sunday issue a the washington

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1907 H About Notable Americans BY FREDERIC J HASKIN When the corner atone of the Waahia ton Monument WM Udd In IMS two little boys with sad drum headed the of marine which took In dedication ceremonies One uf little boys was J Mundell now curator of the museum to the Waahmgton Navy Yard and a of the very few survivors of those who were present that day Mr MunfeB it also proud of the fact that he was one of those woo went to the Orient withC3oramodore Perry ta 1863 to up n the of Japan to commerce When Commodore Perry set out with a of nine ships MuadeU was a drum m r boy board the Macedonia a man ofwar taken from the British hi 1812 This vessel was propelled by sells atone and once was ashore for maul anxious hours on a reef oil the Cape of Good Hope betas finally rescued by others of the fleet When the American marine finally went ashore In the harbor of raga in July IKS the drummer boy with a treat horse pistol on qqe side and a sword on the other was with them carrying hi drum sad tor orders to beat any signal Despite the tact that the nine vessels were lying broadside to the town and had all their guns trained that way the laadin party did not feel altogether at ease You see said Mr KuadeH in telling of this all along the hills ahoVe the har- bor was stretched a wall of white cloth with imitation loop poles painted on it Nobody knew why it was there and for all we knew half the inhabitants of Ja pan might have been drawn up behind- it After the treaty was concluded the commodore wished to give the Japanese eToventment some specimens of American specie and the Macedonia woe called upon to furnish it When the package was made up the little fourteenyearold drummer boy was sent with it to the Hagship and as a reward was served with fruit pie and cake in the commo- dores own cabin My but it did taste good said the drummer boy with zest unlimlnished by fifty years After a four years cruise in Eastern waters Mundell ame home to be transferred to the old Alerrimac He served aboard her until she was sunk to Hampton Roads in an- ticipation of Confederate occupation Later be learned with interest that the boat had been raised from the water and coated with railroad iron becoming the first inronclad in the history of the navies of the world Like exConcrramaa John Allen of Mississippi Mr Mundell rather glories in the UUe of private for besides beteg a drummer boy o various ships In the nUc4 States navy sad many ttaies a ircumnavigator of the globe he was also a private to a New York regiment durin tit civil war When Lincoln called for volunteers the drummer boy went Into tin army aril served for three years to the navy yard again when l had come There among the his- toric field pieces aiM naval guns of Ids country he Is spending his last years viewing the kaleidoscopic pictures memory ha hung for him on tbe walls of time County S C to quiet and orderly nowadays but there was a time when it had 4 wild pad woolly reputa- tion the wet with Mexico sixty yedrs ago some whe had followed Old Glory and Rough and Ready into the enemys country were lying out one night under the stars They knew that a battle would be fought day and they knew that the Mexicans shot to kill Facing death to a foreign land where the cactus was aofest pil- low they could it was natural that they should turn reminiscent QUO iivan asked Wisp did you Join the arty A Md fellow told a tale of unrequited love and solid he bad resolved to seek the ead- t human existence under the oW flag Another said Jie had been unlucky at and bad wasted a fortune sad as 1 was no longer attractive he hoped ti find deaths call in the thick 6f the So their tales ran on until they 1 d all told fcetr reasons why death had i terrors for them and explained why 1 is summons would be welcome AU but oi He was silent Why did you me they asked him Well to tell the truth be replied I live in Edgsfleid County S C and I came away because- I YoU afraid I would be killed Lego it that more than a hundred men have died violent deaths in the feuds that distracted this county Now it is a jrohiojtton section and there hi no wore lighting Edgefleld County has given two men to the South who are now eminent in differ tnt walks of life They are Benjamin R Tillman Senator from South Carolina and D A Tompkins genjus of the manu- facturing section of the Piedmont Till man and Tompkins have each lost an eye but each of them retains one eye of the guttering cutting deepseeing kind that looks through and under the surface of things Senator Tillmans stormy ca reer is known to every American who reads anything about polities kins is a different kind Qf man He is making an earnest fight for better education as Tillman did but the fights he enters are not political and his victories are not the polls He has to awaken the South to the need if manufacturing industries and he hat succeeded admirably Of course he has Tot been alone in this work but there is none who has done more than he Tomp kins began life as a mechanic He went to Pennsylvania and worked at Bethle- hem then he went to Missouri and a master mechanic Afterward he came back to the South and became a manufacturer Cotton mills cottonseed oil mills and machinery plants are among the many things that owe their existence te the indomitable energy of- I A Tompkina When a subject strikes Tompkins as twins important in its rearing upon the industrial condition of his section he be gins to study it Every moment he can spare from the direction of the numerous cjncerns in which he is interested he devotes to that subject When he has obtained every possible bit of iafonna too he it all over and writes a book about It Then he dismisses it from liU mind and takes up something else Therefore it has come to be that the books and monographs by D A Tomp- kins are upon as authorities Ills greatest work is a book on cotton and its products As an example of how thoroughly he does his work it may be mentioned that when he wrote this book- h took the trouble te employ a man to- go through the records of the United States courts at Savannah for a forty years that he might settle once and for all the mooted question of who Introduced the saw In the cotton gin Whitney or Holmes He found that the credit this improvement was due to Holmes and said so backing up his ar- guments with the proofs When the Spanish war left the United States with a brandnew questions of te be thrashed out Tompkins over Question tad decided Amer- ican needed the Oriental ex- pansion He wrote a book about It Good roads chimneys cooking building det- achment part fleet e n e f the And J r rda ls ace indus- trial J r at en- d avore4 be- came p looked dI- f for c c fife the the r tours oat alert t re- turning ace Edged I4 put soldiers nix title t a Tom thinks 9 i colonialism commerce A pet t p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < and loan associations immigration child laborthese are a few of the questions that Tompkins has written or is writing Its history was interest lug but there was no trustworthy and well written compilation lIe went to work and a twovolume history of the county of Lila adoption was the result He ta the president of the Southern Manu facturers Club of Charlotte the meet tog place and exchange of the manufac- turers for a hundred miles to every He is the founder and half owner of the Charlotte Observer a con- servative newspaper of wide influence As a public speaker he has been much in evidence in the North where he has been hailed as a fraternal delegate from the New South of which Henry W Grady was the precursor Well informed men say that hUe Tompkins has himself and has built up some great enterprises he has built more for others through his public service than he has for himself by his personal industry Newspaper men as a rule work Jlke machines Henry Wattenons activities are more Uk those ef a machine gun When he cares to do so