symbios october 2015

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Salesian Youth Movement resources o strengthen the SYM in the Province of Mumbai



    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    In a never-seen-before event, YOUTH EXPO 2015 was a fitting opportunity for youth from all

    over the eleven Salesian provinces of South Asia to celebrate the conclusion of the

    Bicentenary of Don Boscos birth! YOUTH EXPO 2015 was ably hosted by Delhi Province at

    Don Bosco High SchoolAlakananda from 29-30th September 2015. Over 1300 delegates

    from the various provinces celebrated through faith, felicitations and fellowship. Our

    Province of St. Francis XavierMumbai participated with a 131 strong contingent from all

    the various regions of our province. This itself was a milestone!

    YOUTH EXPO 2015 was, for each of us, a journey to understand better the Salesian Youth

    Movement. Preparations for YOUTH EXPO 2015 began well in advance with the many

    animation and training programs, the moments for fellowship and interaction, and the

    timely creative sparks that were ignited when talents were discovered and enhanced.

    YOUTH EXPO 2015 provided the youth of our province to look at their youth groups

    through a wider Salesian perspective. Suddenly the person of Don Bosco become alive in

    their hearts and youth groups. A miracle had begun.

    The presence of our beloved Rector Major, Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, the 10th successor of Don Bosco was an honor and

    privilege. Language was no barrier and the scorching heat no obstacle! His warm embrace, penetrating gaze yet loving smile,

    challenging words coupled with down-to-earth messages during the interview, love for youth and music were a reflection of

    Don Bosco himself. Every youngster had just one wisha handshake and a selfie, and the Rector Major did oblige willingly!

    Indias rich cultural heritage could well be seen during the Youth Utsav through the many dances, traditional costumes, art

    and song. The various Multi Talent competitions with its many Sacred, Social and Salesian themes showcased youth potential

    at its best. The presence of illustrious alumni, whether on the political or social scenes, was a story of the fruitfulness of Don

    Boscos pedagogical system. The Youth Talk shows and the Catechetical Sessions touched on various aspirations and pain

    points of the young! Not all answers were found, but at least the search had begun!

    No doubt, much more could have been achieved. The gathering of youth from all corners of India was an opportune time to

    give the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) a greater visibility and roadmap for the future. But alas, it wasnt so! Sharing and

    interaction between delegates from provinces was given little attention. I would have loved to see the YOUTH EXPO as a

    wonderful avenue for taking the Salesian Youth Movement to greater cohesion and commitment. Many of our youth did

    share the same sentiment too. A lost opportunity at national level, but at least, as a province we found ours.

    Fr. Jose Mathew, Provincial and Convener of YOUTH EXPO 2015, Fr. Babu Varghese and his committed team of Salesians,

    Staff and Students of Don Bosco SchoolAlakananda, deserve our congratulations and appreciation. No doubt, to Mrs. Nellie

    Dhillon and Master Vedant, our Province Manager and assistant,

    we owe a deep gratitude!

    Till then, we look forward to the next YOUTH EXPO..

    Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb


    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    Bro. Avil Correa sdb interviewing the Rector Major

    The excitement of attending the YOUTH EXPO 2015 at first, was out of the

    mere fact of visiting the capital of India. But little did I know that, visiting

    New Delhi wouldnt be the greatest of my joys. Apart from knowing that we

    were celebrating the bicentenary of Don Boscos birth, I had no clue as to

    what was about to take place at the event. The joy of being a part of this

    event began way before the EXPO itself. The meetings that were conducted

    in order to plan for the various competitions that we would participate in,

    broke the ice among the youth from Mumbai and gave the opportunity to

    know the minds of other young people from my age group.

    Right at the start I was glad to meet up with people from different streams from within Don Bosco Centre for Learning, Kurla. It

    was really nice to get to know the lives, goals and mind-sets of different people. This greatly facilitated the brainstorming of

    ideas for the competitions and the cultural event. The practises helped me personally to witness the manner in which youth

    function, when responsibility is entrusted to them. With a bit of motivation, youth can work wonders! The evenings that I

    spent along with the others, while preparing the songs for the music event raised up my spirits. The several rehearsals

    conducted for the cultural event, brought me to a better appreciation of every single person who was to participate in it. Each

    meeting, practise session and the event itself was something I would look forward to everyday.

