svkm’s nmims mukesh patel technology park and achievements “best educational campus award” on...

Issue: 3 December 2016 | N E W S L E T T E R SVKM’s NMIMS Mukesh Patel Technology Park (Shirpur Campus) FROM CHANCELLOR'S DESK “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills is the ultimate goal of true education”. Education is not preparation for life; but a process of making life useful. Our primary role at NMIMS is to equip the budding generation with the knowledge, skills and confidence so that it can participate in the development of society and country as whole. In addition to providing students with content and knowledge, we also look to inculcate in them human values, attitudes and behaviors that align with those expected in a society. I am happy that NMIMS Shirpur Campus is is being recognized as prominent house of technical education disseminating quality knowledge, skills and attitude in students. I wish all the very best to the release of 3rd issue of this newsletter. Dr R S Gaud Director - SVKM’s NMIMS, MPTP, Shirpur Campus FROM DIRECTOR'S DESK Year 2016 has been remarkable for NMIMS Shirpur Campus with three prodigious awards of Best Educational Campus, Best Institute in Pharmacy to School of Pharmacy & Technology Management and The Golden Globe Tiger Education Leadership Award to Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering. Thanks to management, authorities, faculty, administration staff and students for this grand acknowledgment. At NMIMS, we always try to be the pioneers in addressing the needs of research and industry. Looking at the way the technology is changing the future of healthcare, we had conducted an International Conference on Ärtificial Intelligence in Healthcare” on Dec 27-28, 2016. Artificial Intelligence is going to transform the healthcare and medical in the coming future. Looking forward to creating a learning experience. Here's wishing you all a value adding and fulfilling year 2017 that opens a new era of innovation and research for all of us. FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Dear Readers, The year 2016 was brimful of great accomplishments and recognitions harnessing vital gathering of intellectuals from in-house and outhouse. This newsletter has played a critical role in bringing to you every updates from every School of MPTP Shirpur Campus. We are happy to present the third issue of 'NM Shirpur Live' with a wonderful pack of institutional information highlighting prominent activities that took place during the span of past six months from June to December 2016 at MPTP, Shirpur Campus. This issue presents to you, the colorful glimpses of achievements and accolades, campus activities, alumni speak, workshops, guest lectures, technological snippets along with new arrivals and expanded facilities. Thanks to the faculty coordinators and staff for contributing the reports well in time. We extend our gratitude to our revered Director Dr R.S. Gaud Sir and Associate Deans of MPSTME & SPTM for their constant support and valuable guidance. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017. May this year brings success, happiness and prosperity in our life. Dr Payal Dande Asistant Professor & Head (Pharmacognosy) SPTM, Shirpur Campus Dr Sanjay Shrivastava Associate Professor MPSTME, ASH Dept. Shirpur Campus Shri Amrishbhai Patel Chancellor - SVKM's NMIMS

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Issue: 3 December 2016| N E W S L E T T E R


Mukesh Patel Technology Park(Shirpur Campus)

FROM CHANCELLOR'S DESK“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills is the

ultimate goal of true education”. Education is not preparation for life; but a process of making life useful. Our primary role at

NMIMS is to equip the budding generation with the knowledge, skills and confidence so that it can participate in the

development of society and country as whole. In addition to providing students with content and knowledge, we also look

to inculcate in them human values, attitudes and behaviors that align with those expected in a society.

I am happy that NMIMS Shirpur Campus is is being recognized as prominent house of technical education disseminating

quality knowledge, skills and attitude in students. I wish all the very best to the release of 3rd issue of this newsletter.

Dr R S GaudDirector - SVKM’s NMIMS,

MPTP, Shirpur Campus

FROM DIRECTOR'S DESKYear 2016 has been remarkable for NMIMS Shirpur Campus with three prodigious awards of Best Educational Campus, Best

Institute in Pharmacy to School of Pharmacy & Technology Management and The Golden Globe Tiger Education Leadership

Award to Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering. Thanks to management, authorities, faculty,

administration staff and students for this grand acknowledgment.

At NMIMS, we always try to be the pioneers in addressing the needs of research and industry. Looking at the way the

technology is changing the future of healthcare, we had conducted an International Conference on Ärtificial Intelligence in

Healthcare” on Dec 27-28, 2016. Artificial Intelligence is going to transform the healthcare and medical in the coming future.

Looking forward to creating a learning experience. Here's wishing you all a value adding and fulfilling year 2017 that opens a

new era of innovation and research for all of us.


The year 2016 was brimful of great accomplishments and recognitions harnessing vital gathering of intellectuals from in-house and outhouse. This newsletter has played a critical role in bringing to you every updates from every School of MPTP Shirpur Campus. We are happy to present the third issue of 'NM Shirpur Live' with a wonderful pack of institutional information highlighting prominent activities that took place during the span of past six months from June to December 2016 at MPTP, Shirpur Campus.

This issue presents to you, the colorful glimpses of achievements and accolades, campus activities, alumni speak, workshops, guest lectures, technological snippets along with new arrivals and expanded facilities. Thanks to the faculty coordinators and staff for contributing the reports well in time. We extend our gratitude to our revered Director Dr R.S. Gaud Sir and Associate Deans of MPSTME & SPTM for their constant support and valuable guidance. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017. May this year brings success, happiness and prosperity in our life.

Dr Payal DandeAsistant Professor &

Head (Pharmacognosy)SPTM, Shirpur Campus

Dr Sanjay ShrivastavaAssociate Professor MPSTME, ASH Dept.

Shirpur Campus

Shri Amrishbhai PatelChancellor - SVKM's NMIMS


“Best Educational Campus

Award” on Nov. 28, 2016SVKM's NMIMS, Mukesh Patel Technology

Park, Shirpur Campus was awarded with

the “Best Education Campus Award”

during Dewang Mehta National Education

Award ceremony on November 28, 2015.

SPTM won “Best Institute in Pharmacy” AwardInnovative Education Awards by DNA & STARS Group laurelled SPTM(School of

Pharmacy and Technology Management) Shirpur, as the “Best Institute in thPharmacy”at 8 Innovative Education Award Ceremony organized at Taj Lands' End

Mumbaion February 18, 2016.

MPSTME bags “The Golden Globe Tigers 2016 Education Leadership Award”Mukesh Patel School of Technology

Management and Engineering (MPSTME),

Shirpur Campus was awarded “The Golden

Globe Tigers 2016 Education Leadership

Award” for Best Educational Institute in

Engineering on 11th April 2016, Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia.

International Engineering Educator Award to

Prof. Ankit DixitProf. Ankit Dixit, Asst. Professor, MPSTME, Shirpur Campus, secured 3rd position

among the 40 participants in International Engineering Educator Certificate Program

(IEECP) on 26 May 2016, coordinated by the Indo Universal Collaboration for

Engineering Education (IUCEE). The program was sponsored by the Microsoft and

International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP), Austria. He also qualified

(within top 3 positions) the Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) exam which is a part of

this certification course. The program was offered in blended format where most of

the instructions were delivered online supported by two well-designed face-to-face

workshops one at the beginning of the program (12-15 September 2015) and the

other at the end of the program (23-26 May 2016). This was centrally coordinated by

IUCEE and conducted by expert faculty from USA and India.

December 2016 Page 02 |


Team UAS NMIMS (Student Award) to Mr. Akash Agrawal & TeamTeam UAS NMIMS is a group of current 3rd year students who design and fabricate drones. The team under the captainship of Akash

Agrawal participated for the first time in the 2016 AUVSI SUAS competition in June 2016, held at Maryland, USA. 56 teams from all over

the globe participated in this competition. The team secured a mission rank 5 and an overall rank 19 in the world along with winning a

prize barrel of 1600 USD. UAS-NMIMS, a team of 9 students from Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering,

NMIMS University, Shirpur campus participated in the 14th Annual Student UAS Competition at Webster Field, St Inigoes, Maryland, USA

from June 15 to 18, 2016. Team members were Akash Agrawal, Kshitij Shah, Vinal Raja, Umang Mistry, Nishit Mehta, Arushi Jain, Pratik

Sone, Hemil Patel, Aditya Khatri . Team was headed by Mr. Akash Agrwal (Captain). Team members have received $ 1,600.00 for five (5)

prize barrels.

