supervisors_ hse checklist

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  • 8/13/2019 Supervisors_ HSE Checklist


    Supervisors HSE Checklist

    Item Element1 Confined spaces

    1.1Warning signs posted i.e. Confined Spaces clearly


    1.2Barriers in place for those Confined Spaces not being


    1.3 Permit signed and current Confined Space work areas Yes/No/NA1.4 Watchman present aware and continuously monitoring Yes/No/NA

    1.5IDs of workers entering confined space displayed upon


    1.6 Sufficiently lighting inside Yes/No/NA1.7 Sufficient ventilation Yes/No/NA1.8

    Access into the confined space free from obstructions

    and secureYes/No/NA

    1.9 Confined space roster accurate/complete Yes/No/NA1.10 PPE used as required / including supplied air Yes/No/NA1.11 Air blowers installed and operating as required by Permit Yes/No/NA1.12 Adequate communications device present Yes/No/NA1.13 Rescue equipment properly secured and inspected Yes/No/NA

    2 Excavations

    2.1Permit required for all none virgin ground and should be


    2.2Sloped sides or shoring where sloped sides cannot be


    2.3Adequate access at least every eight meters, which is

    free from obstruction securely, fixed.Yes/No/NA

    2.4Removed spoil is stored not less than 1 m from the edge

    of the excavation or is removed from site


    2.5 Warning signs posted Yes/No/NA

    2.6Hard barriers installed with top and mid rail, securely


    2.7 Excavators have watchman during work Yes/No/NA3 Gas Bottle

    3.1Gas bottles are stored upright and are secured with cap


    3.2Gas bottles containing different gases or empty stored in

    different cages, empties clearly markedYes/No/NA

    3.3Warning notice clearly displayed on the exterior of gas


    3.4 Bottles inside the cage are securely fastened Yes/No/NA3.5 Combustible materials not stored around gas cage Yes/No/NA

    3.6Fire extinguishers in good order and available within

    close proximity to the storageYes/No/NA

    3.7 Gauges free from defects and are not leaking Yes/No/NA3.8 Flashback arrestors fitted Yes/No/NA3.9

    Hose connected using hose clips which are suitable and

    secure (wire is forbidden)Yes/No/NA

    3.10Correct color coding of gas hose, which are continuous

    throughout the length of the hose.Yes/No/NA

    3.11 Hoses free from damage, including perishing and leaks Yes/No/NA


    Hoses raised above the ground high enough as to not

    pose a trip hazard an and are protected from sharp




    Never use oil or grease on any fittings or apparatus in

    contact with oxygen. Blow out cylinder valves before

    attaching regulators to cylinders


    Item Element4 PPE

    4.1 Glasses static electricity proof cloth worn by all workers Yes/No/NA

    4.2 Glasses clear, free from heavy scratching and damage Yes/No/NA

    4.3Sunglasses are forbidden unless they are approved by

    the relevant safety standardsYes/No/NA

    4.4 Glass type safety glasses are forbidden Yes/No/NA

    4.5Side shield worn for spectacles, corrective lenses must

    be impact level resistantYes/No/NA

    4.6Ear protection worn for activities involving above 85

    decibels noise e.g. grinding work or air compressor workYes/No/NA

    4.7 Foot-wear free from damage and suitably fits the wearer Yes/No/NA


    Foot protection worn by all workers including

    scaffolders. (scaffolders may wear soft soled foot wear

    but must be fitted with toe protection


    4.9Dark safety glasses and face shield worn when burning

    and cutting steelworkYes/No/NA

    4.10 Safety glasses and face shield worn when grinding Yes/No/NA4.11 Harnesses worn and tied off when working above 2 mtrs Yes/No/NA4.12 All harness fitted with 2 lanyards Yes/No/NA4.13 Harness correctly worn including leg straps Yes/No/NA4.14 Workers using 100% tie off Yes/No/NA4.15 Hard hat worn at all times Yes/No/NA

