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  • 8/14/2019 Sustainable Manufacturing DeCuba


    Sustainable Manufacturing for improved

    Energy Conservation and Efficiency

    Sustainable Manufacturing Init iative for the Americas (SMA)

    ing. Kevin de Cuba, MSc.Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Division

    Department of Sustainable Development

    Organization of American States (OAS)

    OAS HeadquartersWashington, D.C., May 14, 2009

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    Consumption of Materials

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    The Story of Stuff

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    What is Sustainable Manufacturing?

    Sustainable manufacturing (SM) meets the needs of the present without

    compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.(U.N.)

    Sustainable manufacturing is defined as the creation of manufactured products

    that use processes that are non-polluting, conserve energy and naturalresources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities,and consumers.(U.S. Dep. of Commerce)

    Sustainable Manufacturing:holistic assessment of concerns of stakeholdersHolistic assessment of risks/benefits in the lifecycle of products and themanufacturing processes

    Be evaluated based on the environmental, social and economic impacts

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    How real is SM?

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    Ongoing efforts/initiatives in this

    green revolution

    Modern business jargon for SM:

    Cradle to Cradle

    Eco-effective design

    Industrial Ecology

    Product Stewardship


    Lean ManufacturingGreen Business

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Sustainable Consumption and Production

    Circular Economy

  • 8/14/2019 Sustainable Manufacturing DeCuba


    What is driving Sustainable Manufacturing?

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    SM from a Business Perspective

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    Policies/Legislation driving SM

    Agenda 21 Basil Convention (1992)

    Marrakech Process (2003) EU Emission Trading Scheme EU End-of-Life Vehicles Directive (ELV)

    By 2015 ->95% of weight of vehicle imported/sold in EU must be

    reused/recycled; 10% energy recovery and produce dismantlingmanuals and reports that identify components for disassembly witha view toward recoverability and recyclability

    J apan and Asia have similar regulatory goals, but implemented withdifferentiated mechanisms

    EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) Impacts 70% of Chinas electronics export -> China and Korea

    adapting to WEEE and RoHS EU Restriction of Use of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)

    Packaging Directive REACH (EU, 2007)

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    Challenges at company level

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    Challenges at company level

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    Challenges at company level

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  • 8/14/2019 Sustainable Manufacturing DeCuba


    Tackling the problem at the core

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    SM in the Americas?

    North America:

    Large multinational corporations

    High energy and water consumptionHigh GHG emissionsHigh wealth level

    Latin America and the Caribbean:Small and Medium EnterprisesRich in Natural Resources (gas, metals, etc.)Lower wages

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    SM in the Americas?

  • 8/14/2019 Sustainable Manufacturing DeCuba


    SM in the Americas?

  • 8/14/2019 Sustainable Manufacturing DeCuba


    Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative

    for the Americas

    1. How may the OAS Department of Sustainable

    Development position itself in this ongoing greening

    revolution in the manufacturing industry?

    GOAL: Foster better understanding of sustainable manufacturing andits impact on social, economic and environmental issues among key

    stakeholders in the Americas

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    Sustainable Partners to SMA

    2. Building a sustainable partnership for a Hemispheric


    Some potential key partners: OAS


    UNEP Trust for the Americas


    U.S. Department of Commerce

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    Sustainable Partners to SMA


    NACFAMs goal is to help manufacturing in the U.S.move toward sustainable manufacturing and industrialecology by helping its members determine how to close

    supply chain loops, drive through efficiency andtowards McDonough & Braungarts cradle-to-cradlemodel, develop objective research-based policyrecommendations, and create business opportunities

    within the sustainable manufacturing paradigm.

    Helps its members and U.S. manufacturing address themanufacturing of sustainableproducts and the

    sustainable manufacturing of all products.

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    Sustainable Partners to SMA

    U.S. Dep. of Commerce

    DOC has its Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative (SMI)and Public-Private Dialogue that aims to

    a) identify U.S. industrys most pressing sustainablemanufacturing challenges and

    b) coordinate public and private sector efforts to address thesechallenges.

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    Sustainable Partners to SMA

    IDB Group

    IDB: financial institution created to help accelerateeconomic and social development in Latin America andthe Caribbean

    IIC: promotes private-sector development in its targetmarket by making equity investments and providingterm loans to projects for which traditional financingwould otherwise not be available under similar terms

    MIF: Window I is intended to support public sectorpolicy reform and modernization, including updating thelegal framework affecting private enterprises.

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    Sustainable Partners to SMA

    Trust of the Americas

    The Trust for the Americas is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizationaffiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS) and wasestablished in 1997 to promote private and public sectorparticipation in projects that reflect the principal goals of the OAS.

    UNEP UNEP works to promote resource efficiency and sustainable

    consumption and production in both developed and developingcountries. The focus is on achieving increased understanding and

    implementation by public and private decision makers of policiesand actions for resource efficiency and sustainable consumptionand production (Sustainable Consumption and Production)

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    The SMA Strategy

    Stage 1 SUS MAN in the Americas: Setting the ground

    WP1. Background information: Manufacturing industry in the Americas

    WP2. State-of-the-art: Execute a technical review study on the needand potential for a regional or hemispheric approach/ program lead bythe OAS

    Stage 2 Spreading Closed-Loop Cycle Products: An eco-efficientdissemination

    WP3. Networking: Bringing key players together

    WP4. Stirring CLCP: the governments role

    WP5. Creating and spreading know-how: Brain to the cradle

    WP6. Cradling the manufacturing industry

    WP7. Building consciousness: Sustainable Product Consumption

    WP8. Wrap-up: maintaining CLCP Alive

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    Thank you!

    ing. Kevin de Cuba, MSc.

    Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Division

    Department of Sustainable Development

    Organization of American States (OAS)

    E: [email protected]

    T: +1-202-458-6467

  • 8/14/2019 Sustainable Manufacturing DeCuba


    Ongoing initiatives