sustainable transportaton · 2014-04-23 · • sustainable mobility in megacites and emerging...

Mobility and Space 1 Sustainable Transportaton Approaches for an Integrated Transport Planning Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt Cairo Climate Talks Cairo 15 th April 2014

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Page 1: Sustainable Transportaton · 2014-04-23 · • Sustainable mobility in Megacites and emerging countries • Transport modeling, simulaton, and emissions calculaton • Transport

Mobility and Space


Sustainable Transportaton

Approaches for an Integrated Transport Planning

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Cairo Climate Talks

Cairo 15th

April 2014

Page 2: Sustainable Transportaton · 2014-04-23 · • Sustainable mobility in Megacites and emerging countries • Transport modeling, simulaton, and emissions calculaton • Transport

Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


The unit “Mobility and Space” at the CTS, TU Berlin

Core Subjects:

• Behavioral science and partcipaton

• Urban and regional planning

• Public transport and urban mobility

• Commercial transport, barrierfree mobility

• Environmental planning

• Sustainable mobility in Megacites and emerging countries

• Transport modeling, simulaton, and emissions calculaton

• Transport history

• Transport marketng

Hed of research unit

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Secretariat: HBS 1

Hardenbergstraße 16 – 18

D – 10623 Berlin

[email protected]

The research issues of the internatonal team touch the following felds:

• Innovaton research

• Impact research

• Applied research

• Behavioral science

Page 3: Sustainable Transportaton · 2014-04-23 · • Sustainable mobility in Megacites and emerging countries • Transport modeling, simulaton, and emissions calculaton • Transport

Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

• Head of research unit

• Transportaton engineer

• Research Fields: Transportaton Planning, Climate

Change and Mobility, Energy Efcient Urban Planning, …

Amr Gouda M.Sc. (Architecture)

• PhD project: Assessing Urban Sustainability In-between

the Scale of Growing Cites and Dependent Communites

• Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Engineering-Ain Shams

University in Cairo, Egypt

• Research Fields: Urban Sustainability, Architecture

Sustainability, Adaptve Reuse, Urban Dynamics and


Team for Egypt

Dipl.-Geogr. Norman Döge

• Geographer

• Research Fields: development studies, informal public

transportaton, climate change and mobility, integrated

urban and transportaton planing

Yaman Hebbo M.Sc. (Architecture)

• PhD project: Transit Oriented Development in Realising the

sustainable future of Middle Eastern Cites

• Research Fields: Public transportaton, urban accessibility,

and urban mobility, informal setlements, informal

economy, and urban informality

Page 4: Sustainable Transportaton · 2014-04-23 · • Sustainable mobility in Megacites and emerging countries • Transport modeling, simulaton, and emissions calculaton • Transport

Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

3. Transportaton approach New Town Hashtgerd

2. Good practces examples in Transportaton

1. Trafc impacts and Integrated Transport Planning

• Slow modes, sof policies

• Public Transport

• Trafc optmized setlement structure



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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• Temperature will rise tll 2100: +1,4 to 5,8 Grad Celsius IPCC 2007

GHG emission: climate change

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UNEP 2007

Lawrence Livermore Natonal Laboratory/ Michael Wicket

Erderwärmung im Modell: 20 Grad mehr an den Polen

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• Egypt’s primary energy consumpton has grown at an average annual rate of 4.6%, primarily from rapid urbanizaton and associated increases in demand for electricity and transport services.

• Growing fuel subsidies that are equivalent to USD 20 billion in 2011, estmated to be 20% of Egypt’s state budget and 10% of its GDP

Energy consumpton and

Oil producton in Egypt

Egypt’s energy consumpton by

source, based on BP 2013

Statstcal Review of World


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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Trafc mode and

energy consumpton in trafc

Source: Prof. Emberger, TU Wien, 2010

approximately double by 2050

IPCC 2014

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• Investment demand in

German municipality

road bridges 2013-2020:

1 bill. € per year!

Arndt 2013



Modernity of Roads and Bridges

Source: ProgTrans AG, Basel 2009, from: Ralf Pagenkopf, GF Straßen.NRW (Pres. at BPPP, July 2013)

Roads and bridges

Modernity Change Infrastructure in Germany 1980 to 2007

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• strong correlaton between increasing land use and trafc


• Klaus Töpfer, United Natons Environment Programme

(UNEP), said: “Tell me your spatal structure and I will say

how high the fuel price was in the past.”

