swg chapter 1

1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 NAVIGATION Na vig ation in an unk nown and unstr uctur ed outdoor envir onment is a fundament al and cha llen ging proble m for autonomous mobi le robots . It is the process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or a vehicle from one place to another. It is also the term of art used for the specialized knowledge used by navigat ors to per for m navi gat ion tasks. All navigat ional tec hniq ues involve locati ng the position of the navigat or by compar ing to known locations or patterns. The electronic navigations techniques are (i) Radio Navigation It uses radio waves to determine the position by either radio direction finding system or hyperbolic systems, such as Decca, Omega and LORAN-c (ii) Radar navigation  It uses radar to determine the distance from or bearing of objects whose position is known. This process is different from radar’s use as a collision avoidance system (iii) Satellite navigatio n  It uses artificial earth satellite systems, such as GPS, to determine the position. This project makes use of this type of navigation. Navigation is an important task to be realized by an intelligent vehicle. It requires a precise localization of the vehicle on a map of its environment. For  that purpose, information provided by different kinds of on board sensors are processed in or de r to ge t the 3D coordi nates of the ve hicle and also to determine th e corresponding point on the map.

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Navigation in an unknown and unstructured outdoor environment is a

fundamental and challenging problem for autonomous mobile robots. It is the

process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or a vehicle from one

place to another. It is also the term of art used for the specialized knowledge used

by navigators to perform navigation tasks. All navigational techniques involve

locating the position of the navigator by comparing to known locations or patterns.

The electronic navigations techniques are

(i) Radio Navigation

It uses radio waves to determine the position by either radio directionfinding system or hyperbolic systems, such as Decca, Omega and LORAN-c

(ii) Radar navigation

  It  uses radar to determine the distance from or bearing of objects

whose position is known. This process is different from radar’s use as a

collision avoidance system

(iii) Satellite navigation

 It uses artificial earth satellite systems, such as GPS, to determine the

position. This project makes use of this type of navigation.

Navigation is an important task to be realized by an intelligent vehicle. It

requires a precise localization of the vehicle on a map of its environment. For  that

purpose, information provided by different kinds of on board sensors are processed

in order to get the 3D coordinates of the vehicle and also to determine the

corresponding point on the map.


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Among the challenges in building a safe intelligent vehicle,

localization is very important, because without precise knowledge of the vehicle

with respect to its surroundings, autonomy is impossible. Basically, guiding an

intelligent vehicle from one location to another requires three modules namely

a) Global Perception

b) Local Perception

c) Vehicle Control

 1.2.1 Global Perception

The global perception system identifies the vehicle position with respect to

an available global map which is usually represented in terms of latitudes and

longitudes which involves vehicle localization and path planning. It allows the

vehicle to know its position and direction with respect to the real world. It gives a

series of position coordinates to the vehicle in order to reach its destination.

1.2.2 Local Perception

However, because of the dynamic environment in real driving, the global

perception system alone is not enough to maneuver the vehicle to move to its

destination. Real‐time sensing system is required to perceive vehicle’s

surroundings. Therefore, the intelligent vehicle also uses information from the local

perception to avoid any static and dynamic obstacles that block the vehicle path and

also to follow traffic rules.

1.2.3 Vehicle Perception

The vehicle control system integrates information from the global and local

perception systems and then determines an appropriate action for the vehicle.

Besides the military, advances in manufacturing and automation have also

increased demand for unmanned vehicles in factories, warehouses, and hazardous


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environments. One of the ways to provide automatic control to these vehicles is

machine vision. However, vision-based tracking control can be slow and/or 

expensive due to substantial demand for memory, data processing speed, and vision


In GPS based system, satellites will send the signals at regular intervals of 

time. These signals would be picked up by the GPS module. Using these signals the

delay of signal could be calculated. This delay is proportional to the distance of the

module from the satellite.

In this project a positioning system is proposed, which employs a GPSreceiver and a map-matching algorithm. The algorithm correlates the received

power from different GPS satellite vehicles leading to specific signature, to a stored

map with periodic time varying estimates of SVs received powers.


