survey on household methodologies: main findings (by silvia sperandini, ifad)

Title (single line) Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet, co temra incidunt ut labore et dole ami veni elitut labour et dolore magna aliquam erat volupat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullam corper suscipit laboris nisl aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in henderit in Survey on household methodologies: Main findings Silvia Sperandini Consultant, Knowledge Management & Capacity Building 27 June 2016

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Page 1: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

Title (single line)

• Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet, co temra incidunt ut labore et dole ami veni elitut labour et dolore magna aliquam erat volupat.

• Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullam corper suscipit laboris nisl aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

• Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in henderit in

Survey on household methodologies: Main findings Silvia Sperandini Consultant, Knowledge Management & Capacity Building27 June 2016

Page 2: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

Purpose of the survey

Background and rationale

• Know more about the implementation of GALS/HHMs-related activities

• Assess issues and challenges faced on the ground

• Develop a validated roster of experts and trainers

• Explore opportunities for collaboration and networking

• Assess needs for future initiatives including training

Page 3: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

Region of work•Eastern and Southern Africa (56%)•Western and Central Africa (24%)•Asia and the Pacific (20%)•Global Level (13%)•Near East and North Africa (10%)•Latin America (7%)•Central and Eastern Europe (2%)

Respondents’ Profile•126 responses (69% women)

•41% work with GALS

•9% with HHMs only

•36% work with both

•14% never work with these methods

Very experienced Competent Beginner

GALS 26% 53% 21%Household methodologies 23% 35% 42%

Level of expertise

Respondent characteristics

Page 4: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

Main context of application1.Agriculture and farming practices (77%)2.Community development (76%)3.Value chain development and market linkages (62%)4.Women’s groups and self-help groups (55%)


1.Community (70%) and national (64%) levels

2.Regional (33%)

3.Global levels (18% )

Other areas:•Strengthening producers’ organizations•Improving financial inclusion•Achieving food and nutrition security•Securing land tenure

Top 4 countries





Key findings

Page 5: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

• HHMs & GALS stimulate positive behaviour change and transform the lives of rural women and men

• Promote changes at the household level

• Deepen the impact and enhance the sustainability of development initiatives

• Are adaptable and can be mainstreamed into a range of development interventions and implemented in different cultural and social contexts


Page 6: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

• Integration in project design and implementation• Skills, competences and capacity building of trainers

and facilitators• Easy access to a network of experts• Engagement of governmental institutions• Translation and adaptation of material• Resource allocation to GALS-related activities• Scaling-up (reaching also more vulnerable households)• Engaging with men, securing support from community

leaders• Monitoring and impact assessment

New areas of engagement

Youth empowerment Rural financeNutritionClimate change mitigation


Page 7: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

1. Sharing lessons learned and evidence-based good practices (90%)

2. Training and capacity building (82%)

3. Peer support mechanisms and networking with other experts (76%)

Also: better resources (53%)

To work more efficiently

Page 8: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

•Interest in joining a network or Community of Practice of GALS experts (100%)

• Be included in a roster of GALS/HHMs experts (84%)

Access to information and knowledge sharing

Training and capacity building

Peer-support and technical backstopping

Networks and Communities of Practice

Page 9: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

How can we…•Enhance integration of GALS and HHMs in project design and implementation?

•Promote their adoption in government programmes?

•Build capacities of trainers and facilitators and ensure easier access to qualified staff ?

•Secure adequate resources for long term planning?

• Strengthen KM platforms, sharing of knowledge and good practices, peer-support and networking?

Questions to the Forum

Page 10: Survey on household methodologies: main findings (by Silvia Sperandini, IFAD)

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