he retires to the classic wades of his Jefferson County farm to read or to rest There ar times when he is In Europe contributing letters to the editorial page of the CourierJour nal or not contributing according to his fancy Sometimes he goes upon lecture tours and his pen is unused for a time It is when be finds a target worthy of his lead that the veteran editor of the CourierJournal becomes active Some- times it hag of the enemy on the skyline in national politics that draws the Wattersonian fire Sometimes it is the turmoil ef a local political fight Again it may be merely an opportunity to shoot folly as K irks It is always- an inspiration and never a routine duty that causes the noted Kentucklan to himself Tomorrow Sonic American Cathc TRADE IS GOOD Crops Being Marketed and Collections Excellent BRIDGE MATERIAL IK DEMAND Structural Steel Orders Coming IH Hint GnadM Contracts Are SH I- HfHctory Com lone Shown Poorly Hinl Only Best Weather ComHtlBH Can Brlns Full Average New York Sept MR G Dm A Co weekly review of trade UMMK W will or Retail trade tacireMW lit HM feattoc- ettle the rac tkm closes and the ttpenbif of fall lines te attended with most satisfactory results A the staple are MeWed and marketed there la a prompt Improvement in mercantile collections throughout the agricultural districts and the decline In prices was especially helpful in stimu- lating export trade Free shipments of grain and cotton are particularly desira- ble this year on account of the relief that will be given to the money market There is still much conservatism IK planting con- tracts for future business and decreased speculation is another factor that aids in restoring normal financial conditions Postponed business is coming more freely U the steel mills and there te lees disposition to wait for more favorable conditions Demand for Bridge Work Structural steel shapes are constantly ordered especially for bridge work and the railways seek all forms of supplies in larger quantities than expected for some months on account of the financial pressure Primary markets for dry goods are seasonably quiet without any evi dence of weakness Jobbers have concluded the opening pressure of activity Liberal orders have been placed and a fair volume of in- quiries sow come forward from the retail trade to meet current requirements Manufacturers of cotton goods are In a strung position having large contracts on hand and prices are well maintained despite the fact that some buyers were forced to take small profits quickly on account of the financial stringency Commercial failures this week in the United States are l against tit last week 203 the preceding week and 174 the corresponding week last year Fail ures Canada number 34 against 22 last week 11 the preceding week and 24 last year Of failures this week in the United States M were in the East 49 South 44 West and in the Pacific States and 6 report liabilities of 000 or more Lia bilities of commercial failures reported for September to date are 718133 com- pared with ln 786 a year ago Brnrtstrccts Review Bradatreets review will say Fall jobbing trade in dry goods and wearing apparel generally tends toward expansion as the ultimate outcome of leading crops becomes more assured and a evidences Increase of higher selling prices From the Northwest reports are of orders previously held back now com lag forward and there is evidence also oC more life In Southern trade and of in collections in that section as the cotton crop begins to move to market in good volume Other favorable developments also are the increased shipments of grain and flour for export confirming earlier and current advances that foreign takings of our cereals are Increasing Further evidence of this is also found in the weakening of foreign exchange and the report that commercial bills against grain and cotton are appearing In larger volume On the other hand there are more irregular features presenting them selves in several leading industries and the crop outlook as a whole is only fair when compared with recently preceding years Weather too cool for corn this week makes it certain that the rather low condition figures shown In the govern ment crop report on September 1 will not be bettered materially and only a late warm fall can mature other late crops on the full average the leading industries the notable feature is the sharp break in copper prices the steady decline of that metal the talk of overproduction and of the necessary shutting down ef mines In the iron industry there is reported further shading of pigiron prices though inquiry is better at the concessions Thftjxjtton goods manufacturing trade otters a sharp contrast to others In the Ile went to live In Coolit N C di- rection I raI- NFALL Dr 1 as c I In 31 Ii urn boat Mecklenburg pros- pered tithe be- aux r season a wit Im- provement ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >< You find what you like in it and do not find the things you do not like It is sane and sensible and people who have been wont to condemn Sunday newspapers read it and commend it unreservedly BPDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDog Popular Because It Is Different D Sunday Issue of ° The Washington Herald 0 D H B H o o o- o o- a o o 0 0- EH Clevelands Best Friends Lj Something about the men J closest associates and with whom he goes homes and their pastimes n Literary Reviews 1 Cultured Washington not perfunctorily put together but is conducted by a literary LJ books which the booklover wants to get uD who are the exPresidents o fishingtheir o H D this book page for it D man and the insight into U rJ foll- ows i- sU gives i i Sporting Section R News Down and Presented in the Most Readable Form j H Clean All the Way Through Color and You get the Best when you get the Sunday issue of THE WASHINGTON HERALD and tomorrows edition will be Brighter and Better than Ever Lj Unsurpassed as an advertising medium because people not only subscribe for it and buy it but because they read it through and through Q- onnnDmDDnc U A Few Points of Excellence l D Brightest Dramatic Page Best D 0 a Boiled B B No No Comic o ° H a B itread D Li D UU o o o o o Li I I = reports of further advances In quotations of printed fabrics Coal also is better called for East and West The general level of commodity prices moved tower in August mainly be cause of weakness in manufactured goods offsetting higher prices of farm products These latter however weakened this week and values as a whole are lower than for nine months past GRAIN AND PROVISIONS QooUtiooi stubbed by A 0 Brows Jc Co ben of Uw New York Stock Kicnuwe and the Chi- cago Rood of Trade Munier Baildtoc- Chlapn Sept UTte wheat naitrt pemrstty in rin of the new tofhwnon playing upon the Market Wratbtr is wmewhat loftier this tide of the Canadian lime and there WM considerable ch conJrmrt wheat ttwufemd tray private to j Wte elevators fitly of strength were the sdranee of ld to llfcd at Liver- pool Later fcflneoces were large cash sales and Southwest tub sales bubek iodwiinf Many tirades of winter wheat pot bullish constroction on the Suntan rest years and boot TOO9W brands less thaw estimated by the Hungarian minister of atrtcalton- In his report rude up twenty days earlier wheat awr- ket and a liberal run of receipts from the country Then use considerable seBnut by cash nteseau hut this was over early in the day Cub ehipianK trado was somewhat better than yesterday bat far from heavy Actual sates reported f label dis- tributed ease number of buns than yes Seaboaid sales K loads The oats market was with lit trade Cash oats were as irregular as yestesday Russian sop Mpoets weeks Ute yeU 9eeHMI bushels larger than a year Weather farombse for movement fmn country WHEAT Opam lllnh Low Close December Mi Ml May LaW 1 lWH CORN Deeember Mi OH May OATS PORK Janmwy- LAMD October US- Jaimvy 77 lei in S7I RIBS Oetoher January 8B Ltt SM York Sept ULWHBATKasier sad fairly acthc Na 1 Northern Dehrth to anise