• assumpton that distance (s) is constant was incorrect

• constant at long term tme (t)

• relatve constantly travel budget:

Germany: ~ 85 min/day

Land use and transport

~ const.

~ const.

Wrong interpretaton of the relaton:


Page 10: Sustainable Transportaton · 2014-04-23 · • Sustainable mobility in Megacites and emerging countries • Transport modeling, simulaton, and emissions calculaton • Transport

Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Transportation system

AccessibilitySpatial structure



Main causes:

1. Ignorance of interrelaton between land use and transport

2. Capacites and velocity in transportaton systems were expanded

faster transportaton means need more resources such as

materials, energy or land use

3. Sectoral orientaton of common transport planning approaches

Causes and efects of trafc growth

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Fünfe Ebene

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Fuel consumpton and urban density


Efect of increasing of distances and car-dependency:

high fuel consumpton per capita

Decreasing of populaton density

Atenton: some side efects, e.g. Fuel price (compare

Australia – USA)

(nach Newmann & Kenworthy 1989)

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Transportation system

AccessibilitySpatial structure




• Vertcal – planning levelfrom internatonal level, country, regions tll communes

• Sectoral – departmental planningregional and lad-use planning, landscape planning, economic promoton

• Horizontal – neighbourhoodsneighbouring planning areas

• successful implementaton in transportaton planning:

– partcipaton of all stakeholders (use the local creatvity)

– cooperaton between planning authorites

– fexibility of concepts

– consistency among the measures

– interdisciplinarity

– contnuous evaluaton

Integrated Transportaton Planning

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• short distances between diferent places of actvity such as living,

shopping, labour, leisure important

for reducing trafc demand

• ITP aims at a balanced mixture

of all these opportunites in high density setlements

• in partcular a harmonic balance between the number of employees

and employment opportunites is very important

Improvement of mixed-use areas

Promoton of jobs in short distance to the living areas

ITP and land use

(Holz-Rau/Kuter et al 1995)

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


ABC planning an example of TOD for reducton of environmental impacts of transportaton

• separates the city in three zones

• each zone has diferent transport accessibilites, e.g. tram, rapid train, high way


– industrial areas along high ways on the city periphery

– commercial parks and shopping centres at transport interfaces with high trafc capacity

– living areas at tram lines

Shif to public transport

reducton of distances and impacts

Transit Oriented Development

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ABC planning approach (Wuppertal Insttute)

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


1. Trafc avoidance

– Reducton of the trafc demand, number of trips and the Distances (e.g.: mixed-use areas)

2. Modal shif

– Shif to environmental friendly transport means (e.g.: car PT)

3. Trafc optmisaton

– Compatble completon of “remaining trafc “ (e.g.: low-noise vehicles, Electrical vehicle)

Main strategies in transport planning

High efects, but high complexity too

Low efects, but easier and faster in




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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Modal shif


Car driver

Car rider



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Mobility and Space


Infrastructure: Removed the Cheonggye Elevated Highway (5.6 km)

Only for cares. 150 thousands cars per day

Terrible trafc congeston and cause regional slum.


Before Afer

I. Seoul, South Korea - Bus

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Mobility and Space


Infrastructure : Redesign the roads


City Hall Square Reconstruction Plan

Before Afer

I. Seoul, South Korea - Bus

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Mobility and Space


Infrastructure : • Move the bus lane to the center


I. Seoul, South Korea - Bus

Diferent Categories of Bus

• Diferent bus color

Blue From downtown to major district

Red Connect Seoul and its satellite city

Green Connect subway and nearby residential area / main

bus line

Yellow Circle belt roads in separated district

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Mobility and Space

Smart Bus Management System

• GPS for every bus since 2003

Control the speed and distance between the bus.

Real-tme staton informaton

• T-money cards started in July 1, 2004

Pay transportaton fares

Pay for in some convenience stores.

Personal transportaton informaton


I. Seoul, South Korea - Bus


• Speed: 11~13 km/ h 22 km/h

• Punctuality: decrease to 1~2 minutes

• Accidents rate: decrease more than 30%

• Complaints: decrease 90%

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Mobility and Space

T – Money Card


Passenger DatabasePassenger Database

Number of TransfersNumber of Passengers Covered Distance


Change the Bus line or the schedule


Smart Bus Management System


I. Seoul, South Korea - Bus

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Mobility and Space

BRT-Bus Rapid Transit• BRT is a term applied to a variety of public transport systems

using buses to provide faster, more efficient service than an ordinary bus line


Fast speed


Large capability


II. Curitba, Brazil - BRT

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Mobility and Space

Compare to Metro and Rail transport system

Low cost:

• Constructon & way maintenance costs

• Low vehicle costs

Convenient for special populatons

Easy to transfer


II. Curitba, Brazil - BRT

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Mobility and Space

BRT Component


II. Curitba, Brazil - BRT

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Mobility and Space

• Express buses (red):

From the city centre in 5 directons. operate with 'tube statons'.

