symbolism presentation lori melkonian ap english mrs. halajian

Symbolism Symbolism Presentation Presentation Lori Melkonian Lori Melkonian AP English AP English Mrs. Halajian Mrs. Halajian

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Page 1: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

Symbolism Symbolism PresentationPresentation

Lori MelkonianLori Melkonian

AP EnglishAP English

Mrs. HalajianMrs. Halajian

Page 2: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A”The Letter “A”

Page 3: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

What is the significance of What is the significance of the letter “A?”the letter “A?”

• Hester’s sin of adulteryHester’s sin of adultery

• Dimmesdale’s guiltDimmesdale’s guilt

• The shame of the crimeThe shame of the crime

• The burning passion between Dimmesdale and The burning passion between Dimmesdale and HesterHester

• The love and unity between Hester and PearlThe love and unity between Hester and Pearl

• Hester sacrificing her reputation for all of her Hester sacrificing her reputation for all of her society’s personal sinssociety’s personal sins

• Envy people have of Hester’s strength and growthEnvy people have of Hester’s strength and growth

• The community’s need to find a scapegoatThe community’s need to find a scapegoat

Page 4: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

Visuals of the symbols Visuals of the symbols significancesignificanceSHAM







Page 5: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter

• ““But the point which drew all eyes, and, as it were, But the point which drew all eyes, and, as it were, transfigured the wearer,-so that both men and transfigured the wearer,-so that both men and women, who had been familiarly acquainted with women, who had been familiarly acquainted with Hester Prynne, were now impressed as if they beheld Hester Prynne, were now impressed as if they beheld her for the first time,- was the her for the first time,- was the SCARLET LETTERSCARLET LETTER, so , so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom. It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of bosom. It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself.” (Chap. 2, pg. 46)her in a sphere by herself.” (Chap. 2, pg. 46)– Introduces her sin of adultery Introduces her sin of adultery – The attention it draws to her offenseThe attention it draws to her offense– Her permanent seclusionHer permanent seclusion– The embarrassment it brings to her nameThe embarrassment it brings to her name

Page 6: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• “’“’And now, Mistress Prynne,’ said old Roger And now, Mistress Prynne,’ said old Roger

Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, ‘I Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, ‘I leave thee alone; alone with thy infant, and the leave thee alone; alone with thy infant, and the scarlet letterscarlet letter! How is it, Hester? Doth thy sentence ! How is it, Hester? Doth thy sentence bind thee to wear the token in thy sleep? Art thou bind thee to wear the token in thy sleep? Art thou not afraid of nightmares and hideous dreams?’” not afraid of nightmares and hideous dreams?’” (Chap. 4, pg. 65)(Chap. 4, pg. 65)– He leaves responsibility with herHe leaves responsibility with her– Pearl and letter “A” remind her of her sinPearl and letter “A” remind her of her sin– Sleep is the only time of rest: even then she will Sleep is the only time of rest: even then she will

be remindedbe reminded

Page 7: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• ““Hester sought not to acquire any thing beyond a Hester sought not to acquire any thing beyond a

sustenance, of the plainest and most ascetic sustenance, of the plainest and most ascetic description, for herself, and a simple abundance for description, for herself, and a simple abundance for her child. Her own dress was of the coarsest materials her child. Her own dress was of the coarsest materials and the most sombre hue; with only that ornament,-and the most sombre hue; with only that ornament,-the scarlet letterthe scarlet letter,-which it was her doom to wear. The ,-which it was her doom to wear. The child’s attire, on the other hand, was distinguished by child’s attire, on the other hand, was distinguished by a fanciful, or, we might rather say, a fantastic a fanciful, or, we might rather say, a fantastic ingenuity, which served, indeed, to heighten the airy ingenuity, which served, indeed, to heighten the airy charm that early began to develop itself in the little charm that early began to develop itself in the little girl, but which appeared to have also a deeper girl, but which appeared to have also a deeper meaning.” (Chap. 5, pg. 20)meaning.” (Chap. 5, pg. 20)– Society disregards her talent due to her wrongdoingSociety disregards her talent due to her wrongdoing– Brings down her own valueBrings down her own value– Feels guilty: spoils her childFeels guilty: spoils her child