A fully autonomous robot in the real world has the ability to:

1. Gain information about the environment.

2. Work for extended durations without human intervention.

3. Travel from point A to point B, without human navigation assistance.

4. Detect objects in the path of vehicle.


The GPS is having a profound impact on the development of automatic

vehicle location and navigation of various vehicles. Such system enables a user to

1. Position a vehicle using signals from satellites and information from

onboard relative positioning devices.

2. Plot the position of the vehicle on the display and see the vehicle location

relative to the destination and


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3. Reach the destination based on the algorithm.




Samer Saab and Zaher Kassas (2002) have presented the map based land

vehicle navigation system with DGPS where the positioning system employs only a

GPS receiver and a map-matching algorithm. The algorithm correlates the received

power from different GPS satellite vehicles, leading to a specific signature, to a

stored map with periodic time-varying estimates of SVs received powers.

Liguo Weng and Song (2005) have described the path planning and path

tracking control of UGV. A novel approach to achieve path planning and path

tracking of UGVs under dynamic environment was discussed. They apply the

topology theory to find the optimal path between the given starting and ending

points. Algorithms are developed to construct discrete points representing all the

possible trajectories, from which an optimal path is identified for the UCV to track.

The optimal path can be dynamically changed according to information gathered

from the surrounding by the sensor and also the UCV can dynamically track the

path using the developed tracking control algorithms.

Jason Reasor et al (2005) have presented GPS based vehicle in which a

distributed strategy is presented and applied to autonomous robotic ground vehicle.

The designed vehicle takes the position coordinates from the GPS satellites directly

without any ground-based booster and calculates the trajectory in real time. By

doing so, any local obstacles and unwanted path defects can be detected and

avoided by using intelligent sensor network that detects and identifies the obstacletype and recommends counter measures to the central controller.


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Koichiro Yamaguchi et al (2006) have presented moving obstacle detection

using monocular vision. A method for detecting moving obstacles on roads, by

using a vehicle mounted monocular camera. To detect various moving obstacles,

such as vehicles and pedestrians, the ego-motion of the vehicle is initially estimated

from images captured by the camera. In this approach, the ego-motion is estimated

from the correspondences of dispersed feature points extracted from various regions

other than those that contain moving obstacles. After estimating the ego-motion,

any moving obstacles are detected by tracking the feature points over consecutive


Bing-Fei wu et al (2007) have presented the GPS navigation based

autonomous driving system design for intelligent vehicles that implements a real-

time autonomous navigation system for intelligent vehicles by integrating a real-

time kinematics differential global position system (RTK-DGPS) and a laser range

finder. A laser range finder is used to detect obstacles in front of the vehicle for 

warning announcement and collision avoidance. A human machine interface is also

built up to provide information from sensors.

Childpong Deelertpaiboon and Manukid Parnichkun (2008) have described

fusion of GPS, compass, and camera for localization of an intelligent vehicle using

fuzzy based sensor fusion algorithm for localization of an intelligent vehicle by

correcting translational error of latitude and longitude in easily available maps such

as Google Earth. Even though the chosen map possesses translational error, the

proposed algorithm will automatically correct and compensate this error by using

the integration of a GPS, a magnetic compass, and a CCD camera. By knowing the

global positions of the selected pixels, it is possible to calculate the horizontal and

vertical deviations that the waypoints in the original map are to shift.


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Somphop Limsoonthrakul et al (2009) have proposed an intelligent vehicle

localization using GPS, Compass, and Machine Vision. To improve localization

accuracy when GPS fails, they proposed a sequential state estimation method that

fuses data from a GPS device, an electronic compass, a video camera, and wheel

encoders using a particle filter. Images from the camera are processed using a color 

histogram-based method to identify the road and non-road regions in the field of 

view in front of the vehicle.

From the journals referred it has been inferred that mapping and tracking of 

an unmanned vehicle is recognized by various approaches. In this project the

vehicle is navigated with the help of the GPS receiver which is used for mapping

and tracking. MATLAB software is used for this project. The GPS receiver is used

for controlling the vehicle.


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The functional block diagram of Unmanned ground vehicle is shown in

Fig.3.1. The UGV consists of ultrasonic sensors, motors, GPS receiver &

microcontroller. Ultrasonic sensors & GPS receiver provides the input to the

microcontroller. Microcontroller combines these inputs and takes decision based on

these values to control the motor. This is sent to the PC for tracking.