“Development of

Courseware e-content”

under NME-ICT of MHRD,

IndiaUGC's EMMRC is investing efforts in

making pharmacy courses available for

students. For this EMMRC had appealed

various Universities catering pharmacy

programme to contribute in this drive.

The Pharmacy schools of NMIMS

University which are appreciated by

outside world, shared the major portion.

To ta l 1 0 0 v i d e o l e c t u re s we re

wonderfully written, presented by

teachers from both the Pharmacy schools

at Shirpur campus in two phases. Faculty

members will be awarded with certificate

and handsome remuneration for this

contribution. This series of lectures will

be telecasted on UGC website and will be

available there as e-content to learn

pharmacy subjects.

Dr Payal Dande is amongst the

for Excellence” in the Faculty Development Program

conducted on “Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning”

by IIT Bombay. This FDP was held under the National Mission of

Education through ICT (MHRD), and was funded by SAP India Pvt. Ltd

through CSR grants. She was also invited to

participate in 24th International Conference on thComputers in Education (ICCE2016), and in the “8

IEEE International Conference on Technology for

Education” organized at IIT Bombay during

November 30 to December 4, 2016. Her screencast

was exhibited in the conference.

Top Performers and received“SAP Award

by scoring 91.5%

December 2016 Page 03 |

“SAP Award for Excellence” to Dr Payal Dande from IIT Mumbai


International Symposium on

June 10-11, 2016The Internat ional symposium on

“Knowledge and Communicat ion

(ISKCOM - 2016)”, was jointly organised by

SVKM's NMIMS, MPTP, Shirpur Campus,

MH, India and Khon Kaen University,

Thailand. The theme of the conference was

"Future Librarianship: Innovative,

Embedded, Sustainable and Emerging

Trends, Knowledge and Communication".

The theme was based on the latest

r e q u i r e m e n t s o f c h a n g e s a n d

improvements needed in Library science

and academic arena.

December 2016 Page 04 |


Orientation Program at

MPSTME: July 25, 2016An orientation Program was organized on

July 16, 2016 for the first year B Tech & MBA

Tech Students. The program was

conducted in the Auditorium of the

Institute. The chief attendees at the stage

were Hon. Shri Rajgopalji Bhandari,

Member Managing Committee, Director Dr

R S G a u d , C h i e f A c c o u n t a n t &

Administrator Mr Rahul Dande, and

Associate Dean Dr A Bunglowala. After the

inauguration, Dr R S Gaud and Rajgopalji

Bhandari welcomed and addressed the

gather ing. Dr Aaqui l Bunglowala

introduced the audience to the campus

facilities and faculty members from various

departments. The students were

introduced to NMIMS, MPSTME Shirpur

campus and briefed about course

structure, syllabus, infrastructure, facility,

Hostel, rules and exam guidelines. The

Program was anchored by Dr Sanjay

Shrivastava and Prof Pratiksha Meshram.

The programme ended with a vote of


Orientation Program at SPTM:

July 2, 2016To welcome and introduce the new

students about SVKM's NMIMS culture, an

orientation programme was organized for

M. Pharm on June 20, 2016, and for B.

Pharm students on July 04, 2016. The

program started with a brief introduction

of SVKM's NMIMS, Mukesh Patel

Technology Park (MPTP) Shirpur Campus. It

further emphasized on the teaching –

learning process, examination and other

activities conducted as a part of academic

as well as co-curricular events. The post

lunch session was occupied with students

to give them a brief about the course

structure, syllabus, subjects and their

credit weight in the course. After course

orientation, a meeting was organized for

Mentors and Mentees along with their

parents to explain the process of

mentership. Mentees were asked to fill up

the details in mentorship form. Mentors

shared contact details of students and their

parents for further communication. The

meeting ended with a sightseeing

programme in the evening.

December 2016 Page 05 |


Fire fighting Workshop:

July 30, 2016A training workshop on ‘Firefighting and

Safety' was arranged for staff of MPTP,

Shirpur campus on Nov 17, 2016. The

training was arranged for staff of security,

hostel and mess. The training emphasized

on composition, types, and causes of fire.

Other facets such as composition of

chemicals in fire extinguisher, time

required to cover a premises or any

establishment due to any fire incidence and

types inc lud ing handl ing of f i re

extinguisher was exhibited. The trainee

were trained in handl ing of f ire

extinguisher. They were informed about

the precautions to be taken while

operating any fire extinguisher. The

members were made aware of visibility and

significance of fire sign boards and fire

extinguishers in any establishment.

Theoretical knowledge over evacuation

plan and fire exits along with the

requirement of periodical inspection was

given. Major point of discussion was the life

of chemicals filled in any fire extinguisher

and its disposal process. Simulative training

was given to each individual on how to

operate fire cylinder, how to carry

extinguisher during any fire incidence and

the kinds of fire extinguisher to be used in

different fire types. Special training was

given on carbon dioxide based fire


Novus 2016: August 7, 2016A fresher's Party, 'Novus-2016' was

organized to welcome the first year

students to the SVKM's NMIMS, SPTM

family. Dr. Ashwini Deshpande, Mr. Rahul

Dande, Mr. Anil Nigam along with all faculty

members and students were present for

the event. Dr. Shirish Deshpande,

Dr. Payal Dande and Dr. Smita Bonde were

the judges to select Mr & Ms Fresher 2016,

through the Ramp Walk, Introduction,

Talent round and Judges' questions. Mr. Sri

Ram Devalla and Ms. Vaibhavi Badve were

selected as Mr and Ms. Fresher 2016


December 2016 Page 06 |



August 24, 2016On the eve of 24th August 2016, a debate

session in “open forum” format was

conducted at Seminar Hall of SVKM's

NMIMS MPSTME, Shirpur campus for

students of all years. The event lasted for

around two hours. This event marked the

completion of India's 70th Independence

Day. Following the guidelines of the

Ministry of Human Resource Development,

NMMUN celebrated the spir it of

Independence. The topics of the debate

were “Impact of British rule in India” and

“Mahatma Gandhi vs. Bhagat Singh: Clash

of Ideologies.” A total of around 90

students vividly participated in the debate.

The positive approach taken all students

specially the first year was admirable trying

to voice his/her opinion and counter each

other's claim.

Teachers' Day Celebration at

NMIMS MPTP ShirpurThe birth date of the second President of

India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, 5

September 1888, is celebrated as Teacher's

Day since 1962. This festival is traditionally

celebrated by India and Nepal, to pay

respect to the teachers, expressing

gratitude towards the significant duties

teachers perform, building up the nation by

sharing knowledge, information and

wisdom to the next generation. On this day,

here at NMIMS, Mukesh Patel Technology

Park (MPTP) , Shirpur Campus, a

programme for felicitation of teachers was

organized. Dr. R S Gaud – Director MPTP,

Shirpur inaugurated the function by

lighting the lamp of Goddess of knowledge

and wisdom Maa Saraswati. During his

address, he pointed out to the combination

December 2016 Page 07 |


of three blessed occasions on the same day

– Ganesh Chaturthi, Teacher's day and

Honour of Mother Teresa as Saint. He

interactively and effectively conveyed a

m e s s a g e t h a t h o w t h e s e t h r e e

personalities Dr Radhakrishnan, Saint

Mother Teresa and Lord Ganesha, can

stand as our ideal to be followed in terms of

performing our jobs and duties observing

the fullest of dedication, devotion and

determination. The group of University

Student Council Members placed their

specific request in the form of prayer for

teachers. Dr. R S Gaud gave faculty pledge

to all faculty members to remind them of

their significant duties and responsibilities

towards the job as a teacher. At the end,

Dr R. S. Gaud felicitated each faculty

member by o f fer ing a token of

appreciation. All faculty members from

MPTP Shirpur Campus were present for the

occasion including the Asso. Deans of

Schools & HoDs of all Departments.

Programme ended with vote of thanks to

organizers. Gathering enjoyed snacks and

tea at the end.

