survey analysis


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Survey analysis

Survey Analysis

Lucy Fleming

Page 2: Survey analysis

This shows that most of the people that answered my survey are female, therefore I will aim my music magazine more towards women than men.

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100% of people that answered my survey were 15 – 20 years old, therefore my target audience will be of this age range.

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The most popular genres of music in my survey are pop, indie and R&B, therefore I have decided to combine the two genres of pop and R&B as I have the most knowledge of these two genres.

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100% of people that answered my survey were of a white

(british) ethnicity.

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Most people have said that they would spend between £2.00 and £3.00 on a music magazine, therefore I have decided to price my magazine at £2.50.

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94.1% of people said that images were the most important feature of a music magazine, therefore I will try to make the images the main focus in my own magazine.

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Most people prefer groups to solo artists therefore, I will include a group in my magazine. However I think that solo artists fit better with my genre so they will feature more.

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The colours people chose as the most popular are red and purple, however I feel as though these colours are very common and often used in rock or indie magazines, therefore I think I will

choose a different colour scheme.

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100% of people that answered my survey are students therefore I will aim my magazine at a target audience of students, I will also try to make sure the cost of my magazine isn’t too


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Most people agree that free gifts and offers persuade them to buy a magazine, therefore it is likely that I will include free gifts and offers.