FRU serial numbers. The default value for the unique ID is the FRU serial number of the midplane/chassis in which the controller resides.



The following example shows the unique identifier is 00476F.

sccli> shutdown controllerWARNING: This is a potentially dangerous operation.The array will remain offline until it is reset.Data loss may occur if the controller is currently in use.Are you sure? ysccli: shutting down controller...sccli: controller is shut downsccli> show shutdown-status Controller shutdown complete.

show unique-identifier

sccli> show unique-identifier unique-identifier: 00476F

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 85

shutdown controller


The shutdown controller command shuts down the RAID controller and stops I/O processing. This temporarily causes the array to go offline, which might affect applications running on any hosts connected to the array. Data in the controller cache is flushed to logical drives. After issuing this command, issue the reset controller command.

Caution – The shutdown command causes the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers.

Note – Use this command whenever the RAID array is powered off. It ensures that all data is written to disk, and that the backup battery (if present) is not drained by the cache memory.

Note – A controller shutdown does not generate an event message. To view the status of the shutdown, use the show shutdown-status command. For details, see “show shutdown-status” on page 84.



The following example shows the message prompts that are displayed when you run the shutdown controller command.

shutdown controller

# sccli /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0s2 shutdown controllerWARNING: This is a potentially dangerous operation. The controller will go offline for several minutes. Data loss may occur if the controller is currently in use. Are you sure? ysccli: shutting down controller...sccli: controller is shut down

86 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The unfail command restores the controller pair to redundant operation. When a primary controller fails, the secondary controller becomes the primary controller. The unfail command makes the initial primary controller the secondary controller.

Note – The unfail command reverses the fail secondary command, permitting the secondary controller to resume operation and restore the controller pair to redundant operation.



The following example reverses the fail secondary command.

upload controller-configuration


The upload controller-configuration command saves a description of the configuration of the array to a user-specified file. The file can be used to restore the same configuration to the array at a later date, or to copy the configuration to another array. The file includes channel settings; host and drive side parameters; array parameters; network port setup; controller general parameters; logical drive, logical volume, and physical drive information; partition information and mappings on host channels. For details on downloading the controller configuration file, see “download controller-configuration” on page 66.

Note – The file contains binary data and cannot be viewed with a text editor.


sccli> unfailAre you sure? y

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 87



The following example saves the RAID configuration into the binary file raidcfg.bin.

Disk CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ abort clone■ clone■ configure global-spare■ set disk-array■ set led■ show clone■ show disk-array■ show disks■ show led-status■ unconfigure global-spare

For details on downloading disk firmware, see “download disk-firmware” on page 173.

abort clone


The abort clone command stops the cloning of the specified disk drive.

To clone a disk, use the clone command. For details, see “clone” on page 89. To view the progress of a clone, use the show clone command. For details, see “show clone” on page 94.

upload controller-configuration file

# sccli c2t0d0 upload controller-configuration raidcfg.bin

88 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005




The following example aborts the clone disk drive operation for ID 5 on channel 2.



The clone command uses a destination disk to copy and replace a drive that is suspected of failing. The disk that you are replacing must be a member of a logical drive. The clone command is not supported for NRAID or RAID1 arrays.

The clone command might be issued in response to a self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology (SMART) warning. To enable SMART, see “set drive-parameters” on page 104.

Note – You cannot create a logical drive composed of Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA drives. If you try to mix drive types in a logical drive, by cloning a disk with a different drive type, an error is displayed. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.


abort clone disk-dest

TABLE 3-6 Arguments for abort clone

Argument Description

disk-dest Specify the disk to stop cloning.

# sccli c2t0d0 abort clone d2.5

clone source-disk dest-disk [priority]

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 89



The following example copies and replaces disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 with disk drive ID 0 on channel 3.

configure global-spare


The configure global-spare command specifies a global spare disk. The disk drive status is set to standby.

Note – If you connect one or more Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA expansion units to a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array, configure a FC drive and a SATA drive as global spares. Then, if a drive fails in the RAID chassis, a FC global spare is used to replace the failed drive. Or, if a drive fails in the SATA expansion unit, a SATA global spare is used to replace the failed drive. If a failure occurs and the appropriate drive type is not available as a global spare, the failed drive will not be replaced automatically. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.


TABLE 3-7 Arguments for clone

Argument Description

source-disk Specify the disk to copy and replace. For example, specify the source disk with target ID 1 on channel 2 as 2.1.

dest-disk Specify the disk to use as the replacement. For example, specify the destination disk with target ID 3 on channel 2 as 2.3.

priority Specify the priority of the disk replacement. Valid values: low, normal, improved, high. The higher the priority selected, the greater amount of system resources required to perform the clone. For example, specify low to have the replacement occur using minimal system resources.

# sccli c2t0d0 clone d2.5 d3.0

configure global-spare disk

90 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example configures disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 as a global spare.

set disk-array


The set disk-array command sets disk array parameters including the background logical drive rebuilding priority and hard drive data verification.


TABLE 3-8 Arguments for configure global-spare

Argument Description

disk Specify the disk to configure. For example, specify the disk with target ID 1 on channel 2 as 2.1. When you assign a global spare, the system automatically assigns global spare status to the unassigned drive with the lowest drive ID. This enables the array to use the global spare to rebuild a logical drive automatically without user intervention when a failing drive needs to be replaced.

# sccli c2t0d0 configure global-spare 2.5

set disk-array [normal-verify value| rebuild-verify value | init-verify value] [rebuild-priority value]

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 91



The following example specifies that data is verified during the rebuilding process and when initializing logical drives.

set led


The set led command changes the drive LED for the specified disk (or slot) from green to amber. For Sun StorEdge 3310 or 3120 SCSI JBODs, specify a disk device using a Solaris device name such as sd31 or c1t0d0s2, or specify a slot number. Use the show led-status command to show the status of the identified disk drive.

Note – This command does not support Sun StorEdge 3510 FC or Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA JBOD devices.

TABLE 3-9 Arguments for set disk-array

Argument Description


{enabled | disabled}

Specify whether to perform Verify-after-Write during normal I/O requests. This method affects write performance during normal use.


{enabled | disabled}

Specify whether to perform Verify-after-Write during the rebuilding process.


{enabled | disabled}

Specify whether to perform Verify-after-Write while initializing the logical drive.


Specify the priority of the logical drive rebuild process. Valid values: low, normal, improved, high. The higher the priority selected, the greater amount of system resources required. For example, specify low to perform the rebuild after other firmware processes complete.

sccli> set disk-array rebuild-verify enabled init-verify enabled

92 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Note – Selecting a slot by disk name is not supported in split-bus enclosure configurations because the enclosure services processor resides on only one of the internal buses and the CLI might not be able to determine the slot location of a particular device. In such configurations, use the show enclosure-status command and the disk documentation provided with your enclosure to determine the correct slot number instead.


To change a specific drive LED in a RAID array from green to amber, use the following parameters.

To change a specific drive LED in a Sun StorEdge 3310 or 3120 JBOD from green to amber, use the following parameters.


set led disk {on | off}

set led {slot n | disk sdn | disk cXtYdZ} {on | off}

TABLE 3-10 Arguments for set led

Argument Description

slot n Changes the drive LED from green to amber for the specified disk drive slot.

disk sdn Changes the drive LED from green to amber for the specified Solaris disk drive slot.

disk cXtYdZ Changes the drive LED from green to amber for the specified Solaris disk drive slot. Changes the drive LED from green to amber for the specified drive within a RAID subsystem.

{on | off} Specify whether to change the LED from green to amber.

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 93


The following example changes the drive with SCSI address 8 from green to amber in the enclosure associated with the enclosure device /dev/es/ses0.

show clone


The show clone command displays the progress of disk cloning.



The following example returns information for the disks being cloned on the specified device.

show disk-array


The show disk-array command displays the disk array parameters including the logical drive rebuild priority and the hard drive settings for verifying the written data for initializing, rebuilding, and writing normal I/O data.


sccli> set led disk 0.8 on (enclosure sn 005362) led-slot-0: on

show clone

sccli> clone d2.5 d0.5sccli: start clone 2.5 to 0.5sccli> show clone Ch ID Status------------------- 0 5 2% complete

show disk-array

94 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example returns the disk array parameter information.

show disks


The show disks command displays information about the disk drives in the array enclosure and any expansion chassis. Information returned includes channel and ID, negotiated speed, associated logical drive, capacity (size), status, vendor information and worldwide node name (WWNN).



sccli> show disk-array init-verify: disabled rebuild-verify: disabled normal-verify: disabled rebuild-priority: low

show disks [disk-list | channel {ch} | free | all] [-b | --buffer-size]

TABLE 3-11 Arguments for show disks

Argument Description

disk-list Shows specific disks. Use any of the following formats:, ch.idm-n. ch is physical device channel, id is the SCSI ID of the device, and m to n represents a contiguous range of IDs on the same channel. For example, 2.0, 2.3, or 2.2-5.

channel ch Shows all disks on the specified channel.

all Shows all disk drives.

free Shows all unassigned disks.

-b, --buffer-size

Shows the disk buffer size.

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 95


The following example returns information for disks ID 0, ID 3, and ID 7 on channel 2.

The following example returns information for disks on channel 2 for disks 3 through 7, and for channel 1 disk 4.

The following example shows all disk information.

Note – All device capacity is displayed in powers of 1024. For details, see “Device Capacity” on page 14.

# sccli c2t0d0 show disks 2.0,2.3,2.7

# sccli c2t0d0 show disks 2.3-7,1.4

sccli> show disksCh Id Size Speed LD Status IDs Rev---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2(3) 3 33.92GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 S/N 3ET0N0V000007303 WWNN 20000004CFAB138F 2(3) 6 33.92GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YEJT00007349 WWNN 2000000C50332BFD 2(3) 7 33.92GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0Y6J300007349 WWNN 2000000C503335DC 2(3) 8 33.92GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YC1Y00007349 WWNN 2000000C503334AE 2(3) 9 33.92GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0Y7W100007349 WWNN 2000000C50332BBE 2(3) 10 33.92GB 200MB NONE FRMT SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YAQF00007349 WWNN 2000000C50333AB8

96 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Returned Values

Returned values include channel number, disk SCSI ID, size, speed (megabytes per second), logical drive assignment, status, drive model ID, firmware revision, serial number, and device node name. If the -b option is specified, the drive buffer size and drive serial number are displayed.

Logical drive assignment values include:

■ Global – global spare■ None – unassigned

Speed values include:

■ Async – SCSI Asynchronous■ SYNC – SCSI Synchronous■ 20MB – SCSI Ultra■ 40MB – SCSI Ultra Wide■ 80MB – SCSI Ultra2■ 160MB – SCSI 160■ 320MB – SCSI Ultra3■ 100MB – FC 1GB/s■ 200MB – FC 2 GB/s

Status values include:

■ Online – in good condition■ Global – global spare■ Stand-By – standby for global or local spare■ Initing – initialization in progress■ Rebuild – rebuild in progress■ Adding – adding disk in progress■ In_Clone – drive is in process of cloning another drive■ Forclone – drive is a valid clone of another drive■ Copying – drive is in process of copying from another drive■ New – new disk that has not been configured■ Used – contains RAID meta data■ Bad – failed disk■ Absent – disk does not exist■ Missing – configured disk is missing■ SB-Miss – configured spare drive is missing■ FRMT – drive was part of a logical drive that no longer exists, but the controller

still recognizes the logical drive data format contained on it■ None – not assigned■ Good – no operation in progress■ M – media check in progress

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 97

show led-status


The show led-status command displays the status of the LED adjacent to the specified disk drive slot in the array enclosure or expansion chassis. Returned values include on and off. If the value is on, the LED of the specified drive is amber. If the value is off, the LED of the specified drive is green if it is working properly.

Note – This command does not support Sun StorEdge 3510 FC or Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA JBOD devices.


To display the status of LEDs in LVD RAID enclosures, use the following syntax.

To show the status of LVD JBOD enclosures, use the following syntax.


show led-status

show led-status disk

show led-status {slot n | disk sdn | disk cXtYdZ}

TABLE 3-12 Arguments for show led-status

Argument Description

slot n Shows the status for the LED adjacent to the specified disk drive slot. This argument is not accepted for RAID controllers.

disk sdn Shows the status for the LED adjacent to the specified Solaris disk drive slot. This argument is not accepted for split-bus configurations.

disk cXtYdZ Shows the status for the LED adjacent to the specified Solaris disk drive slot. This argument is not accepted for split-bus configurations. Shows the status for the LED adjacent to the specified drive within a RAID array.

98 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example shows the status of the LED adjacent to the disk assigned to drive slot 3 for an expansion chassis.

The following example shows the status of the LED adjacent to the disk assigned to drive slot 2 for the RAID array.

unconfigure global-spare


The unconfigure global-spare command unconfigures a global spare disk.




The following example unconfigures disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 as a global spare.

sccli> show led-status slot 3(enclosure sn 002A4C) led-slot-3: on

sccli> show led-status disk 2.0 (enclosure sn 002A4C) led-slot-0: off

unconfigure global-spare disk

TABLE 3-13 Arguments for unconfigure global-spare

Argument Description

disk Specify the disk to unconfigure. For example, specify the disk with target ID 1 on channel 2 as 2.1.

# sccli c2t0d0 unconfigure global-spare 2.5

Chapter 3 Controller and Disk Commands 99

100 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Channel Commands

This chapter provides the available host and drive channel commands with sample code.

Note – To prevent unauthorized access to administrative functions of the RAID controller, the CLI requires superuser or system administrator privileges for inband access, and uses the controller password to authorize users of the out-of-band interface.

Note – If no command is entered on the command line, the CLI enters an interactive mode, prompting you to enter commands until the quit command is entered. All commands operate on the currently selected device.


Channel CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ configure channel■ set drive-parameters■ set host-parameters■ set inter-controller-link■ show channels■ show drive-parameters■ show host-parameters■ show inter-controller-link

configure channel


Caution – Sun StorEdge arrays are preconfigured with host, drive, and redundant controller communication (RCCOM) channel settings. The CLI cannot configure or show RCCOM channels. Before configuring a host or drive channel, review the channel assignments using the firmware application to ensure RCCOM channels are not overwritten. In a redundant-controller configuration, if the RCCOM channel settings are overwritten using the CLI configure channel command, intercontroller communication stops and unexpected results might occur. For more information about RCCOM and the default channel settings, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

The configure channel command configures a host or drive channel and establishes channel IDs on the primary and secondary controller. The most common reason to change a channel setting is to change a host channel to a drive channel to attach expansion units to a RAID array. After a channel configuration change, the RAID controller must be reset.

Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers. After running a reset command, to stay in prompt mode, run the select command to reselect the device.

102 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Note – If a primary ID is not mapped to a channel, and a secondary ID is mapped, “Async” displays in the Speed field when the show channels command is run. For details, see “show channels” on page 110.




The following example sets the channel mode as host and resets the controller immediately.

configure channel channel [{host|drive}] [primary-id target-list] [secondary-id target-list] [-r | --reset]

TABLE 4-1 Arguments for configure channel

Argument Description

channel channel Specify the physical drive channel. Use the following format: {p}[,..{q}[,….{n}]]. Valid values include 0–5 or 0–7.

[host | drive] Specify whether the channel is used to interface with a host or a disk drive. If the channel is configured as a host channel, multiple IDs can be applied. However, if the channel is configured as a drive channel, only one ID can be applied.

primary-id target-list

Specify one or more comma-separated target IDs for the primary controller on the specified channel. Specify None if you do not want to configure a primary ID. primary-id can be abbreviated pid. Valid values: None (no ID configured), 0–15 for SCSI devices, and 0–125 for FC and SATA devices.

secondary-id target-list

Specify one or more comma-separated target IDs for the secondary controller. Specify None if you do not want to configure a secondary ID. secondary-id can be shortened to sid. Valid values: None (no ID configured), 0–15 for SCSI devices, and 0–125 for FC and SATA devices.

[-r | --reset] Specify that the controller reset immediately so that the specified changes take effect. By default, the specified changes do not take effect until a reset controller command is issued.

# sccli c2t0d0 configure channel 0 mode host --reset

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 103

The following example sets the channel primary ID as 112 and the secondary ID as 114 and 115.

set drive-parameters


The set drive-parameters command sets the specified RAID controller parameters that affect the operation of drive channels. For details about configuring a drive channel, see “configure channel” on page 102.

Caution – Do not change the scsi-io-timeout argument. Setting the timeout to a lower value causes the controller to judge a drive as failed while a drive is still retrying or while a drive is unable to arbitrate the SCSI bus. Setting the timeout to a greater value causes the controller to keep waiting for a drive, and it might cause a host timeout.


# sccli c2t0d0 configure channel 0 primary-id 112 secondary-id 114,115

set drive-parameters parameter-name value

104 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


TABLE 4-2 Arguments for set drive-parameters

Argument Description

scsi-io-timeout Specify the time interval for the controller to wait for a disk drive to respond. If the controller attempts to read data from or write data to a drive but the drive does not respond within the SCSI I/O timeout value, the drive is considered a failed drive. Valid values: 500ms, 1s, 2s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s (default).

spin-up {enabled | disabled}

This parameter is reserved and should be used only by qualified technicians. Specify whether the disk drives are powered up sequentially when the array powers up. When the power supply is unable to provide sufficient current for all physical drives and controllers that are powered on at the same time, spinning-up the physical drives serially requires less current. Valid values: enabled, disabled.


Specify the amount of time that the controller waits before it tries to access the physical drives after power-on. The default value is 15 seconds. Valid values: 0s, 5s, 10s, 15s (default), ...75s (increments of 5 between 0–75).

queue-depth Specify the maximum queue depth (tag count) that the controller uses when queuing commands for each disk drive. To indicate that the queue depth value can be computed automatically, specify the value 0. The default value is 32. Valid values: 0 (disable), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.


Specify the interval at which the array controller polls the disk drives. The default value is 0 (disabled), which means if there is no activity on the bus, the controller does not know if a drive has failed or has been removed. Setting an interval enables the program to detect a drive failure when there is no array activity; however, performance is degraded. Valid values: 0 (disable), 500ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s.


Specify the interval at which the array controller polls the SAF-TE or SES environmental services processor in the enclosure. The default value of 0 specifies that polling is disabled. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 60s.

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 105


The following example sets the SCSI I/O timeout to 30 seconds.

The following example sets the queue depth to 32 (the default value).

The following example sets the interval of drive polling to 10 seconds and disables SMART monitoring.


Specify the interval between checks to determine if a failed drive has been physically replaced. The default value of 0 specifies that auto-detecting is disabled. Valid values: 0, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 60s.

smart Specify whether the disk drives perform predictive failure (SMART) analysis. Valid values: disabled, detect-only, detect-perpetual-clone, detect-clone-replace.• Detect-only predicts symptoms of drive failure, but only writes

an error message to the controller event log.• Detect-perpetual-clone detects future problems and clones a

spare drive so that it is ready when failure does occur. The spare drive stays mirrored to the source drive (the drive whose failure has been predicted) but does not replace it until the source drive fails.

• Detect-clone-replace detects future problems, clones a spare drive, and immediately uses the cloned drive to replace the source drive whose failure is predicted.

auto-global-spare {enabled | disabled}

Specify whether the RAID controller automatically allocates disk drives as global spares. When you enable this option, the system automatically assigns a global spare to the unassigned drive with the lowest drive ID. This enables the array to use the global spare to rebuild a logical drive automatically without user intervention when a failing drive needs to be replaced. Valid values: enabled, disabled.

# sccli c2t0d0 set drive-parameters scsi-io-timeout 30s

# sccli c2t0d0 set drive-parameters queue-depth 32

# sccli c2t0d0 set drive-parameters poll-interval 10s smart disabled

TABLE 4-2 Arguments for set drive-parameters (Continued)

Argument Description

106 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

set host-parameters


The set host-parameters command sets the specified host-channel related parameters including the maximum number of LUNs per target address, queue depth, inband management access, and the FC connection mode (FC and SATA devices only). For details about configuring a host channel, see “configure channel” on page 102.

Note – If inband management is disabled by Sun StorEdge CLI, the firmware application, or Sun StorEdge Configuration Service (SSCS), and a user attempts to use inband management, the message “RAID controller not responding” displays when a command is run. If this occurs, use out-of-band management to access Sun StorEdge CLI. For details, see “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10.


set host-parameters [queue-depth value] [max-luns-per-id value] [fibre-connection-mode] [inband-management value]

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 107



The following example sets the maximum I/O number in the controller queue to 16.

The following example sets the maximum LUN number of each SCSI ID to 8.

TABLE 4-3 Arguments for set host-parameters

Argument Description

max-luns-per-id Specify the maximum number of LUNs that can be assigned to any one host ID (target address). Each time a host channel ID is added, it uses the number of LUNs allocated in this setting. The default setting is 32 LUNs. Valid values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.

queue-depth Specify the maximum number of I/O operations that can be queued simultaneously for a given logical drive. The default value is 1024. Valid values: 0 (auto), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.

fibre-connection-mode FC and SATA devices only. Specify the connection mode. • Loop configures an arbitrated loop, which can be used with Direct

Attached Storage (DAS) or Storage Area Network (SAN) configurations. Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) supports only half-duplex communication, but allows up to eight IDs per channel.

• Point-to-point can be used only with a switched fabric network, also called a Storage Area Network (SAN) configuration. Point-to-Point protocol supports full duplex communication, but only allows one ID per channel.

Valid values: loop, point-to-point.

inband-management {enabled | disabled}

Specify whether users can access Sun StorEdge CLI and Sun StorEdge Configuration Service using inband communication over a FC or SCSI channel. If this argument is disabled, out-of-band access must be used. For more information about out-of-band access, see “Device Names for Out-of-Band Communication” on page 10. Valid values: enabled, disabled.

