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“ E D U C AT I O N I S T H E K E Y TO S E L F - D E V E LO P M E N T & E M P O W E R M E N T ”


The Sustainable Education Center was created to be a leading provider of educational content for architects and green building professionals.

We believe that continuing education in architecture and the built environment is crucial to advancing and improving the industry.

Our CE content covers a variety of topics, including but not limited to: building systems, construction, design, environment, law, materials & methods, policy, and preservation.

The gb&d Sustainable Education Center will be launching this fall in conjunction with our September/October “Greenbuild” issue.

November/December 2013 Greenbuild Issue

of Main Line GO Green.The Center for Environmental Policy of the Academy of Nat-ural Sciences of Drexel Uni-versity will have hosted over 175 sustainability-related public education programs since its inception in 2004.CertainTeed and Saint-Gobain pledge to avoid con-suming 10,000 gallons of gas-oline by reducing employee commuting to its Valley Forge and Blue Bell, PA, locations.

The Chemical Heritage Foun-dation will engage 5,000 visi-tors with local environmental change via an exhibit and programs.The City of Philadelphia, across city agencies, will employ green building stan-dards for all residential and mixed-use projects receiv-ing city funding and pledges to improve Philadelphia’s economy and environment by empowering businesses, universities, and nonprofi ts to achieve substantial reduc-tions in their environmental impacts and energy bills.Clarke Caton Hintz will lower its energy and resource con-sumption and will bolster the staff’s knowledge of sustain-ability to ensure that the fi rm’s pledge extends well beyond the next year.CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-ate a maze with sustainable materials and native plantings for the children of Grace Mon-tessori School in Allentown, PA.County Line Nurseries, Inc. will provide education on sus-tainable landscapes to reach 1,000 students in the Dela-ware Valley. CPM Housing Group will de-liver 1,000 units of green and affordable housing.DVGBC – Delaware Branch will engage the State of Delaware General Assembly in providing and support-ing legislation to create a Delaware Green Building Commission.Dilworth Paxson, LLP will install aesthetic and size-appropriate recycling bins in each conference room, coffee service area, and copy/work station, encourage public transportation and car pool-ing, and lower shades to re-duce energy use.Duffi eld Associates will in-corporate and document sustainability considerations on 100% of its soil, water, and environmental client projects.DVL Automation will deploy ZeroWire energy harvesting integration to rescue 32% energy use while averting 100 miles of copper wiring and 12,000 batteries, moreover enriching occupant comfort and health.DVL pledges to assist 12 data centers achieve LEED certifi cation and save a total of 1 million watts of electri-cal energy, which equates to turning off all the lights in the Comcast Tower.

The plan for a cleaner, younger, smarter, denser, taller, bolder HOUSTON 76

ES Design will initiate a dia-logue with clients on sustain-able solutions for storm-water and site design issues.ECOtelligent Design will train over 4,000 professionals on

proper LEED integration strat-egies, will consult on over 40 LEED projects, 15 LEED certi-fi ed, and one LEED track proj-ect in the Middle East.Energy Coordinating Agency will weatherize 3,220 homes, train 300 men and women, rate 250 homes as Energy Star or LEED certifi ed, improve storm-water management in 200 homes, and earn LEED Gold certifi cation for its Train-ing Center. EwingCole will

have over four million square feet of LEED

projects, will increase its staff of LEED professionals to 100, will create a test-bed for en-ergy and daylight software, and will develop a post-occu-pancy energy database.Fessenden Hall, Inc. pledges to install 1,208 solar panels at its facility, producing 256,140 kWh/year and eliminating 84 tons/year of CO2 emissions.Forbo Flooring Systems will have transparent, third-party verifi ed Environmental Prod-uct Declarations for all its fl ooring products.Gilbane Building Company will continue to promote and educate our clients, contrac-tors, and employees about the benefi ts of sustainable de-sign and building practices.Gilmore and Associates, Inc. will advocate green in-frastructure options to 50 municipalities and municipal authorities as sustainable al-ternatives to historically gray infrastructure decisions. The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce will hosts corporate responsibility and sustainability educational programs for its 5,000 mem-ber organizations and the general public.Greenable pledges to get green building products specifi ed and used by archi-tects and builders in 20 new, local green building projects. Greensaw Design and Build will use reclaimed or salvaged materials in 100% of their building projects. Habitat for Humanity Philadel-phia will build to LEED Silver standards on all new con-struction projects.Hanson General Contract-ing will implement a plan to educate its clients about energy effi ciency and its im-pact on existing and historic structures.Harkins Builders will imple-ment a sustainability and recycling program/policy throughout its organization.Heckendorn Shiles Architects will utilize public transit on 45% of daily commutes and design offi ce space for over 175 new SEPTA commuters at its Ambler Boiler House tran-sit-oriented development.

Hersha Hospitality Group will benchmark and track the en-ergy use of 80+ hotels in En-ergy Star Portfolio Manager.The International Interior De-sign Association pledges to educate over 250 aspiring de-sign students in sustainable design practices.In Posse will have completed two net-zero green schools nationally.INTECH pledges to develop waste management plans for all projects that divert at least 75% of construction waste

from landfi lls and will publish material recovery data from all projects annually.iSpring will help fi ve new cli-ents improve sustainability performance by developing comprehensive sustainabil-ity metrics, dashboards, and data-driven communications.Jonathan Rose Companies and Asociación Puertorrique-ños en Marcha will eliminate 78,480 annual car trips at the Paso Verde transit-oriented development.Kaiserman Company will re-duce energy use across its commercial portfolio by 15% from its 2010 baseline and achieve Energy Star certifi ca-tion for at least four commer-cial properties.Keating Environmental Man-agement will participate in the design and implementa-tion of 10 LEED for Existing Buildings, renewable-energy, and/or energy-conservation projects.Kitchen and Associates will double the number of its HERS raters, double the num-ber of staff who lead its proj-ects in achieving LEED cer-tifi cation, and equip at least two staff with LEED for Homes accreditation.Knoll, Inc. will reduce the amount of waste landfi lled by 5%, taking the East Greenville facility to a greater than 90% landfi ll avoidance.KO Angotti will source locally manufactured products and materials for every interior de-sign project.KSK Architects Planners His-torians, Inc. will use green building standards in the de-sign and construction of near-ly 100 affordable, energy-effi -cient housing units for low- to moderate-income residents.KSS will adopt a Green Speci-fi cations Guide for the entire fi rm to use as projects are de-veloped to ensure the inclu-sion of sustainable measures regardless of pursuit of LEED certifi cation.Lafayette College will uphold its Energy Policy and imple-ment a Climate Action Plan to reduce its carbon footprint by 20%.The Lehigh Valley Sustain-ability Network will create a web resource as a plat-form for communication and collaboration.Liberty Property Trust pledg-es to certify its 50th LEED building, its 100th Energy Star building, and to deploy smart grid energy optimization/de-mand response technology in 10 regional will have a representative become LEED Green Associate ac-credited and will develop a clear understanding of how environmentally friendly lime

masonry products fi t into the equation for receiving LEED credits.Liquid Elements, a division of Stonhard, will work towards sustainable and environmen-tally friendly manufacturing processes.Lutron Electronics will save an estimated 174 GWh of elec-tricity annually by dimming lights throughout the Phila-delphia metro area, equal to electricity for 15,000 homes or eliminating 23,500 cars.MaGrann Associates will cer-

tify 1,500 LEED Homes, quali-fy 5,000 homes under Energy Star programs nationwide, and earn LEED Commercial Interiors for its Philadelphia Navy Yard and New Jersey offi ces.Manko, Gold, Katcher and Fox, LLP will use its legal and engineering staff to partner with its landlord in pursing an Energy Star label for its 400,000 square foot multi-tenant offi ce building.


K–12 schools 50

Mannington will continue to exceed its 10 year Depart-ment of Energy Better Plants pledge and will pass two signifi cant recycling hurdles: over 21 million pounds VCT recycled and two million pounds recycled regional drywall (6 year total).Mark Group pledges to help 2,013 Delaware Valley homes save energy and money through energy analysis and energy-effi ciency home improvements.Metcalfe Architecture and Design will partner with the PA Horticultural Society and local schools to promote the use of sustainable design and growth of green education in schools throughout the Dela-ware Valley.Meyer Design will certify one LEED Silver assisted-living fa-cility, two LEED-certifi ed com-mercial interiors projects, and will offset 100% of its build-ing’s energy use with Renew-able Energy Credits. PECO will attain LEED certifi -cation for 10 of its buildings and save customers more than 1 million MWh with its PECO Smart Ideas programs. PennFuture and Next Great City will continue to organize and help lead the Coalition for an Energy Effi cient Phila-delphia (CEEP).PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri-can Society of Landscape Architects will challenge their members to design 13 Sustainable SITES-qualifying projects.PHS will plant 250,000+ trees region-wide through its Plant One Million project, grow 250,000+ pounds of food through City Harvest, and clean and green 250 acres of vacant land throughout Philadelphia.Pepper Hamilton LLP will in-stall automatic light sensors and use low-VOC products during offi ce renovations, continue to recycle paper, aluminum, tin and plastic, and uphold its sustainability policy.