f a h No tad f h L004 No 2 hull f a h N 1 maenioai IT f a b N 2 macaoont- K Sales loads No 2 mi sad Dvmm OATS Steady doll Btovntor pubs new crop No 3 white 9W4 No 4 U InS Ko 1 mtsed 51 The prices for futures follow Teats WHEAT Opus Low Close doss Sptember M May LM Seer LM 1MH High Tariff Fakers Fraat the 9U Lob Republic With clothing tot cent than In IV fuel and lighting 984 per cent higher than in ISM metals and imple- ments 41S per cent higher than in 18W lumber and building materials 414 per- cent higher than in 1817 and housefur noshing goods advanced 2149 on the JHM worth in ten years there is another claw of fakers we are ready to have front the White House They can believe three impossibilities before breakfast if they really believe the speeches and messages they write after breakfast to persuade us that we will be happier richer and more desirable as dt teen by continuing to pay Dingiey prices until they get ready unanimously to re form them re- markable Lout ted Fwd clOP report k well bebw tM of Com was bueeae of tile A latter ass IIYi n LM u IlK 1ft 11- 4a1 rill ISN S a- New Ufo a Hip ttAi- DeeeIMMr IIIIf ft CORN II 6131 11I4 W II It per higher 1 afar olio ed clan bare or011 a wa areeae s weaker weak tort 7 servo it k lA4i 31i 1ash hilt sgl6 354i ltltli 16i lilt lit ll1 L 151 SN lr 2 lm N l34U hit N I14 I LIUil IJ Sl 11N 4i- Deasber IM6 1 tdfl4- May 11 IIg ex- posed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Why It Is GainingT- he Sunday issue of The Washington Herald a straight away newspaper simply an enlarged edition of the daily with no comic supplement or other freak gaining in popular favor It is the sort of newspaper Washington clean newsy and readable all the way through It is not so large as to overwhelm you it is not full of shocks and thrills but it contains the the news attractively presented and additional matter worth read ing from the pens of writers It is quality not quantity that you in this Sunday Every line every page and the paper in its are of value free from trash and suited to the highclass reading clientele of which Washington is made up Once a reader of it means a regular reader It is liked because it is so different so unlike the average Sunday paper Its difference is more marked with each succeeding issue It is worth more but costs 3 cents a copy featuresis likescompact newsall t entiretyall lessonly ¬ ¬ DAILY COURT RECORD Friday Scutcmlior ia 100T DISTRICT COURTS Hquity Court Xo 1 JUSTICE KWLD- In W Jt Speir Company waihsr Mstaorkwl to iadorst sate Attorney Philip Walker la i pttttfeB of Istttia af sun anttcrtisd ISilOoeMrs A W Scott In n hoHty of Tsrranee lee ate to lie Uonal bond Heinlienr w latnfau nsW to show erase ictwn able September m CompUtnatrts Mnldtor ITeiar- L Dolor defendants sollcltars Campbell Canter ton and 8 D Taunt Washington Market Company n Brown order aa- poinUn RuanUaa ad and decree pro eonf ji- aflalnst curtain defendants Complainants solicitor A A Binwy Smith T Smita order coatimmtg bearing Com- plainants solicitors Sheehy bnwty defendants soUettor A K Webb Bahter n Cadkk sale oooftnned nisi Complahv ants soUcitom Archer Smith dcfendmts solid ton CoWren Peafttog Smith n notion to iMmitei ovcmded- CompUnanfs solicitor R 8 Hearcad aefendanfs solicitor W Xosby WOtiamt- Undsley m Lmdsley proof ontorcd Wren heists X Carroll Downs esamfaaer Complainants solid tor William Henry White defendants sottekor W PooHcm- Brandenbnif w Dewey salt of AnaiotUn Idea rattled and eonflimed Petittonera aoUdton Ittak Lee sad J D CowrhUn eoHdtore Car Ilk Johnson Until TS Turner ad appointed Compbteants soUdtor Oscar Xanck Clrcnit Conrt Xo 2 JUSTICE GOULD m Halt urn to lie tsaatscfet estontUd to September S PMnttr attorney Wfttoa J defendants attoraey J B Archer Jr Brown TS Standard Oil Company tIe to lie traoscript extended to October IS PJatotMTs at tnrneys W O Gaidiner wd C M de feadftatt attorneys A IeftwWi Sinclair aid Joie Midont- Kobnes n Phi flat on sd fa against defoad sat for ITatotlffs attorney Perey Metoger- Mnstar Town Company vs Jackson Bw secndlr for costs ordered ton days Cnaaplahmnts saHr- itcr H Wnahip Wbeatley defeaaanta NHetton Wolf ft Hosenberff Criminal Court Xo 1 United SUts TS William lhBHps glad k s ny- KoonOsance taken with W W Stewart mrety United States TS JAWS Wise and buvevy plan not guilty United States TS Harry Nasa assanlt daf- erow weapon ie wet guilty United States ts CeHa Itedmond Rrsnd terceaj plea sot guilty Attorney J B Awher jr Untied States TS WOHam Xoten George Pestles boMMbreakmK and grand Swag plea net wHtr United vs Genie Whiten homekreakine plea tatflty sentence penitentiary for two years United States TS John F Hewer embeasJement plea guilty interns Jail six moaiba Attorney Darid Rothschikl United States m MB ton Banks howbreaki g and larceny plea gniHy sentence ixmtteatiary for three years States MnstoR Bridast rMatine law plea gwiHy scalenee Jail nwwttw United States w Andersott aesanit with daafleraw weapon pita not gnflty Vatted States TS Oarence Sannders asMnlt dMteeram weapon plea not entttf Attoraey C B Foster United States TS James W Ross amwsbreakfog sad Seamy plea guilty eantenoe penMentiary for six JVSM District Conrt JUSTICE GOULD In re extension of Sherwaa arcane aaUce of- itimtmnunt sad order of pabHeaUoa- In apanine f Iaeoab street enkr of publics Uoo In re extension of BJcTenth street time to seUte exceptions and She transcript extended it cK MjI lit k k t Peep trot Patios In JUSTICE OOUID and Stat United lIB policy Ire Will with N slew say hurter Garner er plata k its Lea Let SRS hasabo king wills nnjiUrnptcy Court JUSTICE OOULO- ta w Tmmms X Wajprnea ma rate to sbnw onus Probnte Conrt JUSTICK GOUIJ5 State of K Norris Store of lance mrnntod to Howard M Nonrto lead Attorney M J Keene islets of Elisabeth R Rhodes nOl amnttttd to probate and letters testamentary Rnnted to Barry B Rhodes bond fa Attorney Inter WflBnnMon Relate of Sey M Stern letters ef rested to Helen Stem bond KM Attorney Julius I Peyse- ratate of Richard Lewis petition for probate of will Sled Attorney J F Bandy state of Funk K Stubs petition for Stairs of admtalttRtian Sled Attorarys Rules of Mary M P Flatter will dated October a lied with petition for probate Attorney McNrBl i McNeU Lusts of James Brawn letters of admialatnttoa granted to Tfflie Brows bond UttX Attoraey James A OSbea- Kstate of Lawnnre O Pony petition fee wan of admintoBMlon Sped Attorney W L Pollard Estate of Anton TUB will fisted February K- MB sled Relate of Hbew ser Kins petition for pmbate of will lied Attorney W A McKean- eyDnukrnptcy Petition No HC Theodore onnemana dealt IX Seatoa niece Tohntarr assets 9 liabflttie WSS1 At toraey Chart U Turner McchaiiiCH Lien No m The Bntt Chapel Oesapaay n Frank A Alfred G GMS sad herons 0 Itttspe lot M smtaw tt UK G nest nmUiwoU Wi Attorney H Aston llenmoltor- No CM E J Murphy Oampanr Amnae O Bttes lot M SSKJI AMatMr D W ODoMgbne Equity Suits No S3H JoMpk Lyons ei al T Ulke et si to sabstitate tnmtos Cnmpmlnants- MUcitora Rafetoa Siddoa- sInvr nlts No 4KM SaMuel Friedbanj TS k SWart sad the Stuart Company danwam H C- OPMattTa Ledde Pubs Oar REAL SSTATB TRAXSFERST- wentysecond street northwest between G and n 9treetsKUrid eE Jordan et wr to K OWrk- tJohnMm lot n SM No m Ekrtnth street MntbesstArtbnr Can Imsiee to Jukes Hanleia lot tt inai W avwww southeast between Twelfth sad Thirteenth stiwetfJoba 0 Hsjnsie et us to Norwood A Sates sad Eats lot a sisal lilt JM Wesley IleicMsTbomas B tutee to Katberine B Ma lute U to 41 block 1- 3ftm Alley between Thirteenth and FMtrtesnUi S sat T streets northwMt Fnnnann J SbaiM st wx to Marten 1 Saadd lot X S JM 98 Woodier rararHamr U llettm to CbaHes E JeW 4 and f block 11 JIJXL- G street southeast between T H enth and Per trenth streets Harry Wanbnaa to Charles T Bishop tot 17 square MM SW- ComeeticMt Avenue Hd tsHerlla R Oecfcerlite to S lot K block 2 H- Connectlwt ttveane extonded H R Dahtay et al to Grant W Taylor part lot Mi 291 Park