sustainable tourism in the northern zone


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Sustainable tourism in the Northern Zone in Costa Rica


Page 1: Sustainable tourism in the Northern Zone

Thanks to the financial support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the administration of Fundecooperación for sustainable development, under the Programme of South-South Cooperation

Thanks to the financial support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the administration of Fundecooperación for sustainable development, under the Programme of South-South Cooperation


San José, Costa RicaPhone: (506) 2-290 8646

Fax:(506) 2-290-8667E-mail: [email protected]



Chhimi Yuden GyeltshenPhone: +975 2 323251 (o) +975 17636757 (m)

Fax: +975 2 323695E-mail: [email protected]:

Page 2: Sustainable tourism in the Northern Zone

One of the most beautiful countries in the world you to “COSTA RICA”, a small country located on the south region of Centroamerica, between Nicaragua and Panama, bordered in the west side by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribean Sea in the east, it has 51,100 kilometers of extension where visitors will find an authentic adventure across mountains, jungle and volcanoes. The kindness of its people their customs and traditions make this country a huge touristic treasure.

Our country is divided into 7 provinces, San José (the capital), Heredia, Alajuela, Cartago, Limón, Puntarenas and Guanacaste, each one keeps an authentic nature and culture beauty which are part of the attractions Costa Rica provides. It also has a population of 4,5 millions, the official language is Spanish and the currency is the “Colón”. The most important products of the country are the coffee and agricultural products highly recognized internationally.

REAL TOUR Caño Negro

Located in one of the most important places in Costa Rica due to be Ramsar site and recently declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, with 9.000 hectares, it shows one of the lushest landscapes of the natural environment that can be observed in Caño Negro Wetland.

Real Tour Association was established in 2006, focussed on providing a service to anyone wishing to learn about this extraordinary wetland, it is composed by a group of touristic tour guides of the area and water transport owners engaged in tourism.

Nowadays they offer trips to experience and enjoy the flora and fauna of the wetlands of Caño Negro, bird watching tours during which they develop an interpretation of the shelter life making it an unforgettable experience that visitor can not miss.


Costa Rica

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Costa Rica is recognized around the world for its democracy and peaceful way of life, at the present time it is governed for second time by a president who was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1989, in the search of the approval of the Peace Plan for Centroamerica. Additionally, Costa Rica is awarded worldwide for its efforts in environment, conservation and development of its communities.

Lush vegetation wonder to anyone who visit the country due to its position (a biological bridge to several species), average temperature of 72º F (22º C) in Central Valley, and shores and beaches temperatures of 70-90º F (21-32º C). That is the reason the country has more than 12 Life Zones according to Holdridge’s scale. This variety of micro climes has produced both an abundant and diverse flora and fauna, making the country one of the richest places on earth.

Asociacion de Mujeres de Caño Negro ASOMUCAN

This encouraged group is integrated by ten women. This organization of marvelous women was created in 2006.

Their touristic offer is based on a beautiful butterfly garden, a corn mill and a bakery where the visitor can taste the finest breads with a delicious coffee or a famous “pinolillo and pinol”, carried out in this place, no doubt the visitor may not leave without pass to Asomucan.

ABIPA Posada de Turismo Rural Comunitario Heliconias Lodge.

ABIPA is an association located in Bijagua Upala, in one of the most exuberant places of Costa Rica “Tenorio - Miravalles Biological Corridor”. This Association owns Heliconias Lodge, which operates as a lodge and gives work to people from the village of Bijagua, the lodge has 6 rooms for 2, 3 and 4 people, bunk and double beds,private bathroom, hot water, with a maximum capacity for 24 people. It also offers essential services of Restaurant / Bar typical foods, and crafts shop, as well as tours to and beyond the area as a bird watching in the trails of the lodge and the majestic tour to Celeste River.

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Bhutan, a mystic and spiritual nation in the mountains of southern Asia, located on the eastern stretch of the Himalayas, is a country who gives to the visitor a special experience. This country of magical culture and history shares its border with Bumthang which is known as a popular touristic destination. It is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious and magnificent attractions crossing the Himalayan range.

In the nation of Bhutan we can find the ZHEMGANG DZONGKHAG region where the magic of its culture and traditions are part of an extraordinary beauty that can not be ignored along 2126 square kilometers, an area that represents this country. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the main sources of livelihood, but have a huge potential of development through tourism by its nature and cultural traditions.

Cooperativa Juvenil Bijagueña “Coopejubi R.L

A cooperative of young people whose primary purpose is to provide development opportunities for the youth population of Bijagua - Upala.

This association was established in 2007.

They have a touristic information office in Bijagua center, several conservation programs on the biological corridor Miravalles - Tenorio-including especially the planting of trees, and they are working as a local operator, thus integrating the community in development projects and creating local community Bijagua.

