swissnex india annual report 2013

india 2013 Initiative of State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI Consulate of Switzerland Swiss Knowledge Network with outposts in Bangalore, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, Shanghai and Singapore

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2013 was an exciting year for swissnex India. A year of growth, a year of great achievements. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our partners, sponsors and associates, for their valuable contributions. Let’s take a look at our journey and the milestones we have collectively achieved in 2013…




2013Initiative of State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERIConsulate of Switzerland

Swiss Knowledge Network with outposts in Bangalore, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, Shanghai and Singapore

swissnex India


Annual Report 2013

Executive Review

A Peek at the ERI Developments in India

Innovation takes the Center Stage

Year of Swiss Architecture, Design and Engineering





Science & Technology

Academic Relations

Events with a Social Cause…

In the News





Sponsors and Partners

Money Matters

swissnex India Team 2013

The Road Ahead





Dear reader, dear friends of swissnex India,

In the annual report 2012, I formulated my vision for swissnex India: A lively, inspiring space recognised

by the various stakeholders from Switzerland and India for getting excellent support, advice, ideas to expand the science,

technology and innovation network; a place where outstanding, creative people can meet across disciplines and cultures in events, lectures,

exhibitions and conferences with the goal to contribute to the mutual benefit of the two countries.

This vision, although still in an infant stage, is brought slowly but steadily to life.

The renovated office space combines Swiss architectural excellence with Indian handicraft quality providing the right environment for

out-of-the-box thinking by unconventional, creative minds.

In 2013, swissnex India hosted a number of amazing visitors, who presented their ideas and visions in lectures, workshops and discussions.

Many events gathered the lively and inspiring science, art and innovation community; workshops brought together Indian and Swiss students,

who not only profited from each other’s professional/ cultural background and know-how, but also became friends. All in all, more than

50 events organized by swissnex India were attended by over 35,000 visitors.

With the support of CTI, we could build up the CTI market entry camp, hopefully motivating more Swiss innovators and entrepreneurs,

to explore India as a market and a pool of talents.

While writing this message, I’m already back in Switzerland. What will remain most prominently in my memory about my time at

swissnex India? Certainly and foremost the people: my wonderful team, full of life, engagement, ideas and a deep dedication to their work,

but always with a good sense of humour; our Swiss and Indian partners, with a genuine will to bring out the best of the two countries in

combining brains and forces, and all Indian people who despite sometimes difficult and harsh living conditions never lose their friendliness

and kindness.

Thank you swissnex India, for an unforgettable time.

Executive Review

2013 – A Year of Achievements, Excitement and Colours

4 swissnex India 2013 ExECutIvE REvIEw

Margrit Leuthold, Executive Director, Consul

In 2013, swissnex India hosted

a number of amazing visitors,

who presented their ideas and visions

in lectures, workshops and discussions.

Many events gathered the lively and

inspiring science, art and innovation

community; workshops brought together

Indian and Swiss students, who not only

profited from each other’s professional/

cultural background and know-how, but

also became friends. All in all, more than

50 events organized by swissnex India

were attended by over 35,000 visitors.

Looking back at 2013… Events & Activities

A Peek at theERI Developments in India

ERI Developments in India in 2013>> India adopted a new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2013, which emphasized the need for investment into research and

development to address national problems. This policy resulted in a significant scaling up of the investments.

>> India launched its first interplanetary probe, the Mars Orbiter Spacecraft in November 2013. The spacecraft is expected to arrive in Martian

orbit in September 2014. This follows the successful launch of an advanced multi-band communications satellite in August 2013.

>> The Indian Government took decisive steps to allow foreign universities to establish campuses in India as non-profit companies.

This move follows the challenges faced by the Government to get the approval from the Indian Parliament to a bill which would have enabled

the universities to commence operations in India.

>> C.N.R. Rao, an eminent chemist at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore was awarded the Bharat

Ratna, India’s highest civilian award. He is the third scientist, after CV Raman (Nobel prize winner in 1930) and APJ Abdul Kalam, former

President of India, to be awarded this distinction. CNR Rao, now 79-years-old, is considered as India’s Mr or Dr Science, who has won all

possible international awards in his field other than the Nobel Prize.

swissnex India 2013 A pEEK At thE ERI DEvElopMENtS IN INDIA 7

Innovation takes the Center Stage

The second half of 2013 witnessed a flurry of activities related to Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

From hiring a dedicated resource for this vertical to establishing tie-ups with the Commission for Technology

and Innovation (CTI) in Berne, a multitude of meaningful activities were organised in just six months.