    The train journey to New Delhi came in with a bunch of surprises. All of us being spread across three bogies, made surprise

    visits to each other. The meals that we shared, the games that we played, the eagerness of having fun made the entire journey

    a memorable one. Stepping inside the capital before dawn and being welcomed by the volunteers of the YOUTH EXPO, into the

    historic city was amazing. I must say, that I was overwhelmed with the city of Delhi, i.e. the infrastructure, the cleanliness, etc

    but the dedication with which the teachers and students of Don Bosco High School, Alaknanda were preparing for the event

    was remarkable. I was touched by their hospitality. We were served a sumptuous north Indian breakfast at Alaknanda itself.

    The meals thereafter too were tasty and filling. The ice breakers and the action songs that were conducted in the morning on

    the first day itself, helped me to get to know the youth from Ahmednagar and Gujarat. The rest of the first day was spent in

    practising our items for the next day.

    We were provided accommodation at Holy Child Auxilium School, Vasant Vihar. We did face a minor water crisis, since there

    were so many of us using water for our needs. This did test our patience for a while. Nevertheless, in due time, everything was

    back to normal. The pleasant nights at the Sisters convent were worthwhile. They provided us an opportunity, to share the

    happenings of the day, and the space to relax. The first

    challenge that we faced every morning was to rise ear-

    ly, in order to reach the venue in time


    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    Day 1 of YOUTH EXPO with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, by Bishop Anil Coutto, Archbishop of Delhi. After breakfast,

    there was a Youth Talk Show. Thereafter, commenced the various multi-talent competitions. For me, the entire journey of

    preparing for the music competition was an amazing experience, since it comprised of moments of togetherness which

    brought a lot of happiness. Our group prepared for the competition with an intention of active participation and not with an

    intention of winning the event. Sadly, since ours was the first group to perform, we were not able to balance the sound

    between the various instruments and the vocals. Thus, our performance was a disappointment to ourselves.

    The mime competition was next. The students from DBCL, Kurla put up the mime

    based on the theme Youth Awake. Though we didnt win, it was a wonderful culmi-

    nation of all the efforts that were put in. The group that participated in the rangoli

    competition from our province, bagged the second prize, this was precisely because

    they were able to portray the theme My Don Bosco artistically. The team involved in

    the canvas painting competition too, were able to bring out the theme Youth for

    Change. During the competitions, the spirit of involving oneself fully into the event

    and giving out the best of what has to offer, was observed. I was reminded again of

    the passion and the potential that lies within each youngster. If this energy is chan-

    nelized in the right direction, no one can stop the good that can be brought about. I was also reminded of the cultural diver-

    sity in which we live. The manner in which everyone was cheering for each performance again led me to an appreciation of

    variety of life.

    In the evening, Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, the Rector major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, was welcomed and escorted

    solemnly into the expo. The Bosco Utsav, i.e. the cultural programme was held in his presence. Together with the Rector

    Major and the regional, the provincials of the all 11 provinces of the South Asian region were present. The Mumbai province

    was again the first to put up their item based on the theme given to us on Social Networking. This was indeed a blissful expe-

    rience. Ours was the only item that consisted of a powerful skit, integrated with a dance and an action song. We were able to

    bring alive the spirit of Don Bosco. The other provinces did well in putting up cultural dance from their own regions, but

    there didnt seem to be an effort put to portray the theme that was given. Thus we received appraisal from all sides, for our



    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    After a good dinner, we returned to the convent to rest, only to wake up early the next day for Day 2. A session on Youth

    Catechesis was conducted in four different groups. I was a

    part of a group, where Bishop Dominic Jala, spoke on Eco-

    spirituality and Youth. Here the session was moderated by

    Fr. Glenford Lowe. He did well in allowing youth from

    different provinces to come ahead and lead the youth into

    action songs and yells. It was indeed a lively start as we

    grooved ourselves into some new actions. Bishop gave us

    a talk, after which he was ready to answer any questions.

    The responses that he gave to most of the questions were

    brilliant. He used day-to-day examples that spoke to us

    directly. This speaker at the end posed a challenge for us.

    We were supposed to make our own little groups in our institutions to bring about a change in our ecology.