Asociacion de mujeres productorasde mariposas FUFUMRAMA

A butterfly garden network between Caño Negro and Guatuso composes Fufumrama, this encourage group is an association of farmers women who are selling butterfly pupae, with the purpose of generating resources for their families.

They have several butterfly gardens that will undoubtedly lead to a real live garden of thousand colors, where plants are mixed with the caterpillars to breathe life into beautiful butterflies.



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As important points of Buthan we find that the currency of the country is the ngultrum, the religion of the state is Buddhism, another important religion (and frequent in the lowlands of the south) is Hinduism. The national language is Dzongkha, but some people speak English.

The most important protected areas are: Jigme Dorji comprising almost the entire border with China, Raga National Park, the Black Mountain, Thumsing La and Royal Manas in Bhutan, which means “Land of the Thunder Dragon”, takes its name from the violent storms that occur in the Himalaya. Bhutan has a considerable climatic variation between the hot and humid southern state and the cold northern state. It is a country with a height ranging from 80 to 7600 meters above sea level. That is why houses a lush biodiversity of species of flora and fauna than those that are often, tigers, elephants, takin, yaks, rhinos, red pandas, orchids, mushrooms, medicinal plants and forest are part of the beauty of this place.

Asociacion de Mujeres Lajharra Jutu

In Guatuso village, in the north of Costa Rica there is a group of 9 Malecú indigenous women who demonstrate to visitors a piece of their culture through handicrafts carved on jícaras, paint in balsa, craft bags, plus a unique cuisine that will transport you to a pre-colonial world.

This incomparable community is located in Palenque Margarita. The organization was created in 2003, all of them are artisans who wish to venture into diversifying their tourism offer focused on the development of sustainable tourism activities to provide food service, cultural and lodging in family houses.

Asociacion ULIMA de Caño Negro

This association was established in 1996, the organization Works promoting sustainability, based on natural resources management. In this way promotes the conservation and preservation of natural resources. Nowadays, according to its members is in process of restructuring. Its main activity is the administration of a nursery for river turtles which requires funding. The purpose is to recover the green turtle in the wetland of Caño Negro.

Together with ULIMA association, you can enjoy and learn about this species and its care and its importance in the ecosystem. ULIMA will provide a natural learning experience for your visit to Caño Negro is more than special

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The project is a tool that leads development in Costa Rica and Bhutan, is a joint effort, through collaboration with entities such as South-South Cooperation, from Netherlands’ Ministry of Cooperation, Fundecooperación for Development, COOPRENA, R.L and the Bhutan Department, whom along with the target groups of the project, work together in search of development of the beneficiary communities for both countries.

The project comes first with the selection of communities of Guatuso, Cano Negro, Los Chiles and Bijagua; Upala in the northern region of Costa Rica and the region of ZHEMGANG DZONGKHAG in Bhutan, which are characterized by their high social vulnerability, but with an emerging potential in tourism, which has not been included in their economic benefit. Consequently the project idea is based on the implementation of specific strategies for sustainable tourism development that enables a better integration of local populations in the development of touristic

activities and therefore generates a combined experience through project implementation.

Communities working hand in hand with the project will be developed as sustainable tourism destinations, to generate direct employment in these localities and tourism benefits, to supplement their livelihoods, and at the same time to conserve nature and preserve their culture.

The project is implemented by a Steering Committee composed by Costa Rica and Bhutan, where the governing body of the project is COOPRENA, R.L. The committee is responsible for directing the two countries in the development and implementation of the project, and each National Committee is responsible for implementing the objectives for each country.

The participation of target groups of both countries is essential for generating the project, causing positive impacts on communities and families as a benefit.

Asociacion de Mujeres de San Antonio AMSA

AMSA is an association of encouraged women in the community of San Antonio Caño Negro, founded in 2000, which is a group of 13 women interested in creating alternative development for their families.

This exemplary organization is next to open its collection center for recycling, which along with the craft activities will let you know about the development of people through the organization.

This group also offers a wide variety of handmade fashion jewelry, from which visitor will get surprised.

Cooperativa de Artesanas Bijagueña COOABI

La Cooperativa de Artesanas Bijagueña is an association which began in Bijagua, Upala in 2006, this group of encouraged women, aims at developing a productive micro-enterprise, based on the sustainable development of the community.

This cooperative produces a variety of handmade crafts designed by each of the women of the association, they show to visitors the skills they have and leaving in each piece a memory of the flora and fauna, traditions and customs of the area in harmony with the environment

The project


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COOPRENA R.L. is a Costa Rican consortium created by the initiative of cooperatives and associations that compose it with the purpose of organizing, and marketing the tourism product offered by its members.