CTI India Market Entry Program: making India a preferred destination for Swiss start-upsThe CTI India Market Entry program was established in September 2013 to bring Switzerland and India closer in the field of Innovation and

Entrepreneurship. The program provides CTI start-ups with specific services in India, such as fact-finding, market validation and market

entry in India’s fast growing innovation ecosystem. swissnex India provides the CTI start-ups with a host of services to create successful

businesses. To facilitate this, a highly-experienced panel of experts are guiding the start-ups at every step of their venture.

An Exclusive – That’s the one-stop-shop for all Swiss start-ups who want to establish their business in India. Take a tour of this site to learn

how swissnex India has equipped itself to engage in the transformation of great ideas into well-run, profitable companies in India.

8 swissnex India 2013 INNovAtIoN tAKES thE CENtER StAgE

swissnex India was of great

help in organising meetings

with important contacts in the start-up

eco-system in Bangalore. They gave

me great insights into the IT market in

India and especially in the area of start-

ups, incubators, strategic investors as

well as other support organisations for

start-ups. I was impressed by the high

level of innovation that is being created

in the Bangalore IT scene. I am looking

forward to a continued and intense

cooperation with swissnex India.

Hans Oury,

CTI Start-up Coach

Before coming to Bangalore,

we knew that there were

a lot of big companies, like Google

and Microsoft. But when we arrived

here, we were surprised to see all the

start-ups. There are more and more

start-ups every day coming from India

or abroad. It really is the place to be

for start-ups in India. And swissnex

has been very helpful, from getting

us our very first business visa to

supporting us with office space in the

initial stages.

Barbara Maim, Co-founder – Minsh,

Swiss start-up in India

CTI Coachspeaks

A growing Internet user-

base (over 100 million), huge

broadband penetration and a massive

number of mobile phones (currently

at over 800 million connections),

there has never been a better time

to start a technology company in

India. An active investor ecosystem,

a fast-growing support ecosystem

for entrepreneurs and multiple events

and organizations actively supporting

entrepreneurs drive home this point:

This is the time to start-up in India.

Guhesh Ramanathan,

Excubator, Bangalore

Industry Expert speaks

Swiss Start-upspeaks

Entrepreneurship Events 2013…Enabling Entrepreneurship

On 1st March 2013, swissnex India hosted the talk session, Enabling Entrepreneurship, wherein the participants received valuable insights

from Sieglinde Pfaendler from Cambridge University and Guhesh Ramanathan from Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Meta Refresh Conference

In February, swissnex India co-sponsored the Meta Refresh Conference on web UI engineering organised by HasGeek and brought in

Zeno Crivelli, co-founder of the Swiss Start-up, to present his work on HTML5 video. The participants including IT professionals,

entrepreneurs and investors greatly appreciated the talk.

Start-up Roadshow in Switzerland

In May 2013, Margrit Leuthold - Executive Director of swissnex India conducted a Roadshow in Switzerland with Swiss start-up founder

Barbara Maim and Ashwin Merchant, Deputy Head Swiss Business Hub. Further, swissnex India continued to support the initiative by Minsh

in bringing together a vibrant and innovation community of JavaScript professionals.

Affordable Healthcare - Workshop and Mentoring

swissnex India hosted Swiss experts at the Indian Institute of Science to conduct a workshop on affordable healthcare in May 2013.

Following the workshop, swissnex India conducted a workshop by Nanci Govinder - CTI Coach, to assist researchers in bringing their

medical devices/ inventions to the market.

Hosting Swiss Start-up for JSFoo

swissnex India supported Swiss start-up BugBuster in delivering a hands-on workshop to the Bangalore innovation community and

participated in the recognized international developer conference JSFoo at Bangalore in September 2013.

The Secret behind Swiss Innovation

The Secret behind Swiss Innovation programme was positioned to share the Swiss experience in creating an effective partnership between

industry and R&D Institutions to pursue corporate leadership through technological innovation. Margrit Leuthold - Executive Director of

swissnex India was the keynote speaker at various sessions held in five different cities.

