surgical approach to nsclc

Surgical approach to NSCLC Punnarerk Thongcharoen, MD Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Disclosure No confict o interest

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Surgical approach to NSPunnarerk Thongcharoen, MD

Department of Surgery

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital

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• No confict o interest

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Surgery or lung cancer

• For diagnosis and staging

• For curative treatment

• For palliative treatment

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Based on guidelines such as …

• ACCP !"#

• $S%& !"'

• NCCN !"(

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Surgery or diagnosis and stagin

• N assessment• Cervical mediastinoscopy ) ormer *+old staninvasive test

• -as .een replaced .y $B/S as initial invasivemediastinal assessment

• Primary tumor tissue diagnosis• 0edge e1cision 2ith ro3en section or undiaglesion ater less4invasive test has .een attem

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Cervical mediastinoscopy5s role

$1tensive in6ltration o the mediastinum7 no ev

o e1trathoracic metastatic disease

• 8he diagnosis o lung cancer should .e esta.lish

the least invasive and saest method• Bronchoscopy 2ith 8BNA

• $B/S4NA

• $/S4NA

• 88NA


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N staging approach .y C8 imaresult•

Bul9y N on C8 no need ro invasive con6rmatio

• Discrete N on C8  invasive staging regardless

result• NA over S1

• Normal mediastinum C8• Positive P$8 invasive staging

• Negative P$87 : peripheral : Stage ;A ) No invasive needed

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;nvasive mediastinal staging

<ecommend needle techni=ue >$B/S7 $/S? o

surgical7 e1cept• L/L lesion  AP0 assessment .y mediastinotom

mediastinoscopy@ A8S i other LN station are ne

• ; clinical suspicion o N involvement remain

ater a negative result using NA7 surgical sta

ediastinoscopy7 A8S? should .e perormed

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Surgery or curative treatment

•$arly lung cancer

• Locally advanced lung cancer

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$arly lung cancer

•Stage ;7 ;;

• Surgery is the mainstay o treatment

• Future o neoaduvant@ aduvant treatmen

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Surgery or early NSCLC

Standard procedure• Anatomical resection and lymph node assessm

• <esection• Pneumonectomy  Sleeve lo.ectomy

• Lo.ectomy EEE

• Segmentectomy

• 0edge resection

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Sleeve lo.ectomy

; technically easi.le >ade=uate ree margsleeve lo.ectomy should al2ays considere


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Less than lo.ectomy or earlyNSCLC

Poor lung reserved patients

• Severe co4mor.idities

• ;n our e1perience7 most are lingular

segmentectomies in elderly 2ith concomit


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7/23/2019 Surgical Approach to NSCLC 17/46 resection ACCP !"#• For stage ; NSCLC patient 2ho may not tolerate a re

due to decreased pulmonary unction or disease

r resection is recommended over nonsurgical therapy

• ;n patients 2ith maor increased ris9 o perioperative mort

competing causes o death >due to age related or other co

ies?7 an anatomic resection >segmentectomy? ov

ctomy is suggested

• For stage ; predominantly ++& lesion cm7 a r

2ith negative margins is suggested over lo.ectomy

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During resection o solid tumors compromised patients7 it is recommended

de=uate margins should .e achieved > cm

• resection should include sample


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For early stage 8"N! lung cancer7 anatomsegmentectomy or 2ide 2edge resection

rently reconsidered or small7 non4invasive

nimally invasive lesions7 especially those 2

ound4glass opacity >++&? characteristics

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Appropriate in selected patients• Poor pulmonary reserve7 severe co4mor.iditie

• Small >cm?7 peripheral nodule 2ith• Pure A;S histology or

• ++& >(!G? or

• Slo2 gro2ing >imaging con6rmed7 dou.ling time )days?

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%ultiocal lung cancer >%FLC?

;n patients 2ith suspected or proven %FLCsuggested that resection o all le

uspected o .eing malignant .e perormed


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N disease

Hno2n N

 S1 is not recommended as intherapy

• ;ncidental N >intraop 6nding?•

Continue resection as planned i ormal preopstaging is done ; not  stopping  completeging

• ;n A8S7 may considered stopping operation

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%ediastinal LN assessment

Systematic LN dissection• <emoval o all node4.earing tissue 2ithin de6nedor a standard set o lymph node stations

• Systematic sampling•

$1plore and B1 o a standard set o lymph node seach case

• LN sampling• &nly selected suspicious or representative nodes

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LN assessment $S%& !"'

