sunstone barbecue gas grills

SUNSTONEBBQGRILLOUTLET Date Created-21-Aug The objective of this report is to analyze various aspects of the in terms of search engine optimization and placement. This includes analyzing website obstacles that might prevent achieving optimal website categorization and indexing on the leading search engines. Points: HTTP Headers Check Xhtml and CSS Validations [W3C standards] URL Structure Meta tags analysis Meta tags analysis of All Pages URLs found in the page Image names and "alt" attribute Analysis Broken Links Sitemap Social Connects WWW Resolve Robot.txt HTTP Headers Check To ensure that search engines understand your web site structure correctly you should control each page's HTTP headers. Your server should handle all requests properly - by this you will both achieve a better crawl rate and higher rankings. Understanding HTTP header status codes. Http-Status: 200 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 13:20:42 GMT Server: Apache Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=okuqevofhnbrofb3mk2esk00d7; path=/ Connection: close

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Page 1: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

The objective of this report is to analyze various aspects of the in

terms of search engine optimization and placement. This includes analyzing website obstacles that

might prevent achieving optimal website categorization and indexing

on the leading search engines.


HTTP Headers Check

Xhtml and CSS Validations [W3C standards]

URL Structure

Meta tags analysis

Meta tags analysis of All Pages

URLs found in the page

Image names and "alt" attribute Analysis

Broken Links


Social Connects

WWW Resolve


HTTP Headers Check To ensure that search engines understand your web site structure correctly you should control each

page's HTTP headers. Your server should handle all requests properly - by this you will both achieve a

better crawl rate and higher rankings. Understanding HTTP header status codes.

Http-Status: 200

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 13:20:42 GMT

Server: Apache

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=okuqevofhnbrofb3mk2esk00d7; path=/

Connection: close

Page 2: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

Xhtml and CSS Validations [W3C standards]

Validation as a future-proof quality check

Xhtml and CSS validation is one of the simplest ways to check whether a page is built in accordance with

Web standards, and provides one of the most reliable guarantee that future Web platforms will handle

it as designed.

Validation helps teach good practices

Many professionals have been authoring the Web with HTML and CSS for years and know these

technologies by heart. Beginners and students, on the other hands, will find automated checking tools

invaluable in spotting mistakes. Some teachers also stress that automated validation tests are a good

introduction to broader, more complex quality concepts such as accessibility.

Validation is a sign of professionalism

As of today, there is little or no certification for Web professionals, and only few universities teach Web

technologies, leaving most Web-smiths to learn by themselves, with varied success. Seasoned, able

professionals will take pride in creating Web content using semantic and well-formed markup,

separation of style and content, etc. Validation can then be used as a quick check to determine whether

the code is the clean work of a seasoned HTML author, or quickly hacked-together tag soup.

Inline CSS


WooHoo ! No inline CSS. Not just it reduces page size and load time, but a separate CSS file can be

cached by the browser as well.

W3C Validity

. Errors, warnings.

This is a great achievement to have a website that follows web standards, it makes the life of a crawler

very easy. Furthermore, a well-structured website is easy to read and identify with customers as well.

Page 3: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

URL Structure

URLs are one of the most important of all on-page SEO elements, and the way in which they are

constructed can make or break an optimization campaign. If you’re one of the lucky few site owners

with a site designed with SEO in mind, the likelihood is that you’ve already had more than one lengthy

meeting with your web designer about the best way to form URL structures. Even then, you will need to

revisit the topic of URL structure and its impact on your SEO efforts time and time again as your site

grows and develops. You may have factored keywords into the equation at the design stage, but have

you also factored in keywords for new or likely product lines to be introduced after the launch of the

site? The changing popularity of certain keywords will also dictate URL content and maybe necessitate

changes to the phrases used in the syntax of the URL for key landing pages.

Unfortunately, not all websites are built with SEO in mind, making the task of URL optimization a tricky

one when your thoughts turn to improved organic rankings. If your site has more than a dozen or so

pages, renaming each page and changing your entire URL and navigation structure becomes a massive

task. Whatever stage you are at, trial and error has shown that there are a few easy ways you can

optimize your URL structures for better search engine placements. The following points summarize the

best practices I have observed while working on client sites, but if you have any to add, please do so in

the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Recommendation: When search engines look at your website, the first thing they see is your web

address, or it’s URL. A good structure can help the indexation process of your website.


Your URL's are perfectly formed, no need to change that.

Page 4: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

Meta tags analysis

Analysis does not check your title, description, or keyword meta tags for certain issues such as excessive

keyword repetition. Such practices can be seen as spam indexing techniques by search engines,

triggering spam filters, and should be avoided. This tag is one of the most important ranking factors in

the search engines ranking algorithms, so populating your most important keywords in this tag will

dramatically increase the search engine rankings of the page.

Place the most important keywords or keyword phrases at the beginning of the tag and keep your title

short, roughly 10 to 64 characters including spaces. Try to minimize the use of stop words, such as a, an,

of, on, etc., as they consume character count and offer no value. If you feel that the length is

insufficient, then use no more than 70. Over 70 will not contribute any weight as part of the document.

