suppression of counterfeiting currency · convention of april 20th, 1929, for the suppression of...

[Distributed to the Council and the Members of the League.] Official No. : C. 193 . M . 76 . 1931. II. A. Geneva, March 9th, 1931. LEAGUE OF NATIONS SUPPRESSION OF COUNTERFEITING CURRENCY FIRST CONFERENCE OF CENTRAL OFFICES REPORT AND RELEVANT DOCUMENTS Series of League of Nations Publications II. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL 1931. II. A. 8.

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[Distributed to the Council and the Members of the League.]

Official No. : C . 193 . M . 7 6 . 1931. II. A.

Geneva, March 9th, 1931.





Series of League of Nations Publications


1 9 3 1 . II. A. 8.


PageR e p o r t ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Appendix 1. — List of D e le g a te s ............................................................................................. 6

Appendix 2. — R e g u l a t i o n s ...................................................................................................... g

Form A .......................................................................................................................................... 10

Form B .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Form C .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Form D ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix 3. — R e c o m m e n d a t io n s ......................................................................................... 14

I . Relations between Bank of Issue and Central O f f i c e ........................................ 14

I I . Officials of Central O f f ic e s ........................................................................................... 14

I I I . Railway Passes ............................................................................................................ 14

IV. In ternational Bureau ................................................................................................... 14

V. Periodical Conferences of Central Offices................................................................. 14

VI. Falsification of Documents of Value ..................................................................... 14

V II . Prints and Counters resembling Banknotes or Coins.......................................... 14

VIII. Multilateral Extradition Conventions......................................................................... 15

" N. 1.180 (F.) 985 (A.) 3/31 Imp. du J . de G.


In accordance with Recommendation V adopted on April 20th, 1929, by the International Conference for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, the Council convened the first Conference of Representatives of Central Offices. This Conference was held at Geneva from March 4th to 7th, 1931, with Professor Delaquis as President. The list of delegates present at the Conference is attached (Appendix 1).

The Conference proved a very good opportunity for the representatives of the different Central Offices to get into touch.

The Conference has the honour to submit to the Council of the League of Nations the results of its discussions :

1. The principle object of the Conference was, in accordance with Article 15 of the Convention of April 20th, 1929, for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, to ensure, improve and develop direct international co-operation between Central Offices in the prevention and punishment of counterfeiting currency. In order to improve this co-operation, the Conference adopted a set of administrative regulations (Appendix 2).

2. The Conference also adopted a number of Recommendations (Appendix 3).

3. The Conference adopted these Regulations and Recommendations unanimously, except for the representative of the Italian Central Office, who made an explicit reservation in respect of all tex ts referring to the creation of an international bureau.

4. The Conference requests the Council to draw the Governments’ attention to these Regulations and Recommendations.

5. By a decision of May 14th, 1930, the Council of the League of Nations decided to put upon the agenda of the Conference a special question—namely, how far international police co-operation for the suppression of falsification of documents of value (other than currency) is hindered by obstacles caused by the present state of legislation in the different countries.

In reply to the Council’s question, the Conference finds tha t the constantly increasing international circulation of cheques, bills of exchange, letters of credit and other commercial or industrial paper, public credit instruments, State bonds, shares and bonds of companies and other documents of value, necessitates international police co-operation for the effective punishment of the falsification of these documents, and that such co-operation, as also effective punishm ent, is hindered by the differences which exist between the various systems of domestic law.

Consequently, the Conference considers highly desirable an international agreement for making more certain the prevention and suppression of the falsifying of such documents of value.

6. In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention of April 20th, 1929, for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, the organisation and supervision of a central international information office was discussed by the Conference.

The Conference considered tha t the best method of organising such a central international office on a perm anent basis would be the conclusion of an international Convention.

The Conference was of opinion, however, that it would be desirable, if a Convention for police co-operation were adopted in this field, to widen the scope of such a Convention. Accordingly, the Conference adopted the following recommendation :

The Conference recommends tha t the Council of the League of Nations should, if it thinks fit and expedient, in view of the increasingly international character of crime in its various aspects, study the possibility of preparing a Convention on international co-operation between police forces and the establishment of an official police information bureau forming a link between the various police forces, with the general object of ensuring more effective prevention and punishment of crime.


