surveymonkey audience: an overview

An Overview

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Post on 09-May-2015




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SurveyMonkey Audience: an on-demand group of over a million survey respondents to take your surveys. Audience allows customers to target respondents on a wide variety of demographic and behavioral traits to get fast, high quality, cost effective data.


Page 1: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

An Overview

Page 2: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Table of Contents

2Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

What is SurveyMonkey Audience? ����������� 3

How can you use Audience? ����������������� 4

Who uses SurveyMonkey? �������������������� 5

Who can I reach? ������������������������������ 6

What targeting options are available? ������ 7

Can I reach a specific audience? ������������� 8

Can I reach international respondents? ����� 9

How quickly will I see results? ���������������10

Can I trust these opinions? ������������������ 11

Why should I pick Audience? ���������������12

Can I get more help getting started? ������13

How can I get started? ���������������������� 14

Targeting attributes ��������������������������15

Page 3: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

What is SurveyMonkey Audience?SurveyMonkey Audience is a product that provides you access to millions of people ready to take your surveys and provide you with the insights you need.

3Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 4: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

How can you use Audience?From big brands to small companies, all kinds of organizations use Audience.

Brand awareness 3 Understand whether potential

customers know your or your competitors’ brand

3 Assess the value that a customer attributes to a brand

design FeedBack 3 Choose logos, taglines, and

product designs that resonate with your target market

3 Determine which designs drive the highest intent to purchase

investment research 3 Do spot research on new topics

that emerge on companies you cover

3 Monitor the trends that matter to your investment theses with proprietary data

Price testing 3 Find out if you are charging

too much or too little for your product or service

3 Figure out which pricing model is optimal

ad eFFectiveness 3 Solicit immediate reactions to

your print or online ads

3 Find out which ads inspire potential customers to buy your product or service

Product or service FeedBack 3 Gather reactions to a new

product or service

3 Determine which features are most important to your potential customers

comPetitive research 3 Determine how consumers

perceive your competitors

3 Learn what your competitors’ customers value

new Business Pitches 3 Obtain data that your prospec-

tive clients have never seen

3 Research your prospective clients’ industries

content creation 3 Gather reactions to current

events and popular topics

3 Create unique content on any topic for articles, blogs, landing pages, and more

customer research 3 Learn how your potential

customers make their purchasing decisions

3 Assess who your ideal customers are

4Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 5: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

5Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Who uses SurveyMonkey?

With over 12 million customers, SurveyMonkey is the world’s most popular online survey tool.SurveyMonkey is trusted by millions of companies, organizations, and individuals alike to gather the insights they need to make more informed decisions.

fortune 50099% of the





Education 27%

Page 6: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

6Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Who can I reach?No matter who you’re looking to hear from, we can help you reach millions of respondents both in the United States and internationally.

Choose your respondents online, or contact our Audience specialists to help you.

Page 7: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Our most popular targeting options: 3 Average U.S. consumers

3 Primary grocery shoppers

3 Moms with young children

3 Urban dwellers

3 Early technology adopters

3 High-end shoppers

3 Fitness enthusiasts

3 Business decision makers

7Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

What targeting options are available?Whether you want to reach smartphone owners, video game players, moms, or the general U.S. population, we can help you reach the right group.

Page 8: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Specific targeting examples: 3 Mothers with children under the age of 3, Target shoppers

3 Frequent business travelers, Household income > $100k

3 Human Resources professionals, title of Director, VP or above

3 Business decision makers

To inquire about specific or custom targeting criteria, please contact us and we can help find your Audience.

Call us at: 800-310-6838 or email us at [email protected]

8Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Can I reach a specific audience?If you’re looking to reach a more custom group, we can help. Simply tell us who you’re looking to reach, and our team can help set up your project.

Page 9: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Our network includes: 3 Competitive pricing arrangements,

so that we can pass on the best

pricing to our customers

3 Partners who are reliable

3 Partners who have diverse

recruitment sources

Can I reach international respondents?We maintain a Global Partner Network of data providers with access to survey respondents from all over the world.

9Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 10: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

10Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

How quickly will I see results?You will start to see results and demographic data as soon as your project launches, and your full set of data in less than five days.

Page 11: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

11Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Can I trust these opinions?