It was established in 1994, with the purpose of developing a new concept of tourism in Costa Rica. It is a pioneering organization of associations based, which provides cooperatives and affiliated organizations, a way to supplement their incomes, primarily generated by agricultural production and improve their quality of life through the development of touristic products.

In Central America Costa Rica is one of the first countries to start development of rural tourism in the early 90s, with the establishment of networks to promote products of agro-ecotourism-based community, which today is called Community-based Rural Tourism.

COOPRENA R.L. serves as a platform of promotion and training through which the community-based tourism product of its affiliates is known both

nationally and internationally, which in turn provides tools aimed at the professionalization of the sector through courses, seminars and workshops.

Nowadays, COOPRENA, R.L includes organizations and institutions at national and international levels that contribute to its management and marketing their products through its own Tour Operator: SIMBIOSIS TOURS.

Thanks to South-South Cooperation of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Cooperation and Fundecooperación for Development, today COOPRENA develops the project “Design of a sustainable tourism strategy in ZHEMGANG DZONGKHANG (Bhutan) and San Juan River (Los Chiles, Guatuso, Caño Negro; Costa Rica)”, which provides significant benefits to social organizations that seek to promote the environment, cultural development and improvement in the socio-economic aspect of families in border communities of Costa Rica, providing tools for sustainable business development through tourism.

Asociacion Kabekwa

Kabekwa Association of indigenous people, was created in 2003, is one of the most important organizations in the north of Costa Rica, in the community of Guatuso and hosts mainly indigenous groups who are interested in sustainable tourism development based on their traditions and culture. This organization is currently composed by fourteen aborigine’s members.

Here you can find and learn about: Observation and interpretation of medicinal plants, traditional gastronomy, cultural and historic tourism of indigenous communities.

Asociacion Cultural, ambientaly turistica ACAYT Los Chiles

Los Chiles Association of culture, tourism and environment was founded in 2006, in the community of Los Chiles on the border Costa Rica-Nicaragua.

This organization is composed by twenty seven members who are mostly women, in order to develop and manage sustainable development projects to integrate their members.

Along to this Association, you will live a pleasant experience full of stories, storytelling, sanqueros, drama, crafts and many more products to enjoy.

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Costa Rica´s northern zone interest zones

San Juan RIVER:

In the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, is a lush river which keeps within its waters an interesting history, unique beauty of flora and fauna that causes admiration. We are talking about San Juan River, a natural boundary between the two brotherly countries, with 200 km of extension and empties into the Caribbean Sea. During the time of the conquest it was better known as “drain” for its connection to Nicaragua Lake. Today this river is the main source of resources for people of San Carlos de Nicaragua. More than being a beautiful landscape, home to the largest population of Manatees, animals that are endangered, it serves as a refuge for thousands of birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and mammals.

The Wetland Caño Negro:

Caño Negro is a wonderful wildlife refuge, considered as the third wetland in the world in order of importance. This natural beauty called “Wetland of International Importance” in 1991 is one of the most important wetlands in the country. Caño Negro is the habitat of many species of plants, animals and birds of the world. It is located near the border with Nicaragua, in the province of Alajuela in the towns of Los Chiles and Guatuso. It is one of the sites of greatest ecological diversity of the country.

Caño Negro, a freshwater lagoon, with an extension of 800 hectares; between the climate of the lowlands and the humid climate there have found over 200 species of birds as well as different plants and unique animals.

Malecú culture:

Among the cantons of Guatuso and San Carlos, Alajuela we find Malecú village. A place that has much to teach us, full of culture and beautiful traditions that gives us a unique and unforgettable experience. This town is located in Palenque Margarita, located in the plains of Los Guatusos. Malecus have opened their hearts and doors of their community to anyone who want to visit and share a little of their culture, language and traditions, they give us the opportunity to learn about the roots of our Costa Rican. With a guided walk by a Malecú community member through their native lands, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about medicinal plants, nature from Malecus’ tradition perspective and enjoy a delicious fish, cooked in a traditional way.

Tenorio –Miravalles Conservation Area:

This conservation area is one of the most surprising zones of Costa Rica, being classified as a biological corridor between Tenorio and Miravalles, two volcanoes located in the north. It is located in Bijagua district, Upala canton, Alajuela province, La Fortuna and Cañas districts of the cantons of Bagaces and Cañas respectively in the Province of Guanacaste. This corridor connects Miravalles Protected Zone and Tenorio National Park. Adding more than 24 547 hectares of extension.

It shows pre-montane very humid forest, rainforest, very humid tropical and tropical humid forest. Among the fauna there are the gray fox, the jaguar, white-faced monkey, tepezcuintle, puma, white-tailed deer, manigordo, Caucel , Brenner lion, tapir, mountain pig, mountain goat, umbrella bird, quetzal, bell and two endemic species .The flora of the region represents 20% of the country’s flora.