susana siman

susana siman

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susana siman


FOUNDATIONSAll creation begins with the laying of a foundation. This is the basis, the initial process, the groundwork from which

form, style and all other elements stem.

Top Left to Bottom: nude figure. charcoal on sketch paper. 2005nude figure. conte crayon on sketch paper. 2005

nude figuring. stippling technique on sketch paper. 2005 street scene in perspective. pencil and pen on wax paper. 2006

Top Left to bottom right: pond/ lesson in strokes.

oil on canvas. 2004apples/still life lesson.

oil on canvas 2004 flowers/lesson in shadows.

oil on canvas. 2005 wine and apple/light:

transparency & ciaroscuro lesson. oil on canvas. 2005

Once the foundation is established the artist can begin to use and experiment with the techniques,

elements and media to which they were first exposed. Foundations are the basis of structures. An artist’s structure begins with what they know

and continues with what they imagine.


barcelona staircase. study of depth and lighting.

colorpencil on paper. 2008

broken kiss. study of light,

shadows, & sections.

colorpencil on paper. 2005

madrid. study of warm colors & moods. soft pastels on paper. 2005

The creation of the exterior ‘‘look’’ both depends on and affects the interior attitude and ambiance.

Intradeco Apparel. Danskin NOW. flowertree. screen-printed. sold in Walmart 2008.

Intradeco Apparel. Danskin NOW. whimsical tree

screen-printed. sold in Walmart


Intradeco Apparel. Danskin NOW. medtitation tree screen-printed. sold in Walmart 2008.

Intradeco Apparel. Danskin NOW.

yoga girl. screen-printed.


Intradeco Apparel. Danskin NOW.

dance & motition. screen-printed.

sold in Walmart 2008.

Intradeco Apparel. Danskin NOW. paisely girl. screen-printed. 2008.

Intradeco Apparel. Americana. I love this land. screen-printed. sold in Walmart 2007

Intradeco Apparel. Disney Liscence.

tinkerbell. screen-printed.

sold in Walmart. 2008

Intradeco Apparel. Walmart Juniors.peace hands. screen-printed. sold in Walmart 2009

Intradeco Apparel. Walmart Juniors.

animal love. screen-printed.


Intradeco Apparel. Walmart Juniors.parisscreen-printed. 2009.

Intradeco Apparel. Walmart Juniors. ice skating lingo screen-printed.


Dietra Productions.woman’s teescreen-printed. sold on 2009

Dietra’s tee.

screen-printed. sold on


Facades are first impressions. With one look, they say it all. Although they are all designed differently, they should have the ability to capture the viewers’

curiosity and draw them inside.

the human face.distorted.

colorpencil and pencil on paper.



spanish protest.oil pastels on paper. 2009


flamenco dancer .oil pastels on paper.



the effects of procrastination. pastels, watercolor & colorpencil on paper. 2008


found in nature. charcoal & color pencil. 2007

boo.oil oncanvas. 2007

does a drawing know it is being

look at? color pencil on

paper. 2008

The interaction a design creates with its user is vital to its success. Designing with an understanding of whom it

is being designed for and why it is being created allows the design to truly reach and attract its audience.

DC Habitat for Humanity. Holiday Ad.


Meridian International Center. Cover for Chinese Urbanization Exhibition Material. 2010

Invisible Children GWU Chapter Freshmen Screening Ad displayed in dorm lobbies.


GSAPP. Lecture in Planning Series. Carol Corden Annoucement Poster. 2010

GSAPP. Lecture in Planning Series. Nicole Oretsky Annoucement Poster.


GSAPP. Lecture in Planning Series. Interboro Poster. 2010

GSAPP. Lecture in Planning

Series. Cuz Potter

Poster. 2010

Architecture for Humanity Miami chapter. cocktail flyer & e-mail. 2008

City of Miami Planning Department.Miami 21 Cover for Award Applications and Versions of Official Atlas Cover. 2010

Top Left to Bottom Right:

Studio Pisati. Initial concept sketch for

potential apartments. La Boca.


Studio Pisati. Rendered image of

alleyway between apartments.

La Boca. 2010

Studio Pisati. Two rendered images of

proposed building in context of neighborhood.

La Boca. 2010

Emotions draw upon past experiences, familiar places, dreams and fantasies. Emotions take a project to a

different level by creating not only a space but also an interactive environment for the user.

INTRIGUING Original handdrawn mural art.

2010Close-up of door using V-ray.

2010 Rendered still of entrance to building

with intriguing door. 2010

Top Images: Inspriational image of warehouses inWynwood Art District in Miami, FL.

Course: Fall 2010 Visual Studies Course Fast ForwardGroup: Megan Marini & Susana SimanProfessor: Jason IvaliotisProject: The Rabbit Hole

This project was part of the visual studies course FAST FORWARD which used V-ray rendering to create realistic scenes fully capturing a specific mood.

Initial Proposal:

The purpose of the space is to create a

personal oasis within the context of an

urban chaotic environment. The

images will lead the viewer through a rabbit

hole. The rabbit hole will act as the gateway

leading the visitor from an urban world

where nature is created by man, through his

art, to a fantasy world where nature itself creates the space. Essentially taking

you from man-made nature to a space that

is personalized to your comfort.

Divided into three still renderings evoking

three emotions: intrigue, mystic, &


MYSTIFYING Top Images: Inspirational interior settings that succesfully portray a mysterious but colorful setting.

Rendered interior scene with scale figures. garden & lights. 2010

Original handdrawn mural art. 2010

Rendered Interior. 2010


Rendered interior scene with scale figures. garden walls, canopy structures with canvas & lights. 2010

Photograph of living garden wall. 2010

Rendered image of second floor. 2010

Top Images:: Inspirational settings for top second floor that portray comfort through nature, light and canvas.