The Philadelphia Chapter of the Construction Specifi ca-tions Institute (CSI) will offer two sustainability-focused ed-ucational programs per year at chapter meetings and mini-mize waste and travel impacts from operations.PIDC pledges to deploy an energy-effi ciency program for Building 101 at The Navy Yard resulting in 30% energy savings; to increase Navy Yard Shuttle ridership to 1,600 rides a day, reducing vehicle use by 10%; and to deploy $3

million in EnergyWorks Loans to projects generating energy savings of 25%.Philadelphia University will have graduated 150 through its Sustainable Design Program.The Philadelphia Water De-partment will invest $2.4 billion to initiate the largest green storm-water infrastruc-ture program in the nation.The Philadelphia Zoo will complete the Hamilton Family Children’s Zoo and Faris Fam-ily Education Center, the fi rst LEED-certifi ed building in a zoo in PA.Philip Rosenau Co. will re-duce electric use by 10%, re-fi ne fl eet routing software and launch a customer equipment recycling program, improving the more than 200MT of GHG emissions it reduced in 2012.Practical Energy Solutions will help school, commercial, and municipal clients get to an aggregate $3 million in energy savings and 30 mil-lion pounds in CO2 emission reductions on their projects.Project HOME pledges that all future buildings will be LEED certifi ed and to reduce the environmental impact of its existing buildings.Re:Vision Architecture will have certifi ed 100 LEED Build-ings, 20 of them LEED plati-num, and neared certifi cation on a Living Building Chal-lenge project.Renewal pledges to work with its integrated project team of architects, engineers, land-scape architects, and build-ers on fi ve new sustainable, farm-to-table projects in the Philadelphia region. Resonate, a Philadelphia-based sustainability man-agement fi rm, will provide seven internships that will deliver signifi cant education-al and practical experience for aspiring sustainability professionals.Resource Dynamics/Green Building Education will have trained over 8,000 people about LEED and green build-ing and pledges 25 scholar-ships for Green Advantage Commercial Training.Revolution Recovery will have created 85 jobs in the recy-cling industry.Roofmeadow will provide enough green roofs from 2012–2013 throughout the Delaware Valley to keep 2.5 million gallons of storm water out of the municipal sewer systems.Rushforth Solar will heat its building and hot water with no fossil fuels.Sanderson Architectural will volunteer with the borough of Bryn Athyn, PA, to design low-income net-zero homes and create its master plan for a sustainable community.


is crazy, brave, or both 12

Sera Engineering will have been involved in the design and submission to USGBC of one LEED Silver hospital and one LEED Silver academic medical center.Seslia and Company will help its clients achieve $10 million in energy cost savings.SMP Architects will have designed, lectured on, writ-ten articles about, led public tours of, and managed pro-bono service projects for over 200 activities at K-12 green facilities.Spillman Farmer Architects pledges to reduce their pa-

Advanced Enviro Systems will help waste generators to divert 1,000 (new) tons MSW (cumula-tive) from landfi ll/incineration to composting and/or recycling alternatives.Aelux will help clients reduce their annual energy consump-tion by over 40,000 MWh.AIA Philadelphia will recruit 30 member fi rms to join the AIA 2030 Commitment to create carbon-neutral buildings.Alcom Printing pledges to maintain recycling at 98% of its waste stream and remain landfi ll free and to continue to partner with paper mills that replant at a four-to-one ratio. This equates to 700,000+ new trees because Alcom custom-ers choose print.Andropogon will measure the economic, social, and environ-mental contributions of three signifi cant, public, institutional projects in Philadelphia and publish its results at Greenbuild 2013.Atkin Olshin Schade Archi-tects will begin every project, regardless of pursuit of green certifi cation, with a charrette to maximize the environmental and cultural sustainability of each project.The APA-PA Chapter SE Sec-tion will educate over 1,000 people and organizations in the Delaware Valley about sus-tainability through events, pro-grams, and its section blog.AWeber Communications, Inc. will complete a LEED Silver- or Gold-certifi ed corporate head-quarters by the end of 2013.The BarberGale Group will re-duce its carbon footprint and energy usage by downsizing its offi ce space 72% (3,800 square feet to 1,060 square feet) and renovating and moving into an existing barn.Barry Isett and Associates will improve the overall MPG of its 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through a Prius for Clunkers program where older, ineffi cient ve-hicles are replaced with hybrid vehicles.Bentley Systems, Inc., pledges to reduce CO2 emissions by providing employees a Tran-sitChek/RideEco benefi t and installing electric-vehicle-charging stations at several US offi ces.Bergmann Associates will have designed and certifi ed over 60 LEED Buildings for its clients and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.BFW Group will encourage 100% of its clients to utilize sus-tainable building practices in their new construction, rehabili-tation, or retrofi t projects. BluPath will complete the de-sign of a rowhouse retrofi t to Passive House standards for Habitat for Humanity of Philadelphia.Bohlin Cywinski Jackson will build a 500-square-foot dem-onstration green roof and wall at its offi ce on the 13th fl oor of 123 S. Broad Street.Brandywine Realty Trust will achieve 75% recycling and green cleaning, 75 Energy Star Buildings with 14.5M square feet of space, 900,000 square feet of LEED-certifi ed space, and reduce electric costs vs. 2010 by $1.5M+.BuLogics will enable cost-ef-fective retrofi t installation and management of wireless ener-gy-saving solutions in 10,000 multidwelling apartment units.Camphill Village Kimberton Hills pledges to permanently pledge 345 acres to open space, provide organic/bio-dynamic produce to at least 150 families, utilize a wetlands wastewater system for fi ve buildings and upcycle 200 clothing items into rugs.Carole Felton Communications will provide 50+ hours of mar-keting and branding consulta-tion on sustainability on behalf

per consumption by 50% through electronic transfers and fi ling.Structure Tone, Inc. will renew its commitment to green building practices by constructing 25 mil-lion square feet of LEED-certifi ed projects, diverting 5,000 tons of construction and demolition waste.Sustainable Oaklyn will sup-port the establishment of Oaklyn’s (NJ) fi rst, 22-plot community garden.Tague Lumber will continue to offer continuing educa-tion classes to architects and education seminars to building professionals about the green building materi-als available through its six locations.TD Bank will be two years away from reachingits 2015 goal of reducing CO2 emis-sions by one ton per employ-ee from 2008 levels.Temple University pledges to have at least fi ve LEED-certifi ed buildings designed by November 2013. The Affordable Homes Group pledges to build new and remodel existing hous-ing to meet or exceed green building standards of the USGBC, NAHB, and others.The Energy Cooperative will reduce carbon emissions by 16,000 tons by supplying locally-sourced renewable energy to its members.The Energy Effi cient Build-ings HUB will support full-spectrum energy-effi ciency retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-mercial buildings.The Food Trust will work to expand access to and culti-vate a lasting appreciation for fresh, healthy, and local food by working with chil-dren in 40 school gardens throughout the Philadelphia region.The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-phia will replace all current guest room lighting to be 100% LED by October 31, 2013.The Stone House Group pledges to convert its of-fi ce to a bottle-free environ-ment; reusable water bottles will be given to Stone House Group employees and their families.The Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foun-dation will support indoor recycling efforts, improve storm-water manage-ment practices on site, and constr¬¬uct a boardwalk with local materials on the local Tacony Creek.The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-ford Watershed Partnership will educate and engage 1,000 stakeholders and resi-dents across the watershed about watershed protection, storm-water runoff, and the need for green infrastruc-ture through outreach, edu-cation, and projects.UJMN Architects + Design-ers will develop and imple-ment a Sustainable Practices Plan to increase awareness and reduce the fi rm’s energy consumption, water usage, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions.University Place Associates will complete construction of 2.0 University Place, Phila-delphia’s fi rst pre-certifi ed LEED Platinum offi ce build-ing and pledges to build only LEED Platinum for new construction and to an-nounce plans for its second LEED Platinum for new con-struction offi ce building.Urban Ecoforms will install 250,000 square feet of retro-fi tted green roofs.Urban Engineers will make

Comcast Tower.2010 by $1.5M+.

achieve 75% recycling and green cleaning, 75 Energy Star Buildings with 14.5M square feet of space, 900,000 square feet of LEED-certifi ed space, and reduce electric costs vs.

will enable cost-ef-fective retrofi t installation and management of wireless ener-gy-saving solutions in 10,000 multidwelling apartment units.Camphill Village Kimberton

G R E E N B U I L D I N G & D E S I G NN O V E M B E R + D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 3

public education programs since its inception in 2004.CertainTeed and Saint-Gobain pledge to avoid con-suming 10,000 gallons of gas-oline by reducing employee commuting to its Valley Forge and Blue Bell, PA, locations.

will weatherize 3,220 homes, train 300 men and women, rate 250 homes as Energy Star or LEED certifi ed, improve storm-water management in 200 homes, and earn LEED Gold certifi cation for its Train-ing Center. EwingCole

Gobainsuming 10,000 gallons of gas-oline by reducing employee commuting to its Valley Forge and Blue Bell, PA, locations.

member fi rms to join the AIA 2030 Commitment to create carbon-neutral buildings.

pledges to maintain recycling at 98% of its waste stream and remain landfi ll free and to continue to partner with paper mills that replant at a four-to-one ratio.

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv- kWh/year and eliminating 84

WHAT CAN kWh/year and eliminating 84 Buildings, renewable-energy,

WHAT CAN Buildings, renewable-energy,

WHAT CAN KO AngottiWHAT CAN KO Angotti will source locally WHAT CAN will source locally growth of green education in WHAT CAN growth of green education in

will help school, commercial,

WHAT CAN will help school, commercial, and municipal clients get to

WHAT CAN and municipal clients get to an aggregate $3 million in

WHAT CAN an aggregate $3 million in energy savings and 30 mil-

WHAT CAN energy savings and 30 mil-lion pounds in CO2 emission WHAT CAN lion pounds in CO2 emission reductions on their projects.WHAT CAN reductions on their projects.

pledges that WHAT CAN pledges that all future buildings will be WHAT CAN all future buildings will be LEED certifi ed and to reduce WHAT CAN LEED certifi ed and to reduce the environmental impact of WHAT CAN the environmental impact of its existing buildings.WHAT CAN its existing buildings.Re:Vision ArchitectureWHAT CAN Re:Vision Architecturehave certifi ed 100 LEED Build-WHAT CAN have certifi ed 100 LEED Build-ings, 20 of them LEED plati-WHAT CAN ings, 20 of them LEED plati-num, and neared certifi cation WHAT CAN num, and neared certifi cation on a Living Building Chal-WHAT CAN on a Living Building Chal-lenge project.