jmtH Same to part lot M wwr 23M UI7 No Bl Musae w tts aware wrtk PhlHp IL Chrfotmaa et nx to Thames II McKeawn let M mare 818 W TIlE WASHINGTON HERALD the largest morning circulation In tbe Dlntrlct of Remember The Mould Tvlien plnoln legal fllY rlsc- ntciitb October S 1007 Remember the date k JIll i t Store Lutz so TIt t lI- p W Duel square Wood ass Columbia rlbMai WIns atis Lair ItitOI ada6d radon hey Rear i sass IR taut Doe Ikea c sit taeys t4 4 semis ala Nora ipasa Ill George receive s has < < I I Marias Midnight Lectures You are missing a treat if you are not reading of them Current topics from- a feminine point of view are treated most entertainingly j Er Attache Letter Herein you will find a jskxi of European affairs A who is in touch with the whereof he speaks Enlight ening and instructive U everyone I 0 Oi 01 0 0 0 I An the insideby a D D I of the world knows 0 D i D dis- c writer diplo- mats and = = = DEEDS OF TRUST Square VtO Norwood A Eaton t nx to Lined Fitzgerald and John J Yarns to pHse Serial Building Amscntion StJ lot fi- S M MTbe Wa h rton Theater CcenpanT to Oeetjw K Johnson and SMmel K Road to se cure Penn Mutual Life Insnrsnee Company R5- wr seat ipiaruriy orifinal lot IS sad psrta original lots S t and H- Sajnate M PMer W Price et we Jowph H 9tew rt and Kofctrt Kobtason to seewe Randolph V Peyton KO 12 sad IS months f per Dent Bnrrrtlle Frederick Sharpe jr et ox to Prank T KawttBe and Freak S CoUm to Nel- Ue X Maabaek 1 to S month I per stat samtHUKmally lots i sad i agree SM seas ICTThcmaa H MeKeown et nx to Iierbet A Gill Edwaid 34eC Janes to seems Ar Horton Fire Inenranee Cnmpsny fHO S years 5 per cent stmiaanoally lot 44 Square 30s Frank Oandy to Stexm Wolf and Myer Cakes to secure W Oiirer Murray 9m S yeas per ant semtannnaBy let X Square MHCbarlcs T bishop si ni to B Fiend Sanl sad Walter E Hilton to stone Harry Wananan maothly soles C oat Jot 17- Woedlcy FarkGmnt W Taylor et ax to Unto Trust Company to secure H K Ualaay X J SteHwnam W J sad J W ncctrtn a04 2 years i per east amt anmmQy put lot W squaw SM Square 48Jenafe C Crayenrft et rte Beajmnm F to Simen Ly and K B H Lyon te seen Clams H Bcmtaatda a B 9 morals I per- cent lets Squat S 5tK II Y Bradley to Bdwmd J SteB- v ff and Quote Flemmir to acne Bdwaid L llWyer a 3 yean 3 per seas senu ann ally put lots sad 2L- 3IARUIAGE LIOQiVSBS Charles If and Meta V Bur bath of rfcei Va- Bfcbard Dnckett and Susie Thomas Robert II of Wttsmi Vn Goede Henry Simpson and T nvetM Jackson DanM dark and Rim Taytar honey P hiker of Qvmcy sad Cbadatte- K MeMuiiea of Fairfax V- sDEATfl RECORD Anna Gsjtrnde ODea O I t BW Arthur Quick UM K It nw 79 years Joke J Sullivan 7 am mr fl yews JokR Henry HospL liaise H years Louie P Brown K st sw 3 yean Robert I Fkmtee ala sad Macomb sU Cam tend Park ff yean Hannah A Weatasan st years John OCennor Ntohob Hfllsdate 1 month Jefcn T Newman 13 Ha are W years AHoe shorter INT flat st nw years NEW FRAUD UNEARTHED Census Enumerators Discover Plot to Client Indians Out of Laud An ingenious scheme designed to de- fraud Indians in the Indian Territory and Oklahoma of valuable coal and oil much was discovered by census enumerators who have just completed the task of taking the population of the proposed State of Oklahoma Reports received here are to the effect that land sharks masquerading as census enumerators in- duced many Indians to sign papers sig- natures being necessary in each case it was represented as an incident in mak- ing a census of the two Territories- It was found that the papers thus signed by the Indians were nothing more than conveyances of title In tracts of land known to contain valuable mineral deposits This attempted fraud was one of thfe most daring ever conceived in the two Territories where graft has run riot for many years A thorough investiga- tion has been ordered grad the officiate are hopeful of learning Identity of the culprits They will be criminally prosecuted If apprehended seen f L to lots and E it me- L tI pain 4 ail JkIa air Pt lOLO tXO the his 1N years S sots ort < sum last Flab r Rat S Moore Judd teat line feat Gout see 4e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EXCURSIONS NORFOLK 6 WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CJ Potomac River Chesapeake Bay Hampton Roads BY NIGHT AND DA Steamers Daily 8 a m C30 p m Including Sundayi Land passengers at Expo sition Grounds Modern Steel Steamers Handsomely equipped and Information Tike Olio Colon may MJi awl U BW c- at Wharl toot of Jiu t r NORFOLK Gr WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CD Bluefish and Tailors lively Large catches ROUND TRIP Saturdays 25c Days 50c See Train Schedule in R R Column FORTY MILES STEAMER CHARLES MACALESTER Sunday September 15 1907 And tit Ssdav Ifrig S ideiabcr LEAVE AT 2YI M 0K AT IV M STOPS MAI E AT ALEXANDRIA Fare Round Trip 25c GRAND CONCERT HEVY HASE Every lvouing Sundays IncludrfL Dancing Every Evening Exeept Sunday Admission Free GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC KIKG1VOKKS fSEPTKMBCH PAINS CELEBRATED FIREWORKS MUSIC AND FREE DANCING OX NEW PAVILION Illumination Fails Every Night FARE S CENTS ROUND TRIP Trains 36Jh and M Evrr Few Minute NsW DOUBLE TRACK COMPLETED For Mt Vernon Alexandria and Arlington Washington Alexandria Mt Vernon Ry Sta Lath Pa av TRAINS FOR MT VERXOX WEEK LUla- tt 11 A M U NOON 1 2 AND 3 P U TRAINS FOR ALEXANDRIA AND ARLIXO- TOK DAILY EVERY 23 MINUTES FOR MOUNT VERftGN HOME AND TOMB OP WASHIN TO DAILY SUNDAY EX EFTEUl STEAMER CHAULEa MA ALEMLR 7th st wharf 10 a m arid ii p m- Aimtrs toii 215 ad 613 m Fee round trip 53 crts Admission to pounds and ounsicn 3 oerta CARS TO KENSINGTON Can trrni 15th st ad N Y sic j a Pass flak reek Bridge and Park mama boo and Country Club to Cbevr clue Lake LX neat with Kensington cars Round trip tickttja- Sc st FusseUs 625W 4325 TO CALIFORNIA August a tw October 31 1907 via Washingtonsunset Koutt Tourist Steeptoz Cats penoaslly conducted wiu cfc i 11u tones the rwu O Berth KJa A J PO8TOX Goal Accnt- eaaVtf ill Pa an TV lth st Ferry Service to Alexandria Steamer Lackawanna every HOUR and A MALI i a m to i p m oaUy and Sunday FARE RA WAY OC ATLANTIC CITY ALL NSW BUT THB SAME New Hotel isles wofthI- n tbe Heart of AUntie City Overlooking the Boardwalk sad Steel Pin M Scout en suite sad itocte Baths wrth see water conoeatons Our pttnxu our refer- ee We piease Booklets and rates for the Vrapr W If OKEBV HOTEL DKV1LLE Kectock atones and Beach Capaaty 3W elevator music room sun purr roans tingle and en suite with bath Superior table Write for special rates and booklet JOHN f KIBERSOX an3tathsS3H JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION VISITORS TO THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Can obtain frttclaj accommodations st Mrs Elizabeth MacNicuui rc Klfiicr 11 ate Norfolk Va Quiet Reasonable Convenient to all car lites ia the city nrren race solicited aul7 lt Main tt Norfolk Va European plan P A a trine Manafer Cats to Jamestown Ksposttton ysu the door two squares to wharf for water route then tf Preferred for Cooking It is the cleanest the most economical and the most satisfactory fad that can ha used Makes a quick slid good file fur cooking Well supply you S Busbete Urne Coke delivered 1250 10 Bushels Large Coke delhrend 370- n Bnshels Large Coke delivered 138- B Bushels Crushed Coke ddiTered 301- Bnshels Cm shed Coke deHrered W50 Bushels Crashed Coke delivered 650 Washington Gaslight Co 413 Tenth St N W Phone Slain JMMO AVlion You Return Subscribers returning from their sum- mer home desire to have their r ivr sent to their city address will DIIXJ Dhone Main 33CO Jamestown at a t FISHING FISHING FISHING AT CHESAPEAKE BEACH DOWN THE POTOMAC ljig III l 111 A- TC LAKE gy Large ti of us MARINE BAND 18 of Lease its Learns Wash p cut lea U Jan Mgr y d VICTORIA HOTEL Jot e t- I COKE Is i I t t t i i i tt n Exposition a 9a Ii1a lzr r Ii M f t J err trade V w t emits borne rah s ou 1m f p 40 is ¬ < > > > < = ¬ + + + >