Fig.3.1 Functional Block Diagram of UGV

The system basically consists of two major blocks

1. Transmitter section

2. Receiver section


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3.1.1 Transmitter Section


Fig.3.2 Block Diagram of Transmitter Section

The transmitter section employs

1. An Xbee transceiver module

2. PC

As shown in Fig.3.2 the Xbee transceiver module connected to the serial port

of the PC simply receives the character from the PC and transmits it to its

counterpart in the receiver section. An Xbee transceiver module is basically a high

level communication protocol known as the ZigBee.

3.1.2 Receiver Section

Fig.3.3. Block Diagram of Receiver Section


CommunicationSystem (Zigbee)

Micro Controller 

NavigationSystem (GPS)

Obstacle Findingand Ranging(Ultrasonic Sensor)


System (Zigbee)

Actuator for vehicle Motion


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The major components of the receiver section are shown in Fig.3.3.They are

1. GPS Receiver Module

2. ZigBee transceiver module

3. Ultrasonic sensor 

4. Actuator mechanism

5. Microcontroller Board


(a) GPS Receiver 

GPS is Global Positioning System which is used to identify the vehicle

position with respect to an available global map which is usually in terms of 

latitudes and longitudes. It also determines a path that the vehicle has to track.

The satellites which are covering the globe transmit signals. These signals

can be detected by anyone with a GPS receiver. Using the receiver, they could

determine our location with great precision and accuracy. GPS is one of the

histories most exciting and revolutionary development and new uses of it is

constantly being discovered.

(b) ZigBee Transceiver Module

In this project, ZigBee is designed to communicate data through

hostile RF environments that are common in commercial and industrial

applications. Xbee transceiver module is used for the successful data transfer for the

fine operation system.

(c) Ultrasonic Sensor

The ultrasonic sensors are used in the vehicle for obstacle detection. Thesensors are interfaced with the microcontroller board for processing of detected

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obstacle and give command signals for actuating motors. In this project SRF04

ultrasonic model is used.

(d) Actuator Mechanism

DC Motor is used to drive the wheels of the vehicle. H-Bridge circuit is used

to control the DC motor which is shown in Fig.3.4. L293D IC is used for the motor 

driver circuit.

Fig.3.4 H-bridge Motor Driver Circuit

Both inputs are low - Motor Halt

First input high, second input low- Motor rotate forward

First input low, second input high- Motor rotate reverse

Both inputs are high- Motor halt

L293D is a dual H-Bridge motor driver, so with one IC two DC motors could

be interfaced which could run in both clockwise and counter clockwise direction

and if the motor has fixed direction of motion then all of the four I/Os could be

used to connect to four DC motors.

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(e) Microcontroller Board

The microcontroller is the heart of the system. The microcontroller 

synchronizes all the work and computes necessary parameters and produces

respective vector output. The microcontroller board is used to continuously monitor 

the ultrasonic sensors, accelerometer and also helps to drive the motors.

The destination coordinates will be sent by the user through personal

computer. It will be communicated to the vehicle through Zigbee transmitter. The

vehicle will continue to receive signals from GPS receiver too simultaneously. After 

the signals are received from both the sources namely personal computer and theGPS receiver the microcontroller will compare the value of these two signals. If 

there is a match then it is concluded that the vehicle has reached the exact

destination and it will stop moving further. If there is no match then the

microcontroller will get next signal from the GPS receiver and will compare this

new value with the given destination coordinate. This process of receiving alternate

signals from GPS receiver will be continued until there exists a match between the

two values.