    4.16Additional PPE worn for high risk activities (MSDS with

    provide addition PPE requirements)Yes/No/NA

    4.17Double eye protection required for grinding or any high

    impact taskYes/No/NA

    5 Housekeeping

    5.1 Refuse collection points provided in work areas Yes/No/NA

    5.2Access and egress point kept free from materials at all



    5.3 Hoses and cables raise above head height Yes/No/NA5.4 Timber de-nailed. Yes/No/NA5.5 Materials stacked neatly and securely Yes/No/NA6 Scaffolding

    6.1 Base plates used on firm level ground Yes/No/NA6.2 Scaffolding has not been excavated under or near to Yes/No/NA

    6.3Scaffolding tied to permanent structure wherever


    6.4 Diagonal bracing installed Yes/No/NA6.5 Top/Mid rails and toe boards fitted on all platforms Yes/No/NA6.6 Access / egress free from obstruction and to standards Yes/No/NA

    6.7Scaffolding boards fitted without gaps, tied down and to


    6.8Working platform not more than 4 mtr long without

    additional supportsYes/No/NA

    6.9 A scaffold tag updated and annotated properly Yes/No/NA

    6.10 No workers on red tagged scaffolding Yes/No/NA

    6.11Scaffold anchored properly, rolling scaffolds brakes


    7 Cranes

    7.1Cranes are color coded and have SECL sticker in the front

    windscreen of the cabYes/No/NA

    7.2Operator is the same person that appears on the SECL

    pass also displayed in the front windscreenYes/No/NA

    7.3 Barrier installed around the lifting/swing area Yes/No/NA

    7.4Access must be maintained past the lifting area

    wherever possibleYes/No/NA

    7.5 Crane set up firm level ground Yes/No/NA

    Item Element

    7.6Outriggers supported and fully extended, steel mats

    used under fully extended outriggersYes/No/NA

    7.7Radio communication used where the crane operator

    cannot see the load or hookYes/No/NA

    7.8Flags and whistles used where the operator can see the

    load and hookYes/No/NA

    7.9 Loads not lifted over the workers heads Yes/No/NA7.10 Fire extinguisher on crane with current inspection Yes/No/NA7.11 Functioning level device Yes/No/NA7.12 Load chart in crane Yes/No/NA7.13 Critical Lift Permit Required Yes/No/NA

    8 Lifting Equipment and Rigging

    8.1 Color coded with the appropriate color for the month Yes/No/NA

    8.2Equipment with a red mark should not be used and

    removed from siteYes/No/NA

    8.3Web slings free from tears, fraying, burns, gouges and


    8.4Steel slings free from excessive broken wires, bird

    caging, kinks, excessive wear and flatteringYes/No/NA

    8.5 Use of chain slings is forbidden on SITE Yes/No/NA

    8.6Cutting of the second chain on a chain block and tying it

    back is strictly forbiddenYes/No/NA

    8.7 The appropriate size bow shackle use for web slings Yes/No/NA

    8.8Slings used in al lifting practices (wrapping a chain round

    the load is forbidden)Yes/No/NA

    8.9All chain blocks and pull lifts must have a hook fitted

    complete with a latchYes/No/NA

    8.10 Homemade lifting devices are strictly forbidden Yes/No/NA

    8.11 2 tag lines or tail lines used to control loads Yes/No/NA

    8.12 Crane loads never left suspended Yes/No/NA9 Electrical

    9.1 Main Distribution Boards locked Yes/No/NA

    9.2Only authorized electricians working on electrical


    9.3 Electrical warning signs displayed Yes/No/NA9.4 Cables glanded to panels Yes/No/NA

    9.5Running cables raised above head height wherever


    9.6Cables buried must have signs posted across temporary


    9.7Extension boxes in good order free from damage with

    electrical device securely fitted insideYes/No/NA

    9.8 Cable repairs allowed only if done to standards Yes/No/NA

    9.9Plugs free from damage (casing in good order, all pins

    present and no wiring exposed)Yes/No/NA

    10 Hot Works

    10.1 Fire blanket provided to catch sparks Yes/No/NA10.2 Fire extinguisher close at hand Yes/No/NA10.3 Barrier provided underneath hot work area Yes/No/NA