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Page 1: Sunday Issue a The Washington fruit pie and cake in the commo-dores own cabin My but it did taste good said the


About Notable AmericansBY FREDERIC J HASKIN

When the corner atone of the Waahiaton Monument WM Udd In IMS two littleboys with sad drum headed the

of marine which took Indedication ceremonies One uf

little boys was J Mundell now curatorof the museum to the Waahmgton NavyYard and a of the very few survivorsof those who were present that day MrMunfeB it also proud of the fact thathe was one of those woo went to theOrient withC3oramodore Perry ta 1863 toup n the of Japan to commerceWhen Commodore Perry set out with a

of nine ships MuadeU was a drumm r boy board the Macedonia a manofwar taken from the British hi 1812

This vessel was propelled by sells atoneand once was ashore for maul anxioushours on a reef oil the Cape of GoodHope betas finally rescued by others ofthe fleet When the American marinefinally went ashore In the harbor ofraga in July IKS the drummer boywith a treat horse pistol on qqe side anda sword on the other was with themcarrying hi drum sad tor orders tobeat any signal Despite the tact thatthe nine vessels were lying broadside tothe town and had all their guns trainedthat way the laadin party did not feelaltogether at ease

You see said Mr KuadeH in tellingof this all along the hills ahoVe the har-bor was stretched a wall of white clothwith imitation loop poles painted on itNobody knew why it was there and forall we knew half the inhabitants of Japan might have been drawn up behind-it After the treaty was concluded thecommodore wished to give the JapaneseeToventment some specimens of Americanspecie and the Macedonia woe calledupon to furnish it When the packagewas made up the little fourteenyearolddrummer boy was sent with it to theHagship and as a reward was servedwith fruit pie and cake in the commo-dores own cabin My but it did tastegood said the drummer boy with zestunlimlnished by fifty years After a fouryears cruise in Eastern waters Mundell

ame home to be transferred to the oldAlerrimac He served aboard her untilshe was sunk to Hampton Roads in an-ticipation of Confederate occupationLater be learned with interest that theboat had been raised from the water andcoated with railroad iron becoming thefirst inronclad in the history of the naviesof the world

Like exConcrramaa John Allen ofMississippi Mr Mundell rather glories inthe UUe of private for besides beteg adrummer boy o various ships In the

nUc4 States navy sad many ttaies aircumnavigator of the globe he was also

a private to a New York regiment durintit civil war When Lincoln called forvolunteers the drummer boy went Intotin army aril served for three years

to the navy yard again whenl had come There among the his-toric field pieces aiM naval guns of Idscountry he Is spending his last yearsviewing the kaleidoscopic picturesmemory ha hung for him on tbe wallsof time

County S C to quiet andorderly nowadays but there was a timewhen it had 4 wild pad woolly reputa-tion the wet with Mexicosixty yedrs ago some whe hadfollowed Old Glory and Rough andReady into the enemys country werelying out one night under the stars Theyknew that a battle would be foughtday and they knew that the Mexicansshot to kill Facing death to a foreignland where the cactus was aofest pil-low they could it was natural thatthey should turn reminiscent QUO iivanasked Wisp did you Join the arty AMd fellow told a tale of unrequited loveand solid he bad resolved to seek the ead-t human existence under the oW flagAnother said Jie had been unlucky at

and bad wasted a fortune sad as1 was no longer attractive he hopedti find deaths call in the thick 6f the

So their tales ran on until they1 d all told fcetr reasons why death hadi terrors for them and explained why1 is summons would be welcome AU butoi He was silent Why did you

me they asked him Well to tellthe truth be replied I live in EdgsfleidCounty S C and I came away because-I YoU afraid I would be killed Lego

it that more than a hundred menhave died violent deaths in the feuds that

distracted this county Now it is ajrohiojtton section and there hi no worelighting

Edgefleld County has given two men tothe South who are now eminent in differtnt walks of life They are Benjamin RTillman Senator from South Carolinaand D A Tompkins genjus of the manu-facturing section of the Piedmont Tillman and Tompkins have each lost aneye but each of them retains one eyeof the guttering cutting deepseeing kindthat looks through and under the surfaceof things Senator Tillmans stormy career is known to every American whoreads anything about politieskins is a different kind Qf man He ismaking an earnest fight for better

education as Tillman did but thefights he enters are not political and hisvictories are not the polls He has

to awaken the South to the needif manufacturing industries and he hatsucceeded admirably Of course he hasTot been alone in this work but there isnone who has done more than he Tompkins began life as a mechanic He wentto Pennsylvania and worked at Bethle-hem then he went to Missouri and

a master mechanic Afterward hecame back to the South and became amanufacturer Cotton mills cottonseedoil mills and machinery plants areamong the many things that owe theirexistence te the indomitable energy of-I A Tompkina

When a subject strikes Tompkins astwins important in its rearing upon theindustrial condition of his section he begins to study it Every moment he canspare from the direction of the numerouscjncerns in which he is interested hedevotes to that subject When he hasobtained every possible bit of iafonnatoo he it all over and writes abook about It Then he dismisses it fromliU mind and takes up something elseTherefore it has come to be that thebooks and monographs by D A Tomp-kins are upon as authoritiesIlls greatest work is a book on cotton andits products As an example of howthoroughly he does his work it may bementioned that when he wrote this book-h took the trouble te employ a man to-

go through the records of the UnitedStates courts at Savannah for a

forty years that he might settle onceand for all the mooted question of whoIntroduced the saw In the cotton ginWhitney or Holmes He found that thecredit this improvement was due toHolmes and said so backing up his ar-guments with the proofs

When the Spanish war left the UnitedStates with a brandnew questions of

te be thrashed out Tompkinsover Question tad decided Amer-

ican needed the Oriental ex-pansion He wrote a book about ItGood roads chimneys cooking building


achment part







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Edged I4































and loan associations immigration childlaborthese are a few of the questionsthat Tompkins has written or is writing

Its history was interestlug but there was no trustworthy andwell written compilation lIe went towork and a twovolume history of thecounty of Lila adoption was the result Heta the president of the Southern Manufacturers Club of Charlotte the meettog place and exchange of the manufac-turers for a hundred miles to every

He is the founder and halfowner of the Charlotte Observer a con-servative newspaper of wide influenceAs a public speaker he has been much inevidence in the North where he has beenhailed as a fraternal delegate from theNew South of which Henry W

Grady was the precursor Well informedmen say that hUe Tompkins has

himself and has built up somegreat enterprises he has built more forothers through his public service than hehas for himself by his personal industry