# sccli c2t0d0 set host-parameters queue-depth 16

# sccli c2t0d0 set host-parameters max-luns-per-id 8

108 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

set inter-controller-link


Redundant FC and SATA arrays only. The set inter-controller-link command connects or disconnects an individual port on the upper of lower RAID controller in a redundant-controller configuration. For the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array, the two controllers are effectively disconnected (on that channel) if either one of the two inter-controller links are disconnected because host channels on both Sun StorEdge 3510 FC controllers are controlled by the same port. For the Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array, the command must be run for each individual channel and slot location because host channels on the primary and secondary controller are controlled by different ports.

Caution – If the controllers are not connected, host applications might not experience transparent failover in the event of a controller failure.


Note – icl can be substituted for the keywords inter-controller-link.

set inter-controller-link {upper|lower} channel channel {connected|disconnected}

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 109



The following example disconnects the port on lower channel 1.

The following example sets the port bypass circuit for channel 5 on the upper controller slot to enabled.

show channels


The show channels command displays information about the host and drive channels.

TABLE 4-4 Arguments for set inter-controller-link

Argument Description

{upper | lower} Specify the location of the array controller slot, upper or lower.

channel ch Specify the channel to modify. Valid values: 0, 1, 4, 5.

{connected | disconnected}

Specify the desired state for the port bypass circuit. Usually, all inter-controller links on both the upper and lower controllers are connected. For the Sun StorEdge 3510, disconnecting the upper or lower controller’s inter-controller link on any given host channel breaks the internal connection between the two controllers, and between the upper controller and the external connector on the lower controller and vice versa. For the Sun StorEdge 3511, you must disconnect the upper and lower host channel to disconnect the inter-controller link.Disconnecting the inter-controller link potentially doubles aggregate bandwidth because the controllers do not have to share bandwidth on each channel; and, it also prevents controller failover from working.

# sccli c2t0d0 set inter-controller-link lower channel 1 disconnected

# sccli c2t0d0 set icl upper channel 5 connected

110 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005




The following example returns information for channels 0 and 2.

The following example returns all channel information for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.

Returned Values

Returned values include channel number, channel type, media (node), speed, width, primary ID (PID), and secondary ID (SID).

show channels [channel-list]

TABLE 4-5 Arguments for show channels

Argument Description

channel-list Specify the channel. The format for channel-list is {n}[,...{m}] or a range format “{n}-{m}” or {n}[,...{p}-{m}]. Valid channel numbers include: 0–7 or 0–5 depending on the hardware. If {m} is greater than the largest channel number, information for all the channels is displayed.

# sccli c2t0d0 show channels 0,2

sccli> show channelsCh Type Media Speed Width PID / SID-------------------------------------------- 0 Host FC(L) 2G Serial 40 / 41 1 Host FC(L) 2G Serial 43 / 42 2 Drive FC(L) 2G Serial 14 / 15 3 Drive FC(L) 2G Serial 14 / 15 4 Host FC(L) 2G Serial 44 / 45 5 Host FC(L) 2G Serial 47 / 46 6 Host LAN N/A Serial NA / NA

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 111

Channel type values include:

■ Host ■ Drive

Media (mode) values include:

■ L – loop mode (FC and SATA only)■ P – point-to-point (FC and SATA only)■ SCSI■ FC■ LAN – network channel

Speed values include:

■ Async – ■ For SCSI, SCSI Asynchronous ■ For FC or SATA, no link or link down

■ SYNC – SCSI Synchronous■ Ultra – SCSI Ultra■ Ultra2 – SCSI Ultra2■ U160 – SCSI U160■ U320 – SCSI U320■ 1G – FC 1GB/s■ 2G – FC 2 GB/s

Note – Speed values are displayed for the primary controller only. Therefore, if a user maps one LUN to the primary controller, and another LUN to a secondary controller, only the established connection to the primary controller is displayed. As a result, if a primary ID is not mapped to a channel, and a secondary ID is mapped, “Async” displays in the Speed field.

PID (primary ID) / SID (secondary ID) values include:

■ SCSI 0-15

■ FC and SATA 0-125

■ When multiple IDs exist for the primary ID or secondary ID, an asterisk (*) displays in the PID or SID field.

show drive-parameters


The show drive-parameters command displays the specified RAID controller parameters pertinent to the operation of disk drives and enclosure services connected to drive channels.

112 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example shows all drive parameters of the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.

Returned Values

The returned values for the show drive-parameters command are described in the following table.

show drive-parameters

sccli> show drive-parameters spin-up: disabled disk-access-delay: 15s scsi-io-timeout: 30s queue-depth: 32 polling-interval: disabled enclosure-polling-interval: 30s auto-detect-swap-interval: disabled smart: disabled auto-global-spare: disabled

TABLE 4-6 Output for show drive-parameters

Field Description

spin-up {enabled | disabled}

Specifies whether the disk drive automatically spins up on power up. Valid values: enabled, disabled.


The delay in seconds or milliseconds before disk access is granted.

scsi-io-timeout Delay in seconds before disk drive I/O timeout. Valid values: 500ms, 1s, 2s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s (default).

queue-depth Maximum queue depth that the controller uses when queuing commands for each disk drive. The default value is 32. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.


Specifies the interval at which the array controller polls the disk drives. Valid values: 0 (disable), 500ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s.

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 113

show host-parameters


The show host-parameters command displays the maximum I/O queue depth per LUN, the number of LUNs that can be configured per target ID, the fibre connection mode (point-to-point or loop for FC and SATA only), and inband management access. To view the partitions mapped to specific host channels, use the show lun-maps command. For details, see “show lun-maps” on page 152.



The following example shows the host parameters for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.


Specifies the interval at which the array controller polls the SAF-TE or SES environmental services processor in the enclosure. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 60s.


Interval (in milliseconds) between checks to determine if a failed drive has been physically replaced. The default value of 0 specifies that auto-detecting is disabled. Valid values: 0, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 60s.

smart Determines whether the disk drives perform predictive failure analysis. Valid values: disabled, detect-only, detect-perpetual-clone, detect-clone-replace.

auto-global-spare {enabled | disabled}

Specifies whether the RAID controller automatically allocates disk drives as global spares. Valid values: enabled, disabled.

show host-parameters

sccli> show host-parameters max-luns-per-id: 32 queue-depth: 1024 fibre-connection-mode:loop inband-management: enabled

TABLE 4-6 Output for show drive-parameters (Continued)

Field Description

114 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example shows the host parameters for a Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array.

show inter-controller-link


Redundant FC and SATA arrays only. The show inter-controller-link command displays the status of the port bypass circuit for the specified channel on the array controller in the upper or lower slot. If specified, the arguments must specify an array controller slot location and a channel specifier. If no arguments are specified, the upper and lower slots of channels 0, 1, 4, and 5 are displayed.


Note – icl can be substituted for the keywords inter-controller-link.


sccli> show host-parameters max-luns-per-id: 32 queue-depth: 1024 inband-management: enabled

show inter-controller-link {upper | lower} channel ch

TABLE 4-7 Arguments for show inter-controller-link

Argument Description

{upper | lower} Specify the upper or lower controller slot in the chassis to which the command is directed.

channel ch Specify the channel number of the inter-controller link.

Chapter 4 Channel Commands 115


The following example shows the inter-controller links for channels 0, 1, 4, and 5.

# sccli show inter-controller-link inter-controller-link upper channel 0: connected inter-controller-link lower channel 0: connected inter-controller-link upper channel 1: connected inter-controller-link lower channel 1: connected inter-controller-link upper channel 4: connected inter-controller-link lower channel 4: connected inter-controller-link upper channel 5: connected inter-controller-link lower channel 5: connected

116 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands

This chapter provides the available CLI commands with sample code for logical drives, partitions, and logical volumes. Topics covered in this chapter include:

■ “Logical Drive Commands” on page 118■ “Partition Commands” on page 148■ “Logical Volume Commands” on page 157

Note – To prevent unauthorized access to administrative functions of the RAID controller, the CLI requires superuser or system administrator privileges for inband access, and uses the controller password to authorize users of the out-of-band interface.

Note – If no device is specified on the command line, and more than one array is connected to the host, a menu of devices is presented with one device file name for each array. If there is only one Sun StorEdge array device connected to the host, that device is selected automatically.

Note – Logical drive indexes can change whenever a logical drive is deleted, while a logical drive identifier never changes over the life of the logical drive.


Logical Drive CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ abort create■ abort expand■ abort media-check■ abort parity-check■ abort rebuild■ add disk■ check parity■ check media■ configure local-spare■ create logical-drive■ delete logical-drive■ expand■ rebuild■ set logical-drive■ show disks logical-drive■ show logical-drive■ show logical-drives expanding■ show logical-drives initializing■ show logical-drives logical volume■ show logical-drives parity-check■ show logical-drives rebuilding■ show media-check■ show stripe-size-list■ shutdown logical-drive■ unconfigure local-spare

abort create


The abort create command stops the creation of a logical drive.

To create a logical drive, use the create logical-drive command. For details, see “create logical-drive” on page 127. To view logical drives, use the show logical-drive command. For details, see “show logical-drive” on page 137.


abort create {ld-index | ld-id}

118 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example stops the creation of logical drive 8.

abort expand


The abort expand command stops the expansion of a logical drive.

To expand a logical drive, use the expand command. For details, see “expand” on page 131. To view the progress of an expansion, use the show logical-drives expanding command. For details, see “show logical-drives expanding” on page 139.



TABLE 5-1 Arguments for abort create

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

sccli> abort create ld8

abort expand {ld-index | ld-id}

TABLE 5-2 Arguments for abort expand

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 119


The following example stops the expansion of logical drive 8.

abort media-check


The abort media-check command stops a media check on specified disks or all member disks of the specified logical drive.

When a logical drive is created, or the controller is reset, the check media command automatically starts and runs continuously until the abort media-check command is issued. If the controller is reset, the check media command starts again automatically. If you do not want the media check to run continuously, each time the controller is reset or a logical drive is created, run the abort media-check command. For more information on the check media command, see “check media” on page 123.

Note – The front-panel LEDs for the drives being checked will blink until the media check is finished or aborted. For more information about LEDs, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation, Operation, and Service Manual for your array.



sccli> abort expand ld8

abort media-check {disk-list | ld-index | ld-id}

TABLE 5-3 Arguments for abort media-check

Argument Description

disk-list Shows specific disks. Use any of the following formats:, ch.idm-n. ch is physical device channel and id is the SCSI ID of the device and m to n represents a contiguous range of IDs on the same channel. For example, 2.0, 2.3 or 2.2-5.

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

120 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example stops the media check for all member disks of logical drive 5.

abort parity-check


The abort parity-check command stops the parity check on the specified logical drive.

To check parity, use the check-parity command. For details, see “check parity” on page 124. To view the progress of a parity check, use the show logical-drives parity-check command. For details, see “show logical-drives parity-check” on page 143.




The following example stops the parity check on logical drive 0.

abort rebuild


The abort rebuild command stops the rebuilding of a logical drive.

sccli> abort media-check ld5

abort parity-check {ld-index | ld-id}

TABLE 5-4 Arguments for abort parity-check

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

sccli> abort parity-check ld0

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 121

To rebuild a logical drive, use the rebuild command. For details, see “rebuild” on page 133. To view the progress of an expansion, use the show logical-drives rebuilding command. For details, see “show logical-drives rebuilding” on page 143.




The following example stops rebuilding logical drive 4.

add disk


The add disk command adds one disk or a list of disks to the specified logical drive. The disks must not be members of a logical drive. If you try to add a disk to an unsupported RAID level, an error returns.


abort rebuild {ld-index | ld-id}

TABLE 5-5 Arguments for abort rebuild

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

sccli> abort rebuild ld4

add disk {ld-index | ld-id} {disk-list}

122 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example adds two disks to logical drive 2.

check media


The check media command sequentially checks each physical drive in a specified logical drive, block by block, for bad blocks. If a bad block is encountered, the controller rebuilds the data from the bad block onto a good block if one is available on the physical drive. If no good blocks are available on the physical drive, the controller designates the physical drive “Bad,” generates an event message, and if a spare drive is available, begins rebuilding data from the bad physical drive onto the spare.

When a logical drive is created, or the controller is reset, this command automatically starts and runs continuously. Use the show media-check command to review the progress of the media check. For details, see “show media-check” on page 144.

You can use the abort media-check command to stop a media check. However, the next time the controller is reset, the media check starts again. For details, see “abort media-check” on page 120.

It is useful to run a media scan if a drive has failed, if drive errors are encountered, or when a rebuild is required after replacing a drive. You might want to run a nightly script to execute the check media command rather then running the command continuously.

TABLE 5-6 Arguments for add disk

Argument Description

disk-list Adds specific disks. Use any of the following formats:, ch.idm-n. ch is physical device channel, id is the SCSI ID of the device, and m to n represents a contiguous range of IDs on the same channel. For example, 2.0, 2.3 or 2.2-5.

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

sccli> add disk ld2 d0.0 d0.1

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 123

Note – The front-panel LEDs for the drives being checked will blink until the media check is finished or aborted. For more information about LEDs, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation, Operation, and Service Manual for your array.




The following example checks all member disks of logical drive 5.

check parity


The check parity command checks the integrity of redundant data on fault-tolerant logical drives. A qualified logical drive must be configured as a RAID1, RAID3, or RAID5 array. For RAID 3 and 5 configurations, the parity checking procedure on a logical drive recalculates the parity of data stripes in each of the logical drive’s RAID stripe sets and compares it with the stored parity. If a discrepancy is found, an error is reported and the new correct parity is substituted for the stored parity. For RAID 1 configurations, if an inconsistency is encountered,

check media {ld-index | ld-id} [priority][continuous]

TABLE 5-7 Arguments for check media

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

priority Specify the priority of the disk check. Valid values: low, normal, improved, high. For example, specify low to have the media check occur after other firmware processes complete. The higher the priority selected, the greater amount of system resources required to perform the media check. Specify low to have the check occur using minimal system resources.

continuous Specify continuous to run a media check at all times.

sccli> check media ld5

124 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

data is copied from the master disk to the slave disk. If a bad block is encountered when the parity is regenerated, the data is copied from the other disk, master or slave, to the reporting disk drive reallocating the bad block.

Note – You cannot check parity on multiple logical drives simultaneously. If you try to run multiple parity checks at the same time, an error is displayed.

To view the progress of a parity check, use the show logical-drives parity-check command. For details, see “show logical-drives parity-check” on page 143. To cancel the parity check, use the abort parity-check command. For details, see “abort parity-check” on page 121.




To check parity and view the parity status for logical drive 0, type:

check parity {ld-index | ld-id} [check-only] [verbose]

TABLE 5-8 Arguments for check parity

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

check-only Specify check-only to indicate that if an inconsistency is found, parity regeneration is not performed.

verbose Specify verbose to generate events when an inconsistency is encountered.

sccli> check parity ld0sccli> show ld parity-checkLD LD-ID Status------------------------ld0 627D800A 2% complete

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 125

configure local-spare


The configure local-spare command specifies a local spare disk as a dedicated spare disk for the specified logical drive. The disk drive status is set to standby. Local spares can only be assigned to logical drives in RAID1, RAID3, and RAID5 arrays.

Note – You cannot create a logical drive composed of Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA drives. If you try to mix drive types in a logical drive, by configuring a local spare with a different drive type, an error is displayed. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.




The following example configures disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 as a local spare for the logical drive with index number 2.

The following example configures disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 as a local spare for the logical drive with ID 2C33AAEA.

configure local-spare disk [ld-index | ld-id]

TABLE 5-9 Arguments for configure local-spare

Argument Description

disk Specify the disk to configure. For example, specify the disk with target ID 1 on channel 2 as 2.1.

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

# sccli c2t0d0 configure local-spare 2.5 ld2

# sccli c2t0d0 configure local-spare 2.5 2C33AAEA

126 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

create logical-drive


The create logical-drive command creates a logical drive with the specified RAID level and disk drives, assigns the logical drive to the primary or secondary RAID controller, assigns the global spare drives, sets the stripe size, sets the maximum disk capacity per drive, sets the cache write policy, and sets the logical drive initialization mode.

When a logical drive is created, the check media command automatically starts and runs continuously unless the abort media-check command is issued. For more information, see “check media” on page 123.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes. For more information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.

Note – You cannot create a logical drive composed of Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA drives. If you try to mix drive types in a logical drive, an error is displayed. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

Note – All device capacity is displayed in powers of 1024. For details, see “Device Capacity” on page 14.

Stripe Size

Depending on the optimization mode and RAID level selected, newly created logical drives are configured with the default stripe sizes shown in the following table.

TABLE 5-10 Default Stripe Size Per Optimization Mode (Kbyte)

RAID Level Sequential I/O Random I/O

0, 1, 5 128 32

3 16 4

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 127

Note – Default stripe sizes optimize performance for most applications.

When you create a logical drive, you can replace the default stripe size with one that better suits your application.

■ For sequential optimization, available stripe size choices include 16 Kbyte, 32 Kbyte, 64 Kbyte, 128 Kbyte, and 256 Kbyte.

■ For random optimization, available stripe size choices include 4 Kbyte, 8 Kbyte, 16 Kbyte, 32 Kbyte, 64 Kbyte, 128 Kbyte, and 256 Kbyte.

To view the optimization mode, type show cache-parameters. For more information about optimization modes, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.

Note – Once data is written to logical drives, the only way to change the stripe size is to back up all data to another location, delete all logical configurations of drives, reconfigure the logical drive with the stripe size, and reboot the array.



create logical-drive raid-level disk-list [assigned-to] [global-spare {disk-list}] [stripe-size {size}] [max-disk-capacity{size}] [write-policy] [mode]

TABLE 5-11 Arguments for create logical-drive

Argument Description

raid-level Specify the RAID level to assign to the logical drive. Valid values: raid0, raid1, raid3, raid5, raid1+, raid3+, raid5+. The plus (+) sign includes a local spare. The local spare is randomly chosen from the disk-list.

disk-list Specify a comma-separated list of IDs to use for the RAID set and the local spare, if specified. Use the show disks free command to determine which disks are available.

assigned-to Specify primary to map the logical drive to the primary controller (default). Specify secondary to map the logical drive to the secondary controller. Valid values: primary, secondary.

128 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

global-spare {disk-list}

Specify a list of drives to use as global spares, for example, d0:1,d0:2-3. When you assign a global spare, the system automatically assigns global spare status to the unassigned drive with the lowest drive ID. This enables the array to use the global spare to rebuild a logical drive automatically without user intervention when a failing drive needs to be replaced.

stripe-size Specify the stripe block size in a multiple of 4. Valid values: 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k, 128k, 256k. Depending on the RAID level and cache optimization setting, some of the values may not be available for your configuration. To view the valid values for a specific RAID level, use the show stripe-size-list command. For details, see “show stripe-size-list” on page 145. If no stripe size is specified, the default value is used.

max-disk-capacity nMB

Allocates only nMB of each drive, instead of the entire drive; the remaining space on the drives can be used to expand the logical drive later. Include a MB or GB suffix with the specified parameter. The default value is the maximum capacity of the logical drive.

size nMB An alternative to the max-disk-capacity keyword that specifies the total usable size of the resulting logical drive. The logical drive can be expanded later until it fills the capacity of all the member drives.

write-policy Specify the logical drive cache policy. Valid values: write-back, write-through. If you do not specify a write policy, the logical drive uses the write policy specified for the controller. If the write policy changes for the controller, the write policy automatically changes for the logical drive as well. To set the controller write policy, use the set cache-parameters command. For details, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.

mode Specify the initialization mode. The default value is online. Because logical drive initialization can take up to several hours, you can choose to initialize a logical drive online to immediately begin configuring and using the logical drive before initialization is complete. However, because the controller is building the logical drive while performing I/O operations, initializing a logical drive online requires more time than offline initialization.Specify offline to manually bring the drive online. If you do not select online initialization, you can configure and use the drive only after initialization is complete. Because the controller is building the logical drive without having to also perform I/O operations, offline initialization requires less time than online initialization.Valid values: online, offline.

TABLE 5-11 Arguments for create logical-drive (Continued)

Argument Description

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 129


The following example creates a logical drive as RAID 1 with disks 1 through 4 on channel 2 on the primary controller. Channel 2 ID 0 is assigned as the global spare.

The following example creates a 10-Gbyte RAID 5 volume using six disk drives (disks with IDs 0 to 5 on channel 2), one of which is reserved as a global spare for this logical drive.

The following example creates a logical drive as RAID 1 with disks 1, 3, and 4 on channel 2 on the primary controller. Channel 2 ID 0 is assigned as the global spare, and each disk drive uses 1000-Mbyte capacity to build the RAID.

delete logical-drive


The delete logical-drive command deletes the specified logical drives and unmaps all partitions of the logical drive from all host channels, and disassociates all disks that are assigned to the logical drive.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes. For more information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.

Note – Before you can delete a logical drive, you must unmap all assigned LUNs. To review LUN maps, see “show lun-maps” on page 152.

# sccli c2t0d0 create logical-drive raid1 2.1-4 primary global-spare 2.0

# sccli c2t0d0 create logical-drive raid5 size 10gb global-spare 2.0-5

# sccli c2t0d0 create logical-drive 1 2.1,2.3,2.4 primary global-spare 2.0 max-disk-capacity 1000MB

130 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005




The following example deletes the logical drive with the logical drive index number 2.

The following example deletes the logical drive with the logical drive ID number 3C24554F.



The expand command expands a logical drive or logical volume to the specified size. The available expansion capacity is the maximum available free disk space per physical drive, based on the smallest physical drive in the logical drive. The total amount of capacity that is added to the logical drive is calculated automatically based on the RAID level. RAID levels 0, 1, 3, and 5 support expansion. For more information on how the expansion size is calculated, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

Note – To expand a logical volume, you must first expand the logical drives that make up the logical volume.

delete logical-drive {ld-index | ld-id}

TABLE 5-12 Arguments for delete logical-drive

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

# sccli c2t0d0 delete logical-drive ld2

# sccli c2t0d0 delete logical-drive 3C24554F

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 131

Note – To expand a logical drive with a local spare assigned, you must remove the local spare, and then expand the logical drive. Since local spares are dedicated to a specific logical drive, if you expand the logical drive size, the spare drive can no longer accommodate the size of the expanded logical drive.