December 2016 Page 08 |


Ganeshotsav Celebration:

September 5-11, 2016SVKM'S NMIMS – MPTP, Shirpur Campus

celebrated Ganeshotsav from September

5-11, 2016. The event started with the

sthapana of idol of Lord Ganesha on

Anantchaturdashi at Central dining Hall of

SVKM's NMIMS, MPTP, Shirpur Campus

with rituals – Maha Aarati and Pooja in an

atmosphere full of devotional fervour. Site

for Sthapana of Lord Ganesha was arranged

with pleasant Lightings, Devotional

Bhajana's- Shlok's, Stotra's and Sound

System. The Sthapna of Idol of Lord

Ganesha was performed by the hands of

Shri. Rahul Dande, Dr. Payal Dande and Mr.

Anil Nigam with family. Students danced

with enthusiasm and zeal to the beats of

traditional instruments like Dhol – Taasha

to welcome the Lord Ganesha. The start of

every next day morning witnessed the

gathering of resident faculty, staff

members and students turning out in large

numbers for performing the Aarati – Pooja

and for seeking the blessings of Bappa.

The last day of Ganeshotsav Celebration

observed special satyanarayan pooja.

Delicious and Mouthwatering Modaks

made by students were offered for the final

Aarti. Shri. Rajgopal Bhandari, Hon'ble

Member Managing Committee – SVKM

facilitated all, the events with a special

budgetary approval; Dr. Ram Gaud,

Director – SVKM's NMIMS – MPTP,

provided the guidance and Shri. Rahul

Dande, Chief Accountant & Administrator

facilitated the relevant arrangements.

December 2016 Page 09 |


Smart Cities Primary and

Secondary Research at

Shirpur: September 9-13,

2016Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal

and retrof i tt ing program by the

Government of India with a mission to

develop 100 cities all over the country

making them citizen friendly and

sustainable. Shirpur is one of the important

industrial and educational hubs which

provides all facilities needed for good life of

c it izens. Shirpur model of water

conservation is well-known in the country

and has played a vital role in the

development of the area. A team of 50

students along with 3 faculty members of

different schools of SVKM Mumbai visited

S h i r p u r c a m p u s f o r c o n d u c t i n g

interdisciplinary course on smart cities. The

team conducted primary and secondary

research at Shirpur from September 10 to

13, 2016. Dr. Anuja Agrawal. Associate

Dean, Technology Management, MPSTME

Mumbai was leading the visiting team. The

evening session started with visit to

engineering college (RCPIT) and Pharmacy

College Shirpur to study the development

in education field in rural area. The team

was also taken to Shirpur Municipal

Corporation which is known for providing

quality life to the citizens. Mukesh Patel

Recreation Garden is one of the prime

attractions of all visitors at Shirpur city. The

students' team also visited the garden and

spent their time in the evening. The team

return to campus after lunch at famous

'Gymkhana' location at Shirpur. The

discussion session for the students was

organized in the seminar hall. The second

day started with visit to different locations

where the work of water conservation has

been done. The detailed information has

been provided by Mr. Sursh Khanapurkar,

who has played major role in implementing

“Shirpur pattern of water conservation” in

this area. The team spent a whole day to

study this project at different area near to

Shirpur. The third day was reserved for visit

to various innovation projects and textile

industries. These industries has played

important role in upliftment of farmers of

Shirpur area. Team also visited School of

aviation, CBSE Schools. The well-equipped

i n f ra st r u c t u re o f t h e s e p ro j e c t s

mesmerised the students of the team.

December 2016 Page 10 |


Engineers Day“Engineer's Day” was celebrated on 16th

September, 2016 at NMIMS, Shirpur

Campus. The celebration was held in

memory of a c iv i l eng ineer, S i r

Mokshgundam V isvesvaraya . The

celebration started with the words of

wisdom by Dr. Aaquil Bunglowala,

Associate Dean, MPSTME followed by short

presentation about Sir Mokshgundam

Visvesvaraya by Dr. Narayan Chandak,

Head, Department of Civil Engineering. All

faculty members and students were

present on the occasion.

ASME SLDC 2016 celebrated

on September 17-18, 2016A two days 'Student Led Design Conference

(SLDC)” was organised under ASME

student section-Zone 6 at MPSTME,

Shirpur campus on 17th and 18th

September 2016. The conference was

inaugurated by Dr. Aaquil Bunglowala,

Associate Dean, MPSTME Shirpur Campus

in the presence of Chief guest Dr. Mukesh

Tiwari, Vice President, M&M Ltd,

Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh. Dr. K.K.

Gupta, Head of Mechanical Engineering

Department welcomed the guests.

The Inaugural function was followed by the

key note address by Mr. Mukesh Tiwari on

the topic 'Employability of an Engineer at

Indian Universities'. Mr. Tiwari emphasized

on the need for persona l sk i l l s

improvement in students to increase their

employability. The post lunch session

started with Oral and Poster presentation

by participants. The presentations included

topics such as solar energy, Hybrid engines,

Automation, Future fuels, Roof top gardens


The second day started with a Keynote

speech by Dr. Ajay Chandak. He spoke

about solar as renewable energy source

and also focused on waste management. A

Show Case on Technical web page

p r e s e n t a t i o n , t e c h n i c a l v i d e o

p r e s e n t a t i o n s o n e n g i n e e r i n g

developments and Invention was

o r g a n i z e d i n m o r n i n g s e s s i o n .

Competitions such as “The Clash of cranes,

Hydro-Jet and student design challenges”

were organized in the afternoon session.

The winners of various events were

awarded at the valedictory function. More

than 100 students participated in the


December 2016 Page 11 |


YSF AIESEC in NMIMSYouth Speak Forum, abbreviated as YSF and

powered by AIESEC is a premiere event that

brings together young and senior leaders to

form a diverse cross-sector and multi-

generat iona l space for insp i r ing

conversations around pressing global

issues, was conducted on 10th & 11th of

September 2016 in NMIMS Shirpur

campus. The event had participation from

students of MPSTME and SPTM and in all

there were 175 student entries out of

which 21 were from SPTM and 154 were

from MPSTME. The event had renowned

speakers from different professions like

Rohan Shah (Actor), Mr Linto (Co-Founder

of You tube channel Be Younick), Mr. Farhad

Acidwala (Entrepreneur & TedX Speaker),

Amrita Joshi (Choreographer & Actor) &

Savi Sharma (Author) , who motivated and

influenced the students and shared their

stories of success. Apart from the

dignitaries, the event had the prominent

presence of Director, NMIMS, Shirpur

Campus Dr. R.S. Gaud & Faculty in charge

for AIESEC, Shirpur Campus Prof. Rajendra


Fresher's Day Event:

September 24, 2016The 24th September, 2016 was marked as a

very special and memorable day for every

fresher and even for all present at SVKM's

NMIMS Shirpur Campus, C-wing, Seminar

hall. The fresher's day was celebrated for

D.Pharm first year students which was full

of enjoyment, fun, excitement, happiness

and laughter throughout the event. The

fresher's program was organised by 2nd

year students (D. Pharm). The program

started with introduction of all the

participants followed by talent round, and

quiz round. Based on the results, Mr. Nihal

Jaiswal & Ms. Mayuri Shinde were selected

as Mr. Fresher & Mrs. Fresher 2016.

December 2016 Page 12 |


Navrotsav Celebration:

September 24, 2016As per the Indian tradition, Navrotsav

(navratri celebration) was organized on

24th September' 2016 (Saturday) at

SVKM's NMIMS - MPTP, Shirpur Campus

between 06.30 pm to 09.30 pm. The

celebration started by offering prayers to

Goddess Navdurga and then by performing

Garba and Dandiya raas''. All the Students,

Faculty and Staff Members of MPTP,

Shirpur Campus along with their family

member were invited to attend the event.

The event was followed by delicious food

for the dinner at common mess of boy's

hostel dining area. The navrotsav event

became an excel lent example of

celebration of tradition with joy and

fervour at its fullest along with the

discipline of students. Performance of the

Renowned Professional Orchestra–

Headed by Mr. Manish Parekh was the

main attraction of the event. As per the

Directives of the Hon'ble Director, Dr. R. S.

Gaud & Chief Administrator, Mr. Rahul

Dande, the event was facilitated with

special arrangements of stage decorations,

lights, sound system from Mumbai along

with emergency first aid medical facility

and travel facility for Shirpur and Dhule.

Joint efforts and smooth coordination

between the members of administration

team, faculties, staff of MPTP and a group

of Students made it a memorable event of

the year.

