syllabus -2021

Course Name Dimensions of Immigration Degree Official Master's Degree in International Migration Year 2020-2021 Duration Annual ECTS credits 6,0 Character Obligatory University Comillas Pontifical University Professor/Responsible ÁNGELA ORDÓÑEZ, AVELINO CHICO Y JOSE MANUEL APARICIO COURSE SPECIFICS Context of the course Summary Throughout this assigntura we will study the socio-economic dimension of immigration, the religious and anthropological aspects, and the psycho-social aspects of migration. Competences – Goals Competences GENERAL CB-01 Acquire knowledge in the various areas of study based on advanced reading and textbooks and including knowledge from the forefront of the study of human mobility and international migration. CB-02 To know how to apply and integrate their knowledge in the field of human mobility and international migration, their understanding, their scientific basis and their problem- solving skills in new and vaguely defined environments, including multidisciplinary contexts for both researchers and practitioners highly specialized. CB-04 Be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both specialized and non-specialized in international migration and human mobility. SPECIFIC CE-01 Understanding travel, human mobility and international migration through time. CE-02 Understand the fundamental concepts of sociology linked to the migration issue. CE-03 Understand the economic issues related to international migration, both from the point of view of the subject as well as from the perspective of the environment. SYLLABUS 2020-2021

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Name Dimensions of Immigration

Degree Official Master's Degree in International Migration

Year 2020-2021

Duration Annual

ECTS credits 6,0

Character Obligatory

University Comillas Pontifical University



Context of the course


Throughout this assigntura we will study the socio-economic dimension of immigration, the religious and anthropological aspects, and the psycho-social aspects of migration.

Competences – Goals



CB-01 Acquire knowledge in the various areas of study based on advanced reading and textbooks and including knowledge from the forefront of the study of human mobility and international migration.

CB-02 To know how to apply and integrate their knowledge in the field of human mobility and international migration, their understanding, their scientific basis and their problem-solving skills in new and vaguely defined environments, including multidisciplinary contexts for both researchers and practitioners highly specialized.

CB-04 Be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both specialized and non-specialized in international migration and human mobility.


CE-01 Understanding travel, human mobility and international migration through time.

CE-02 Understand the fundamental concepts of sociology linked to the migration issue.

CE-03 Understand the economic issues related to international migration, both from the point of view of the subject as well as from the perspective of the environment.

SYLLABUS 2020-2021

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CE-04 Understanding the principles of social psychology applicable to the migratory field.

CE-05 To know the Law of foreigners and immigration in the universal scope and the operation of international organizations.

CE-06 To understand the new forms of citizenship and the approaches of political philosophy to the field of migration.


RA-01 Understands human displacements and migrations as a phenomenon associated as a constant in the history of mankind.

RA-02 It situates its characteristics in the different socio-historical moments, connecting migrations with the political, social and economic contexts of the moment. It knows the fundamental concepts and the main perspectives of sociological analysis.

RA-03 Understands the processes of inequality and social integration in the structuring of social relations.

RA-04 It situates conflict, change and forms of cohesion in social relations.

RA-05 Understands the economic value in the decision to migrate.

RA-06 Locates the consequences of the subject's economic decision in both the country of origin and the destination.

RA-07 Knows the mathematical and statistical models associated with migration decisions.

RA-08 Knows and understands the socio-psychological underpinnings of human relationships.

RA-09 Knows and understands the dimension of identity and the development of social roles (Identity personal, group identity and national identity. Intergroup relations and conflict).

RA-10 Observe decision making processes.

RA-11 It explores the dynamics of adaptation, individual and group mismatches and readjustments in (Ulysses Syndrome, rupture of relations in processes of regrouping family and other adaptation dynamics).

RA-12 It acquires the basic concepts of the European Union's legal framework and its impact on national laws, especially the Spanish one.

RA-13 Acquires the basic legal concepts of immigration and foreigner law in the field The universal coverage of economic immigrants, refugees, displaced persons and other persons under International Protection.

RA-14 Understands the legal evolution of immigration law within the framework of the international organizations.

RA-15 It comprises the existing links between the individual and society.

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RA-16 It situates the features of modern citizenship and its relationship between individual and nation.

RA-17 Learn to make an anthropological reading of the processes implicit in citizenship: social integration, rights and duties.

RA-18 It applies the concept of citizenship in the context of globalization: dual citizenship;

regional" citizenship; world citizenship.


1. Theme 1: Social Psychology, identities and adaptation 2. Theme 2: Misalignments, ruptures and readjustments in migration processes 3. Theme 3 and 4: Dimensions of immigration. Socioeconomic aspects 4. Subject 5 and : Religious and anthropological aspects





Online tutorials: brief theoretical presentation by the teacher of the contents of the program and reflection on the more complex sections, providing relevant information to the student

Personal study of the student who will work on the concepts dealt with in the study document or in the master classes, reviewing the work done and taking multiple-choice tests where students identify the correct answer within a limited series of alternatives.

