sylvania metalarc product information & specification guide

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  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide



  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    Qua lity Eng inee redSylvaniaM E T A ARC & S U P E RSy lvan ia M eta a rc andS upe r M e a la rc Lam ps -you r b est specifica tionfor natural looklnq HIDlig htn g in a varie tyo f app lica tions . Best HID sou rce for Ba lancedColorMetalarc and Super Metalarc lampsprovide a whiter, more natural look-ing light than either sodium ormercury vapor lamps. This is ac-complished by using a special blendof metal additives in the arc tube thatproduces spectural energy moreevenly across the.visible light rangethan other high intensity dischargelamps. Metalarc and Super Metalarclamps are recommended whereverexcellent color rendering HID lampsare required.

    High Light Output and EfficiencySylvania Metalarc lamps produce65 to 75 percent more lumens perwatt than mercury vapor lamps.Super Metalarc lamps extend thisadvantage to nearly 100% overmercury. Super Metalarc lamps alsoprovide 5 times more light output thanequal-wattage incandescent lampsand up to 20 times longer life!

    Excellent Lumen MaintenanceThroughout a long rated life, Syl-vania Metalarc and Super Metalarclamps provide high lumen output.


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    TA ARC LAMPSMetalarc and Super Metalarc:Two Generations of High-Efficiency, Color BalancedLampsSylvania M etalarc brought a new HIDe ffic ie ncy a nd c olo r re nd erin g s ta nda rdfo r lig htin g a pplic atio ns in d ep artm entstores indoors and stadium s outdoors.S u p er M etal arc im proved this stand ardw ith the increased efficiency of theS uper M etal arc arc-tube designs.

    Sylvania Offers the CompleteUne of Metal Halide Lamps toFit Your Needs C lear - Where highest light levelsa nd o ptic al c on tro l a re im po rta nt:b oth ind oo rs a nd o utd oo rs.

    C oated - Designed for industria land commercia l in teriors, reta ils tores and m alls, w here soft d iffusetig ht is mos t e ffe ctiv e.

    Super M etal arc 3K - A specia l rareearth phospher coating enhancescolor rendering and creates a lightw ith w arm th sim ila r to in ca nd esc entlig htin g, a n ex ce lle nt so urc e fo r re ta ildisp la ys , a nd rich ly c olo re d in te rio rs .

    Super Metalarc Safeline- Self ex-tinguishing lam ps designed for rec-reation facilities like gym s, and in-dustria l w ork areas, w here the outerlamp jacket may be punctured orbroken.

    T echnical Inform ation 4-9

    C harts-Lum en M aintenance/L ife .... 10-12

    Burning Positions 14

    W arning/O perating Instructions/Specification Worksheet 15

    A dditional L iterature/Sales O ffices 16


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    Meta arcClear175Watt





    EccentricityBulb to Base

    9 8% P ro ba bi li ty a tl i e F o r Above " 3 6 2 54 0 3 8 2 54 0 38 2 54 0 38 2 54 0 38 2 54 09 11 % P ro ba bi li ~ D ow nto -20% (- .5C )w llhl ea d Peak Bal la st 38 2 540 38 2 54 0 3 8 2 54 0 3 8 2 54 0 3 8 2 54 0Mal . Cunen l e re s t F a c to r(Crest Faclo r 1.6) 2 95 540 29 5 54 0 29 5 54 0 29 5 54 0 29 5 540

    C IECh romat ic it y C oor di na te s: X -y- .365.375 .380.380 .365380 ,385.380 ,380.370


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    MetalarcCoated400Watt Clear1000Watt Coated1000Watt Clear1500Watt Clear1500Watt

    S vlv al lia I tem No. 64492 64468 54470 5 4 4 3 1 54432ANSI Spec. N o. M59 M47 M47 M48 M48Order ing Abbrev iat ion M 4 0 0 1 C / U Mll00{)/U Ml000CiU MI1500!BU -HOR M1500/BD

