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  • 7/29/2019 syllabus.FE721.fall2006



    FALL 2006


    Professor Yrjo Koskinen595 Commonwealth Ave., Room 532Email: [email protected]: 617-353-9775

    Course website: All course information and materials are available to you on SMGtools.There is no course package. Please make sure to download the lecture notes, assignmentsand readings before every class.

    Class Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 10:50 AM (cohort B), 12:30-1:50PM (cohort D) in SMG Room 322.

    Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.00 AM 12.00 PM

    Teaching Assistants: Rick Fedor ([email protected]) and Chris Teng ([email protected]).They hold walk-in tutorials on Tuesdays (11:00 am 12:00 pm) and on Wednesdays(4.00 pm 5.00 pm) in room 518L.

    Text books:Corporate Finance by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill-

    Irwin, 2005.

    Financial calculator: Sharp EL733A (approx. $35), available at Barnes and Noble BUbook store and at Staples. You will be better off using this calculator even if you alreadyown a financial calculator. This is because I use this model to describe keystrokes tosolve financial problems in class.

    Recommended as a companion resource: A subscription to theWall Street Journalor tothe Financial Times.

    A special student rate is available by signing up in class. When you subscribe to the WSJ,

    you also get a subscription to the online versions of the WSJ, Barron's, and MoneySmartat no additional cost. For FT, you can either subscribe to print and online versions or justto the online version. You will be billed directly in all cases.

    Spreadsheet assignments: Building spreadsheet models helps to achieve one of the maingoals of this course to learn the logical relationships among financial variables.Moreover, the ability to work comfortably with spreadsheet models is an essential skillthat can only be learned through practice. Therefore, I have included a series of 7

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  • 7/29/2019 syllabus.FE721.fall2006


    spreadsheet assignments which you are to do during the semester and submit to me at theappointed times. You must do at least 5 of them to get full credit. Please read carefullythe introductory paragraph that describes the spreadsheet assignments for essentialinformation. The spreadsheets will not be handed back during class hours, but in generalthey will be returned to your files in the student lounge.

    Examinations and grades: Examinations are non-cumulative, in the sense that each onewill concentrate on the material covered during the pertinent dates covered by that exam.(Obviously, certain terms, concepts and skills carry throughout the course.) The coursegrade will be based on:

    Examination 1: 20%Examination 2: 20%Examination 3: 20%Bonus for your best exam: 5%Spreadsheet assignments: 10%

    Co-ordinated course project: 10%Class participation: 15%

    Class attendance: I will go over new material, selected homework problems and testproblems in class. Regular attendance is needed for good performance. More than oneabsence will result in a reduction of your final grade points. There are no make-ups forthe exams without an appropriate excuse. Advance notification or a written medicalexcuse is required for excused absence at an exam. An unexcused absence will result in azero score for the test. Any make-up mid-term exam will be administered during the finalexam period.

    Study Groups: Discussing the problems with classmates will help you greatly in learningthe concepts and in preparing for exams. I strongly encourage you to form study groupswhich meet regularly (at least via e-mail).

  • 7/29/2019 syllabus.FE721.fall2006



    FALL 2006


    Date of Latest Revision: September 27, 2006


    1 Sep 12(Tues)

    CourseIntroduction andOverview;Introduction toCorporate Finance

    Ch. 1; Read your calculator manual to learn basicfunctions including switching modes, logarithms,exponentiation, memory, display a specificnumber of decimal places, and storing values.

    2 Sep 14(Thurs)

    Net Present Valueand the TimeValue of Money

    Ch. 4. At every opportunity as you study thischapter, try to adapt its ideas to the financialcalculator. Familiarize yourself especially withthe row of keys: n, i, PV, FV and PMT.

    3 Sep 19(Tues)

    Net Present Valueand the TimeValue of Money(continued)

    Ch. 4; Spreadsheet #1 discussion.

    4 Sep 21


    Net Present Value

    and the TimeValue of Money(continued)

    Ch. 4; Spreadsheet #2 discussion.

    5 Sep 26(Tues)

    Principles ofAsset Valuation;Bond ValuationModels

    Ch. 5 (pages 106-112); Spreadsheet #1 due;Spreadsheet #3 discussion.

    6 Sep 28(Thurs)

    Bond ValuationModels

    Ch. 5 (pages 106-112) and Appendix 5A (pages134-143); Spreadsheet #2 due.

    7 Oct 3(Tues)

    Bond ValuationModels

    Ch. 5 (pages 106-112) and Appendix 5A (pages134-143)Previous FE721 Mid-term Exams(These are available on course Web site.Answers are also available there); Spreadsheet#3 discussion.

  • 7/29/2019 syllabus.FE721.fall2006


    8 Oct 5(Thurs)Note:

    Cohort Bmeets at 8


    Exam 1 You may bring to the exam a 2-sided page of your own notes. Remember to bring yourcalculator and calculator manual.

    Oct 10(Tues)

    No class

    9 Oct 12(Thurs)

    Valuation Models:Common Stocks

    Ch. 5, pages 112-end (omit pages 123-124) ;Spreadsheet #3 due.

    10 Oct 17(Tues)

    Valuation Models:Common Stocks

    Ch. 5, pages 112-end (omit pages 123-124);Spreadsheet #4 discussion.

    11 Oct 19(Thurs)

    Net Present Valueand CapitalBudgeting

    Ch. 7 (omit pages bottom 195- 197); Spreadsheet#4 due.

    12 Oct 24(Tues)

    Net Present Valueand CapitalBudgeting

    Ch. 7 (omit pages bottom 195- 197); Spreadsheet#5 discussion.

    13 Oct 26(Thurs)

    Some AlternativeInvestment Rules

    Ch. 6. Omit pages 154 - mid-163.

    14, 15 Oct. 31(Tues).

    Note thatthis is a 3-hour class.


    FinancialPlanning andGrowth

    Ch. 8, read Section 8.2 only, with specialemphasis on Breakeven Analysis; Spreadsheet#5 due.Ch. 3; Spreadsheet #6 discussion.

    Nov. 2(Thurs)

    No class due to the accounting presentations

    16 Nov 7(Tues)

    Review Sessionfor Exam 2

    Previous FE721 Mid-term Exams (These areavailable on course Web site. Answers are also

    available there); Spreadsheet #6 due.

    17 Nov 9(Thurs)Note:

    Cohort Bmeets at 8


    Exam 2 You may bring to the exam a 2-sided page of your own notes. Remember to bring yourcalculator and calculator manual.

  • 7/29/2019 syllabus.FE721.fall2006


    18 Nov 14(Tues)

    Capital MarketTheory: AnOverview

    Ch. 9.

    19 Nov 16


    Risk and Return;

    The Capital AssetPricing Model

    Ch. 10

    Nov 21(Tues)

    No class due to the marketing simulation

    20 Nov 28(Tues)

    Risk and Return;The Capital AssetPricing Model

    Ch. 10

    21 Nov. 30(Thurs)

    Risk and Return;The Capital Asset

    Pricing Model

    Ch. 10; Spreadsheet #7 discussion.

    22 Dec 5(Tues)

    Risk, The Cost ofCapital andCapital Budgeting

    Ch. 12 (omit section 12.6).

    23 Dec 7(Thurs)

    Risk, The Cost ofCapital andCapital Budgeting

    Ch. 12 (omit section 12.6); Spreadsheet #7 due.

    24 Dec 12(Tues)

    Exam 3 Review Sample Final Exams (These are available oncourse Web site. Answers are also available


    Dec 18(Mon) from9:00 am to11:100 am

    Final Exam Room 306 (cohort B)Room 312 (cohort D)