• Inter-neighborhood buses (green):

Circle the city centre and connectons between some neighborhoods.

• Rapid buses (silver):

Quickest links between two points.

• Feeding lines (orange):

Feed the express buses and other RIT lines

• Conventonal buses (yellow):

Operate radially from the city centre.

• Around Downtown (white):

Circle the city centre


Diferent Categories of Bus

II. Curitiba, Brazil - BRT

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


structural axes

transportaton and land use


. transportaton and zoning

. transportaton and road system

. transportaton hierarchical network

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Mobility and Space

24h integrated network

IV. Berlin, Germany – Integraton

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Mobility and Space

Bus and Tram Services

• Normal bus / tramMake up most of network and consist of around 300 lines

• Metro Bus / tram17 bus and 9 tram lines, every 10 min with 24-hour service, (30 min in the night)

• Express Bus13 rapid lines, mainly used to reach the airports or linking suburbs to the city centre with far fewer stops

• Night Bus45 lines, weekdays substtute (from N1 to N9) the metro line

IV. Berlin, Germany – Integraton

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Mobility and Space


• Time tableTime table for each line in each station

• Real tme scheduleScreen with coming bus information in major stations

• Convenient for special populatonIncline bus body with foldable board

IV. Berlin, Germany – Integraton

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Mobility and Space


• TicketIntegraton tcket with free transfer between all public transport modes

• Staton AccessibilityEasy in the same staton with short distance. Especially between S-Bahn and Regional train

IV. Berlin, Germany – Integraton

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Mobility and Space


• Smart query system (BVG)



Transport modes options

Transfer information

Station information

IV. Berlin, Germany – Integraton

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Main Goal: Creatng best practces for sustainable urban development

• Research, planning, development and implementaton of technical and non technical innovatons for energy efcient and climate friendly structures

• Approaches for urban structures with reduced of resources consumpton and GHG emissions

• Capacity building and public awareness for energy efciency


BMBF research program „Future Megacites“

Energy- and Climate-Efcient Structures in

Urban Growth Centres

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• Cross-interlink network “Megacites and Mobility” (MC Mob):

– YoungCites - New Towns (NT) in Iran: Strategy of sustainable Development of Megacites of Tomorrow, Hashtgerd, Iran

– Sustainable Model-Megacity Shenyang, China

– METRASYS – Transport systems for Megaregions in China, Hefei, China

– - Sustainable Housing Strategies for a Balance of Urban Growth and Urban Renewable in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

– Sustainable Hyderabad – Development of sustainable Strategies and Concepts for fast growing Urban Areas and Demonstraton Projects for Urban Infrastructure

in Hyderabad, India

– EnerKey - Energy as a Key Element of an Integrated Climate Protecton Concept, Gauteng, Johannesburg, Südafrika

• Integraton in knowledge exchange within the program and with other Megacites programs: Helmholtz, German Research Fund (DFG),

Herrhausen Society

• htp://

MC Mob - Cooperaton

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


25 New Towns in Iran in constructon, sustainable soluton?

Inital situaton

24% of CO2 emission in based on trafc

Trafc CO2 emission increasing absolutely

Example YoungCites –

New Town Hashtgerd

Petroleum Products Consumption by Sectors

Non Energy Uses Agriculture Transport Industry Residential & Commercial



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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtTransportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

Support sustainable trafc use routnes (public awareness )

Change of residence to Hashtgerd as a “sustainable city”

Choice of trafc mode set promote a set for use public transport and slow modes (“environmentally trafc”)

Realized trafc use restricton of car use

promote environmentally transport system

Measurement: mix of “hard- and sof-policies”

Trafc reduced spatal structure mixed-use

Enhance atractveness of public transport an slow modes

high service quality, dense network, mobility management

Restricton to car trafc e.g. permeability of space, reduced parking lot factor

Support of eco-mobility: Mobility Management

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

● Limitaton of Parking Space

● Exaltaton of MT trip costs through road design measures (e.g.

speed humps, botlenecks)

● Access limitatons through street widths layout (one way systems)

● Filtered permeability of spaces

● Usage based apportonment of external costs (eco-fueltax)

● exaltaton of MT trip costs through access limitatons, speed


● city / highway toll ?