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The Global Positioning System is a U.S space-based global navigation 

satellite system that provides reliable location and time information in all weather 

condition and at all times and anywhere on or near the Earth when and where there

is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by

the United States government and is freely accessible by anyone with a GPS

receiver. There are currently 24 satellites in orbit operated by the US Department of 

Defense that provides worldwide coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all


A GPS navigation device is any device that receives GPS signals for the

purpose of determining the device's current location on Earth. GPS devices provide

latitude and longitude information, and some may also calculate altitude, although

this is not considered sufficiently accurate or continuously available enough (due to

the possibility of signal blockage and other factors) to rely on exclusively to pilot



The GPS is made up of three parts. They are

(i) Space Segment (Satellites orbiting the Earth)

(ii) Control segment (Control and monitoring stations on Earth)

(iii) User Segment (the GPS receivers owned by users)

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(i) Space Segment

Broadcast radio signals toward users on the earth & receive commands

from the earth. This part consists of 24 satellites, manufactured by Rockwell

International, which are launched into space by rockets, from Cape Canaveral,

Florida. Each satellite is in orbit above the earth at an altitude of 11,000 nautical

miles (12,660 miles), and takes 12 hours to orbit one time. There are 6orbital 

planes each having 4 satellites. The orbits are tilted to the equator of the earth by

55° so that there is coverage of the polar regions. The satellites continuously orient

themselves to ensure that their solar panels stay pointed towards the sun, and

their antennas point toward the earth. Each satellite carries 4 atomic clocks.

(ii) Control Segment

This part consists of 5 worldwide unmanned base-stations that monitor the

satellites to track their exact position in space, and to make sure that they are

operating correctly. The stations constantly monitor the orbits of the satellites and

use very precise radar to check altitude, position and speed. Transmitted to the

satellites are ephemeris constants and clock adjustments. The satellites in turn, use

these updates in the signals that they send to GPS receivers.


(iii) User Segment

Receivers record and interpret the radio signals broadcast by the satellites.GPS

satellites broadcast signals from space that are picked up and identified by GPS

receivers. All GPS receivers have an almanac programmed into their computer,

which tells them where each satellite is at any given moment. The GPS receivers

detect, decode and process the signals received from the satellites. The receiver is

usually used in conjunction with computer software to output the information to the

user in the form of a map.. Each GPS receiver then provides three-dimensional

location information (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the time.

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GPS is a worldwide navigation system containing a constellation of 24

satellites and the associated ground stations. GPS calculates its position by using the

triangulation method.

Fig.4.1 Working Principle of GPS

L1 = c(tt1-tr1+tc) = [(x-x1)2+(y-y1)

2+(z-z1)2]1/ eqn - 4.1

L2 = c( tt2-tr2+tc) = [(x-x2)2+(y-y2)

2+(z-z2)2]1/2 eqn - 4.2

L3 = c(tt3-tr3+tc) = [(x-x3)2+(y-y3)

2+(z-z3)2]1/2 eqn - 4.3

L4 = c(tt4-tr4+tc) = [(x-x4)2+(y-y4)

2+(z-z4)2]1/2 eqn - 4.4


Sm- GPS Satellite [m=1,2,3,4]

Ln- length of delay [n=1,2,3,4]

c- Speed of light [3 × 108 m/s]

xi,yj,zk- Co-ordinates of GPS Satellite [I,j.k=1,2,3,4]

Satellite 1(x1,y1,z1)

Satellite 2(x2,y2,z2)

Satellite 3(x3,y3,z3)

Satellite 4(x4,y4,z4)

GPS Receiver 

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trl,ttk - Times of transmitted and received signals from GPS satellites 1, 2, 3, and 4,

respectively [l.k=1,2,3,4]

The receiver solves these equations simultaneously to determine x, y,

z, and tc.The receiver multiplies this time by the speed of light to determine how far 

the signal traveled (rate X time= distance). Assuming the signal traveled in a

straight line, this is the distance from receiver to satellite. As shown in Fig.4.1 each

satellite would send signals with the following content. Name of the satellite X and

its position Y. This information would be sent at time Z. In addition to its own

position, each satellite sends data about the position of other satellites. These orbit

data are stored by the GPS receiver for later calculations.

To determine its position on earth, the GPS receiver compares the time at

which the signal was sent by the satellite with the time the signal was received.

From this time difference the distance between receiver and satellite can be

calculated. If data from other satellites are taken into account, the present position

can be calculated by triangulation method. This means that at least three satellites

are required to determine the position of the GPS receiver on the earth surface. Bymeans of four or more satellites, an absolute position in a three dimensional space

can be determined. More the reference points, smaller the triangle they will form

and higher the accuracy. A 3D-position fix also gives the height above the earth

surface as a result.

