support of local production in africa – the tanzanian ... · support of local production in...

1 Support of Local Production in Africa – The Tanzanian Experience International Conference on Local Pharmaceutical Production in Africa Cape Town, April 4-6, 2011 German Medical Aid Organisation action medeor action medeor e.V. founded 1964 non-profit distribution of high quality – low cost essential medicines and equipment headquarter and warehouse in Tönisvorst / Germany 45 employees 2 - 3.000 customers (NGO hospitals) in approx. 130 countries comprehensive QA system => compliance with GMP

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Support of Local Production in Africa

– The Tanzanian Experience

International Conference on Local Pharmaceutical Production in Africa

Cape Town, April 4-6, 2011

German Medical Aid Organisation

action medeor

� action medeor e.V. founded 1964

� non-profit distribution of high quality – low cost essential

medicines and equipment

� headquarter and warehouse in Tönisvorst / Germany

� 45 employees

� 2 - 3.000 customers (NGO hospitals) in approx. 130 countries

� comprehensive QA system

=> compliance with GMP


Pharmaceutical-medical projects

� Local production of ARV´s and Malaria medicines• TPI ARV project in Tanzania (EU funded)

• Artemisia annua cultivation and extraction in Kenya

� Capacity building for local manufacturers• GMP / QC workshops in East Africa (Tanzania) since 2005

& West Africa (Ghana) since 2008

� Training for pharmacy students & generic product development • R&D lab at the Muhimbili University / Dar es Salaam

(pharmaceutical technology & analytics)

action medeor activities

in the pharmaceutical sector in Tanzania


Authorities/ institutions



Health facilities


action medeor

International Healthcare Tanzania Ltd.

� Non-profit drug supply organization located in Dar es Salaam • 1st local branch of action medeor Germany

• Operating since 2005

� Suppliers• 2/3 of products from Tanzanian and

Kenyan manufacturers

• other suppliers from Europe, India, South Africa

� Assured quality• GMP complicance of suppliers

=> on-site audits

• random testing of products by certified laboratories

Quality Assurance

and Quality Control




Drug Regulatory Authority

Registration and Control of

the Products and the

Manufacturing Facility



Additional Quality Control:

Audits, Product Analysis




Production of ARVs in Tanzania –

the TPI EU Project

Overall objective: HIV/AIDS related socio-economic decline in

Tanzania slowed down

Specific objective: The demand of 100,000 HIV and AIDS

patients for first-line antiretroviral treatment can be met by

locally produced high-quality ARVs

Result 1: Factory compliant with WHO GMP established

Result 2: Sufficient production capacity of high-quality first-line

ARVs according to the need installed and output achieved

Result 3: Knowledge generation and capacity building

programmes on GMP and TRIPS supported and/or conducted

Technology transfer

and local ARV production

� Financial Volume: 6.2 Million Euro

� Main Sponsor: European Union• ca. 5 Million Euro – Programme: „Aid for poverty-related diseases (HIV/AIDS,

Tuberculosis and Malaria) in developing countries”

� European Partner: action medeor e.V.

TanzaniaTanzania PharmaceuticalPharmaceutical Industries limitedIndustries limited

- Manufacturer of essential medicines

- Production site: Arusha

- Current staff: 92

- Former governmental Organization , privatized since 1997 (40%


- Since 2005 ARV manufacturer of fixed dose combination


Main activities

and target groups

� Main activities:• Set up of a modern WHO GMP compliant pharmaceutical production

facility in Arusha / Tanzania

• Planned production capacity: 100 million tablets/year for AIDS treatment => initiation of WHO prequalification

• Capacity building for personnel and strengthening of local structures

� Target groups:• AIDS patients in Tanzania: ART for 100.000 people in need

• Personnel of local pharmaceutical manufacturers and key personsfrom governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations

=> international workshops on GMP and TRIPS

Project structure

Project:Local Production of ARV

action medeor EC EC Delegation Tanzania

Tanzania Pharmaceutical


Local Partner



Stakeholders and clients

� Stakeholders• Ministry of Health - support of local manufacturers (15% advantage in

national tenders)