Albania :

Austria :

Belgium :

Cuba :

Czechoslovakia :

Danzig :

Denmark :

Finland :

France :

Germany :


M. Lee K u r t i ,

Délégué perm anent de l ’Albanie auprès de la Société des Nations.

Le docteur Bruno S c h u l t z ,Directeur de Police, Conseiller aulique, Chef de la Section de Police criminelle à la Préfecture de police de Vienne.

Le docteur A rthur K lau ser ,Conseiller de police à la Préfecture de police de Vienne.

Le docteur W alter S c h m i d t ,Conseiller-légiste à la Banque Nationale d ’Autriche.

M . Jean S e r v a i s ,Ministre d ’E ta t, Procureur général honoraire près la Cour d ’appel de Bruxelles.

M. F. E. L o u w a g e ,Commissaire en chef aux délégations judiciaires de la police du Parquet près le Tribunal de première instance de Bruxelles.

M. d e B l a n c k y M e n o c a l ,Délégué perm anent de la République de Cuba auprès de la Société des Nations (Observer).

Le docteur U lrich K a l is ,Conseiller de police, Représentant de l ’Office central tchécoslo­vaque pour la répression de la falsification de monnaies, chèques et papiers de valeur.

M. Mirko V a l i n a ,Ingénieur de l’Im prim erie des billets, Banque Nationale (as Expert).

Le docteur Viktor K o p f s t e i n ,Conseiller légiste de la Banque Nationale, à Prague (as Expert).

Le docteur Léon N a g l e r ,Inspecteur en chef de la Police d ’E ta t , Chef du Service

central de Sûreté (Head of the Delegation).M . John M u h l ,

Premier Procureur et Chef de la police criminelle de la Ville libre de Dantzig (Delegate).

Le docteur Vald. H. M e n s e n ,Chef de la Police d ’E ta t du Danemark.

M. Ludwig D y r l u n d ,Secrétaire chargé d e s pouvoirs à la police d ’E ta t du D a n e m a r k .

M. E. G y l l e n b ô g e l ,Conseiller de la Légation de Finlande à Berne et de la D é lé g a t io n perm anente auprès de la Société des Nations (Observer).

M. M o n d a n e l ,Commissaire divisionnaire adjoint au Contrôleur généra l des Services de recherches judiciaires au Ministère de l 'In térieur.

Le docteur Hanz M e n z e l ,Directeur au Ministère de l’Intérieur du Reich.

M. Ph. P i r r ,D irecteur à la Reichsbank.

Le docteur W e i s s ,Sous-Préfet de Police, Berlin.

M. E . L i e b e r m a n n v o n S o n n e n b e r g ,Commissaire criminal à la Préfecture de Police, Berlin.

— 7 —

Great Britain :

Greece :

Hungary :

Italy :

Luxemburg :

Monaco :

Netherlands :

Poland :

Portugal :

Roumania :

Sia m :

Spain :

Switzerland :

Union of South

M r . G. R . N i c h o l l s ,

Superintendent in the Criminal Investigation Department of the Metropolitan Police, London.

M. R a p h a e l ,

Délégué perm anent du Gouvernement hellénique auprès de la Société des Nations.

Le docteur Henry D o r n i n g ,

Sous-Préfet de Police, Chef du Bureau central de Hongrie.

Le docteur Léopold B a r a n y a i ,

Avocat-conseil de la Banque Nationale de Hongrie.

Le d o c t e u r A . P i z z u t o ,

Fonctionnaire de police au Ministère de l’Intérieur.

M. Cav. A w . Francesco B o r g i a n e l l i S p i n a ,Premier avocat de la Banque d ’Italie.

M. Charles V e r m a i r e ,Consul de Luxembourg à Genève (in an advisory capacity).

M. O. E. H e n t s c h ,

de MM. Hentsch & Cie, Consul général de la Principauté de Monaco, à Genève (in an advisory capacity).

M. K. H. B r o e k h o f f ,Inspecteur de police en chef à Amsterdam et Commissaire de police de l ’E ta t.

Le docteur Léon N a g l e r ,Inspecteur en chef de la police d ’E ta t, Chef du Service central de Sûreté (Head of the Delegation).