GPS devices may also have additional capabilities such as:

a) Providing maps, this may be displayed in human readable format via text or 

in a graphical format.

b) Providing suggested directions to a human in charge of a vehicle or vessel

via text or speech.

c) Providing directions directly to an autonomous vehicle such as a robotic


d) Providing information on traffic conditions and suggesting alternativedirections.

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e) Providing information on nearby amenities such as restaurants, fueling



(i) Automotive and Marine Navigation

(ii) Automotive Navigator Tracking

(iii)Emergency Locator 

(iv)Geographic Surveying

(v) Personal Positioning

(vi)Sporting and Recreation

(viii)Mapping devices application


GPS receiver module is used in this project is shown in Fig.4.2

Fig.4.2. GPS Receiver Module

4.5.1 Features of GPS Receiver Module

a) High sensitivity -159dBm

b) Searching up to 32 Channel of satellites

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c) Fast Position Fix with LED indication of status

d) Low power consumption

e) RTCM- in ready

f) Built-in WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS Demodulator 

g) Supports NMEA0183 V 3.01 data protocol

h) Real time navigation for location based services

4.5.2 Specification of GPS Receiver Module

a) Operating Voltage =10-40 V (12V Typical) V DCb) Operating Current=150 mA

c) Sensitivity =159 dBm

d) Channels =32 channels all in view searching

e) Protocol output baud rate = 4800 bps no handshaking(8-N-1)

f) Output Voltage level = RS232 signals (+12/-12V)

g) Frequency = 1,1575.42 MHz

h) C/A Code = 1.023 MHz chip rate

i) Accuracy in Position = 3 Meters


NMEA 0183 is a simple, yet comprehensive ASCII protocol which defines

both the communication interface and the data format. The NMEA 0183 protocol

was originally established to allow marine navigation equipment to share

information. Since it is a well established industry standard, NMEA 0183 has also

gained popularity for use in applications other than marine electronics.

NMEA is a standard protocol, use by GPS receivers to transmit data. NMEA

output is EIA-422A but for most purposes you can consider it RS-232 compatible.

Use 4800 bps, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit NMEA 0183 sentences are all

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ASCII. Each sentence begins with a dollar sign ($) and ends with a carriage return

linefeed .Data is comma delimited. All commas must be included as they act as

markers. GP is used to identify GPS data. Transmission of the device ID is usually


The GPS receiver supports the latest release of NMEA 0183, Version 3.0

(July 1, 2000). The primary change in release 3.0 is the addition of the mode

indicators in the GLL, RMC, and VTG messages. For those applications requiring

output only from the GPS receiver, the standard NMEA 0183 sentences are a

popular choice. Many standard application packages support the standard NMEAoutput messages. Each sentence begins with a six character identifier, the first

character of which is always "$". The NMEA 0183 standard defines dozens of 

sentences, but only a fraction applies directly to GPS devices.

The most useful sentences include:

a) $GPAAM - Waypoint Arrival Alarmb) $GPBOD - Bearing, Origin to Destination

c) $GPGGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data

d) $GPGLL - Geographic Position, Latitude/Longitude

e) $GPGSA - GPS DOP and Active Satellites

f) $GPGSV - GPS Satellites in View

g) $GPHDG - Heading, Deviation & Variation

h) $GPRMB - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information

i) $GPRMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data

j) $GPVTG - Track Made Good and Ground Speed

k) $GPWCV - Waypoint Closure Velocity

l) $GPWNC - Distance, Waypoint to Waypoint

m) $GPWPL - Waypoint Location

n) $GPXTE - Cross-Track Error, Measured

o) $GPZDA - UTC Date/Time and Local Time Zone Offset

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p) $GPZTG - UTC and Time to Destination Waypoint




ZigBee is a wireless technology developed as an open global standard to

address the unique needs of low-cost, low-power wireless networks. The ZigBee

standard operates on the IEEE 802.15.4 physical radio specification and operates in

unlicensed bands including 2.4 GHz, 900 MHz and 868 MHz. ZigBee devices are

actively limited to a through-rate of 250 Kbps, compared to Bluetooth's much larger 

pipeline of 1Mbps, operating on the 2.4 GHz ISM band, which is available

throughout most of the world.