Opportunities for Social Enterprises in India

swissnex India hosted a talk at its premises on Opportunities for Social Enterprises in India: a Swiss initiative for an innovative and

first-of- its-kind investment opportunity in social enterprises. The Swiss speakers highlighted the manifold opportunities that India presents

for Swiss social entrepreneurs.

swissnex India 2013 INNovAtIoN tAKES thE CENtER StAgE 11

To commemorate fifty years of the Swiss Embassy building in New Delhi built by Swiss architect

Hans Hofmann, the Embassy of Switzerland in New Delhi announced the “Year of Swiss Architecture,

Design, and Engineering” and organised various events highlighting Swiss excellence in these areas

that are also of growing relevance in the Indian context. swissnex India contributed with various events

in the framework of YSADE in 2013.

Swiss Positions Exhibitionswissnex India hosted the ‘Swiss Positions’ exhibition from 11th to 20th of September in Bangalore. Swiss Positions - 33 takes on sustainable

architecture, is a collection of photographs of 33 key projects from the Swiss construction sector over the past twenty years, related to

the theme of sustainable development. The projects presented architectural and engineering achievements through the eyes of talented

photographers. The exhibition was curated by Nathalie Herschdorfer, produced and presented by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign

Affairs (FDFA) in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland in New Delhi.

2013-2014Year of Swiss Architecture, Design and Engineering (YSADE)

12 swissnex India 2013 YSADE

Mystique Lightsswissnex India in association with the Consulate General of Switzerland in Bangalore

organised ‘Mystique Lights’, an exhibition of light sculpting installations by Swiss

artist Daniel Schlaepfer in November 2013. Mr. Schlaepfer’s fascinating talk about the

tools he uses for light sculpting installations accompanied by miniature installations,

was widely appreciated by over 80 participants who attended the event.

Shaping the Urban Futureswissnex India and the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) organized this lecture series on the challenges related to the global

urbanisation process and its implications for India, from April 2013 to Spring 2014. This includes lectures by various Swiss experts from a

wide range of fields including architecture, social geography, urban sociology and environmental science.

lectures 2013:

last Round Ecology:

Building a more Equitable City

Alfredo Brillembourg

Professor for Architecture

and Urban Design,

ETH Zurich

Sustainable Development

and urban transformation:

Lessons learned and


Jean Claude Bolay Director of CODEV, EPFL

Refining Urban Quality: Learning

from Indo-Swiss Projects

Juerg Grunder Professor of Architecture

University of Applied Sciences

in Berne

Agent-based Travel Demand

and Traffic Flow Modelling for

Mega Cities

Kay Axhausen Professor of Transport

Planning at ETH Zurich

Sustainable urban Systems: The ETH CREATE Future Cities Laboratory

Gerhard Schmitt, Professor for Information Architecture at ETH Zurich, Director of the ETH Centre in Singapore.

Gerhard Schmitt also officially inaugurated the Swiss Positions exhibition during the lecture.

I would like to appreciate the excellent, friendly and professional working atmosphere in swissnex India. I was impressed by the

quality of the partnerships established by swissnex India. A highlight was certainly the visit to the Indian Institute for Human

Settlements (IIHS) and the discussions with its director. Similarly, the visit to the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-B),

provided an interesting approach to research. The numerous discussions with the audience after my lecture at the opening of the exhibition

‘Swiss Positions’ showed once again how well Switzerland is represented in India as in other foci of new developments with swissnex.

- Gerhard Schmitt

Spotlight on 3D printing 3D printing is a booming technology and experts all over the world are examining the opportunities and the consequences of its spread

in the future. swissnex India, in partnership with swissnex San Francisco, swissnex China and swisscleantech organised an international

forum on sustainable 3D printing in Bangalore in the month of June. This discussion and workshop were conducted at Jaaga Creative

Common Ground, Bangalore – an unconventional space where a large group of young and dynamic enthusiasts indulged in highly creative

brainstorming sessions about its possible use in the future. The panel discussions gave insights into the sustainability and ethical issues of

3D printing for the industry, its private use, biomaterial printing and its use in the medical scenario.

When swissnex India turned into a Gaming Mecca…swissnex India, in collaboration with Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, organised ‘Gaming Jam’ in September 2013 and hosted Swiss, Dutch,

Swedish and Indian game enthusiasts who collaborated and produced highly innovative non-digital game prototypes within 5 hours. It was an

exciting and exhilarating event for the gaming enthusiasts as well as swissnex India as it was its first attempt at such an event. Special thanks

for the support and guidance of the co-facilitators – IGDA Bangalore, Fields of View, Collaborative Community.