    10.4Fire watch man provided where fire control methods

    cannot be achievedYes/No/NA

    10.5 Hot work permit obtained and posted Yes/No/NA10.6 Flammable material removed from the hot work area Yes/No/NA

    10.7Protection provided for permanent equipment and


    10.8 Spark/flame arrestors properly installed Yes/No/NA

    10.9 Project approve hot work PPE provided and worn Yes/No/NA

  • 8/13/2019 Supervisors_ HSE Checklist


    Item Element11 Traffic

    11.1 Vehicles have received SECL vehicle inspection Yes/No/NA

    11.2 Vehicles carry SECL vehicle pass or visitors pass Yes/No/NA

    11.3 All vehicles have watchman when they are reversing Yes/No/NA11.4 All vehicles fitted with audible reverse warning alarm Yes/No/NA

    11.5Cars are prohibited to be parked at site, they must be

    parked in the office car parkYes/No/NA

    11.6 Visiting vehicles are escorted by the relevant contractor Yes/No/NA11.7 All vehicles must adhere to the side speed limit Yes/No/NA12 Hands Tools

    12.1 Guards in place Yes/No/NA

    12.2Operators trained in use and are aware of the hazards

    and dangers that existYes/No/NA

    12.3 Tools in good order, free from defects and color coded Yes/No/NA12.4 Tools used correctly for tasks designed Yes/No/NA12.5 Tools receive regular maintenance Yes/No/NA

    12.6Poor quality or damaged tools adequately repaired or

    removed from siteYes/No/NA

    12.7Work areas around tools kept clear and free from


    12.8 The appropriate PPE is worn Yes/No/NA12.9 Loose clothing not worn by operators Yes/No/NA13 Hazardous Substances

    13.1Hazardous substance stored correctly i.e. Stored in the

    correctly label and appropriate mannerYes/No/NA

    13.2 Warning labels displayed for hazardous substances Yes/No/NA

    13.3Workers are aware of how to use the substance and are

    aware of the dangers if the substance is used incorrectlyYes/No/NA

    13.4MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is available for the



    13.5Fire prevention measure have been taken for flammable


    13.6 Provisions for personal hygiene have been provided Yes/No/NA

    13.7Spillages dealt with in the right manner, appropriate to

    the environmentYes/No/NA

    13.8Correct PPE worn by workers (information for this can be

    found in the MSDS)Yes/No/NA

    13.9Workers are aware of the emergency procedures in case

    of injury or major spillageYes/No/NA

    14 Permit to Work

    14.1 All the measures to be taken and in place Yes/No/NA14.2 PPE to be used Yes/No/NA14.3 Gas test/fire watch Yes/No/NA14.4 Is work Permit adequately posted at job site? Yes/No/NA14.5 Does Work Permit have adequate job description Yes/No/NA


    Does work being performed coincide with type of work

    checked off Yes/No/NA

    14.7 Hazards adequately identified Yes/No/NA

    14.8 Has permit been properly completed and signed off? Yes/No/NA

    14.9Has other work in close proximity been identified on


    15 Lock Out / Tag Out

    15.1Has an energy isolation list been prepared and


    15.2All isolation points (valves) chained/secured, padlocked,

    and taggedYes/No/NA

    15.3 Blinds in place as required Yes/No/NA

    15.4 Operations (production) lock applied Yes/No/NA

    Item Element

    15.5Affected employees properly identified lock and tag


    15.6Double block and bleed is padlocked, chained and


    15.7 All blinds have tags attached Yes/No/NA15.8 Blind tag stub(s) are accounted for Yes/No/NA15.9 Has start/stop been verified? Yes/No/NA

    15.10Are employees aware that they need to remove their

    lock when they leave the job?Yes/No/NA

    16 Flammable Substances

    16.1 All flammable substances properly stored and secured Yes/No/NA16.2 Required ventilation in place in storage Yes/No/NA16.3 All flammable substances properly labeled Yes/No/NA16.4 Is all PPE for handling available? Yes/No/NA16.5 Fire extinguishers available and inspected Yes/No/NA16.6 Warning signs posted (no smoking / open fire) Yes/No/NA