We provide high quality responses by taking a disciplined approach to recruitment, incentives, and engagement. RECRUiTMEnTWe recruit from the diverse

population of 30+ million people

who take SurveyMonkey surveys

every month. After signing

up, our members complete a

detailed profile survey to tell us

more about themselves.

inCEnTiVESWe reward our members with

charitable donations — for every

survey they take, we donate 50

cents to a charity of their choice

Since our members do not

receive a monetary reward,

they have no incentive to

speed through surveys, and

thus provide thoughtful,

honest opinions.

EnGAGEMEnTWe limit the number of surveys

members can take per week to

ensure that no one member is


Page 12: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

12Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Why should I pick Audience?

SurveyMonkey Audience is an incredibly powerful, one-stop solution for high quality data.

SurveyMonkey + Audience is a better, faster, more cost-effective solution to help you make decisions.

our value proposition:

3 Better: shorter project cycles, integrated tools, reliable data

3 Faster: our end-to-end, automated solution means your projects take days, not weeks or months

3 Cost-effective: our technology tools allow us to pass on the savings to customers with the most competitive prices in the market

Page 13: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

13Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Can I get more help getting started?

We offer a variety of affordable services to fit your needs.


We can help you identify your goals and create a great survey with sound, survey design principles. We’ll create your survey from scratch and set you up for success for future surveys.


No time to input your survey into SurveyMonkey? We can help program your survey into SurveyMonkey from Word, PDF, or other formats.


Have custom requirements that SurveyMonkey doesn’t support? We can help with that, too.

On SurveyMonkey: $15 per question, $500 project minimum.

Custom requirements: Contact us for a quote.

Page 14: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

14Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

How can I get started with SurveyMonkey and Audience?

Whether you want to do it all yourself online or work with our team, get started with a few simple steps:BUy An AUDiEnCE OnLinE

1. Design your Survey: Sign up for a SurveyMonkey account in minutes, and start designing your survey today

2. Pick your Audience: Click to send your survey, and select “Buy a Targeted Audience”. Pick the respondents you desire

3. Analyze your Results: See results and demographic data as soon as your project launches


3 Call us at: 800-310-6838 3 email us at: [email protected]

Page 15: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Core Demographics ���������������������������A

Employment ����������������������������������� B

Household & Lifestyle ������������������������� C

Finance ����������������������������������������� D

Media & Communications �������������������� E

Internet Activities ������������������������������ F

Health ������������������������������������������� G

Retail �������������������������������������������� H

Targeting AttributesThis reference book is just a starting point for understanding the unique capabilities of SurveyMonkey Audience. Our members are profiled across hundreds of attributes, giving you access to highly specific groups.

1515Questions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 16: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Core DemographicsGender

• Gender-balanced • Specific male / female ratio • Males or females only


• Custom age range


• Household income • Personal income


• U.S. Census Region • State • City • Zip


• Less than high school • High school • Some college • Bachelor degree • Graduate degree


• White • Black / African American • American Indian or

Alaskan Native • Asian or Pacific Islander • Latino

Religious affiliation

• Protestant • Catholic • Jewish • Buddhist • Muslim • Hindu • Atheist

Languages spoken

• English • Spanish • Portuguese • French • German

AQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 17: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

EmploymentBusiness size by employees • 1-100 • 101-1000 • 1001-5000 • 5000+

Key Business Metrics • Annual sales • Marketing spend

Decision makers • IT manager • HR VP

Job title • Owner, Executive, C-Level • Upper Management • Middle Management • Intermediate • Entry Level

Small-to-medium business owners • Type of business • Number of customers

industry of employment

• Advertising & Marketing

• Agriculture

• Airlines & Aerospace (including


• Automotive

• Business Support & Logistics

• Construction, Machinery

and Homes

• Education

• Entertainment & Leisure

• Finance & Financial Services

• Food & Beverages

• Government

• Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

• Insurance

• Manufacturing

• Nonprofit

• Retail & Consumer Durables

• Real Estate

• Telecommunications,

Technology, Internet,


• Utilities, Energy, Extraction

Job function

• Accounting & Auditing

• Administrative

• Advertising & Marketing

• Analyst

• Art, Creative, Design

• Business Development

• Consulting

• Customer Service

• Distribution

• Doctor

• Educator (e.g. teacher,

lecturer, professor)