Page 8: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• ““Another peculiar torture was felt in the gaze of Another peculiar torture was felt in the gaze of

a new eye. When strangers looked curiously at a new eye. When strangers looked curiously at the the scarlet letterscarlet letter,-and none ever failed to do so,-,-and none ever failed to do so,-they branded it afresh into Hester’s could; so they branded it afresh into Hester’s could; so that, oftentimes, she could scarcely refrain, yet that, oftentimes, she could scarcely refrain, yet always did refrain, from covering the symbol with always did refrain, from covering the symbol with her hand…She shuddered to believe, yet could her hand…She shuddered to believe, yet could not help believing, that it gave her a sympathetic not help believing, that it gave her a sympathetic knowledge of the hidden sin in other hearts.” knowledge of the hidden sin in other hearts.” (Chap. 5, pg. 72)(Chap. 5, pg. 72)– Taking blame for others sins: JesusTaking blame for others sins: Jesus– Society finding a scapegoatSociety finding a scapegoat– Sacrifice of her own reputationSacrifice of her own reputation

Page 9: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• ““But she named the infant ‘Pearl,’ as being of But she named the infant ‘Pearl,’ as being of

great price,-purchased with all she had,-her great price,-purchased with all she had,-her mother’s only treasure! How strange, indeed! mother’s only treasure! How strange, indeed! Man had marked this woman’s sin by a Man had marked this woman’s sin by a scarlet scarlet letterletter, which had such potent and disastrous , which had such potent and disastrous efficacy that no human sympathy could reach efficacy that no human sympathy could reach her, save it were sinful like herself.” (Chap. 6, her, save it were sinful like herself.” (Chap. 6, pg. 74)pg. 74)– Irony of Pearl’s beauty with her originIrony of Pearl’s beauty with her origin– Hester gave her soul for Pearl: most valuableHester gave her soul for Pearl: most valuable

Page 10: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter

• ““Hester looked, by way of humoring the child; and she Hester looked, by way of humoring the child; and she saw that, owing to the peculiar effect of this convex saw that, owing to the peculiar effect of this convex mirror, the mirror, the scarlet letterscarlet letter was represented in exaggerated was represented in exaggerated and gigantic proportions, so as to be greatly the most and gigantic proportions, so as to be greatly the most prominent feature of her appearance. In truth, she prominent feature of her appearance. In truth, she seemed absolutely hidden behind it.” (Chap. 7, pg. 8)seemed absolutely hidden behind it.” (Chap. 7, pg. 8)– Governor wore armor in battle just as Hester wears Governor wore armor in battle just as Hester wears

letter in battle with societyletter in battle with society– Even high rank have sins which they hideEven high rank have sins which they hide– Mirror is a reflection: letter “A” taken over Hester’s lifeMirror is a reflection: letter “A” taken over Hester’s life– Pearl amazed at shimmer of armor just as the letter’s Pearl amazed at shimmer of armor just as the letter’s


Page 11: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• ““Ghost of a mother.-thinnest fantasy of a mother,-Ghost of a mother.-thinnest fantasy of a mother,-

methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son! And now, through the chamber which towards her son! And now, through the chamber which these spectral thoughts had made so ghastly, glided these spectral thoughts had made so ghastly, glided Hester Prynne, leading along little Pearl, in her Hester Prynne, leading along little Pearl, in her scarlet scarlet garbgarb, and pointing her forefinger, first, at the , and pointing her forefinger, first, at the scarlet scarlet letterletter on her bosom, and then at the clergyman’s own on her bosom, and then at the clergyman’s own breast.” (Chap. 11, pg.121)breast.” (Chap. 11, pg.121)– Connects Dimmesdale and Hester: his visions, her Connects Dimmesdale and Hester: his visions, her

nightmares-occur in brainnightmares-occur in brain– He experiences her pain He experiences her pain – Relation: Pearl pointing, heart is made of chambersRelation: Pearl pointing, heart is made of chambers