Dengue Awareness Camp:

September 25, 2016On the occasion of World's Pharmacist day,

25th September 2016, a “Dengue

Awareness Camp” was conducted by

students of SPTM NMIMS Shirpur Campus

under the supervision and guidance of Dr

Payal R Dande. Faculty members along with

a team of students visited R. C. Patel

Secondary School, Savalde. With the help

of Poster and skit, the students and faculty

members of SPTM, created awareness

about the disease, its causes, and

symptoms along with its preventive

measures for the students of Class 5 to

Class 10. The idea of depicting it in the form

of play worked very effectively. The

students learned it in an interesting way

and answered most of the questions asked

after the skit to check their understanding.

This noble cause was very much

appreciated by the director Dr R S Gaud,

Asso. Dean, Dr A S Deshapande and all

faculty colleagues and students. The video

of the skit was also shown to other schools

for creating mass awareness.

December 2016 Page 13 |


World Pharmacist Day

celebration: September 26,

2016Pharmacists are an integral part of the

health care society. “Pharmacists: Caring

for you” is the theme of this year's World

Pharmacists Day. The day was celebrated

by the members of SVKM's NMIMS SPTM

family. The event was organized on 26th

September, 2016 during 6.00 to 8.30 pm.

The event included felicitation of the

Pharmacists, Skit, Debate competition and

Quiz competition. The winner of the

debate were Kapil Gore and Richa Shah.

The best speaker was awarded to Manu

Verma. The winner team for Quiz

competition included Shambhavi Shahi,

Kapil Gore, Pradipti Das and Durgesh

Devalla. The Runner up team comprised of

Kartikey Singh Raikwar, Akshay Kothawade,

Rushikesh Bansode and Shri Ram.


NOTHING -2016Double or Nothing was organized by the

Computer Society of India Shirpur Chapter

on 1st October 2016 at C-Wing Seminar

Hall. The event was the first to be organized

by the CSI team for the year 2016. More

than 40 students took part showcasing

their technological awareness and

enthusiastically participated in the short

tech-debate organized by the team. We

congratulate Mr. Dhruv Desai and Mr.

Aayush Sawhney for winning the event

despite some tough competition from the

other participants. The first round

comprised of a quiz which was based on the

double or noth ing concept . The

participants were instructed to prepare

questions beforehand which would

compare to each other in terms of

difficulty. In the end, the event was

successful only due to the complete

support from our faculty in charge Prof.

Mayank Sohani and Dr. N.S. Choubey HOD

CS & IT Department. We are grateful to our

Associate Dean Dr. Aaquil Bunglowala for

the support he provided during the

complete course of event.

December 2016 Page 14 |


NMMUN'16 FlashThe 8th edition of NMMUN was held at

MPSTME, NMIMS, Shirpur Campus from

October 7-9, 2016. It was a three day

conference attended by 94 delegates with

10 executive board members and 10 IPC

members. The Executive Body comprised

of highly experienced individuals many of

whom had an international level MUN

experience. This year, the organizing team

did a brilliant job and took NMMUN to a

much higher level. The conference was a

huge success and was enjoyed by all

throughout. The external delegates were

from all over India. NMMUN this year had

created a buzz all over the country. This was

the first time ever in the history of Narsee

Monjee Model United Nations that we

introduced Lok Sabha, an Indian

Committee exclusively for the benefits of

the first timers. However the success of this

event would not have been possible

without the support of Chancellor of our

esteemed NMIMS University Mr. Amrish

Patel, Director of NMIMS, Shirpur Dr. R. S.

Gaud, Associate Dean Dr. Aaqui l

Bungalowala and our faculty incharge Prof.

Vivekanand Bagal.

December 2016 Page 15 |


Survey CampA “Survey Camp” was conducted for

students of IInd year B.Tech. & MBA Tech.

Civil Engineering Department on October

08, 2016 at Nageshwar, nearly 25 Km away

from campus. In the camp, 45 students

participated and were accompanied by 5

faculty members and 3 lab assistants.

Fast Learner's Meet (FLM): OCT 2016- NewsA fast learner's meet of students from

Shirpur & Mumbai campus was organized

at Mukesh Patel Technology Park, Shirpur

Campus on October 08, 2016. The event

started with the motivational speech by Dr.

R.S. Gaud, Director, Shirpur campus. He

said that student feedback has become the

most widely used source of information to

e v a l u a t e a n d i m p r o v e t e a c h i n g

effectiveness. He said that FLM provides a

potential platform where meritorious

students brainstorm to discuss and find out

the relevance of syllabi and improvements

required to meet the global standards of

academic inputs. After that students

formed groups on the basis of their course

and streams. Top performers from Mumbai

and Shirpur campuses interacted to come

up with constructive suggestions on

syllabus, course content and other

a ca d e m i c p ro c e e d i n g s . Fa c u l t y

Coordinators were also observing so that

they don't get deviated from the track of

discussion required. Purpose of FLM was to

get feedback from meritorious students of

all streams from Mumbai & Shirpur

Campus. Feedback was reviewed by

respective Departments. Action Points

were listed to improve Academics at

respective Schools / Campuses. An expert

talk was delivered by Mr Sandeep Atre in

post lunch session. All the participants

appreciated the effort of University for

conducting such a meet and involving top

performing students in the process of

academic development. Students were

happy about the meet & expressed their

willingness to attend the same in future.

The Fast Learner's meet was ended with a

thanks to the convener and all the stake

holders of NMIMS.

Before leaving the campus, students were

briefed about the entire site and the work

to be performed, by Dr. Narayan Chandak,

Head, Civil Engineering Department.

Students were grouped into 5 different

groups and one group leader was deputed

for smooth conduction along-with one


December 2016 Page 16 |


Sardar Sarovar Dam VisitAn industrial visit was conducted for 3rd

year B.Tech and MBA Tech students to “The

SARDAR SAROVAR DAM" on 22 October,

2016. It was an informative, interesting and

successful visit. Here are some learning at

the students acquired from this massive

multipurpose project. At present it stands

at a height of 121.9 m. The river catchment

area on upstream side of the dam site is

spread across 88,000 It has the

longest canal network in the world and

includes the Narmada main canal, around

2500 km of branch canals, 5500 km of

distributaries, and other associated


B.Tech.and MBA Tech.

Fresher's 2016The event was held on October 24-25,

2016. It started with a welcome and

felicitation to the guests and authorities.

The gathering was addressed by Dr. Aaquil

Bunglowala, Associate Dean MPSTME.

Warm welcome was extended by 2nd year

Students with a group dance. The journey

of selection of Mr/Miss Fresher's began

with talent round followed by knowledge

round. Based on the results, Mr. Sanyukt

Saransh became the Mr. Fresher'16 Ms.

Kinnari Rawani became Miss Freher'16.

The Mr. & Ms. Fresher'16 for MBA Tech

were Mr. Manthan Mathur and Ms.

Tejaswini Jain. We on behalf of the

Frehers''16 Core Committee are thankful to

everyone who contributed his/her valuable

efforts and time, making this event a big


December 2016 Page 17 |


ASME Student Led Design

ConferenceA two days Student Led Design Conference

(SLDC) was organized under ASME students

section-zone 6 at MPSTME, Shirpur campus

on 17thand 18th September 2016. The

conference was inaugurated by Dr. Aaquil

Bunglowala, Associate Dean, MPSTME

Shirpur Campus in the presence of chief

guest Dr. Mukesh Tiwari, Vice President,

M&M Ltd, Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh. Dr.

K .K . Gupta, Head of Mechanica l

Engineering Department welcomed the

guests. Dr. Bunglowala addressed the

gathering on this occasion. The Inaugural

function was followed by the key note

address by Mr. Mukesh Tiwari on the topic

'Employability of Engineers at Indian


Constitution Day Celebration:

November 26, 2016Constitution day was celebrated at School

o f P h a r m a c y a n d Te c h n o l o g y

Management, Shirpur on November 26,

2016, in the Seminar hall of the campus.

The program was attended by 60 students

and all faculty members. The program

included a brief introduction about the

formation of the constitution, its

enactment and emphasized on the need of

discipline among professionals as a

responsible citizens. The event was marked

with the preamble of the constitution

being voiced by all participants. At the end,

two minute silence was observed to pay

homage to the martyrs of the attack on

26/11/2008. The program ended with vote

of thanks to the organizers.

