sustainable acoustic materials - · the acoustic properties of knauf danoline...


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Post on 23-Jul-2018




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gypsum sources

There are four sources of gypsum for the production of gypsum boards for Knauf Danoline acoustical ceilings: • naturally occurring gypsum; • gypsum produced from by-products from industry; and • pre-, and post-consumer recycled gypsum.

Naturally occurring gypsum (caso4 2H2o) is found in large quantities in the ground. sea water naturally contains dissolved gypsum which becomes deposited through precipitation in closed sea basins, where the water slowly evaporates. Naturally occurring gypsum used in the northern hemisphere is shipped from south europe, where the occurrence of gypsum at the earth’s surface is widespread.

post Industrial by-product gypsum is available from power stations and is well suited for plasterboard production. Naturally occurring gypsum is not found in the northern hemisphere, and the use of power plant gypsum reduces the import of natural virgin gypsum significantly.When coal fired power plants burn coal, they release the sulphur in the coal and create sulphur oxides. sulfur oxides love water and react with it to make sulphuric acid rain. so,

power plant emissions can create acid rain. Desulphurisation is a chemical process in which the sulphur dioxide is removed using limestone powder mixed with water to form the by-product gypsum. The gypsum can be used in agricultural fertilizer, cement and the manufacture of plasterboard products for the construction industry thereby reducing the import of natural gypsum significantly.

power plant waste is the raw material for millions m² of plasterboard per year - fresh thinking that the environment can be an enabler and not an obstacle to industrial production and growth.

recycled gypsum is made up of both pre-consumer and post-consumer plasterboard waste. pre-consumer recycled gypsum is the waste plasterboard materials produced through our own production processes. post-consumer recycled gypsum is plasterboard waste that is received from external sources.

In scandinavia, manufacturers of plasterboard work together to ensure that gypsum board waste from building sites, can and is recycled, irrespective of the materials origin. The aim of this cooperation is to promote and encourage the collection of



gypsum board that can be either recycled or re-used in other ways. The target group for the program is the building industry, in particular contractors and craftsmen. partners in the program include demolition companies and recycling companies.

The Danish company gips recycling A/s, are registered as the official receiver for the majority of municipalities in Denmark. The patented system turns plasterboard waste into a gypsum powder which is used as a raw material in the production of new plasterboards. Today gypsum recycling International is active in Denmark, sweden, Norway, Holland, Ireland, uK and usA.

The cardboard used in our plasterboard products is furthermore produced from 100% recycled sources. The cardboard and paper foils are also separated out from the core gypsum material at the recycling plant, so that a greater proportion of gypsum board waste is able to be recycled. The cardboard fraction is used as a structure material in the formation of compost at KomTek environment A/s in Denmark.



gypsum useD IN KNAuf DANolINe AcousTIcAl ceIlINgs

Knauf Danoline acoustical gypsum ceilings are manufactured in Hobro, Denmark from gypsum boards that contain the following gypsum content - percentages are averages by weight::

• Virgin materials: Natural raw gypsum: 0-2.5% (according to the avail-ability of alternative sources) source: spain from quarries nearby the port of garrucha

• post Industrial (non-virgin) materials: post industrial by-product gypsum: 80-90% (according to availability) source: local power plants in Denmark within a maximum radius of approx. 200 km

• post-consumer (non-virgin) materials: post consumer gypsum board waste 4-9% (according to availability) source: gips recycling A/s, Hobro

• pre-consumer (non-virgin) materials: pre-consumer gypsum board waste 5-11% (according to availability)source: own factory Hobro in Denmark

Total recycled (non-virgin) content:The total content of pre- and post- consumer gypsum varies between 97.5 and 100% according to availability.The content of post-consumer cardboard used in our plasterboard products is 100%.


KNAuf DANolINe eNVIroNmeNTAl polIcy

Knauf Danoline is an environmentally responsible company with regards to both the internal and the external environment. Based on the life cycle approach, we wish to contribute to ensuring sustainable development in the long term. We therefore work continuously on improving the environmental conditions and to prevent pollution by:

• using environmentally responsible raw materials in the manufacturing of our products

• using packaging that can be recycled or utilised• optimising the consumption of energy, raw materials

and packaging• reducing the waste• utilising the waste

Knauf Danoline is committed to reducing waste and energy consumption. Therefore, investments are made each year in energy and waste efficiency.

• Iso 14001 - environmental management

• fDes – lcA Declarations: Vista | Belgravia | contur | Danotile | medley | plaza

• leeD Declaration

• BpD: untreated | foil - finished | painted

• sunda Hus Knauf Danoline untreated product are listed in the swed-ish sunda Hus environmental products directory as class A products. Knauf Danoline finished product are listed in the swedish sunda Hus environmental products directory as class B products.

• Byggvarubedömningen Knauf Danoline is recommended by and listed in the swedish Byggvarubedömningen building product directory.

cerTIfIcATIoNs relATINg To eNVIroNmeNT

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gypsum board hardening is not based on the addition of reactive materials in the form of volatile liquids and suchlike. Therefore, the use of gypsum products does not cause health nuisances during construction or in-service.

All the surface finishes applied to Knauf Danoline products are also classified as non-hazardous and for reasons of indoor climate safety and consideration for the environment, there are no added biocides. furthermore Knauf Danoline products have no detectable levels of formaldehyde.

Knauf Danoline is registered with the voluntary Danish Indoor climate labelling scheme (DIm - Dansk Indeklima mærkning”). The purpose of indoor climate labelling is to improve the indoor climate in buildings and is the first labelling scheme to deal with construction materials in the service phase.

