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Survey Framework Questionnaire 2 nd Inter-Agency Coordinating Group Meeting September 27-29, 2016 Washington, DC Session II. Review of ICP 2017 Operational Material for Price Surveys and National Accounts Activities

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Survey Framework Questionnaire

2nd Inter-Agency Coordinating Group Meeting September 27-29, 2016

Washington, DC

Session II. Review of ICP 2017 Operational Material for Price Surveys and National Accounts Activities

Survey framework questionnaire: ICP 2017

• Collect information on the ICP household consumption price survey framework

o Spatial and population coverage

o Outlets selected

o Items priced

o Data collection period

o CPI-ICP overlap



• Ensure that the ICP accurately captures national annual average prices

• Respond to the growing demands by ICP users for more information about the national scope of ICP price surveys, especially the collection in urban/rural areas

• Examine areas where CPI-ICP synergies exist

Survey frame questionnaire: lessons learned

Better enforce the full completion of survey frame questionnaire

Some lessons learned from the 2011 ICP Round

Improve clarity and consistency of survey frame questionnaire

Improve the timeliness of survey frame questionnaire submissions from countries to RIAs, e.g. completion and submission should overlap with the end of price collection, rather than 1-2 years after the survey has ended

Survey frame questionnaire: updates for 2017

No major changes to the 2011 survey frame questionnaire. Contains the original 4 sections, plus new ‘overview’ segment

Addition of more detailed sub-sections due to changing ICP landscape, e.g. user demand for urban/rural coverage information, CPI-ICP integration agenda, etc.

Some visual and language modifications to facilitate the understanding and completion of questionnaire

Survey Framework Questionnaire: overview

1. Please indicate if the geographic coverage of your country's ICP price survey is national

0 a) Yes, coverage is national: includes urban and rural areas, as per the national definition of 'urban' and 'rural' areas

1 b) No, coverage is urban only: includes the capital city, plus other main cities and metropolitan areas

0 c) No, coverage is capital city only: includes only the capital city (note: can include surrounding urban areas)

0 d) Other geographical coverage, please specify:

2. Please indicate whether spatial adjustment factors (SAFs), used to convert urban average prices and/or capital

city average prices to national average prices, were produced for your country's ICP price survey

0 a) Yes, SAFs were produced for individual products and/or lower-level item groups, e.g. ICP 'Basic Heading' level [if possible, provide SAFs in ]

1 b) Yes, SAFs were produced for higher-level item groups, e.g. ICP 'Category' level [if possible, provide SAFs in ]

0 c) Other, please explain:

0 d) Not applicable

3. Please indicate which of the following elements and/or survey processes, if any, from the consumer price

index (CPI) were employed in your country's ICP price survey

1 a) Prices of items

0 b) Geographical stratification information

1 c) Outlets

1 d) Data collection infrastructure, e.g. price collectors, data entry tools, etc.

0 e) Quality assurance procedures, e.g. validation tables, etc.

0 f) Other, please specify:

0 g) None

ICP 2017: Household Consumption Price Survey


Instructions : Select only one answer. Assign "1" to the appropiate answer, otherwise "0"

Instructions : Select only one answer. Assign "1" to the appropiate answer, otherwise "0"

Instructions : Multiple selections permitted. Assign "1" to all that apply, otherwise "0"

Annex 1

Annex 1

New survey frame questionnaire: “overview”

General information on spatial coverage

If coverage is not national,do country produced SAFsexist?

Details onscope of CPI-ICP integration

Survey Framework Questionnaire: spatial and population coverage

What are first-level

administrative divisions?

List the number of first-level

administrative divisions in your



..and please indicate

their names below

(1) (2) (1) (2)

680,000 86.8% 400,000 4 4 2 3 280,000 3 3 1

L1.01 Province A 350,000 100.0% 200,000 1 1 1 1 150,000 1 1 0 0

L1.02 Province B 30,000 100.0% 20,000 1 1 0 1 10,000 1 1 0 0

L1.03 Province C 180,000 100.0% 100,000 1 1 1 1 80,000 1 1 1 0

L1.04 Province D 40,000 75.0% 30,000 1 1 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0

L1.05 Province E 27,000 0.0% 15,000 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0

ICP 2017: Household Consumption Price Survey



Covered by

ICP price


Item groups covered by

ICP price survey


Fill all columns below

following the guidelines

to the right


covered by

ICP price









. ser


s Covered by

ICP price


Please complete the below table on spatial and population coverageIf your survey's information cannot be described in the table below, briefly

explain this information in "Note A" provided at the end of this sheet


First-level administrative divisions refer to administrative divisions one level lower to the national level. The area coverage and names of

these first administrative level divisions are different in different countries, e.g. they are called 'states' in the United States, Brazil, and

Mexico; 'regions' in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Nepal; 'departments' in Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Benin, etc.