Avoid including in your title any irrelevant words (not found on the page),because it will weaken the

impact on your targeted keywords. It can also trigger spam filters of various search engines. Place the

most important keywords or keyword phrases at the beginning of the tag and keep your title short,

roughly 10 to 64 characters including spaces. Try to minimize the use of stop words, such as a, an, of, on,

etc., as they consume character count and offer no value. If you feel that the length is insufficient, then

use no more than 70. Over 70 will not contribute any weight as part of the document.

Avoid including in your title any irrelevant words (not found on the page),because it will weaken the

impact on your targeted keywords. It can also trigger spam filters of various search engines. Keep all

descriptions larger than 50 characters, and no more than 149 characters, including spaces, Google

displays 154 characters, but other search engines display even less. If for some reason you cannot

achieve that, at least place the most important information at the beginning of the first sentence. This

will guarantee that both users and search engines will see the most important information about your


Be aware that if you are adding irrelevant words into the description it can possibly trigger search

engine spam filters. Make certain the tag is relevant to the page theme. Avoid adding text that is not

found within the visible text of the page.

Page 5: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

Title Tag

sunstone |

Meta Description Tag

No description found.

Meta Keywords Tag

Keywords / keyphrases: No keywords found

Meta tags analysis.

Title: Title contains no errors.

This tag contains 37 characters.

Title relevancy to page content is very good.

The Title relevancy to page content is 100%.

Description: Found no description meta tag.

The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider to add a description meta tag.

Your site displayed on a search engine page.

sunstone |

save 40% all accessories and 60% on select drill packages! READ HERE >

(888) 646-6068 Subscribe to our <b>...</b>

Page 6: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

URLs found in the page

This section lists the URLs found within the page, and the

number of times each was found.


Found 158 urls from where 94 unique.

Page 7: Sunstone Barbecue Gas Grills


Date Created-21-Aug

Image names and "alt" attribute Analysis

Google and other search engines uses computer vision techniques to match your image to other images

in the Google Images index and additional image collections. From those matches, we try to generate an

accurate "best guess" text description of your image, as well as find other images that have the same

content as your search image. Your search results page can show results for that text description as well

as related images.

Compatible browsers

Search by Image is compatible with the following browsers:


Firefox 3.0+

Internet Explorer 8+

Safari 5.0+

The results page

When you search by image, your results will look different than your normal Images or Web results

page. The biggest difference is that your results can include non-image results like webpages that seem

relevant to the image that you searched for. The elements of your results page will change depending

on your search and on the information that's most relevant to that search.


Website containing relevant images, we should implement some images in few pages with proper image

URL and Alt Tags.


Your webpage contains 40 image(s) and out of which 16 don't have alt attribute.

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Date Created-21-Aug

Broken Links

Broken links are links that lead nowhere.

Broken links can annoy your visitors, of course, but even more than that, they can hurt your quality

score with the search engines.

Google, for example, provides a one page overview for webmasters called Webmaster Guidelines. This

page contains about 30-35 things that Google says you should do. When you have to boil everything a

website should do down to 35 things or so, there isn’t room for messing around.

One of those guidelines says the following:

“Check for broken links and correct HTML.”

Straight-forward. To the point. And, you guessed it, IMPORTANT.

Broken links make for a bad user experience. A bad user experience means your website is downgraded

by both your human visitors and the search engines who are attempting to mimic your human visitors.

0 broken link(s) reported.

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Date Created-21-Aug


Usually Google’s crawler Googlebot will find each and every page on your web site, as long as a link

known by Google points to it. This way has its disadvantages, both for Google and webmasters as well.

Google saves a whole of a lot of machine time and bandwidth costs, site owners get their new content

earlier on Google’s SERPs and reduce their server load by Googlebot no longer spidering archived

content too frequently.

Site Map Not Found.

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Date Created-21-Aug


Search engines are changing, and social media is a huge part of that change.

Bing, Google, and an increasing swath of nimble little search engines like Blekko and DuckDuckGo are

incorporating social data into their results. This is potentially great news for new businesses trying to

achieve visibility in search. It’s less great news for sites that rely heavily on link buying (illegal, but hard

to catch), producing huge volumes of borderline-useless content (long-tail, content farm approach), or

just really old domains (previously an SEO trump card).

Both Bing and Google admitted in interviews that their search results are positively affected by social

signals, such as Tweets, Facebook Likes, and +1s.

Social Networking Service (SNS)

Facebook Fan Page: ✔

Twitter Page: ✔

Google+ Page: ✔

Social integration is extremely important and its great that you have a Facebook page, Twitter profile as

well as a Google Plus page.

Social Share Count

Facebook Like: 0

Tweets: 0

Google+: 0

Stumbles: 0

You should invest in social marketing to increase your social share count, this will help you in a great

deal through word-of-mouth publicity as well as greater visibility in your product domain.

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Date Created-21-Aug

WWW Resolve

Be careful. Your website without www doesn't redirect to www (or the opposite). It is duplicate content!

Be sure that www.sunstonebbqgrilloutlet and are not running in


Redirecting requests from a non-preferred hostname is important because search engines consider URLs

with and without "www" as two different websites.

Once your preferred domain is set, use a 301 redirect for all traffic to your non-preferred domain.

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Date Created-21-Aug


A robots.txt file allows you to restrict the access of search engine robots that crawl the web and it can

prevent these robots from accessing specific directories and pages. It also specifies where the XML

sitemap file is located.

Robot.txt Found

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Date Created-21-Aug


Google Analytics


Server Info

Web Server: Apache

Programming Language: N/A