December 2016 Page 18 |


Organ Donation Day:

November 27, 2016As declared by the N

Tissue Transplant Organization, 27th of

November 2016 was celebrated as

“National Organ Donation Day" by the

faculty and students of SVKM's NMIMS

School of Pharmacy and Technology

Management in Shirpur campus. With an

ational Organ and

objective of introducing the young minds to

the concept of Organ Donation, the

students were informed about each organ,

its function and its method of donation

during their regular curriculum and hence

interactive sessions were conducted

throughout their academics. In order to

shed more light on end stage organ failure

and organ transplant, informative posters

that enriched the knowledge of the

members of the campus were displayed in

the central foyer throughout the week.

Dr. R.S.Gaud, appealed everyone to be an

active donor and give the gift of life to

people in need. The program was planned

and coordinated by Dr Ashwini Deshpande

and Mr. Swapnil G. Patil, SPTM Shirpur


Training on GDPI conducted

for Faculty of CSIT

Department, MPSTME:

December 17, 2016.A customized training was conducted by Dr

Sanjay Shrivastava, Associate Professor

(Communication) on GDPI for the Faculty

members of CSIT Department, MPSTME on

17th December 2016. The objective of the

training was to provide faculty members

the inputs of GDPI and also discuss

technical points of the same including

scaling method, so that faculty members

could conduct the same with the senior B

Te c h s t u d e nt s to e n s u re b e tte r

performance during placement GDPI

sessions. Ten faculty members participated

in the training. The training session was co-

resourced by Prof Rajendra Agrawal. The

session was also attended by the HoD CSIT

Dept. Prof Nitin Coubey and Associate

Dean Dr Aaquil Bunglowala. In the last, Prof

Pratiksha Meshram, Assistant Professor,

CSIT Dept. delivered the vote of thanks to

the trainers.

December 2016 Page 19 |


December 2016 Page 20 |


Social Drive - Day 1Great changes are brought about through

small efforts of many hands anxiously

engaged in good cause. To bring smile on

innocent faces of needy children, students

of MPTP Shirpur campus organized a

“Diwali Social drive” named “Each One

Save One”.

On the auspicious occasion of Diwali,

students of MPTP under the guidance of Dr.

Payal Dande joined hands for a three day

social activity “EACH ONE SAVE ONE” that

aimed at bringing smile to the faces of

needy students from various schools and

organizations of Shirpur and nearby areas.

The drive was approved and whole

heartedly supported by our beloved

Director Dr R.S. Gaud, Mr. Rahul Dande, Dr.

Aaquil Bunglowala and Dr. Ashwini

Deshpande. Everyone r ight f rom

management, faculty, staff and students

contributed for this beautiful and pious

social cause.

Day 1: Visit to Ashram School for Mentally

Challenged Students

On Day 1, Students along with Director

MPTP and the faculty members including

Dr. Sateesh B, Dr. Payal Dande and Mr.

Parshuram Shendge visited “Waghadi

mentally challenged Ashram School” in the

evening. Drawing and stationery material

sufficient for a complete one year was

gifted to 60 mentally challenged students.

Our students were more than happy to

help them have a great Diwali celebration.

They played, danced and ate with them. It

was indeed a gala time for all of us.

According to the students, this event

became one of the most cherished and

unforgettable experience of their lives. The

feeling of contentment and satisfaction

was clearly visible on the face of Director

and faculty members. Most of the students

showed their eagerness to spend time with


Director Dr R. S. Gaud special ly

congratulated Dr. Payal Dande and the

student coordinators Mr. Suchit Arora, Mr.

Praneet Singh, Mr. Swapnil Guru and Ms.

Khushboo for their effective conduction of

the event.


Day 2: Visit to Deaf and Dumb Ashram


Day 2 was marked by the visit at “Deaf and

Dumb Ashram School” in the evening.

Students of NMIMS, MPTP campus along

with faculty members Dr. Payal Dande,

Mr. Jineet Gawad, Mr. Jeevan Kittur and

Mr. Parshuram Shendge visited the school.

The school students were gifted with

school bags and notebooks that could be

used for the complete year. The celebration

brought out the hidden talents of the

especially abled students. Our students

were amazed to see their quick sign

language and sharpness of mind.

The students recalled their earlier visit

made to the same school in order to create

awareness about H1N1 influenza and also

Holi celebration. Happiness was exchanged

by learning their way of expression. It was

one of the most wonderful experience and

joyful moment for all the students and staff

of MPTP campus.

Day 3: R C Patel secondary School, Savalde

On Day 3, Students of NMIMS, MPTP

campus were accompanied by Director Dr

R S Gaud, Mr Rahul Dande and a team of

faculty members to “Savalde R. C. Patel

School”. We missed the presence of Dr

Aaquil Bunglowala and Dr Ashwini

Deshpande due to their academic


Everyone was delighted and surprised by

the warm welcome extended by the School

Principal Mrs. Seema More, teachers and

huge applause that came from school

students. Dr R. S. Gaud wished everyone

and motivated them to become a good

human being and valuable asset of the

society. Dr. Payal Dande explained about

the “Special Diwali drive of Spreading

Happiness” that's taken up by NMIMS

management, staff and students for the

year 2016-17. Prof Mitra narrated the

famous parable as an essence behind

Diwali celebrations.

The students were gifted with school bags

and notebooks. Principal Mrs Seema More

was touched by the noble act of our

students and the special Diwali gift brought

by them for little kids. She narrated, “How

Management and students of NMIMS

Shirpur campus have always helped her

students in the Past”. She requested to

continue the association of NMIMS with

them and also invited students and staff of

MPTP Campus for sharing their knowledge

& exposure with the new generation.

Happiness was filled in the air and

everyone was more than happy to

participate in this noble cause. Faculty

members and staff congratulated Dr. Payal

Dande and her team for conceptualizing

this beautiful idea and showed their

eagerness to participate in any such activity

in future.

The event ended with rangoli making,

group photo session and an exchange of

Diwali wishes to each other. The event

became memorable for everyone present.

December 2016 Page 21 |


Online Guest Lecture:

September 24, 2016An online guest lecture of Ms. Vaishali

Kadam (Consultant in Intellectual property

and patents, Tecknowart-IP Solutions) was

organized on September 24, 2016. The

topic of discussion was - Introduction to IPR

and patents. Students from undergraduate

and postgraduate program, Faculty and

PhD scholars attended and found it

interest ing and informat ive. The

coordinator extended vote of thanks on

behalf of SVKM's NMIMS, MPTP, Shirpur


Expert Talk on Pharma

Software: September 13,

2016A Guest lecture was organized on 13th

Sept. 2016 on topic of Pharma software by

Mr. Jivan Kulkarni – JK Consultancy

Services, Malegaon, for D.Pharm 2nd year

students. Mr Jivan Kulkarni, delivered

lecture on Retail Pharma Software named

“PHARTAIL'' which is used in medical shops

for the documentation, preparation of bill,

to check expiry of drugs and for stock

verification etc. The software is user

friendly and assists the pharmacist in the

management and handling of medicines.

The D Pharm students learned the theory

and practical aspects of the software. The

lecture was very useful for budding

pharmacist who would like to practice

community pharmacy.

Expert Talk on “Mergers and

Acquisitions”On Nov 12, 2016, Department of Computer

Engineering and Information Technology

organized an expert talk for third year MBA

Te c h st u d e nt s o n “ M e rge rs a n d

Acquisitions” which was delivered by Mrs.

Janhavi Jhaveri, Business and Tax Advisor.

Guest lecture on “Real life

application of Signal and

system”Mr. Shekhar Sharma, Associate Professor in

Electronics and Telecommunication

department of SGSITS, Indore gave an

expert talk on “Real life application of

Signal and System” for second year MBA

Tech EXTC program on 12th November

2016 at MPSTME, Shirpur Campus. Mr.

Sharma also discussed about the

perspective of Electronics engineering in

future technology and trends. He answered

to the queries of the students. At the end of

the talk Mr. Ankit Dixit, gave vote of thanks

on the behalf of NMIMS family to Mr.

Shekhar Sharma for sparing his precious

time to guide the students for their bright


Expert Talk on SAS

Subscription ModelDepartment of Computer Engineering and

Information Technology organized an

expert talk for third and final year BTech

students on “SAS Subscription Model” on

Nov 12, 2016 which was delivered by

Mr.Raj Jhaveri, Senior Manager Education

at SAS and Mr. Akshay Dixit, Education

Consultant at SAS.