WHAT CAN lenge project.pledges to work with

WHAT CAN pledges to work with

WHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh Valley

WE GREEN BY materials and native plantings

WE GREEN BY materials and native plantings ternatives to historically gray

WE GREEN BY ternatives to historically gray materials for every interior de-

WE GREEN BY materials for every interior de-

WE GREEN BY will re-

WE GREEN BY will re-

duce its carbon footprint and

WE GREEN BY duce its carbon footprint and energy usage by downsizing its

WE GREEN BY energy usage by downsizing its offi ce space 72% (3,800 square

WE GREEN BY offi ce space 72% (3,800 square feet to 1,060 square feet) and WE GREEN BY feet to 1,060 square feet) and renovating and moving into an WE GREEN BY renovating and moving into an

will WE GREEN BY will improve the overall MPG of its WE GREEN BY improve the overall MPG of its 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through WE GREEN BY 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through a Prius for Clunkers program WE GREEN BY a Prius for Clunkers program where older, ineffi cient ve-WE GREEN BY where older, ineffi cient ve-hicles are replaced with hybrid WE GREEN BY hicles are replaced with hybrid

, pledges WE GREEN BY , pledges to reduce CO2 emissions by WE GREEN BY to reduce CO2 emissions by providing employees a Tran-

WE GREEN BY providing employees a Tran-WE GREEN BY Lafayette CollegeWE GREEN BY Lafayette College will uphold WE GREEN BY will uphold for an Energy Effi cient Phila-WE GREEN BY for an Energy Effi cient Phila- trained over 8,000 people WE GREEN BY trained over 8,000 people

about LEED and green build-

WE GREEN BY about LEED and green build-

ings HUB

WE GREEN BY ings HUBspectrum energy-effi ciency

WE GREEN BY spectrum energy-effi ciency retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-

WE GREEN BY retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-mercial buildings.

WE GREEN BY mercial buildings.The Food TrustWE GREEN BY The Food Trustexpand access to and culti-WE GREEN BY expand access to and culti-vate a lasting appreciation WE GREEN BY vate a lasting appreciation for fresh, healthy, and local WE GREEN BY for fresh, healthy, and local food by working with chil-WE GREEN BY food by working with chil-dren in 40 school gardens WE GREEN BY dren in 40 school gardens throughout the Philadelphia WE GREEN BY throughout the Philadelphia region.WE GREEN BY region.The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-WE GREEN BY The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-phiaWE GREEN BY phiaguest room lighting to be WE GREEN BY guest room lighting to be 100% LED by October 31, WE GREEN BY 100% LED by October 31, 2013.

WE GREEN BY 2013.The Stone House Group

WE GREEN BY The Stone House Group


GREENBUILD?Commission. Habitat for Humanity Philadel-

GREENBUILD?Habitat for Humanity Philadel- ment a Climate Action Plan

GREENBUILD?ment a Climate Action Plan

GREENBUILD?installing electric-vehicle-

GREENBUILD?installing electric-vehicle-charging stations at several US

GREENBUILD?charging stations at several US

will have

GREENBUILD? will have

designed and certifi ed over 60 GREENBUILD?designed and certifi ed over 60 LEED Buildings for its clients GREENBUILD?LEED Buildings for its clients and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.GREENBUILD?and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.

will encourage GREENBUILD? will encourage 100% of its clients to utilize sus-GREENBUILD?100% of its clients to utilize sus-tainable building practices in GREENBUILD?tainable building practices in their new construction, rehabili-GREENBUILD?their new construction, rehabili-

will complete the de-GREENBUILD? will complete the de-sign of a rowhouse retrofi t GREENBUILD?sign of a rowhouse retrofi t to Passive House standards GREENBUILD?to Passive House standards for Habitat for Humanity of GREENBUILD?for Habitat for Humanity of GREENBUILD?

pledges to convert its of-

GREENBUILD?pledges to convert its of-fi ce to a bottle-free environ-

GREENBUILD?fi ce to a bottle-free environ-

GREENBUILD?representative become GREENBUILD?representative become and use low-VOC products GREENBUILD?and use low-VOC products Sanderson Architectural GREENBUILD?Sanderson Architectural will GREENBUILD?will ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?ford Watershed Partnership

WHAT CAN Buildings, renewable-energy,

WHAT CAN Buildings, renewable-energy, signifi cant recycling hurdles:

WHAT CAN signifi cant recycling hurdles: will help school, commercial,

WHAT CAN will help school, commercial,

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-ing city funding and pledges

WHAT CAN ing city funding and pledges to improve Philadelphia’s

WHAT CAN to improve Philadelphia’s economy and environment

WHAT CAN economy and environment by empowering businesses,

WHAT CAN by empowering businesses, universities, and nonprofi ts WHAT CAN universities, and nonprofi ts to achieve substantial reduc-WHAT CAN to achieve substantial reduc-tions in their environmental WHAT CAN tions in their environmental impacts and energy bills.WHAT CAN impacts and energy bills.Clarke Caton HintzWHAT CAN Clarke Caton Hintzits energy and resource con-WHAT CAN its energy and resource con-sumption and will bolster the WHAT CAN sumption and will bolster the staff’s knowledge of sustain-WHAT CAN staff’s knowledge of sustain-ability to ensure that the fi rm’s WHAT CAN ability to ensure that the fi rm’s pledge extends well beyond WHAT CAN pledge extends well beyond WHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-WHAT CAN

will cre-CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-CREW – Lehigh Valley municipalities and municipal WHAT CAN

municipalities and municipal KO AngottiWHAT CAN KO Angotti

WHAT CAN WHAT CAN WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-

WHAT CAN mixed-use projects receiv-ing city funding and pledges

WHAT CAN ing city funding and pledges

WHAT CAN ing city funding and pledges

WHAT CAN ing city funding and pledges to improve Philadelphia’s

WHAT CAN to improve Philadelphia’s

WHAT CAN to improve Philadelphia’s

WHAT CAN to improve Philadelphia’s economy and environment

WHAT CAN economy and environment

WHAT CAN economy and environment

WHAT CAN economy and environment by empowering businesses, WHAT CAN by empowering businesses,

WHAT CAN by empowering businesses, WHAT CAN by empowering businesses, universities, and nonprofi ts WHAT CAN universities, and nonprofi ts WHAT CAN universities, and nonprofi ts WHAT CAN universities, and nonprofi ts to achieve substantial reduc-WHAT CAN to achieve substantial reduc-WHAT CAN to achieve substantial reduc-WHAT CAN to achieve substantial reduc-tions in their environmental WHAT CAN tions in their environmental WHAT CAN tions in their environmental WHAT CAN tions in their environmental impacts and energy bills.WHAT CAN impacts and energy bills.WHAT CAN impacts and energy bills.WHAT CAN impacts and energy bills.Clarke Caton HintzWHAT CAN Clarke Caton HintzWHAT CAN Clarke Caton HintzWHAT CAN Clarke Caton Hintz will lower WHAT CAN will lower WHAT CAN will lower WHAT CAN will lower its energy and resource con-WHAT CAN its energy and resource con-WHAT CAN its energy and resource con-WHAT CAN its energy and resource con-sumption and will bolster the WHAT CAN sumption and will bolster the WHAT CAN sumption and will bolster the WHAT CAN sumption and will bolster the staff’s knowledge of sustain-WHAT CAN staff’s knowledge of sustain-WHAT CAN staff’s knowledge of sustain-WHAT CAN staff’s knowledge of sustain-ability to ensure that the fi rm’s WHAT CAN ability to ensure that the fi rm’s WHAT CAN ability to ensure that the fi rm’s WHAT CAN ability to ensure that the fi rm’s pledge extends well beyond WHAT CAN pledge extends well beyond WHAT CAN pledge extends well beyond WHAT CAN pledge extends well beyond

CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN

CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-WHAT CAN will cre-WHAT CAN

will cre-WHAT CAN will cre-CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN

CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-CREW – Lehigh ValleyWHAT CAN CREW – Lehigh Valley will cre-CREW – Lehigh Valley

kWh/year and eliminating 84

WHAT CAN kWh/year and eliminating 84

WHAT CAN kWh/year and eliminating 84

WHAT CAN kWh/year and eliminating 84 tons/year of CO2 emissions.

WHAT CAN tons/year of CO2 emissions.

WHAT CAN tons/year of CO2 emissions.

WHAT CAN tons/year of CO2 emissions.Forbo Flooring Systems

WHAT CAN Forbo Flooring Systems

WHAT CAN Forbo Flooring Systems

WHAT CAN Forbo Flooring Systems will




have transparent, third-party

WHAT CAN have transparent, third-party

WHAT CAN have transparent, third-party

WHAT CAN have transparent, third-party verifi ed Environmental Prod-WHAT CAN verifi ed Environmental Prod-

WHAT CAN verifi ed Environmental Prod-WHAT CAN verifi ed Environmental Prod-uct Declarations for all its WHAT CAN uct Declarations for all its WHAT CAN uct Declarations for all its WHAT CAN uct Declarations for all its fl ooring products.WHAT CAN fl ooring products.WHAT CAN fl ooring products.WHAT CAN fl ooring products.Gilbane Building CompanyWHAT CAN Gilbane Building CompanyWHAT CAN Gilbane Building CompanyWHAT CAN Gilbane Building Companywill continue to promote and WHAT CAN will continue to promote and WHAT CAN will continue to promote and WHAT CAN will continue to promote and educate our clients, contrac-WHAT CAN educate our clients, contrac-WHAT CAN educate our clients, contrac-WHAT CAN educate our clients, contrac-tors, and employees about WHAT CAN tors, and employees about WHAT CAN tors, and employees about WHAT CAN tors, and employees about the benefi ts of sustainable de-WHAT CAN the benefi ts of sustainable de-WHAT CAN the benefi ts of sustainable de-WHAT CAN the benefi ts of sustainable de-sign and building practices.WHAT CAN sign and building practices.WHAT CAN sign and building practices.WHAT CAN sign and building practices.Gilmore and Associates, WHAT CAN Gilmore and Associates, WHAT CAN Gilmore and Associates, WHAT CAN Gilmore and Associates, Inc.WHAT CAN Inc.WHAT CAN Inc.WHAT CAN Inc. will advocate green in-WHAT CAN will advocate green in-WHAT CAN will advocate green in-WHAT CAN will advocate green in-frastructure options to 50 WHAT CAN frastructure options to 50 WHAT CAN frastructure options to 50 WHAT CAN frastructure options to 50 municipalities and municipal

WHAT CAN municipalities and municipal WHAT CAN municipalities and municipal

WHAT CAN municipalities and municipal

Buildings, renewable-energy,

WHAT CAN Buildings, renewable-energy,

WHAT CAN Buildings, renewable-energy,

WHAT CAN Buildings, renewable-energy, and/or energy-conservation

WHAT CAN and/or energy-conservation

WHAT CAN and/or energy-conservation

WHAT CAN and/or energy-conservation projects.