Page 12: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• “’“’Nor do I,-whom the Nor do I,-whom the scarlet letterscarlet letter has disciplined has disciplined

to truth, though it be the truth of red-hot iron, to truth, though it be the truth of red-hot iron, entering into the soul,-nor do I perceive such entering into the soul,-nor do I perceive such advantage in his living any longer a life of ghastly advantage in his living any longer a life of ghastly emptiness, that I shall stoop to implore thy mercy. emptiness, that I shall stoop to implore thy mercy. Do with him as thou wilt!’” (Chap. 14, pg. 143)Do with him as thou wilt!’” (Chap. 14, pg. 143)– Pride from her troublesPride from her troubles– Lesson she’s learnedLesson she’s learned– Letter “A” disciplined her to tell truthLetter “A” disciplined her to tell truth– Shift in characterShift in character

Page 13: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• ““Not more by its hue than by some indescribable Not more by its hue than by some indescribable

peculiarity in its fashion, it had the effect of making her peculiarity in its fashion, it had the effect of making her fade personally out of sight and outline; while, again, the fade personally out of sight and outline; while, again, the scarlet letterscarlet letter brought her back from this twilight brought her back from this twilight indistinctness, and revealed her under the moral aspect of indistinctness, and revealed her under the moral aspect of its own illumination. Her face, so long familiar to the its own illumination. Her face, so long familiar to the townspeople, showed the marble quietude which they townspeople, showed the marble quietude which they were accustomed to behold there. It was like a mask; or were accustomed to behold there. It was like a mask; or rather, like the frozen calmness of a dead woman’s rather, like the frozen calmness of a dead woman’s features; owing this dreary resemblance to the fact that features; owing this dreary resemblance to the fact that Hester was actually dead, in respect to any claim of Hester was actually dead, in respect to any claim of sympathy, and had departed out of the world with which sympathy, and had departed out of the world with which she still seemed to mingle.” (Chap. 21, pg. 186)she still seemed to mingle.” (Chap. 21, pg. 186)– Letter “A” is her only connection to societyLetter “A” is her only connection to society– All the tortures she experienced made her numbAll the tortures she experienced made her numb– Personality fadedPersonality faded

Page 14: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The Letter “A” in The Letter “A” in The The Scarlet LetterScarlet Letter• ““The whole gang of sailors, likewise, observing the press The whole gang of sailors, likewise, observing the press

of spectators, and learning the purport of the of spectators, and learning the purport of the scarlet scarlet letterletter, came and thrust their sunburnt and desperado-, came and thrust their sunburnt and desperado-looking faces into the ring. Even the Indians were affected looking faces into the ring. Even the Indians were affected by a sort of cold shadow of the white man’s curiosity, and, by a sort of cold shadow of the white man’s curiosity, and, gliding through the crowd, fastened their snake-like black gliding through the crowd, fastened their snake-like black eyes on eyes on Hester’s bosomHester’s bosom; conceiving, perhaps, that the ; conceiving, perhaps, that the wearer of this brilliantly embroidered badge must needs wearer of this brilliantly embroidered badge must needs be a personage of high dignity among her people.” (Chap. be a personage of high dignity among her people.” (Chap. 22, pg. 202)22, pg. 202)– Society stereotyped herSociety stereotyped her– Letter “A” allowed them to take their sins out on her: Letter “A” allowed them to take their sins out on her:

scapegoatscapegoat– Deserves higher rank after extreme retributionDeserves higher rank after extreme retribution

Page 15: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

How does the symbol help How does the symbol help you understand the story?you understand the story?

• Mentioned oftenMentioned often

• Helps reader relate eventsHelps reader relate events

• Symbolizes many things: helps connect the Symbolizes many things: helps connect the plotplot

• Not only connects characters to each other: to Not only connects characters to each other: to environment, society, and their religionenvironment, society, and their religion

• ForeshadowsForeshadows– Ex: Dimmesdale holds his aching heart Ex: Dimmesdale holds his aching heart

beacuase of being Hester’s partner in crime.beacuase of being Hester’s partner in crime.

Page 16: Symbolism Presentation Lori Melkonian AP English Mrs. Halajian

The End.The End.