M. Joseph P i a t k i e w i c z ,Sous-Inspecteur de la police d ’E ta t, Chef du laboratoire du Service central de Sûreté.

M. Alexandre T u p a l s k i ,Ingénieur, ancien Directeur des Etablissements graphiquess d ’E ta t, Conseiller technique des usines polonaises de papier de valeur.

Le docteur C a e i r o d a M a t t a ,Délégué de la Banque de Portugal à l ’Office central de police.

M. V. P e l l a ,Professeur à l 'Université de Jassy, représentant le Gouvernement et la Banque Nationale de Roumanie.

Police-Major Momohao S u b h a S v a s t i ,Assistant Chief of the Criminal Investigation Departm ent, Bangkok.

Sir Basil T h o m p s o n , K.C.B.,Late Head of Scotland Yard and Superintendent of the Criminal Investigation Departm ent. Representative of Criminal Police.

M. V. M o r a ,Commissaire en chef du Service central pour la répression du faux monnayage, Madrid.

M. Augustin R i p o l l ,Professeur de droit pénal à l ’Ecole de police d ’Espagne.

M. A. V a l l s ,Directeur de la Banque d ’Espagne à Londres.

M. Franz S t æ m p f l i ,Procureur général de la Confédération.

M. Max S c h w a b ,Secrétaire général et Chef du contentieux de la Banque Nationale suisse à Zurich (as Expert).

Africa: Major F. F. P i e n a a r , D.T.D., O.B.E.Accredited Representative of the Union of South Africa to the League of Nations (Observer).

— 8 —

United States of America: Mr. W. H. M o r a n ,Chief of the Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department.

Mr. Alvin W. H a l l ,Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Uruguay :

Yugoslavia :

M. Manuel F a r i n a ,Anciennement au Ministère de l’Intérieur, Département de l’Adm inistration de Police (Observer).

M. Dragolioub A v r a m o v i t c h ,Conseiller au Ministère de l’Intérieur.

M. Alexandre P o p o v i t c h ,Fonctionnaire supérieur de la Banque Nationale à Belgrade.


(In an advisory capacity)M. A. H. S i r k s ,

Commissaire en chef de la police de Rotterdam .

M. F. E. L o u w a g e ,Commissaire en chef aux délégations judiciaires de la police du Parquet près le Tribunal de première instance de Bruxelles.

M. H erm ann E. K u e n z e r ,Commissaire du Reich au Ministère de l ’Intérieur, Berlin.

M. Hans A d l e r ,Rédacteur en chef de Contrefaçons et falsifications, Conseiller-expert de la Commission internationale de police criminelle.



Article i.

Each Central Office shall communicate to the International Bureau referred to in Recommendation IX of the International Conference of April 20th, 1929, and to the Secretariat of the League of Nations :

(a) I ts exact name and address ;(b) I ts telegraphic address ;(c) I ts telephone number, stating, if necessary, the hours during which the Central

Office is not open and the authority (name, address, telegraphic address and telephone number) to which urgent communications and requests for information should be sent during those hours ;

(<£) Its police wireless call sign ;(e) The languages to be used in correspondence.

Any changes in these particulars must be notified a t once to the International Bureau and the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

Each Central Office shall further notify the International Bureau of the formalities to be fulfilled in order to secure, in urgent cases, the provisional arrest, with a view to subsequent extradition, of offenders who are the object of judicial prosecution and who have taken refuge in its territory.

The International Bureau shall transm it these particulars to all the Central Offices.

Article 2.

Each Central Office shall compile and keep up to date as full as possible a collection of information (except regarding cases of no importance) in a form in which it can be readily and quickly consulted concerning :

(a) All persons guilty of any of the crimes enumerated in Article 3 of the Convention of April 20th, 1929, with a special note in the case of an international criminal or acounterfeiter who has been concerned in the counterfeiting of foreign currency ;

(b) All persons suspected of having committed such crimes, with the same special note, if applicable ;

(c) The kinds of currency counterfeited and forged ;(d) The places where counterfeit currency has been made or uttered or where the

authors of such crimes have sheltered.

Each Central Office shall forward to the International Bureau on the attached forms (A, B, C) the information referred to in the preceding paragraphs.

Each Central Office shall, as far as possible, possess a collection of each of the notes issued by the banks of issue of all countries.