Newspaper men as a rule work Jlkemachines Henry Wattenons activitiesare more Uk those ef a machine gunWhen he cares to do so he retires to theclassic wades of his Jefferson Countyfarm to read or to rest There ar timeswhen he is In Europe contributing lettersto the editorial page of the CourierJournal or not contributing according to hisfancy Sometimes he goes upon lecturetours and his pen is unused for a timeIt is when be finds a target worthy ofhis lead that the veteran editor of theCourierJournal becomes active Some-times it hag of the enemy on theskyline in national politics that drawsthe Wattersonian fire Sometimes it isthe turmoil ef a local political fightAgain it may be merely an opportunity to

shoot folly as K irks It is always-an inspiration and never a routine dutythat causes the noted Kentucklan to


Tomorrow Sonic American Cathc


Crops Being Marketed andCollections Excellent


Structural Steel Orders Coming IH

Hint GnadM Contracts Are SH I-HfHctory Com lone Shown PoorlyHinl Only Best Weather ComHtlBHCan Brlns Full Average

New York Sept MR G Dm A Coweekly review of trade UMMK W will

orRetail trade tacireMW lit HM feattoc-

ettle the rac tkm closes andthe ttpenbif of fall lines te attended withmost satisfactory results

A the staple are MeWed andmarketed there la a prompt Improvementin mercantile collections throughout theagricultural districts and the decline Inprices was especially helpful in stimu-lating export trade Free shipments ofgrain and cotton are particularly desira-ble this year on account of the relief thatwill be given to the money market Thereis still much conservatism IK planting con-

tracts for future business and decreasedspeculation is another factor that aidsin restoring normal financial conditions

Postponed business is coming morefreely U the steel mills and there te leesdisposition to wait for more favorableconditions

Demand for Bridge WorkStructural steel shapes are constantly

ordered especially for bridge work andthe railways seek all forms of supplies inlarger quantities than expected forsome months on account of the financialpressure Primary markets for dry goodsare seasonably quiet without any evidence of weakness

Jobbers have concluded the openingpressure of activity Liberal orders havebeen placed and a fair volume of in-

quiries sow come forward from the retailtrade to meet current requirementsManufacturers of cotton goods are In astrung position having large contractson hand and prices are well maintaineddespite the fact that some buyers wereforced to take small profits quickly onaccount of the financial stringency

Commercial failures this week in theUnited States are l against tit lastweek 203 the preceding week and 174

the corresponding week last year Failures Canada number 34 against 22 lastweek 11 the preceding week and 24 lastyear Of failures this week in the UnitedStates M were in the East 49 South 44

West and in the Pacific States and 6report liabilities of 000 or more Liabilities of commercial failures reportedfor September to date are 718133 com-pared with ln 786 a year ago

Brnrtstrccts ReviewBradatreets review will say

Fall jobbing trade in dry goods andwearing apparel generally tends towardexpansion as the ultimate outcome ofleading crops becomes more assured anda evidences Increase of higher sellingprices From the Northwest reports areof orders previously held back now comlag forward and there is evidence also oC

more life In Southern trade and ofin collections in that section

as the cotton crop begins to move tomarket in good volume

Other favorable developments also arethe increased shipments of grain andflour for export confirming earlier andcurrent advances that foreign takings ofour cereals are Increasing

Further evidence of this is also foundin the weakening of foreign exchange andthe report that commercial bills againstgrain and cotton are appearing In largervolume On the other hand there aremore irregular features presenting themselves in several leading industries andthe crop outlook as a whole is only fairwhen compared with recently precedingyears Weather too cool for corn thisweek makes it certain that the rather lowcondition figures shown In the government crop report on September 1 will notbe bettered materially and only a latewarm fall can mature other late crops onthe full average

the leading industries the notablefeature is the sharp break in copperprices the steady decline of that metalthe talk of overproduction and of thenecessary shutting down ef mines

In the iron industry there is reportedfurther shading of pigiron prices thoughinquiry is better at the concessions

Thftjxjtton goods manufacturing tradeotters a sharp contrast to others In the

Ile went to live InCoolit N C


I raI-











boat Mecklenburg




























You find what you like in it and do not find the things you do notlike It is sane and sensible and people who have been wont tocondemn Sunday newspapers read it and commend it unreservedly


Popular Because It Is DifferentD

Sunday Issue of°

The Washington Herald0DH



oo o-

o o-

a o




EH Clevelands Best FriendsLj Something about the men

J closest associates and withwhom he goeshomes and their pastimes

nLiterary Reviews

1 Cultured Washington

not perfunctorily put togetherbut is conducted by a literary

LJ books which the bookloverwants to get


who are the exPresidents

o fishingtheiro


D this book page for it

D man and the insight into


foll-ows i-



i i

Sporting Section R

News Down and Presented in theMost Readable Form


H Clean All the Way Through Color and

You get the Best when you get the Sunday issue of THE WASHINGTONHERALD and tomorrows edition will be Brighter and Better than Ever LjUnsurpassed as an advertising medium because people not only subscribefor it and buy it but because they read it through and through Q-



A Few Points of Excellencel


Brightest Dramatic Page BestD 0a Boiled B


No No Comico °H aB










reports of further advances In quotationsof printed fabrics

Coal also is better called for East andWest The general level of commodityprices moved tower in August mainly because of weakness in manufactured goodsoffsetting higher prices of farm productsThese latter however weakened thisweek and values as a whole are lowerthan for nine months past


QooUtiooi stubbed by A 0 Brows Jc Coben of Uw New York Stock Kicnuwe and the Chi-

cago Rood of Trade Munier Baildtoc-Chlapn Sept UTte wheat naitrt

pemrstty in rin of the new tofhwnonplaying upon the Market Wratbtr is wmewhatloftier this tide of the Canadian lime and thereWM considerable ch conJrmrt wheat ttwufemdtray private to j Wte elevators fitly ofstrength were the sdranee of ld to llfcd at Liver-

pool Later fcflneoces were large cash salesand Southwest tub salesbubek iodwiinf Many tirades of winter wheat

pot bullish constroction on the Suntan

rest years and boot TOO9W brands less thawestimated by the Hungarian minister of atrtcalton-In his report rude up twenty days earlier

wheat awr-

ket and a liberal run of receipts from the countryThen use considerable seBnut by cash nteseau hutthis was over early in the day Cub ehipianK tradowas somewhat better than yesterday bat far fromheavy Actual sates reported f label dis-

tributed ease number of buns than yesSeaboaid sales K loads

The oats market was with lit tradeCash oats were as irregular as yestesday Russiansop Mpoets weeks Ute yeU 9eeHMI bushels largerthan a year Weather farombse for movementfmn countryWHEAT Opam lllnh Low Close

December Mi MlMay LaW 1 lWH

CORNDeeember Mi OHMay



LAMDOctober US-Jaimvy 77 lei in S7I

RIBSOetoherJanuary 8B Ltt SM

York Sept ULWHBATKasier sad fairlyacthc Na 1 Northern Dehrth to anise f ah No tad f h L004 No 2 hull f a h

N 1 maenioai IT f a b N 2 macaoont-K Sales loads No 2 mi sad Dvmm

OATS Steady doll Btovntor pubs new cropNo 3 white 9W4 No 4 U InS Ko 1 mtsed 51

The prices for futures followTeats

WHEAT Opus Low Close dossSptember M

May LM

SeerLM 1MH

High Tariff FakersFraat the 9U Lob Republic

With clothing tot cent thanIn IV fuel and lighting 984 per centhigher than in ISM metals and imple-ments 41S per cent higher than in 18Wlumber and building materials 414 per-cent higher than in 1817 and housefurnoshing goods advanced 2149 on the JHMworth in ten years there is another clawof fakers we are ready to have

front the White House They canbelieve three impossibilities before

breakfast if they really believe thespeeches and messages they write afterbreakfast to persuade us that we will behappier richer and more desirable as dtteen by continuing to pay Dingiey pricesuntil they get ready unanimously to reform them