WHAT CAN projects.

WHAT CAN projects.

WHAT CAN projects.Kitchen and Associates

WHAT CAN Kitchen and Associates

WHAT CAN Kitchen and Associates

WHAT CAN Kitchen and Associates will




double the number of its WHAT CAN double the number of its

WHAT CAN double the number of its WHAT CAN double the number of its HERS raters, double the num-WHAT CAN HERS raters, double the num-WHAT CAN HERS raters, double the num-WHAT CAN HERS raters, double the num-ber of staff who lead its proj-WHAT CAN ber of staff who lead its proj-WHAT CAN ber of staff who lead its proj-WHAT CAN ber of staff who lead its proj-ects in achieving LEED cer-WHAT CAN ects in achieving LEED cer-WHAT CAN ects in achieving LEED cer-WHAT CAN ects in achieving LEED cer-tifi cation, and equip at least WHAT CAN tifi cation, and equip at least WHAT CAN tifi cation, and equip at least WHAT CAN tifi cation, and equip at least two staff with LEED for Homes WHAT CAN two staff with LEED for Homes WHAT CAN two staff with LEED for Homes WHAT CAN two staff with LEED for Homes accreditation.WHAT CAN accreditation.WHAT CAN accreditation.WHAT CAN accreditation.Knoll, Inc.WHAT CAN Knoll, Inc.WHAT CAN Knoll, Inc.WHAT CAN Knoll, Inc. will reduce the WHAT CAN will reduce the WHAT CAN will reduce the WHAT CAN will reduce the amount of waste landfi lled by WHAT CAN amount of waste landfi lled by WHAT CAN amount of waste landfi lled by WHAT CAN amount of waste landfi lled by 5%, taking the WHAT CAN 5%, taking the WHAT CAN 5%, taking the WHAT CAN 5%, taking the East GreenvilleWHAT CAN East GreenvilleWHAT CAN East GreenvilleWHAT CAN East Greenvillefacility to a greater than 90% WHAT CAN facility to a greater than 90% WHAT CAN facility to a greater than 90% WHAT CAN facility to a greater than 90% landfi ll avoidance.WHAT CAN landfi ll avoidance.WHAT CAN landfi ll avoidance.WHAT CAN landfi ll avoidance.KO Angotti


WHAT CAN KO Angotti will source locally WHAT CAN will source locally WHAT CAN

will source locally WHAT CAN will source locally

signifi cant recycling hurdles:

WHAT CAN signifi cant recycling hurdles:

WHAT CAN signifi cant recycling hurdles:

WHAT CAN signifi cant recycling hurdles: over 21 million pounds VCT

WHAT CAN over 21 million pounds VCT

WHAT CAN over 21 million pounds VCT

WHAT CAN over 21 million pounds VCT recycled and two million

WHAT CAN recycled and two million

WHAT CAN recycled and two million

WHAT CAN recycled and two million pounds recycled regional

WHAT CAN pounds recycled regional

WHAT CAN pounds recycled regional

WHAT CAN pounds recycled regional drywall (6 year total).WHAT CAN drywall (6 year total).

WHAT CAN drywall (6 year total).WHAT CAN drywall (6 year total).Mark GroupWHAT CAN Mark GroupWHAT CAN Mark GroupWHAT CAN Mark Group pledges to help WHAT CAN pledges to help WHAT CAN pledges to help WHAT CAN pledges to help 2,013 Delaware Valley homes WHAT CAN 2,013 Delaware Valley homes WHAT CAN 2,013 Delaware Valley homes WHAT CAN 2,013 Delaware Valley homes save energy and money WHAT CAN save energy and money WHAT CAN save energy and money WHAT CAN save energy and money through energy analysis WHAT CAN through energy analysis WHAT CAN through energy analysis WHAT CAN through energy analysis and energy-effi ciency home WHAT CAN and energy-effi ciency home WHAT CAN and energy-effi ciency home WHAT CAN and energy-effi ciency home improvements.WHAT CAN improvements.WHAT CAN improvements.WHAT CAN improvements.Metcalfe Architecture and WHAT CAN Metcalfe Architecture and WHAT CAN Metcalfe Architecture and WHAT CAN Metcalfe Architecture and DesignWHAT CAN DesignWHAT CAN DesignWHAT CAN Design will partner with the WHAT CAN will partner with the WHAT CAN will partner with the WHAT CAN will partner with the PA Horticultural Society and WHAT CAN PA Horticultural Society and WHAT CAN PA Horticultural Society and WHAT CAN PA Horticultural Society and local schools to promote the WHAT CAN local schools to promote the WHAT CAN local schools to promote the WHAT CAN local schools to promote the use of sustainable design and WHAT CAN use of sustainable design and WHAT CAN use of sustainable design and WHAT CAN use of sustainable design and growth of green education in

WHAT CAN growth of green education in WHAT CAN growth of green education in

WHAT CAN growth of green education in

will help school, commercial,

WHAT CAN will help school, commercial,

WHAT CAN will help school, commercial,

WHAT CAN will help school, commercial, and municipal clients get to

WHAT CAN and municipal clients get to

WHAT CAN and municipal clients get to

WHAT CAN and municipal clients get to an aggregate $3 million in

WHAT CAN an aggregate $3 million in

WHAT CAN an aggregate $3 million in

WHAT CAN an aggregate $3 million in energy savings and 30 mil-

WHAT CAN energy savings and 30 mil-

WHAT CAN energy savings and 30 mil-

WHAT CAN energy savings and 30 mil-lion pounds in CO2 emission WHAT CAN lion pounds in CO2 emission

WHAT CAN lion pounds in CO2 emission WHAT CAN lion pounds in CO2 emission reductions on their projects.WHAT CAN reductions on their projects.WHAT CAN reductions on their projects.WHAT CAN reductions on their projects.Project HOMEWHAT CAN Project HOMEWHAT CAN Project HOMEWHAT CAN Project HOME pledges that WHAT CAN pledges that WHAT CAN pledges that WHAT CAN pledges that all future buildings will be WHAT CAN all future buildings will be WHAT CAN all future buildings will be WHAT CAN all future buildings will be LEED certifi ed and to reduce WHAT CAN LEED certifi ed and to reduce WHAT CAN LEED certifi ed and to reduce WHAT CAN LEED certifi ed and to reduce the environmental impact of WHAT CAN the environmental impact of WHAT CAN the environmental impact of WHAT CAN the environmental impact of its existing buildings.WHAT CAN its existing buildings.WHAT CAN its existing buildings.WHAT CAN its existing buildings.Re:Vision ArchitectureWHAT CAN Re:Vision ArchitectureWHAT CAN Re:Vision ArchitectureWHAT CAN Re:Vision Architecturehave certifi ed 100 LEED Build-WHAT CAN have certifi ed 100 LEED Build-WHAT CAN have certifi ed 100 LEED Build-WHAT CAN have certifi ed 100 LEED Build-ings, 20 of them LEED plati-WHAT CAN ings, 20 of them LEED plati-WHAT CAN ings, 20 of them LEED plati-WHAT CAN ings, 20 of them LEED plati-num, and neared certifi cation WHAT CAN num, and neared certifi cation WHAT CAN num, and neared certifi cation WHAT CAN num, and neared certifi cation on a Living Building Chal-WHAT CAN on a Living Building Chal-WHAT CAN on a Living Building Chal-WHAT CAN on a Living Building Chal-lenge project.

WHAT CAN lenge project.WHAT CAN lenge project.

WHAT CAN lenge project.

WE GREEN BY materials for every interior de-

WE GREEN BY materials for every interior de- ware Valley.

WE GREEN BY ware Valley. its integrated project team of

WE GREEN BY its integrated project team of ings HUB


WE GREEN BY ing legislation to create a WE GREEN BY ing legislation to create a materials in 100% of their WE GREEN BY

materials in 100% of their Lafayette CollegeWE GREEN BY Lafayette Collegeproviding employees a Tran-WE GREEN BY

providing employees a Tran-WE GREEN BY WE GREEN BY WE GREEN BY

materials and native plantings

WE GREEN BY materials and native plantings

WE GREEN BY materials and native plantings

WE GREEN BY materials and native plantings for the children of Grace Mon-

WE GREEN BY for the children of Grace Mon-

WE GREEN BY for the children of Grace Mon-

WE GREEN BY for the children of Grace Mon-tessori School in Allentown,

WE GREEN BY tessori School in Allentown,

WE GREEN BY tessori School in Allentown,

WE GREEN BY tessori School in Allentown, PA.



WE GREEN BY PA.County Line Nurseries, Inc.WE GREEN BY County Line Nurseries, Inc.