The Gaming Jam was followed by the ‘Game Gazer’ exhibition on 3rd & 4th September, to showcase games and apps that offer a peek into

the play of tomorrow. This exhibition showcased the work of Nadezda Suvorova and Marine Sergent from Geneva University of Art and Design

(HEAD – Genève) and Mischa Geiser and Simon Kovatsch from Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The exhibition was open to the public.

Gaming enthusiasts from all over the town made a stopover at swissnex to try out the games and interact with the developers.

Fostering Knowledge Sharing in the field ofScience & Technology

14 swissnex India 2013 SCIENCE & tEChNologY

Mystique Lightsswissnex India in association with the Consulate General of Switzerland in Bangalore organised ‘Mystique Lights’, an exhibition of light

sculpting installations by Swiss artist Daniel Schlaepfer in November 2013. Mr. Schlaepfer’s fascinating talk about the tools he uses to produce

light sculpting installations accompanied by miniature installations, was widely appreciated by over 80 participants who attended the event.

Skin Cells and Skin Grafts ExhibitionIn December, swissnex India showcased an exhibition on Skin, Cells and Skin Grafts – a series of remarkable photographs and videos,

to explain how research into the skin is advancing care for burn victims. Experts from the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV,

Switzerland – Wassim Raffoul, Lee Ann Laurent-Applegate and Murielle Michetti) who designed the exhibition delivered interesting talks

at different workshops held in Bangalore and Delhi.

Workshop on Novel Radioligands for Neuro/ Neuroonco ImagingThis workshop, on medical imaging, was co-organised by the Paul Scherrer Institute and the Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied

Sciences. It brought together 5 Swiss experts and 85 Indian participants including researchers, students and representatives from the

private sector. Further cooperation activities are planned in this field.

Connecting the Swiss Universities’ Alumni in IndiaThe number of alumni from Swiss universities living in India has risen substantially over the past few years.

swissnex India believes that these alumni possess a great potential as ambassadors for Swiss universities,

as an important source for local know-how and connections that should be fostered. Between September

and October 2013, swissnex India conducted four alumni meets in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and

Delhi. It was a pleasure connecting the fellow alumni members over these gatherings which led to many

fruitful associations. This is just the first step towards creating a community that will further strengthen the

Indo-Swiss bond in the field of Academic Relations.

Workshop on Cultural EpidemiologyIn February, swissnex India organised a workshop by Mitchell Weiss (Swiss Tropical and Public Health

Institute), a leading researcher in cultural epidemiology. He presented a mixed-methods research technique

developed with his team to about a hundred attentive researchers at the National Institute for Mental

Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore. In addition, a lecture was organised at swissnex India

about “Gender, Stigma and the Cultural Epidemiology of Suicide”.

MOTOCO… MOre TO COmeMotoco is a collaboration between Swiss and Indian students to combine the potentials that different

cultures have to offer by promoting international and interdisciplinary association. swissnex India enabled

Mischa Schaub (Director - Hyperwerk, Basel) and Kamal Musale (Film Director, Lausanne/ Mumbai) to

select a few students from premier design Schools in Bangalore such as National Institute of Design and

R V College of Architecture for a ten-day workshop in Switzerland. These students also accompanied the

delegation of Swiss students who travelled across India to discover the various materials, tools and skills

the country has to offer.

Deepening the ties in Academic Relations

16 swissnex India 2013 ACADEMIC RElAtIoNS

I would like to thank

swissnex India for a very

kind reception and for connecting me

with prestigious institutions in India.

It was really incredible 2 days and

I look forward to future collaborations

with swissnex India.

Jonas Cicenas, Biocurator,

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Facilitating Fruitful CollaborationsMou between ZhAw and Christ university

swissnex India is proud to have facilitated the signing of MoU between

ZHAW School of Social Work and Department of Social Work, Christ

University. This MoU enables academic exchanges between both the

organisations in the form of exchange of students and professors,

organising joint research projects, collaboration in the area of continuing

education, etc. This MoU has been a significant milestone for swissnex

India in strengthening academic ties between Swiss and Indian

institutes further.