December 2016 Page 22 |


Inter School workshop: June

29 to July 2, 2016A n I n t e r - S c h o o l W o r k s h o p o n

Microbiological Techniques was held from

June 29th – July 2nd, 2016 at SVKM's

NMIMS, School of Pharmacy and

Technology Management, Shirpur campus.

The main intent of the Workshop was to

summarize existing knowledge about

techniques and then to use this review as

the basis for designing their minor, major or

industrial projects hereafter. The technical

session was delivered by Dr. Ulhas K Patil,

HOD, Microbiology, R. C. Patel Senior

College for Science, Shirpur, Mr Swapnil

Patil and Dr Smita Bonde. The talk was

focused on basics of applied microbiology

and recent testing or applications of these

methodologies in Pharmacy. Post lunch

session included hands on training to teach

inoculation, preparation of media plates

expertly assisted by Mrs. Meera Parikh

(Technician, SPP-SPTM).

LaTeX Workshop: July 30,

2016The IETE Student forum of NMIMS Shirpur

Campus organized a one day workshop on

July 30, 2016. The workshop was

recommended by Prof. Atul Patil, Mentor

IETE Student forum NMIMS-SHR. Session

was started by a brief introduction about

the IETE student forum by Prof. Atul Patil.

He briefly spoke about the workshop and

its benefits for the students who will be

later dealing with Latex. The workshop was

focused for students, faculty and staff

members of MPSTME, Shirpur. With over

69 participants out of which 61 students

from various branches and 8 faculty and

staff members, the event witnessed a huge

success in terms of participation. In the first

session, Prof. Pravin Wararkar has given

brief introduction about LaTex and

discussed origin, history and applications

of software. In addition to that, he also

explained the difference between LaTex &

other available word processor software.

Prof. Ankit Dixit conducted session II and

session III. In the sessions participants were

taught to write a basic code for the latex

document. Document classes, packages,

and available fonts were discussed during

the sessions. Participants created a sample

application, sample resume, sample

presentation and sample IEEE paper on


December 2016 Page 23 |


Workshop on SPTM

Placement: July 8, 2016An orientation of students was conducted

by Ms. Rachna Kacker, Placement Executive

on July 8, 2016 for SPTM students to make

them acquainted with the current

placement scenario. The points of

discussion included details on formation of

student placement committee including

generation of professional email ids,

preparation & verification of CVs for

Workshop on “Use of ICT in

Teaching Learning Process:

Idea of Flipped Classroom”Dr Payal Dande conducted a workshop on

“Use of ICT in Teaching Learning Process:

Idea of Flipped Classroom” at ISTE

Approved Faculty Development Program

on Äpplication of Advanced Analytical

Tools & Technology in Pharma Sciences on

Äugust 29, 2016.

technical training. A detail discussion on

the placement guidelines, policies with

regular updateson professional and social

media platforms was asked to be made to

exploit potential media exposure.

Training on “Soft Skills”: on

December 22, 2016Soft Skills is first and foremost need of the

day and its significance is increasing by

leaps in today’s industry. Keeping it in view,

a training program was organized on Soft

skills at MPTP Shirpur Campus. The training

program was conducted by Ms. Pratibha

Tiwari from Jaipuria Inst itute of

Management, Indore. It was conducted in

two phases, first for the students and post

lunch session, for faculties of MPTP Shirpur

Campus. In the session for students, she

emphasized on the top 10 skill sets that

define a person’s success in building one’s

career. The topic for faculty training was

Soft Skills @ Workplace. The trainer shared

various significant issues of soft skills and

its implications in organization.

Marketing Workshop:

September 3, 2016Dr. Sandeep Dr Sandip Puri a marketing

faculty from IMT, Ghaziabad invited in

SVKM's NMIMS School of Pharmacy and

Techno logy Management on 3rd

September 2016 to deliver a Seminar on

New Age Marketing and Sales. Dr. Sandeep

Puri is a marketing professional and has

worked with pharmaceutical companies

and many marketing schools to gain

proficiency in the field of marketing. New

age marketing strategies are the

requirement of the digital age. Dr. Sandeep

Puri's in his unique way, explained every

aspect of marketing with unparalleled

examples made the seminar very

interesting. The seminar was concluded

with a token of thanks to Dr. Sandeep Puri.

December 2016 Page 24 |


Office Communication

Workshop (OCW) under

Faculty Development

ProgramSince effective communication is the

backbone of business and academics, this

Faculty Development Programme (FDP)

titled Office Communication Workshop

was designed to train and develop faculty

members in the area of communication &

soft skills so that they could contribute

their best in teaching, guiding and

motivating budding professionals more

effectively by edging knowledge transfer

with effective communication. The aim is

was to train the faculty fraternity on official

communication so that they could

effectively produce internal and external

communication through this FDP. The OCW

ran from July to December 2016. In all nine

faculty members successfully completed

the training and given certificates. Faculty

Development Programme (FDP) aimed at

e q u i p p i n g t e a c h e r s w i t h O f f i c e

Communication packager and the target

group for the training was Faculty

Members of MPSTME. The faculty

coordinator and resource for this FDP was

Dr Sanjay Shrivastava, Associate Professor -

B u s i n e s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n , A S H

Department, MPSTME, Shirpur Campus.

Workshop on “English

language Lab”A two day workshop on “English Language

Lab” was conducted by Mr Shreyas Shankar

from WORDSWORTH. During workshop, he

demonstrated and taught the use of

language lab software, to create and

evaluate the exercise and task. He also

explained about how to generate and

assess reports.

Training on “Automation in

Man-Made Fibre Production”:

From July 5-30, 2016SVKM'S NMIMS-BOSCH Centre for

Excellence in Automation, MPTP Shirpur

Campus in association with Centre for

Textile Functions, Shirpur and AYM Syntax

Ltd, Silvassa, conducted a one month

Textile Graduate Trainee Engineers

orientation program on “Automation in

Man-Made Fibre Production”. The training

facility for graduate trainee engineers was

provided in world class automation centre

i.e. BOSCH Rexroth laboratory of SVKM'S

NMIMS Shirpur campus. This program is

focused to develop interest of students in

learning present technological practices in

the man-made fibre industry.

December 2016 Page 25 |


FDP by IIT Mumbai on Use of

ICT in Education in Online &

Blended Learning'': May 02-

July 10, 2016National level FDP on Use of “ICT in

Education in Online & Blended Learning''

was organized by IIT-Bombay from May

2nd to July 10, 2016. This faculty

development program was conducted with

an intention to empower teachers to make

use of modern tools and technology in

imparting quality education. The 10 week

exhaustive programme included 8 learning

modules, 6 face-to face interactive

sessions, online assignments by individual

and teams, online quiz, discussion forum,

workshops on modern teaching tools and

technology with a special emphasis on

creating learning modules using ICT. Total

16 part ic ipants have successful ly

completed the course and received

certificate after the completion of



Industrial Visit of B.Tech /

MBA Tech students to

Scientech Technologies Pvt.

Ltd.The Department of EXTC, NMIMS, Shirpur

Campus organized a one day industrial visit

to Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Indore,

M.P on 7th Oct. 2016 for EXTC and

on 14th Oct. 2016 for MBA Tech , 2nd year,

Sem - III students. The visit was organized

with prior permission and guidance of Hon.

Associate Dean Dr. Aaquil Bunglowala and

HOD of EXTC department Prof. Atul Patil.

Prof. Rahul Koshti, Prof. Mayank Kothari

and Mr. Lalit Pawar accompanied the

student for the visit.

December 2016 Page 26 |


Industrial visit to MBA Tech

students at Shirpur Power

Plant Ltd. (SPPL)The Department of Electrical Engineering,

NMIMS, Shirpur Campus organized a one

day industrial visit to Shirpur Power Plant

Ltd. (SPPL)., Nardana, Maharashtra on

22nd Oct. 2016 for B.Tech Electrical, 2nd

year, Sem - III students. Elec along with Prof.