WE GREEN BY County Line Nurseries, Inc.WE GREEN BY County Line Nurseries, Inc.will provide education on sus-WE GREEN BY will provide education on sus-WE GREEN BY will provide education on sus-WE GREEN BY will provide education on sus-tainable landscapes to reach WE GREEN BY tainable landscapes to reach WE GREEN BY tainable landscapes to reach WE GREEN BY tainable landscapes to reach 1,000 students in the Dela-WE GREEN BY 1,000 students in the Dela-WE GREEN BY 1,000 students in the Dela-WE GREEN BY 1,000 students in the Dela-ware Valley. WE GREEN BY ware Valley. WE GREEN BY ware Valley. WE GREEN BY ware Valley. CPM Housing Group will de-WE GREEN BY CPM Housing Group will de-WE GREEN BY CPM Housing Group will de-WE GREEN BY CPM Housing Group will de-liver 1,000 units of green and WE GREEN BY liver 1,000 units of green and WE GREEN BY liver 1,000 units of green and WE GREEN BY liver 1,000 units of green and affordable housing.WE GREEN BY affordable housing.WE GREEN BY affordable housing.WE GREEN BY affordable housing.DVGBC – Delaware BranchWE GREEN BY DVGBC – Delaware BranchWE GREEN BY DVGBC – Delaware BranchWE GREEN BY DVGBC – Delaware Branchwill engage the State of WE GREEN BY will engage the State of WE GREEN BY will engage the State of WE GREEN BY will engage the State of Delaware General Assembly WE GREEN BY Delaware General Assembly WE GREEN BY Delaware General Assembly WE GREEN BY Delaware General Assembly in providing and support-WE GREEN BY in providing and support-WE GREEN BY in providing and support-WE GREEN BY in providing and support-ing legislation to create a WE GREEN BY ing legislation to create a WE GREEN BY

ing legislation to create a WE GREEN BY ing legislation to create a

ternatives to historically gray

WE GREEN BY ternatives to historically gray

WE GREEN BY ternatives to historically gray

WE GREEN BY ternatives to historically gray infrastructure decisions.

WE GREEN BY infrastructure decisions.

WE GREEN BY infrastructure decisions.

WE GREEN BY infrastructure decisions. The



WE GREEN BY The Greater Philadelphia

WE GREEN BY Greater Philadelphia

WE GREEN BY Greater Philadelphia

WE GREEN BY Greater Philadelphia

Chamber of Commerce

WE GREEN BY Chamber of Commerce

WE GREEN BY Chamber of Commerce

WE GREEN BY Chamber of Commerce will




hosts corporate responsibility WE GREEN BY hosts corporate responsibility

WE GREEN BY hosts corporate responsibility WE GREEN BY hosts corporate responsibility and sustainability educational WE GREEN BY and sustainability educational WE GREEN BY and sustainability educational WE GREEN BY and sustainability educational programs for its 5,000 mem-WE GREEN BY programs for its 5,000 mem-WE GREEN BY programs for its 5,000 mem-WE GREEN BY programs for its 5,000 mem-ber organizations and the WE GREEN BY ber organizations and the WE GREEN BY ber organizations and the WE GREEN BY ber organizations and the general public.WE GREEN BY general public.WE GREEN BY general public.WE GREEN BY general public.GreenableWE GREEN BY GreenableWE GREEN BY GreenableWE GREEN BY Greenable pledges to get WE GREEN BY pledges to get WE GREEN BY pledges to get WE GREEN BY pledges to get green building products WE GREEN BY green building products WE GREEN BY green building products WE GREEN BY green building products specifi ed and used by archi-WE GREEN BY specifi ed and used by archi-WE GREEN BY specifi ed and used by archi-WE GREEN BY specifi ed and used by archi-tects and builders in 20 new, WE GREEN BY tects and builders in 20 new, WE GREEN BY tects and builders in 20 new, WE GREEN BY tects and builders in 20 new, local green building projects. WE GREEN BY local green building projects. WE GREEN BY local green building projects. WE GREEN BY local green building projects. Greensaw Design and BuildWE GREEN BY Greensaw Design and BuildWE GREEN BY Greensaw Design and BuildWE GREEN BY Greensaw Design and Buildwill use reclaimed or salvaged WE GREEN BY will use reclaimed or salvaged WE GREEN BY will use reclaimed or salvaged WE GREEN BY will use reclaimed or salvaged materials in 100% of their

WE GREEN BY materials in 100% of their WE GREEN BY materials in 100% of their

WE GREEN BY materials in 100% of their

materials for every interior de-

WE GREEN BY materials for every interior de-

WE GREEN BY materials for every interior de-

WE GREEN BY materials for every interior de-sign project.

WE GREEN BY sign project.

WE GREEN BY sign project.

WE GREEN BY sign project.KSK Architects Planners His-

WE GREEN BY KSK Architects Planners His-

WE GREEN BY KSK Architects Planners His-

WE GREEN BY KSK Architects Planners His-torians, Inc

WE GREEN BY torians, Inc

WE GREEN BY torians, Inc

WE GREEN BY torians, Inc. will use green

WE GREEN BY . will use green

WE GREEN BY . will use green

WE GREEN BY . will use green

building standards in the de-WE GREEN BY building standards in the de-

WE GREEN BY building standards in the de-WE GREEN BY building standards in the de-sign and construction of near-WE GREEN BY sign and construction of near-WE GREEN BY sign and construction of near-WE GREEN BY sign and construction of near-ly 100 affordable, energy-effi -WE GREEN BY ly 100 affordable, energy-effi -WE GREEN BY ly 100 affordable, energy-effi -WE GREEN BY ly 100 affordable, energy-effi -cient housing units for low- to WE GREEN BY cient housing units for low- to WE GREEN BY cient housing units for low- to WE GREEN BY cient housing units for low- to moderate-income residents.WE GREEN BY moderate-income residents.WE GREEN BY moderate-income residents.WE GREEN BY moderate-income residents.KSS WE GREEN BY KSS WE GREEN BY KSS WE GREEN BY KSS will adopt a Green Speci-WE GREEN BY will adopt a Green Speci-WE GREEN BY will adopt a Green Speci-WE GREEN BY will adopt a Green Speci-fi cations Guide for the entire WE GREEN BY fi cations Guide for the entire WE GREEN BY fi cations Guide for the entire WE GREEN BY fi cations Guide for the entire fi rm to use as projects are de-WE GREEN BY fi rm to use as projects are de-WE GREEN BY fi rm to use as projects are de-WE GREEN BY fi rm to use as projects are de-veloped to ensure the inclu-WE GREEN BY veloped to ensure the inclu-WE GREEN BY veloped to ensure the inclu-WE GREEN BY veloped to ensure the inclu-sion of sustainable measures WE GREEN BY sion of sustainable measures WE GREEN BY sion of sustainable measures WE GREEN BY sion of sustainable measures regardless of pursuit of LEED WE GREEN BY regardless of pursuit of LEED WE GREEN BY regardless of pursuit of LEED WE GREEN BY regardless of pursuit of LEED certifi cation.WE GREEN BY certifi cation.WE GREEN BY certifi cation.WE GREEN BY certifi cation.Lafayette College

WE GREEN BY Lafayette CollegeWE GREEN BY Lafayette College

WE GREEN BY Lafayette College will uphold WE GREEN BY will uphold WE GREEN BY

will uphold WE GREEN BY will uphold

ware Valley.

WE GREEN BY ware Valley.

WE GREEN BY ware Valley.

WE GREEN BY ware Valley.Meyer Design

WE GREEN BY Meyer Design

WE GREEN BY Meyer Design

WE GREEN BY Meyer Design will certify one

WE GREEN BY will certify one

WE GREEN BY will certify one

WE GREEN BY will certify one

LEED Silver assisted-living fa-

WE GREEN BY LEED Silver assisted-living fa-

WE GREEN BY LEED Silver assisted-living fa-

WE GREEN BY LEED Silver assisted-living fa-cility, two LEED-certifi ed com-

WE GREEN BY cility, two LEED-certifi ed com-

WE GREEN BY cility, two LEED-certifi ed com-

WE GREEN BY cility, two LEED-certifi ed com-mercial interiors projects, and WE GREEN BY mercial interiors projects, and

WE GREEN BY mercial interiors projects, and WE GREEN BY mercial interiors projects, and will offset 100% of its build-WE GREEN BY will offset 100% of its build-WE GREEN BY will offset 100% of its build-WE GREEN BY will offset 100% of its build-ing’s energy use with Renew-WE GREEN BY ing’s energy use with Renew-WE GREEN BY ing’s energy use with Renew-WE GREEN BY ing’s energy use with Renew-able Energy Credits. WE GREEN BY able Energy Credits. WE GREEN BY able Energy Credits. WE GREEN BY able Energy Credits. PECOWE GREEN BY PECOWE GREEN BY PECOWE GREEN BY PECO will attain LEED certifi -WE GREEN BY will attain LEED certifi -WE GREEN BY will attain LEED certifi -WE GREEN BY will attain LEED certifi -cation for 10 of its buildings WE GREEN BY cation for 10 of its buildings WE GREEN BY cation for 10 of its buildings WE GREEN BY cation for 10 of its buildings and save customers more WE GREEN BY and save customers more WE GREEN BY and save customers more WE GREEN BY and save customers more than 1 million MWh with its WE GREEN BY than 1 million MWh with its WE GREEN BY than 1 million MWh with its WE GREEN BY than 1 million MWh with its PECO Smart Ideas programs. WE GREEN BY PECO Smart Ideas programs. WE GREEN BY PECO Smart Ideas programs. WE GREEN BY PECO Smart Ideas programs. PennFutureWE GREEN BY PennFutureWE GREEN BY PennFutureWE GREEN BY PennFuture and WE GREEN BY and WE GREEN BY and WE GREEN BY and Next Great WE GREEN BY Next Great WE GREEN BY Next Great WE GREEN BY Next Great CityWE GREEN BY CityWE GREEN BY CityWE GREEN BY City will continue to organize WE GREEN BY will continue to organize WE GREEN BY will continue to organize WE GREEN BY will continue to organize City will continue to organize CityWE GREEN BY City will continue to organize CityWE GREEN BY City will continue to organize CityWE GREEN BY City will continue to organize Cityand help lead the Coalition WE GREEN BY and help lead the Coalition WE GREEN BY and help lead the Coalition WE GREEN BY and help lead the Coalition for an Energy Effi cient Phila-