• TFDA (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority)

• Ministry of Finance

• TACAIDS (Tanzania Commission for AIDS)


� Potential clients• Tanzanian Government

• Non-governmental organizations

• Church institutions

Project Implementation

Plant construction

Installation of modular


Implementation of


External training for



cal personnel and


Internal training for

local staff

Preparing dossiers for

initiation of WHO-

prequalification process TRIPS/International

regulations, ToT on ARV

pharmacology/ Procure-

ment/Store management

Processing, QA, QC,


Carry out bioequivalence

study for x products


Pre-construction on site

Procurement of

equipment, vehicle, other


Production of needed

1st/2nd line ARV


Aimed ARV range

� Efavirenz 600 mg, film-coated tablets (Pharm R&D Lab)

� Saquinavir 500 mg film-coated tablets (Pharm R&D Lab / Roche TTI)

Fixed-dose combinations:

� Lamivudine 150 mg / Tenofovir 150 mg / Efavirenz 300 mg, film-coated tablets (Pharm R&D Lab)

� Lamivudine 150 mg / Zidovudine 300 mg, film-coated tablets

Current status

� Production Building and accessory buildings are ready built

� Cleanroom and Engineering company contracted

� Factory Acceptance Test of major production equipment performed

� The first 5 containers of the total of 40 have arrived in Dar and are subject toclearing

� Final acceptance of production rooms, equipment and utilities: September 2011

� Drug Development according to new WHO treatment guidelines has started in collaboration with international senior experts and Muhimbily University Dar es Salaam


Project progress –

construction of the outer shell

Inauguration ceremony (June 2010)


Next steps

� Procurement of QC lab equipment

� Training of further personnel

� Establishment of a Quality Assurance System

� Start of Qualification and Validation

� Start of pilot batches: October 2011

� Start of commercial batches: April 2012

� Registering of product with Drug Regulatory Authority: August 2012

� Submission of Drug Dossier to WHO: November 2012

Sources of technology

and access to know-how

� International team of (senior) experts• Detailed URS (design qualification) for production plant and


• Implementation of QA system incl qualification and validation processes

• Training of local personnel

• Assistance with product development at Pharm R&D Lab

� Experienced contractor from India• construction of the clean-room system acc to URS

� Stringent supervision on-site by TPI / action medeor project management team• Compliance with agreed international standards

• FAT, Qualification (IQ, OQ)



During project implementation:

� Infrastructure / utilities on-site

� Qualification of local personnel / recruitment (cost containment!)

� Intercultural interaction (European – Asian – African): different approaches and

expectations, e.g. compliance of contractor with URS

� Stringent tendering requirements

� Product development for WHO prequalification (change of first-line recomm.)

� Budget limitations

⇒ Project extension of 32 months was necessary


� Maintaining the implemented standards

� Locational challenges (infrastructure/ utilities, skilled personnel, supply of materials, lack of support structures - like calibration, maintenance, repair - etc.)

⇒ International competitiveness ?!

� Training for DRAs and regional

pharmaceutical manufacturers on GMP,

QC and product developmement

� Workshop on TRIPS

� Implementation of a teaching and

development laboratory „Pharm R&D Lab“ in

cooperation with Muhimbili University in Dar

es Salaam (PPP GIZ – action medeor –


=> Good Manufacturing Practice Standard

=> WHO Prequalification

Capacity building

and quality approach


Final remarks

� Local Production is not automatically improving access to medicines:

quality and affordability are pre-requisites

� Quality in East Africa is strongly improving due to investments in

production, quality management and human ressources

� Key for quality are ongoing capacity building, strong regulatory authorities and a vivid competition between the manufacturers

� R&D capacities have to be strengthened (e.g. Pharm R&D Lab at MUHAS in Dar es Salaam)

� For improved access an effective distribution is essential

Thank you for your attention !

Christine Häfele-Abah

Pharmacist / MScIH

Head of Quality Assurance

action medeor e.V.

St. Töniser Str. 21

47918 Tönisvorst / Germany

[email protected]

Tel. 0049-2156-9788-192