    " . .. OI;r, l "."tOf .Bumlng Position U niversal Universal Universal Base up to Base DownHorizontatBulb Oeslgnll lion BT-37 B T - 5 6 BT-56 BT-56 In-56Bulb Material Borosilicate BorOSilicate Borosilicate Borosilicate Borosilicate(Hard Glass) (Ha ro Glass) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass)Bulb Nominal Diameter mm 117.5(4% ") 17 8 (7") 178 ( 7 "1 17 8 (7") 178 ( 7" )Base Type Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogu l Sc rewL ig ht C en te r le ng th mm 17 8 (7") 241 ( 9 1 - ' , " ) 2 4 1 ( 9 11 2 " ) 241 (9~ -\ l" ) 2 4 1 [ 9 '1 2 ")Max. Overaillengih mm 292 (11W'J 3 9 0 ( 15% " ) 3 9 0 ( 15% ") 30 0 ( 1 5 W ' ) 3 90 ( 15% ")A rc L en gt h mm 46(1"11") 91 (3-9 /16") 91 (3-9 /16") 91 (3-9 /16") 91 (3 -9 /16 " )M ax. B ulb T em p. C 400 (752'F ) 400 (7 52"F ) 400 (752"F ) 400 (752"F) 400 (752'F )M ax . B as e T em p. C ~10 (410 "F ) 210 (410 'F) 210 (41 O"F) 210 (410"F) 2 10 ( 4H l "F )Eccentrici~Bulbto ase 3' 3" 3' 3' 3"

    Base IDAr c 3' 3" 3' 3' 3'. .. .. "1; ,- .

    Nominal lamp watts 400 1000 1000 1500 1500N omin al L am p V ol ls 133 265 265 2 6 5 2 5 5Nomin al L am p Am ps 3.2 4,3 4,3 6.3 6 ..3M in . AMS lo r L 3m p S ta bi Uly 250 340 340 360 350M Io. Starti og Vo Its: RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RM S Peak

    9 8% P ro ba bi lit y a t 540 622 440 622 440 622 440 6 2 2" F DrAbove 3 82 4409 0% P ro ba bil it y D ow nto -20% (-9 .5C ) with 54 0 75 0 750 530 750 530 750ead Peak Ba llas t 38 2 530 530Mu, Curr en t C res t Factor(C re 51Fac lo r 1_8 ) 2 . 9 5 540 410 75 0 410 750 410 750 410 7 5 0 ,- ,

    Ini li al Lumens 34,000 110.000 110,000 155,000 155,000M ean tu mans ( 40% R at8 d L ife) 24,600 88 ,000 84,000 140,000 140,000Aver sH8 Ra te d L if e (Hr s. ) 20,000 12,000 12,000 3,000 3,0001 0 rs ./ St artC IECo rr e I a te d Co io l Temp . 3700'K 3900"K 3400"K 3 7 0 0 " 1 < 3700'KColor Rendering Index (CR t) 70 6 5 70 65 65I Warm Up T ime (M in ut es ) 2 4 4 5 5Hot Re st ar t T im e (M i n u te sI 10 10 10 15 15CIE Chromatici ly Coordinates: X- .390 ,385 0 4 0 0 .385 .385y- ,365 .380 .375 .370 .370


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide





    Coated 3K17S-Watt


    9 8% P ro bab ility a lO F o r A b ov e 38 2 54 0 382 54 0 382 54 0 362 540 38 2 54 090% Probabi li ~ Dowl I10 -20% (- .5C)withL ead Pe a k B alla sI 38 2 54 0 38 2 54 0 38 2 54 0 36 2 54 0 38 2 540Max . Cu rr e nl C r es t h c lo r( C re s t F a ct or 1 . 8) 2 9 5 540 29 5 54 0 29 5 540 295 540 29 5 54 0

    C I ECh r oma ti ci ty Coo rd ina tes: X -y- .425.410 .375.395 ,38038 0


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    SuperMetalarcCoated3K2S0Watt Clear400Watt Coated400Watt Clear400Watt Coated400Watt

    S ylv an ia I tem No . 64496 64451 64453 64450 64452ANS I S pe c. N o. M5 8 M5 9 M59 M59 M59Order ing Abbrev iat ion MS25013K1HOR MS400/BD-Only MS4()OrC fBD-Only MS!400f~UOnly MS4QO/CfBUOnly

    Burning P osition Horiz ontal ( 15') Vertical Base Verti cal Base V erti cal Base Vertical BaseDown Only (15') Down O nly ( I 5') U p Only (15") U p Only ( 15")Bulb Deslnnalinn BT-28 BT-37 8 T -37 8T37 8T-37Bulb Material Bo rosi Iicate 8 orosili cats Borosilicate Borosilicate Boros ilicate(Hard G lass ) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass)B ulb N omi na l D iame te r mm 89 (3 '1 2 ") 117 .5 (4W ') 117.5 ( 4% ") 117.5 ( 4% ") 1 17 .5 ( 4% " )Base Type Posit ion Or iented

    Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Sc rewL ig ht C ent er Lengt l1 mm 127 ( 5" ) 17 8 (7") 17 8 (7") 1 78 ( 7" ) 17 8 (7 " )Max . D ve ra ll L en gth mm 211 (8 '5/16 " ) 2 92 ( 11 W ') 292 ( 1 1 '1 2 " ) 292(11'12" ) 2 9 2 ( 1 1 ' 1 2 " )Arc Length mm 33 (1 '1. " ) 3 8 ( 1 ' 1 2 " ) 3 8 (1 V; ' ' ' ) 38 (1Y2") 38(1'/" ')MaI. Bulb Temp. C 350 (66ZOF] 400 (752'F ) 400 (75ZOF ) 400 (75ZOF ) 4()O(752 'F )M ax . B as e T em p ' C 210 (410'F I 210 (410'F ) 210 (41! l" F ) 210 (410 'F) 210 (410 "FJEccenlrl CI ~Bulb 1 .0 lise 3 3' 3" 3' 3'

    Base t o A rc 3" S 30 3" 3"t ..~{.u:["".II.O:I;r, . {otl~.Il-'I[~'Nom I na l L am p w a t t s 2S() 400 400 400 400N ominal Lamp Volls 130 133 133 133 133N omin al L am p Am ps 2.1 3 .2 3.2 3 .2 32M in . RMS f or L am p S ta bil it y 250 250 . 2 50 25 0 25 0Min. S ta rt in g Vo ll l! : RMS Peak RMS Peak R M S Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak98 % Probab it ily atIl"F or A llove 38 2 540 38 2 540 38 2 540 382 540 38 2 5409 0% pro ba blli~ D ow nto -20%(- .S 'C ) w l tl1Lead Peak Ballast 382 540 382 540 38 2 540 38 2 54() 38 2 540M3 I. C u rr en l C r es t F a ct or(C re st F a ct or I .B ) 295 540 29 5 540 29 5 540 29 5 540 29 5 540

    O l , . " ,loll :I~'"~[""'IIn ii i a l Lumens 21,500 40.000 40,000 40.000 40.000Mean Lur n ens ( 40 % Ra led l ife) 16.500 32,000 31,000 32.000 31.0()0AveraHe Rated Lit e ( Hrs . )1 0 rs ./ St art 10,()OO 20,000 20,OO() 20.000 20,000C IE Correlated Color Temp. 3200'K 3700"K 35()() 'K 37000K 3500"KCo lo r R ender in g I ndex (CR I) 70 65 70 65 70tWarm Up T Ime (M in ut es ) 2 2 2 2 2Hot Reslllrt T ime (Minutes) 10 10 10 10 10CIEC hromatic i lv Coordinates: X- .425 .390 .410 .390 .41()y- .410 .365 .380 3 6 5 .380


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide




    Coated 3K Coated 3K400Watt 400Watt


    Coated1000WaUSyl va ni a I lem No . 64445 64446 64498 64460 64461

    A NSI S pe c. N o. M59 M59 M59 MS9 M4 7 M 4 7Ordering Abbreviation MSf400If-lOR MS400iC IHOR MS40013KfHOR MS40013K1BU -On[y MS1000fC IBU -Only MS1000/C/BD-Only

    Burning P osition Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Base Vertical Base Ver t ica l Base(15') (1S') (W) Up Only (15') Up ( lS') Down (15 )

    Bulb Designa1ion BH 7 8T-37 81-37 BT-37 8T-56 8T-56Bulb Malerial Borosilicate Borosilicate Borosilicate Borosilicate Borosilicate Borosilicate(Hard Glass) (Hard Glass) (Hard Glass) (Hard Glass) (Hard Glass) (Hard Glass)B ulb N om in al D iame te r mm 117,5 (4% ") 117,5 (4% ") 117,5(4% ") 117.5 (4% ") 17 8 (7") 178 ( 7" )B a s e T y pe P osition O riented P osition O rienled P osition Oriented

    Mogul Sc rew M O l j u l Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul ScrewU ghl C en ter leng th m m 17 8 (7") 178 (7" ) 17 8 (7") 17 8 (7") 241 ( 9 '/ ," ) 241 ( l l'h " )M ar, Ove rail lentJ Ih m m 292 (1112" ) 29 2 (11'h") 2 9 2 ( 1 1 1 ' 2 " ) 2 9 2 (IW1") 390 ( 15% ") 390 (15% ")A rc length m m 3 9 ( 1 \2") 39 (1 ) /; " ) 3 9 (1 1 12 " 1 38tH,") 90 (3h") 90 (3V, ")Maj. B ulb T em p. C 400 (752"F ) 400 (752'F ) 400 (752"F ) 400 (752'F ) 400 l752 "FJ 400 (752 F )Max. Bas e Tamp'C 2 1 0 ( 41 0 'F ) 210 (410'F ) 210 (41OF) 210 (41(l'F) 210 [41!)< 'F ) 210 (410'F )EccenlriCI~Bul b t o 3 1 > 0 3' 3' 3' 3' 3" 3'Base t o A rc 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3"I~ = 1 :> 1 1. ~ 1 [ " ' . , '1>:1; ", :" [ 01 -" 1