MoU between Ecole d’ingenieurs et d’architectes de Fribourg and RV College of Architecture

swissnex India was instrumental facilitating this MoU to further academic, educational and cultural exchange between the two institutions.

Appreciation from Swiss delegates…

On behalf of EPFL and of the Steering Committee for the MoT

Executive MBA, I would like to warmly thank swissnex India for

the support during the MoT Study Trip in India. The presentations about

the Swiss Business Hub and swissnex India were highly interesting.

The students were able to grasp the context of operating in India as well

as overcoming the challenges. This exposure you provided, the valuable

experience and knowledge you shared with them helped in making their

study trip a highly positive experience.

Jean Micol, Director EMBA in MoT, EPFL

Events with a Social Cause…

Sustainability is in the heart of swissnex India’s outlook. One of the key reasons why we have ventured into initiatives that makes us more socially responsible.

Liter of LightLiter of Light (LOL) is a global movement that aims to light up the homes of the underprivileged in an economically and ecologically

sustainable way. On November 7, swissnex India hosted a workshop by a group of students from the University of St. Gallen, who trained over

45 participants to illuminate communities without electricity. With a used plastic bottle filled with water and chlorine, one can get a 55-watt

solar bulb that refracts sunlight. The workshop was followed by slum visits and installations… truly a phenomenal beginning to the Bangalore

chapter of Liter of Light.

Sustainable Housing for the poor

IN:CH, a Swiss architecture firm in India initiated the project on providing sustainable housing and livelihood for the poor and the

marginalised in Malur, a rural area near Bangalore. The prototype of a sustainable and affordable farm house was constructed wherein a

farmer and his family could move in. In addition to the monetary support, swissnex India also provided the platform for Juerg Grunder (IN:CH)

to showcase this project as part of sustainability lecture series conducted with the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS).

Affordable Healthcare & Access to Clean WaterIn November 2013, swissnex India, the University of St. Gallen and IIM Bangalore organised a forum/ workshop to get a better picture of the

affordable healthcare and water infrastructure challenges in India. This included a series of lectures from healthcare and water experts followed

by a hands-on workshop aimed at developing solutions to key healthcare and water problems.

swissnex India 2013 EvENtS wIth A SoCIAl CAuSE 19

In the news

15+ articles and press mentions

More followers on LinkedIn

Much talked about on Facebook

Active on Twitter, more than ever

Populating the blogs on time, every time

You Tube channel gets more lively

Exploring new Channels of CommunicationIn the past year we created a distinct, fresh and effective brand identity for

swissnex India, which has been translated into implementation mode via a series of

communication channels.

INsight - swissnex India’s bi-monthly newsletter was introduced in early September.

Three editions were released in 2013 which covered everything from our activities

to upcoming events to S&T news from Switzerland and India, and the feedback we

received was extremely encouraging.

swissnex India Mobile App – This cool new means of communication was developed

by Minsh, a Swiss start-up based in India. Released in December 2013 with an Android

version, it is now available for Apple users too. We are elated by the response to this

app and how it has brought us closer to our communities!

swissnex India 2013 IN thE NEwS 21

Partners >> Alliance Française de Bangalore

>> Bengaluru Artist Residency One (Bar1)

>> Bern University of Applied Sciences

>> Buehler (India) Private Limited

>> Christ University, Bangalore

>> Consulate General of Switzerland, Bangalore

>> Consulate General of Switzerland, Mumbai

>> Eawag, Duebendorf

>> Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

>> Embassy of Switzerland in India, New Delhi

>> Excubator, Bangalore

>> Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD – Genève)

>> Goethe Institute, Bangalore

>> Hyperwerk Institute, Basel

>> HasGeek

>> IN:CH architects and planners

Sponsors and Partners


>> India Competence Center at the University of St. Gallen

>> Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), Bangalore

>> Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)

>> Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

>> Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay

>> InnAccel

>> Jaaga, Bangalore

>> Liter of Light, Switzerland

>> Microsoft Accelerators, Bangalore

>> Minsh, Bangalore

>> Mövenpick Hotel & Spa, Bangalore

>> National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)

>> National Institute of Design, Bangalore

>> National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore

>> Parc Scientifique, Lausanne

>> Pro Helvetia New Delhi

>> R.V. College of Architecture, Bangalore

>> Ramsoft, Bangalore

>> Rangoli Metro Art Centre, Bangalore

>> St. John’s Research Institute

>> Swiss Business Hub, India

>> Swiss Cleantech

>> Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich

>> Swiss National Science Foundation

>> Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce (SICC)

>> Swiss Solar Technology Consortium

>> Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel

>> University of Basel

>> University of Zurich

>> University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV)

>> University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

>> Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

>> Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)

22 swissnex India 2013 SpoNSoRS AND pARtNERS

Money Matters

Being a public-private venture, swissnex India is mandated by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, to finance two-thirds of its projects by third-party contributions.