Ainal Abdul Azeez and Prof. Ankit Dixit

joined this industrial visit. SPPL has

appointed FICHTNER Consulting Engineers

(I) Pvt. Ltd., as their Consultant Engineer for

the Project. Shirpur Power Pvt. Ltd, has

proposed to construct and operate a 300

MW (2x150 MW) Solid Fuel based Thermal

Power Plant at Nardana, in the District of

Dhule, Maharashtra.

Guest Lecture, Expert Talk delivered and Workshop conducted

Workshop on Data AnalyticsDr. Milan Joshi was invited as a Guest

Speaker for five days workshop on “Data

Analytics” at MPSTME, Mumbai organized

by Department of Computer Engineering

during 11th -15th July 2016. In this

workshop he delivered a talk on "Mining

Algorithms with R".

Expert talk on "HPTLC: An An

Advanced Analytical

Technique for evaluation of

Natural drugsDr Payal Dande delivered an Expert talk on

“ H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e T h i n L a y e r

Chromatography (HPTLC) : An Advanced

Analytical Technique for evaluation of

Natural drugs” at ISTE Approved Faculty

Development Program on Äpplication of

Advanced Analytical Tools & Technology in

Pharma Sciences on Äugust 29, 2016.

Dr S B Bagade delivered an Expert talk on

“Good Sample Practice: Hitherto &

Challenges” at ISTE Approved Faculty

Development Program on Äpplication of

Advanced Analytical Tools & Technology in

Pharma Sciences on Äugust 30, 2016.

Guest lecture on Entrepreneurship DevelopmentProf. Rajendra Agrawal was the Guest Speaker at Entrepreneurship

Development Programme conducted by Computer Department and

Electronics & Telecommunication Department of R.C. Patel Institute of

Technology on 24th September 2016 and 1st October respectively.

Prof Samir Mitra was invited as a Subject Expert in various institutes as


• R. C. Patel English Medium School, Shirpur on every weekend i.e. on


• R. C. Patel Military School Shirpur on every weekend i.e. on Sunday.

• Textile Engineering College on October 8, 2016.

Dr. S.V.Gumaste, Professor, GESCOEMR, Nashik delivered an expert talk

on “Research Characteristics” domain for CS/IT/EXTC on Nov 9, 2016.

Dr. Sugam Shivhare invited as Chief Guest and delivered lecture on

Biosensors-Synthesis & Application at BLP Govt. P.G. College, Mhow in

Inaugural ceremony of Chemical Association on 12th Nov. 2016.

December 2016 Page 27 |


DST “INSPIRE” Workshop in

association with HRPIPERA one week workshop was conducted at

SPTM in association with HRIPER for 200

students of Class 10+1 under INSPIRE

Internship Camp 2016, sponsored by

Department of Science and Technology,

Government of India at our Schedule from

27th September to 1 October, 2016. The

workshop included the theoretical aspects

and its practical implications in the form of

hands on experiments and practical session

to teach new expertise and techniques in

basic science.

Workshop on “Techno-

Managerial Skills for

Pharmaceutical Industry”AIn line to the philosophies of NBA which

emphasizes on “Outcome Based Learning”,

we would like to conduct a workshop

specifically for B.Pharm third and final year

s t u d e n t s w i t h a n o b j e c t i v e o f

communicating the required know-how

and techno-managerial skills to the

students, to make them effective human

resource for the Pharmaceutical industry.

SVKM’s NMIMS, School of Pharmacy &

Technology Management had conducted a

one day State level Seminar on “Techno-

managerial Skills for Pharmaceutical

Industry” on Januray 25, 2016. The

workshop was inaugurated by the address

of Director Dr R S Gaud, followed by the talk

of Dr Payal Dande and Dr Ravi Tiwari.

The post lunch sessions included hands on

training given by DR Shirish Deshpande,

Dr Chandrakant Bonde, Dr S B Bagade and

Mr Swapnil Patil. At evening, an interaction

was organized with Dr Sunil Chaturvedi

through video conferencing. The seminar

ended with a concluding session chaired by

Dr R S Gaud, Dr Ashwini Deshapnde and Dr

Sateesh B.

December 2016 Page 28 |


Paper Presentations at Conference, Workshop and FDP

• Prof. M. Ramachandran presented paper at “ICAAMM-2016” with the title “Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Glass/Carbon Fiber thReinforced Epoxy Composites” organized by Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MLRIT, Hyderabad, INDIA on 7 July 2016.

• Prof.Vishal Fegade presented paper at “ICAAMM-2016” with the title “Techniques used to enhance Remanufacturing through the thProduct Design and Development in on at” organized by Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MLRIT, Hyderabad, INDIA on 7 July


• Prof. M. Ramachandran presented paper at “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering” with the title

“Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Glass/Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites” organized by Department of Mechanical rdEngineering,IFHE University,and Hyderabad on 23 September 2016.

• Dr Sanjay Shrivastava and Mr. AbhijeetDawlepresented paper at “Recent Trends in Humanities and Commerce” with the title th“Importance of Verbal Communication in Business Communication” organized by MSKS Degree College, Kalyan (W) on 25 Sept 2016.

• Dr Smita Bonde presented paper at “World congress on Drug discovery and Drug Development” with the title “Exploring pathways to

pharmaceutical Market” organized by Indian Institute Science & Technology TATA Auditorium, Bangalore on 23-25 November 2016.

th• Dr Payal Dande presented screencast at “The 8 IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education” with the title

“Sources of Natural Drugs” organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai fromDecember 2-4, 2016.

Conference, Workshop and FDP Attended

1. Dr. Malvika Sharma, Mr. Abhijeet Dawle, Mr. Vivekanand Bagal, Attended Office Communication Workshop, at MPSTME, Shirpur,

from July-Dec'16.

2. Dr Payal R Dande & Dr S B Bagade attended, ISTE Approved Faculty Development Program on Application of Advanced Analytical

Tools & Technology in Pharma Sciences at SPPPSPTM, Mumbai, from Aug 26-31, 2016.

3. Dr. Malvika Sharma attended FDP on Innovations towards Learner Centric Pedagogy-II at MPSTME, Mumbai & Royal Society of

Engineering, from Nov 21-25, 2016.

4. Dr Payal R Dande attended24th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2016), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Bombay, from Nov 30- Dec 2, 2016.

5. Dr. Payal R Dande attended The 8th IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Bombay, from December 2-4, 2016.

December 2016 Page 29 |


We are glad to introduce . He has joined SVKM's NMIMS as

Campus w.e.f. October 10, 2016. Mr. Rajeev Dalal is a Management graduate in Marketing from IMS, Indore.

He comes with 24 years of experience in the corporate field of Sales, Marketing, Strategy, Operations &

Business Development, etc. He had been associated with Merind Ltd. – a Tata Enterprise, Novartis Nutrition-

a division of Sandoz, Wockhardt, Rextar- Division of Ranbaxy, etc. He has managed and developed

businesses for medical device since his base education is in Bio- Science. He has been a consultant in the

healthcare sector since past 6 years. He has hands on experience in organizing, implementing & building

various business and in turn has strong administrative capabilities. We welcome and wish him “All The Best”.

Mr. Rajeev Dalal Deputy Registrar- Shirpur


Four New Elements discoveredIn this year, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) approved the names of the four new elements, whose existence

was first confirmed to the public back in January. The names for elements are: Nihonium (Nh), Moscovium (Mc), Tennessine (Ts), and

Oganesson (Og), having atomic number 113, 115, 117, and 118 respectively. Each of the four new elements was named either after a

scientist or geographic location. “The names of the new elements reflect the realities of our present time”. Japanese researchers found

Nihonium, which was named for the Japanese word “Nihon,” which means Japan. Russian and U.S. researchers named Moscovium for

Moscow and Tennessine for Tennessee. Finally, Oganesson was named after Yuri Oganessian, one of the foremost scientists in his field, who

was part of the Russian research team that found that element.


December 2016 Page 30 |


A Rotating Grating Improves Cancer ImagingNuclei from cervical tissue (white spots) imaged using Rice University's differential structured illumination microendoscopy (DSIMe).

DSIMe removes out-of-focus light to improve image resolution (right) when compared with a wide-field HRME image without DSIMe (left).