Article 3.

So far as the national laws permit, the authorities of every country shall communicate to their Central Office the information referred to in Article 2.

Article 4.

Except in cases in which, pursuant to Article 11 of the Convention, the objects referred to therein are delivered to the Government or Bank of Issue whose currency is in question, the said objects shall be deposited at the Central Office of the country in which conviction took place.

Article 5.

Before April 1st of each year each Central Office shall compile in respect of the preceding year the statistics for which provision is made on the attached form (D) and shall forward them to the In ternatonal Bureau which shall classify these statistics, prepare general statistics, draw conclusions therefrom and communicate these general statistics and conclusions to the Central Offices.

All these communications are absolutely confidential.

Article 6.

Except in urgent cases, the Central Office shall be the sole police authority entitled to correspond direct with foreign police authorities regarding counterfeiting cases, unless the domestic law of the country provides otherwise.

— 10 —

Form A.

Office of origin ...............................................................................

No. of communication .............................................................

Nature of f a l s i f i c a t i o n .............................................................

0 I Central Office for the Suppression of Counterfeiting

"g I Currency at .................................................................J “ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 j In ternational Bureau for the Suppression of Counter­ed [h \ feiting Currency a t ................................................

Serial No. . . .

No. of Annexes

(T o b e filled in b y th e C entra l Office of d e s t in a t io n o n ly ) .

D a t e ......................

C o m m u n i c a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g N e w C o u n t e r f e i t I s s u e s .

Offender unknown.

Category of currency 1 c o u n t e r f e i t e d ..................................................................

Description of counterfeit and m ethod of e x e c u t i o n ...................................

Date and num ber appearing on c o u n t e r f e i t .....................................................

How perfect is the counterfeit ? ...........................................................................

Number of specimens of the counterfeit f o r w a r d e d ...................................

When and where was the issue discovered ? .................................................

D istrict in which principally i s s u e d ..................................................................

Methods of i s s u e ..........................................................................................................

R e m a r k s ............................................................................................................................

1 C urrency : See A r tic le 2 o f th e C o n v en t io n of A p r il 2 0 th , 1929.

— II —

Form B.

Office of origin .................................................................................

No. of communication .............................................................

Nature of falsification ..............................................................

(Central Office for the Suppression of Counterfeiting

Currency at ..............................................................

% J In ternational Bureau for the Suppression of Counter-

I f1 feiting Currency at ................................................

D a t e .........................................................

C o m m u n i c a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g K n o w n C o u n t e r f e i t e r s a n d T h e i r A c c o m p l i c e s 1

a t L a r g e o r u n d e r A r r e s t .

Name and s u r n a m e .......................................................................................................................................(In th e c a se o f m arried or d iv o rced w o m e n or w id o w s , g iv e m a id e n i a m e an d h u s b a n d ’s C hristian nam e,

o c cu p a tio n a n d address).

Place and date of b irth (day, month, year) .......................................................................................

Aliases ............................................................................................................................................

N ic k n a m e s .........................................................................................................................................................

Parentage .........................................................................................................................................................

Real o c cu p a t io n ......................................................... ......................................................................................

Stated occupation .......................................................................................................................................

N a t io n a l i ty .........................................................................................................................................................

Civil s t a t u s ............................................................................... .........................................................................(U n m a rr ied , m arried , w id o w (er), or d ivorced)

Police r e c o r d ................................... .........................................................................................................

Permanent address......................................................................

Present and previous a d d r e s s e s .......................................

Last place in which the person in question stayed . . .

Presumed destination of offenders and accomplices

Identity d o c u m e n t s ..................................................................(D a te and p lace o f issu e)

D e s c r ip t io n ................................................ ..................................

Languages ordinarily spoken and other languages spoken

Two photographs and two copies of fingerprints . .

Was accompanied b y .............................................................

Date of a r re s t ...............................................................................

Or date of c o n v ic t io n ....................................................

Or date of r e le a s e .............................................................

R e m a r k s .................................................................. ....

Serial No.

No. of Annexes

(T o b e f i l le d in b y t h e C entral O ffice of d e s t in a t io n on ly ).