● Pedestrian / PT

priveleging road way and path design (e.g wide footpaths and –

ways, high number of crossings, barrierfreedom)

● high densed foot path and PT network

● high density of PT-stops

● mobility management

● mobility package

● informaton on transport infrastructure

● campaigns

Integrated measures

Transportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

YoungCites Approach

Integrated Transport Planning





Transportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project YoungCites

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtTransportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

Mobility Management

with focus on organisaton and coordinaton

Mobility ofces


inhabitantsspecial target groups /


PT – license holder

Mobility Package



Customer Service


for Employees

Transport Adviser


for Logistcians

Internet Portal


City Marketng

Move Management


Public Relatons

Mobility Management

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtTransportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project








Phase 1

Shipment of


Package” and

Service Card

Phase 2



Phase 3

Shipment of Informaton Material

and Test tcket

Phase 4



Phase 5

Shipment of additonal



Mobility Booklet

Informaton on the city and its




Public Transport

Foot & Bike


Distance Travelling

Opton to order more informaton

using the service card

Motvatonal Call

Calling New Hashtgerdians who

haven’t sent back the service


intensive dialog about informaton



Shipment of writen or telephonic

ordered informaton material and

optonally Test-tckets, or other

combined ofers e.g. car sharing &

public transport tcket, bike and

public transport tcket

Deepening Conversaton

Mobility advice:




Test-tcket users are questoned

concerning their:




Need of further informaton material



Shipment of additonal

informaton material

Shipment of subscripton form


Mobility Package for New Inhabitants

(on basis of frst positve results of the ‘Arrive’ – Project in Munich)

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Mobility Management

• Main Approach: Changing routnes through awareness raising

Sof policies

Diferent solutons for diferent target groups

(new inhabitants, economy, residents)

• Central items: Mobility Package for new inhabitants

• Contnuously assistance

• Informaton network

Hard policies

Streets hierarchy follow usage:

• Surrounded roads: Main roads, collector roads

• Inner area roads: access roads/ways, food paths

• Avoidance extraneous trafc by

• trafc calmed zone (30 km/h)

• speed humps

• road design (green belt, pedestrian facilites,...)

Public transport: LRT/BRT and city bus in surrounded roads

• Minibus line thru area with short catchment area (≤ 250 m)

• Demand responsive transport service shared-ride mode between

pick-up and drop-of locatons according to passengers need

• Car sharing services

Reduced parking space: parking lots factor 0,2

• Only at surrounded roads and in some sub-neighbourhoods

• Inner area visitor parking lots and for disable people and car sharing

• Distance equability living space to parking lots and stops of PT

Concept Essentals

Transportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project YoungCites

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtTransportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

Approach integratng all constructonal aspects

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Small-scale mixed-use areas around the courtyards Urban formScheme of commercial areas on the ground foor

Source: Young Cites Research Paper Series, Volume 03, The Shahre Javan Community Detailed Plan

Planning for a Climate Responsive and Sustainable Iranian Urban Quarter

The gross populaton density in Iran’s towns is about 100 to 110 persons per ha. the Iranian New Towns aim for a higher average gross density of about

150 persons per ha. Hashtgerd New Town meets the targets with a gross populaton density of 147.98 per ha.

The gross populaton density for the Shahre Javan Community is more than 200 persons per ha. Intensifcaton promotes for an efectve public transport

and efcient land use for energy supply. However, quanttatve approach is insufcient, since it does not shed light on the living situatons of the

inhabitants or on the qualites and atractveness of the urban form and public realm.

Compactness, Intensifcaton

and Mixed use

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtTransportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

Accessibility Concept Roads

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Urban Connecton as an example for the shared use of trafc space

• east west connecton providing barrier free accessibility of central facilites

• connects planned BRT/LRT staton (west), central facilites, and green space (east)

• shared trafc space between pedestrians, bicyclists and public transport (minibus)

• lowers cutng efect and reduces space consumpton for transportaton purposes

Shared Space in Haren; Source: htp://

Shared Space in Haren

Source: htp:// _7425_user_51_woon_Haren1.jpg

Transportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

Urban Connecton – shared space

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtTransportaton concept 35ha Pilot Project