DIm covers degasification - based on the time value in days it takes for the most slowly degassed individual substance to drop below the substance’s smell and irritation threshold; and particulate discharge - based on the release of particles determined from sedimentable dust consisting of particles (including fibres) in the first part of the product’s lifetime.

The results for Knauf Danoline products are shown below:

• Deklarationer for ubehandlede produkter: Deklareret indeklimarelevant tidsværdi – 10 dage partikelafgivelsesklassifikation - lAV

• Deklarationer for overfladebehandlede produkter: Deklareret indeklimarelevant tidsværdi – 20 dage partikelafgivelsesklassifikation - lAV

• ud over ovenstående er Danotile desuden klassificeret som Iso Klasse 5 ifølge Iso 14644-1: Klassifikation af luftrenhed


lIgHT reflecTIoN

gypsum board surfaces are ideal for applying various types of paints and laminates. The nature of the surface can vary from high-gloss to matt surfacing. gloss has a bearing on reflections at very oblique incidences of light. Thus great mattness gives very little reflection, but good light deflection. The structure and colour also affects reflection.

painted Knauf Danoline products are supplied as standard with a white gloss 5 surface (Ncs 0700). The painted surface has a fine, matt texture, providing great light dispersion (deflection) to ensure optimal exploitation of daylight and artificial working light without troublesome reflections. perforated gypsum boards reflect light back in many directions and thus create a great scattering of light.

These features are instrumental in allowing Knauf Danoline products to take excellent advantage of reflected light, so rooms in which gypsum ceilings have been used are perceived as being light and pleasant. In functional terms, the surface can therefore be used beneficially in for example rooms where work is done at computer monitors.

light reflection of surfaces:


The acoustic properties of Knauf Danoline perforated gypsum products are achieved partly by vibrations in the panelling material; partly by resonance vibrations through perforation holes and partly by diffusion of sound. perforated gypsum therefore provides not only good sound absorption but also good sound reflection and hence good dispersion of speech sound. Knauf Danoline perforated tiles have a broadband absorption profile, providing good sound absorption in the intermediate frequency range. This is where the consonants containing the most important signals in our comprehension and perception of the spoken language are located.

Knauf Danoline standard White paint in gloss 5: Non-perforated - 82.6% perforated - 70–75 %

Knauf Danoline White foil - gloss rate: approx. 10 at 60º: 86.3%


The surfaces of Knauf Danoline acoustic gypsum products have the additional advantage of being able to be maintained (painted) without any deterioration to their acoustic properties.

Knauf Danoline is committed to working with continuous research and development within building acoustics, and actively participates in elaboration of european, swedish and Danish acoustic standards.

In addition, Knauf Danoline collaborates with leading acoustic experts in developing new methods of measuring and improving acoustics in buildings, and shares the knowledge acquired though different publications and presentations.

• fDes – lcA Declarations: Vista | Belgravia | contur | Danotile | medley | plaza

• leeD Declaration

• BpD: untreated | foil - finished | painted

• DIm: untreated surface | finished surface

• céra labo - clean room certificate: particular control on Danotile

• sunda Hus Knauf Danoline untreated product are listed in the swed-ish sunda Hus environmental products directory as class A products. Knauf Danoline finished product are listed in the swedish sun-da Hus environmental products directory as class B products.

• Byggvarubedömningen Knauf Danoline is recommended by and listed in the swedish Byggvarubedömningen building product directory.

cerTIfIcATIoNs relATINg To INDoor comforT:

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gypsum is an imperishable, non-decomposable material. Building materials made from gypsum therefore last the lifetime of the building itself.

Knauf Danoline solutions maintain the same aesthetical quality throughout their entire service life thanks to their classic, timeless design. furthermore, they are easy to clean and can be repainted over and over without any loss of their acoustic and indoor climate properties for entire service life.

Through annual product reviews and product optimization projects in r&D, Knauf Danoline is committed to a constant future proofing of its product range in order to provide adaptable systems that match the different demands from the market.


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Iso 9001 – quality management

cerTIfIcATIoNs relATINg To DesIgN quAlITy



We consider our employees to be the most important resources which is why orderly work and staff conditions are given high priority. We wish for the company to be a workplace where the employees are content and display commitment and responsibility. We are therefore committed at all times to comply with the regulations and agreements and act in an ethically correct manner.

We wish to create a working environment that ensures job satisfaction and allows the employees to make the most of their resources and competencies.

We greatly depend on constant improvements and renewal of our company. We therefore wish to provide education for the employees. We expect the employees to actively participate in the determination and carrying out of necessary educational activities.

equally important is the support from the management to the professional and personal development of the employees. The follow-up is carried out by the 360-degree feedback method, workplace assessment and employee development dialogue.

our company also provides opportunities for employees with reduced working capacity. priority is given to persons already employed at the company.

our employees being our most important resources, we also wish to provide safe conditions and a motivating work climate for them. Therefore, we put continuous efforts in improving the work conditions, preventing accidents and work-related illness and encouraging healthy lifestyle.

for that reason, we also support different leisure activities of our employees. We are also committed to carry out and support initiatives that maintain and improve the general health of our employees.




Knauf Danoline offers traineeships to students within different fields of education, including engineering, sales & marketing, communication, and accountancy. Trainees are provided with a thorough introduction programme at the beginning, and extensive support throughout their traineeship.


Knauf Danoline wishes to give back to the local society by sponsoring numerous sport activities and events in the local area, as well as annually supporting the humanitarian campaigns of Doctors without Borders.