1 T he s a m e p a r t i c u l a r s s h o u l d b e g iv e n r e g a r d i n g a n y a c c o m p l ic e s , b u t o n a s e p a r a t e s h e e t .

N B . — C u r r e n c y : S ee A r t i c l e 2 o f t h e C o n v e n t i o n 7 A p r i l 2 0 th , 1929.

Form C.

Office of origin Serial No

No. of communication No. of Annexes

Nature of falsification

Central Office for the Suppression of Counterfeiting

Currency at ..............................................................

(T o b e filled in b y t h e C en tra l Office of d e s t in a t io n on ly ) .

In ternational Bureau for the Suppression of Counter­

feiting Currency a t ................................................

Date .

Notice : (a) Of judgm ent relating to counterfeiters, u tterers and accomplices already re­ported ; (b) of their expulsion ; (c) of change of address of known counterfeiters who

are not wanted by the police.

Name and s u r n a m e ..............................................................

Reference to forms already sent on the same subject

(a) Judgm ent or sentence d e l i v e r e d ................( c o u r t , d a te a n d p a r ticu la rs)

(b) Expulsion .....................................................................................(d a te o f p e r io d if sp e c if ie d )

Frontier to which the person concerned was sent . . .

(c) Change of a d d r e s s ....................................................................(w h en ce , w h ith er )

R e m a r k s ..........................................................................................................

N . B . — C u rren cy : S e e A r t ic le 2 o f th e C o n v e n t io n o f A p r il 2 0 th , 1929.

— 13 —

Form D.

A . N u m b e r o f p e r s o n s .

D o m e s t iccu r re n c y

F o re ig ncu rren cy

C o u n te r ­f e i t in g

F a ls if i­c a t io n

C o u n ter ­fe i t in g

F a ls if i ­c a t io n

1. N u m b e r o f p erso n s a rrested , a s p r in c ip a ls or a c co m p lice s , for t h e o f fen ce o f c o u n te r fe i t in g or fa ls i fy in g m e ta l l ic cu rren cy , o r for in t e n t t o c o m m it th e s a m e :

(а) N a t i o n a l s ..........................................................................................(б) F o re ig n er s r e s id e n t in t h e c o u n t r y ................................(c) N o n -r e s id e n t f o r e i g n e r s .....................................................

2. N u m b e r of persons arrested , a s p r inc ip a ls or a cco m p lice s , for th e o ffen ce o f u t te r in g c o u n te r fe i t or fa ls if ied m e ta l l ic c u rren cy :

(а) N a t io n a l s ..........................................................................................(б) F o re ig n ers r e s id en t in th e c o u n t r y ................................(c) N o n -r e s id e n t f o r e ig n e r s ..........................................................

3 . N u m b e r o f p ersons arrested , a s pr inc ip a ls or a cco m p lice s , for th e o ffen ce o f c o u n te r fe i t in g or fa ls i fy in g pap er cu r re n c y :

(a) N a t io n a l s ...........................................................................................(b) F o re ig n ers r e s id en t in t h e c o u n t r y ................................(c) N o n -r e s id e n t fo r e ig n e r s ..........................................................

4 . N u m b e r of p erso n s a rrested , a s pr in c ip a ls or a c co m p lice s , for t h e o ffen ce o f u t te r in g c o u n te r fe i t or fa ls if ied paper cu rren cy :

(а) N a t io n a l s ...........................................................................................(б) F o re ig n ers re s id en t in th e c o u n t r y ................................(c) N o n -r e s id e n t fore ign ers .....................................................

B . N u m b e r o f c a s e s o f c o u n t e r f e i t i n g

D o m e s t iccu rren cy

F o re ig ncu rren cy

A N D F A L S IF IC A T IO N . C o u n ter ­fe i t in g

F a ls if i­ca t io n

C ou nter ­fe it in g

F a ls if i ­c a t io n

5. Cases w h ere th e c o in e r ’s or c o u n te r fe i ter ’s w o rk sh o p w as d isc o v e re d in th e h o m e c o u n tr y :

(а) C o u n ter fe it in g m e ta l l ic m o n e y ;(б) C o u n ter fe it in g p a p er m o n e y .

6 . C ases w h ere th e c o in e r ’s or c o u n te r fe i ter ’s w o rk sh o p w as n o t d isc o v e r e d :

(а) C o u n ter fe it in g m e ta l l ic m o n e y ;(б) C o u n ter fe it in g p a p er m o n e y .