Note – All device capacity is displayed in powers of 1024. For details, see “Device Capacity” on page 14.



expand {ld-index | lv-index | ld-id | lv-id} size [online|offline]

TABLE 5-13 Arguments for expand

Argument Description

lv-index Specify a comma-separated list of logical volume indexes, for example, lv0,lv1,lv2.

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

lv-id Specify a logical volumes using an eight-digit hexadecimal logical volume ID, for example, 3C24554F.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

size nMB Specify the total usable size of the resulting logical drive. The logical drive can be expanded until it fills the capacity of all the member drives. The size you specify is added to each physical drive in the logical drive. Specify the size followed by KB, MB, or GB.

online|offline Specify the expansion mode. The default value is online. Because logical drive expansion can take up to several hours, you can choose to expand a logical drive online to immediately begin configuring and using the logical drive before expansion is complete. However, because the controller is expanding the logical drive while performing I/O operations, expanding a logical drive online requires more time than offline expansion.Specify offline to configure and use the drive only after expansion is complete. Because the controller is expanding the logical drive without having to also perform I/O operations, offline expansion requires less time than online expansion.Valid values: online, offline.

132 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example expands each physical drive in logical drive 5 to 36 Gbyte and brings the logical drive online.



The rebuild command rebuilds the specified logical drive. RAID levels 1, 3, and 5 are supported. If you attempt to perform the rebuild command on an unsupported RAID level or if no spare drives are available, an error is returned.

In most cases, you do not need to use this command because replaced drives are automatically rebuilt. If a spare is not present when the failure occurs, or for some reason the drive does not rebuild, you can use this command to manually start the rebuild process. Also, if the rebuild process is interrupted by a reset, use this command to restart the rebuilding process.

The time required to rebuild a logical drive is determined by the size of the logical drive, the I/O that is being processed by the controller and the array’s rebuild priority setting. To review the rebuild priority, run the show disk-array command. For details, see “show disk-array” on page 94.



sccli> expand ld5 36GB online

rebuild [ld-index | ld-id]

TABLE 5-14 Arguments for rebuild

Argument Description

ld-index Rebuild a specific logical drive. The index number is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-drive command to find the number.

ld-id Rebuild a specific logical drive. The ID is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-drive command to find the number.

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 133


The following example rebuilds logical drive 0.

set logical-drive


The set logical-drive command sets the write policy for a logical drive. Before using this command, you must create a logical drive. For details, see “create logical-drive” on page 127.



Caution – In a single-controller configuration, if you set the cache policy to write-back, data corruption might occur in the event of a controller failure. To avoid the possibility of data corruption, set the write policy to write-through.

# sccli c2t0d0 rebuild ld0

set logical-drive {ld-index | ld-id} write-policy

TABLE 5-15 Arguments for set logical-drive

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

write-policy Set the write policy for the logical drive. Valid values: write-back, write-through. If you do not specify a write policy, the logical drive uses the write policy specified for the controller. If the write policy changes for the controller, the write policy automatically changes for the logical drive as well. To set the controller write policy, use the set cache-parameters command. For details, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.

134 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example sets the write policy for logical drive 0 to write-back.

show disks logical-drive


The show disks command displays information about the disk drives in the specified logical drive. Returned values include: channel number, SCSI ID, size (MB), speed, logical drive index, logical drive ID that the disk is assigned to, status, vendor, and revision.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes. For more information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.


Note – ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


sccli> set logical-drive ld0 write-back

show disks [logical-drive {ld-index | ld-id}]

TABLE 5-16 Arguments for show disks logical-drive

Argument Description

ld-index Show a specific logical drive. The index number is generated from the CLI. Values range from 0 to 31. Use the show logical-drive command to find the number.

ld-id Show a specific logical drive. The ID is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-drive command to find the number.

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 135


The following example returns all logical drive disks with the logical drive ID of 13843684.

The following example returns all logical drive disks with a logical drive index of 0.

Returned Values

The returned values for the show disks command are described in the following section.

Speed values include:

■ Async – SCSI Asynchronous■ SYNC – SCSI Synchronous■ 20MB – SCSI Ultra■ 40MB – SCSI Ultra Wide■ 80MB – SCSI Ultra2■ 160MB – SCSI 160■ 320MB – SCSI Ultra3■ 100MB – FC 1GB/s

sccli> show disks logical-drive 13843684Ch Id Size Speed LD LD-ID Status IDs Rev------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 33.92GB 160MB ld0 13843684 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336607LSUN36G 0307 S/N 3JA1BJ2P00007338 0 1 33.92GB 160MB ld0 13843684 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336607LSUN36G 0307 S/N 3JA1C2E600007339 0 2 33.92GB 160MB ld0 13843684 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336607LSUN36G 0307 S/N 3JA22Z0A00007351 0 3 33.92GB 160MB ld0 13843684 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336607LSUN36G 0307 S/N 3JA230NL00007351

sccli> show disks ld ld0Ch Id Size Speed LD LD-ID Status IDs Rev------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 6 33.92GB 200MB ld0 161637C1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YEJT00007349 2 7 33.92GB 200MB ld0 161637C1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0Y6J300007349 2 8 33.92GB 200MB ld0 161637C1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YC1Y00007349 2 9 33.92GB 200MB ld0 161637C1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0Y7W100007349

136 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ 200MB – FC 2 GB/s

Status values include:

■ Online – in good condition■ Global – global spare■ Stand-By – standby for global or local spare■ Initing – initialization in progress■ Rebuild – rebuild in progress■ New – new disk that has not been configured■ Used – contains RAID meta data■ Bad – failed disk■ Absent – disk does not exist■ Missing – configured disk is missing■ SB-Miss – configured spare drive is missing■ None – not assigned■ Good – no operation in progress

show logical-drive


The show logical-drive command displays information about specified logical drives. For details on creating logical drives, see “create logical-drive” on page 127.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes. For more information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.

Note – If no write policy is specified for the logical drive, the write policy is set to the global controller setting and “Default” displays in the Write-Policy field. To view the controller write policy, run the show cache-parameters command. For more information about the cache policy, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.


show logical-drive [ld-list]

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 137

Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


If no options are specified, all logical drives are displayed.


The following example returns all logical drive information.

The following example returns all logical drives with logical drive index numbers 0 and 1.

Returned Values

Returned values include LD index, LD ID, size (MB or GB), controller assignment, RAID level, number of disks, number of spares, number of failed disks, status, write policy type, block size (KB), and block status.

Status values include:

■ Good – no reported failures■ Good I – online initialization or expansion in progress■ Good E – offline expansion in progress

TABLE 5-17 Arguments for show logical-drive

Argument Description

ld-list Specify a list of logical drives.

sccli> show ldLD LD-ID Size Assigned Type Disks Spare Failed Status------------------------------------------------------------------------ld0 161637C1 101.00GB Primary RAID5 4 1 0 Good Write-Policy Default StripeSize 128KB

sccli> show logical-drive ld0,ld1LD LD-ID Size Assigned Type Disks Spare Failed Status------------------------------------------------------------------------ld0 250FF1DC 30MB Primary RAID5 4 2 0 Good Write-Policy Default StripeSize 128KBld1 363F38D9 67.34GB Primary RAID3 3 2 0 Good Write-Policy Default StripeSize 16KB

138 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ Initing – initialization in progress■ Initing I – offline initialization in progress■ Incomplete – two or more drives failed■ Invalid – wrong optimization setting■ Drv Failed – drive failed■ Drv Absent – drive not detected■ Rebuilding – rebuild in progress■ P – parity check in progress■ E – expand in progress■ I – online initialization in progress■ A – adding disk in progress■ AP – adding disk paused

show logical-drives add-disk


The show logical-drives add-disk command displays the status of disks that are being added to a logical drive. Returned values include LD index, LD ID, and progress. For details on the add disk command, see “add disk” on page 122.


Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


The following example returns the completion percentage for the disks that are being added.

show logical-drives expanding


The show logical-drives expanding command displays the progress of the logical drive expansion. Returned values include LD index, LD ID, and progress. For details on expanding logical drives, see “expand” on page 131.

show logical-drives add-disk

# sccli c2t0d0 show logical-drives add-disk

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 139


Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


The following example returns the completion percentage for the logical drive expansion.

show logical-drives initializing


The show logical-drives initializing command displays the progress of the RAID controller initialization. Returned values include LD index, LD ID, and progress.


Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.

show logical-drives expanding

sccli> show logical-drives expandingLD LD-ID Status------------------------ld0 250FF1DC 60% complete (offline)

show logical-drives initializing

140 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example returns the completion percentage of the RAID controller for all logical drives.

show logical-drives logical volume


The show logical-drives logical-volume command displays information for all logical drives in a specified logical volume.

Caution – Any time logical volumes are created or deleted, the numbering of logical volume indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical volumes, issue a show logical-volumes command to view an updated list of logical volume indexes. Or, use logical volume IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical volume, rather than logical volume indexes. For more information, see “Logical Volume Syntax” on page 13.

Note – If no write policy is specified for the logical drive, the write policy is set to the global controller setting and “Default” displays in the Write-Policy field. To view the controller write policy, run the show cache-parameters command. For more information about the cache policy, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.


Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive. The abbreviation lv can be substituted for the keyword logical-volume.

sccli> show ld initializingLD LD-ID Status------------------------ld1 59839F65 10% complete (online)

show logical-drives logical-volume {lv-index | lv-id}

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 141



The following example returns all logical drives with the logical volume ID of 12345678.

The following example shows all logical drives in the logical volume with the ID of 0.

Returned Values

Returned values include LD index, LD ID, RAID level, size (GB), status, number of disks, number of spares, and number of failed disks.

Status values include:

■ Good – in good condition■ Initing – the logical drive is initializing■ Incomplete – two or more drives failed■ Invalid – wrong optimization setting■ Drv Failed – drive failed■ Drv Absent – drive not detected

TABLE 5-18 Arguments for show logical-drives logical volume

Argument Description

lv-index Show specific drives in a logical volume. The index number is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-volumes command to find the number.

lv-id Show specific drives in a logical volume. The ID number is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-volumes command to find the number

# sccli c2t0d0 show logical-drives logical-volume 12345678

sccli> show ld lv lv0LD LD-ID Size Assigned Type Disks Spare Failed Status------------------------------------------------------------------------ld1 363F38D9 67.34GB Primary RAID3 3 2 0 Good Write-Policy Default StripeSize 16KB

142 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show logical-drives parity-check


The show logical-drives check-parity command displays the status of a parity check being performed on a logical drive. Returned values include LD index, LD ID, and progress. To cancel the parity check, use the abort parity-check command. For details, see “abort parity-check” on page 121.


Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


The following example returns the percent complete for the parity check for logical drive 0.

For details on the check parity command, see “check parity” on page 124.

show logical-drives rebuilding


The show logical-drives rebuilding command displays the status for all logical drives being rebuilt. Returned values include LD index, LD ID, and progress. To cancel the rebuild, use the abort rebuild command. For details, see “abort rebuild” on page 121.


show logical-drives parity-check

sccli> check parity ld0sccli> show ld parity-checkLD LD-ID Status------------------------ld0 627D800A 2% complete

show logical-drives rebuilding

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 143

Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


The following example returns the rebuilding process percent complete for the logical drive.

show media-check


The show media-check command displays the progress of a media check. To cancel the media check, use the abort media-check command. For details, see “abort media-check” on page 120.

Note – The front-panel LEDs for the drives being checked will blink until the media check is finished or aborted. For more information about LEDs, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Installation, Operation, and Service Manual for your array.



The following example shows the progress of the media check.

# sccli c2t0d0 show logical-drives rebuilding

show media-check

sccli> show media-check Ch ID Iteration Status------------------------------ 2 6 0 2% complete 2 7 0 2% complete 2 8 0 2% complete 2 9 0 2% complete

144 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show stripe-size-list


The show stripe-size list command displays the valid stripe block size list for the specified RAID level. To set the stripe size for an individual logical drive, use the create logical-drive command. For details, see “create logical-drive” on page 127.

Note – Once data is written to logical drives, the only way to change the stripe size is to back up all data to another location, delete all logical configurations of drives, reconfigure the logical drive with the stripe size, and reboot the array.




The following example shows the stripe block list for RAID5.

shutdown logical-drive


The shutdown logical-drive command guarantees that all the data is written to the disk drives, so the disk drives can be safely removed from the chassis. Other logical drives in the array are still accessible if only one logical drive is shut down.

show stripe-size-list raid-level

TABLE 5-19 Arguments for show stripe-size-list

Argument Description

raid-level Specify the RAID level to display the corresponding stripe block size. Valid values: raid0, raid1, raid3, raid5.

sccli> show stripe-size-list raid5 raid5-stripe-sizes: 16KB 32KB 64KB 128KB 256KB raid5-stripe-size-default: 128KB

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 145

Caution – This command is not reversible. To access the logical drive again, the array must be rebooted.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes. For more information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.

Note – A logical drive that belongs to a logical volume cannot be shut down.


Note – The abbreviation ld can be substituted for the keyword logical-drive.


shutdown logical-drive ld-index | ld-id

TABLE 5-20 Arguments for shutdown logical-drive

Argument Description

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

146 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example shuts down the logical drive and then shows the status of that drive.

unconfigure local-spare


The unconfigure local-spare command removes a local spare disk as a dedicated spare disk for the specified logical drive.

Caution – Any time logical drives are created or deleted, the numbering of logical drive indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical drives, issue a show logical-drive command to view an updated list of logical drive indexes. Or, use logical drive IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical drive, rather than logical drive indexes. For more information, see “Logical Drive Syntax” on page 12.


sccli> shutdown logical-drive ld3WARNING: This is a potentially dangerous operation.The logical drive will be placed permanently offline.A controller reset will be required to bring it back online.Are you sure? yessccli: ld3: offlined logical drivesccli> show logical-driveLD LD-ID Size Assigned Type Disks Spare Failed Status-------------------------------------------------------------------------ld0 0043BF50 101.01GB Primary RAID0 3 0 0 Goodld1 025E42E1 33.67GB Primary RAID1 2 3 0 Goodld2 05CC1F19 67.34GB Primary NRAID 2 0 0 Goodld3 52AD5DEB 33.67GB Primary NRAID 1 0 0 ShutDown

unconfigure local-spare disk [ld-index | ld-id]

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 147



The following example unconfigures disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 as a local spare for the logical drive with index number 2.

The following example unconfigures disk drive ID 5 on channel 2 as a local spare for the logical drive with ID 2C33AAEA.

Partition CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ configure partition■ map partition■ show lun-maps■ show partitions■ unmap partition

configure partition


The configure partition command specifies how much disk space to assign to the partition or deletes a specified partition. When a logical drive or logical volume is created, it is automatically assigned to partition 0.

TABLE 5-21 Arguments for unconfigure local-spare

Argument Description

disk Specify the disk to unconfigure. For example, specify the disk with target ID 1 on channel 2 as 2.1.

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

# sccli c2t0d0 unconfigure local-spare 2.5 ld2

# sccli c2t0d0 unconfigure local-spare 2.5 2C33AAEA

148 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



Note – All device capacity is displayed in powers of 1024. For details, see “Device Capacity” on page 14.

Note – Changes to a partition cause the next-higher-numbered partition to shrink or grow. Any change in the size of one partition causes the dimensions of the partition next to it to change as well, invalidating whatever data might be stored on both partitions. Before implementing a new partition layout, the layout is displayed and the user is warned that data in the old partitions will be lost. The user is prompted to continue.


The following example creates a partition for a logical drive with a logical drive index number of 2, partition number of 2, and partition size of 4000 Mbyte, and leaves the remaining capacity for the next partition.

configure partition partition [size | delete]

TABLE 5-22 Arguments for configure partition

Argument Description

partition ID Specify a combination of LD-ID/LV-ID and partition-number in XXXXXXXX-PP format where XXXXXXXX represents the Logical Drive/Volume ID, or a combination of LD/LV Index and partition number in ld{X}/lv{X}-PP format where LD/LV Index is the Logical Drive/Volume Index number. PP is a two-digital hexidecimal number that represents the partition number.

size Specify the partition size in MB. For example, 4000MB. To delete a partition, specify a size of 0. Or, use the delete keyword.

delete To delete a partition, specify the delete keyword.

# sccli c2t0d0 configure partition ld2-02 4000MB

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 149

The following example creates a partition for a logical drive with a logical drive ID of 1D2F34AA, partition number of 2, and partition size of 4000 Mbyte, and leaves the remaining capacity for the next partition.

This example deletes a partition from logical drive 0.

map partition


The map partition command maps a partition to the specified host channel, target, and LUN on the specified controller. To review host channel assignments, run the show channels command. For more information, see “show channels” on page 110. To review LUN maps, see “show lun-maps” on page 152.

Note – In redundant-controller configurations, the specified channel and target must be valid on the controller to which the specified logical drive or volume is assigned. For example, to map a partition to the primary controller in a FC array, the logical drive or logical volume must be assigned to a primary channel ID.

Note – A maximum of 32 partitions per logical drive can be created. And, a maximum of 64 host WWN entries can be created.


To map a partition, use the following syntax:

Or, to map a partition, use the following syntax:

# sccli c2t0d0 configure partition 1D2F34AA-02 4000MB

# sccli c2t0d0 configure partition ld0-0 delete

map partition-id channel channel-number target SCSI-id lun lun-number [wwpn | host-id]

map partition-id [wwpn | host-id]

150 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example maps partition 0 of the logical drive with index number 2 to LUN 0 of channel 1 on SCSI ID 112 and 113.

The following example maps partition 0 of the logical drive with ID 2D1A2222 to LUN 0 of channel 1 on SCSI ID 112.

TABLE 5-23 Arguments for map partition

Argument Description

partition ID Specify a combination of LD-ID/LV-ID and partition-number in XXXXXXXX-PP format where XXXXXXXX represents the Logical Drive/Volume ID, or a combination of LD/LV Index and partition number in ld{X}/lv{X}-PP format where LD/LV Index is the Logical Drive/Volume Index number. PP is a two-digital hexidecimal number that represents the partition number. Valid partition-IDs for a logical drive, for example, are 3C2B1111-01 or ld2-03. Valid partition-IDs for a logical volume, for example, are 205FB9AC-01 or lv2-03.

channel ch Specify a host channel number between 0 and 7.

target target Specify a host channel target number between 0 and 126.

lun lun Specify a host channel LUN number. Specify the channel, target, and LUN to map. For example, 4.1.2 represents physical channel 4, target ID 1, logical unit number 2.

wwpn FC and SATA devices only. Specify a worldwide port name (WWPN) to map to the host bus adapter with the specified WWPN. To review the available WWPN values, run the show port-wwn command. For details, see “show port-wwn” on page 27.

host-id Specify the host-ID of the corresponding WWPN to map to the host bus adapter. To review the available WWPN values, run the show port-wwn command. For details, see “show port-wwn” on page 27.

# sccli c2t0d0 map ld2-00 channel 1 target 112 lun 0

# sccli c2t0d0 map 2D1A2222-00 channel 1 target 112 lun 0

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 151

The following example maps partition 0 of the logical volume with index number 2 to LUN 0 of channel 1 on SCSI ID 112.

show lun-maps


The show lun-maps command shows all partitions mapped to a specified host channel. Returned values include host channel, target ID, LUN ID, logical volume or logical drive index, partition ID, controller assignment, and worldwide name (WWN) filters for the LUNs.




The following example shows all partitions mapped to host channel 1 and 3.

# sccli c2t0d0 map lv2-00 1.112.0

show lun-maps [channel host-channel-list]

TABLE 5-24 Arguments for show lun-maps

Argument Description

host-channel-list Specify the LUN format. Use the format {n}[,…{m}] or a range format "{n}-{m}" or {n}[,…{p}-{m}].Valid channel numbers include 0–7 or 0–5 depending on the hardware configuration.

sccli> show lun-maps channel 1-3Ch Tgt LUN ld/lv ID-Partition Assigned Filter Map-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 0 ld0 64D138EC-00 Primary 3 1 0 ld1 3C67B2FD-00 Secondary

152 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example shows all partitions mapped to the host channels.

sccli> show lun-mapsCh Tgt LUN ld/lv ID-Partition Assigned Filter Map-------------------------------------------------------------- 0 40 0 ld0 48CE0175-00 Primary 0 40 1 ld0 48CE0175-01 Primary 0 40 2 ld0 48CE0175-02 Primary 0 41 0 ld1 172613B6-00 Secondary 0 41 1 ld1 172613B6-01 Secondary 0 41 2 ld1 172613B6-02 Secondary 1 42 0 ld1 172613B6-00 Secondary 1 42 1 ld1 172613B6-01 Secondary 1 42 2 ld1 172613B6-02 Secondary 1 43 0 ld0 48CE0175-00 Primary 1 43 1 ld0 48CE0175-01 Primary 1 43 2 ld0 48CE0175-02 Primary 4 44 0 ld0 48CE0175-00 Primary 4 44 1 ld0 48CE0175-01 Primary 4 44 2 ld0 48CE0175-02 Primary 4 45 0 ld1 172613B6-00 Secondary 4 45 1 ld1 172613B6-01 Secondary 4 45 2 ld1 172613B6-02 Secondary 5 46 0 ld1 172613B6-00 Secondary 5 46 1 ld1 172613B6-01 Secondary 5 46 2 ld1 172613B6-02 Secondary 5 47 0 ld0 48CE0175-00 Primary 5 47 1 ld0 48CE0175-01 Primary 5 47 2 ld0 48CE0175-02 Primary

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 153

show partitions


The show partitions command displays information about all disk partitions, or just those partitions allocated from the specified logical volumes or logical drives. Returned values include logical volume or logical drive index, logical volume or logical drive ID, partition number, offset (GB), and size (GB).