Researchers from Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA, have developed and demonstrated a distally mounted rotating glass grating that,

coupled with an existing endoscope, may boost capabilities for imaging cancers deep within the body. Led by OSA Fellow and 2016

MacArthur Fellow Rebecca Richards-Kortum, the team says, its new imaging method removes the out-of-focus light scattered by soft tissue.

The device could, according to the scientists, be used to improve pre-surgical detection of tumor margins—that is, the border between

normal and cancerous cells—to improve the chances of the complete surgical removal of the cancer. The solution they came up with is a

rather backward version of structured illumination called differential structured illumination microendoscopy (DSIMe). With DSIMe, the

team added the optomechanical devices for eliminating out-of-focus light to the back of the fiber optic cable, instead of adding bulk to the

front end. The star of DSIMe is a spinning, patterned-glass grating. The researchers say the modifications do not add bulk or sacrifice the

imaging speed of the portable HRME.

Figure: DSIMe removes out-of-focus light to improve image resolution (right) when compared with a

widefield HRME image without DSIMe (left). (Image courtesy of P. Keahey/Rice University]

Carbon Nanotubes as Single-Photon EmittersIn the Münster–Karlsruhe proof-of-concept device for an electrically driven,

chip-scale single-photon emitter, a single carbon nanotube (center) is placed

across a nanophotonic waveguide, and tied to gold electrodes. When a bias is

applied to the electrodes, the tube pumps out single photons.

Superconducting nanowires on either side of the nanotube were used as

single-photon detectors to test the system. The past few years have seen

considerable progress on the long road to quantum computers, though much

remains to be done. One persistent stumbling block toward all-optical

versions of quantum computing has been getting reliable single-photon

emitters that can be integrated at chip scale. A team led by scientists from the

University of Münster and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany,

has now proposed a possible solution: drop a carbon nanotube into the mix

(Nat. Photon., doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2016.178). While their device is very

much a proof of concept, the scientists believe that the use of such

nanotubes—which can be electrically driven to emit photons, rather than

requiring a pump laser source—could “pave the way toward all-photonic

quantum circuits on a chip.”Dr PK Gupta

Assistant Professor

Dept. of AS & HSource:

December 2016 Page 31 |


Language Lab Resource to

Communication for Students

and FacultyThe language laboratory is an audio or

audio-visual installation used as an aid in

modern language teaching. Globalization

h a s t h r o w n o p e n t o g r a d u a t e s

unprecedented opportunities. In this

highly competitive world one is required to

possess soft skills in order to be successful

at job interviews and in career. The institute

has set up well equipped language lab with

advance WordsWorth English Language

software to make our students competent

in communication skills to be best

professional in any field to serve the

society. WordsWorth English Language

Labs follows the CEFR (Common European

Framework of Reference) for languages

and enhances English language skills in

t e r m s o f V o c a b u l a r y b u i l d i n g ,

Pronunciation, Functional Grammar,

Listening & Comprehension skills.

NMIMS University Seed Grant:

• Vivekanand S. Bagal, Malvika Sharma, Synthesis, characterization and field emission, of Rs. 90,000 for 12 months

• Dr. Malvika Sharma and Dr. Sugam Shivhare, Comparative studies of Synthesized Doped Polyaniline Nanofibres and Commercially

available Conducting materials of Rs. 1,40,000 for 12 months

• Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava and Dr Ashok Panigrahi, Identifying Elements of Trust Communication and Its Impact on Purchase of Patanjali

Ayurveda Products in Shirpur, Maharashtra of Rs. 1,40,000 for 12 months

NMIMS University Seed Grant: Ongoing Projects

• Dr. Chandrakant Bonde, Design and synthesis of novel inhibitors of DprE1, of Rs. 80,000 for 12 months

• Dr. Vaibhav Dixit, Studies on the hepatotoxicity of Phenolic Natural Products. of Rs. 1,00,000 for 12 months

December 2016 Page 32 |


In my opinion this testimonial gives me an immense opportunity to accept that I spent my college life in great

luxury and triumph."As an alumna of 2015 batch of B.Tech, I fondly reminisce about my student days living in

the Campus. NMIMS Shirpur has become an established brand name. Being placed at multiple reputed firms

and its excellent delivery has significantly contributed to my career growth and professional

accomplishments at Yodlee, where I am presently working. NMIMS has not only helped me in developing the

perfect instinct but also has helped in making myself more presentable. When I look back at the glorious 4

years, the institute has been instrumental in shaping our personalities with the myriad of events: Fests,

AISEC, and Internships.Freya BaruaB.Tech IT

Batch 2011-2015

Choosing the right educational institute is the biggest turning point in one's career & for me, it was in the year

2011 when I first stepped into MPSTME, NMIMS Shirpur campus away from home, feeling nervous unaware

about the opportunities and challenges I was about to crack in.It is my privilege that I am writing for the

Alumni Speak to share my experiences with the aspirants and fellow juniors. Shirpur campus prepared me

not only for just the academics but also for the real life challenges faced in the professional world. Being a

residential campus it provides a platform for various interactive forums & activities alongside the academics,

which lays the foundation for becoming better Techno-Managers. Summing up about the hostel life at

Shirpur campus is about experiencing people with diverse culture under one roof as a family, the feeling to

stand on your own feet, coming out of the comfort zone and becoming independent. it is incomparable and a

memory to live forever. At last, I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculties who guided us in some

or the other way to become who we are and would like to wish all my fellow juniors ‘Best Wishes' for their


Himanshu SharmaB-TECH (C.S.)

Batch of 2011-2015

Software Developer,



As a Student it's a privilege and honour for me to be a part SPTM Family. Journey at SPTM for 2 Years was

enriched with full of opportunities like stars shinning in the sky. It has provided me a platform for developing

my personality and also enriched me as an individual with lots of confidence and happiness. I achieved and

learnt how to achieve my final goal of being a good human being. Infrastructure is splendid, vast and fully

facilitated with all essential amenities (both optional and mandatory). Teaching facilities are excellent and

upto the marks. SPTM provides a student friendly atmosphere to the fresher's. It's incredible and provides

you all the facilities, you can say a university-town. Even the convocation ceremony is so grand that you will

feel that you are in a 'King's era'.I feel happy to be a part of SPTM, NMIMS 'A land of education'. Go for it…. Life

goes on at SPTM and you should enjoy every bit of it. I wish I could write more but nevertheless I wish SPTM

best of luck and I am thankful to SPTM, NMIMS Shirpur.

Mr. Pradeep SuvaOwner and Managing

Director at Rainflower

Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

M. Pharm

(Quality Assurance),

Batch (2011 – 2013)

Initially I was a bit reluctant choosing B. Pharm. + MBA (MBA Pharma Tech) in SPTM, NMIMS as my career

option but then with course of time, I realized how perfectly the course is designed and the support of

dedicated faculty have groomed each one of us to gain a significant position in Pharmaceutical Industry.

SPTM, College-Industry interface (Industrial Visit tours) has helped me to understand Industry well, along

with the platform to interact with renowned personalities. Extended 5 month internship program gave me a

chance to evaluate myself before entering into the corporate world. Course curriculum, subject offered along

with practical knowledge makes this course simply great. Also, choosing the Shirpur campus and hostel life

has added a taste of fun, joy, sentiments and the real flavor of hostel life. The best part here was the fully

facilitated campus, Well-equipped labs, Techno-upgraded hostel, infrastructure and other amenities, which

are simply incomparable. Above that, Faculty in Shirpur campus is well supportive who not only give

technical knowledge but also, provide practical expertise as well.Now, looking back, I feel highly privileged to

be a part of this Institute and thankful to the faculty for shaping up our future by providing lot more than we

expected. I can easily recommend this name to any of my relatives or friends without a second thought.

Mr. Anuj Ahuja

Director, Arogya

Formulations Pvt. Ltd.

MBA (Pharm. Tech)

Batch 2008-13

December 2016 Page 33 |

Shirpur Campus: Mukesh Patel Technology Park, Babulde, Bank of Tapi River, Mumbai-Agra Road, Shirpur-425 405,

Dist. Dhule, Maharashtra. Tel: (91-2563) 286545 - 286554 Fax: (91-2563) 286552 Email: [email protected]| |




DECEMBER 27-28, 2016



SPPSPTM Mumbai & SPTM, Shirpur, India

MPSTME Mumbai and Shirpur &

SVKM's BNCP Mumbai, India

Computer Society of India


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