Systematic nodal dissection can .e avoideearly4stage7 clinically N! lung cancer 2hen

a1imum standardised upta9e value on P$8

ing is I! and the pathological nodule si3"! mm

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LN assessment ACCP !"#

For stage ; and ;; NSCLC7 systematic medialymph node sampling or dissection is reco

ded over selective or no sampling or accu

athologic staging

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For stage ; NSCLC 2ho have undergonesystematic hilar and mediastinal lymph no

ging sho2ing intraoperative N! status7 the

on o a mediastinal lymph node dissection

not provide a survival .ene6t and is not su


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For stage ;; NSCLC7 mediastinal lymph noddissection may provide additional survival

t over mediastinal lymph node sampling a


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Surgery or early NSCLC Surgictechni=ues

Conventional open thoracotomy• Standard posterolateral thoracotomy

• %ini4thoracotomy 2ith muscle sparing

• %inimally4invasive surgery• ideo4assisted thoracoscopic surgery >A8S?• <o.otic4assisted thoracoscopic surgery ><A8S

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&pen vs A8S

&pen is standard A8S is alternative

• <ecently7 NCCN !"(• %;S >A8S? should .e considered in selected p

• No oncologic compromised

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• 0hen is open vs   A8S vs  <A8S is preerred

early stage NSCLC• ACCP !"# For stage ; NSCLC7 %;S such as A8S

preerred over a thoracotomy and is suggested ienced centers

• $S%& !"' $ither open or A8S access can .e uas appropriate to the e1pertise o the surgeon

• NCCN !"( A8S@ %;S@ <A8S should .e strongly

considered as long as there is no compromise o d oncologic and dissection principles ;n high A8e center7 A8S is .etter than open regarding

• Pain7 hospital stay7 time return to unction7 complicatoccured

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Bene6t o A8S

Direct .ene6t to the patients• Pain

• Cosmetic

• -ospital stay

• 8ime or return to 2or9

• 8ime or starting aduvant therapy

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Bene6t o A8S

For hospital• Shorter hospital stay  more patients admittetreatment

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$volution o A8S

• Standard A8S lo.ectomy• ' ports@ # ports

• Single port A8S lo.ectomy

• <A8S

• %A+S %agnetic4anchored guidance system

• N&8$S Natural ori6ce transluminal endoscopic s

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No clear .ene6t or lo.ectomy• %ay .e useul or lo.ectomy 2ith .roncho

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 8ranstracheal• 8ransum.ilical


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N&8$S/se natural ori6ce ) No incision

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Preop cardiopulmonary evaluat

• For cardiac assessment7 use o the recali.rate

thoracic <C<; is recommended

• For unctional respiratory assessment7 F$" a

DLC& are re=uired• in case either one is IK!G7 use o e1ercise testing

split lung unction are recommended

• ;n these patients7 &ma1 can .e used to measure1ercise capacity and predict postoperative comp

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Surgery or locally advanced NS

Local invasion• Chest 2all7 pericardium7 verte.ral .ody7 atriuPancoast tumor

• ; NI7 consider en .loc surgery

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Surgery or palliation

%alignant pleural eusion• Pleurectomy

• Pleurodesis ) mechanical@ medical

• Shunt

• -emoptysis@ o.structive pneumonitis

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Sirira Lung Cancer 8eam

Surgical approach to NSCLC

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Surgical approach to NSCLCSummary ;

Surgery is still the mainstay o curativetreatment or NSCLC

• Diagnostic role has .een decreased7 repla

less invasive needle techni=ue procedures

• ; still in dou.t ater NA procedures7 surgic

staging is considered

Surgical approach to NSCLC

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Surgical approach to NSCLCSummary ;;

• N is the 9ey ; N is involved7 then S1 is no

recommended initial therapy

• Preoperative cardiopulmonary assessment is

mandatory to determine opera.ility7 respectand the e1tent o surgery

• Lo.ectomy is still the standard resection or

Surgical approach to NSCLC

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Surgical approach to NSCLCSummary ;;;

• Pneumonectomy should .e avoided  slee


• resection is a good option in sele

patient• Patients actor cardiopulmonary reserve7 co4m

• Disease actor clinical ;A ++&

Surgical approach to NSCLC

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Surgical approach to NSCLCSummary ;• %inimally4invasive surgery >A8S? has .een introduced a

preerred surgical approach over conventional thoracotom

ected patients

• ;ntraop LN assessment is crucial• ; preer *lo.e4speci6c systematic dissection,

• %ore e1tensive surgery oers .ene6ts to locally advance

• Palliative role o surgery in NSCLC still e1ists

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