The following example shows the logical drive partition table for the logical drive with the ID 161637C1.

show partitions [{lv-index | lv-id} | {ld-index | ld-id}]

TABLE 5-25 Arguments for show partitions

Argument Description

lv-index Specify a comma-separated list of logical volume indexes, for example, lv0,lv1,lv2.

ld-index Specify the logical drive index number. For example, ld3.

lv-id Specify a logical volumes using an eight-digit hexadecimal logical volume ID, for example, 3C24554F.

ld-id Specify the logical drive ID. For example, 71038221.

sccli> show partitions logical-drive 161637c1LD/LV ID-Partition Size-------------------------------------ld0-00 161637C1-00 101.00GB

154 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example shows the logical volume partition table for the logical volume with index number 0.

unmap partition


The unmap partition command unmaps a partition. Use the appropriate syntax depending on the target you want to unmap. To view the current partitions, use the show partitions or show lun-maps command. For details, see “show partitions” on page 154 or “show lun-maps” on page 152.

You can unmap a partition currently mapped to the specified address. If a host worldwide port name (WWPN) or alias (previously defined using create host-wwn-name) is specified, the specified host LUN mapping is removed without affecting other host LUN maps on the same host LUN.


To unmap a partition using a channel, target, LUN address, use the following syntax.

You can unmap a specified partition from any LUNs to which its mapped, or if channel is specified, from LUNs on the specified channel.

To unmap a partition from a specified partition or channel, use the following syntax.

sccli> show part lv0LD/LV ID-Partition Size-------------------------------lv0-00 02CE9894-00 4.00GB

unmap partition [wwpn | host-wwn-name]

unmap partition partition-id [channel]

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 155



The following example unmaps the partition assigned to host channel, target ID 0, LUN 3.

TABLE 5-26 Arguments for unmap partition

Argument Description

partition-id Specify a combination of LD-ID/LV-ID and partition-number in XXXXXXXX-PP format where XXXXXXXX represents the Logical Drive/Volume ID, or a combination of LD/LV Index and partition number in ld{X}/lv{X}-PP format where LD/LV Index is the Logical Drive/Volume Index number. PP is a two-digital hexidecimal number that represents the partition number. Valid partition IDs for a logical drive, for example, are 3C2B1111-01 or ld2-03. Valid partition IDs for a logical volume, for example, are 205FB9AC-01 or lv2-03.

channel Specify a host channel number between 0 and 7 when unmapping a specific partition from only one channel. Specify the channel, target, and LUN to unmap. This must be on the same controller as the logical volume or the logical drive that you are unmapping. Specify a host channel number between 0 and 7 when unmapping a specific partition from only one channel. Specify a host channel SCSI target number between 0 and 126. Since a host channel can have multiple SCSI IDs, the user can map the partition to multiple SCSI IDs of a host channel. Use the SCSI-ID-list format: {p}[,…{q}[,…{n}]]. Specify a host channel LUN number. For example, 4.1.2 represents physical channel 4, target ID 1, logical unit number 2.

wwpn FC and SATA devices only. Specify a worldwide port name (WWPN) to unmap from the host bus adapter with the specified WWPN. To review the available WWPN values, run the show port-wwn command. For details, see “show port-wwn” on page 27.

host-wwn-name FC and SATA devices only. Specify a host name to unmap from the host bus adapter with the specified worldwide name (WWN).

156 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example unmaps the partition from partition ID 0A7F8942-00.

Logical Volume CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ create logical-volume■ delete logical-volume■ set logical-volume■ show logical-volumes

create logical-volume


Note – Logical volumes are unsuited to some modern configurations such as Sun Cluster environments, and do not work in those configurations. Use logical drives instead. For more information about logical drives, see “create logical-drive” on page 127.

sccli> show lun-mapsCh Tgt LUN ld/lv ID-Partition Assigned Filter Map-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 0 ld0 13843684-00 Primary 1 0 1 ld1 295AB786-00 Primary 1 0 2 ld2 0A7F8942-00 Primary 1 0 3 ld2 0A7F8942-00 Primarysccli> unmap partition 1.0.3sccli> show lun-mapsCh Tgt LUN ld/lv ID-Partition Assigned Filter Map-------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 0 ld0 13843684-00 Primary 1 0 1 ld1 295AB786-00 Primary 1 0 2 ld2 0A7F8942-00 Primary

sccli> unmap partition 0A7F8942-00 1.0.2

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 157

The create logical-volume command creates a logical volume from the specified logical drives on the specified controller. The logical drives used to create the logical volume must not already be mapped to any host channels. Be sure to specify the secondary keyword if the underlying logical drives are mapped to the secondary controller.

Caution – Any time logical volumes are created or deleted, the numbering of logical volume indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical volumes, issue a show logical-volumes command to view an updated list of logical volume indexes. Or, use logical volume IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical volume, rather than logical volume indexes. For more information, “Logical Volume Syntax” on page 13.

Note – Logical volumes are not supported in mixed Sun StorEdge 3510 FC and Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA configurations. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.



create logical-volume ld-list [primary | secondary] [write-policy]

TABLE 5-27 Arguments for create logical-volume

Argument Description

ld-list A comma separated list of logical drive indexes, for example, ld0,ld1,ld2, or a list of logical drive identifiers, such as, 71038221.

primary Maps the logical drive to the primary controller (default).

secondary Maps the logical drive to the secondary controller.

write-policy Set the write policy for the logical volume. Valid values: write-back, write-through. If you do not specify a write policy, the logical volume uses the write policy specified for the controller. If the write policy changes for the controller, the write policy automatically changes for the logical volume as well. To set the controller write policy, use the set cache-parameters command. For details, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.

158 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The following example creates a logical volume using ld0 and ld2 and assigns it to the primary controller.

The following example creates a logical volume using IDs 2378FDED, 7887DDAB and assigns it to the secondary controller.

delete logical-volume


The delete logical-volume command deletes the specified logical volumes.

Caution – Any time logical volumes are created or deleted, the numbering of logical volume indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical volumes, issue a show logical-volumes command to view an updated list of logical volume indexes. Or, use logical volume IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical volume, rather than logical volume indexes. For more information, “Logical Volume Syntax” on page 13.

Note – Before you can delete a logical volume, you must unmap all assigned LUNs. To review LUN maps, see “show lun-maps” on page 152.


# sccli c2t0d0 create logical-volume ld0,ld2 primary

# sccli c2t0d0 create logical-volume 2378FDED,7887DDAB secondary

delete logical-volume {lv-index | lv-id}

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 159



The following example deletes the logical volume with the logical volume index number 2.

The following example deletes the logical volume with the logical volume ID number 3C24554F.

set logical-volume


The set logical-volume command sets the write policy for the specified logical volume. Before using this command, you must create a logical volume. For more details, see “create logical-volume” on page 157.

Note – Logical volumes are unsuited to some modern configurations such as Sun Cluster environments, and do not work in those configurations. Use logical drives instead. For more information about logical drives, see “create logical-drive” on page 127.


TABLE 5-28 Arguments for delete logical-volume

Argument Description

lv-index Specify a comma-separated list of logical volume indexes, for example, lv0,lv1,lv2.

lv-id Specify a logical volumes using an eight-digit hexadecimal logical volume ID, for example, 3C24554F.

# sccli c2t0d0 delete logical-volume lv2

# sccli c2t0d0 delete logical-volume 3C24554F

set logical-volume {lv-index | lv-id} write-policy

160 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example sets write policy for logical volume 4 to write-back.

show logical-volumes


The show logical-volumes command displays information about all, or a specified list, of logical volumes. Returned values include LV index, LV ID, logical volume count, LD ID list, size (MB or GB), write policy, and assignment information. For details on creating logical volumes, see “create logical-volume” on page 157.

Caution – Any time logical volumes are created or deleted, the numbering of logical volume indexes might change. After creating or deleting logical volumes, issue a show logical-volumes command to view an updated list of logical volume indexes. Or, use logical volume IDs, which do not change over the lifetime of the logical volume, rather than logical volume indexes. For more information, “Logical Volume Syntax” on page 13.

TABLE 5-29 Arguments for set logical-volume

Argument Description

lv-index Set specific drives in a logical volume. The index number is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-volumes command to find the number.

lv-id Set specific drives in a logical volume. The ID number is generated from the CLI. Use the show logical-volumes command to find the number.

write-policy Set the write policy for the logical volume. Valid values: write-back, write-through. If you do not specify a write policy, the logical volume uses the write policy specified for the controller. If the write policy changes for the controller, the write policy automatically changes for the logical volume as well. To set the controller write policy, use the set cache-parameters command. For details, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.

set logical-volume lv4 write-back

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 161

Note – If no write policy is specified for the logical volume, the write policy is set to the global controller setting and “Default” displays in the Write-Policy field. To view the controller write policy, run the show cache-parameters command. For more information about the cache policy, see “set cache-parameters” on page 71.

Note – All device capacity is displayed in powers of 1024. For details, see “Device Capacity” on page 14.



If no arguments are specified, all logical volumes are displayed.


The following example returns all logical volume information.

show logical-volumes lv-list

TABLE 5-30 Arguments for show logical-volumes

Argument Description

lv-list Specify a list of logical volumes.

# sccli show logical-volumessccli: selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3510 SN#000002]LV LV-ID Size Assigned Write-Policy LDs----------------------------------------------------------------lv0 43DBA866 13.67GB Primary Default 2 ld1,ld2

162 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

The following example returns all logical volumes with logical volume index numbers 0 and 2.

# sccli c2t0d0 show logical-volumes lv0,lv2LV LV-ID Size Assigned LDs-----------------------------------------lv0 02CE9894 4.00GB Primary 2 ld0,ld1lv2 02CE9894 4.00GB Primary 2 ld0,ld1

Chapter 5 Logical Drive, Partition, and Logical Volume Commands 163

164 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Firmware Show and Download Commands

This chapter provides the firmware, disk drive, SCSI Enclosure Services (SES), SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE), programmable logic device (PLD), and serial ATA (SATA) router and path controller show and download commands. Topics covered in this chapter include:

■ “Show Commands” on page 165■ “Download Commands” on page 170

Note – To prevent unauthorized access to administrative functions of the RAID controller, the CLI requires superuser or system administrator privileges for inband access, and uses the controller password to authorize users of the out-of-band interface.

Show CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ show safte-device■ show sata-mux■ show sata-router■ show ses-devices


show safte-device


SCSI devices only. The show safte-device command displays information returned by the SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE) device embedded in SCSI LVD RAID enclosures or JBODs. When this command is issued to an LVD SCSI RAID array with one or more expansion chassis attached, the output includes one line for the RAID chassis and one line for each expansion chassis, since each enclosure contains a separate SAF-TE device.

The output includes the channel and target ID of the SAF-TE device, the serial number of the chassis in which it is installed, the vendor and product IDs (an A indicates a RAID device and an D indicates an expansion unit or JBOD), SAF-TE firmware revision, and the SAF-TE firmware package revision, which refers to firmware for other microprocesses in the chassis that are managed by the SAF-TE processor.



The following example shows the SAF-TE device information for a Sun StorEdge 3310.

The following example shows the SAF-TE device information for a Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array.

show safte-device

sccli> show safte-deviceCh Id Chassis Vendor Product ID Rev Package--------------------------------------------------------- 0 14 002A4C SUN StorEdge 3310 A 1170 1170

sccli> show safte-device Id Chassis Vendor Product ID Rev Package------------------------------------------------------ 5 0064CA SUN StorEdge 3120 D 1170 1170

166 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show sata-mux


The show sata-mux command shows the SATA multiplexer (MUX) board information for all drives. Each drive has one MUX board. The information for the MUX board includes the channel number and ID of the drive attached to the MUX board, MUX board serial number, MUX board type (active-passive or active-active), path controller (PC150) firmware revision number, and PC150 boot revision.



The following example shows the MUX board information for the drives attached to the specified device. When no serial number has been programmed for the MUX board, n/a displays in the MUX-SN column.

show sata-mux

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 167

show sata-router


The show sata-router command shows all accessible SATA routers behind the RAID controller. The information displayed includes the enclosure ID and enclosure serial number of the chassis that the SATA router resides in, the channel number that the router controls, slot position of the IOM board that the router resides on, router firmware revision number, SATA router boot revision, customer-specified behavior (CSB) parameter structure revision number (a collection of memory resident parameters that define operational behavior of the router), hardware revision number, and the self-test revision number.

# sccli show sata-muxsccli: selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3511 SN#07EEA0]24 mux boards found

Ch Id Mux-SN Mux-Type PC150/Rev PC150/Boot------------------------------------------- 2 0 00075D A/A BB42 0300 2 1 00075E A/A BB42 0300 2 2 00075F A/A BB42 0300 2 3 000760 A/A BB42 0300 2 4 000761 A/A BB42 0300 2 5 000762 A/A BB42 0300 2 6 000763 A/A BB42 0300 2 7 000764 A/A BB42 0300 2 8 000765 A/A BB42 0300 2 9 000869 A/A BB42 0300 2 10 000767 A/A BB42 0300 2 11 000768 A/A BB42 0300 2 16 000C9D A/A BB42 0300 2 17 000C9E A/A BB42 0300 2 18 000C9F A/A BB42 0300 2 19 000CA0 A/A BB42 0300 2 20 000CA1 A/A BB42 0300 2 21 000CA2 A/A BB42 0300 2 22 000CA3 A/A BB42 0300 2 23 000CA4 A/A BB42 0300 2 24 000CA5 A/A BB42 0300 2 25 000CA6 A/A BB42 0300 2 26 000CA7 A/A BB42 0300 2 27 000CA8 A/A BB42 0300

168 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example shows the data returned from a redundant configuration. Two routers are assigned to the same chassis in a redundant configuration. (The Encl-SN column displays the same chassis serial number for both routers.)

In the following example, no valid path exists on the lower router, so n/a displays to indicate that no data was returned.

show ses-devices


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The show ses-devices command displays a list of SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) devices visible to the selected array controller or JBOD. The output includes the channel and target ID of the SES device, serial number of the chassis in which it is installed, vendor and product IDs, SES firmware revision, programmable logic device (PLD) firmware revision, worldwide node name (WWNN), worldwide port name (WWPN) for the device, and the loop location.

In redundant configurations, SES devices are installed in pairs in a single chassis. Therefore, two devices show the same chassis serial number. It is important to ensure the SES firmware and PLD revisions are consistent for SES devices installed

show sata-router

sccli> show sata-routerEncl-ID Encl-SN Ch Slot Rev Boot-rev CSB HW-rev ST-rev-------------------------------------------------------------0 07ECC0 2 upper DP0553 0548 0500 11 05520 07ECC0 3 lower DP0553 0548 0500 11 0552

# sccli show sata-routersccli: selected se3000:// [SUN StorEdge 3511 SN#07ECDF]Encl-ID Encl-SN Ch Slot Rev Boot-rev CSB HW-rev ST-rev------------------------------------------------------------0 07ECDF 2 upper DP0548 0509 0500 00 05520 07ECDF 3 lower n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 169

in the same chassis. Any firmware revision mismatches that might result from replacement of an SES device FRU are flagged with an asterisk (“*”), as well as by a visual indicator on the chassis itself.

Information is shown for the array device’s enclosure, as well as any expansion chassis that might be connected to the array. To view information about an SES device in an expansion chassis connected directly to the host instead of an array controller, use the select command to specify an SES device in the expansion chassis, and issue a show inquiry and show pld-revision command to each device.

Returned values include: channel number, SCSI ID, chassis number, vendor, product ID (an A indicates a RAID device and an D indicates an expansion unit or JBOD), revision, PLD revision, SES WWNN, SES WWPN, and SES topology (loop A, top slot, or loop B bottom slot).



The following example shows the SES devices for a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC RAID device.

Download CommandsThe following commands are explained in this section:

■ download controller-firmware■ download disk-firmware■ download pld-hardware■ download safte-firmware■ download sata-path-controller-firmware

show ses-devices

sccli> show ses-devicesCh Id Chassis Vendor/Product ID Rev PLD WWNN WWPN------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 12 003CE3 SUN StorEdge 3510F A 1046 1000 204000C0FF003CE3 214000C0FF003CE3 Topology: loop(a) 3 12 003CE3 SUN StorEdge 3510F A 1046 1000 204000C0FF003CE3 224000C0FF003CE3 Topology: loop(b)

170 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ download sata-router-firmware■ download ses-firmware

Caution – All download commands are potentially dangerous.

Caution – In redundant-controller configurations, download commands affect all LUNs on both controllers. After running a download command, run the select command to reselect the device.

Caution – Stop the Configuration Service agent if it is running.

Note – Although redundant-controller configurations support live firmware upgrades using its failover capability, the failover operation itself might cause warning messages to be displayed on the console or system log. These messages can be ignored.

Note – If the download firmware files are not under the same directory as the CLI, you must specify the full path.

download controller-firmware


The download controller-firmware command downloads firmware to the RAID controller. Before the command is executed, the firmware file is checked to ensure that it is appropriate for the target device. In a dual-controller configuration, the failover capability of the redundant controller pair is used to activate the new firmware without requiring the array to be shut down in what is known as a live upgrade or hot firmware download operation. In a single-controller configuration, the new firmware is activated by resetting the controller.

If the -r or --reset option is specified, the controllers are always reset instead of performing a live upgrade. This option is faster and is recommended when a live upgrade is not required.

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 171

Caution – All reset commands cause the array to stop responding to I/O requests from the host for a period of time. This might result in data loss unless all I/O activity is suspended by halting all applications that are accessing the array, and unmounting any file systems that are mounted from the array. In redundant-controller configurations, these commands affect all LUNs on both controllers.




The following example downloads firmware to the RAID controller.

Note – To monitor the status of the automatic firmware update, use the CLI show redundancy-mode command. The CLI will display the progression of “Failed,” “Scanning,” “Detected,” and “Enabled” states. For details, see “show redundancy-mode” on page 82.

download controller-firmware filename [-r | --reset]

TABLE 6-1 Arguments for download controller-firmware

Argument Description

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

[-r | --reset] Reset the controller after the download completes.

sccli> download controller-firmware SUN411G-3510.binsccli: selected se3000:// [Sun StorEdge 3510 SN#000187]The controllers will be reset sequentially.One controller will remain online while the other restarts.This should not affect normal I/O activity.Are you sure? yes :

172 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

download disk-firmware

Caution – Do not use this command with Solaris operating systems. Disk drive firmware is provided through Sun disk firmware patches which include the required download utility. Sun disk firmware patches are separate from the Sun StorEdge 3000 family firmware patches. For details, refer to the Release Notes for your array.


RAID arrays only. The download disk-firmware command downloads disk drive firmware to disk drives connected to the array. The disk model is matched against SCSI inquiry data to determine which drives should be programmed. The disk firmware file is matched to the capacity, family, and drive type of the drive to which you are downloading. For instance, if you attempt to download 73-Gbyte drive Fuji firmware to a Seagate drive, the download fails.

Note – The download disk-firmware command does not support a live upgrade (a hot download operation). This command shuts down the array controller first, preventing the host from performing I/O for several minutes.

This command only upgrades firmware in drives attached to RAID array controllers. To upgrade disk firmware in drives contained within a standalone expansion chassis (JBOD), use the procedure documented in the README file provided with the firmware.

When using this command:

■ All daemons that access the RAID controller must be stopped.■ I/O is interrupted.■ The controller is reset after disks are flashed.


download disk-firmware filename product-id

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 173



The following example shows the disk product ID on channel 2 ID 6 and then downloads the disk firmware to that drive.

The following example downloads the firmware to the disk in the JBOD unit /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s2, which is attached to a RAID controller.

TABLE 6-2 Arguments for download disk-firmware

Argument Description

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

product-id Specify the product ID of the disk inquiry string. For example, type ST336607FSUN36G or ST373453FSUN37G. If there is a character space in the inquiry string, use quotation marks (““) where the space occurs. For example, type “ST336607 SUN36G“ or ST373453““SUN37G. To determine the disk inquiry string, run the show disks command.

sccli> show disksCh Id Size Speed LD Status IDs----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 6 33.92GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YEJT00007349 2 7 33.92GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0Y6J300007349 2 8 33.92GB 200MB ld1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YC1Y00007349 2 9 33.92GB 200MB ld1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0Y7W100007349 2 10 33.92GB 200MB GLOBAL STAND-BY SEAGATE ST336753FSUN36G 0349 S/N 3HX0YAQF00007349sccli> download disk-firmware newfile ST336753FSUN36G

# sccli /dev/rdsk/c6t0d0s2 download disk-firmware new_disk_fw

174 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

download pld-hardware


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The download pld-hardware command downloads PLD hardware into the SES microprocessor in a FC RAID or JBOD device. To determine the PLD version on a device, use the show ses-devices command. For details, see “show ses-devices” on page 169.

Note – The download pld-hardware command does not support a live upgrade (a hot download operation). Shut down the array before performing this command. When the download completes, restart the device to activate the new hardware.




The following example downloads the hardware using the SES device in the RAID controller with the IP address

The following example downloads the hardware using the SES device to a FC JBOD unit.

download pld-hardware filename

TABLE 6-3 Arguments for download pld-hardware

Argument Description

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

# sccli download pld-hardware pld-file

# sccli /dev/scsi/ses/c6t12d0 download pld-hardware pld-file

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 175

download safte-firmware


SCSI devices only. The download safte-firmware command downloads firmware into the microprocessors for the SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure (SAF-TE) device within a SCSI RAID controller or JBOD. The firmware file contains code for the various microprocessors that monitor and control the enclosure. The CLI utility detects whether the firmware file is a more recent version. If the version is out of date, the CLI will not download the firmware. However, you can use the -f or --force command to download the firmware unconditionally.