• Engineering

• Finance

• General Business

• Health Care Provider (other

than doctor or nurse)

• Human Resources

• Information Technology

• Legal

• Management

• Manufacturing

• Nurse

Job function (Cont)

• Production

• Product Management

• Project Management

• Public Relations

• Purchasing

• Quality Assurance

• Research

• Sales

• Science

• Strategy& Planning

• Supply Chain

• Training

• Writing

BQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 18: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Household & LifestyleParental status

• Expectant mothers • Number of children • Age of children

Living arrangement:

• Homeowners • Renters

Cars owned

• Number of cars • Types of cars

Travel activity

• Frequent business travelers • Frequent leisure travelers


• Primary grocery shoppers

Grocery purchases

• Sodas • Energy drinks • Frozen foods • Cereals • Organic products


• Dog • Cat

CQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 19: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

FinanceLevel of household investable assets

• Less than $100,000 • $100,000 to $250,000 • $250,000 to $499,999 • $500,000 to $649,999 • $750,000 to 1,000,000 • More than $1,000,000

Type of investments owned

• Mutual funds • Options • Futures • Currency (FOREX) • Precious Metals • Real Estate

Payment service providers

• PayPal • Google Wallet • Square • Dwolla • Amazon Payments

insurance provider

• Health insurance • Life insurance • Car insurance • Homeowners insurance

Primary credit card company

• American Express • Visa • Mastercard

Banking services

• Bank of America • JPMorgan Chase • Citibank

DQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 20: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Media & CommunicationsMedia usage (music)

• Pandora • Spotify

Media usage (video)

• Netflix • Hulu • Amazon Instant Video

Mobile phone carrier

• Verizon Wireless • AT&T • Sprint • T-Mobile

Home internet Service Provider

• Comcast • Time Warner Cable • Optimum • Charter • Verizon • CenturyLink • AT&T • SuddenLink • EarthLink • Windstream

• Cox Communications • Frontier Communications • Cable One • NetZero • Basic ISP • • PeoplePC • MSN • Juno • AOL

EQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 21: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

Internet Activities • Visited a chat room

• Used e-mail

• Used instant messenger (IM)

• Participated in online dating

• Made a purchase for personal use

• Made a purchase for business use

• Made personal or business travel

plans (lodging, air travel, car

rental, etc.)

• Played games online

• Downloaded a video game

• Used an online gambling site

• Obtained financial information

• Tracked Investments, Traded

stocks, bonds, or mutual funds

• Paid bills online

• Obtained the latest news or

current events

• Obtained sports news

or information

• Obtained information for a new

or used car purchase

• Obtained information about real

estate (for purchase or rental)

• Obtained medical information

• Obtained childcare or

parenting information

• Looked for employment

(used classified listings)

• Looked for recipes

• Visited a TV network or TV

show’s website

• Looked at TV listings online

• Looked up movie listings

or show times

• Downloaded a movie

• Listened to radio on the Internet

• Visited a radio station,

radio program or radio

personality’s website

• Downloaded music

• Downloaded podcasts or


• Downloaded a TV program

• Watched a TV program online

• Visited online blogs

• Wrote an online blog

• Posted a comment or review

on a blog, online forum,

message or bulletin board

• Made a phone call

• Watched online video

• Uploaded or added video

to a website

• Shared photos through an

Internet website

• Sent an electronic greeting card

• Social Networking

(e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn,

Myspace, etc.)

FQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 22: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview


• Osteoarthritis • Rheumatoid arthritis • Type 1 or 2 Diabetes • Breast cancer • Leukemia • Colorectal cancer • Psoriasis • Allergies • Hypertension • Depression • Anxiety disorders • Insomnia

Exercise habits

• Frequency of exercise • Gym goers • Exercise class • Yoga • Pilates

GQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |

Page 23: SurveyMonkey Audience: An Overview

RetailOnline shoppers

• Amazon • Zappos • Daily deal buyers

Department stores shoppers

• Macy’s • Nordstrom

Discount stores shoppers

• Dollar Tree • Dollar General

Warehouse stores

• Costco • Sam’s Club


• Safeway • Giant • Whole Foods Market

Speciality stores

• Petsmart • Lululemon

Luxury goods

• Coach • Tory Burch

HQuestions or want to learn more? Visit us at or call 800-310-6838 |