
ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA SYAHADAT Written by : 1. Fazrul Hamonangan Tanjung/14522069

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Written by :1. Fazrul Hamonangan Tanjung/145220692. Kukuh Faedlur Rahman/14522125


In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful, and the most praise are upon to Allah too, who always gives us his blessing so that we all can still move as usual and as well as the author so we can complete this task of Religion paper entitled "Syahadat". Shalawat and Salam be upon to our noble Prophet Muhammad, his family, his comrade, and all of us that became his obedient followers. Aamiin.With the existence of this paper, we hope this paper can help all of the readers in the process of studying the subject matter that contained in this paper. This paper contains the definition about Syahadat, or in other word that mean the definition about out the first pillar of IslamThe authors also wish to express many thanks to Mr. Aang Kunaepi as our lecture who have guided the author in order to make authors of this paper in accordance with the provisions in force so that make this paper is good and right.

And we realize there are shortcomings in this paper, so the author apologizes for any shortcomings here and there of the papers author do. And therefore we always expect feedback from all of the readers for improving this paper. Thank you.

Yogyakarta, September 30rd 2014



Syahadat is study about the first pillar of islam, and discuss about what is the implementation about it.


a. Faith and Tauhid in IslamOur brain and our heart says that amazing world and its system is not appear freely. The world that make people amaze is impossible appear without the authorization of Creator. Exactly there is a Creator of this world and its system with Its unlimited authorization and unlimited knowledge. Creator make sure that the creation of world is has purpose. Impossible the Creator create is useless, and no one can free from Creators rule.[footnoteRef:1] [1: Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husain (Thabathabai,Inilah Islam,Jakarta:Pustaka Hidayah.1992) page 24]

b. The definition and prerequisite of syahadatThe first islamic pillar is say syahadat. So if there is a people who will join Islam, he/she must to read, know, and reflect syahadat too. The lafal of syahadat is :

Not only we say syahadat, but also know the mean and belief with our heart. Beside mean of the statement, it include a something like we must accept to get a prisoners at the world and the beyond if we break Allahs rule. It is also mean that syahadat nurturing muslim to erect amar maruf nahi munkar.Beside it, syahadat can give notification to non muslim in order to islamic value of muslim is not annoyed by them.Syahadat is divide by 2 kind, first is syahadat tauhid, and the second is syahadat to belief Muhammad SAW as a prophet of Allah.We must know that not enough for us to just belief one kind of syahadat. We must belief it both in order to make your faith clearly.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Dr. Bustanuddin Agus, M.A. , Al-Islam(Jakarta:Rajawali Pers,1993)hlm.103-105]

Syahadat Tauhid

First sentence : laa ilaha illallah ( ), is someone admitted with oral and his heart there is no god except the right of Allah Almighty as meaning al - Ilah ma'luh ( which worshiped ). Meaning, there is no god is right / correct except Allah. And this phrase implies the removal and determination that no God we can believe except Allah SWT. Sentence exception ( ) and determination ( ) and () is jalalah lafadz from badal accent from further inside the khabar () that meaning no one, so the most important in syahadat tauhid is we believe that just Allah is our God, no other. And this implies is we can purify worship is for just for Him to abolish the worship of other.Allah Azza Wajalla says : ( : 101)Karena itu tidaklah bermanfaat sedikitpun kepada mereka sesembahan-sesembahan yang mereka seru selain Allah diwaktu azab Rabbmu dating(QS. Huud: 101)And His saying :Kami sekali-kali tidak menyeru sesembahan selain Dia(QS. Al-Kahfi: 14). Syahadat RasulSecond sentence : the meaning of the lafal Muhammadar Rasululloh is say with oral and believe with heart that Muhammad ibn Abdillah is the Messenger of Allah to all His creature.Allah saying in Al Quran : Maha suci Allah yang telah menurunkan Al-Furqon kepada hamba-Nya agar dia menjadi pemberi peringatan kepada seluruh alam (QS. Al-Furqon: 01). The consequence is confirmed Syahadat Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam about what His commanded, we must away from what he prohibited and no worship to Allah except by way prescribed by it. The consequences of this creed also not convinced that the Messenger of Allah have the right and regulate natural or rights in worship, but he is a just servant and an apostle who does not lie , and he does not have the slightest ability to provide benefits and mudharot to himself or anyone else except what is willed by God as Allah.[footnoteRef:3] [3: Rifai, Moh. 2011. Risalah Tuntunan Sholat Lengkap. Semarang: PT. Karya Toha Putra]

c. The position of SyahadatSyahadat is located in first on islamic pillars. Without syahadat, other islamic pillars will fall out. Its also behave faith pillars. Before we erect faith pillars, we must erect islamic pillars first. And the erect of islamic pillars is must pass syahadat first.