WE GREEN BY for an Energy Effi cient Phila-WE GREEN BY for an Energy Effi cient Phila-

WE GREEN BY for an Energy Effi cient Phila-

its integrated project team of

WE GREEN BY its integrated project team of

WE GREEN BY its integrated project team of

WE GREEN BY its integrated project team of architects, engineers, land-

WE GREEN BY architects, engineers, land-

WE GREEN BY architects, engineers, land-

WE GREEN BY architects, engineers, land-scape architects, and build-

WE GREEN BY scape architects, and build-

WE GREEN BY scape architects, and build-

WE GREEN BY scape architects, and build-ers on fi ve new sustainable,

WE GREEN BY ers on fi ve new sustainable,

WE GREEN BY ers on fi ve new sustainable,

WE GREEN BY ers on fi ve new sustainable, farm-to-table projects in the WE GREEN BY farm-to-table projects in the

WE GREEN BY farm-to-table projects in the WE GREEN BY farm-to-table projects in the Philadelphia region. WE GREEN BY Philadelphia region. WE GREEN BY Philadelphia region. WE GREEN BY Philadelphia region. ResonateWE GREEN BY ResonateWE GREEN BY ResonateWE GREEN BY Resonate, a Philadelphia-WE GREEN BY , a Philadelphia-WE GREEN BY , a Philadelphia-WE GREEN BY , a Philadelphia-based sustainability man-WE GREEN BY based sustainability man-WE GREEN BY based sustainability man-WE GREEN BY based sustainability man-agement fi rm, will provide WE GREEN BY agement fi rm, will provide WE GREEN BY agement fi rm, will provide WE GREEN BY agement fi rm, will provide seven internships that will WE GREEN BY seven internships that will WE GREEN BY seven internships that will WE GREEN BY seven internships that will deliver signifi cant education-WE GREEN BY deliver signifi cant education-WE GREEN BY deliver signifi cant education-WE GREEN BY deliver signifi cant education-al and practical experience WE GREEN BY al and practical experience WE GREEN BY al and practical experience WE GREEN BY al and practical experience for aspiring sustainability WE GREEN BY for aspiring sustainability WE GREEN BY for aspiring sustainability WE GREEN BY for aspiring sustainability professionals.WE GREEN BY professionals.WE GREEN BY professionals.WE GREEN BY professionals.Resource Dynamics/Green WE GREEN BY Resource Dynamics/Green WE GREEN BY Resource Dynamics/Green WE GREEN BY Resource Dynamics/Green Building EducationWE GREEN BY Building EducationWE GREEN BY Building EducationWE GREEN BY Building Education will have WE GREEN BY will have WE GREEN BY will have WE GREEN BY will have trained over 8,000 people

WE GREEN BY trained over 8,000 people WE GREEN BY trained over 8,000 people

WE GREEN BY trained over 8,000 people

duce its carbon footprint and

WE GREEN BY duce its carbon footprint and

WE GREEN BY duce its carbon footprint and

WE GREEN BY duce its carbon footprint and energy usage by downsizing its

WE GREEN BY energy usage by downsizing its

WE GREEN BY energy usage by downsizing its

WE GREEN BY energy usage by downsizing its offi ce space 72% (3,800 square

WE GREEN BY offi ce space 72% (3,800 square

WE GREEN BY offi ce space 72% (3,800 square

WE GREEN BY offi ce space 72% (3,800 square feet to 1,060 square feet) and WE GREEN BY feet to 1,060 square feet) and

WE GREEN BY feet to 1,060 square feet) and WE GREEN BY feet to 1,060 square feet) and renovating and moving into an WE GREEN BY renovating and moving into an WE GREEN BY renovating and moving into an WE GREEN BY renovating and moving into an

will WE GREEN BY will WE GREEN BY will WE GREEN BY will improve the overall MPG of its WE GREEN BY improve the overall MPG of its WE GREEN BY improve the overall MPG of its WE GREEN BY improve the overall MPG of its 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through WE GREEN BY 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through WE GREEN BY 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through WE GREEN BY 25 vehicle fl eet by 20% through a Prius for Clunkers program WE GREEN BY a Prius for Clunkers program WE GREEN BY a Prius for Clunkers program WE GREEN BY a Prius for Clunkers program where older, ineffi cient ve-WE GREEN BY where older, ineffi cient ve-WE GREEN BY where older, ineffi cient ve-WE GREEN BY where older, ineffi cient ve-hicles are replaced with hybrid WE GREEN BY hicles are replaced with hybrid WE GREEN BY hicles are replaced with hybrid WE GREEN BY hicles are replaced with hybrid

, pledges WE GREEN BY , pledges WE GREEN BY , pledges WE GREEN BY , pledges to reduce CO2 emissions by WE GREEN BY to reduce CO2 emissions by WE GREEN BY to reduce CO2 emissions by WE GREEN BY to reduce CO2 emissions by providing employees a Tran-

WE GREEN BY providing employees a Tran-WE GREEN BY providing employees a Tran-

WE GREEN BY providing employees a Tran-

ings HUB



WE GREEN BY ings HUBspectrum energy-effi ciency

WE GREEN BY spectrum energy-effi ciency

WE GREEN BY spectrum energy-effi ciency

WE GREEN BY spectrum energy-effi ciency retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-

WE GREEN BY retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-

WE GREEN BY retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-

WE GREEN BY retrofi ts in fi ve regional com-mercial buildings.

WE GREEN BY mercial buildings.

WE GREEN BY mercial buildings.

WE GREEN BY mercial buildings.The Food TrustWE GREEN BY The Food Trust

WE GREEN BY The Food TrustWE GREEN BY The Food Trustexpand access to and culti-WE GREEN BY expand access to and culti-WE GREEN BY expand access to and culti-WE GREEN BY expand access to and culti-vate a lasting appreciation WE GREEN BY vate a lasting appreciation WE GREEN BY vate a lasting appreciation WE GREEN BY vate a lasting appreciation for fresh, healthy, and local WE GREEN BY for fresh, healthy, and local WE GREEN BY for fresh, healthy, and local WE GREEN BY for fresh, healthy, and local food by working with chil-WE GREEN BY food by working with chil-WE GREEN BY food by working with chil-WE GREEN BY food by working with chil-dren in 40 school gardens WE GREEN BY dren in 40 school gardens WE GREEN BY dren in 40 school gardens WE GREEN BY dren in 40 school gardens throughout the Philadelphia WE GREEN BY throughout the Philadelphia WE GREEN BY throughout the Philadelphia WE GREEN BY throughout the Philadelphia region.WE GREEN BY region.WE GREEN BY region.WE GREEN BY region.The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-WE GREEN BY The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-WE GREEN BY The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-WE GREEN BY The Ritz-Carlton Philadel-phiaWE GREEN BY phiaWE GREEN BY phiaWE GREEN BY phiaguest room lighting to be WE GREEN BY guest room lighting to be WE GREEN BY guest room lighting to be WE GREEN BY guest room lighting to be 100% LED by October 31, WE GREEN BY 100% LED by October 31, WE GREEN BY 100% LED by October 31, WE GREEN BY 100% LED by October 31, 2013.



GREENBUILD?ment a Climate Action Plan

GREENBUILD?ment a Climate Action Plan PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri-

GREENBUILD?PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri- ing and pledges 25 scholar-

GREENBUILD?ing and pledges 25 scholar- pledges to convert its of-

GREENBUILD?pledges to convert its of-

GREENBUILD?ment; reusable water bottles

GREENBUILD?ment; reusable water bottles will be given to Stone House

GREENBUILD?will be given to Stone House Group employees and their

GREENBUILD?Group employees and their families.GREENBUILD?families.The Thomas Scattergood GREENBUILD?The Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foun-GREENBUILD?Behavioral Health Foun-dationGREENBUILD?dationrecycling efforts, improve GREENBUILD?recycling efforts, improve storm-water manage-GREENBUILD?storm-water manage-ment practices on site, and GREENBUILD?ment practices on site, and constr¬¬uct a boardwalk GREENBUILD?constr¬¬uct a boardwalk with local materials on the GREENBUILD?with local materials on the local Tacony Creek.GREENBUILD?local Tacony Creek.The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?

ZeroWire energy harvesting GREENBUILD?ZeroWire energy harvesting 45% of daily commutes and GREENBUILD?