    16.7Possible ignition points according requirements


    16.8 Spill prevention storage in place Yes/No/NA16.9 Spill containment materials available (absorbent) Yes/No/NA17 Fall Protection / Elevated Work

    17.1 Required fall protection worn in a proper manner Yes/No/NA

    17.2Lanyards are adequately secured to suitable anchorage


    17.3 Are workers maintaining 100% tie off Yes/No/NA17.4 Fall protection equipment is used only for fall protection Yes/No/NA17.5 Fall protection maintained and has current inspection Yes/No/NA17.6 Lanyards are rigged to limit free fall to 6 feet Yes/No/NA

    17.7 Body harness properly stored when not in use Yes/No/NA

    17.8 Lanyards secured to body while not in use, walking, etc. Yes/No/NA

    17.9Tie off initiated when 1.8 meters in height or from an

    unguarded, leading edgeYes/No/NA

    18 Radiation

    18.1 Radiographers certified and current Yes/No/NA18.2 Radiation source shielded Yes/No/NA18.3 Properly identified vehicles Yes/No/NA

    18.4Radiographers use survey meters, wear film badge and


    18.5 Area properly barricaded and watched Yes/No/NA18.6 Proper Notification given prior to work Yes/No/NA19 Lighting

    19.1 Good general illumination acceptable for safe work Yes/No/NA

    19.2 Adequate emergency lighting and signs in place Yes/No/NA

    19.3Sufficient light to provide safer work area and walkways

    at nightYes/No/NA

    20 Barricades

    20.1Barricades shall be erected and tagged prior to the start

    of workYes/No/NA

    20.2Barricades shall be marked with flashing yellow lights at

    night if they are left in permanent walkways or roadwaysYes/No/NA


    Barricades should be 42 inches (1 meter) in height.

    Barricade tape should be tied to stanchions, but may be

    tied substantial building parts. The tape is not to be tied

    to instrument air lines, valves, etc.


    20.4Emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers should

    not be blocked by a barricadeYes/No/NA

    20.5Barricades will not be allowed to block the operation of

    a fire doorYes/No/NA

    Item Element

    21 Environment

    21.1Toilet facilities adequate to OSHA standards, clean,

    supplied with paper and maintainedYes/No/NA

    21.2 Spill containment in place Yes/No/NA21.3 Fuel transfer accomplished safely Yes/No/NA21.4 Waste segregated and disposed properly Yes/No/NA22 Ladders

    22.1No ladder rated at less than 250 pounds (Type 1) (113.4

    kg) is allowedYes/No/NA


    Do not use metal ladders around electrical services or

    welding. Only fiberglass ladders may be used near

    energized electrical lines or equipment.


    22.3Extension ladder are the only acceptable means of

    access to elevated areas Yes/No/NA


    All straight and extension ladders must be secured (must

    be held until secured or tied-off) or held while erected

    and must be equipped with non-skied safety feet


    22.5 Ladders must not be placed against movable objects Yes/No/NA


    The base of the ladder must be set back a safe distance

    from the verticalapproximately one fourth of the

    working length of the ladder. Ladders shall be placed on

    stable and level footing


    22.7Ladders used for access to a floor or platform must

    extend at least three feet (0.9m) above the landingYes/No/NA


    The areas around the top and base of ladders must be

    free of tripping hazards such as loose materials, trash,

    and electric cords



    Employees are to face ladders at all times. Never lean

    from side to side or away from the ladder, maintain

    three points contact (two feet, one hand)


    22.10Employees shall not carry tools, materials or objects in

    their hands while climbing a ladder. Use a hand lineYes/No/NA

    22.11Employees are prohibited from standing, working, or

    climbing on the top two steps of a step ladderYes/No/NA

    22.12Tools and materials shall never be left on the top of a



    Uniform step spacing shall not be more than 12 inches

    (30.4 cm). Steps shall be parallel and level when the

    ladder is in position


    This guide is not an exhaustive list but can be used to identify commonly occurring

    HSE failings.

    Supervisors are responsible for the safety of themselves and others and can be held

    accountable for that responsibility



    Date: (D/M/Y)

    Activity (Item #)

    S/V (Name) (Signature)

    S/I (Name) (Signature)