    Nominal Lamp Watts 400 400 400 400 1000 1000Nom Ina I Lamp l Io ll s 130 130 13 0 133 2 6 5 2 65Nomin al L am p Am ps 3.4 3.4 3.4 3,2 4.3 4. 3M in . RMS l ur L am p S ta bll ily 25 0 25 0 250 250 34 0 340Min. S tar ting l Io ll s: RMS Peak RM S Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak9 8% P ro ba bil ily a lO 'F o r A bov e 38 2 540 382 54,0 38 2 540 3 82 540 440 6 2 2 440 6 2 290% prOllablll, Downto -20% (- . 5' C ) w il hLead Peak Bal l a s t 38 2 540 38 2 540 38 2 540 382 540 530 750 530 750Max. Cu rr en t C re st F a ct ol(C res t Factor 1.81 295 540 295 54 0 29 5 540 29 5 540 4W 750 410 750

    Il-"Ul"t;;.tn l ti a I Lu mens 40,000 40,000 37.000 37,000 125,000 125,000Mean Lumens 32,000 31.000 28,000 28 , 000 95 .800 95.800Aver aae Ra te d L if e IHr s. ) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 12,000 12,0001 0 rs ./S ta rtC IECo " el at ed Co lo r Temp. 4500'K 38 00'K 3200'K 3200'K 3100'K 3100'KCo lo r R endor in g I ndex (CR I) 65 70 70 70 70 70Warm Up T ime (M in ut es ) 2 2 2 2 4 4Hot Re st a r t T im e (M i n ut es ) 10 10 10 10 10 10CIE Chromatici ty Coordinates: X- _360 .385 .425 .425 . 4 25 .425y- .370 .368 .410 .410 .390 , 3 9 0


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    SuperMetalarc Safeline LampsClear1000Watt





    Coated400WattS yl va nia I tem No. 64435 64436 64455 64456 64463 54464

    ANSI Spec. No. M47 M4 7 M59 M59 M47 M4 7Ordering Abbrevialion MS1000/BU -Dnly MS1000IBO-Only MST400fBUOnly MST4()0IC/BU-Only .MST100DfBU-Only MST1000iC/BU-Only

    IFI.l1'FJBurnln g Posit ion Vertleal Base Vert ical Base Vertical Base Vertical Base Vertical Base Vert ieal BaseUp (15') Down (:1:15') Up (:1:15" ) Up (:1:15' ) Up (15') Up (:1:15')Bulb Deslgnallon BT-56 BT-56 BT-37 B1-37 BT-56 BT-56Bulb Materia l Boros i licate Bo ro 5i ! icate Bo ros iIleats BorosiIicate Borosilicate BorosIIlcate(Hard G lass ) (Hard G lass ) (Hard Glass) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass) (Hard G lass)Bulb Nominal Diameter mm 178 (7") 178 (7") 117.5(4~") 1 1 7 . 5 ( 4W ' ) 178 (7") 178 (7")Base Type Mogul SCrew Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogu l Sc rew Mogu l Sc rew Mogu l Sc rewlight C enter Length mm 241 (9 \12") 241 (9Y2") 178 (7") 17 8 (7") 2 4 1 ( 9W ' ) 2 4 1 ( 9W ')Max. O veralllengih m m 3 9 0 ( 15 '1 0 8" ) 3 90 ( 15 '1 0 8" ) 292111W') 2 92 ( 11 ' 12" ) 390 (15 'Vs" ) 390(15%")A rc L en glll mm 9 0 ( 3 ' 1 2 " ) 90 (31/ ," ) 38 ( 1W ' ) 3 8 (1'h") 9 0 ( 3'1 2 ") 90 (ah")Max. B ulb T em p. 'C 400 (752 "F ) 400 (752 "F) 400 (7S2"f) 400 ( 752'F ) 400 (752 'F ) 400 (752'F )M u. Base Tern p. 'C 2 1 0 ( 4 10 'f ) 210 (4HI "F) 2101411J"F ) 210 ( 41!l"F ) 210 (41!l"F ) 210 ( 410'F )EccenlrlCI~Bulb 10 ase 3' 3' 3' 3 :r 3'

