symfony 2

Symfony 2 Kris Wallsmith @kriswallsmith April 20, 2010

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Symfony 2Kris Wallsmith


April 20, 2010

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An evolution of symfony 1.x

• Same philosophy:

• Full stack

• Configurable

• Testable

• Components

• Brand new foundation

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Don’t reinvent the wheel

• Doctrine

• PHPUnit

• SwiftMailer

• Zend_Cache

• Zend_Log

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PHP 5.3

• Namespaces

• Anonymous functions / closures

• Late static binding

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Symfony Components

• Standalone libraries

• Each with a specific scope


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Symfony Components• BrowserKit

• Console

• CssSelector

• DependencyInjection

• DomCrawler

• EventDispatcher

• OutputEscaper

• Process

• RequestHandler

• Routing

• Templating

• Yaml

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Dependency Injection

• A method of supplying an external dependency

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Dependency Injection

class User{ protected $session;

public function __construct(Session $session) { $this->session = $session; }}

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DI Container

• A method of organizing dependencies

• Adds a configuration layer

• Dependency injection does not require a container!

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DI Container# in config.yml

parameters: mailer.username: foo mailer.password: bar mailer.class: Zend_Mail mailer.transport.class: Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp

services: mail.transport: class: %mailer.transport.class% arguments: - - { auth: login, username: %mailer.username%, password: %mailer.password%, ssl: ssl, port: 465 } shared: false mailer: class: %mailer.class% calls: - [setDefaultTransport, [@mail.transport]]

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DI Container

# in config_dev.yml

imports: - config.yml

parameters: mailer.transport.class: Zend_Mail_Transport_Null

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DI Container

use Symfony\Components\DependencyInjection as DI;use Symfony\Components\DependencyInjection\Loader;

$container = new DI\Container();

$loader = new Loader\YamlFileLoader($container);$loader->load(‘config_dev.yml’);

$mailer = $container->mailer;

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Event Dispatcher

• Implements the observer design pattern

• Similar to events in JavaScript

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Event Dispatcheruse Symfony\Components\EventDispatcher\Event;

class Article{ protected $dispatcher;

public function __construct($dispatcher) { $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; }

public function save() { // ... $event = new Event($this, ‘’); $this->dispatcher->notify($event); }}

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Event Dispatcher

class Thumbnailer{ public function connect($dispatcher) { $dispatcher->connect(‘’, array( $this, ‘generateArticleThumbnails’ )); }

public function generateArticleThumbnails($event) { // ... }}

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The Symfony 2 sandbox

•curl -L > sandbox.tgz

•tar xzf sandbox.tgz

•cd sandbox

•chmod a+w hello/cache/ hello/logs

•chmod a+x hello/console

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The Symfony 2 sandbox

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Live Demo

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