This procedure can be performed live without resetting the controller. However, the updated firmware version number might not correctly display in the firmware Telnet or serial menu interface until the controller is reset.




The following example downloads SAF-TE firmware to the SAF-TE device in the RAID controller with the device name c2t0d0.

The following example downloads SAF-TE firmware to the SAF-TE device in the JBOD /dev/scsi/processor/c6t15d0.

download safte-firmware [-f | --force] filename

TABLE 6-4 Arguments for download safte-firmware

Argument Description

[-f | --force] Specify the firmware is downloaded unconditionally, regardless of the version detected.

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

# sccli c2t0d0 download safte-firmware safte-1103.bin

# sccli /dev/scsi/processor/c6t15d0 download safte-firmware safte-1103.bin

176 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

download sata-path-controller-firmware


SATA devices only. The download sata-path-controller-firmware command downloads the path controller microcode that resides on the multiplexer (MUX) boards behind the SATA router. Before downloading the SATA path controller firmware, the CLI checks the redundancy of all SATA routers. If the configuration is redundant, then a live upgrade (hot download) is performed.

Caution – All download commands are potentially dangerous.

If the configuration is not redundant, the user cannot perform a live upgrade. Since routers can cause critical damage to the RAID system, in a non-redundant configuration, the controller must be shut down before the download and must be reset after the download. In single-controller and non-redundant configurations, the CLI prompts the user to continue. If the user specifies Y at the prompt, the CLI shuts down the controller, performs the download, and then resets the controller. When the controller shuts down, the host is prevented from performing I/O for several minutes.

Note – To manually check the array redundancy, run a show sata-router command. Two routers are assigned to the same chassis in a redundant configuration. (The Encl-SN column displays the same chassis serial number for both routers.) For details on the show sata-router command, see “show sata-router” on page 168.



download sata-path-controller-firmware filename

TABLE 6-5 Arguments for download sata-path-controller-firmware

Argument Description

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 177


The following example downloads the path controller firmware to all SATA routers.

download sata-router-firmware


SATA devices only. The download sata-router-firmware command downloads SR-1216 router firmware to all SATA routers in the SATA unit including SATA RAID controllers, expansion units, and JBODs. Before downloading the SATA router firmware, the CLI checks the redundancy of all SATA routers. If the configuration is redundant, then a live upgrade (hot download) is performed.

Caution – All download commands are potentially dangerous.

If the configuration is not redundant, the user cannot perform a live upgrade. Since routers can cause critical damage to the RAID system, in a non-redundant configuration, the controller must be shut down before the download and must be reset after the download. In single-controller and non-redundant configurations, the CLI prompts the user to continue. If the user specifies Y at the prompt, the CLI shuts down the controller, performs the download, and then resets the controller. When the controller shuts down, the host is prevented from performing I/O for several minutes.

To manually check the array redundancy, run a show sata-router command. Two routers are assigned to the same chassis in a redundant configuration. (The Encl-SN column displays the same chassis serial number for both routers.) For details on the show sata-router command, see “show sata-router” on page 168.


# sccli download sata-path-controller-firmware PC_BB42.dat

download sata-router-firmware filename [-r | --reset]

178 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005



The following example downloads SATA firmware to the specified device.

download ses-firmware


Fibre Channel and SATA devices only. The download ses-firmware command downloads firmware to the SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device in a FC or SATA RAID array or JBOD unit.



TABLE 6-6 Arguments for download sata-router-firmware

Argument Description

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

[-r | --reset] Reset the controller after the download completes.

# sccli download sata-router-firmware FW-DP0555.dlf

download ses-firmware filename

TABLE 6-7 Arguments for download ses-firmware

Argument Description

filename Specify the firmware file name for the file that you want to download.

Chapter 6 Firmware Show and Download Commands 179


The following example downloads SES firmware to the SES device in the RAID controller with device name c2t0d0.

The following example downloads SES firmware to the SES device in the JBOD /dev/scsi/processor/c6t15d0.

# sccli c2t0d0 download ses-firmware ses-1103.s3r

# sccli /dev/scsi/processor/c6t15d0 download ses-firmware ses-1103.s3r

180 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Summary of CLI Options and Commands

This appendix contains:

■ A list of the CLI options■ A list of CLI commands for RAID arrays■ A list of CLI commands for JBODs

A list of the CLI commands is also available with the help or usage command within the CLI program.

TABLE A-1 Optional Parameters Available With Most Commands

Options Function

-d, --disk LVD JBOD enclosure only. Selects the disk device name that you specify such as sd31 or c1t0d0 when a JBOD chassis is selected.

-h, --help, --usage

display valid commands

-l, --list display a list of local or remote devices that the CLI manages, and exits without processing any commands

-n, --no assumes a no response to any yes/no prompts. Use this option to run scripts without prompting the user

-o, --oob access the selected device using out-of-band communication (through its network interface) rather than using SCSI commands

-v, --version display program version information

-w, --password specify the password assigned to the array controller

-y, --yes assumes a yes response to any yes/no prompts. Use this option to run scripts without prompting the user


Note – An “X” in the FC, SATA, or SCSI Array column in the following table indicates the CLI command works with that device.

TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

“abort clone” on page 88 stop the cloning of the specified disk drive


“abort create” on page 118

stop the creation of a logical drive


“abort expand” on page 119

stop the expansion of a logical drive


“abort media-check” on page 120

stop a media check on specified disks or all member disks of the specified logical drive


“abort parity-check” on page 121

stop the parity check on the specified logical drive


“abort rebuild” on page 121

stop the rebuilding of a logical drive


“about” on page 16 display program version and copyright info


“add disk” on page 122 add one disk or a list of disks to the specified logical drive


“check media” on page 123

check specified disks or all member disks of the specified logical drive


“check parity” on page 124

check device parity X X X X

“clear events” on page 60

clear the event log X X X X

“clone” on page 89 use a destination disk to copy and replace a drive that is suspected of failing


“configure channel” on page 102

configure a host or drive channel


“configure global-spare” on page 90

configure a disk as a global spare


182 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

“configure local-spare” on page 126

configure a disk as a local spare for a specific logical drive


“configure network-interface” on page 19

set network interface parameters


“configure partition” on page 148

configure a logical drive partition of the specified size


“create host-wwn-name” on page 21

create a Host-ID/WWN item X X

“create logical-drive” on page 127

create a logical drive X X X X

“create logical-volume” on page 157

create a logical volume over the specified logical drives


“delete host-wwn-name” on page 22

delete a Host-ID/WWN item X X

“delete logical-drive” on page 130

delete a logical drive X X X X

“delete logical-volume” on page 159

delete one or more logical volumes


“download controller-configuration” on page 66

download array controller binary configuration


“download controller-firmware” on page 171

download array controller firmware (optionally with hard reset)


“download disk-firmware” on page 173

download disk drive firmware to internal drives


“download nvram” on page 47

download NVRAM file X X X X

“download pld-hardware” on page 175

download enclosure PLD hardware


“download safte-firmware” on page 176

download enclosure SAF-TE firmware


“download sata-path-controller-firmware” on page 177

download the path controller microcode that resides on the MUX boards behind the SATA router.


TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

Appendix A Summary of CLI Options and Commands 183

“download sata-router-firmware” on page 178

download SR-1216 router firmware to accessible SR-1216 routers behind the RAID controller


“download ses-firmware” on page 179

download enclosure SES firmware


“exit” on page 16 exit the CLI X X X X

“expand” on page 131 expand a logical drive to the specified size


“fail” on page 68 fail a controller in a redundant controller pair


“help” on page 17 display help for commands X X X X

“map partition” on page 150

map a logical drive or logical volume partition to a host channel/target/LUN


“mute” on page 69 silence the enclosure alarm X X X X

“password” on page 69 specify the array controller password


“quit” on page 17 exit the program X X X X

“rebuild” on page 133 rebuild the specified logical drive


“reset controller” on page 70

reset the array controller X X X X

“reset nvram” on page 48

restore NVRAM to factory defaults


“select” on page 18 specify a storage device to monitor or configure


“set auto-write-through-trigger” on page 30

configure the array to dynamically switch from write-back cache to write-through cache if a specified event occurs


“set cache-parameters” on page 71

set cache write policy and optimization policy


“set controller-date” on page 74

set a controller date and time X X X X

TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

184 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

“set controller-name” on page 75

set the controller name X X X X

“set controller-password” on page 76

set the controller password X X X X

“set disk-array” on page 91

set disk array parameters including the background logical drive rebuilding priority and hard drive data verification


“set drive-parameters” on page 104

set drive channel parameters X X X X

“set host-parameters” on page 107

set host channel parameters X X X X

“set inter-controller-link” on page 109

enable/disable per-channel inter-controller link


“set led” on page 92 change the drive LED for the specified disk (or slot) from green to amber


“set logical-drive” on page 134

set the write policy for a logical drive


“set logical-volume” on page 160

set the write policy for the specified logical volume


“set protocol” on page 23

enable or disable the specified network protocol and set the Telnet inactivity timeout value.


“set rs232-configuration” on page 76

set the RS-232 interface baud rate


“set unique-identifier” on page 77

set the subsystem’s six-digit hexadecimal serial number


“show access-mode” on page 31

display the CLI access mode X X X X

“show auto-write-through-trigger” on page 32

display the event trigger status for the controller


TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

Appendix A Summary of CLI Options and Commands 185

“show battery-status” on page 33

display battery information including battery type, manufacturing data, in-service date, expiration date, and status


“show bypass device” on page 49

display the bypass status of all devices on a specified loop


“show bypass RAID” on page 51

display the hardware bypass status of the RAID controllers on Loop A and Loop B


“show bypass SFP” on page 52

display the bypass status of all SFPs on a specified loop


“show cache-parameters” on page 79

display cache policy X X X X

“show channels” on page 110

display channel configuration


“show clone” on page 94 display the progress of disk cloning

X x X X

“show configuration” on page 55

display the RAID enclosure device’s configuration


“show controller-date” on page 79

display the boot time and date of the RAID controller


“show controller-name” on page 80

display controller name X X X X

“show disk-array” on page 94

display the disk array parameters including the logical drive rebuild priority and the hard drive settings for verifying the written data for initializing, rebuilding, and writing normal I/O data


“show disks” on page 95 display information for array disks


“show disks logical-drive” on page 135

display information for array disks in a logical drive


“show drive-parameters” on page 112

display drive parameters X X X X

TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

186 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

“show enclosure-status” on page 35

display the status for all chassis components including the fan, power supply, temperature sensor, and drive slots


“show events” on page 61

display the controller event log


“show frus” on page 43 display FRU-ID information X X X X

“show host-parameters” on page 114

display host I/O parameters X X X X

“show host-wwn-names” on page 25

display all registered HBA WWNs in the controller for host channels


“show inquiry-data” on page 80

display SCSI inquiry data for selected device


“show inter-controller-link” on page 115

display status of inter-controller link on specified channel


“show ip-address” on page 26

display the controller’s IP network address


“show led-status” on page 98

display the status of the LED adjacent to the specified disk drive slot in the array enclosure or expansion chassis.


“show logical-drive” on page 137

display logical drives X X X X

“show logical-drives add-disk” on page 139

display the status of disks that are being added to a logical drive


“show logical-drives expanding” on page 139

display the progress of the logical drive expansion


“show logical-drives initializing” on page 140

display the progress of the RAID controller initialization


“show logical-drives logical volume” on page 141

display information about for all logical drives in a specified logical volume


TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

Appendix A Summary of CLI Options and Commands 187

“show logical-drives parity-check” on page 143

display the parity check progress for a logical drive


“show logical-drives rebuilding” on page 143

display the rebuilding progress for all logical drives


“show logical-volumes” on page 161

display logical volumes X X X X

“show loop-map” on page 57

display the FC loop positional map for a given channel


“show lun-maps” on page 152

display LUN maps for host channels


“show media-check” on page 144

display the progress of a media check


“show network-parameters” on page 26

display controller network parameters


“show partitions” on page 154

display partitions of logical drives


“show peripheral-device-status” on page 45

display the status for all environmental sensors for the controller


“show port-wwn” on page 27

display host channel FC Port Name WWNs


“show protocol” on page 28

display all possible network protocols supported by the controller or particular information of a specified protocol


“show redundancy-mode” on page 82

display redundancy status X X X X

“show redundant-controller” on page 84

display the redundant-controller information


“show rs232-configuration” on page 29

display serial port configuration


“show safte-device” on page 166

display status of SAF-TE devices


TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

188 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

“show sata-mux” on page 167

display the SATA MUX board information for all drives


“show sata-router” on page 168

display all accessible SATA routers behind the RAID controller


“show ses-devices” on page 169

display status of SES devices, including the PLD revision


“show shutdown-status” on page 84

display the controller shutdown status


“show stripe-size-list” on page 145

display the valid stripe block size list for the specified RAID level


“show unique-identifier” on page 85

display subsystem six-digit unique identifier


“shutdown controller” on page 86

shut down controller (prepare for power off)


“shutdown logical-drive” on page 145

shut down (force offline) a logical drive


“unconfigure global-spare” on page 99

unconfigure a global spare drive


“unconfigure local-spare” on page 147

unconfigure a local spare drive


“unfail” on page 87 restore (deassert) a failed controller


“unmap partition” on page 155

unmap a logical drive or logical volume partition from a host channel/target/LUN


“upload controller-configuration” on page 87

upload array controller binary configuration


“upload nvram” on page 59

upload an NVRAM file X X X X

“version” on page 18 display program version X X X X

TABLE A-2 RAID Array Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC Array

3511 SATA Array

3310 SCSI Array

3320 SCSI Array

Appendix A Summary of CLI Options and Commands 189

Note – An “X” in the product column indicates the CLI command works with that device.

TABLE A-3 JBOD Commands

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC JBOD




“about” on page 16 display program version and copyright info


“download pld-hardware” on page 175

download PLD hardware into the SES microprocessor in a FC JBOD device


“download safte-firmware” on page 176

download firmware into the microprocessors within a SCSI JBOD


“download ses-firmware” on page 179

download enclosure SES firmware X

“exit” on page 16 exit the CLI X X X X

“help” on page 17 display help for commands X X X X

“quit” on page 17 exit the program X X X X

“select” on page 18 specify a storage device to monitor or configure


“set led” on page 92 specify a name for a disk drive slot in the array enclosure or expansion chassis


“show access-mode” on page 31

display the access mode X X X X

“show configuration” on page 55

display the device’s configuration X X X X

“show enclosure-status” on page 35

display the status for all chassis components including the fan, power supply, temperature sensor, and drive slots


“show frus” on page 43 display FRU-ID information X X X X

“show inquiry-data” on page 80

display SCSI inquiry data for selected device


“show led-status” on page 98

display the status for the specified disk drive slot in the array enclosure or JBOD


190 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

“show safte-device” on page 166

display status of SAF-TE devices X X X

“show ses-devices” on page 169

display status of SES devices including the PLD revision


“version” on page 18 display program version X X X X

TABLE A-3 JBOD Commands (Continued)

Command / Page Number Function3510 FC JBOD




Appendix A Summary of CLI Options and Commands 191

192 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Error and Event Messages

This appendix provides a list of error and status messages for Sun StorEdge CLI. For a list of controller error messages, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User’s Guide.

TABLE B-1 lists the Error/Status messages for Sun StorEdge CLI.

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages

Error and Status Messages

Abort checking media failed

Abort checking parity failed

Abort clone failed

Abort creating logical drive failed

Abort expanding logical drive failed

Abort rebuilding logical drive failed

Access device failure

Adding disk failed

Adding disk only applicable on raid0/raid1/raid3/raid5

Another disk or logical drive operation under progress or not applicable operation for current disk or logical drive status


Bad connection to the Primary Agent

Bad data returned from controller

Bad event data

Bad firmware data for download

Bad fru id data


Bad logical drive channel number

Bad logical drive id in library database

Bad logical drive index in library database

Bad logical host channel number

Bad logical volume id in library database

Bad logical volume index in library database

Bad parameter specified

Bad parameters specified

Bad physical channel number

Bad ses configuration page

Bad socket error

Bad status returned

Battery board FRU ID not programmed

Battery board not existing

Battery type too old

Check media failed

Check parity failed

Check parity only applicable on raid1/raid3/raid5

Clear events failure

Clone failed

Clone only applicable on raid0/raid1/raid3/raid5

Close file failure

Close inband/outband device error

Configuration file format error

Controller access error

Controller busy

Controller firmware download ok, but can not engage firmware without redundant controller

Controller firmware download ok, but engage firmware failed

Controller firmware download ok, but engage operation is not allowed

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

194 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Controller not ready

Controller not shutdown yet as expected

Create host wwn name failed

Data transfer time out

ddb information not programmed

Delete host wwn name failed

Device excluded by redundant path software

Device not supported

Disk drives do not match saved configuration

Drive type unknown

Element not found in ses pages

Element type not found in ses pages

Failed to assign logical drive

Failed to bypass a device

Failed to bypass sfp

Failed to check/set password

Failed to convert logical volume

Failed to create logical drive

Failed to create logical volume

Failed to delete logical volume

Failed to download nvram data

Failed to get battery information

Failed to get cache parameters

Failed to get caching statistics

Failed to get channel data

Failed to get channel statistics

Failed to get controller configuration page

Failed to get controller configuration string page

Failed to get controller module version

Failed to get controller network interface

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

Appendix B Error and Event Messages 195

Failed to get controller redundant mode

Failed to get controller statistics

Failed to get ctrl param in upload config command

Failed to get drive statistics

Failed to get fru id in upload config command

Failed to get host statistics

Failed to get ld and lv info in upload config command

Failed to get logical drive partition

Failed to get logical drive status

Failed to get loop map

Failed to get lun map in upload config command

Failed to get offset in enclosure page for specified element type

Failed to get peripheral configuration

Failed to get peripheral device status

Failed to get pld register raw data

Failed to get pld rev

Failed to get redundant controller configuration

Failed to get scsi drv info in upload config command

Failed to get ses page

Failed to get sfp bypass information

Failed to get write-policy

Failed to issue a lip

Failed to map logical volume

Failed to map logical volume filter

Failed to map partition to host channel

Failed to mute controller beep

Failed to parse ses configuration page

Failed to partition logical drive/volume

Failed to partition logical volume

Failed to program fru id

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

196 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Failed to read fru id

Failed to remove logical drive

Failed to remove logical volume

Failed to reset sata router via specified ses target

Failed to reset timeout

Failed to scan fru id

Failed to scan safte

Failed to scan ses target

Failed to send ses page

Failed to set battery all information

Failed to set battery in service date

Failed to set cache parameters

Failed to set channel data

Failed to set controller network interface

Failed to set drive side parameters

Failed to set host side parameters

Failed to set peripheral configuration

Failed to set redundant controller configuration

Failed to set sata serial connector

Failed to set statistics

Failed to set write-policy

Failed to set/reset caching statistics

Failed to set/reset channel statistics

Failed to set/reset controller statistics

Failed to set/reset drive statistics

Failed to set/reset host statistics

Failed to show drive side parameters

Failed to show host side parameters

Failed to show logical volumes

Failed to show mapping on host channel

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

Appendix B Error and Event Messages 197

Failed to unbypass a device

Failed to unbypass sfp

Failed to unmap partition from host channel

Failed to upload nvram

Filter map exist

Firmware download failure

Firmware download failure on some targets

Firmware download not performed

Firmware type and unit type not match

Get events failure

Get host wwn name list failed

Get network protocol failed

Get raid configuration error

Get raid configuration from file error

Get ses wdt status jbod failed

Get slot status failed

Getting network parameters failure

Host wwn entry existing

Host wwn entry not existing

Host wwn name too long

Illegal operation on mixed type of disk drive or unit

Illegal operation while a logical drive exists

Illegal request

In service date not set in the battery


Invalid command

Invalid host wwn

Invalid protocol name

Invalid request

Invalid ses enclosure page length

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

198 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

IO chl diagnostic command aborted by user

IO chl diagnostic command bad target parameters

IO chl diagnostic command busy

IO chl diagnostic command completed with errors

IO chl diagnostic command completed with no error

IO chl diagnostic command failed

IO chl diagnostic command in progress

IO chl diagnostic command not ready

IO chl diagnostic command not running

IO chl diagnostic command not valid

IO chl diagnostic command out of resource

IO chl diagnostic command parameter error

IO chl diagnostic command too much ops running

Is member of logical volume

Library database data not valid

Library database update error

Logical drive rebuild failed

Logical drive/volume expand failed

Logical drive/volume expand only applicable on raid0/raid1/raid3/raid5

Logical error of operation on ses

LUN map exist

Maximum error status value

Mixed drive type for a logical drive operation

Mixed drive type in the raid system

Network traffic

No available disk to create logical drive

No controller network interface

No disk clone found

No firmware data for download

No logical drive

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

Appendix B Error and Event Messages 199

No logical volume

No mux board found

No path found to inquiry sr-1216

No sr-1216 found

No valid data returned

No valid safte target found

No valid ses target found

No valid target found

Not a device mapped on primary controller

Not a drive channel

Not a host channel

Not a primary controller

Not a qualified channel

Not a supported SAFTE target

Not a supported SES target

Not a valid target

Not an existing channel

Not an existing target

Not spare drive

Not valid as spare drive


Only offline creating can be aborted

Only offline expanding can be aborted

Open file failure

Open inband/outband device error

Operation not valid on this logical drive

Operation specified not available on the drive type

Out of resource

Partition was not specified

pc-150 firmware download failure

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

200 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Primary Agent not found

RAID1 requires an even number of disks

Read configuration data error

Rebuild only applicable on raid1/raid3/raid5


Restore host wwn name list failed



Retrieving controller name failure

Retrieving controller unique id failure

Retrieving ddb information failure

Retrieving pc-150 information failure

Retrieving rs232 configuration failure

Retrieving sr-1216 information failure

Save raid configuration to file error

Scanning fru is done, but at least one fru missing

SCSI device model missing

SES operation on invalid target

Set controller current time failure

Set logical drive failed

Set logical volume failed

Set network protocol failed

Set ses wdt failed on jbod

Set slot operation failed

Setting controller name failure

Setting controller unique id failure

Setting rs232 configuration failure

Show shutdown status failed

Shutdown controller failed

Some frus missing

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

Appendix B Error and Event Messages 201

Specified lds must have only a single \n partition (P0), no host LUN mappings, and they must have the same controller \n assignment

SR-1216 firmware download failure

Start of error values

Stripe block size not available

Target device not found

Target device not ready

The capacity of target disk too small

The current firmware does not support check parity on raid1

The current firmware does not support this operation on raid1

This operation is only supported on Fibre Channel primary RAID controller devices

Valid host channel, target, and lun were not specified

Verify bypass information failed

Write parameters error


Wrong unit type specified for sata related operation

TABLE B-1 Error/Status Messages (Continued)

Error and Status Messages

202 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Show Configuration Command Output

This appendix includes a list of the items included in the output of the show configuration command and the sample XML output of the show configuration XML file command. Regardless of the file format, xml, txt, or onscreen, the output content is the same.