    Bas e to A rc 3' :r 3' s - 3 3',.".,1 . :J.(.. ~,,; '-;~[oJ--J

    Nominal Lamp watts 1000 1000 400 400 1000 1000N om in al L am p V ol ls 26 5 26 5 133 133 26 5 265N om inal lam p Amps 4.3 4.3 3.2 3 .2 4. 3 4.3M in , RMS l o r L am p S ta bili ty 34 0 340 250 250 340 3 40Min. Slarling Volls: RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak RMS Peak

    98 % P roba b i li ty a I 62 2I' F o r A b ove 440 6 2 2 440 622 382 540 382 540 440 62 2 4409 0% P IO ba bi lil~ D ow nto-20% (- .5C )withl ea d Pea k Bal la st 530 750 530 750 382 540 382 540 530 750 530 750Max. CU lTen tC r es l FO lmar(C rest Factor 1 .8 ) 410 750 410 750 29 5 54 0 2 95 540 410 750 410 750

    ;.I; '~.l.' =11, L~O; .' ,In ll l a l lumens 125,000 125,000 40,000 40,000 125.000 125.000Mean lumens l Q O , O OO 100,000 32,000 31.000 100,000 95,800Ave l 8~e Bale d l ife ( HI S.) 12.000 12.000 20,000 20.000 12,000 12.00010 r s. lS ll Ir tC IE Corr elaled Co lo rTemp. 3500'K 3500'K 3700"K 350!l"K 3500"K 3100'KCo lo r R ender in g I ndex (CR I) 65 65 65 70 65 7 DWarm Up Time (Minutes) 4 4 2 2 4 4Hoi Re st ar t T im e (M in ul es ) 10 10 10 10 10 10C IE Ch roma ti ci ty C oor di na te s: X - .400 .400 .300 .410 0400 .425y- .375 .375 .365 .380 .375 .390

    "S u pe rM e t al .r c S a fe I in e L amp s s aH e x ti n g ui s n lt t he o u te r j ac ke t i s p u n ct ur ed O r b ro k e n.

  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide



    10 09080)060504030.010

    ,~ ~ CONti NUOJS..,....-r- 10HRSISTART


    ,o o ~ 3 4 5 6

    BURN ING HOU A S (I N THOUSANDS )L am p L um e n M a in te na n ce



    100 100"' 90 '" I Ul 90" ~ CO")INUOU~- '"~ 80 :1 80:3 . . . . . . . . . : : : ; : . . . . :3;; ! 70 - TOHRS.STAAT- ...J 70'":: 60 5 HRSilSTART' ;:: 60?' 50 ~ 50:: ; 0 40r- oo j=ill 30 iii 30u U0: ,0 e zo~ c.10 1OQL-_"--_.>.-_-'- ....!.._ ......_---L _ __

    o 8

    - -- C NTlrYU~S-- - . , . -

  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    ClearM1500/BU-HOR & M1500/BD

    100(J) 902:~ 80:3 -'0< f.E 60~ 500, _ 40~ 30ff i 20,

    " " " VSRTIJ.Ll"-t-t-, 45'CPi> 'lAHON _i

    10oQ 1Q( )0

    BU RN ING HOURSLamp Lumen MaintenanceCurve based on 4 h OU rsoperat ing per s tart .

    100oz 90s0> 80c;:>if> 70if>c, 60:;;s 50""0 40_s 30u~ 20

    , . _ t- :1. . . . . 1 ' - - -1"',..,,_

    . . . . . ." . . . . . ~i


    Typical life expectancy ormortality curves for Metalarclamps at various burning cyclesAll curves app.lyto operation onsingle lamp ballast, or indepen-dent operation (parallel) dualballast.

    MS175/HORClear-r--0 r-- r----O fmS-fSTARf_o000000 4 5



    10o o ? I I O O00 0

    BURNING HOURSLamp Survival


    10 0(J) 90~ 80:3 70_J~ 60_~ 50. .0 40_~ 30ue 200. to


    r-, . . . . . . . r- - 10 HAS./SrA~Tf---" ILamp Lumen Maintenance


    io 00 ~- - r . . . . . .0 - . . . . . . . . 'o~0 ~000

    0010 .356 8H


    MS250/HORLamp Survival

    ClearI I-~ I- - r--t---'0 HAS-ISTART0


    00 :0 6

    BU R NIN ( ; H OU RS liN TH DUSAN 05)



    Lamp Lumen Maintenance2au ~N I NG H OU RS {IN lllOUSANDS I

    ., _z 3"f f i ~c,

    I00 - CO~Ii " ' - - - . ~S0 . . . . . . . . . . ' a0000,0 ,0

    10r:!Z 95'~ B~ ,0~ 00:5 5::;


    Lamp Survival

    CoatedMS175/3K/HOR & MS250/3K/HORr-, - - r- . . . . - 10 HAS,/START< IQ ,


    10 0~ 00\l ! IJO3 70~ 600 ;; 50~ 40~3Quff i 200.