Lout ted

FwdclOP report k well bebw tM of

Com was bueeae of tile

A latter



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May 11 IIg







Why It Is GainingT-

he Sunday issue of The Washington Herald a straightaway newspaper simply an enlarged edition of the dailywith no comic supplement or other freak gaining

in popular favor It is the sort of newspaperWashington clean newsy and readable all theway through It is not so large as to overwhelm you it is notfull of shocks and thrills but it contains the thenews attractively presented and additional matter worth reading from the pens of writers It is quality not quantitythat you in this Sunday Every line every page andthe paper in its are of value free from trash andsuited to the highclass reading clientele of which Washingtonis made up Once a reader of it means a regular reader It isliked because it is so different so unlike the average Sundaypaper Its difference is more marked with each succeedingissue It is worth more but costs 3 cents a copy








DAILY COURT RECORDFriday Scutcmlior ia 100T


Hquity Court Xo 1JUSTICE KWLD-

In W Jt Speir Company waihsr Mstaorkwlto iadorst sate Attorney Philip Walker

la i pttttfeB of Istttia afsun anttcrtisd ISilOoeMrs A WScott

In n hoHty of Tsrranee lee ate to lieUonal bond

Heinlienr w latnfau nsW to show erase ictwnable September m CompUtnatrts Mnldtor ITeiar-L Dolor defendants sollcltars Campbell Canterton and 8 D Taunt

Washington Market Company n Brown order aa-poinUn RuanUaa ad and decree pro eonf ji-

aflalnst curtain defendants Complainants solicitorA A Binwy

Smith T Smita order coatimmtg bearing Com-

plainants solicitors Sheehy bnwty defendantssoUettor A K Webb

Bahter n Cadkk sale oooftnned nisi Complahvants soUcitom Archer Smith dcfendmts solidton CoWren Peafttog

Smith n notion to iMmitei ovcmded-CompUnanfs solicitor R 8 Hearcad aefendanfssolicitor W Xosby WOtiamt-

Undsley m Lmdsley proof ontorcd Wren heistsX Carroll Downs esamfaaer Complainants solidtor William Henry White defendants sottekor W


Brandenbnif w Dewey salt of AnaiotUn Idearattled and eonflimed Petittonera aoUdton IttakLee sad J D CowrhUn eoHdtore CarIlk Johnson

Until TS Turner ad appointedCompbteants soUdtor Oscar Xanck

Clrcnit Conrt Xo 2JUSTICE GOULD

m Halt urn to lie tsaatscfet estontUd toSeptember S PMnttr attorney Wfttoa J

defendants attoraey J B Archer JrBrown TS Standard Oil Company tIe to lie

traoscript extended to October IS PJatotMTs attnrneys W O Gaidiner wd C M defeadftatt attorneys A IeftwWi Sinclair aid JoieMidont-

Kobnes n Phi flat on sd fa against defoadsat for ITatotlffs attorney Perey Metoger-

Mnstar Town Company vs Jackson Bw secndlrfor costs ordered ton days Cnaaplahmnts saHr-itcr H Wnahip Wbeatley defeaaanta NHettonWolf ft Hosenberff

Criminal Court Xo 1

United SUts TS William lhBHps glad k s ny-

KoonOsance taken with W W Stewart mretyUnited States TS JAWS Wise and

buvevy plan not guiltyUnited States TS Harry Nasa assanlt daf-

erow weapon ie wet guiltyUnited States ts CeHa Itedmond Rrsnd terceaj

plea sot guilty Attorney J B Awher jrUntied States TS WOHam Xoten George

Pestles boMMbreakmK and grand Swag plea netwHtr

United vs Genie Whiten homekreakineplea tatflty sentence penitentiary for two years

United States TS John F Hewer embeasJementplea guilty interns Jail six moaiba AttorneyDarid Rothschikl

United States m MB ton Banks howbreaki gand larceny plea gniHy sentence ixmtteatiary forthree years

States MnstoR Bridast rMatinelaw plea gwiHy scalenee Jail nwwttw

United States w Andersott aesanit withdaafleraw weapon pita not gnflty

Vatted States TS Oarence Sannders asMnltdMteeram weapon plea not entttf Attoraey C BFoster

United States TS James W Ross amwsbreakfogsad Seamy plea guilty eantenoe penMentiary forsix JVSM


In re extension of Sherwaa arcane aaUce of-

itimtmnunt sad order of pabHeaUoa-In apanine f Iaeoab street enkr of publics

UooIn re extension of BJcTenth street time to seUte

exceptions and She transcript extended














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nnjiUrnptcy CourtJUSTICE OOULO-

ta w Tmmms X Wajprnea marate to sbnw onus


State of K Norris Store oflance mrnntod to Howard M Nonrto leadAttorney M J Keene

islets of Elisabeth R Rhodes nOl amnttttd toprobate and letters testamentary Rnnted to BarryB Rhodes bond fa Attorney Inter WflBnnMon

Relate of Sey M Stern letters efrested to Helen Stem bond KM AttorneyJulius I Peyse-

ratate of Richard Lewis petition for probate ofwill Sled Attorney J F Bandy

state of Funk K Stubs petition for Stairsof admtalttRtian Sled Attorarys Rules

of Mary M P Flatter will dated Octobera lied with petition for probate AttorneyMcNrBl i McNeU

Lusts of James Brawn letters of admialatnttoagranted to Tfflie Brows bond UttX AttoraeyJames A OSbea-

Kstate of Lawnnre O Pony petition fee wanof admintoBMlon Sped Attorney W L Pollard

Estate of Anton TUB will fisted February K-MB sled

Relate of Hbew ser Kins petition for pmbate ofwill lied Attorney W A McKean-

eyDnukrnptcy PetitionNo HC Theodore onnemana dealt IX Seatoa

niece Tohntarr assets 9 liabflttie WSS1 Attoraey Chart U Turner

McchaiiiCH LienNo m The Bntt Chapel Oesapaay n

Frank A Alfred G GMS sad herons 0Itttspe lot M smtaw tt UK G nest nmUiwoUWi Attorney H Aston llenmoltor-

No CM E J Murphy Oampanr Amnae OBttes lot M SSKJI AMatMr D WODoMgbne

Equity SuitsNo S3H JoMpk Lyons ei al T

Ulke et si to sabstitate tnmtos Cnmpmlnants-MUcitora Rafetoa Siddoa-

sInvr nltsNo 4KM SaMuel Friedbanj TS k SWart

sad the Stuart Company danwam H C-OPMattTa Ledde Pubs Oar


wentysecond street northwest between G and n9treetsKUrid e E Jordan et wr to K OWrk-

tJohnMm lot n SMNo m Ekrtnth street MntbesstArtbnr Can

Imsiee to Jukes Hanleia lot tt inai Wavwww southeast between Twelfth sad

Thirteenth stiwetfJoba 0 Hsjnsie et us toNorwood A Sates sad Eats lot asisal lilt JM

Wesley IleicMsTbomas B tutee toKatberine B Ma lute U to 41 block 1-3ftm

Alley between Thirteenth and FMtrtesnUi S sat Tstreets northwMt Fnnnann J SbaiM st wx toMarten 1 Saadd lot X S JM 98

Woodier rararHamr U llettm to CbaHes EJeW 4 and f block 11 JIJXL-

G street southeast between T H enth and Pertrenth streets Harry Wanbnaa to Charles TBishop tot 17 square MM SW-