ZigBee is an established set of specifications for WPAN which are digital

radio connections between computers and related devices. ZigBee makes possible

completely networked homes where all devices are able to communicate and can be

controlled by a single unit. The current list of application profiles either published

or in the works are:

• Home Automation

• ZigBee Smart Energy

• Telecommunication Applications

• Personal Home

ZigBee has been developed to meet the growing demand for capable wireless

networking between numerous low-power devices. In industry, ZigBee is being

used for next generation automated manufacturing, with small transmitters in every

device on the floor, allowing for communication between devices to a

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central computer . This new level of communication permits finely-tuned remote

monitoring and manipulation. In the consumer market ZigBee is being explored for 

everything from linking low-power household devices such as smoke alarms to a

central housing control unit, to centralized light controls. The specified maximum

range of operation for ZigBee devices is 250 feet (76m).


i. The ZigBee protocol is designed to communicate data through hostile RF

environments that are common in commercial and industrial applications.

ii. ZigBee enables broad-based deployment of wireless networks with low-cost,

low-power solutions.

iii. It provides the ability to run for years on inexpensive batteries for a host of 

monitoring and control applications.

iv. Smart energy/smart grid, AMR, lighting controls, building automation

systems, tank monitoring, etc.


The tested ZigBee module is shown in Fig.5.1

Fig.5.1 ZigBee Module

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5.3.1 Features and Specification of ZigBee Module

1. Support for multiple network topologies such as point-to-point, point-to-

multipoint and mesh networks

2. Low duty cycle – provides long battery life

3. Dual PHY (2.4GHz and 868/915 MHz)

4. Data rates of 250 kbps (@2.4 GHz), 40 kbps (@ 915 MHz), and 20 kbps(@868 MHz)

5. Optional guaranteed time slot for applications requiring low latency

6. Up to 65,000 nodes per network 

7. 128-bit AES encryption for secure data connections

8. Collision avoidance, retries and acknowledgements

9. CSMA-CA channel access Yields high throughput and low latency for low

duty cycle devices like sensors and controls


The pin diagram of ZigBee module used in this project is shown in the

following Fig.5.2

Fig.5.2.ZigBee pin Diagram

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Pin detail of Zigbee is

Tx - transmitter 

Rx - receiver 

Nc - no connection

Gnd - Ground


The circuit diagram of ZigBee module used in this project is shown in the

following Fig.5.3.

Fig .5.3 Circuit Diagram of Zigbee

The MAX232 is an integrated circuit that converts signals from an RS-

232 serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL compatible digital logic circuits.

The MAX232 is a dual driver and receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, RTS

signals. Serial RS-232 communication works with voltages -15V to +15V for high

and low.

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• Trimble GPS Studio version1.00.1

Trimble’s software is a powerful stand-alone software tool which can

support any form of analysis to determine the visibility for GPS, GLONASS, IGSO

and geostationary satellites.

6.1.1 Features

• Enables full GPS receiver status, setup, and management

• Provides full control over real-time differential sources

• For best accuracy allows logging of data for differential post processing

• Works seamlessly with Trimble GPS receivers and field computers

• Provides standard COM components


• NMEA 0183 V 3.01

The NMEA 0183 standard is a purely digital data transmission scheme, using

‘1’s and ‘0’s in a binary format, to communicate with a connected device. The

standard NMEA output only messages are: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTC,

and ZDA.

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The working of GPS was tested successfully using the software TRIAMPLE

STUDIO and the results were found to be satisfactory. The details that could be

obtained using this software includes latitude, longitude, number of satellites

covered in the area of view of GPS, date and time at which the signal were received

and also the map containing the location information of the vehicle .The software

results are shown in Fig.7.1,Fig.7.2,Fig.7.3.

Fig.7.1 Software Result of Sky Plot

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Fig.7.2 Software result

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Fig.7.3 Software Result of Road Map

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In this phase the following activities have been carried out in this project. A

low cost, flexible, wireless solution is introduced to the unmanned Vehicle Control.