    Lamp Lumen Maintenance

    ( T I l- r . . . . . . ~ ~0 ~ '0h " , _ _ f.---00 ~/Sr. ~a > ,0000

    10 0


    Lamp Survival

  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide



    ILLI I_Ul " " - I _ LI- io HRS./START1009080705050403 Q2010o 1 2 3 5 6 1 B 9 10 1112 13 14 1516 17 lB 19 20BURNING Hau RS IIN THOUSAN[)S)


    0 r- I " " " -0 t-f- 10 f"IRS.ISTAAr


    Lamp Lumen Maintenance1 2 J 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 " 15 19 20


    I90 I- l;o r v T l r v 6 0 / ; < " "00 1-1"--,.." ~s70 I ' - - 'OIf~'/h-60 ...;,;slsr4 i1r50 : - . . : . .403020100

    1 2 3 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 718 19 20BURNING HOURS liN THOUSAN[)S)

    Lamp Survival


    ". . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1- 10 HRS.lSTART0o

    \2100~903 80< J. 70;::60~50040~30u 20II:~ 1

    1 2 ~ 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 " 15 16 Il 1819 20BURNING HOURS liN TliOUSANOSJ

    Lamp Lumen Maintenance

    c~~s1-1'-- I"--b. 101f~~r--"IIss~~


    \ ; ! ! 100; : ; : 905: 80:;)'" 70~60~5 O~ 40r-3O~2Ouff i 10u,

    1 2 3 4 s 6 1 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20BURNING HOURS liN THOUSANDS)

    Lamp Survival

    Typical life expectancy ormortality curves for HorizontalSuper Metalarc lamps at variousburning cycles. All curves apply tooperation on single lamp ballast,or independent operation (paral-lel) dual ballast.

    MS400/BU -O N L YMS400/BD-ONL YClear I 11


    . . . . _I 1'-

    80 CONTINUOU$70 lQ HAS/SI A A T6050403020100 1 2 3 4 5 I; 1 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20


    MS400/C /BU ONL YMS400/C /BD-ONL YCoated

    I I~ I I I I0 I " " " r = : = : . : J I ICONTINUOUS0 I- r-0 l:

  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    MS1000/BU-ONLYMS1000 /BD-ONLYClear

    ~,oo~ 0 0~ 00:i JO~ G Ou. :50or 40~ 30IE - 2'001 . 10


    I~ CON J I NUOUS -- - . . . : : : : 10 HIlSISTA

    5 HilS/STAAT

    18.BU R N IN G HOU RS [IN THOU SA N 001

    MS1000/C /S U -ONL YMS1000 /C /BD-ONLYCoated

    '" 100a s 00: ; ; ::0 00..J. . . . 10[E O 60:l;~ 50,. _ 40i5 30uo: 20w0- 10


    I~.- - . : : : - - CONT iNU00s__ 10 HRS/START_~ .


    12 10

    Lamp Lumen MaintenanceS UR N IN G HOU R S ( IN 1 1 - 1 au S A N 0 01 12

    '" 1005' 90sa: 90:0'" 70f)0- 60~ 50u,0 .0ff i 30u 2Qff i0. 10


    I- CON~- - r--. '0~ ~s:~~Sit. Sl:~ / ; : - . . ~~A.8 1

    BU R N IN G H OU R S ( IN 1 1- IO U SA N 00 1Lamp Survival

    MST 400/8 U -O N L YClear

    ~loo~~-+-+~~4-+-+-~~-+-+~1-1-+-t1~ OO.~~~~~+-+-~-+-+ ~+-~-+-+~1-~~ .O O ~ ~ : j = t _t _~t : t=~~ ;t~~~~C jC~~A~R~tJ': l 701-E 6Or-~~-+-r-r'_+-+-r-~-+-+-r~1-+-r;~ '50r-~-+-+-r-r'_+-+-r-~-+-+-r-r1-+-r;::;Or-~-+-+-r-r'_+-+-r-~-+-+-r-r1-+-+1~ 3Or-~-+-+-r-r'_+-+-r-~-+-+-r-r1-+-r;~ 2Q~~-+-+-+~4-~+-~~-+-+~-F4-+-~~ ~O~~-+-+-+~4-+-+-~-+-+-+~4-4-+-t1O~~-L~~~-L~~~-LJ_~~~~1 2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 ,7 18 19 20