Item groups covered by

ICP price survey

Rural areasUrban areas



First-level administrative divisions






. ser






Columns (1): enter population values for each urban and rural area 1

Columns (2): enter "1" if the urban and/or rural area is covered by the ICP price survey, otherwise "0"

Columns (3): enter "1" if the item group is covered by the ICP price survey,

otherwise "0"

1/ Urban and rural defined as per the national definition of 'urban' and 'rural' areas


New survey frame questionnaire: “spatial & pop. coverage”

Details on item coverage by urban/rural, within each first level admin. division

Emphasis on urban/rural coverage

New survey frame questionnaire: “outlets selected”

“Online shopping” isnow its own outlet type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Please refer to

for a detailed description

of each outlet typeLarge



& Small




Bulk &









Public or










kinds of

trades and


2161 490 1154 46 77 54 240 69 31

L1.01 Province A 780 220 354 13 26 32 90 36 9

L1.02 Province B 803 150 500 18 9 11 85 18 12

L1.03 Province C 578 120 300 15 42 11 65 15 10

L1.04 Province D

L1.05 Province E

ICP 2017: Household Consumption Price Survey

No. of



by ICP



Outlet types

Please enter the number of selected outlets , by outlet type, in each first-level administrative division

Briefly explain the outlet selection process in "Note B" at the end of this sheet


Survey Framework Questionnaire: outlets selected

First-level administrative divisions

Annex 2

No. of ICP

items priced

No. of items

in CPI basket

No. of items





No. of ICP

items with


prices sourced

from CPI

261 123 65 19

1 Food and nonalcoholic beverages 90 73 30 13

Bread and cereals 15 5 4 3

Meat 8 12 2 0

Fish and seafood 10 6 3 0

Milk, cheese and eggs 6 10 5 3

Oils and fats 5 3 0 0

Fruit 10 12 6 3

Vegetables 16 12 8 2

Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery 5 3 0 0

Food products nec 3 3 0 0

Coffee, tea and cocoa 7 5 2 2

Mineral waters, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices 5 2 0 0

2 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and narcotics 19 0 0 0

ICP 2017: Household Consumption Price Survey

ICP Categories and Classes

Refer to for information on

each of the below item groups, including

types of items included under each grouping

National CPI, 2007=100

Indicate the title and index reference period of

your country's consumer price index (CPI)

If needed, briefly provide additional comments on overlap between ICP and CPI survey

frameworks and related processes in "Note A" provided at the end of this sheet

Survey Framework Questionnaire: items pricing


Please enter the number of items priced under each item group

and complete the columns on CPI and CPI-ICP overlap

Annex 3

New survey frame questionnaire: “items priced”

Identifies which CPI series in the country was used for CPI-ICP integration

Out of those ICP items with CPI overlap, how many had their average prices sourced from the CPI?

List of ICP items included under each item group can be provided in annex 3

New survey frame questionnaire: “data collection period”

20191st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

14 21 22 15

1 Food and nonalcoholic beverages 11 11 11 11

Bread and cereals 1 1 1 1

Meat 1 1 1 1

Fish and seafood 1 1 1 1

Milk, cheese and eggs 1 1 1 1

Oils and fats 1 1 1 1

Fruit 1 1 1 1

Vegetables 1 1 1 1

Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery 1 1 1 1

Food products nec 1 1 1 1

Coffee, tea and cocoa 1 1 1 1

Mineral waters, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices 1 1 1 1

2 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and narcotics 1 1 1 1

3 Clothing and footwear 1 1 1 1

4 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 1 1

5 Furnishings, household equipment and maintenance 1 1

6 Health 1 1

7 Transport 1 1 1 1

8 Communication 1 1

9 Recreation and culture 1 1

10 Education 1 1

11 Restaurants and hotels 1 1

12 Miscellaneous goods and services 1 1

ICP 2017 Comparison: Household Consumption Price Survey







2016 2018

If your survey's information for the data collection period cannot be well described in the table

below, please provide this information in "Note D" at the end of the sheet

Refer to for information on

each of the below ICP item groups, including

types of items included under each grouping

ICP Categories and Classes

* Note D: Information on data collection period(s)

Survey Framework Questionnaire: data collection period


Please enter "1" in the columns below for each period of data collection implementation

ICP 2017: Household Consumption Price Survey

Annex 3

Survey frame questionnaire

• Questionnaire format/submission, any preference?

o Excel with locked formulas? PDF form? Easily printable format? Colour? Online submission?

Timeline for ICP 2017

Points for discussion

Global Unit and RIAs come to an

agreement on the questionnaire

RIAs send questionnaire to


Countries complete and return the questionnaire

End of 2017Start of 2017Dec. 2016

• Is the questionnaire missing something you (RIAs) may need?

• Are the listed outlet types OK? Should we include additional info on the outlet types?

• Overall opinion? Feasibility? Suggestions?