supporting digital scholars: three schools, three approaches (289094770)

8/20/2019 Supporting Digital Scholars: Three Schools, Three Approaches (289094770) 1/43 Supporting Digital Scholars: Three Schools, Three Approaches Joe Williams • Joel Herndon • Steve Morris

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Supporting Digital Scholars:Three Schools, Three Approaches

Joe Williams • Joel Herndon • Steve Morris

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 The Research Hub @UNC University Libraries

 Joe WilliamsDirector of Public Services

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UNC Chapel Hill, 2015

!"#$% un&er'ra&uates%"(!$ 'ra&uates ) *rofessional


#"+,+ faculty!"-!( sta. 

(%/ ma0ors ) minors+! &octoral *ro'rams- master1s *ro'rams o.ere&

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@ UNCLibraries

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3 Points of Engageme

Research Hubs

Davis Library

2enan Science Library

Health Sciences Library

• Consultations on &eman& ) by a**ointment

• Public *ro'rammin'" *resentation s*ace

• Referrals to cam*us su**ort services

• Reserve3able 4or5 areas

• Nee&e& technolo'y

• Tar'ete& services

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vis Library Research Hub8 Data Services 8 Data 9isuali:ation 8 Di'ital Humanities 8 Statistics

n Statistics ) 67S Lab 8 Presentation s*ace 8 Li<ui& 6ala=y

m 7nstitute 8 UNC Center for >aculty ?=cellence 8 + Libraries sta. 

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lth Sciences Library Research Hubmatic revie4s 8 Data mana'ement *lans 8 N7H 'rant com*liance 8 Posters ) me

alth 7nformatics Pro'ram 8 NC TraCS 8 R?CH NC 8 # Library sta. 

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nan Science Library Research Hub5ers*ace 8 Co34or5in' s*ace 8 Data mana'ement

C BeA Be Aa5er 8 - Library sta. 

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-%E3$ by thenumbers

Davis Library ResearchHub

• (,! Des5 transactions

• 170 Basic help questions• 628 Research questions

• +(- Research consultations

• $- De*artments

• -$ 7nstruction sessions

• ,$ Public *ro'rams

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Evolving Research Services

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"le#i$le Space

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Sho%casing Research

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1st semester • &' long(term pro)ect teams• *+' events• -. Edge desk transactions• *+/ uni0ue room users

• .&1' room $ookings


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Digital Research and Scholarship

Support at 23S4 5i$raries

Steve Morris

 6ssociate Director for the Digital 5i$rar7

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8%o main li$raries, three campuses

DH Hill 5i$rar7

James 9 Hunt Jr 5i$rar7

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3olla$oration spaces: 5o% to medium tech

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3olla$oration spaces: High tech

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5arge scale displa7 %alls

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isuali!ation spaces

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;aming la$

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Media creation spaces

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3onsolidated service points

Single service point

(As Us!


Supporte# $ut notpersistentl% sta&&e#


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<2et%ork nodes= in the 5i$raries

isuali!ation spaces

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<2et%ork nodes> campus(%ide

23S4 Maker Map

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<Diffusion= ? Distri$uted support

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<Diffusion= ? Distri$uted support

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3reating a digital research and

scholarship center 

@ %ithout creating a center 

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3reating a virtual center 

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9uilding communit7

3offee and i!

Seminar Series

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Ancreasing visi$ilit7 of services

E#hi$its andpop(up


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Digital Research and Scholarship 5a$ 8ask "orce

Surve7 the current landscape of digital scholarship

spaces and services

Brepare a set of options and recommendations for

providing such services at the "acult7 Research3ommons

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Help 4s Amprove and ;ro%

8hank 7ou for participating

in toda7s session

Were ver7 interested in 7our feed$ack Blease take

a minute to fill out the session evaluation found %ithin

the conference mo$ile app, or the online agenda