survey analysis

Christian Owens For my primary research I have conducted a survey collecting data to find out who my target audience are and what they would like to see from my product that I will be creating. I surveyed around 12 people and got 7 responses which used to see how I will produce my music video. Q1.) For the first question I asked “What is your gender?” the most responses I got were of the female gender which means that they are more of the demographic than males. Q2.) The age range that I am targeting my music video at is the 17 to 34 ages. This is because I aimed my survey towards college students as I would get quicker responses and also I believe that this is the age I want to be

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Page 1: Survey analysis

Christian Owens

For my primary research I have conducted a survey collecting data to find out who my target audience are and what they would like to see from my product that I will be creating. I surveyed around 12 people and got 7 responses which used to see how I will produce my music video.

Q1.) For the first question I asked “What is your gender?” the most responses I got were of the female gender which means that they are more of the demographic than males.

Q2.) The age range that I am targeting my music video at is the 17 to 34 ages. This is because I aimed my survey towards college students as I would get quicker responses and also I believe that this is the age I want to be targeting my music video at as the ideas I have fit this target audience.

From the responses it shows that I will have to create a product that interests this age range. To achieve this I will be making the music video relatable to 17 -24 year olds using actors in the same age range and everyday problems that might occur.

Page 2: Survey analysis

Christian Owens

Q3.) The most chosen option for this question was bands. This means the target audience would like to see more than one character on screen at a time. My chosen option for my music video would to have a solo artist so there would be less hassle with camera techniques and movement. Since the target audience has chosen otherwise I will have to consider changing my ideas to suit the needs of the target audience.

Q4.) One of the most important questions that I needed to find out from my target audience “what format of music video entertain you whilst watching” the most responses that I got were for Performance and Narrative. This means that the target audience would like to see the performance - band playing instruments and singing. They also want a narrative – telling the audience a story. Other responses included performance and narrative on their own and narrative and concept. I feel like I will follow the target audiences opinions and g for the highest selected option.

Page 3: Survey analysis

Christian Owens

Q5.) The most selected option for question 5 was indie music. This option ties in with the ideas that I have for my music video and the characters I will create for this project. I feel that because this particular genre has been chosen I can apply good conventions and camera techniques to my project as I am into this particular genre and know what kind of codes and conventions will apply.

Q6.) The target audience I am aiming my music video at are frequent music video watchers as the most chosen option is that the audience watches 5 or more videos a week. This means that they will be interested in watching my music video as they have the time to watch these videos. However this means that my music video will have to be professional as possible because even though I will know all the codes and conventions. The audience watching the video will also have a good understanding of what to expect from my project.

Page 4: Survey analysis

Christian Owens

In conclusion I am aiming my music video at a female audience aged around 17 to 24 years of age. The music video will be a performance and narrative with the indie music genre. The survey has shown most of the ideas that I want to portray with some changed options. This survey will allow me to create my ideas inside a good solid format and template for the pre-production and production creation.