Topics in this appendix include:

■ “Show Configuration Output” on page 204■ “XML DTD” on page 211■ “Sample Show Configuration XML Output” on page 236

For details on how to execute the show configuration command, see “show configuration” on page 55.


Show Configuration OutputThe show configuration command runs the following commands:

■ show inquiry-data■ show unique-identifier■ show controller-name■ show network-parameters■ show host-parameters■ show drive-parameters■ show redundant-controller■ show redundancy-mode■ show cache-parameters■ show RS232-configuration■ show channels■ show disks■ show logical-drive■ show logical-volumes■ show partitions■ show lun-maps■ show protocol■ show auto-write-through-trigger■ show peripheral-device-status■ show SES■ show port-WWNs■ show inter-controller-link■ show battery-status■ show SAF-TE■ show enclosure-status■ show sata-router■ show sata-mux■ show host-wwns■ show FRUs■ show access-mode■ show controller-date■ show disk array

The XML output produced by show configuration --xml includes the following data.

The Inquiry Data output shows:

■ Vendor■ Product■ Model■ Firmware Revision

204 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ ID of NVRAM Defaults■ Boot Record Version■ MAC Address■ IP Address■ Primary Serial Number■ Secondary Serial Number■ Ethernet Address■ Device Type

The Unique Identifier output shows:

■ Unique ID

The Controller Name output shows:

■ Controller name

The Network Parameters output shows:

■ IP Address■ Netmask■ Gateway■ Mode

The Host Parameters output shows:

■ LUNs per host■ Queue depth■ Fibre connection■ Inband management

The Drive Parameters output shows:

■ SCSI Motor Start-up■ Power-up SCSI Reset■ Disk Access Latency■ SCSI I/O Timeout■ Tag Count Per Drive■ Drive Check Time Period■ Enclosure Polling Period■ Auto-detect Drive Check■ Drive SMART■ Auto Global Spare

The Redundant Controller output shows:

■ Controller configuration■ Cache synchronization■ Host channel failover mode■ Local/Remote redundant mode■ Write-through data synchronization■ Secondary RS232 port status

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 205

■ Communication channel type

The Redundancy output shows:

■ Role■ Primary Controller Serial Number■ Redundancy Mode■ Redundant Status■ Secondary Controller Serial Number

The Cache Parameters output shows:

■ Write policy mode■ I/O optimization■ Synchronization period

The RS-232 Parameters output shows:

■ Port baud rate

The Channel output shows:

■ Channel ID■ Channel type■ Media type■ PID■ SID■ Current Clock Speed■ Current Width

The Disks output shows:

■ Channel Number■ Target Number■ Status■ Manufacturer■ Model■ Serial Number■ Product Revision■ Capacity■ Size Remaining■ Speed■ LD-ID

The Logical Drive output shows:

■ Logical Drive ID Number (eight-digit hex)■ Logical Drive IDX■ Assignment■ Status■ RAID Level■ Number of Drives

206 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ Physical Drives■ Size■ Total Partitions■ Stripe size■ Write-policy mode

The Logical Volume output shows:

■ Logical Volume ID Number (eight-digit hex)■ Logical Volume IDX■ Controller assignment■ Size■ Write-policy mode■ Logical drive assignment

The Partitions output shows:

■ Logical drive/Logical volume ID■ Partition IDX■ Size

The LUN maps output shows:

■ Channel ID■ Target ID■ LUN■ Partition IDX■ Controller assignment■ Filter map

The Protocol output shows:

■ Protocol type■ Status■ Port number■ Parameters

The Automatic Write-Through Trigger output shows:

■ Controller failure status■ Battery backup status■ UPS AC power loss status■ Power supply status■ Fan failure status■ Temperature exceeded delay status

The Peripheral Device output shows:

■ CPU primary temperature sensor■ Board 1 primary temperature sensor■ Board 2 primary temperature sensor■ +3.3V primary value

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 207

■ +5V primary value■ +12V primary value■ Battery backup primary battery ■ CPU secondary temperature sensor■ Board 1 secondary temperature sensor■ Board 2 secondary temperature sensor■ +3.3V secondary value■ +5V secondary value■ +12V secondary value■ Battery backup secondary battery

The SES output shows:

■ Channel■ ID■ Chassis Serial Number■ Vendor Product ID■ Revision■ PLD Revision■ WWNN■ WWPN■ Topology

The Port WWN output shows:

■ Channel■ Channel ID■ WWPN

The Inter-Controller Link (ICL) output shows:

■ Channel Number■ Bypass Status

The Battery Status output shows:

■ Name■ Type■ Manufacturing Date■ Placed In-Service Date■ Expiration Date■ Status

The SAF-TE output shows:

■ Channel■ ID■ Chassis Serial Number■ Vendor ■ Product ID■ Revision

208 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

■ Package Revision

The Enclosure Status output shows:

■ SAF-TE or SES package and revision information■ Fan status■ Power supply status■ Temperature sensor status■ Disk slot status■ EMU status■ SCSI channel type

The SATA router output shows:

■ Enclosure ID■ Enclosure serial number■ Channel■ Slot■ Revision■ Boot revision■ CSB revision■ Hardware revision

The SATA MUX output shows:

■ Channel■ ID■ MUX serial number■ MUX type■ Path controller (PC150) revision■ Path controller (PC150) boot revision

The Host WWN output shows:

■ Host WWN

The FRU information output shows:

■ Name■ Description■ Part Number■ Serial Number■ Revision■ Manufacturing Date■ Manufacturing Location■ Manufacturer JEDEC ID■ FRU Location■ Chassis Serial Number■ Status

The Access Mode output shows:

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 209

■ Access mode

The Controller Date output shows:

■ Boot time■ Current time■ Time zone

The Disk Array output shows:

■ Verify On Initialization■ Verify On Rebuild■ Verify On Normal■ Rebuild Priority

210 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

XML DTDThe show configuration --xml command conforms to the following DTD.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- Root element, the RAID BaseView --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT raidbaseview (raidsystem*)>

<!-- ********************************************************* --><!-- raidsystem element : The entire RAID system, which --><!-- consists of: --><!-- name: The RAID System name --><!-- status: the system status --><!-- manufacturer: --><!-- model: product model --><!-- firmware_version: Firmware version --><!-- bootrecord_version: Boot Record version. --><!-- mac_address: network MAC address. --><!-- ip: network IP address. --><!-- netmask: network mask address. --><!-- gateway: network gateway address. --><!-- (optional) --><!-- primary_sn: Primary Serial Number --><!-- secondary_sn: Secondary Serial Number --><!-- (optional) --><!-- controller_name: Controller Name --><!-- unique_id: Unique ID of the RAID System. --><!-- id_of_nvram_defaults: --><!-- total_logical_drives: --><!-- total_partitions: --><!-- total_physical_drives: Total Physical Drivers --><!-- total_ses_devices: --><!-- cache_size: --><!-- cpu: --><!-- fru: Controller FRU info --><!-- (optional) --><!-- channel: RAID System Channel info. --><!-- network: network channel info -->

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 211

<!-- (optional) --><!-- com_port: RAID System COM port info --><!-- cache_param: Cache parameter --><!-- array_param: Disk Array parameter --><!-- drive_param: Disk side parameter --><!-- host_param: Host side parameter --><!-- redundant_param: is system in redundant model --><!-- logical_volume Logical Volumes --><!-- (optional) --><!-- logical_drive: Logical Drivers --><!-- (optional) --><!-- ses: the SES device info --><!-- (optional) --><!-- port_wwn: port wwn info (optional) --><!-- inter_controller_link: controller internal link info --><!-- (optional) --><!-- battery_status: Battery status --><!-- (optional) --><!-- config_components Disk and SAFTE device info. --><!-- hostwwns: host wwn info (optional) --><!-- --><!-- boot_time: the controller boot time --><!-- time_zone: time zone --><!-- access_mode: the accesse mode: can be inband or out-of-band --><!-- controller_date: the controller current time --><!-- enclosure: the enclosure information --><!-- network_protocol: one network protocol --><!-- peripheral_device: peripheral device configuration --><!-- peripheral_device_status: peripheral device status --><!-- total_sata_mux: total sata mux number --><!-- total_sata_routers: total sata router number --><!-- ********************************************************* --><!ELEMENT raidsystem (name,status,manufacturer,model,firmware_version,


212 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005








<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- total_sata_routers element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT total_sata_routers (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- total_sata_mux element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT total_sata_mux (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- controller_date element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT controller_date (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- access_mode element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT access_mode (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- time_zone element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT time_zone (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 213

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- boot_time element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT boot_time (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- name element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- status element: --><!-- It may be one of Online, Offline, --><!-- Critical, Degraded --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT status (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- manufacturer element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT manufacturer (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- model element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT model (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- firmware_version element: --><!-- The RAID system Firmware version --><!-- format is major.minorEnginer --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT firmware_version (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- bootrecord_version element: --><!-- The RAID system boot record version --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT bootrecord_version (#PCDATA)>

214 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- primary_sn element: --><!-- The RAID system primary controller serial number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT primary_sn (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- secondary_sn element: --><!-- The RAID system secondary controller serial number --><!-- It is optional, for some systems may have only --><!-- one controller --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT secondary_sn (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- controller_name element: --><!-- The RAID system controller name --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT controller_name (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- unique_id element: --><!-- The RAID system Unique ID --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT unique_id (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- id_of_nvram_defaults element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT id_of_nvram_defaults (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- total_logical_drives element: --><!-- The RAID system total logical --><!-- drive number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT total_logical_drives (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- total_partitions element: --><!-- The RAID system total partition --><!-- number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT total_partitions (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 215

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- total_physical_drives element: --><!-- The RAID system total physical drives --><!-- number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT total_physical_drives (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- total_ses_devices element: --><!-- The RAID system total SAFTE device --><!-- number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT total_ses_devices (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- cache_size element: The cache size, in binary MB --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT cache_size (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- cpu element: The CPU type of the RAID system --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT cpu (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- fru element: The FRU info of one part of the RAID system --><!-- It includes these elements --><!-- idx: the index --><!-- name: the name of the FRU --><!-- description: --><!-- part_number: the part number --><!-- serial_number: the serial number --><!-- revision: --><!-- manufacturing_date: Manufacture Date --><!-- manufacturing_location: Manufacture Location --><!-- manufacturer_jedec_id: Vendor JEDEC ID --><!-- fru_location: --><!-- chassis_serial_number: sn --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fru (idx,name,description,part_number,serial_number,

revision,manufacturing_date,manufacturing_location,manufacturer_jedec_id,fru_location,chassis_serial_number, fru_status)>

216 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- fru_status element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fru_status (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- idx element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT idx (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- part_number element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT part_number (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- revision element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT revision (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- manufacturer_jedec_id element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT manufacturer_jedec_id (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- fru_location element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fru_location (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- chassis_serial_number element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT chassis_serial_number (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- manufacturing_date element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT manufacturing_date (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- manufacturing_location element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT manufacturing_location (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 217

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- description element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- channel element: The channel info of the RAID system --><!-- It include these elements --><!-- idx: the index, the physical channel number --><!-- logchl: Logical Channel number --><!-- mode: Channel model --><!-- type: Channel Type --><!-- pid: Channel PID --><!-- sid: Channel SID --><!-- term: Channel Terminal --><!-- defclk: Channel default clock --><!-- curclk: Channel current clock --><!-- defwid: Channel default width --><!-- curwid: Channel current width --><!-- *************************************************** --><!ELEMENT channel (idx,logchl,mode,type,pid,sid,term,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- logchl element: Logical Channel number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT logchl (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- mode element: The Channel work mode can be "Host" --><!-- "Drive", "RCCOM", "Other" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT mode (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- type element: Channel type can be "SCSI" "PCI" "FC" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- pid element: PID of this channel --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT pid (#PCDATA)>

218 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- sid element: SID of this channel --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT sid (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- defclk element: Default clock --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT defclk (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- defwid element: Default width --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT defwid (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- term element: This channel have term or not --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT term (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- defclk element: Current clock --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT curclk (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- defwid element: Current width --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT curwid (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- network element: The channel info of the RAID system --><!-- It includes these elements --><!-- idx: --><!-- mac_address: --><!-- static_address: --><!-- transfer_speed_configurable: --><!-- current_transfer_speed: --><!-- supported_transfer_speed: --><!-- mac_address_configurable: --><!-- *************************************************** -->

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 219

<!ELEMENT network (idx,mac_address,static_address,transfer_speed_configurable,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- mac_address element: Mac address --><!-- format is ##:##:##:##:##:## --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT mac_address (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- transfer_speed_configurable element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT transfer_speed_configurable (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- current_transfer_speed element: in MB --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT current_transfer_speed (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- supported_transfer_speed element: in MB --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT supported_transfer_speed (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- mac_address_configurable element: Enable, Disable --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT mac_address_configurable (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- static_address element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT static_address (ip, netmask, gateway)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- ip element: IP address --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT ip (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- netmask element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT netmask (#PCDATA)>

220 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- gateway element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT gateway (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- com_port element: The RS-232 port info --><!-- It includes these elements --><!-- idx: the index --><!-- max_bps: --><!-- min_bps: --><!-- default_bps: --><!-- current_bps: --><!-- *************************************************** --><!ELEMENT com_port (idx, max_bps, min_bps, default_bps, current_bps)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- max_bps element: Max baud rate, in BPS --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT max_bps (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- min_bps element: Min baud rate, in BPS --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT min_bps (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- default_bps element: Default baud rate, in BPS --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT default_bps (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- current_bps element: Current baud rate, in BPS --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT current_bps (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 221

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- drive_param element: The Drive side configuration --><!-- It includes these elements --><!-- scsi_motor_spin_up: --><!-- power_up_scsi_reset: --><!-- disk_access_latency: --><!-- scsi_io_timeout: --><!-- tag_count_per_drive: --><!-- drive_check_period: --><!-- safte_polling_period: --><!-- auto_detect_drive_check: --><!-- drive_smart_mode --><!-- auto_global_spare --><!-- *************************************************** --><!ELEMENT drive_param (scsi_motor_spin_up,power_up_scsi_reset?,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- scsi_motor_spin_up element : in sec --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT scsi_motor_spin_up (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- power_up_scsi_reset element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT power_up_scsi_reset (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- disk_access_latency element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT disk_access_latency (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- tag_count_per_drive element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT tag_count_per_drive (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- safte_polling_period element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT safte_polling_period (#PCDATA)>

222 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- scsi_io_timeout element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT scsi_io_timeout (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- drive_check_period element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT drive_check_period (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- auto_detect_drive_check element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT auto_detect_drive_check (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- drive_smart_mode element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT drive_smart_mode (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- auto_global_spare element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT auto_global_spare (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- cache_param element: The RAID system cache info includes --><!-- write_policy : The write policy --><!-- sync_period --><!-- optimization --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT cache_param (write_policy, sync_period?, optimization)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- optimization element: can be "Enable", "Disable" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT optimization (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 223

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- array_param element: The RAID system array info includes --><!-- verify_on_init --><!-- verify_on_rebuild --><!-- verify_on_normal --><!-- rebuild_priority --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT array_param (verify_on_init, verify_on_rebuild, verify_on_normal, rebuild_priority)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- verify_on_init element: can be "Enable" "Disable" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT verify_on_init (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- verify_on_rebuild element: can be "Enable" "Disable" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT verify_on_rebuild (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- verify_on_normal element: can be "Enable" "Disable" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT verify_on_normal (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- rebuild_priority element: can be "High" "Improved" --><!-- "Normal" "Low" --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT rebuild_priority (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- host_param element: The RAID system host side info, include --><!-- queue_io_count --><!-- luns_per_host --><!-- fibre_connection_mode --><!-- inband_access --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT host_param (queue_io_count,luns_per_host,


224 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- queue_io_count element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT queue_io_count (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- luns_per_host element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT luns_per_host (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- fibre_connection_mode element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fibre_connection_mode (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- redundant_param element: The RAID system redundant config , include --><!-- Primary_sn --><!-- Redundancy_mode --><!-- redundant_status --><!-- secondary_sn --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT redundant_param (role,Primary_sn,Redundancy_mode,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- role element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT role (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- Primary_sn element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT Primary_sn (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- Redundancy_mode element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT Redundancy_mode (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- redundant_status element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT redundant_status (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 225

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- logical_drive element: The Logical Drive info includes --><!-- ld_id --><!-- ld_idx --><!-- assignment --><!-- status --><!-- raid_level --><!-- number_of_drives --><!-- physical_drive --><!-- size --><!-- total_partitions --><!-- partition --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT logical_drive (ld_id,ld_idx,assignment,status,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- write_policy element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT write_policy (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- block_size element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT block_size (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- ld_id element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT ld_id (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- ld_idx element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT ld_idx (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- assignment element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT assignment (#PCDATA)>

226 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- raid_level element: can be RAID0, RAID1, RAID3 .... --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT raid_level (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- number_of_drives element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT number_of_drives (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- physical_drive element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT physical_drive (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- size element: in MB --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT size (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- ses element: The SES device info includes --><!-- idx: index number --><!-- ch: channel number --><!-- id: SCSI ID --><!-- chassis --><!-- vender_product_id --><!-- rev --><!-- pld --><!-- wwnn --><!-- wwpn --><!-- topology --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT ses (idx,ch,id,chassis,vender_product_id,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- id element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT id (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- chassis element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT chassis (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 227

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- vender_product_id element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT vender_product_id (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- rev element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT rev (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- pld element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT pld (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- wwnn element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT wwnn (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- wwpn element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT wwpn (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- topology element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT topology (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- port_wwns element: include --><!-- port_wwn --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT port_wwns (port_wwn*)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- port_wwn element: include --><!-- idx --><!-- ch --><!-- id --><!-- wwnn --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT port_wwn (idx,ch,id,wwnn)>

228 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- hostwwns element: include --><!-- hostwwns --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT hostwwns (hostwwns*)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- hostwwn element: include --><!-- wwn --><!-- name --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT hostwwn (wwn,name)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- wwn element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT wwn (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- inter_controller_link element: include --><!-- idx --><!-- slot --><!-- ch --><!-- ch_mode --><!-- bypass_status --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT inter_controller_link (idx,slot,ch,ch_mode,bypass_status)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- slot element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT slot (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- ch_mode element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT ch_mode (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- bypass_status element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT bypass_status (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 229

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- battery_status element: battery status info includes --><!-- name --><!-- type --><!-- manufacturing_date --><!-- placed_in_service --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT battery_status (name,type,manufacturing_date,placed_in_service)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- placed_in_service element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT placed_in_service (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- partition element: The partition info includes --><!-- idx --><!-- effective_size --><!-- offset --><!-- mapping --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT partition (idx, effective_size, offset, mapping?, filter_mapping?)> <!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- effective_size element: in MB --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT effective_size (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- offset element: in MB --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT offset (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- mapping element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT mapping (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- filter_mapping element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT filter_mapping (#PCDATA)>

230 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- logical_volume element: The Logical Volume info, include --><!-- lv_id --><!-- lv_idx --><!-- assignment --><!-- status --><!-- size --><!-- logical_drive --><!-- total_partitions --><!-- partition --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT logical_volume (lv_id,lv_idx,assignment,status,


<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- lv_id element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT lv_id (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- number_of_logical_drive element: LV include LD number --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT number_of_logical_drive (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- lv_idx element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT lv_idx (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- config_components element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT config_components (disk*)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- Disk element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT disk (ch,target,status,manufacturer,model,

serial_number, product_revision,capacity,remaining_size,rpm,ld_id,ld_idx,wwnn?,Speed)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 231

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- wwnn element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT wwnn (#PCDATA)><!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- ch element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT ch (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- target element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT target (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- serial_number element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT serial_number (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- product_revision element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT product_revision (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- capacity element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT capacity (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- remaining_size element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT remaining_size (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** --><!-- Speed element: --><!-- ****************************************************** --><!ELEMENT Speed (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- CDROM element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT cdrom (ch, target, manufacturer, model)>

232 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- Tape element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT tape (ch, target, manufacturer, model)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- EMU element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT emu (ch, target, status, manufacturer, model, firmware_version, safte_status, fru_number, fru*)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- fru_number element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fru_number (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- safte_status element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT safte_status (idx, power_status_summary, power_supply_status?, fan_status_summary, fan_status?, temperature_status)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- power_status_summary element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT power_status_summary (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- fan_status_summary element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fan_status_summary (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- temperature_status element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT temperature_status (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- power_supply_status element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT power_supply_status (idx, status)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 233

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- fan_status element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fan_status (idx, status)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- enclosure element: include below elements. --><!-- mgmt_device --><!-- component --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT enclosure (mgmt_device+,component+)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- mgmt_device element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT mgmt_device (idx, name)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- component element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT component (addr|led|temp)*>



<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- config_components element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT config_components (disk*)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- device element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT device (name,value,status)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- value element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>

234 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- event_trigger_operation_enables element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT event_trigger_operation_enables (controller_failure, battery_backup_unit_failure, UPS_AC_power_loss,power_supply_failure, fan_failure)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- network_protocol element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT network_protocol (identifier,status,port_number)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- peripheral_device element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT peripheral_device ( event_trigger_operation_enables, temperature-exceeded-delay)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- peripheral_device_status element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT peripheral_device_status (device+)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- sync_period element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT sync_period (#PCDATA)> <!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- controller_failure element: disabled or enabled --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT controller_failure (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- battery_backup_unit_failure element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT battery_backup_unit_failure (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- UPS_AC_power_loss element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT UPS_AC_power_loss (#PCDATA)>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 235

Sample Show Configuration XML OutputThe following pages show a sample of the show configuration command output in XML format for the Sun StorEdge 3511 SATA array. The following output is specific to this configuration. Each configuration varies based on how the array is set up. Regardless of the file format, xml or txt or onscreen, the output content is the same.