45% of daily commutes and representative become GREENBUILD?representative become


GREENBUILD?Dilworth Paxson, LLP

GREENBUILD?Dilworth Paxson, LLP

GREENBUILD?Dilworth Paxson, LLP will




install aesthetic and size-

GREENBUILD?install aesthetic and size-

GREENBUILD?install aesthetic and size-

GREENBUILD?install aesthetic and size-appropriate recycling bins in

GREENBUILD?appropriate recycling bins in

GREENBUILD?appropriate recycling bins in

GREENBUILD?appropriate recycling bins in each conference room, coffee GREENBUILD?each conference room, coffee

GREENBUILD?each conference room, coffee GREENBUILD?each conference room, coffee service area, and copy/work GREENBUILD?service area, and copy/work GREENBUILD?service area, and copy/work GREENBUILD?service area, and copy/work station, encourage public GREENBUILD?station, encourage public GREENBUILD?station, encourage public GREENBUILD?station, encourage public transportation and car pool-GREENBUILD?transportation and car pool-GREENBUILD?transportation and car pool-GREENBUILD?transportation and car pool-ing, and lower shades to re-GREENBUILD?ing, and lower shades to re-GREENBUILD?ing, and lower shades to re-GREENBUILD?ing, and lower shades to re-duce energy use.GREENBUILD?duce energy use.GREENBUILD?duce energy use.GREENBUILD?duce energy use.Duffi eld AssociatesGREENBUILD?Duffi eld AssociatesGREENBUILD?Duffi eld AssociatesGREENBUILD?Duffi eld Associates will in-GREENBUILD? will in-GREENBUILD? will in-GREENBUILD? will in-corporate and document GREENBUILD?corporate and document GREENBUILD?corporate and document GREENBUILD?corporate and document sustainability considerations GREENBUILD?sustainability considerations GREENBUILD?sustainability considerations GREENBUILD?sustainability considerations on 100% of its soil, water, and GREENBUILD?on 100% of its soil, water, and GREENBUILD?on 100% of its soil, water, and GREENBUILD?on 100% of its soil, water, and environmental client projects.GREENBUILD?environmental client projects.GREENBUILD?environmental client projects.GREENBUILD?environmental client projects.DVL AutomationGREENBUILD?DVL AutomationGREENBUILD?DVL AutomationGREENBUILD?DVL Automation will deploy GREENBUILD? will deploy GREENBUILD? will deploy GREENBUILD? will deploy ZeroWire energy harvesting

GREENBUILD?ZeroWire energy harvesting GREENBUILD?ZeroWire energy harvesting

GREENBUILD?ZeroWire energy harvesting

Habitat for Humanity Philadel-

GREENBUILD?Habitat for Humanity Philadel-

GREENBUILD?Habitat for Humanity Philadel-

GREENBUILD?Habitat for Humanity Philadel-phia will build to LEED Silver

GREENBUILD?phia will build to LEED Silver

GREENBUILD?phia will build to LEED Silver

GREENBUILD?phia will build to LEED Silver standards on all new con-

GREENBUILD?standards on all new con-

GREENBUILD?standards on all new con-

GREENBUILD?standards on all new con-struction projects.

GREENBUILD?struction projects.

GREENBUILD?struction projects.

GREENBUILD?struction projects.Hanson General Contract-GREENBUILD?Hanson General Contract-

GREENBUILD?Hanson General Contract-GREENBUILD?Hanson General Contract-ingGREENBUILD?ingGREENBUILD?ingGREENBUILD?ing will implement a plan GREENBUILD? will implement a plan GREENBUILD? will implement a plan GREENBUILD? will implement a plan to educate its clients about GREENBUILD?to educate its clients about GREENBUILD?to educate its clients about GREENBUILD?to educate its clients about energy effi ciency and its im-GREENBUILD?energy effi ciency and its im-GREENBUILD?energy effi ciency and its im-GREENBUILD?energy effi ciency and its im-pact on existing and historic GREENBUILD?pact on existing and historic GREENBUILD?pact on existing and historic GREENBUILD?pact on existing and historic structures.GREENBUILD?structures.GREENBUILD?structures.GREENBUILD?structures.Harkins BuildersGREENBUILD?Harkins BuildersGREENBUILD?Harkins BuildersGREENBUILD?Harkins Builders will imple-GREENBUILD? will imple-GREENBUILD? will imple-GREENBUILD? will imple-ment a sustainability and GREENBUILD?ment a sustainability and GREENBUILD?ment a sustainability and GREENBUILD?ment a sustainability and recycling program/policy GREENBUILD?recycling program/policy GREENBUILD?recycling program/policy GREENBUILD?recycling program/policy throughout its organization.GREENBUILD?throughout its organization.GREENBUILD?throughout its organization.GREENBUILD?throughout its organization.Heckendorn Shiles ArchitectsGREENBUILD?Heckendorn Shiles ArchitectsGREENBUILD?Heckendorn Shiles ArchitectsGREENBUILD?Heckendorn Shiles Architectswill utilize public transit on GREENBUILD?will utilize public transit on GREENBUILD?will utilize public transit on GREENBUILD?will utilize public transit on 45% of daily commutes and

GREENBUILD?45% of daily commutes and GREENBUILD?45% of daily commutes and

GREENBUILD?45% of daily commutes and

ment a Climate Action Plan

GREENBUILD?ment a Climate Action Plan

GREENBUILD?ment a Climate Action Plan

GREENBUILD?ment a Climate Action Plan to reduce its carbon footprint

GREENBUILD?to reduce its carbon footprint

GREENBUILD?to reduce its carbon footprint

GREENBUILD?to reduce its carbon footprint by 20%.






GREENBUILD?The Lehigh Valley Sustain-

GREENBUILD?Lehigh Valley Sustain-

GREENBUILD?Lehigh Valley Sustain-

GREENBUILD?Lehigh Valley Sustain-

ability NetworkGREENBUILD?ability Network

GREENBUILD?ability NetworkGREENBUILD?ability Network will create GREENBUILD? will create

GREENBUILD? will create GREENBUILD? will create ability Network will create ability NetworkGREENBUILD?ability Network will create ability Network

GREENBUILD?ability Network will create ability NetworkGREENBUILD?ability Network will create ability Networka web resource as a plat-GREENBUILD?a web resource as a plat-GREENBUILD?a web resource as a plat-GREENBUILD?a web resource as a plat-form for communication and GREENBUILD?form for communication and GREENBUILD?form for communication and GREENBUILD?form for communication and collaboration.GREENBUILD?collaboration.GREENBUILD?collaboration.GREENBUILD?collaboration.Liberty Property TrustGREENBUILD?Liberty Property TrustGREENBUILD?Liberty Property TrustGREENBUILD?Liberty Property Trust pledg-GREENBUILD? pledg-GREENBUILD? pledg-GREENBUILD? pledg-es to certify its 50th LEED GREENBUILD?es to certify its 50th LEED GREENBUILD?es to certify its 50th LEED GREENBUILD?es to certify its 50th LEED building, its 100th Energy Star GREENBUILD?building, its 100th Energy Star GREENBUILD?building, its 100th Energy Star GREENBUILD?building, its 100th Energy Star building, and to deploy smart GREENBUILD?building, and to deploy smart GREENBUILD?building, and to deploy smart GREENBUILD?building, and to deploy smart grid energy optimization/de-GREENBUILD?grid energy optimization/de-GREENBUILD?grid energy optimization/de-GREENBUILD?grid energy optimization/de-mand response technology in GREENBUILD?mand response technology in GREENBUILD?mand response technology in GREENBUILD?mand response technology in 10 regional buildings.GREENBUILD?10 regional buildings.GREENBUILD?10 regional buildings.GREENBUILD?10 regional buildings.Limeworks.usGREENBUILD?Limeworks.usGREENBUILD?Limeworks.usGREENBUILD? will have a GREENBUILD? will have a GREENBUILD? will have a GREENBUILD? will have a representative become

GREENBUILD?representative become GREENBUILD?representative become

GREENBUILD?representative become

PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri-

GREENBUILD?PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri-

GREENBUILD?PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri-

GREENBUILD?PA-DE Chapter of the Ameri-can Society of Landscape

GREENBUILD?can Society of Landscape

GREENBUILD?can Society of Landscape

GREENBUILD?can Society of Landscape Architects



GREENBUILD?Architects will challenge

GREENBUILD? will challenge

GREENBUILD? will challenge

GREENBUILD? will challenge

their members to design 13

GREENBUILD?their members to design 13

GREENBUILD?their members to design 13

GREENBUILD?their members to design 13 Sustainable SITES-qualifying GREENBUILD?Sustainable SITES-qualifying

GREENBUILD?Sustainable SITES-qualifying GREENBUILD?Sustainable SITES-qualifying projects.GREENBUILD?projects.GREENBUILD?projects.GREENBUILD?projects.PHSGREENBUILD?PHSGREENBUILD?PHSGREENBUILD?PHS will plant 250,000+ trees GREENBUILD? will plant 250,000+ trees GREENBUILD? will plant 250,000+ trees GREENBUILD? will plant 250,000+ trees region-wide through its Plant GREENBUILD?region-wide through its Plant GREENBUILD?region-wide through its Plant GREENBUILD?region-wide through its Plant One Million project, grow GREENBUILD?One Million project, grow GREENBUILD?One Million project, grow GREENBUILD?One Million project, grow 250,000+ pounds of food GREENBUILD?250,000+ pounds of food GREENBUILD?250,000+ pounds of food GREENBUILD?250,000+ pounds of food through City Harvest, and GREENBUILD?through City Harvest, and GREENBUILD?through City Harvest, and GREENBUILD?through City Harvest, and clean and green 250 acres GREENBUILD?clean and green 250 acres GREENBUILD?clean and green 250 acres GREENBUILD?clean and green 250 acres of vacant land throughout GREENBUILD?of vacant land throughout GREENBUILD?of vacant land throughout GREENBUILD?of vacant land throughout Philadelphia.GREENBUILD?Philadelphia.GREENBUILD?Philadelphia.GREENBUILD?Philadelphia.Pepper Hamilton LLPGREENBUILD?Pepper Hamilton LLPGREENBUILD?Pepper Hamilton LLPGREENBUILD?Pepper Hamilton LLP will in-GREENBUILD? will in-GREENBUILD? will in-GREENBUILD? will in-stall automatic light sensors GREENBUILD?stall automatic light sensors GREENBUILD?stall automatic light sensors GREENBUILD?stall automatic light sensors and use low-VOC products

GREENBUILD?and use low-VOC products GREENBUILD?and use low-VOC products

GREENBUILD?and use low-VOC products

ing and pledges 25 scholar-

GREENBUILD?ing and pledges 25 scholar-

GREENBUILD?ing and pledges 25 scholar-

GREENBUILD?ing and pledges 25 scholar-ships for Green Advantage

GREENBUILD?ships for Green Advantage

GREENBUILD?ships for Green Advantage

GREENBUILD?ships for Green Advantage Commercial Training.