    MST 400/C /B U -ONL YCoated

    Ir - - . r-r-,If-t- C )ATED-r ,I


    ~100~903 s o;; ! 70Ew" 50::; 40t-~ 30U 200:~ 10o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a 9 10 11 '. 13 ,. 1~ 16 17 ia 19 20

    B UR N IN G H OU R S ( IN T HO US AN DS Ilamp Lumen Maintenance

    C O ~ G0 - _ ' O1'"fI,s/S0 I0000 10

    ~102:90c-~ Stil 7~ 6~50u, 4oIe 3~ 2uff i 1c,

    1 " 3 4 0 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1B UR N IN G H O U R S II N T H O US AN DS I

    Lamp Survival

    MST1000/B U -ONL YClear

    '" 10 0Z~ . 90~ 80: J . . 70> = 60;; ;u. 500 40e-m 30u 20ff ic, 10

    I I- . . . . . I Ir--. I; ICLEAR

    2 4 6 8 10B UR N IN G H OU R S ( IN T I1 0U SA N 00 1

    MST1000 /C /BU-ONLYCoaled

    '" 100z:l ! 00~ 80. . . . 70[F 60;; ;:: ; 50l= 40m 30u Z Q:urc, 10


    - . . . . . . . . _ - - . . . . COAT~lamp lumen Maintenance

    12 2 4 6 B 10B UR N IN G H OU R S I( N T HO US AN DS I

    u,.Q 4{lr c3 0~ 20ff i. . 10


    I- - CO~NU10~- " '; ; ;" : :_ ' I, S ,2 4 5 8 1B U R N (N G H OU RS liN TH OU S AN DS I

    lamp Survival


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    Burn ing Positions Open Fixture OperationDR ' d T S ' .. F' . ~ r " w , " ' : ]estncte 0 uitably Enclosed ixtures ..} r m mMetalarc

    Clear& CoatedM175IBU-BD


    Clear & CoatedM400/UM1000/U

    Clear & CoatedM250/U


    Supe r MetalarcVe.rtical Burning'Base Down (15) Vertical Burn ingBase Up (15)

    MS400/BU-ONLYMS10OO/BU-ONLYClear, Coated&SafelineMS400/BD-ONLYMS1000/BD-ONLY

    Horizontal Burning (15)Clear, Coated, 3KMS175/HORMS250/HORMS400/HOR


  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    WarningMetalarc and Super Metalarc Lampsshould be used in fixtures and circuitswired with compatible auxiliary equip-ment. Operation with incompatibleequipment can cause lamps to shatterand may result in personal injury anddamage to equipment and property.Lamp arc tubes operate under pres-sure and at high temperatures and mayshatter during operation. For continu-ous duty application it is recom-mended that all Metalarc lamps begroup re/amped on or about ratedlamp life and be cycled (turned off) atleast once per week to reduce the riskof arc tube rupture that could fracturethe outer envelope. Do not remove orinsert lamp when power is on. Beforeremoving lamps shut off power to pre-vent electrical shock. If outer lamp isbroken remove lamp. Do not scratchglass or subject lamp to undue pres-sure. Protect Iamp from moisture whichcan cause breakage. Follow operatinginstructions.

    These lamps can cause serious skinburn and eye inflammation from shortwave ultraviolet radiation if the outerenvelope of the lamp is broken orpunctured. Do not use where lampscould be operating with the outer en-velope punctured or broken and peoplewill remain for more than a few minutesunless adequate shielding or othersafety precautions are used. Certaintypes of lamps that will automaticallyextinguish when the outer envelope isbroken or punctured are commerciallyavailable. This product conforms to allapplicable standards contained in 21CFR subchapter J.The date of manufacture of each lampis shown in coded information S R XXXvisible on either the metal tab within thelamp near the base or embossed onthe base. The XXX represents a 3 digit,10year (120 month) date code startingwith January 1.981as 001, and endingwith December 1990, as 120. Forexample, date code 007 designates alamp manufactured in July 1981.

    OperatingInstructionsMetalarc and Super Metalarc lampsare designed for specific operatingsitions. These are metal halide electdischarge lamps that will operate safactorily only if auxiliary equipmentused conforms to electrical specifi-cations established by the lamp maufacturer. These lamps will not operaon most auxiliary equipment used fmercury lamps of the same wattageElectrically insulate any metal suppincontact with outer buIbto avoid gladecomposition. For rated performaneach lamp must be operated in thecorrect burning position as indicatedthe ordering code by BU-Base Up,SD-8ase Down, HOR-Horizontal orBU-HOR-Base Up to Horizontal orUniversal (any position). Refer to thtables on the preceding pages andburning position diagrams followingspecific burning position informationfor each lamp. Lamp should bescrewed into socket firmly withoutusing undue pressure. For total loaadd auxil iary wattage to lamp watta

    Specific ation Workshee t The following are some important considerations the specifier shouldmake when selecting the best lamp for a job.