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- power_supply_failure element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT power_supply_failure (#PCDATA)> <!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- fan_failure element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT fan_failure (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- identifier element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT identifier (#PCDATA)>

<!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- port_number element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT port_number (#PCDATA)> <!-- ******************************************************** --><!-- temperature-exceeded-delay element: --><!-- ******************************************************** --><!ELEMENT temperature-exceeded-delay (#PCDATA)>

236 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<raidbaseview><raidsystem><name>BitBucket StorEdge 3510 A-A Array SN#000002</name><status>Online</status><manufacturer>SUN</manufacturer><model>StorEdge 3510</model><firmware_version>411G</firmware_version><bootrecord_version>1.31H</bootrecord_version><mac_address>00:c0:ff:00:00:02</mac_address><ip></ip><netmask></netmask><gateway></gateway><primary_sn>3341097</primary_sn><secondary_sn>8005709</secondary_sn><controller_name>BitBucket</controller_name><unique_id>0x00002</unique_id><id_of_nvram_defaults>411G 3510 S416F</id_of_nvram_defaults><total_logical_drives>4</total_logical_drives><total_partitions>4</total_partitions><total_physical_drives>48</total_physical_drives><total_ses_devices>8</total_ses_devices><cache_size>1024MB ECC SDRAM</cache_size><cpu>PPC750</cpu><fru><idx>0</idx><name>FC_CHASSIS_BKPLN</name><description>SE3510 FC Chassis/backplane</description><part_number>370-5535</part_number><serial_number>080146</serial_number><revision>02</revision><manufacturing_date>Tue Jun 8 05:54:09 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Penang,Malaysia</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>FC MIDPLANE SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>080146</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 237

<fru><idx>1</idx><name>FC_JBOD_IOM</name><description>SE3510 I/O w/SES JBOD FC 2U</description><part_number>370-5538</part_number><serial_number>HG01B9</serial_number><revision>05</revision><manufacturing_date>Thu Jun 3 16:45:15 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Penang,Malaysia</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>UPPER FC JBOD IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>080146</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>2</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>SE3310/SE3510 AC PWR SUPPLY w/FAN</description><part_number>370-5398</part_number><serial_number>134105</serial_number><revision>02</revision><manufacturing_date>Wed Mar 31 10:48:13 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>RIGHT AC PSU SLOT #1 (RIGHT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>080146</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>3</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>SE3310/SE3510 AC PWR SUPPLY w/FAN</description><part_number>370-5398</part_number><serial_number>134148</serial_number><revision>02</revision><manufacturing_date>Wed Mar 31 11:08:33 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>AC PSU SLOT #0 (LEFT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>080146</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru>

238 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<fru><idx>4</idx><name>FC_JBOD_IOM</name><description>SE3510 I/O w/SES JBOD FC 2U</description><part_number>370-5538</part_number><serial_number>HG01AX</serial_number><revision>05</revision><manufacturing_date>Thu Jun 3 15:23:43 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Penang,Malaysia</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>LOWER FC JBOD IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>080146</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>7</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>Minnow AC PWR SUPPLY/FAN Mod</description><part_number>370-5398</part_number><serial_number>003882</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Tue Nov 12 20:31:51 2002</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>RIGHT AC PSU SLOT #1 (RIGHT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>N/A</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>8</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>Minnow AC PWR SUPPLY/FAN Mod</description><part_number>370-5398</part_number><serial_number>003891</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Wed Nov 13 16:19:21 2002</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>AC PSU SLOT #0 (LEFT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>N/A</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 239

<fru><idx>9</idx><name>FC_RAID_IOM</name><description>SE3510 I/O w/SES + RAID Cont 1GB</description><part_number>370-5537</part_number><serial_number>005359</serial_number><revision>03</revision><manufacturing_date>Mon Jul 21 23:32:27 2003</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas,CA,USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>LOWER FC RAID IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>N/A</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>14</idx><name>FC_CHASSIS_BKPLN</name><description>SE3510 FC Chassis/backplane</description><part_number>370-5535</part_number><serial_number>000F54</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Tue Jan 21 18:37:32 2003</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas,CA,USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>FC MIDPLANE SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>000F54</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>15</idx><name>FC_JBOD_IOM</name><description>SE3510 I/O w/SES JBOD FC 2U</description><part_number>370-5538</part_number><serial_number>000523</serial_number><revision>05</revision><manufacturing_date>Sun May 2 04:13:11 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>UPPER FC JBOD IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>000F54</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru>

240 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<fru><idx>16</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>Minnow AC PWR SUPPLY/FAN Mod</description><part_number>FPS-A001</part_number><serial_number>007956</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Wed May 7 15:35:23 2003</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>RIGHT AC PSU SLOT #1 (RIGHT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>000F54</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>17</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>Minnow AC PWR SUPPLY/FAN Mod</description><part_number>370-5398</part_number><serial_number>006333</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Thu Dec 12 23:47:21 2002</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>AC PSU SLOT #0 (LEFT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>000F54</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>18</idx><name>FC_JBOD_IOM</name><description>SE3510 I/O w/SES JBOD FC 2U</description><part_number>370-5538</part_number><serial_number>005122</serial_number><revision>05</revision><manufacturing_date>Wed May 5 03:31:09 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>LOWER FC JBOD IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>000F54</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 241

<fru><idx>21</idx><name>FC_CHASSIS_BKPLN</name><description>SATA,Chassis+Backplane, 2U</description><part_number>370-6775</part_number><serial_number>006891</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Tue Jun 15 21:32:27 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas,CA,USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>FC MIDPLANE SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>006891</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>22</idx><name>FC_JBOD_IOM</name><description>I/O JBOD, SATA, 2U</description><part_number>370-6774</part_number><serial_number>GG001B</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Mon Jun 21 05:12:20 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas,CA,USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>UPPER FC JBOD IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>006891</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>23</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>AC PWR SPLY FAN MOD 2U FC/SATA</description><part_number>370-6776</part_number><serial_number>GMY2U3</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Fri Jun 11 17:21:27 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>RIGHT AC PSU SLOT #1 (RIGHT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>006891</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru>

242 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<fru><idx>24</idx><name>AC_POWER_SUPPLY</name><description>AC PWR SPLY FAN MOD 2U FC/SATA</description><part_number>370-6776</part_number><serial_number>GMY2T1</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Fri Jun 11 17:34:58 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Irvine California, USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x048F</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>AC PSU SLOT #0 (LEFT)</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>006891</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><fru><idx>25</idx><name>FC_JBOD_IOM</name><description>I/O JBOD, SATA, 2U</description><part_number>370-6774</part_number><serial_number>GG000D</serial_number><revision>01</revision><manufacturing_date>Mon Jun 21 05:10:15 2004</manufacturing_date><manufacturing_location>Milpitas,CA,USA</manufacturing_location><manufacturer_jedec_id>0x0301</manufacturer_jedec_id><fru_location>LOWER FC JBOD IOM SLOT</fru_location><chassis_serial_number>006891</chassis_serial_number><fru_status>OK</fru_status></fru><channel><idx>0</idx><logchl>0</logchl><mode>Host</mode><type>Fiber</type><pid>40</pid><sid>39</sid><term>N/A</term><defclk>AUTO</defclk><curclk>2G</curclk><defwid>Serial</defwid><curwid>Serial</curwid></channel>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 243


244 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 245


246 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<com_port><idx>0</idx><max_bps>38400bps</max_bps><min_bps>2400bps</min_bps><default_bps>38400bps</default_bps><current_bps>38400bps</current_bps></com_port><cache_param><write_policy>write back</write_policy><sync_period>Disabled</sync_period><optimization>Sequential I/O</optimization></cache_param><peripheral_device><event_trigger_operation_enables><controller_failure>disabled</controller_failure><battery_backup_unit_failure>disabled</battery_backup_unit_failure><UPS_AC_power_loss>disabled</UPS_AC_power_loss><power_supply_failure>disabled</power_supply_failure><fan_failure>disabled</fan_failure><temp_exceeds_threshold>disabled</temp_exceeds_threshold></event_trigger_operation_enables><temp_exceeds_threshold_period>0ms</temp_exceeds_threshold_period></peripheral_device><peripheral_device_status><device><name>CPU Temp Sensor(primary)</name><value>48.00C</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>Board1 Temp Sensor(primary)</name><value>53.50C</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>Board2 Temp Sensor(primary)</name><value>69.00C</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>+3.3V Value(primary)</name><value>3.416V</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>+5V Value(primary)</name><value>5.099V</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>+12V Value(primary)</name><value>12.503V</value><status>within safety range</status>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 247

</device><device><name>Battery-Backup Battery(primary)</name><value>--</value><status>Absent</status></device><device><name>CPU Temp Sensor(secondary)</name><value>42.50C</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>Board1 Temp Sensor(secondary)</name><value>49.50C</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>Board2 Temp Sensor(secondary)</name><value>60.00C</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>+3.3V Value(secondary)</name><value>3.400V</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>+5V Value(secondary)</name><value>5.099V</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>+12V Value(secondary)</name><value>12.442V</value><status>within safety range</status></device><device><name>Battery-Backup Battery(secondary)</name><value>--</value><status>Absent</status></device></peripheral_device_status><array_param><verify_on_init>Disabled</verify_on_init><verify_on_rebuild>Disabled</verify_on_rebuild><verify_on_normal>Disabled</verify_on_normal><rebuild_priority>High</rebuild_priority></array_param><drive_param><scsi_motor_spin_up>Disabled</scsi_motor_spin_up><power_up_scsi_reset>Enabled</power_up_scsi_reset><disk_access_latency>15S</disk_access_latency><scsi_io_timeout>30s</scsi_io_timeout><tag_count_per_drive>32</tag_count_per_drive><drive_check_period>0ms</drive_check_period><safte_polling_period>30s</safte_polling_period><auto_detect_drive_check>0ms</auto_detect_drive_check><drive_smart_mode>disabled</drive_smart_mode><auto_global_spare>Disabled</auto_global_spare></drive_param>

248 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<host_param><queue_io_count>1024</queue_io_count><luns_per_host>32</luns_per_host><fibre_connection_mode>loop</fibre_connection_mode><inband_access>enabled</inband_access></host_param><redundant_param><role>Redundant Primary</role><Primary_sn>3341097</Primary_sn><Redundancy_mode>Active-Active</Redundancy_mode><redundant_status>Primary controller</redundant_status><secondary_sn>8005709</secondary_sn></redundant_param><logical_drive><ld_id>573F7FDC</ld_id><ld_idx>0</ld_idx><assignment>Primary</assignment><status>Good</status><raid_level>RAID 3</raid_level><write_policy>default</write_policy><block_size>4 KB</block_size><number_of_drives>3</number_of_drives><physical_drive>2.0 2.1 2.2</physical_drive><size>7.81GB</size><total_partitions>1</total_partitions><partition><idx>0</idx><effective_size>7.81GB</effective_size><offset>0MB</offset><mapping>0.39.0</mapping></partition></logical_drive>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 249

<logical_drive><ld_id>5BA9224A</ld_id><ld_idx>1</ld_idx><assignment>Primary</assignment><status>Good</status><raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level><write_policy>default</write_policy><block_size>32 KB</block_size><number_of_drives>3</number_of_drives><physical_drive>2.3 2.4 2.5</physical_drive><size>8.59GB</size><total_partitions>1</total_partitions><partition><idx>0</idx><effective_size>8.59GB</effective_size><offset>0MB</offset><mapping>1.41.0</mapping></partition></logical_drive><logical_drive><ld_id>290FD285</ld_id><ld_idx>2</ld_idx><assignment>Primary</assignment><status>Good</status><raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level><write_policy>default</write_policy><block_size>32 KB</block_size><number_of_drives>3</number_of_drives><physical_drive>2.48 2.49 2.50</physical_drive><size>5.86GB</size><total_partitions>1</total_partitions><partition><idx>0</idx><effective_size>5.86GB</effective_size><offset>0MB</offset><mapping>1.42.0</mapping></partition></logical_drive>

250 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<logical_drive><ld_id>7900A48F</ld_id><ld_idx>3</ld_idx><assignment>Primary</assignment><status>Good</status><raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level><write_policy>default</write_policy><block_size>32 KB</block_size><number_of_drives>3</number_of_drives><physical_drive>2.51 2.52 2.53</physical_drive><size>6.45GB</size><total_partitions>1</total_partitions><partition><idx>0</idx><effective_size>6.45GB</effective_size><offset>0MB</offset><mapping>1.41.1</mapping></partition></logical_drive><ses><idx>0</idx><ch>2</ch><id>12</id><chassis>080146</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F D</vendor_product_id><rev>1046</rev><pld>1000</pld><wwnn>205000C0FF080146</wwnn><wwpn>215000C0FF080146</wwpn><topology>loopa</topology></ses>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 251

<enclosure><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="0"></mgmt_device><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="1"></mgmt_device>

<component type="fan" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134148"></component><component type="fan" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134148"></component><component type="fan" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134105"></component><component type="fan" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134105"></component><component type="ps" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134148"></component><component type="ps" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134105"></component>

<component type="temp" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><temp>27</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><temp>27</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="4" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><temp>27</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="5" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="HG01B9"><temp>36</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="HG01B9"><temp>33</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="HG01AX"><temp>35</temp></component>

252 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<component type="temp" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="HG01AX"><temp>35</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134148"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="134105"><temp>28</temp></component><component type="diskslot" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>0</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>1</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>2</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>3</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="4" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>4</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="5" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>5</addr><led>off</led>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 253

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>6</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>7</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>8</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>9</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>10</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="080146"><addr>11</addr><led>off</led>

</component></enclosure><ses><idx>1</idx><ch>2</ch><id>28</id><chassis>unknown</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F A</vendor_product_id><rev>1046</rev>

254 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<pld>1000</pld><wwnn>204000C0FF000002</wwnn><wwpn>214000C0FF000002</wwpn><topology>loopa</topology></ses><enclosure><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="1"></mgmt_device><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="2"></mgmt_device>

<component type="fan" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003891"></component><component type="fan" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003891"></component><component type="fan" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003882"></component><component type="fan" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003882"></component><component type="ps" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003891"></component><component type="ps" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003882"></component>

<component type="temp" unit="0" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="temp" unit="1" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="temp" unit="2" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="temp" unit="3" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="temp" unit="4" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="temp" unit="5" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="temp" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5537" fru-sn="005359"><temp>45</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5537" fru-sn="005359"><temp>50</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5537" fru-sn="005359"><temp>42</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5537" fru-sn="005359"><temp>45</temp></component>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 255

<component type="temp" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003891"><temp>31</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="003882"><temp>31</temp></component><component type="diskslot" unit="0" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="1" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="2" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="3" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="4" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="5" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="6" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="7" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="8" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="9" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="10" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component><component type="diskslot" unit="11" status="Absent" fru-pn="" fru-sn=""></component></enclosure><ses><idx>2</idx><ch>2</ch><id>44</id><chassis>000F54</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F D</vendor_product_id><rev>1046</rev><pld>1000</pld><wwnn>205000C0FF000F54</wwnn><wwpn>215000C0FF000F54</wwpn><topology>loopa</topology></ses><enclosure><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="2"></mgmt_device><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="3"></mgmt_device>

256 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<component type="fan" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="006333"></component><component type="fan" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="006333"></component><component type="fan" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="FPS-A001" fru-sn="007956"></component><component type="fan" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="FPS-A001" fru-sn="007956"></component><component type="ps" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="006333"></component><component type="ps" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="FPS-A001" fru-sn="007956"></component>

<component type="temp" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><temp>25</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><temp>25</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><temp>25</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="4" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="5" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><temp>25</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="000523"><temp>36</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="000523"><temp>32</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="005122"><temp>35</temp></component>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 257

<component type="temp" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5538" fru-sn="005122"><temp>35</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5398" fru-sn="006333"><temp>35</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="FPS-A001" fru-sn="007956"><temp>30</temp></component><component type="diskslot" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>32</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>33</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>34</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>35</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="4" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>36</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="5" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>37</addr><led>off</led></component>

258 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<component type="diskslot" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>38</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>39</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>40</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>41</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>42</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="370-5535" fru-sn="000F54"><addr>43</addr><led>off</led>

</component></enclosure><ses><idx>3</idx><ch>2</ch><id>60</id><chassis>006891</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3511F D</vendor_product_id><rev>0406</rev><pld>1000</pld>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 259

<wwnn>205000C0FF006891</wwnn><wwpn>215000C0FF006891</wwpn><topology>loopa</topology></ses><enclosure><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="3"></mgmt_device><mgmt_device name="ses" idx="4"></mgmt_device>

<component type="fan" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2T1"></component><component type="fan" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2T1"></component><component type="fan" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2U3"></component><component type="fan" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2U3"></component><component type="ps" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2T1"></component><component type="ps" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2U3"></component>

<component type="temp" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><temp>27</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><temp>28</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><temp>26</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="4" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><temp>25</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="5" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><temp>25</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6774" fru-sn="GG001B"><temp>40</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6774" fru-sn="GG001B"><temp>37</temp></component>

260 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<component type="temp" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6774" fru-sn="GG000D"><temp>40</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6774" fru-sn="GG000D"><temp>35</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2T1"><temp>28</temp></component><component type="temp" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6776" fru-sn="GMY2U3"><temp>31</temp></component><component type="diskslot" unit="0" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>48</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="1" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>49</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="2" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>50</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="3" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>51</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="4" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>52</addr><led>off</led>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 261

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="5" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>53</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="6" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>54</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="7" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>55</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="8" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>56</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="9" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>57</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="10" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>58</addr><led>off</led>

</component><component type="diskslot" unit="11" status="OK" fru-pn="370-6775" fru-sn="006891"><addr>59</addr><led>off</led>


262 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<ses><idx>4</idx><ch>3</ch><id>12</id><chassis>080146</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F D</vendor_product_id><rev>1046</rev><pld>1000</pld><wwnn>205000C0FF080146</wwnn><wwpn>225000C0FF080146</wwpn><topology>loopb</topology></ses><ses><idx>5</idx><ch>3</ch><id>28</id><chassis>unknown</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F A</vendor_product_id><rev>1046</rev><pld>1000</pld><wwnn>204000C0FF000002</wwnn><wwpn>224000C0FF000002</wwpn><topology>loopb</topology></ses><ses><idx>6</idx><ch>3</ch><id>44</id><chassis>000F54</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F D</vendor_product_id><rev>1046</rev><pld>1000</pld><wwnn>205000C0FF000F54</wwnn><wwpn>225000C0FF000F54</wwpn><topology>loopb</topology></ses>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 263

<ses><idx>7</idx><ch>3</ch><id>60</id><chassis>006891</chassis><vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3511F D</vendor_product_id><rev>0406</rev><pld>1000</pld><wwnn>205000C0FF006891</wwnn><wwpn>225000C0FF006891</wwpn><topology>loopb</topology></ses><port_wwns><port_wwn><idx>0</idx><ch>0</ch><id>40</id><wwnn>216000C0FF800002</wwnn></port_wwn><port_wwn><idx>0</idx><ch>0</ch><id>39</id><wwnn>216000C0FF700002</wwnn></port_wwn><port_wwn><idx>1</idx><ch>1</ch><id>41</id><wwnn>226000C0FF900002</wwnn></port_wwn><port_wwn><idx>1</idx><ch>1</ch><id>42</id><wwnn>226000C0FFA00002</wwnn></port_wwn>

264 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

<port_wwn><idx>4</idx><ch>4</ch><id>44</id><wwnn>256000C0FFC00002</wwnn></port_wwn><port_wwn><idx>2</idx><ch>5</ch><id>46</id><wwnn>266000C0FFE00002</wwnn></port_wwn></port_wwns><inter_controller_link><idx>0</idx><slot>upper</slot><ch>0</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><inter_controller_link><idx>1</idx><slot>lower</slot><ch>0</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><inter_controller_link><idx>2</idx><slot>upper</slot><ch>1</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><inter_controller_link><idx>3</idx><slot>lower</slot><ch>1</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link>

Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 265

<inter_controller_link><idx>4</idx><slot>upper</slot><ch>4</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><inter_controller_link><idx>5</idx><slot>lower</slot><ch>4</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><inter_controller_link><idx>6</idx><slot>upper</slot><ch>5</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><inter_controller_link><idx>7</idx><slot>lower</slot><ch>5</ch><ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode><bypass_status>connected</bypass_status></inter_controller_link><battery_status><name>Upper Battery</name><type>not present</type><manufacturing_date>N/A</manufacturing_date><placed_in_service>N/A</placed_in_service></battery_status><battery_status><name>Lower Battery</name><type>not present</type><manufacturing_date>N/A</manufacturing_date><placed_in_service>N/A</placed_in_service></battery_status>

266 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 267


268 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 269


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Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 271


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Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 273


274 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Appendix C Show Configuration Command Output 275

<hostwwns></hostwwns><total_sata_routers>2</total_sata_routers><sata_router encl_id="3" encl_sn="006891" ch="2" slot="upper" rev="DP0554e " boot_rev="0548" csb="0500" hw_rev="11" st_rev="0552"></sata_router><sata_router encl_id="3" encl_sn="006891" ch="3" slot="lower" rev="DP0554e " boot_rev="0548" csb="0500" hw_rev="11" st_rev="0552"></sata_router><total_sata_mux>12</total_sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="48" mux_sn="001E29" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="49" mux_sn="001E25" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="50" mux_sn="00214A" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="51" mux_sn="001E27" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="52" mux_sn="001E2F" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="53" mux_sn="00214D" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="54" mux_sn="001F0A" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="55" mux_sn="001F10" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="56" mux_sn="001F15" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="57" mux_sn="001F0F" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="58" mux_sn="001F28" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><sata_mux ch="2" id="59" mux_sn="001F11" mux_type="A/A" pc150_rev="BB42" pc150_boot="0300"></sata_mux><access_mode>Network Out-Of-Band</access_mode><controller_date>Thu Oct 28 16:32:54 2004</controller_date><boot_time>Thu Oct 28 16:16:30 2004</boot_time><time_zone>GMT -05:15</time_zone></raidsystem></raidbaseview>

276 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


The glossary lists acronyms and defines RAID terms found through the documentation. It also includes definitions of the operational states for disk drives and logical drives.

active-active controllers A pair of components, such as storage controllers in a failure-tolerant RAID

array, that share a task or set of tasks when both are functioning normally. When one component of the pair fails, the other takes the entire load. Dual active controllers are connected to the same set of devices and provide a combination of higher I/O performance and greater failure tolerance than a single controller.