Literature Survey is carried out in this phase of the project. A good number of 

sources relating to unmanned ground vehicle and teleoperated robots were

identified from journals. The GPS receiver used in the project was tested and found

out that it is giving its intended purpose. Also Zigbee module was tested and

observed that it was able to receive/transmit data from GPS receiver successfully.

In the second phase testing of ultrasonic sensor and design of controller and

peripherals would be done in the first review. In the second review MatLab coding

for communication between vehicle and personal computer would be completed.

For the final review a complete testing to check the performance of the designed

system would be done and the results would be compiled as a report and submitted.

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1. Bing-Fei wu, Cheng-Nan Lien ,Hsin-Han Chang, Jau-Woei Perng Jhong-jie

Jiang, Tien-yu liao and Tsu-Tian Lee (2007), “GPS Navigation Based

Autonomous Driving System Design for Intelligent vehicles”, pp.3294-3299.

2. Campbell-Jacob, Devilbies-Stewart, Queue-Stephen, and Taylor-Clerk 

(2010) , “Cooperative GPS Navigation”, Position Location and Navigation 

Symposium , Brigham Young University, Provo, United States of America ,pp. 834 – 837.

3. Childpong Deelertpaiboon and Manukid Parnichkun (2008), “Fusion of GPS,

Compass, and and Camera for Localization of an intelligent Vehicle”.

School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology,


4. Chung Byeong-Mook, Seok Jin-Woo, Yeo In- ju and Cho che-Seung,

(2009), “Error Compensation of GPS Using Sensor Fusion in Intelligent

Vehicle”, Proceeding of IEEE Journal, pp.278-283.

5. Dailey M.N,Limsoonthrakul S and Parnichkun M,(2009), “Intelligent

Vehicle Localization Using GPS, Composs and Machine Vision”,Intelligent Robots and System, IEEE International Journal , pp. 3981 – 3986.

6. De Pedro T, Garcia R, Gonzalez C, Naranjo J.E,Reviejo J and Revuelto J ,

(2004), “Fuzzy Logic Based lateral control for GPS Map tracking”,

Proceeding of IEEE Journal, pp.397-400.

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7. Han-Sil Kim,Hwan-Seok Choi and Ok-Deuk Park,(2005), “Autonomous

Mobile Robot Using GPS”, International Conference on Control and

Automation , Budapest, Hungary,vol.2, pp. 858 – 862.

8. Jason Reasor, chan yet Wong and Uvais Qidwai(2005)- “Toward GPS Based

Vehicle”, Department of Electrical Engineering Computer, New Orleans

Louisiana,USA, pp.1328-1332.

9. Koichiro Yamaguchi,Takco Kato & Yoshiki Ninomiya(2006), “Moving

Obstacle Detection Using monocular Vision”, Proceeding in IEEE

Intelligent Vehicle Symposium , pp. 288-293.

10. Liguo weng and D.Y.Song(2005)- “Path Planning and Path Tracking Control

of unmanned Ground Vehicle(UGVs), North Carolina A&T state University,

pp. 262-266.

11. Lita I,Vision D.A and Popa H,(2006), “Localization System Based on

Enhanced Software GPS Receiver”, Proceeding of IEEE Journal, pp. 350-


12. Morales Y and Tsubouchi T,(2007), “GPS Moving Performance on Open

Sky and Forested Paths”, Proceeding of IEEE Journal, pp. 3180-3185.

13. Mustafa Yagimli and H.Selcuk Varol(2009) “Mine Detecting GPS based

unmanned Ground Vehicle”, Department of Electrical and Electronics

Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of technology, Pune, India, pp. 303-306.

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14. Samer S.Saab & Zaher M.Kassas(2002), “Map-Based Land Vehicle

Navigation System With DGPS”, Intelligent vehicle symposium , ebanese

American University,Bvblos, Lebanon, vol.1,pp. 209-214.

15. Somphop Limsoonthrakul , Matthew N. Dailey, and Manukid Parnichkunl

(2009) “Intelligent Vehicle Localization Using GPS, Compass, and Machine

Vision”, Proceeding of IEEE Asian Institute of Technology, Klong Luang,

Pathumthani, Thailand pp. 3981-3986.