    The Holy Eucharist was celebrated during the latter half of the morning. The Rector Major, Fr. Angel Artime broke the word

    for the youth, with great fervour. Since he didnt speak English, it was translated to us. The fervour that he spoke with, didnt

    really come through the translating, which was sad.

    After lunch, a session was conducted during which, the Rector Major was interviewed by Delegates of different provinces. I

    was fortunate to be the representative from the Mumbai province. The question that I was to ask the Rector Major was: We

    see the Salesian Youth Movement vibrant throughout the world, but when it comes to India, this movement is having trouble

    in starting up. With all the youth and the resources that we have at our disposal, what is your suggestion for us? His response

    was thus, The context is different in different parts of the world. The youth all over the world, that have benefitted from the

    Salesians return to Don Bosco and help the Salesians to serve the youth. In India, similarly we need to form these little

    groups of youth, motivated to bring about a change for good. We the youngsters who have received much from Don Bosco

    must continue with the same spirit wherever we go, in our workplaces, homes, etc. At the same time we should be one with

    the Salesians who work to save souls. This moment of interviewing the Rector Major was the high point of my visit to Delhi.

    The evening witnessed a grand conclusion, where eminent personalities like Hon. Ministers Piyush Goyal and Smriti Irani

    were invited who themselves were past pupils of Salesian institutions. At the end of it all, I was taken up with the spirit of

    Don Bosco that was shared by the youth from all over the country. It was indeed a blessing to get to know especially all the

    youth from the Mumbai region personally. Don Bosco YOUTH EXPO 2015 was, is and will be one of the best experiences of

    my Salesian life.

    Viva Don


    Bro. Avil Correa


    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    Now that the YOUTH EXPO 2015 is over. What

    can we as SYMINB do?.....where can we start?

    The Rector Major challenged us not to wait for Messiahs to come and set

    us free from the bonds that enslave us. He reminded us that driving away

    evil was not as easy as depicted in the stage performances! He reminded

    that we are all needed: God, Don Bosco and Youth need us today!

    A TRIPLE NEED: We are needed by GOD, Don Bosco and YOUTH!

    None of us is useless. We can change the situations of poverty and exploitation around us. We

    have the light within to dispel the darkness, the courage to stand for what is right and true, the

    salt to add flavor to an insipid life, the wisdom to transform, and the model to imitate in Christ

    and Don Bosco. SYM-INB can make a difference! SYMBIOS is here to give it life. Here we start:

    SYMG: SYM Gujarat has already made their plans to strengthen the Salesian Youth Movement.

    SYM Mumbai has much to offer to the Province in terms of animation and formation.

    SYM-Nagar, SYM-Nagpur, SYM-Pune and SYM-MP, SYM-Nashik have just begun to take shape.

    The Rector Major invited us to go back to Don Bosco and form Youth Movements for change:

    Get involved in Human Rights and Environmental Groups.

    Add soul to the Social Media by being evangelizers of JOY.

    Volunteer at works for Marginalized and Youth at risk.

    Imitate the zeal of Don Bosco for Holiness and the Sacred.

    Live the Salesian Youth Spirituality daily!


    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    It was a great experience for me to be a part of this momentous event. Truly this celebration

    united youth from across borders of states and regions providing a platform for us to showcase

    our talents in the form of singing, skits, painting, dance etc. and our abundant love and respect

    for Don Bosco and Rector Major. The enthusiasm and zeal showed by the Rector Major to

    connect with the youth was something I will never forget. Inspite of the language barrier, he

    came forward with one of the most powerful language - Love; an unconditional love, the same

    love which Don Bosco had shared with the youth of his time. With this wonderful opportunity to

    be a part of the amazing theme- Like Don Bosco, With the Young, For the young, I take forward

    to be a Disciple and Witness of the love and kindness showed by Don Bosco, With other Partners

    and Educators For the Vocation and Mission of Don Bosco. - Alma Odil, DBYS, Matunga

    The Holy Eucharist, Homily, Youth Talk Show, Multi Talent Competitions, Youth Catechesis, Family

    Circle & Cultural Program helped me to climb up a new step adding a way to Learning of my Life.