ANSI American National Standards Institute.

ARP Address Resolution Protocol.

automatic rebuild A process in which data is automatically reconstructed after a drive failure and written to a standby (spare) drive. An automatic rebuild also occurs when a new drive is installed manually in place of a failed drive. If the rebuild process is interrupted by a reset, use the Manual Rebuild command from the firmware application to restart the rebuilding process.

block striping See striping.

block striping with dedicated parity (RAID 3) This technique breaks data into logical blocks, the size of a disk block,

and then stripes these blocks across several drives. One drive is dedicated to parity. In the event that a disk fails, the original data can be reconstructed using the parity information and the information on the remaining drives.

caching Allows data to be stored in a predesignated area of a disk or RAM (random access memory). Caching is used to speed up the operation of RAID arrays, disk drives, computers and servers, or other peripheral devices.


capacity The total number of physical drives available for data storage in a RAID array (logical drive). For example, if the capacity is N-1 and the total number of disk drives in a logical drives is six 36-Mbyte drives, the disk space available for storage is equal to five disk drives (5 x 36-Mbyte or 180 Mbyte).

CH Channel.

channel Any path used for the transfer of data and control information between storage devices and a storage controller or I/O adapter. Also refers to one SCSI bus on a disk array controller. Each disk array controller provides at least one channel.

CISPR International Special Committee on Radio Interference.

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

disk mirroring See mirroring (RAID1).

EMC Electromagnetic compatibility.

EMU Event monitoring unit.

Fabric Fibre Channel network built around one or more switches.

Fabric switch A Fabric switch functions as a routing engine that actively directs data transfer from source to destination and arbitrates every connection. Bandwidth per node via a Fabric switch remains constant when more nodes are added, and a node on a switch port uses a data path of up to 100 Mbyte/sec to send or receive data.

failover A mode of operation for failure-tolerant arrays in which a component has failed and its function has been assumed by a redundant component.

fault tolerance The capacity to cope with internal hardware problems without interrupting the array’s data availability, often by using backup systems brought online when a failure is detected. Many arrays provide fault tolerance by using RAID architecture to give protection against loss of data when a single disk drive fails. Using RAID 1 (mirroring), RAID 3 or RAID 5 (striping with parity), or RAID 1+0 (mirroring and striping) techniques, the array controller can reconstruct data from a failed drive and write it to a standby or replacement drive.

fault-tolerant logical drive A logical drive that provides protection of data in the event of a single drive

failure by employing RAID 1, 1+0, 3, or 5.

FC-AL (Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop) FC-AL is implemented as either a loop or a Fabric. A loop can contain up to 126 nodes, accessible through only one or two servers.

Fibre Channel A cost-effective gigabit communications link deployed across a wide range of hardware.

Fibre Channel HBAs Fibre channel adapters of a host computer, server, or workstation.

278 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

Fibre hubs An Arbitrated Loop Hub is a wiring concentrator. “Arbitrated” means that all nodes communicating over this Fibre loop are sharing a 100 Mbyte/sec segment. Whenever more devices are added to a single segment, the bandwidth available to each node is further divided. A loop configuration allows different devices in the loop to be configured in a token ring style. With a Fibre hub, a Fibre loop can be rearranged in a star-like configuration because the hub itself contains port bypass circuitry that forms an internal loop. Bypass circuits can automatically reconfigure the loop once a device is removed or added without disrupting the physical connection to other devices.

FRU Field-replaceable unit.

GB Gigabyte. 1,000,000,000 (one billion) bytes.

GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) A hot-swappable input/output device that plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet port or Fibre Channel.

global spare A spare drive that is available to all logical drives in an array. Spare drives can be part of automatic logical drive rebuild.

group A group is a data object that enables multiple servers to be contained under a single category. Groups are similar in concept to domains, and enable you to organize servers.

HBA Host bus adapter.

hot spare A drive in a RAID 1 or RAID 5 configuration that contains no data and acts as a standby in case another drive fails.

hot-swappable The ability of a field-replaceable unit (FRU) to be removed and replaced while the RAID array remains powered on and operational.

ID Identifier number.

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.

initialization The process of writing a specific pattern to all data blocks on all drives in a logical drive. This process overwrites and destroys existing data on the disks and the logical drive. Initialization is required to make the entire logical drive consistent at the onset. Initialization ensures that any parity checks performed in the future are executed correctly.

JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks) A storage device that consist of drives with no controllers.

LAN Local area network.

LD Logical drive.

logical drive A section of disk storage space, also referred to as a LUN, that is presented to the host operating system as a single physical drive. A logical drive might be located on one or more physical drives. Each controller can manage one to eight logical drives.

Glossary 279

LUN (logical unit number) The major and minor device numbers make up the logical unit numbering sequence for a particular device connected to a computer.

LUN mapping The ability to change the virtual LUN as presented to the server from storage. This enables such benefits as the ability of a server to boot from the SAN without requiring of a local disk drive. Each server requires LUN 0 to boot.

LUN masking The characteristic that enables an administrator to dynamically map an HBA to a specified LUN. This provides an individual server or multiple servers access to an individual drive or to multiple drives, and prohibits unwanted server access to the same drives.

LVD A low-noise, low-power, and low-amplitude signaling technology that enables data communication between a supported server and storage devices. LVD signaling uses two wires to drive one signal over copper wire and requires a cable that is no longer than 25 meters (82 feet).

management port The 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port that is used to configure a RAID array.

MB (megabyte) 1,000,000 bytes or characters of data.

media scan A background process that continuously checks physical drives for bad blocks or other media errors.

mirroring (RAID 1) Data written to one disk drive is simultaneously written to another disk drive. If one disk fails, the other disk can be used to run the array and reconstruct the failed disk. The primary advantage of disk mirroring is 100 percent data redundancy. Since the disk is mirrored, it does not matter if one of the disks fails. Both disks contain the same data at all times and either can act as the operational disk.

Disk mirroring provides 100 percent redundancy but is expensive because each drive in the array is duplicated.

multiple-block striping with distributed

parity A RAID technique (RAID 5) that offers redundancy with the parity information distributed across all disks in the logical drive. Data and its parity are never stored on the same disk. In the event that a disk fails, the original data can be reconstructed using the parity information and the information on the remaining disks.

NDMP Network Data Management Protocol.

NVRAM (non-volatile random access memory) A memory unit equipped with a battery so that the data stays intact even after main power is switched off.

N port A Fibre Channel port in a point-to-point or Fabric connection.

OBP OpenBoot™ PROM (OBP). When you first start Solaris, it shows an OK prompt, which is the OBP. It is a command-line interface.

280 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

out-of-band Refers to the connections and devices that are not in the data path.

parity check A process whereby the integrity of the redundant data on fault-tolerant logical drives (RAID 1, 3, and 5) is checked. For RAID 3 and 5 configurations, the parity checking procedure on a logical drive recalculates the parity of data stripes in each of the logical drive’s RAID stripe sets and compares it with the stored parity. If a discrepancy is found, an error is reported and the new correct parity is substituted for the stored parity. For RAID 1 configurations, if an inconsistency is encountered, data is copied from the master disk to the slave disk. If a bad block is encountered when the parity is regenerated, the data is copied from the other disk, master or slave, to the reporting disk drive reallocating the bad block.

partner group A pair of interconnected controller units. Expansion units interconnected to the pair of controller units can also be part of the partner group.

PID Primary controller identifier number

PLA Programmable Logic Array. Offers flexible features for more complex designs.

PLD Programmable logic device. A generic term for an integrated circuit that can be programmed in a laboratory to perform complex functions.

RAID (redundant array of independent disks) An arrangement of two or more disk drives combined into a single virtual drive to provide more disk storage space, better performance and reliability, and redundant backup of data. Various combinations of these features are described by defined RAID levels. Arrays can support RAID 0, 1, 1+0, 3, and 5.

RAID Level Various techniques using combinations of mirroring, striping, duplexing, and parity to implement a RAID array are called RAID levels. Each technique uses a distinct algorithm to offer a mix of performance, reliability and cost.

RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol.

RAS Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability. These headings refer to a variety of features and initiatives all designed to maximize equipment uptime and mean time between failures, minimize downtime and the length of time necessary to repair failures, and eliminate or decrease single points of failure in favor of redundancy.

read policy A storage device parameter that determines whether the storage device holds data in cache before storing it to disk. The ability to hold data in cache while it is being written to disk can increase storage device speed during sequential reads.

rebuild The process of reconstructing the data that was on a disk before it failed. Rebuilding can be done only in arrays with data redundancy, such as RAID levels 1, 1+0, 3, and 5.

Glossary 281

rebuild priority Rebuild priority enables the RAID controller to serve other I/O requests while rebuilding the logical drives. Priority ranges from low, which uses the controller’s minimum resources to rebuild, to high, which uses the controller’s maximum resources to complete the rebuilding process.

SAN (storage area networking) A high-speed, open-standard, scalable network of storage devices and servers providing accelerated data access.

SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) An industry standard for connecting disk and tape devices to a workstation.

SES An interface to SCSI Enclosure Services devices. These devices sense and monitor physical conditions within an enclosure, and enable access to the status reporting and configuration features of the enclosure (such as indicator LEDs on the enclosure).

SID Secondary controller identifier number.

SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) The industry-standard reliability prediction indicator for both the IDE/ATA and SCSI hard disk drives. Hard disk drives with SMART offer early warning of some hard disk failures so critical data can be protected.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) A protocol for sending email messages between servers and from mail clients to mail servers. The messages can then be retrieved with an email client using either POP or IMAP.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) A set of protocols for managing complex networks. SNMP works by sending messages, called protocol data units (PDUs), to different parts of a network. SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about themselves in Management Information Bases (MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP requesters.

spanning Making use of the firmware’s striping capability to stripe data across two otherwise independent RAID logical drives. The two spanned logical drives are presented to the operating system as one logical drive.

standby drive A drive that is marked as a spare to support automatic data rebuilding after a physical drive associated with a logical drive fails. For a standby drive to take the place of another drive, it must be at least equal in size to the failed drive and all of the logical drives dependent on the failed disk must be redundant—RAID 1, 1+0, 3, and 5.

state The current operational status of a disk drive, a logical drive, or controller. The RAID array stores the states of drives, logical drives, and the controller in its nonvolatile memory. This information is retained across power interruptions.

stripe size This is the amount of data in kilobytes that is striped across each physical drive in a logical drive. Generally, large stripe sizes are more effective for arrays with sequential reads.

282 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

striping The storing of sequential blocks of incoming data on all the different physical drives in a logical drive.

This method of writing data increases the disk array throughput because multiple drives are working simultaneously, retrieving and storing. RAID 0, 1+0, 3, and 5 and all use striping.

terminator A part used to end a SCSI bus. Terminators prevent energy from reflecting back into a cable plant by absorbing the radio frequency signals.

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply.

volume Also called a logical unit number or LUN, a volume is one or more drives that can be grouped into a unit for data storage.

write-back cache A cache-writing strategy in which the array controller receives the data to be written to disk, stores it in the memory buffer, and immediately sends the host operating system a signal that the write operation is complete, without waiting until the data is actually written to the disk drive. Within a short time, the controller, when not busy, writes the data to the disk drive.

write policy A cache-writing strategy used to control write operations. The write policy options are CIFS write-back and write-through cache.

write-through cache A cache-writing strategy in which the array controller writes the data to the disk drive before signaling the host operating system that the process is complete. Write-through cache has lower write operation and throughput performance than write-back cache, but it is the safer strategy, with minimum risk of data loss on power failure.

WWN (worldwide name) A globally unique, hard-coded and embedded number assigned by the manufacturer and registered under IEEE that is used to identify hardware.

Glossary 283

284 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


Aabort clone command, 88abort create command, 118abort expand command, 119abort media-check command, 120abort parity-check command, 121abort rebuild command, 121about command, 16access mode, displaying, 31add disk command, 122alarm

muting for controller, 69silencing JBOD, 69

Bbad blocks, finding, 123

Ccache settings, 71, 79calculating maximum drive expand capacity, 131capacity

calculating maximum drive expand capacity, 131

channelconfiguring, 102drive parameters, setting, 104host parameters, setting, 107viewing host or drive, 110

chassis component status, 35check media command, 123check parity command, 124

checking parity, 124, 143clear events command, 60clone command, 89cloning

performing, 89stopping, 88viewing, 94

command keywords, 6command parameters, list of, xii, 181communication modes, 1configure channel command, 102configure global-spare command, 90configure local-spare command, 126configure network-interface command, 19configure partition command, 148controller

array name, 75component status, 45downloading configuration, 67downloading firmware, 171drive channel parameters, 112IP address, 26password, 76resetting, 70shutting down, 84, 86supplying password, 69uploading configuration, 87viewing date, 79viewing event log, 60, 62viewing name, 80

create host-wwn-name command, 21create logical-drive command, 127127124


60 6211079107


84 86701317626

112131 171

71 79 6745



69 12669 90



xii 18116


94121 88120 89

119118 8988 60

124 143


create logical-volume command, 158

Ddelete host-wwn-name command, 22delete logical-drive command, 130delete logical-volume command, 159device names

inband communication, 9out-of-band communication, 10

DHCP, 20, 24, 29, 48disk option, 7disks

adding, 122, 139capacity, 14device syntax, 11downloading firmware, 173verifying data on, 91, 94viewing, 95

download controller-configuration file command, 67

download controller-firmware command, 171download disk-firmware command, 173download nvram command, 47download pld-firmware command, 175download safte-firmware command, 176download sata-path-controller-firmware

command, 177download sata-router-firmware command, 178download ses-firmware command, 179drive parameters

setting, 104viewing, 104

DTD file, 211dynamic addressing, configuring, 20Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, 20, 24, 29, 48

Eenvironmental sensors

chassis components, 35controller components, 45

error messages, 193event log

clearing, 60viewing, 60, 62

exit code, 5

exit command, 16expand command, 131expanding

capacity of logical drive or logical volume, 131

Ffail command, 68firmware

downloading for controller, 171downloading for disks, 173

FRUs, showing, 43FTP, enabling, 19

Gglobal spare

configuring, 90unconfiguring, 99

Hhelp command, 17help, accessing, 3host channels

configuring, 102viewing, 114

host LUN filters, naming hosts, 21host parameters

setting, 107viewing, 114

host WWNcreating, 21deleting, 22name entry, 21viewing, 25

Iinband communication

device names, 9disabling, 107security, 107

inquiry data, 80interactive command mode, 4IP address

setting, 21viewing, 26

560 62






20 24 29 4820


104 21104 22


178 114177 107

176 21175 114



959991 94


14122 139

197 43

20 24 29 48 17317110





286 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005


device names, 10list of commands, 190SAF-TE information, 166silencing alarm, 69

Kkeywords, 6

LLAN interface, configuring, 19LEDs

illuminating, 92status, 98

list of commands, 181list option, 7local spare

configuring, 126unconfiguring, 147

logical drivesadding disks, 122, 139checking parity, 143creating, 127deleting, 130expanding, 139identifier, 12index, 12initializing, 140rebuilding, 133, 143show disks in, 135shutting down, 145sizing, 131syntax, 12viewing, 137viewing in logical volume, 141write policy, 134

logical volumescreating, 158deleting, 159identifier, 13index, 13syntax, 13viewing, 141, 161write policy, 160

loop maps, viewing, 57loop mode, viewing, 112

LUNsfiltering, 21viewing, 114

Mman pages, accessing, 3map partition command, 150maximum drive expand capacity, 131media scan, 123multiplexer (MUX) boards

downloading code to, 177viewing, 167

mute command, 69

Nnetmask, viewing, 26network parameters

configuring, 19viewing, 26

nvramdownloading, 47uploading file, 59

Ooob option, 2, 7optimization

random I/Ostripe size, 127

optimization settings, 71options, list of, xii, 181out-of-band communication

device names, 10management functions, 19

Pparameters, list of, xii, 181parity check

performing, 124viewing, 143

partitionsconfiguring, 148deleting, 148mapping, 150sizing, 148unmapping, 155viewing, 154112 154


150141 16114813



xii 181134141

13712 19

131 10145

135 xii 181133 143 71140


1392 7130


59122 13947









10 11421

Index 287

viewing mapped, 114, 152password command, 69password option, 9password, setting, 76path controller firmware, downloading, 177peripheral devices

chassis sensor status, 35controller sensor status, 45

persistent events, viewing, 62physical disk syntax, 11PLD firmware, downloading, 175point-to-point mode, viewing, 112port bypass circuit status, 115protocols

configuring, 19displaying, 28restricting, 23

Qquit command, 17

Rrandom I/O optimization

stripe size, 127RARP, 20rebuild command, 133reset controller command, 70Reverse Address Resolution Protocol, 20router

firmware, downloading, 178viewing, 168

RS-232 configurationsetting, 76

RS232 configurationviewing connection, 29

running CLI, 3


component status, 35downloading firmware, 176viewing, 166

SATA devicesdownloading path controller firmware for, 177downloading router firmware for, 178

MUX boards, 167router, 168

SCSI inquiry data, 80security

disabling protocols, 23for inband access, 107

select command, 18SES device

component status, 35downloading firmware, 179viewing, 169

set auto-write-through-trigger command, 30set cache-parameters command, 71set controller-date command, 74set controller-name command, 75set controller-password command, 76set disk-array command, 91set drive-parameters command, 104set host-parameters command, 107set inter-controller-link command, 109set led command, 92set logical-drive command, 134set logical-volume command, 160set protocol command, 23set rs232-configuration command, 76set unique identifier command, 78show access-mode command, 31show auto-write-through-trigger command, 32show bypass device command, 49show bypass RAID command, 51show bypass SFP command, 52show cache-parameters command, 79show channels command, 17, 110show clone command, 94show configuration command, 55, 203show controller-date command, 79show controller-name command, 80show disk-array command, 94show disks command, 95show disks logical-drive command, 135show drive-parameters command, 112show enclosure-status command, 35show events command, 60show frus command, 4343





79CLI 3 55 203

29 9417 110

76 79232









23 9128 7619 75




16911 179

62 3545

35 18107

177 2376

9 8069 168

167114 152

288 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005

show host-parameters command, 114show host-wwn-names command, 25show inquiry-data command, 80show ip-address command, 26show led-status command, 98show logical-drive command, 137show logical-drives add-disk command, 139show logical-drives expanding command, 139show logical-drives initializing command, 140show logical-drives logical-volume command, 141show logical-drives parity-check command, 143show logical-drives rebuilding command, 143show logical-volume command, 161show loop-map command, 57show lun-maps command, 152show luns command, 114show media-check command, 144show network-parameters command, 26show partitions command, 154show peripheral-device-status command, 45show persistent-events command, 62show port-wwn command, 27show protocol command, 28show redundancy-mode command, 82show redundant-controller command, 84show rs232-configuration command, 29show safte-device command, 166show sata-mux command, 167show sata-router command, 168show ses-devices command, 169show shutdown-status command, 84show stripe-size-list command, 145show unique-identifier command, 85shutdown controller command, 86shutdown logical-drive command, 145single-command mode, 5SNMP, enabling, 19special characters, using, 5starting CLI, 3static addressing, configuring, 20stripe size

random optimization, 127sequential optimization, 127

stripe size, reviewing, 145superuser privileges, 1


enabling, 19inactivity period timeout, 23viewing inactivity timeout value, 28

troubleshooting, 193troubleshooting commands

show bypass device, 49show bypass RAID, 51show bypass SFP, 52show loop-map, 57

Uunconfigure global-spare command, 99unconfigure local-spare command, 147unfail command, 87unique identifier, setting, 78unmap partition command, 155upload controller-configuration file command, 87upload nvram command, 59

Vversion command, 18version option, 9

Wwrite policy

setting for logical drives, 127, 134setting globally, 71

write-back setting, 71write-through setting, 71

Xxml configuration report, 55xml DTD, 211xml output, 203xml output sample, 236


20CLI 3





127 134168167

16629 9

84 1882

2827 59

62 8745 155

154 7826 87

144 147114 99






139 23137 19



Index 289

290 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family CLI 2.0 User’s Guide • February 2005