GREENBUILD?Commercial Training.

GREENBUILD?Commercial Training.

GREENBUILD?Commercial Training.Revolution Recovery

GREENBUILD?Revolution Recovery

GREENBUILD?Revolution Recovery

GREENBUILD?Revolution Recovery will have

GREENBUILD? will have

GREENBUILD? will have

GREENBUILD? will have Revolution Recovery will have Revolution Recovery

GREENBUILD?Revolution Recovery will have Revolution Recovery

GREENBUILD?Revolution Recovery will have Revolution Recovery

GREENBUILD?Revolution Recovery will have Revolution Recoverycreated 85 jobs in the recy-GREENBUILD?created 85 jobs in the recy-

GREENBUILD?created 85 jobs in the recy-GREENBUILD?created 85 jobs in the recy-cling industry.GREENBUILD?cling industry.GREENBUILD?cling industry.GREENBUILD?cling industry.RoofmeadowGREENBUILD?RoofmeadowGREENBUILD?RoofmeadowGREENBUILD?Roofmeadow will provide GREENBUILD? will provide GREENBUILD? will provide GREENBUILD? will provide Roofmeadow will provide RoofmeadowGREENBUILD?Roofmeadow will provide RoofmeadowGREENBUILD?Roofmeadow will provide RoofmeadowGREENBUILD?Roofmeadow will provide Roofmeadowenough green roofs from GREENBUILD?enough green roofs from GREENBUILD?enough green roofs from GREENBUILD?enough green roofs from 2012–2013 throughout the GREENBUILD?2012–2013 throughout the GREENBUILD?2012–2013 throughout the GREENBUILD?2012–2013 throughout the Delaware Valley to keep 2.5 GREENBUILD?Delaware Valley to keep 2.5 GREENBUILD?Delaware Valley to keep 2.5 GREENBUILD?Delaware Valley to keep 2.5 million gallons of storm water GREENBUILD?million gallons of storm water GREENBUILD?million gallons of storm water GREENBUILD?million gallons of storm water out of the municipal sewer GREENBUILD?out of the municipal sewer GREENBUILD?out of the municipal sewer GREENBUILD?out of the municipal sewer systems.GREENBUILD?systems.GREENBUILD?systems.GREENBUILD?systems.Rushforth Solar GREENBUILD?Rushforth Solar GREENBUILD?Rushforth Solar GREENBUILD?Rushforth Solar will heat its GREENBUILD?will heat its GREENBUILD?will heat its GREENBUILD?will heat its building and hot water with GREENBUILD?building and hot water with GREENBUILD?building and hot water with GREENBUILD?building and hot water with no fossil fuels.GREENBUILD?no fossil fuels.GREENBUILD?no fossil fuels.GREENBUILD?no fossil fuels.Sanderson Architectural

GREENBUILD?Sanderson Architectural GREENBUILD?Sanderson Architectural

GREENBUILD?Sanderson Architectural will GREENBUILD?will GREENBUILD?

will GREENBUILD?will

installing electric-vehicle-

GREENBUILD?installing electric-vehicle-

GREENBUILD?installing electric-vehicle-

GREENBUILD?installing electric-vehicle-charging stations at several US

GREENBUILD?charging stations at several US

GREENBUILD?charging stations at several US

GREENBUILD?charging stations at several US

will have

GREENBUILD? will have

GREENBUILD? will have

GREENBUILD? will have

designed and certifi ed over 60 GREENBUILD?designed and certifi ed over 60

GREENBUILD?designed and certifi ed over 60 GREENBUILD?designed and certifi ed over 60 LEED Buildings for its clients GREENBUILD?LEED Buildings for its clients GREENBUILD?LEED Buildings for its clients GREENBUILD?LEED Buildings for its clients and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.GREENBUILD?and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.GREENBUILD?and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.GREENBUILD?and a Net-Zero Prototype Store.

will encourage GREENBUILD? will encourage GREENBUILD? will encourage GREENBUILD? will encourage 100% of its clients to utilize sus-GREENBUILD?100% of its clients to utilize sus-GREENBUILD?100% of its clients to utilize sus-GREENBUILD?100% of its clients to utilize sus-tainable building practices in GREENBUILD?tainable building practices in GREENBUILD?tainable building practices in GREENBUILD?tainable building practices in their new construction, rehabili-GREENBUILD?their new construction, rehabili-GREENBUILD?their new construction, rehabili-GREENBUILD?their new construction, rehabili-

will complete the de-GREENBUILD? will complete the de-GREENBUILD? will complete the de-GREENBUILD? will complete the de-sign of a rowhouse retrofi t GREENBUILD?sign of a rowhouse retrofi t GREENBUILD?sign of a rowhouse retrofi t GREENBUILD?sign of a rowhouse retrofi t to Passive House standards GREENBUILD?to Passive House standards GREENBUILD?to Passive House standards GREENBUILD?to Passive House standards for Habitat for Humanity of GREENBUILD?for Habitat for Humanity of GREENBUILD?for Habitat for Humanity of GREENBUILD?for Habitat for Humanity of

pledges to convert its of-

GREENBUILD?pledges to convert its of-

GREENBUILD?pledges to convert its of-

GREENBUILD?pledges to convert its of-fi ce to a bottle-free environ-

GREENBUILD?fi ce to a bottle-free environ-

GREENBUILD?fi ce to a bottle-free environ-

GREENBUILD?fi ce to a bottle-free environ-ment; reusable water bottles

GREENBUILD?ment; reusable water bottles

GREENBUILD?ment; reusable water bottles

GREENBUILD?ment; reusable water bottles will be given to Stone House

GREENBUILD?will be given to Stone House

GREENBUILD?will be given to Stone House

GREENBUILD?will be given to Stone House Group employees and their GREENBUILD?Group employees and their

GREENBUILD?Group employees and their GREENBUILD?Group employees and their families.GREENBUILD?families.GREENBUILD?families.GREENBUILD?families.The Thomas Scattergood GREENBUILD?The Thomas Scattergood GREENBUILD?The Thomas Scattergood GREENBUILD?The Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foun-GREENBUILD?Behavioral Health Foun-GREENBUILD?Behavioral Health Foun-GREENBUILD?Behavioral Health Foun-dationGREENBUILD?dationGREENBUILD?dationGREENBUILD?dationrecycling efforts, improve GREENBUILD?recycling efforts, improve GREENBUILD?recycling efforts, improve GREENBUILD?recycling efforts, improve storm-water manage-GREENBUILD?storm-water manage-GREENBUILD?storm-water manage-GREENBUILD?storm-water manage-ment practices on site, and GREENBUILD?ment practices on site, and GREENBUILD?ment practices on site, and GREENBUILD?ment practices on site, and constr¬¬uct a boardwalk GREENBUILD?constr¬¬uct a boardwalk GREENBUILD?constr¬¬uct a boardwalk GREENBUILD?constr¬¬uct a boardwalk with local materials on the GREENBUILD?with local materials on the GREENBUILD?with local materials on the GREENBUILD?with local materials on the local Tacony Creek.GREENBUILD?local Tacony Creek.GREENBUILD?local Tacony Creek.GREENBUILD?local Tacony Creek.The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-ford Watershed Partnership

GREENBUILD?ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?ford Watershed Partnership

GREENBUILD?ford Watershed Partnership


storm-water runoff, and the a sustainable community. storm-water runoff, and the

will educate and engage 1,000 stakeholders and resi-dents across the watershed about watershed protection, storm-water runoff, and the need for green infrastruc-ture through outreach, edu-cation, and projects.UJMN Architects + Design-ers ment a Sustainable Practices

GREENBUILD?ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?GREENBUILD?GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-GREENBUILD?The Tookany/Tacony-Frank-

ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?

ford Watershed PartnershipGREENBUILD?ford Watershed Partnership

complete the Hamilton Family tenant offi ce building. complete the Hamilton Family

partment billion to initiate the largest green storm-water infrastruc-ture program in the nation.The complete the Hamilton Family Children’s Zoo and Faris Fam-ily Education Center, the fi rst LEED-certifi ed building in a zoo in PA.Philip Rosenau Co.duce electric use by 10%, re-






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ntial to
















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G R E E N B U I L D I N G & D E S I G NJ U L Y + A U G U S T 2 0 1 6

Six experts on the critical resilient designs we must adopt now, p.54

S A V I N G O U R P E O P L E & P L A N E T

In Conversation: The Rockefeller Foundation’s

resilience guru Samuel Carter on collaborating

across disciplines and geographies to position

ourselves for strength, p. 12

Want to know how this Living Building Challenge environmental center’s rainwater harvesting and treatment system will keep operating even if the municipal water system fails? Turn to p. 64

July/August 2016 Building Value Issue | © Copyright Green Building & Design Magazine 2016



Five innovative projects from the host city of this year’s AIA Convention, p. 56

In Conversation with Philadelphia’s director of The Office of Sustainability, Christine Knapp, p. 12

Guest column: PennDesign professor Mark Alan Hughes on the best ways to make our cities sustainable, p. 110


G R E E N B U I L D I N G & D E S I G NM A Y + J U N E 2 0 1 6

SHRINK THE OFFICE: Turns out, it’s the one

surefire way to reduce the environmental footprint of

any workplace, p.72

How sports arenas are becoming some of our

country’s greenest buildings, p.26


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[email protected]

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[email protected] + Sustainability: How Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is Using Good R&D to Improve Our Built Environment


Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating Revolutionizes the HVAC Industry and Saves Millions

The Buildings & Energy Issue


January/February 2016 Buildings & Energy Issue | © Copyright Green Building & Design Magazine 2016