    Rev. Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, his presence helped me to ponder upon the way of life I am

    living. My Jesus, now I can proudly say that YES the presence of Rector Major helped me to feel the

    presence of Don Bosco in my Life. Salesians are blessed with Youth and the Youth are blessed

    with Salesians. .e. a two way relationship that we are blessed keeping Jesus in the centre. Every-

    thing in this world is connected with each other. In the same way the connections with all the

    Salesians that I met was a beautiful moment which will never be forgotten by me.

    - Johnson Pillai, Don Bosco - Baroda

    We were full of enthusiasm to see our RECTOR MAJOR, Fr.

    ANGEL FERNNDEZ ARTIME for the first time. He was such a

    down-to-earth person! He always wanted the youth with him,

    his views regarding the youth was remarkable. The songs he

    sang and the interaction with the youth fulfilled us with joy.

    He challenged and guided us on how to grow within the Sale-

    sian family and Youth Movement in our own premises schools

    and parish. The Youth Talk show was awesome! Different

    speakers shared views related to technology, society, and the

    Thiar jail experience shared by sister made youth think about

    their life and future!

    The choir was good and the

    prayer dance on both day

    was mind blowing -

    Stanley Singar, Pune

    Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid

    and heartwarming thats the experience of Delhi YOTUH

    EXPO 2015. I felt so blessed to be having such a great

    experience of Delhi YOUTH EXPO 2015. I was extremely

    fortunate to meet our real Don Bosco for today in our

    beloved Rector Major, Rev. Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime. I

    experienced real Salesian Spirit and joy in the get together

    of the Salesian Family. The time spent together with the

    entire youth was opportune and meaningfully added colors

    in my life. I am proud to be part of the circle of Salesian

    Family. Long live SYM

    - Sushil Parmar


    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    The two-day YOUTH EXPO 2015 event pulled out hidden talents of the youth, inculcated the teachings

    of Don Bosco in them, increased their confidence level, gave them an opportunity to interact with new

    people, explore different cultures at one common platform and return back home being a positively

    changed person! The event was full of culture , entertainment , colour, creativity, passion towards

    ones talent, an eye opener to the teachings of Don Bosco, positive vibes, energetic, well organized and

    perhaps the best event any youth has attended so far. We at DBIT Kurla group are now chal-

    lenged.we can set up a camp to help the needy street children and poor people and provide them

    with required things like food ,clothes, medicines, etc. - Siddhi Prabhu, DBIT Kurla

    YOUTH EXPO 2015 was a wonderful experience overall. It was new and an excellent opportunity I got. Through this EXPO, I learnt many new things namely; how to interact with youth from differ-ent multicultural backgrounds. I had a great chance to meet our Rector Major. I feel very fortu-nate to meet him as a person and to know what he felt about the youth in India and what are his expectations from us. I really enjoyed all the programs organized i.e. Youth Talk Show through which we could know different opinions from experienced persons. Thanks to Fr. Mayank and Fr. Michael for allowing me to be part of such a wonderful experience!

    - Dhonisha Silvester, DB Borada

    Young people of India are highly talented and full of energy.

    The Salesian Family is our real wealth and strength. They are precious to us.

    We are fortunate to be graced to be living with you young people!

    Commit yourself to society to chase out evil from our lives.

    God has a DREAM for each one of you. Discover that dream in you.

    The future of India needs messiahs like you with your work, honesty, upbringing, faith and youthfulness.

    God needs you, Don Bosco needs you, the Youth needs you!


    Mumbai Province October 2015,

    Congratulations to

    Bro. Michael Gaikwad sdb.

    Our young missionary to


    This Mission Sunday pray for him.

    Don Bosco Youth Services (DBYS)Mumbai

    Invites all young people to

    contribute your suggestions to the


    so as to enhance our YOUTH MINISTRY

    in the Mumbai province, especially in the

    areas of: Education, Skills Training,

    Higher Education, Youth Centres,

    Youth at Risk Projects,

    Parishes and Missions,

    Social Communications and

    Formation of Salesians to Missions.

    Ms. Marina DCosta has been

    appointed to represent the

    Youth of the province at the

    Provincial Chapter discussion.

    Please send in your interventions to:

    Ms. Marina DCosta at [email protected] or to Fr. Glenford

    Lowe [email protected] at your earliest convenience. The

    first session begins on Oct 15, 2015. The second session will be

    held at Don Bosco Lonavala from 7-12th February 2016.