Three Levels


main connectons

2. City-Bus

connecton betweens quarters

and centre

3. Local Bus


4. Taxi/car sharing

Route taxi

Call taxi

Normal taxi

The elaboraton of the public transport approach for the 35ha Pilot Area is

directly connected to the approach for whole Hashtgerd



Catchment areas:

BRT/LRT: 300 m

City-Bus: 250-300 m

Minibus: 250 m

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Decisive criteria is the spatal-horizontal integraton


4 BRT / LRT lines

for main inner city connecton (centre, railway staton, industry areas,…)

(2 000 – 30 000 Passengers/h)

8 City-Buses:

connecton betweens quarters and centre

(1 000 – 4 000 Passengers/h)

9 Local quarter buses:

inner area access

temporally demand responsive service and fexible stops


Taxi/car sharing

Route taxi

Call taxi

Normal taxi

Regional commuter trafc

Interacton to Karaj and Tehran by train

Regional busses

Network principle scheme

Public Transport Network

Public Transport approach whole Hashtgerd

Catchment areas:

Minibus: 250 m

City-Bus: 250-300 m

BRT/LRT: 300m

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger ArndtPublic Transport approach whole Hashtgerd

Network Approach

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Land-use structure of Qian‘an


on main fows

City Busses:

connectons between quarters

Neighborhood Busses:

inner area access

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Performance of diferent public means of transport












Bus Tram Metro





r d

ay a





Investments costs rato: ~ 10 mil.€/km ~100 mil.€/km


BVG 2013


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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Vessels seats




al c



Long Bus

Normal Bus


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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


CO2 emission

Subway Tram Bus Car

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Promotng energy efcient transport modes

Impacts of Modal Split to mobility costs and energy consumpton

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Local Public Transport Plan

Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB)

Federal Government /

“Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung”

Federal Government /

“Ministerkonferenz für Raumordnung”

Federal States in Cooperaton with

Neighboring Regions


Federal States in Cooperaton with

Neighboring Regions


Defniton of General Goals / Target States

For Living Conditons and Services for the Public

Defniton of General Goals / Target States

For Living Conditons and Services for the Public

Center Nahverkehr Berlin (CNB)-Private Consultant

Berlin: Formulaton of Goals and Standards for Public Transport in the “Nahverkehrsplan”

(Legally Binding)

Center Nahverkehr Berlin (CNB)-Private Consultant

Berlin: Formulaton of Goals and Standards for Public Transport in the “Nahverkehrsplan”

(Legally Binding)

Service ContractorsService Contractors


“Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe”

(state owned)


“Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe”

(state owned)

S Bahn Berlin GmbH

(belongs to the “Deutsche Bahn”)

S Bahn Berlin GmbH

(belongs to the “Deutsche Bahn”)







Stadtentwicklungsplan Verkehr

Strategic Development Plan for Berlin‘s Transportaton


(Not Legally Binding)

Stadtentwicklungsplan Verkehr

Strategic Development Plan for Berlin‘s Transportaton


(Not Legally Binding)

State Local Transport Law (Brandenburg)State Local Transport Law (Brandenburg)

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Structure NVP Berlin 2006 - 2009


Partcipaton ProcessesPartcipaton Processes

Framework VariablesFramework Variables

Goals of the NVPGoals of the NVP

Inital SituatonInital Situaton

Implementaton of the Preceding


Implementaton of the Preceding


System Analysis System Analysis Efectvity AnalysisEfectvity AnalysisIndividual MeasuresIndividual MeasuresOutline Conditons

of ofered Services

Outline Conditons

of ofered Services Supply PlanningSupply Planning

Tarifs / SalesTarifs / Sales

Product StrategiesProduct Strategies

Standards of Environment


Standards of Environment


Quality StandardsQuality Standards

Accessibility StandardsAccessibility Standards





Core Aspects of Planned


Core Aspects of Planned


User PerceptonUser Percepton













Transport DemandTransport Demand

Transport SupplyTransport Supply Transport DemandTransport Demand

Suburban TrafcSuburban Trafc

Night ServicesNight Services



Light RailLight Rail


City TrainCity Train

Regional TransportRegional Transport

Outline Conditons for

Networks and Schedules

Outline Conditons for

Networks and Schedules

Extension and Improvement

of Stops and Statons

Extension and Improvement

of Stops and Statons

Evaluaton of ImpactEvaluaton of Impact


Integrated Services and

Mobility Management

Integrated Services and

Mobility Management

Increasing the Speed of LRT

and Bus

Increasing the Speed of LRT

and Bus



of Services



of Services

11 22 5533 44 66

Local Public Transport Plan

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Mobility and Space


Enhanced Trafc Model incl. Taxi TrafcConsideraton of Collectve Taxis

City Road Network Collectve Taxis

inside the

City Road Network

Theoretcal Method:

“Individual Motorizaton Oriented Route Assignment with additonal

Turning Surcharges”

Collectve Taxi


Crossing of two

Taxi Routes

Crossing of a

Taxi Route with a

Normal Road

All Images based on Shahinfar (2011): pp. 47, 48, 55, 56

Applicaton to Hashtgerd

Final Network

Collectve Taxis inside the

City Road Network

Roundabout, Creaton of Stops and Turning Points

Whole Hashtgerd Taxi Network

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


GIS for Transport Planning


Transport Network

Design of Cross Secton

Integraton in Land - Use

Height Informaton

Integraton in Land - Use

Informaton for Constructon and Maintenance

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

TEECT and Enhancement

Graphic by Kämpfer (2011)

EnergyAtlas N-DEMO

Graphic by Kämpfer (2011)


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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


Sustainable urban development needs:

• High urban density

• Mixed used areas

• High density of foot paths and bike lane

• High quality Public Transport System

• Adapted systems for other collectve

transportaton systems (taxis, car sharing, call bus, ...)

• Restricton for car trafc

• Hightech versus “middletech” and durable solutons

• Capacity building for planers and stakeholders with special atenton to the knowledge for interrelaton between trafc and setlement structure

• Public awareness for promoton eco-mobility

• Easy used planning tools


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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


TU Berlin, The Center for Technology and Society

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt

Head of research unit “Mobility and Space”

Sec. HBS 1, Hardenbergstr. 16-18

10623 Berlin

tel +49 30 314 25230

fax +49 30 314 26917

[email protected]

Thank you!

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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


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Mobility and Space

Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt


• The MiNTS Natonal Transport Survey

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WS 06/07 Energieplanung, Verkehrsplanung, Wasserwirtschaf - ÖPNV

Stärken der Straßenbahn

• barrierefreier Zugang

für Menschen mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen

• Keine unkontrollierten „Angsträume“

vgl. U-Bahn, S-Bahn: Tunnel, Unterführungen, Zugänge

• keine Barriere im Stadtkörper

vgl. S-Bahn-Trasse (Ausnahme: Straßenbahn auf eigenem Bahnkörper)

Ingolf Berger: Renaissance der Straßenbahn weltweit, mobilogisch 1/03 u. 4/03

Straßenbahnbetriebe in Zentraleuropa htp://


Umstellung von Bus auf Straßenbahn bringt Fahrgastzuwächse im zweistel-

ligen Prozentbereich (bei gleichen Bedingungen: Fahrzeit,

Strecken-führung, Takt; Erklärung:Fahrkomfort, Streckenführung im

Straßenbild sichtbar, Faszinaton)

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WS 06/07 Energieplanung, Verkehrsplanung, Wasserwirtschaf - ÖPNV

Stärken der Straßenbahn

• Einsatzbereich je Strecke

– 5.000 - 90.000 Pers./Tag

• Flächenerschließung

– geringere Halteabstände von 400 - 600 m

– kein Zubringerbusverkehr nötg

– u.U. Vorortanbindung rentabel (Bsp. Karlsruhe-Breten, Regionalstadtbahn)

• Baukosten

– 10 km Straßenbahn so teuer wie 1 km U-Bahn (10 %)

• Unterhaltungskosten

– Rolltreppe (U-Bahn, S-Bahn) kostet 25.000 Euro pro Jahr (Berliner U-Bahn: 376 * 25.000 = 9,4 Mio. €/Jahr, Umbauprogramm Rolltreppe raus, Fahrstuhl rein,

„Zurück in die Steinzeit“)

– Bahnsteigreinigung, Sicherheitspersonal

– Tunnelabdichtung: 500 m ca. 15 Mio. Euro (in Berlin: ca. 50 km von 144 km sanierungsbedürfig)

Ingolf Berger: Renaissance der Straßenbahn weltweit, mobilogisch 1/03 und 4/03

Rolltreppe: „Zurück in die Steinzeit: Die BVG reißt die Rolltreppen raus“, Tsp. 2.2.04


Tunnelabdichtung: Berliner Woche 11.2.04

Vorortanbindung: htp://