Rasulullah SAW says Islam is like building. For nicely standing of islamic building, its must have 5 pole, syahadatain, shalaat, shaum, zakat, and haji to Baitullah.[footnoteRef:4] [4: Zaim Elmubarok,mengenal islam,(Semarang: UPT MKU UNNES,2008),page.35]

d. The actualization of syahadat in worship and muamalatIf we are an obedient moslem, we must prove our syahadat. Not only just say it, but also do the worship. After we belief that Allah is our God and Muhammad SAW is our Prophet, we still have obligation to do some worship, like shalaat, shaaum, pay zakaat, and doing Haji if we able to do it. The actualization of syahadat in worship and muamalat:1. Syahadat as pillar of IslamIf someone belief Islam, and actualize the syahadat, he/she will be able to prove his syahadat with all worship, so syahadat is important thing in Islam.2. Syahadat as basis of changeSyahadat is thing can grow up spirit of muslim and muslimat for better change in theirs life.3. Syahadat as essense of Rasuls mission.Syariat that bring along by rasul can have any differences, but the important content is same that is faith to Allah dan avoid thogut. Its mean that syahadat is very important thing to spread Islam widely.4. Syahadat as any superior.Syahadat can rescue someone from Allahs punishment, not only in the world but also in afterlife. Its also become a factore vanished sin, and become a factore someone who will go into heaven, its mean that syahadat can make someone not eternal in the hell.[footnoteRef:5] [5: 5. Zaim El Mubarok, ibid, page 35.]

e. The influence of Syahadat toward humans lifeMuslim society is a society that symbolizes the principles to all important things . Without show any Islamic principles, eventhough the things are important in the realization of society , but that society can not be said of Islamic society .The first feature that distinguishes the form of the Muslim community appearto this community stands is on the basis of the inhibition of human beings to God alone in the whole matter . This inhibition is represented and shaped by the creed of La ilaha illa Allah , Muhammad Raasulullah.This is the Muslim community , the community that symbolizes worship themselves to God alone , in the belief and conception of its members , the social system and their laws , and also in their religious ceremonies and worship . If any one of these aspects that are not there , then Islam itself does not exist. Because there was actually just the first Pillars : La ilaha illa Allah , Muhammad Raasulullah .[footnoteRef:6] [6: Said Hawwa, Al-Islam Syahadatain dan Fenomena Kekufuran,(Jakarta:Al Ishlaly, 1990). Page 114-118]

f. The destroying syahadatCreed damage such as damage to the gates of heaven , so practicely we could not be brought in . There are many thing can destroy our creed . So , we must be careful to maintain our creed because if our creed is damaged , our deeds will be in vain. .

g. The invalid of syahadat and faith1.Tawakal and depend not to Allah2.Go back on Allah blessing, whether visible or invisible, whether easily thought or need deeper knowledge.3.Working with purpose not to Allah.4.Make some rule based on own opinion and contrary with Allahs rule.5.Focus to worship not to Allah with the method that not His desire.6. Dislike one islamic theory or dislike all Islamic value.7. Love living in the world better than living in afterlife (Hubbud-dunya) and he/she the world as his/her priority.8.Insult Al-Quran or sunnah or ulama, and make fun of Allahs rule or islamic value.9.Have no faith with all Islamic rule from Al-Quran and Sunnah. 10.Choose non muslim people and munafiqin as their leader and not loving muslimin and muslimat.11. Not believe to someone who say syahadatain.[10]

h. The way of defending faithThere are some ways to defend our faith :1. Always remember that everything we do seen by Allah.Q.S. Al-Mumin, 23: 2-92. Keep shalat and always fulfill the promise.3. Berusaha menghindari perbuatan maksiat4. If get happiness, always remember Allah or be grateful.Q.S, An-nisaa, 4:1476. If get calamity, always be patient.Q.S. Al-Baqarah, 2: 155-1567. Willing to all Allahs regulation.Q.S. Al-Anaam, 6:1628.If have some planning, always tawakal to Allah. Zakiah Daradjat, Dasar-Dasar Agama Islam, (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang,1996), hlm.140-142