7. C ases o f in tr o d u c t io n fro m fore ign co u n tr ies o f(а) F a ls e m e ta l l ic m o n e y ; .....................................................(б) F a ls e p a p e r - m o n e y ...............................................................

C. N u m b e r o f p i e c e s o f c u r r e n c y 1 c o u n t e r f e i t e d ,

o r f a l s i f i e d .

M eta lliccu rren cy

P a p ercu rren cy

C o u n ter ­fe ite d F a ls if ied C o u n te r ­

fe ite d F a ls if ied

8. 2

1 C u rren cy : see A r tic le 2 of t h e C o n v en tio n of A p ril 2 0 th , 1929.2 G iv e p a r t icu la rs of t h e cu rren cy c o u n te r fe ited or fa lsified w i th th e n a m e of th e is su in g in s t i tu t io n

and th e n o m in a l v a lu e .



The Conference recommends :I.

That, so far as it deems possible, each bank of issue should communicate to the National Central Office all information likely to facilitate the discovery and suppression of counterfeiting currency.


That with a view to the accomplishment of the missions en trusted to the Central Offices by Article 12 of the Convention, each of these Offices should comprise officials with special experience of police investigations in regard to counterfeiting currency. As far as possible the investigations to be made in the country should be en trusted to these officials.

I II .

That each Central Office should have at its disposal two perm anent passes on the railway between the frontier of its country and the seats of the Central Offices of the neighbouring countries.

The personal co-operation of the officials responsible for investigations, which must be carried out in several countries on the commission of a crime, is often indispensable and almost always useful, particularly when the crime is one of counterfeiting currency.


That in conformity w ith Recommendation IX of the Conference of April 20th, 1929, pending the creation of an In ternational Inform ation Office w ith regard to counterfeiting currency, the work of the In ternational Bureau at Vienna, which is highly appreciated by all, should be continued w ith the completest possible co-operation of the Governments.

Among the tasks of this Bureau are the following :

(а) The Bureau centralises and communicates to the Central Offices the particulars referred to in Article 1 of the draft Regulations for Central Offices (Appendix 2) ;

(б) The Bureau receives and classifies the information forwarded to it by each Central Office in pursuance of Article 2 of the Regulations. I t communicates this information to the other Central Offices ;

(c) The Bureau receives the statistical information referred to in Article 5 of the Regulations, compiles general statistics, draws conclusions therefrom and communicates these general statistics and conclusions to the National Central Offices.

(d) The Bureau publishes a review giving as quickly as possible all useful information regarding the investigation and the suppression of counterfeiting currency. I t places this review at the disposal of the National Central Offices, of the official institutions, and, on the approval of the Office of the country in question, of the financial establishments and other persons entitled to receive it.


That as long as an In ternational Information Office with regard to counterfeiting currency has not been constituted, the Vienna Bureau should convene in agreement with the Secretary- General of the League of Nations conferences between the representatives of the various Central Offices every three years. At these conferences the said representatives will communicate to each other all new methods discovered for the m anufacture of a counterfeit currency, and will also furnish as far as possible a technical description and photographs of the falsified documents.


That in every country all such information as m ay facilitate investigations into falsification of documents of value other than currency, and the prevention and punishm ent of such falsifications, should be centralised by the Central Office so far as the national laws permit.


T hat in each country penalties should be inflicted in respect of the manufacture, sale, hawking and distribution of all p rin ted m atte r or forms obtained by any process, and of all counters or medals which by their external appearance resemble bank notes or coins to

— 15 —

such an ex ten t as to facilitate the acceptance of such prin ted m atter, forms, counters or medals in place of the notes or coins imitated.

This question might usefully be subm itted to an in ternational conference concerned with the suppression of the falsification of documents of value.


That until such time as it is possible to consider unifying on an international basis the rules for the extradition of accused or convicted persons and the rules for the despatch and execution of letters of request, those States whose laws present no fundamental difference on any point of principle should conclude multilateral conventions for extradition and judicial co-operation in criminal cases. The Conference further associates itself with Recommendations XII, X II I and X IV of the Conference for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency of April 1929.