ComeeticMt Avenue Hd tsHerlla R Oecfcerliteto S lot K block 2 H-

Connectlwt ttveane extonded H R Dahtay et alto Grant W Taylor part lot Mi

291 Park jmtH Same topart lot M wwr 23M UI7

No Bl Musae w tts aware wrtk PhlHp ILChrfotmaa et nx to Thames II McKeawn letM mare 818 W

TIlE WASHINGTON HERALDthe largest morning circulation In tbeDlntrlct of Remember TheMould Tvlien plnoln legal fllY rlsc-ntciitb

October S 1007 Remember the date




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Marias Midnight LecturesYou are missing a treat if

you are not readingof them Current topics from-

a feminine point of view aretreated most entertainingly j

ErAttache LetterHerein you will find ajskxi of European affairs


who is in touch with the

whereof he speaks Enlightening and instructive



0Oi01000 IAn the insideby a DD Iof the world knows

0D i




mats and



Square VtO Norwood A Eaton t nx to LinedFitzgerald and John J Yarns topHse Serial Building Amscntion StJ lot fi-

S M MTbe Wa h rton Theater CcenpanT toOeetjw K Johnson and SMmel K Road to secure Penn Mutual Life Insnrsnee Company R5-

wr seat ipiaruriy orifinal lotIS sad psrta original lots S t and H-

Sajnate M PMer W Price et we Jowph H9tew rt and Kofctrt Kobtason to seewe RandolphV Peyton KO 12 sad IS months f per Dent

Bnrrrtlle Frederick Sharpe jr et ox to PrankT KawttBe and Freak S CoUm to Nel-Ue X Maabaek 1 to S month I per statsamtHUKmally lots i sad i agree SM

seas ICTThcmaa H MeKeown et nx to IierbetA Gill Edwaid 34eC Janes to seems ArHorton Fire Inenranee Cnmpsny fHO S years5 per cent stmiaanoally lot 44

Square 30s Frank Oandy to Stexm Wolf and MyerCakes to secure W Oiirer Murray 9m Syeas per ant semtannnaBy let X

Square MHCbarlcs T bishop si ni to B FiendSanl sad Walter E Hilton to stone HarryWananan maothly soles C oat Jot17-

Woedlcy FarkGmnt W Taylor et ax to UntoTrust Company to secure H K Ualaay X JSteHwnam W J sad J Wncctrtn a04 2 years i per east amtanmmQy put lot W squaw SM

Square 48Jenafe C Crayenrft et rte Beajmnm Fto Simen Ly and K B H Lyon te seenClams H Bcmtaatda a B 9 morals I per-cent lets

Squat S 5tK II Y Bradley to Bdwmd J SteB-v ff and Quote Flemmir to acne BdwaidL llWyer a 3 yean 3 per seas senu annally put lots sad 2L-


Charles If and Meta V Bur bath ofrfcei Va-

Bfcbard Dnckett and Susie ThomasRobert II of Wttsmi Vn

GoedeHenry Simpson and T nvetM JacksonDanM dark and Rim Taytarhoney P hiker of Qvmcy sad Cbadatte-

K MeMuiiea of Fairfax V-


Anna Gsjtrnde ODea O I t BWArthur Quick UM K It nw 79 yearsJoke J Sullivan 7 am mr fl yewsJokR Henry HospL liaise H yearsLouie P Brown K st sw 3 yeanRobert I Fkmtee ala sad Macomb sU Cam

tend Park ff yeanHannah A Weatasan st yearsJohn OCennor Ntohob Hfllsdate 1 month

Jefcn T Newman 13 Ha are W yearsAHoe shorter INT flat st nw years


Census Enumerators Discover Plotto Client Indians Out of Laud

An ingenious scheme designed to de-

fraud Indians in the Indian Territory andOklahoma of valuable coal and oil muchwas discovered by census enumeratorswho have just completed the task oftaking the population of the proposedState of Oklahoma Reports receivedhere are to the effect that land sharksmasquerading as census enumerators in-

duced many Indians to sign papers sig-natures being necessary in each case itwas represented as an incident in mak-ing a census of the two Territories-

It was found that the papers thussigned by the Indians were nothing morethan conveyances of title In tracts ofland known to contain valuable mineraldeposits This attempted fraud was oneof thfe most daring ever conceived in thetwo Territories where graft has run riotfor many years A thorough investiga-tion has been ordered grad the officiateare hopeful of learning Identity ofthe culprits They will be criminallyprosecuted If apprehended









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Potomac RiverChesapeake BayHampton RoadsBY NIGHT AND DA

Steamers Daily8 a m C30 p m

Including Sundayi

Land passengers at Exposition Grounds

Modern Steel SteamersHandsomely equipped

and Information TikeOlio Colon may MJi awl U BW c-

at Wharl toot of Jiu t r


Bluefish and Tailors livelyLarge catches

ROUND TRIPSaturdays 25c

Days 50cSee Train Schedule in R R Column



Sunday September 15 1907And tit Ssdav Ifrig S ideiabcr




Fare Round Trip 25c


Every lvouing Sundays IncludrfL

Dancing Every EveningExeept Sunday Admission Free




Illumination Fails Every NightFARE S CENTS ROUND TRIP

Trains 36Jh and M Evrr Few MinuteNsW DOUBLE TRACK COMPLETED

For Mt Vernon Alexandria andArlington Washington Alexandria

Mt Vernon Ry Sta Lath Pa avTRAINS FOR MT VERXOX WEEK LUla-





7th st wharf 10 a m arid ii p m-

Aimtrs toii 215 ad 613 mFee round trip 53 crtsAdmission to pounds and ounsicn 3 oerta

CARS TO KENSINGTONCan trrni 15th st ad N Y sic j a

Pass flak reek Bridge and Park mama

boo and Country Club to Cbevr clue Lake LX

neat with Kensington cars Round trip tickttja-

Sc st FusseUs 625W

4325 TO CALIFORNIAAugust a tw October 31 1907 via WashingtonsunsetKoutt

Tourist Steeptoz Cats penoaslly conducted wiucfc i 11u tones the rwu O

Berth KJaA J PO8TOX Goal Accnt-

eaaVtf ill Pa an TV lth st

Ferry Service to AlexandriaSteamer Lackawanna every HOUR and A MALIi a m to i p m oaUy and Sunday FARERA WAY OC



New Hotel isleswofthI-n tbe Heart of AUntie City

Overlooking the Boardwalk sad Steel Pin MScout en suite sad itocte Baths

wrth see water conoeatons Our pttnxu our refer-ee We piease Booklets and rates for the

Vrapr W If OKEBV

HOTEL DKV1LLE Kectock atones and BeachCapaaty 3W elevator music room sun purr

roans tingle and en suite with bath Superior tableWrite for special rates and booklet JOHN fKIBERSOX an3tathsS3H



Can obtain frttclaj accommodations st MrsElizabeth MacNicuui rc Klfiicr 11

ate Norfolk Va Quiet ReasonableConvenient to all car lites ia the city nrrenrace solicited aul7 lt

Main tt Norfolk Va European plan P A atrine Manafer Cats to Jamestown Ksposttton ysuthe door two squares to wharf for water route

then tf

Preferred for CookingIt is the cleanest the most economical

and the most satisfactory fad that can haused Makes a quick slid good file furcooking Well supply youS Busbete Urne Coke delivered 125010 Bushels Large Coke delhrend 370-

n Bnshels Large Coke delivered 138-

B Bushels Crushed Coke ddiTered 301-

Bnshels Cm shed Coke deHrered W50Bushels Crashed Coke delivered 650

Washington Gaslight Co

413 Tenth St N W

Phone Slain JMMO AVlion You ReturnSubscribers returning from their sum-

mer home desire to have their r ivrsent to their city address will DIIXJDhone Main 33CO


at a








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