Budget 2013 (in CHF)

• SERI Operating 572’000

• SERI Projects 100’000

• Third-party Contributions 426’863

39% 52%


SERI Operating

SERI Projects

Third-party Contributions

swissnex India

Yashaswini K Projects & Communications


Cyrille Planner Uni Basel (Intern:

Jan – June 2013)

Ravi K Support Staff

Sarita Prakash Office Manager

Elias Papa EHL, Lausanne

(Intern: June – Nov 2013)

Yellamma K Support Staff

Janis Barker Office Manager

Prateek Khare Entrepreneurship &

Innovation Manager

Laetitia Vionnet EPFL, (Intern:

Jan – June 2013)

Dinesh S Support Staff

Margrit Leuthold Executive Director

Aug 2012 – Dec 2013

Maitree Dasgupta Projects & Academic

Relations Manager

Stephanie Schoenholzer SNSF, Berne (Sabbatical:

Jan – April 2013)

Lisa Jean-Mairet University of St. Gallen

(Intern: June – Dec 2013)

Indraneel Ghose Senior Thematic


Anju Edgar Communications &

Community Manager

Arianne Maniglia EAWAG, Dubendorf

(Sabbatical: Aug – Nov 2013)

Michelle Hufschmid University of Zurich (Intern:

Oct 2013 – March 2014)

Team 2013

swissnex India team – Feb 2014

With a spectrum of events in the first Quarter itself, the 2014 events pipeline for swissnex India looks promising. Take a look at some of the significant initiatives planned for the year ahead…

>> Trade talk on ‘Future of the multilateral trading system’ by Thomas Cottier, Director World Trade Institute (WTI), January 2014.

>> The first ever swissnex Science Slam in India at the Pravega S&T Fest by Indian Institute of Science in February 2014.

>> Workshop on ‘Frontiers in Biology and Medicine’, February 2014. swissnex India will support the 3-day workshop by the University of

Zurich (UZH) in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Science and the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bangalore.

>> Exhibition on ‘Swiss Touch of Landscape Architecture’ in Bangalore, February 2014.

>> Meta Refresh 2014 conference: workshop by Christoph lüscher, Information Architects, February 2014.

>> Entrepreneurship evening with Eth Zurich Food Summer School, February 2014 (with ETH Zurich’s World Food System Center).

>> ‘CERN Lectures in India’ by Peter Jenni, March 2014. swissnex India will organise public lectures in Varanasi, Delhi and Bangalore.

>> swissnex session with EPFL ‘Management of Development Projects’ Summer School, March 2014

>> Alumni Meet-ups, April – July 2014. swissnex India will conduct Alumni networking events in five different cities.

2014: The Road Ahead

It’s absolutely exciting to look ahead! Since my first encounter with the swissnex India

team I was inspired by the great appetite of the team members to organise relevant events,

lectures and hands-on workshops engaging the Indo-Swiss academia and innovation community.

In the years to come swissnex India will further expand and consolidate its partnerships and activities

based on the excellent work done by Margrit Leuthold. We look forward to strengthen the collaboration

with all our trusted partners, sponsors and stakeholders. The stage is perfectly set for an inspiring

and meaningful 2014!

Balz Strasser, CEO – swissnex India, Consul

26 swissnex India 2013 thE RoAD AhEAD

The year 2013 has been exciting for us. With the collective accomplishments of our partners, sponsors and associates, we enter

2014 with a very positive outlook that will allow us to further strengthen the ties between Switzerland and India. Therefore, we would

like to take this opportunity to especially thank all of you for your contributions throughout the past year. The achievements outlined here would

not have been possible without your constant support. – swissnex India Team

Thank you for your contribution…

Photography courtesy: Elias Papa, Benjamin Thomas, Vicky Lakshmanan

swissnex India26 Rest House Crescent Road, Bangalore 560 001, India. Ph: +91.80.4941.2000