Forum: development of discussion forums through the Internet, where students provide feedback on the topics of proposed discussion.

Individual final work, carrying out the main

evaluation exercise where the knowledge acquired in the subject must be


25.00 300.00 50.00 125.00

CRÉDITOS ECTS: 6,0 (500,00 horas)


Evaluation system of signature Minimun weights

Maximun weights

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Topic 1-2:

Achotegui, J. (2015). Intervención psicológica y psicosocial con inmigrantes, minorías y excluidos

sociales. Figueras: Ediciones El mundo de la mente.

Melero Valdés, L. (2010). La persona más allá de la inmigración: Manual de Intervención

Psicosocial con personas migrantes. Valencia: CEIMIGRA.

Miller, K. y Rasco, L. (Eds.) (2006). The Mental Health of Refugees. Ecological Approaches to

Healing and Adaptation. New Jersey: Psychology Press.

Labrador, J. (2001). Identidad e inmigración: un estudio cualitativo con inmigrantes peruanos en

Madrid. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Abarca, A. B. (1980). La psicología social: desorientación y aplicación a la realidad española. Reis,

12, 159-194.

Achotegui, J. (1999). Los duelos de la migración: una perspectiva psicopatológica y psicosocial. En

E. Perdiguero y J.M. Comelles (Eds.), Medicina y Cultura (pp. 88-100). Barcelona: Editorial


Acosta, E. A. (Ed.). (2011). International Community Psychology: Community Approaches to

Contemporary Social Problems. Puebla: Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla.

Amodeo, M., Peou, S., Grigg-Saito, D., Berke, H., Pin-Riebe, S. y Jones, L.K. (2004). Providing

culturally specific substance abuse services in refugee and immigrant communities: Lessons from a

Cambodian treatment and demonstration project. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions,

4(3), 23-46.

Antonsich, M. (2009). National identities in the age of globalisation: The case of Western Europe.

National identities, 11(3), 281-299.

APA. (2009). Working with refugee children and families. Recuperado de

Australian Centre for Child Protection. (2009). The working with refugee families project.

Recuperado de

SE-3/SE-4 Evaluation of the final work and case studies. 70% 70%

SE-5. Evaluation of interactive tasks. Participation in forums and contacts with professor.

30% 30%

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Basabe, N., y Bobowik, M. (2013). Estatus grupal, discriminación y adaptación en inmigrantes

latinoamericanos y africanos en España. Psicoperspectivas, 12(1), 5-29.

Berry, J. W., Phone, J. S., Sam, D. L., & Vader, P. (2006). Immigrant youth: Acculturation, identity

and adaptation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 55, 303-332.

Betancourt, T.S., Abdi, S., Ito, B.S., Lilienthal, G.M., Agalab, N., y Ellis, H. (2015a). We left one

war and came to another: Resource loss, acculturative stress, and caregiver-child relationships in

Somali refugee families. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(1), 114-125.

Betancourt, T.S., Newnham, E. A., Layne, C.M., Kim, S., Steinberg, A.M., Ellis, H. y Birman, D.

(2012b). Trauma history and psychopathology in War‐Affected refugee children referred for

Trauma‐Related mental health services in the United States. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25(6), 682-


Bhawuk, D.P.S. (2010). Humiliation and human rights in diverse societies: Forgiveness and other

solutions from cross-cultural research. Psychological Studies, 55(1), 35-45.

Bhugra, D., & Becker, M. A. (2005). Migration, cultural bereavement and cultural identity. World

psychiatry, 4(1), 18-24.

Brymer, M.J., Steinberg, A.M., Sornborger, J., Layne, C.M. y Pynoos, R. S. (2008). Acute

interventions for refugee children and families. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North

America, 17(3), 625-640.

Buhmann, C.B. (2014). Traumatized refugees: Morbidity, treatment and predictors of outcome.

Danish Medical Journal, 61(8), 1-29.

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Carlsson, J., Sonne, C. y Silove, D. (2014). Challenges in establishing evidence-gathering models in

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Carlsson, J.M., Olsen, D.R., Kastrup, M. y Mortensen, E.L. (2010). Late mental health changes in

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Charlés, L.L. (2009). Home-based family therapy: An illustration of clinical work with a Liberian

refugee. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 28(1), 36-51.

Craig, C.D., Sossou, M., Schnak, M. y Essex, H. (2008). Complicated grief and its relationship to

mental health and well-being among Bosnian refugees after resettlement in the United States:

Implications for practice, policy, and research. Traumatology, 14(4), 103-115.

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Crumlish, N. y O'Rourke, K. (2010). A systematic review of treatments for Post-Traumatic stress

disorder among refugees and asylum-seekers. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(4), 237-


Cuadros, A. (2011). Escenarios del dolor: Trauma Psicosocial consecuente al racismo institucional

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Cuadros, A. (2010). Trauma psicosocial en los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros en España,

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Cuadros, A. (2009). Consecuencias psicosociales del retorno imprevisto en migrantes. Tiempo de

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