    Sample Application: _ M _ _e_r_ch_a_n_d_is_in__""g _30' x 120'Layout: Ceiling Area Ceiling Height

    Mounting Method 1 2 1Recessed D Surface 0 Pendant15"

    Light: Light Level Requirement (Illuminance) _8_0_fo_0_t_ca_n_dl_e_s _Color Rendition (0 Important DNon-Important)a n d

    lighting Equipment: Reflectance Factors Ceiling _8_0_% Walls 30% Floor 20%Luminaire IESNA Luminaire Type 14 Voltage (Primary) 120V Power Factor 90Number of Luminaires 16 Spacing 15' x 15' O.C.(2 across, 8 lengthwise

    Lamp: Metalarc/Super Metalarc (Metal Halide)Wattage - 400-wattCoating - 3K PhosphorBurning Position - HorizontalANSI Spec. No. - _M_5_9 _

    Item No. - 64498~~~~-~---~-----Ordering Abbreviation - MS4003K/HORSuper Metalarc__""""'" ~ ~ ~Wattage~~~ Coating Burning Position

    Specify Sylvania Metalarc and Super Metalarc Metal Halide lamps, engineered for high light outpuexcellent color rendition and long life performance.

  • 8/3/2019 Sylvania Metalarc Product Information & Specification Guide


    Additional Literature

    Metalarc and Su Metalarc Brochure MA-144

    Engineering Bulletin 0-344"Metalarc" - Provides the engineeri ng theory and operati ng principles for Metalarc and SuperMetalarc (metal halide) light sources.

    Provides the high performance and efficiency story behind these sources in full color.

    Sales OfficesAtlanta, Ga.2115Sylvan Rd., SW. 30344404-762-1781Boston, Mass. (Salem)60 Boston StreetSalem, MA 01970617-777-1900- X3673Buffalo, N.Y.25 Dewberry LaneGardenvil le Ind. Park 14224716-668-6125Charlotte, N.C.3811 North Davidson SI..P.O.Box 5246 28225704-334-4671Chicago, III. (Elk Grove Village)800 Devon Ave.,Elk Grove Village, Ill inois 60007312-593-3400CinCinnati, OhlQ5480 Creek Road 45242513-793-6440Cleveland, Ohio4848 West 130th Street 44135216-267-6800Dallas,Texas2040 McKenzie DriveP.O. Box 5018Carrollton, TX 75011-5018214-247-7800

    GTE Products CorporationSylvania Lighting CenterDanvers, Massachusetts 01923


    Denver, Colorado4675 Holly Street 80216303-399-1760Detroit, Michigan (Dearborn)10800 Ford Road,Dearborn, MI48126313-582-8754Hartord, Conn.100 Constitution Plaza 06103203-249-5823Houston, Texas1440 Greengrass Dr. 77008713-869-8671Kansas City, Kansas450 Funston Road 66115913-371-3773Los Angeles, Calif.6505 East Gayhart Street,P.O. Box 2795 90051213-726-1666Minneapolis, Minn. (Fridley)5330 Industrial Blvd. N.E.,Fridley, Minn. 55421612-571-9400NewOrleans, Louisiana5510 Jefferson Highway 70183504-733-6970New York, NewYork909 Third Avenue 10022212-486-3996

    IndustriallCommercialLighting (ii#l

    Orlando, Florida7492 Chancellor Drive,P.O. Box 13327A 32859305-859-6220Philadelphia, Penn. (Devon)465 Devon Park Drive,P.O. Box 500 Devon, PA 19333215-293-9330Pittsburgh, Penn.450 Butler Street,P.O. Box 9544 15223412-781-4533St. Louis, Missouri (Hazelwood)5656 Campus Parkway,Hazelwood, MO 63042314-731-5515San Francisco, Calif. (Burlingame)1811Adrian Road,Burlingame, Calif. 94010415-697-3500Seattle, Washington750 So. Michigan Street 98108206-763-2660Teterboro, New Jersey1000 Huyler Street 07608201-288-9484Washington, D.C. (Springfield, Va.)6610 Electronic Drive,Springfield, Va., P.O. Box 1306 22151703-354-3100